Class SendExpiringCertificateNotificationEmailAction

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SendExpiringCertificateNotificationEmailAction extends Object implements Runnable
An action that sends notification emails to registrars whose certificates are expiring soon.
  • Field Details

    • PATH

      public static final String PATH
      See Also:

      protected static final org.joda.time.Duration UPDATE_TIME_OFFSET
      Used as an offset when storing the last notification email sent date.

      This is used to handle edges cases when the update happens in between the day switch. For instance,if the job starts at 2:00 am every day and it finishes at 2:03 of the same day, then next day at 2am, the date difference will be less than a day, which will lead to the date difference between two successive email sent date being the expected email interval days + 1;

  • Constructor Details

    • SendExpiringCertificateNotificationEmailAction

      @Inject public SendExpiringCertificateNotificationEmailAction(@Config("expirationWarningEmailBodyText") String expirationWarningEmailBodyText, @Config("expirationWarningEmailSubjectText") String expirationWarningEmailSubjectText, GmailClient gmailClient, CertificateChecker certificateChecker, Response response)
  • Method Details

    • run

      public void run()
      Specified by:
      run in interface Runnable