
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


a() - Method in record class google.registry.util.DiffUtils.DiffPair
Returns the value of the a record component.
absolute - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpExpiryType
AbstractBuilder() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.CircularList.AbstractBuilder
AbstractContactAuthCommand() - Constructor for class
abstractMark - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCodeMarkType
abstractMark - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
abstractMarks - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfData
AbstractSignedMark - Interface in google.registry.model.smd
Marker interface for signed mark types.
abstractSignedMarks - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreate
AbstractSingleResourceCommand() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.ResourceCommand.AbstractSingleResourceCommand
ABUSE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Type
ACCEPTED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.dns.DnsMetrics.PublishStatus
ACCEPTED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog.Status
acceptedDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreateNoticeType
access - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpType
ACCESS_BILLING_DETAILS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Access billing and payment details for a registrar.
ACCESS_CONTRACTS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Viewing legal documents like RRAs.
ACCESS_DOCUMENTATION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Access any available documentation about the registry.
ACCOUNT_MANAGER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarRole
The user is a standard account manager at a registrar.
ACCOUNT_MANAGER_WITH_REGISTRY_LOCK - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarRole
The user is an account manager that can perform registry locks.
acDate - Variable in class
acDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
acDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactTransferDataType
acDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType
ACE_PREFIX - Static variable in class google.registry.util.DomainNameUtils
Prefix for unicode domain name parts.
ACE_PREFIX_REGEX - Static variable in class google.registry.util.DomainNameUtils
acID - Variable in class
acID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
ACK - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Poll.PollOp
Acknowledge a poll message was received.
ACK - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppPollOpType
ackPollMessage(PollMessage) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.poll.PollFlowUtils
Acknowledges the given PollMessage and returns whether we should include the current acked message in the updated message count that's returned to the user.
acquire(String, String, Duration) - Static method in class google.registry.model.server.Lock
Try to acquire a lock.
acquireQuota(QuotaManager.QuotaRequest) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager
Attempts to acquire requested quota, synchronously.
acRr - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactTransferDataType
acRr - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType
action() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.billing.BillingEvent
Returns the value of the action record component.
Action - Annotation Interface in google.registry.request
Annotation for Runnable actions accepting HTTP requests from RequestHandler.
Action.GaeService - Enum Class in google.registry.request
Action.GkeService - Enum Class in google.registry.request
Action.Method - Enum Class in google.registry.request
HTTP methods recognized by the request processor.
Action.Service - Interface in google.registry.request
Action.ServiceGetter - Class in google.registry.request
ActionHandler - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler
Superclass of all ChannelHandlers placed at end of channel pipeline
ActionHandler() - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler.ActionHandler
Actions - Class in google.registry.request
Helper methods for working with @Action-annotated classes.
ACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag.FeatureStatus
ACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.State
This is an active registrar account which is allowed to provision and modify domains.
ACTIVITY - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.reporting.icann.IcannReportingModule.ReportType
ActivityReportingQueryBuilder - Class in google.registry.reporting.icann
Utility class that produces SQL queries used to generate activity reports from Bigquery.
add - Variable in class
add - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainUpdate
add - Variable in class
add - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsUpdate
add(E) - Method in class google.registry.util.NullIgnoringCollectionBuilder
If 'elem' is not null, add it to the builder.
add(ProbingStep) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingSequence.Builder
add(Iterable<T>) - Method in class google.registry.util.CircularList.AbstractBuilder
Simply calls addElement, for each element in elements.
add(T) - Method in class google.registry.util.CircularList.AbstractBuilder
Sets current C to element added and points previous C to this one.
Add() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.SecDnsUpdateExtension.Add
ADD - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.GracePeriodStatus
This grace period is provided after the initial registration of a domain name.
ADD - Enum constant in enum class
ADD - Static variable in class
ADD - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
ADD_ADMINS - Static variable in class
ADD_ADMINS - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
ADD_DS_RECORDS - Static variable in class
ADD_DS_RECORDS - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
ADD_FIELDS - Static variable in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
ADD_NAMESERVERS - Static variable in class
ADD_NAMESERVERS - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
ADD_PERIOD - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusValueType
ADD_STATUSES - Static variable in class
ADD_STATUSES - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
ADD_TECHS - Static variable in class
ADD_TECHS - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
addBcc(InternetAddress) - Method in interface google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Builder
addBinding(String, String) - Method in class
Bind the given role to the account.
addCc(InternetAddress) - Method in interface google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Builder
addContacts(ImmutableSet<DesignatedContact>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
addCookie(Cookie) - Method in interface google.registry.request.Response
Adds a cookie to the response
addCookie(Cookie) - Method in class google.registry.request.ResponseImpl
addDelete(VKey<ImmutableObject>) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.EntityChanges.Builder
addFeeOrCredit(BaseFee) - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits.Builder
addGracePeriod(GracePeriod) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
addHandler(Handler) - Method in class google.registry.util.JdkLoggerConfig
addInetAddresses(ImmutableSet<InetAddress>) - Method in class
addMemberToGroup(String, String, GroupsConnection.Role) - Method in class google.registry.groups.DirectoryGroupsConnection
addMemberToGroup(String, String, GroupsConnection.Role) - Method in interface google.registry.groups.GroupsConnection
Adds a member to the specified group with the given role.
addNameserver(VKey<Host>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
addNameservers(ImmutableSet<VKey<Host>>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
addr - Variable in class
addr - Variable in class
addr - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
addr - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
addr - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarPostalInfoType
addRecipient(InternetAddress) - Method in interface google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Builder
AddRemove() - Constructor for class
AddRemove() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Update.AddRemove
AddRemove() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.ResourceCommand.ResourceUpdate.AddRemove
AddRemove() - Constructor for class
AddRemoveSameValueException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils.AddRemoveSameValueException
Address - Class in google.registry.model.eppcommon
Container for generic street address.
Address() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address
Address.Builder<T> - Class in google.registry.model.eppcommon
A builder for constructing Address.
addrs - Variable in class
addrs - Variable in class
addrs - Variable in class
addrs - Variable in class
addrs - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
addSave(ImmutableObject) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.EntityChanges.Builder
addSecretVersion(String, String) - Method in interface google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient
Adds a new version of data to a secret.
addSecretVersion(String, String) - Method in class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClientImpl
addSoyRecord(String, SoyRecord) - Method in class
addStatusValue(StatusValue) - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource.Builder
Add to this resource's status values.
addStatusValues(ImmutableSet<StatusValue>) - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource.Builder
Add to this resource's status values.
addSubordinateHost(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
addToCriteriaQueryBuilder(CriteriaQueryBuilder) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer.WhereClause
addUnblockableDomainsUpdates(String) - Method in class google.registry.bsa.api.BsaReportSender
addUser(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.OteAccountBuilder
Adds a User with Web Console access.
addXmlCommand(String, String) - Method in class
admin - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpPurposeType
ADMIN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.DesignatedContact.Type
ADMIN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Type
ADMIN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.auth.AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor.Role
ADMIN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.auth.AuthSettings.UserPolicy
If there is a user, it must be an admin, as determined by UserRoles.isAdmin().
ADMIN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainContactAttrType
adminAccountEmailAddress - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.GSuite
administrativelyApplyLock(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class
Creates and applies a lock in one step.
administrativelyApplyUnlock(String, String, boolean, Optional<Duration>) - Method in class
Creates and applies an unlock in one step.
ADMINISTRATOR_AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in record class google.registry.rdap.RdapAuthorization
ADMINS - Static variable in class
ADMINS - Static variable in class
Listed by .domaincreate.
afterValidation(DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs at the end of the validation step to perform additional validation.
afterValidation(DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs at the end of the validation step to perform additional validation.
afterValidation(DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs at the end of the validation step to perform additional validation.
afterValidation(DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs at the end of the validation step to perform additional validation.
afterValidation(DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs at the end of the validation step to perform additional validation.
afterValidation(DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs at the end of the validation step to perform additional validation.
AfterValidationParameters(ImmutableMap<String, InternetDomainName>, DateTime) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Creates an instance of a AfterValidationParameters record class.
AfterValidationParameters(InternetDomainName, int, Optional<String>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Creates an instance of a AfterValidationParameters record class.
AfterValidationParameters(Domain) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Creates an instance of a AfterValidationParameters record class.
AfterValidationParameters(Domain) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Creates an instance of a AfterValidationParameters record class.
AfterValidationParameters(Domain) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Creates an instance of a AfterValidationParameters record class.
AfterValidationParameters(Domain, int, DateTime) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Creates an instance of a AfterValidationParameters record class.
Afterward - Search tag in class google.registry.rde.RdeStagingAction
AGENT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactTypeType
alertRecipientEmailAddress - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Misc
alg - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsDataType
alg - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsKeyDataType
algorithm - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigCanonicalizationMethod
algorithm - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDigestMethod
algorithm - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureMethod
algorithm - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigTransform
ALGORITHM_CONSTRAINED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.flows.certs.CertificateChecker.CertificateViolation
all - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpAccessType
all - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsRemType
ALL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Info.HostsRequest
ALL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainHostsType
ALLOCATED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusValueType
allocateId() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
allocateId() - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Returns a
invalid reference
value that can be used as id by a JPA model entity.
ALLOCATION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Flag
ALLOCATION_TOKEN - Static variable in class
ALLOCATION_TOKEN - Static variable in class
Listed by .domaincheck.
ALLOCATION_TOKEN - Static variable in class
ALLOCATION_TOKEN - Static variable in class
Listed by .domaincreate.
AllocationToken - Class in google.registry.model.domain.token
An entity representing an allocation token.
AllocationToken - Class in ietf.params.xml.ns.allocationtoken_1
Java class for allocationTokenType complex type
AllocationToken() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
AllocationToken() - Constructor for class ietf.params.xml.ns.allocationtoken_1.AllocationToken
AllocationToken.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.domain.token
A builder for constructing AllocationToken objects, since they are immutable.
AllocationToken.RegistrationBehavior - Enum Class in google.registry.model.domain.token
Any special behavior that should be used when registering domains using this token.
AllocationToken.TokenBehavior - Enum Class in google.registry.model.domain.token
System behaves differently based on a token it gets inside a command.
AllocationToken.TokenStatus - Enum Class in google.registry.model.domain.token
The status of this token with regard to any potential promotion.
AllocationToken.TokenType - Enum Class in google.registry.model.domain.token
Type of the token that indicates how and where it should be used.
AllocationTokenDomainCheckResults - Record Class in google.registry.flows.domain.token
Record to represent the result of loading a token and checking domains with it.
AllocationTokenDomainCheckResults(Optional<AllocationToken>, ImmutableMap<InternetDomainName, String>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.domain.token.AllocationTokenDomainCheckResults
Creates an instance of a AllocationTokenDomainCheckResults record class.
AllocationTokenExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.token
An allocation token extension that may be present on EPP domain commands.
AllocationTokenExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationTokenExtension
AllocationTokenFlowUtils - Class in google.registry.flows.domain.token
Utility functions for dealing with AllocationTokens in domain flows.
AllocationTokenFlowUtils() - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.domain.token.AllocationTokenFlowUtils
AllocationTokenFlowUtils.AllocationTokenNotInPromotionException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain.token
The allocation token is not currently valid.
AllocationTokenFlowUtils.AllocationTokenNotValidForCommandException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain.token
The allocation token is not valid for this EPP command.
AllocationTokenFlowUtils.AllocationTokenNotValidForDomainException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain.token
The allocation token is not valid for this domain.
AllocationTokenFlowUtils.AllocationTokenNotValidForRegistrarException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain.token
The allocation token is not valid for this registrar.
AllocationTokenFlowUtils.AllocationTokenNotValidForTldException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain.token
The allocation token is not valid for this TLD.
AllocationTokenFlowUtils.AlreadyRedeemedAllocationTokenException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain.token
The allocation token was already redeemed.
AllocationTokenFlowUtils.InvalidAllocationTokenException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain.token
The allocation token is invalid.
AllocationTokenFlowUtils.MissingRemoveBulkPricingTokenOnBulkPricingDomainException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain.token
The __REMOVE_BULK_PRICING__ token is missing on a bulk pricing domain command
AllocationTokenFlowUtils.RemoveBulkPricingTokenOnNonBulkPricingDomainException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain.token
The __REMOVE_BULK_PRICING__ token is not allowed on non bulk pricing domains
AllocationTokenInvalidForCurrencyException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainPricingLogic.AllocationTokenInvalidForCurrencyException
AllocationTokenInvalidForPremiumNameException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainPricingLogic.AllocationTokenInvalidForPremiumNameException
AllocationTokenStatusTransitionUserType - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
AllocationTokenStatusTransitionUserType() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.AllocationTokenStatusTransitionUserType
AllocationTokenVkeyListUserType - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
Hibernate custom type for List of VKey of AllocationToken.
AllocationTokenVkeyListUserType() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.AllocationTokenVkeyListUserType
ALLOWED_IN_SUNRISE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservationType
The domain can only be registered during sunrise, and is reserved thereafter.
ALLOWED_TLDS_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
allowedEcdsaCurves - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.SslCertificateValidation
allowedServiceAccountEmails - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Auth
allowNestedTransactions - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Hibernate
ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class
ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.util.RegistryEnvironment
Development environment.
alphabet - Variable in class google.registry.util.StringGenerator
Alphabets() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.StringGenerator.Alphabets
AlreadyPendingTransferException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.exceptions
The resource is already pending transfer.
AlreadyPendingTransferException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.exceptions.AlreadyPendingTransferException
alwaysDownload() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadSchedule
Returns the value of the alwaysDownload record component.
amount() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.billing.BillingEvent
Returns the value of the amount record component.
aName - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndn
aNames - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnDeleteType
ANCHOR_TENANT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Flag
ANCHOR_TENANT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.RegistrationBehavior
Bypasses most checks and creates the domain as an anchor tenant, with all that implies.
anchorTenant - Variable in class google.params.xml.ns.metadata_1.Metadata
anies - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigPGPData
anies - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppExtAnyType
any - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppReadWriteType
any - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTransferType
any - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomExtAuthInfoType
any - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType.Object
any - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12ObjectCDType.Object
apDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
apId - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
APP - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.auth.AuthSettings.AuthLevel
Authentication required, but user not required.
append(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection.DestinationTable.Builder
APPLICATION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCreateExtension.CreateType
A Launch Application refers to a registration made during a launch phase when the server accepts multiple applications for the same domain name.
APPLICATION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchObjectType
applicationID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchIdContainerType
applicationID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfData
applicationID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfo
applicationRoid - Variable in class google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1.Create
applicationTime - Variable in class google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1.Create
applied - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06FeeType
applied - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11FeeType
applied - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12FeeType
APPLY_CHANGES - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.RefreshStage
Fixes the stale domains in the database.
APPLY_ORDER_AND_LABEL_DIFF - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.DownloadStage
Applies the diffs to the database.
applyLabelDiff(ImmutableList<BlockLabel>, IdnChecker, DownloadSchedule, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.bsa.persistence.LabelDiffUpdates
Applies the label diffs to the database and collects matching domains that are in use (registered or reserved) for reporting.
applyUnblockableChanges(ImmutableList<UnblockableDomainChange>) - Method in class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DomainsRefresher
APPROVE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Transfer.TransferOp
APPROVE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTransferOpType
approvePendingTransfer(R, TransferStatus, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.ResourceTransferUtils
Resolve a pending transfer by awarding it to the gaining client.
areServersLocal() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase
Override Buildable.asBuilder() to give this method stronger typing.
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingCancellation
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingEvent
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingRecurrence
asBuilder() - Method in interface google.registry.model.Buildable
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleEppActionHistory
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarPocUpdateHistory
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarUpdateHistory
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.User
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserBase
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserRoles
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserUpdateHistory
asBuilder() - Method in class
asBuilder() - Method in class
asBuilder() - Method in class
asBuilder() - Method in class
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.Domain
An override of EppResource.asBuilder() with tighter typing.
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
An override of EppResource.asBuilder() with tighter typing.
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainHistory
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.BulkPricingPackage
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource
Override of Buildable.asBuilder() so that the extra methods are visible.
asBuilder() - Method in class
asBuilder() - Method in class
asBuilder() - Method in class
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage
Override Buildable.asBuilder() to give this method stronger typing.
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Autorenew
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.OneTime
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.Registrar
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarAddress
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPoc
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumList
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumList.PremiumEntry
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedList
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedList.ReservedListEntry
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.ContactTransferData
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferData
asBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField
Returns a builder of this object, which can be used to further restrict validation.
asBuilderNamed(String) - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField
Same as FormField.asBuilder() but changes the field name.
asBytes() - Method in class google.registry.model.server.ServerSecret
Returns the value of this ServerSecret as a byte array.
asCallable() - Method in interface google.registry.util.VoidCallable
Returns the VoidCallable as a Callable that returns null.
ASCII_ERROR - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
ASCII_PATTERN - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
asciiLetterOrDigitMatcher() - Static method in class google.registry.util.JavaCharMatchers
Returns a CharMatcher that matcher only ASCII letters and digits.
asEnum(Class<C>) - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField.Builder
Uppercases value and converts to an enum field of enumClass.
asList() - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField.Builder
Turns this form field into something that processes lists.
asList(Splitter) - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField.Builder
Turns this form field into a split string list that applies itself to each item.
asOfDate() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns the value of the asOfDate record component.
asOfDate() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns the value of the asOfDate record component.
asOfDate() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.CreatePriceParameters
Returns the value of the asOfDate record component.
asOfDate() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RenewPriceParameters
Returns the value of the asOfDate record component.
asOfDate() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RestorePriceParameters
Returns the value of the asOfDate record component.
asOfDate() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.TransferPriceParameters
Returns the value of the asOfDate record component.
asOfDate() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.UpdatePriceParameters
Returns the value of the asOfDate record component.
assemble(Serializable, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.DurationUserType
assemble(Serializable, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.JodaMoneyType
assemble(Serializable, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.AllocationTokenStatusTransitionUserType
assemble(Serializable, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.BillingCostTransitionUserType
assemble(Serializable, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.CurrencyToStringMapUserType
assemble(Serializable, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.FeatureStatusTransitionUserType
assemble(Serializable, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.RegistrarToRoleMapUserType
assemble(Serializable, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringMapUserType
assemble(Serializable, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.TimedTransitionBaseUserType
assemble(Serializable, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.TldStateTransitionUserType
assemble(Serializable, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringCollectionUserType
assertDelete(VKey<T>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManager
Deletes the entity by its id, throws exception if the entity is not deleted.
assertDelete(VKey<T>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
assertInTransaction() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
assertInTransaction() - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Throws IllegalStateException if the caller is not in a transaction.
assertTldExists(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tlds
Pass-through check that the specified TLD exists, otherwise throw an IAE.
assertTldExists(String, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tlds
Pass-through check that the TLD exists, otherwise throw using the given error format message.
assertTldsExist(Iterable<String>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tlds
Pass-through check that every TLD in the given iterable exists, otherwise throw an IAE.
asSet() - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField.Builder
Same as FormField.Builder.asList() but outputs an ImmutableSet instead.
asSet(Splitter) - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField.Builder
Same as FormField.Builder.asList(Splitter) but outputs an ImmutableSet instead.
ASSIGNEE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkEntitlementType
ASSOCIATION_PROHIBITS_OPERATION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
AssociationProhibitsOperationException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.AssociationProhibitsOperationException
AsyncTaskEnqueuer - Class in google.registry.batch
Helper class to enqueue tasks for handling asynchronous operations in flows.
AsyncTaskEnqueuer(CloudTasksUtils) - Constructor for class google.registry.batch.AsyncTaskEnqueuer
attachment() - Method in record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage
Returns the value of the attachment record component.
Attachment(MediaType, String, String) - Constructor for record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Attachment
Creates an instance of a Attachment record class.
auth - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
auth() - Element in annotation interface google.registry.request.Action
Authentication settings.
Auth - Enum Class in google.registry.request.auth
Enum used to configure authentication settings for Actions.
Auth() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Auth
AUTH_ADMIN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.auth.Auth
Allows only the app itself (via service accounts) or admins to access.
AUTH_PUBLIC - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.auth.Auth
Allows anyone to access.
AUTH_PUBLIC_LOGGED_IN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.auth.Auth
Allows anyone to access, as long as they are logged in.
authenticate(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface google.registry.request.auth.AuthenticationMechanism
Attempt to authenticate an incoming request.
authenticate(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class google.registry.request.auth.OidcTokenAuthenticationMechanism
AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor - Class in google.registry.request.auth
Allows access only to Registrars the current user has access to.
AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor(AuthResult, String, Optional<String>, Lazy<GroupsConnection>) - Constructor for class google.registry.request.auth.AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor
AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor.RegistrarAccessDeniedException - Exception Class in google.registry.request.auth
Exception thrown when the current user doesn't have access to the requested Registrar.
AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor.Role - Enum Class in google.registry.request.auth
The role under which access is granted.
AUTHENTICATION_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_CLOSING_CONNECTION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
AuthenticationErrorClosingConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.AuthenticationErrorClosingConnectionException
AuthenticationErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.AuthenticationErrorException
AuthenticationMechanism - Interface in google.registry.request.auth
A particular way to authenticate an HTTP request, returning an AuthResult.
authInfo - Variable in class
authInfo - Variable in class
authInfo - Variable in class
authInfo - Variable in class
authInfo - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainChgType
authInfo - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreate
authInfo - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
authInfo - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfo
authInfo - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTransfer
AuthInfo - Class in google.registry.model.eppcommon
The "authInfoType" complex type.
AuthInfo() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppcommon.AuthInfo
AuthInfo.PasswordAuth - Class in google.registry.model.eppcommon
The "pwAuthInfoType" complex type.
authLevel() - Method in record class google.registry.request.auth.AuthResult
Returns the value of the authLevel record component.
AuthModule - Class in google.registry.request.auth
Dagger module for authentication routines.
AuthModule - Class in
Module providing the dependency graph for authorization credentials.
AuthModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.request.auth.AuthModule
AuthModule() - Constructor for class
AuthModule.CloudSqlClientCredential - Annotation Interface in
Dagger qualifier for Credential used by the Cloud SQL client in the nomulus tool.
AUTHORIZATION_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
AuthorizationErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.AuthorizationErrorException
authorize(AuthSettings, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class google.registry.request.auth.RequestAuthenticator
Attempts to authenticate and authorize the user, according to the settings of the action.
authResult() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiParams
Returns the value of the authResult record component.
AuthResult - Record Class in google.registry.request.auth
Results of authentication for a given HTTP request, as emitted by an AuthenticationMechanism.
AuthResult(AuthSettings.AuthLevel, Optional<User>, Optional<String>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.request.auth.AuthResult
Creates an instance of a AuthResult record class.
authSettings() - Method in enum class google.registry.request.auth.Auth
AuthSettings - Record Class in google.registry.request.auth
Parameters used to configure the authenticator.
AuthSettings(AuthSettings.AuthLevel, AuthSettings.UserPolicy) - Constructor for record class google.registry.request.auth.AuthSettings
Creates an instance of a AuthSettings record class.
AuthSettings.AuthLevel - Enum Class in google.registry.request.auth
Authentication level.
AuthSettings.UserPolicy - Enum Class in google.registry.request.auth
User authorization policy options.
authTokenExpirySeconds - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Bsa
authUrl - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Bsa
AUTO_RENEW - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Flag
AUTO_RENEW - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.GracePeriodStatus
This grace period is provided after a domain name registration period expires and is extended (renewed) automatically by the registry.
AUTO_RENEW_PERIOD - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusValueType
automaticallyPrintOk() - Element in annotation interface google.registry.request.Action
Indicates request processor should print "OK" to the HTTP client on success.
automaticTransferLength - Variable in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.DomainTransferRequest
Autorenew() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Autorenew
autorenews - Variable in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.DomainUpdate
AUTORENEWS - Static variable in class
AUTORENEWS - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
AUTORENEWS - Static variable in class
Listed by .uniformrapidsuspension.
AUTORENEWS - Static variable in class
avail - Variable in class
avail - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCheckNameType
avail - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
avail - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
avail - Variable in class
AVAIL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCheckFormType
availability() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric
Returns the value of the availability record component.
availability(CheckApiMetric.Availability) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Builder
AVAILABILITY - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCheckExtension.CheckType
A check to see if the specified domain names are available to be provisioned.
AVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Availability


b() - Method in record class google.registry.util.DiffUtils.DiffPair
Returns the value of the b record component.
BACKEND - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.flows.EppRequestSource
BACKEND - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.Action.GaeService
BACKEND - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.Action.GkeService
backendBuilder() - Static method in interface google.registry.proxy.Protocol
A builder for Protocol.FrontendProtocol, by default it connects to a remote host.
BackendMetrics - Class in google.registry.proxy.metric
Backend metrics instrumentation.
BackendMetricsHandler - Class in google.registry.proxy.handler
Handler that records metrics for a backend channel.
BackendProtocol() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.Protocol.BackendProtocol
BackendRequestComponent - Interface in google.registry.module.backend
Dagger component with per-request lifetime for "backend" App Engine module.
BackendRequestComponent.BackendRequestComponentModule - Class in google.registry.module.backend
BackendRequestComponent.Builder - Class in google.registry.module.backend
BackendRequestComponentModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent.BackendRequestComponentModule
BackendRequestHandler - Class in google.registry.module.backend
Request handler for the backend module.
backendServiceUrl - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.GcpProject
BackendServlet - Class in google.registry.module.backend
Servlet that should handle all requests to our "backend" App Engine module.
BackendServlet() - Constructor for class google.registry.module.backend.BackendServlet
BAD_LOCK_INDEX - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.dns.DnsMetrics.ActionStatus
BAD_WRITER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.dns.DnsMetrics.ActionStatus
BadAuthInfoForResourceException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils.BadAuthInfoForResourceException
BadCommandForRegistryPhaseException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils.BadCommandForRegistryPhaseException
BadRegistrarPasswordException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.TransportCredentials.BadRegistrarPasswordException
BadRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.BadRequestException
BadRequestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.BadRequestException
balance - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DelData
balance - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TransformResultType
balance - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TrnData
balance - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11DelData
balance - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformResultType
balance - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformResultType
balance - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TrnData
BASE_58 - Static variable in class google.registry.util.StringGenerator.Alphabets
An alphanumeric alphabet that omits visually similar characters.
BASE_64 - Static variable in class google.registry.util.StringGenerator.Alphabets
A URL-safe Base64 alphabet (alphanumeric, hyphen, underscore).
BASE64_PATTERN - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
BaseDnsWriter - Class in google.registry.dns.writer
A base implementation of DnsWriter that protects against multiple calls to commit().
BaseDnsWriter() - Constructor for class google.registry.dns.writer.BaseDnsWriter
baseDomain - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.GcpProject
BaseDomainLabelList<T,R> - Class in google.registry.model.tld.label
Base class for ReservedList and PremiumList objects.
BaseDomainLabelList() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.tld.label.BaseDomainLabelList
BaseDomainLabelList.Builder<T,B> - Class in google.registry.model.tld.label
Base builder for derived classes of BaseDomainLabelList.
BaseFee - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee
Base class for the fee and credit types.
BaseFee() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee
BaseFee.AppliedType - Enum Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee
Enum for when a fee is applied.
BaseFee.FeeType - Enum Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee
Enum for the type of the fee.
BaseFlowCustomLogic - Class in google.registry.flows.custom
An abstract base class for all flow custom logic that stores the flow's EppInput and SessionMetadata for convenience.
BaseFlowCustomLogic(EppInput, SessionMetadata, FlowMetadata) - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.custom.BaseFlowCustomLogic
Constructs a BaseFlowCustomLogic for the specified EPP flow state.
BaseMetrics - Class in google.registry.proxy.metric
Base class for metrics.
BaseMetrics() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.metric.BaseMetrics
BaseTransferObject - Class in google.registry.model.transfer
Fields common to TransferData and TransferResponse.
BaseTransferObject() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.transfer.BaseTransferObject
BaseTransferObject.Builder<T,B> - Class in google.registry.model.transfer
Base class for builders of BaseTransferObject subclasses.
BatchedQueries - Class in google.registry.persistence.transaction
Helper for querying large data sets in batches.
BatchedQueries.BatchQuery<T> - Interface in google.registry.persistence.transaction
BatchedStreams - Class in google.registry.util
Utilities for breaking up a Stream into batches.
BatchModule - Class in google.registry.batch
Dagger module for injecting common settings for batch actions.
BatchModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.batch.BatchModule
batchReadBsaLabelText(Optional<String>, int) - Static method in class google.registry.bsa.persistence.Queries
batchReadUnblockableDomains(Optional<UnblockableDomain>, int) - Static method in class google.registry.bsa.persistence.Queries
batchSize() - Method in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO.Write
Number of elements to be written in one call.
bccs() - Method in record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage
Returns the value of the bccs record component.
bccsBuilder() - Method in interface google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Builder
beam - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
Beam() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Beam
BEAM_QUEUE - Static variable in class google.registry.reporting.ReportingModule
BeamUtils - Class in google.registry.beam
Static utilities for Beam pipelines.
BeamUtils() - Constructor for class google.registry.beam.BeamUtils
BEARER_PREFIX - Static variable in class google.registry.request.auth.AuthModule
beforeProcessing(PipelineOptions) - Method in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryPipelineWorkerInitializer
beforeResponse(DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs before the response is returned.
beforeResponse(DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs before the response is returned.
beforeResponse(DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs before the response is returned.
beforeResponse(DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs before the response is returned.
beforeResponse(DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs before the response is returned.
BeforeResponseParameters(ImmutableList<CheckData.DomainCheck>, ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>, DateTime) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Creates an instance of a BeforeResponseParameters record class.
BeforeResponseParameters(Domain, DomainInfoData, ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Creates an instance of a BeforeResponseParameters record class.
BeforeResponseParameters(Domain, EppResponse.ResponseData, ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Creates an instance of a BeforeResponseParameters record class.
BeforeResponseParameters(EppResponse.ResponseData, ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Creates an instance of a BeforeResponseParameters record class.
BeforeResponseParameters(Result.Code, ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Creates an instance of a BeforeResponseParameters record class.
BeforeResponseReturnData(ImmutableList<CheckData.DomainCheck>, ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Creates an instance of a BeforeResponseReturnData record class.
BeforeResponseReturnData(DomainInfoData, ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Creates an instance of a BeforeResponseReturnData record class.
BeforeResponseReturnData(EppResponse.ResponseData, ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Creates an instance of a BeforeResponseReturnData record class.
BeforeResponseReturnData(EppResponse.ResponseData, ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Creates an instance of a BeforeResponseReturnData record class.
BeforeResponseReturnData(Result.Code, ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Creates an instance of a BeforeResponseReturnData record class.
beforeRetry(Throwable, int, int) - Method in interface google.registry.util.Retrier.FailureReporter
Called after a retriable failure happened.
beforeSave(DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs before new entities are persisted, allowing them to be changed.
beforeSave(DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs before new entities are persisted, allowing them to be changed.
beforeSave(DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs before new entities are persisted, allowing them to be changed.
beforeSave(DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs before new entities are persisted, allowing them to be changed.
BeforeSaveParameters(Domain, Domain, HistoryEntry, EntityChanges) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Creates an instance of a BeforeSaveParameters record class.
BeforeSaveParameters(Domain, Domain, HistoryEntry, EntityChanges) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Creates an instance of a BeforeSaveParameters record class.
BeforeSaveParameters(Domain, Domain, HistoryEntry, EntityChanges, int, DateTime) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Creates an instance of a BeforeSaveParameters record class.
BeforeSaveParameters(Domain, HistoryEntry, EntityChanges, int) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Creates an instance of a BeforeSaveParameters record class.
beforeValidation() - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs before any validation.
beforeValidation() - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs before any validation.
beforeValidation() - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs before any validation.
beforeValidation() - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs before any validation.
beforeValidation() - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs before any validation.
beforeValidation() - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic
A hook that runs before any validation.
BIGQUERY_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT - Static variable in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils
A DateTimeFormatter that defines how to print DateTimes in a string format that BigQuery can interpret and how to parse the string formats that BigQuery emits into DateTimes.
BigqueryConnection - Class in google.registry.bigquery
Class encapsulating parameters and state for accessing the Bigquery API.
BigqueryConnection.Builder - Class in google.registry.bigquery
Builder for a BigqueryConnection, since the latter is immutable once created.
BigqueryConnection.DestinationTable - Class in google.registry.bigquery
Class that wraps a normal Bigquery API Table object to make it immutable from the client side and give it additional semantics as a "destination" for load or query jobs, with an overwrite flag set by the client upon creation.
BigqueryConnection.DestinationTable.Builder - Class in google.registry.bigquery
A builder for DestinationTable.
BigqueryJobFailureException - Exception Class in google.registry.bigquery
Generic exception to throw if a Bigquery job fails.
BigqueryJobFailureException(String, Throwable, JobStatus, GoogleJsonError) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryJobFailureException
BigqueryModule - Class in google.registry.bigquery
Dagger module for Google Bigquery connection objects.
BigqueryParameters - Class in
Parameter delegate class to handle flag settings for a command's BigqueryConnection object.
BigqueryParameters() - Constructor for class
BigqueryUtils - Class in google.registry.bigquery
Utilities related to Bigquery.
BigqueryUtils() - Constructor for class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils
BigqueryUtils.DestinationFormat - Enum Class in google.registry.bigquery
Destination formats for Bigquery extract jobs.
BigqueryUtils.FieldType - Enum Class in google.registry.bigquery
Bigquery schema field types.
BigqueryUtils.TableType - Enum Class in google.registry.bigquery
Bigquery table types (i.e.
BigqueryUtils.WriteDisposition - Enum Class in google.registry.bigquery
Bigquery write dispositions (i.e.
billing - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
Billing() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Billing
BILLING - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.DesignatedContact.Type
BILLING - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Type
BILLING - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainContactAttrType
BILLING_IDENTIFIER_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
BillingBase - Class in google.registry.model.billing
A billable event in a domain's lifecycle.
BillingBase() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase
BillingBase.Builder<T,B> - Class in google.registry.model.billing
An abstract builder for BillingBase.
BillingBase.Flag - Enum Class in google.registry.model.billing
Set of flags that can be applied to billing events.
BillingBase.Reason - Enum Class in google.registry.model.billing
The reason for the bill, which maps 1:1 to skus in go/registry-billing-skus.
BillingBase.RenewalPriceBehavior - Enum Class in google.registry.model.billing
Sets of renewal price behaviors that can be applied to billing recurrences.
BillingCancellation - Class in google.registry.model.billing
An event representing a cancellation of one of the other two billable event types.
BillingCancellation() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.billing.BillingCancellation
BillingCancellation.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.billing
A builder for BillingCancellation since it is immutable.
billingCancellationId - Variable in class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData
BillingCostTransitions() - Constructor for class
BillingCostTransitionUserType - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
Hibernate custom type for TimedTransitionProperty of Money.
BillingCostTransitionUserType() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.BillingCostTransitionUserType
BillingEmailUtils - Class in google.registry.reporting.billing
Utility functions for sending emails involving monthly invoices.
BillingEvent - Class in google.registry.model.billing
A one-time billable event.
BillingEvent - Record Class in google.registry.beam.billing
A record representing a single billable event, parsed from a SchemaAndRecord.
BillingEvent() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.billing.BillingEvent
BillingEvent(long, DateTime, DateTime, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, int, String, double, String) - Constructor for record class google.registry.beam.billing.BillingEvent
Creates an instance of a BillingEvent record class.
BillingEvent.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.billing
A builder for BillingEvent since it is immutable.
billingId() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.billing.BillingEvent
Returns the value of the billingId record component.
billingInvoiceOriginUrl - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Billing
BillingModule - Class in google.registry.reporting.billing
Module for dependencies required by monthly billing actions.
BillingModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.reporting.billing.BillingModule
BillingRecurrence - Class in google.registry.model.billing
A recurring billable event.
BillingRecurrence() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.billing.BillingRecurrence
BillingRecurrence.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.billing
A builder for BillingRecurrence since it is immutable.
billingTime() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.billing.BillingEvent
Returns the value of the billingTime record component.
BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.BlockListType
BLOCK_PLUS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.BlockListType
BLOCKED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnNameStateValue
BlockLabel - Record Class in google.registry.bsa.api
A BSA label to block.
BlockLabel(String, BlockLabel.LabelType, ImmutableSet<String>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockLabel
Creates an instance of a BlockLabel record class.
BlockLabel.LabelType - Enum Class in google.registry.bsa.api
BlockListFetcher - Class in google.registry.bsa
Fetches data from the BSA API.
BlockListType - Enum Class in google.registry.bsa
The product types of the block lists, which determines the http endpoint that serves the data.
BlockOrder - Record Class in google.registry.bsa.api
A BSA order, which are needed when communicating with the BSA API while processing downloaded block lists.
BlockOrder(long, BlockOrder.OrderType) - Constructor for record class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockOrder
Creates an instance of a BlockOrder record class.
BlockOrder.OrderType - Enum Class in google.registry.bsa.api
BloomFilterConverter - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
JPA converter for ASCII String BloomFilters.
BloomFilterConverter() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.BloomFilterConverter
body() - Method in record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage
Returns the value of the body record component.
BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.FieldType
bootstrap() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingStep
Returns the value of the bootstrap record component.
BRDA - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.common.Cursor.CursorType
Cursor for ensuring rolling transactional isolation of BRDA staging operation.
BRDA_QUEUE - Static variable in class google.registry.rde.RdeModule
BRDA_RECEIVER_PUBLIC_KEY - Enum constant in enum class
BRDA_SIGNING_KEY_PAIR - Enum constant in enum class
BRDA_SIGNING_PUBLIC_KEY - Enum constant in enum class
brdaCopyAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
BrdaCopyAction - Class in google.registry.rde
Action that re-encrypts a BRDA escrow deposit and puts it into the upload bucket.
bsa - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
Bsa() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Bsa
BSA - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.Action.GaeService
BSA_API_KEY - Enum constant in enum class
BSA_BLOCKED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Availability
bsaChecksumAlgorithm - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Bsa
BsaCredential - Class in google.registry.bsa.api
A credential for accessing the BSA API.
bsaDownloadAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.bsa.BsaRequestComponent
BsaDownloadAction - Class in google.registry.bsa
bsaDownloadIntervalMinutes - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Bsa
BsaException - Exception Class in google.registry.bsa.api
BsaException(String, boolean) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.bsa.api.BsaException
BsaException(Throwable, boolean) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.bsa.api.BsaException
BsaLabelUtils - Class in google.registry.bsa.persistence
Helpers for BsaLabel.
BsaLock - Class in google.registry.bsa
Helper for guarding all BSA related work with a common lock.
bsaLockLeaseExpiryMinutes - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Bsa
bsaMaxNopIntervalHours - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Bsa
bsaQuery(Callable<T>) - Static method in class google.registry.bsa.BsaTransactions
bsaRefreshAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.bsa.BsaRequestComponent
BsaRefreshAction - Class in google.registry.bsa
BsaReportSender - Class in google.registry.bsa.api
Sends order processing reports to BSA.
BsaRequestComponent - Interface in google.registry.module.bsa
BsaRequestComponent.BsaRequestComponentModule - Class in google.registry.module.bsa
BsaRequestComponent.Builder - Class in google.registry.module.bsa
BsaRequestComponentModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.module.bsa.BsaRequestComponent.BsaRequestComponentModule
BsaRequestHandler - Class in google.registry.module.bsa
BsaRequestHandler(Provider<BsaRequestComponent.Builder>, RequestAuthenticator) - Constructor for class google.registry.module.bsa.BsaRequestHandler
bsaServiceUrl - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.GcpProject
BsaServlet - Class in google.registry.module.bsa
BsaServlet() - Constructor for class google.registry.module.bsa.BsaServlet
BsaStringUtils - Class in google.registry.bsa
Helpers for domain name manipulation and string serialization of Java objects.
bsaTransact(TransactionManager.ThrowingRunnable) - Static method in class google.registry.bsa.BsaTransactions
bsaTransact(Callable<T>) - Static method in class google.registry.bsa.BsaTransactions
BsaTransactions - Class in google.registry.bsa
Helpers for executing JPA transactions for BSA processing.
bsaTxnBatchSize - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Bsa
bsaValidateAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.bsa.BsaRequestComponent
BsaValidateAction - Class in google.registry.bsa
Validates the BSA data in the database against the most recent block lists.
bsaValidationMaxStalenessSeconds - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Bsa
bucket - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Gcs
build() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryPipelineComponent.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection.DestinationTable.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.CreatePriceParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RenewPriceParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RestorePriceParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.TransferPriceParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.UpdatePriceParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.EntityChanges.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowMetadata.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingCancellation.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingEvent.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingRecurrence.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.Buildable.Builder
Build the instance.
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleEppActionHistory.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarPocUpdateHistory.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarUpdateHistory.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserBase.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserRoles.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserUpdateHistory.Builder
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainHistory.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainInfoData.Builder
Public build method.
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV12.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.BulkPricingPackage.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.PhoneNumber.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource.Builder
Build the resource, nullifying empty strings and sets and setting defaults.
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.JsonMapBuilder
Returns mutable JSON object.
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.MessageQueueInfo.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Autorenew.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarAddress.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
Build the registrar, nullifying empty fields.
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Builder
Build the registrar, nullifying empty fields.
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.BaseDomainLabelList.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.DomainLabelEntry.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumList.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.BaseTransferObject.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferData.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.module.bsa.BsaRequestComponent.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.module.pubapi.PubApiRequestComponent.Builder
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.ProbingAction.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.Protocol.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingSequence.Builder
Points last ProbingStep to the firstRepeatedSequenceStep and calls private constructor to create ProbingSequence.
build() - Method in interface google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingStep.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric.Builder
Build an instance of EppMetric using this builder.
build() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.CriteriaQueryBuilder
Builds and returns the query, applying all WHERE and ORDER BY clauses at once.
build() - Method in class google.registry.proxy.Protocol.BackendProtocol.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.proxy.Protocol.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.proxy.Protocol.FrontendProtocol.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.rde.RydeEncoder.Builder
Returns the built RydeEncoder.
build() - Method in interface google.registry.request.RequestComponentBuilder
build() - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField.Builder
Creates a new FormField instance.
build() - Method in class google.registry.util.CircularList.AbstractBuilder
Sets the next C of the list to be the first C in the list.
build() - Method in interface google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Attachment.Builder
build() - Method in interface google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Builder
build() - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader.Builder
Returns a new immutable PosixTarHeader instance.
build() - Method in class google.registry.util.SqlTemplate
Returns the freshly substituted SQL code.
build() - Method in class google.registry.whois.WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric.Builder
Build an instance of WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric using this builder.
Buildable - Interface in google.registry.model
Interface for ImmutableObject subclasses that have a builder.
Buildable.Builder<S> - Class in google.registry.model
Boilerplate for immutable builders.
Buildable.GenericBuilder<S,B> - Class in google.registry.model
Boilerplate for abstract immutable builders that need to be able to cast "this".
Buildable.Overlayable<T> - Interface in google.registry.model
Interface for objects that can produce an "overlay", which means a copy where non-null fields from another object are copied over, but null fields on the source are not.
buildAndPersist() - Method in class google.registry.model.OteAccountBuilder
Persists all the OT&E entities to the database.
buildCompletions(JCommander) - Method in class
buildDestinationTable(String) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection
Returns a partially built DestinationTable with the default dataset and overwrite behavior.
builder() - Static method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.ProbingAction
builder() - Static method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.Protocol
builder() - Static method in record class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingStep
builder() - Static method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric
builder() - Static method in record class google.registry.whois.WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric
builder(Clock) - Static method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO.Read.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection.DestinationTable.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.billing.BillingCancellation.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.billing.BillingEvent.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.billing.BillingRecurrence.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.Buildable.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleEppActionHistory.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarPocUpdateHistory.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarUpdateHistory.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.User.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.UserBase.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.UserRoles.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.UserUpdateHistory.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.Domain.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainHistory.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainInfoData.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItem.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryResponseExtensionItem.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV06.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeDeleteResponseExtensionV06.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeInfoResponseExtensionV06.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV11.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeDeleteResponseExtensionV11.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemCommandV12.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV12.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeDeleteResponseExtensionV12.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchExtension.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.token.BulkPricingPackage.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppcommon.PhoneNumber.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppResponse.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EppResource.Builder
Create a EppResource.Builder wrapping a new instance.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.mark.MarkAddress.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.mark.MarkPhoneNumber.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.poll.MessageQueueInfo.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Autorenew.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.OneTime.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.registrar.Registrar.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarAddress.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPoc.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.tld.label.BaseDomainLabelList.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.tld.label.DomainLabelEntry.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumList.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumList.PremiumEntry.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedList.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.transfer.BaseTransferObject.Builder
Create a BaseTransferObject.Builder wrapping a new instance.
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.transfer.ContactTransferData.Builder
Create a ContactTransferData.Builder wrapping a new instance.
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData.Builder
Create a DomainTransferData.Builder wrapping a new instance.
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferData.Builder
Create a TransferData.Builder wrapping a new instance.
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferResponse.ContactTransferResponse.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferResponse.DomainTransferResponse.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.module.bsa.BsaRequestComponent.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.module.pubapi.PubApiRequestComponent.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.ProbingAction.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.Protocol.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.Protocol.BackendProtocol.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.Protocol.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.Protocol.FrontendProtocol.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.rde.RydeEncoder.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.CircularList.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class google.registry.whois.WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric.Builder
Builder(ConsoleEppActionHistory) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleEppActionHistory.Builder
Builder(RegistrarPocUpdateHistory) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarPocUpdateHistory.Builder
Builder(RegistrarUpdateHistory) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarUpdateHistory.Builder
Builder(User) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.User.Builder
Builder(UserUpdateHistory) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.UserUpdateHistory.Builder
Builder(ContactHistory) - Constructor for class
Builder(DomainHistory) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainHistory.Builder
Builder(FeeTransformResponseExtension) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeTransformResponseExtension.Builder
Builder(HostHistory) - Constructor for class
Builder(Registrar) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.registrar.Registrar.Builder
Builder(RegistrarPoc) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPoc.Builder
Builder(DomainTransactionRecord) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.Builder
Builder(Token, MetricsCollector, Clock) - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingSequence.Builder
This Builder must also be supplied with a Token to construct a ProbingSequence.
Builder(S) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.Buildable.Builder
Builder(T) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Builder
Builder(T) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Builder
Builder(T) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.UserBase.Builder
Builder(T) - Constructor for class
Builder(T) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address.Builder
Builder(T) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EppResource.Builder
Create a EppResource.Builder wrapping the given instance.
Builder(T) - Constructor for class
Builder(T) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Builder
Builder(T) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
Builder(T) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Builder
Builder(T) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Builder
Builder(T) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.tld.label.BaseDomainLabelList.Builder
Builder(T) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.tld.label.DomainLabelEntry.Builder
Builder(T) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.transfer.BaseTransferObject.Builder
Create a BaseTransferObject.Builder wrapping the given instance.
Builder(T) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferData.Builder
Create a TransferData.Builder wrapping the given instance.
builderForRequest(Clock) - Static method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric
Create an EppMetric.Builder for a request context, with the given request ID and with start and end timestamps taken from the given clock.
builderForRequest(Clock) - Static method in record class google.registry.whois.WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric
Create a WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric.Builder for a request context, with the start and end timestamps taken from the given clock.
BuildPathUtils - Class in google.registry.util
Utilities methods related to build path.
buildTemporaryTable() - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection
Returns a partially built DestinationTable with a randomly generated name under the default temporary table dataset, with the default TTL and overwrite behavior.
BULK_PRICING - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.TokenType
Token used for bulk pricing
BulkData - Class in google.params.xml.ns.bulktoken_1
Java class for bulkDataType complex type
BulkData() - Constructor for class google.params.xml.ns.bulktoken_1.BulkData
BulkDomainList(List<String>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a BulkDomainList record class.
BulkPricingPackage - Class in google.registry.model.domain.token
An entity representing a bulk pricing promotion.
BulkPricingPackage() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.token.BulkPricingPackage
BulkPricingPackage.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.domain.token
A builder for constructing BulkPricingPackage objects, since they are immutable.
bulkPricingPackageCreateLimitEmailBody - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.BulkPricingPackageMonitoring
bulkPricingPackageCreateLimitEmailSubject - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.BulkPricingPackageMonitoring
bulkPricingPackageDomainLimitUpgradeEmailBody - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.BulkPricingPackageMonitoring
bulkPricingPackageDomainLimitUpgradeEmailSubject - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.BulkPricingPackageMonitoring
bulkPricingPackageDomainLimitWarningEmailBody - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.BulkPricingPackageMonitoring
bulkPricingPackageDomainLimitWarningEmailSubject - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.BulkPricingPackageMonitoring
bulkPricingPackageMonitoring - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
BulkPricingPackageMonitoring() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.BulkPricingPackageMonitoring
BulkTokenExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.bulktoken
A bulk token extension that may be present on EPP domain commands.
BulkTokenExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.bulktoken.BulkTokenExtension
BulkTokenResponseExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.bulktoken
An XML data object that represents a bulk token extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain info commands.
BulkTokenResponseExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.bulktoken.BulkTokenResponseExtension
business - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRetentionType
BYPASS_TLD_STATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.RegistrationBehavior
Bypasses the TLD state check, e.g.
byteArrayToXmlDoc(byte[]) - Static method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppMessage
A helper method to transform an byte array to an XML Document using docBuilderFactory
bytes() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppRequestMessage
Converts the current Document message to a ByteBuf with the requisite bytes


CacheUtils - Class in google.registry.model
Utility methods related to caching database entities.
CacheUtils() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.CacheUtils
caching - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
Caching() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Caching
call() - Method in class google.registry.dns.PublishDnsUpdatesAction
Runs the task, with the lock.
call() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.ProbingAction
Performs the work of the actual action.
call() - Method in interface google.registry.util.VoidCallable
callWithRetry(VoidCallable, Retrier.FailureReporter, Class<? extends Throwable>, Class<? extends Throwable>...) - Method in class google.registry.util.Retrier
Retries a unit of work in the face of transient errors, without returning a value.
callWithRetry(VoidCallable, Class<? extends Throwable>, Class<? extends Throwable>...) - Method in class google.registry.util.Retrier
Retries a unit of work in the face of transient errors, without returning a value.
callWithRetry(Callable<V>, Retrier.FailureReporter, Class<? extends Throwable>, Class<? extends Throwable>...) - Method in class google.registry.util.Retrier
Retries a unit of work in the face of transient errors and returns the result.
callWithRetry(Callable<V>, Class<? extends Throwable>, Class<? extends Throwable>...) - Method in class google.registry.util.Retrier
Retries a unit of work in the face of transient errors and returns the result.
callWithRetry(Callable<V>, Predicate<Throwable>) - Method in class google.registry.util.Retrier
Retries a unit of work in the face of transient errors.
CANARY_HEADER - Static variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Transfer.TransferOp
CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTransferOpType
CANCELLED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.TokenStatus
The promotion was manually invalidated.
cannedScriptExecutionAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
CannedScriptExecutionAction - Class in google.registry.batch
Action that executes a canned script specified by the caller.
canonicalizationMethod - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignedInfo
canonicalizeHostname(String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.DomainNameUtils
Canonicalizes a hostname/domain name by lowercasing and converting unicode to punycode.
CapturingLogHandler - Class in google.registry.util
A log handler that captures logs.
CapturingLogHandler() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.CapturingLogHandler
cc - Variable in class
cc - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkAddrType
cc - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
cc - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkProtectionType
cc - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarAddrType
CC - Static variable in class
CC - Static variable in class
Listed by .contactcreate.
ccs() - Method in record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage
Returns the value of the ccs record component.
ccsBuilder() - Method in interface google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Builder
cds - Variable in class
cds - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainChkData
cds - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06ChkData
cds - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ChkData
cds - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12ChkData
cds - Variable in class
cds - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchChkData
cert() - Method in class google.registry.util.SelfSignedCaCertificate
CERTIFICATE_HASH - Static variable in class google.registry.util.ProxyHttpHeaders
HTTP header name used to pass the certificate hash from the proxy to Nomulus.
CertificateChecker - Class in google.registry.flows.certs
A utility to check that a given certificate meets our requirements
CertificateChecker(ImmutableSortedMap<DateTime, Integer>, int, int, int, ImmutableSet<String>, Clock) - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.certs.CertificateChecker
Constructs a CertificateChecker instance with the specified configuration parameters.
CertificateChecker.CertificateViolation - Enum Class in google.registry.flows.certs
The type of violation a certificate has based on the certificate requirements (go/registry-proxy-security).
CertificateChecker.InsecureCertificateException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.certs
Exception to throw when a certificate has security violations.
CertificateModule - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.module
Dagger module that provides bindings needed to inject server certificate chain and private key.
CertificateModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.module.CertificateModule
CertificateModule.LocalSecrets - Annotation Interface in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.module
Qualifier to identify components provided from Local Secrets.
CertificateSignatureException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.tmch.TmchXmlSignature.CertificateSignatureException
CertificateSupplierModule - Class in google.registry.networking.module
Dagger module that provides bindings needed to inject a certificate chain the corresponding private key.
CertificateSupplierModule.Mode - Enum Class in google.registry.networking.module
Change() - Constructor for class
Change() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Update.Change
Change() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.SecDnsUpdateExtension.Change
Change() - Constructor for class
CHANGE - Static variable in class
CHANGE - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
CHANGE_NOMULUS_PASSWORD - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Change the password for a registrar.
channel - Variable in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token.Token
Channel that always starts out as null.
channel() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.ProbingAction
Channel object that is either created by or passed into this ProbingAction instance
channel() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token.Token
Get method for channel.
channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.EppServiceHandler
Write <hello> to the server after SSL handshake completion to request <greeting>
channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.WhoisServiceHandler
channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class google.registry.client.EppClientHandler
channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.QuotaHandler
Actions to take when the connection terminates.
channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.QuotaHandler.EppQuotaHandler
Returns the leased token (if available) back to the token store upon connection termination.
channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.QuotaHandler.WhoisQuotaHandler
Do nothing when connection terminates.
channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class google.registry.client.EppClientHandler
channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler.EppMessageHandler
Performs conversion from ByteBuf
channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler.WebWhoisMessageHandler
Converts FullHttpResponse to HttpResponseMessage, so it is an InboundMessageType instance.
channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.BackendMetricsHandler
channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.FrontendMetricsHandler
channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.HealthCheckHandler
channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.ProxyProtocolHandler
channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.QuotaHandler
channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.WhoisServiceHandler
channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext, InboundMessageType) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler.ActionHandler
Marks ChannelPromise as success
channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext, InboundMessageType) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler.EppActionHandler
Decodes the received response to ensure that it is what we expect and resets future in case EppActionHandler is reused.
channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext, InboundMessageType) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler.WebWhoisActionHandler
After receiving HttpResponseMessage, either notes success and marks future as finished, notes an error in the received URL and throws a ConnectionException, received a response indicating a Failure, or receives a redirection response, where it follows the redirects until receiving one of the previous three responses.
channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext, I) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.RelayHandler
Read message of type I, write it as-is into the relay channel.
channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext, HttpRequest) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.WebWhoisRedirectHandler
channelRegistered(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class google.registry.client.EppClientHandler
channelRegistered(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.BackendMetricsHandler
channelRegistered(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.FrontendMetricsHandler
check - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Check() - Constructor for class
Check() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Check
Check() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Check
Check() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.Check
Check() - Constructor for class
CHECK_API - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.flows.EppRequestSource
CHECK_FOR_CHANGES - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.RefreshStage
Checks for stale unblockable domains.
CHECK_ONBOARDING_STATUS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Viewing the onboarding status of a registrar on a TLD.
checkAllowedAccessToTld(String, String) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
Check if the registrar running the flow has access to the TLD in question.
checkApiAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.pubapi.PubApiRequestComponent
CheckApiAction - Class in google.registry.flows
An action that returns availability and premium checks as JSON.
CheckApiAction.CheckApiModule - Class in google.registry.flows
Dagger module for the check api endpoint.
CheckApiMetric - Record Class in google.registry.monitoring.whitebox
A record for recording attributes of a domain check metric.
CheckApiMetric(DateTime, DateTime, CheckApiMetric.Status, Optional<CheckApiMetric.Tier>, Optional<CheckApiMetric.Availability>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric
Creates an instance of a CheckApiMetric record class.
CheckApiMetric.Availability - Enum Class in google.registry.monitoring.whitebox
Availability status of a domain.
CheckApiMetric.Builder - Class in google.registry.monitoring.whitebox
Builder for CheckApiMetric.
CheckApiMetric.Status - Enum Class in google.registry.monitoring.whitebox
Status of the CheckApi command.
CheckApiMetric.Tier - Enum Class in google.registry.monitoring.whitebox
Price tier of a domain name.
CheckApiMetrics - Class in google.registry.flows
Helpers for updating domain check metrics.
CheckApiModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.CheckApiAction.CheckApiModule
checkArgumentNotNull(T) - Static method in class google.registry.util.PreconditionsUtils
Checks whether the provided reference is null, throws IAE if it is, and returns it if not.
checkArgumentNotNull(T, Object) - Static method in class google.registry.util.PreconditionsUtils
Checks whether the provided reference is null, throws IAE if it is, and returns it if not.
checkArgumentNotNull(T, String, Object...) - Static method in class google.registry.util.PreconditionsUtils
Checks whether the provided reference is null, throws IAE if it is, and returns it if not.
checkArgumentPresent(Optional<T>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.PreconditionsUtils
Checks if the provided Optional is present, returns its value if so, and throws IAE if not.
checkArgumentPresent(Optional<T>, Object) - Static method in class google.registry.util.PreconditionsUtils
Checks if the provided Optional is present, returns its value if so, and throws IAE if not.
checkArgumentPresent(Optional<T>, String, Object...) - Static method in class google.registry.util.PreconditionsUtils
Checks if the provided Optional is present, returns its value if so, and throws IAE if not.
CheckBulkComplianceAction - Class in google.registry.batch
An action that checks all BulkPricingPackage objects for compliance with their max create limit.
CheckBulkComplianceAction(SendEmailUtils, Clock, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class google.registry.batch.CheckBulkComplianceAction
checkCertificate(String) - Method in class google.registry.flows.certs.CertificateChecker
Converts a given string to a certificate and checks it for violations, returning a list of all the violations the certificate has.
checkCertificate(X509Certificate) - Method in class google.registry.flows.certs.CertificateChecker
Checks a given certificate for violations and returns a list of all the violations the certificate has.
CheckData - Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
The "chkDataType" complex type.
CheckData() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData
CheckData.Check - Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
The response for a check on a single resource.
CheckData.CheckID - Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
The id for a resource in a check response.
CheckData.CheckName - Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
The name for a resource in a check response.
CheckData.CheckNameOrID - Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
The "checkNameType" and "checkIDType" types.
CheckData.ContactCheck - Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
A version with contact namespacing.
CheckData.ContactCheckData - Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
A version with contact namespacing.
CheckData.DomainCheck - Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
A version with domain namespacing.
CheckData.DomainCheckData - Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
A version with domain namespacing.
CheckData.HostCheck - Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
A version with host namespacing.
CheckData.HostCheckData - Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
A version with host namespacing.
checkDatasetExists(String) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection
Helper that returns true if a dataset with this name exists.
checkDomainsWithToken(List<InternetDomainName>, String, String, DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.token.AllocationTokenFlowUtils
Checks if the allocation token applies to the given domain names, used for domain checks.
CheckedBigquery - Class in google.registry.bigquery
Wrapper of Bigquery with validation helpers.
checkExecutionState() - Method in class
Run any pre-execute command checks and return true if they all pass.
checkExecutionState() - Method in class
checkExists(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedListDao
Returns whether the reserved list of the given name exists.
checkFieldsNotNull(ImmutableList<String>, SchemaAndRecord) - Static method in class google.registry.beam.BeamUtils
Checks that no expected fields in the record are missing.
checkForBlockabilityChanges() - Method in class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DomainsRefresher
checkForDefaultToken(Tld, String, FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName, String, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
Checks if there is a valid default token to be used for a domain create command.
checkHasBillingAccount(String, String) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
Check if the registrar has the correct billing account map configured.
CheckID() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.CheckID
checkLinkedDomains(String, DateTime, Class<R>) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils
Check whether if there are domains linked to the resource to be deleted.
CheckName() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.CheckName
CheckNameOrID() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.CheckNameOrID
checkNoInheritanceRelationships(ImmutableSet<Class<?>>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.TypeUtils
checkPermission(User, String, ConsolePermission) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction
checkRequest - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.HealthCheck
checkResourcesExist(Class<T>, Collection<String>, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.EppResourceUtils
Checks multiple EppResource objects from the database by unique ids.
checkResponse - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.HealthCheck
checkSameValuesNotAddedAndRemoved(ImmutableSet<?>, ImmutableSet<?>) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils
Check that the same values aren't being added and removed in an update command.
checksums() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadSchedule.CompletedJob
Returns the value of the checksums record component.
CHECKSUMS_DO_NOT_MATCH - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.DownloadStage
The terminal stage indicating that the downloads are not processed because their BSA-generated checksums do not match those calculated by us.
checkTableExists(String, String) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection
Helper that returns true if a table with this name and dataset name exists.
checkValidEmail(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
Verifies that the email address in question is not null and has a valid format.
checkValidity() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.TimedTransitionProperty
Checks whether this TimedTransitionProperty is in a valid state, i.e.
chg - Variable in class
chg - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainUpdate
chg - Variable in class
chg - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsUpdate
CidrAddressBlock - Class in google.registry.util
Class representing an RFC 1519 CIDR IP address block.
CidrAddressBlock(String) - Constructor for class google.registry.util.CidrAddressBlock
Attempts to parse the given String into a CIDR block.
CidrAddressBlock(String, int) - Constructor for class google.registry.util.CidrAddressBlock
Attempts to parse the given String and int into a CIDR block.
CidrAddressBlock(InetAddress) - Constructor for class google.registry.util.CidrAddressBlock
CidrAddressBlock(InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class google.registry.util.CidrAddressBlock
CidrAddressBlock.CidrAddressBlockAdapter - Class in google.registry.util
CidrAddressBlockAdapter() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.CidrAddressBlock.CidrAddressBlockAdapter
CidrBlockListUserType - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
Hibernate custom type for List of CidrAddressBlock.
CidrBlockListUserType() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.CidrBlockListUserType
CircularList<T> - Class in google.registry.util
Class that stores value <T>, and points in circle to other CircularList objects.
CircularList(T) - Constructor for class google.registry.util.CircularList
Standard constructor for CircularList that initializes its stored value.
CircularList.AbstractBuilder<T,C> - Class in google.registry.util
As CircularList represents one component of the entire list, it requires a builder to create the full list.
CircularList.Builder<T> - Class in google.registry.util
Default Builder to create a standard instance of a CircularList.
city - Variable in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address
city - Variable in class
city - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkAddrType
city - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarAddrType
CITY - Static variable in class
CITY - Static variable in class
Listed by .contactcreate.
claimKey - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCdType
CLAIMS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCheckExtension.CheckType
A check to see if there are matching trademarks on the specified domain names.
CLAIMS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.tmch.LordnTaskUtils.LordnPhase
CLAIMS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCheckFormType
CLAIMS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchPhaseTypeValue
CLAIMS - Static variable in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchPhase
The Trademark Claims phase, as defined in the TMCH Functional Specification, in which a Claims Notice must be displayed to a prospective registrant of a domain name that matches trademarks.
ClaimsList - Class in google.registry.model.tmch
A list of TMCH claims labels and their associated claims keys.
ClaimsList() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.tmch.ClaimsList
claimsListCachingSeconds - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Caching
ClaimsListDao - Class in google.registry.model.tmch
Data access object for ClaimsList.
ClaimsListParser - Class in google.registry.tmch
Claims List (MarksDB DNL CSV) Parser.
ClaimsListParser() - Constructor for class google.registry.tmch.ClaimsListParser
ClassProcessingTypeAdapterFactory - Class in google.registry.model.adapters
Adapter factory that allows for (de)serialization of Class objects in GSON.
ClassProcessingTypeAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.adapters.ClassProcessingTypeAdapterFactory
ClassTypeAdapter - Class in google.registry.model.adapters
TypeAdapter for Class objects.
ClassTypeAdapter() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.adapters.ClassTypeAdapter
clazz - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCDType
clazz - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06InfData
clazz - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Check
clazz - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
clazz - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
clazz - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCheckType
clazzs - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
clID - Variable in class
clID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
clID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginType
clID - Variable in class
clID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
clID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
clID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
CLID - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormFields
Form field for EPP client identifiers.
client - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeRrType
CLIENT_APPROVED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferStatus
CLIENT_APPROVED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomTrStatusType
CLIENT_CANCELLED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferStatus
CLIENT_CANCELLED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomTrStatusType
CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_HASH_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_HASH_KEY - Static variable in class google.registry.proxy.handler.EppServiceHandler
Attribute key to the client certificate hash whose value is set when the certificate promise is fulfilled.
CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PROMISE_KEY - Static variable in class google.registry.networking.handler.SslServerInitializer
Attribute key to the client certificate promise whose value is set when SSL handshake completes successfully.
CLIENT_DELETE_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
CLIENT_DELETE_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class
CLIENT_DELETE_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
CLIENT_DELETE_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class
CLIENT_HOLD - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
CLIENT_HOLD - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
CLIENT_ID_KEY - Static variable in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppMessage
Key that allows for substitution of epp user id to xml template.
CLIENT_ID_PARAM - Static variable in class
CLIENT_PASSWORD_KEY - Static variable in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppMessage
Key that allows for substitution of epp password to xml template.
CLIENT_REJECTED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferStatus
CLIENT_REJECTED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomTrStatusType
CLIENT_RENEW_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
CLIENT_RENEW_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
CLIENT_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
CLIENT_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class
CLIENT_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
CLIENT_TRID_KEY - Static variable in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppMessage
Key that allows for substitution ofclTrid to xml template.
CLIENT_UPDATE_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
CLIENT_UPDATE_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class
CLIENT_UPDATE_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
CLIENT_UPDATE_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class
clientId - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryTool
clientId() - Method in record class google.registry.reporting.spec11.RegistrarThreatMatches
Returns the value of the clientId record component.
clientSecret - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryTool
Clock - Interface in google.registry.util
A clock that tells the current time in milliseconds or nanoseconds.
clone(T) - Static method in class google.registry.model.ImmutableObject
Returns a clone of the given object.
cloneAndLinkReferences(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Create
Creates a copy of this DomainCommand.Create with hard links to hosts and contacts.
cloneAndLinkReferences(DateTime) - Method in interface google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.CreateOrUpdate
Creates a copy of this command with hard links to hosts and contacts.
cloneAndLinkReferences(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Update
Creates a copy of this DomainCommand.Update with hard links to hosts and contacts.
cloneContactProjectedAtTime(T, DateTime) - Static method in class
Clones the contact (or subclass).
cloneEmptyToNull(T) - Static method in class google.registry.model.ImmutableObject
Returns a clone of the given object with empty fields set to null.
cloneEmptyToNull(T) - Static method in class google.registry.model.ModelUtils
Returns a clone of the object and sets empty collections, arrays, maps and strings to null.
cloneProjectedAtTime(DateTime) - Method in class
cloneProjectedAtTime(DateTime) - Method in class
cloneProjectedAtTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.Domain
cloneProjectedAtTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
cloneProjectedAtTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource
Return a clone of the resource with timed status values modified using the given time.
cloneProjectedAtTime(DateTime) - Method in class
cloneWithDomainRepoId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsData
cloneWithoutDomainRepoId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsData
close() - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection
Closes the BigqueryConnection object by shutting down the executor service.
close() - Method in interface google.registry.keyring.api.Keyring
close() - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyring
No persistent resources are maintained for this Keyring implementation.
close() - Method in class google.registry.rde.RydeEncoder
close() - Method in class google.registry.util.CapturingLogHandler
close() - Method in class google.registry.util.HexDumper
Writes out the final line (if incomplete) and invalidates this object.
close() - Method in class google.registry.util.ImprovedInputStream
Logs byte count, checks byte count (optional), closes (optional), and self-sabotages.
close() - Method in class google.registry.util.ImprovedOutputStream
Flushes, logs byte count, checks byte count (optional), closes (optional), and self-sabotages.
close() - Method in class google.registry.util.TeeOutputStream
Closes the stream.
close(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelPromise) - Method in class google.registry.client.EppClientHandler
CLOUD_TASKS_RETRY_HEADER - Static variable in class google.registry.dns.PublishDnsUpdatesAction
cloudDns - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
CloudDns() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.CloudDns
CloudDnsCountQueryCoordinator - Class in google.registry.reporting.icann
DNS Count query that relies on a table Cloud DNS publishes internally to Google.
CloudDnsCountQueryCoordinator() - Constructor for class google.registry.reporting.icann.CloudDnsCountQueryCoordinator
CloudDnsWriter - Class in google.registry.dns.writer.clouddns
DnsWriter implementation that talks to Google Cloud DNS.
CloudDnsWriterModule - Class in google.registry.dns.writer.clouddns
Dagger module for Google Cloud DNS service connection objects.
cloudSql - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
CloudSql() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.CloudSql
CloudSqlCredentialSupplier - Class in google.registry.persistence.transaction
Supplier class to provide Credential for Cloud SQL library.
CloudSqlCredentialSupplier() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.transaction.CloudSqlCredentialSupplier
CloudTasksUtils - Class in google.registry.batch
Utilities for dealing with Cloud Tasks.
CloudTasksUtils(Retrier, Clock, String, String, String, GoogleCredentialsBundle, CloudTasksUtils.SerializableCloudTasksClient) - Constructor for class google.registry.batch.CloudTasksUtils
CloudTasksUtils.GcpCloudTasksClient - Class in google.registry.batch
CloudTasksUtils.SerializableCloudTasksClient - Class in google.registry.batch
CloudTasksUtilsModule - Class in google.registry.config
A Module that provides CloudTasksUtils.
CloudTasksUtilsModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.CloudTasksUtilsModule
clTRID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
clTRID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTrIDType
code - Variable in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
A four-digit (positive) number that describes the success or failure of the command.
code - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResultType
code - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.XjcIirdeaResult
code - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCodeMarkType
codeMarks - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreate
CollectionUtils - Class in google.registry.util
Utility methods related to collections.
CollectionUtils() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
COLLISION_MESSAGE - Static variable in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
Warning message for allocation of collision domains in sunrise.
COLUMNS_CLAIMS - Static variable in class google.registry.tmch.LordnTaskUtils
COLUMNS_SUNRISE - Static variable in class google.registry.tmch.LordnTaskUtils
command - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEpp
command - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCDType
command - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCheckType
command - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06InfData
command - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Info
command - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Check
command - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
Command - Interface in
Interface of all commands.
COMMAND_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
COMMAND_MAP - Static variable in class
Available commands.
COMMAND_USE_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
commandName() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric
Returns the value of the commandName record component.
commandName() - Method in record class google.registry.whois.WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric
Returns the value of the commandName record component.
commands - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12Check
commands - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12ObjectCDType
CommandUseErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.CommandUseErrorException
CommandWithConnection - Interface in
A command that can send HTTP requests to a backend module.
CommandWrapper() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.CommandWrapper
commit() - Method in class google.registry.dns.writer.BaseDnsWriter
commit() - Method in interface google.registry.dns.writer.DnsWriter
Commits the updates to the DNS server atomically.
COMMIT_FAILURE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.dns.DnsMetrics.ActionStatus
commitUnchecked() - Method in class google.registry.dns.writer.BaseDnsWriter
Commits DNS updates.
commitUnchecked() - Method in class google.registry.dns.writer.clouddns.CloudDnsWriter
Sync changes in a zone requested by publishDomain and publishHost to Cloud DNS.
commitUnchecked() - Method in class google.registry.dns.writer.dnsupdate.DnsUpdateWriter
commitUnchecked() - Method in class google.registry.dns.writer.VoidDnsWriter
CommonMarkContactFields - Class in google.registry.model.mark
Common fields shared amongst all mark contact subclasses.
CommonMarkContactFields() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.mark.CommonMarkContactFields
CommonMarkFields - Class in google.registry.model.mark
Common fields shared amongst all mark instances.
CommonMarkFields() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.mark.CommonMarkFields
comparator - Variable in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer.WhereClause
compareResults(Method, Object, Object) - Method in class google.registry.util.ComparingInvocationHandler
Checks whether the method results are as similar as we expect.
compareThrown(Method, Throwable, Throwable) - Method in class google.registry.util.ComparingInvocationHandler
Checks whether the thrown exceptions are as similar as we expect.
compareTo(D) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.DomainLabelEntry
ComparingInvocationHandler<T> - Class in google.registry.util
Abstract InvocationHandler comparing two implementations of some interface.
ComparingInvocationHandler(Class<T>, T, T) - Constructor for class google.registry.util.ComparingInvocationHandler
Creates a new InvocationHandler for the given interface.
CompletedJob(String, ImmutableMap<BlockListType, String>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadSchedule.CompletedJob
Creates an instance of a CompletedJob record class.
Component Definition - Search tag in class google.registry.request.RequestHandler
computeExDateForApprovalTime(DomainBase, DateTime, Period) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils
Computes the exDate for the domain at the given transfer approval time with an adjusted amount of transfer period years if the domain is in the auto renew grace period at the time of approval.
computeLastTransferTime(Domain) - Method in class
Compute the correct last transfer time for this host given its loaded superordinate domain.
Concurrent - Class in google.registry.util
Utilities for multithreaded operations.
CONFIG_SETTINGS - Static variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Memoizes loading of the RegistryConfigSettings POJO.
CONFIGURE_EPP_CONNECTION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Set up the EPP connection (e.g.
ConfigureFeatureFlagCommand - Class in
Command for creating and updating FeatureFlag objects.
ConfigureFeatureFlagCommand() - Constructor for class
ConfigureTldCommand - Class in
Command to create or update a Tld using a YAML file.
ConfigureTldCommand() - Constructor for class
ConfigUtils - Class in google.registry.config
Helper methods for configuration classes.
ConfirmingCommand - Class in
A Command that implements a confirmation step before executing.
ConfirmingCommand() - Constructor for class
ConflictException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.ConflictException
CONNECTION_FUTURE_KEY - Static variable in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.ProbingAction
AttributeKey in channel that gives ChannelFuture that is set to success when channel is active.
ConnectionException - Exception Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.exception
Subclass of UndeterminedStateException that represents all instances when the action performed failed due to an issue in the connection with the server.
ConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.exception.ConnectionException
ConnectionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.exception.ConnectionException
connectionIsolation - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Hibernate
CONSOLE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.flows.EppRequestSource
CONSOLE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.Action.GkeService
ConsoleApiAction - Class in google.registry.ui.server.console
Base class for handling Console API requests
ConsoleApiAction(ConsoleApiParams) - Constructor for class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction
ConsoleApiAction.EmailInfo - Record Class in google.registry.ui.server.console
consoleApiParams - Variable in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction
ConsoleApiParams - Record Class in google.registry.ui.server.console
Groups necessary dependencies for Console API actions *
ConsoleApiParams(HttpServletRequest, Response, AuthResult, SendEmailUtils, XsrfTokenManager, Gson) - Constructor for record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiParams
Creates an instance of a ConsoleApiParams record class.
consoleBulkDomainAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent
ConsoleBulkDomainAction - Class in
Console endpoint to perform the same action to a list of domains.
ConsoleBulkDomainAction(ConsoleApiParams, EppController, String, String, Optional<JsonElement>) - Constructor for class
ConsoleBulkDomainAction.BulkDomainList - Record Class in
All requests must include at least a list of domain names on which to perform the action.
ConsoleBulkDomainAction.ConsoleEppOutput - Record Class in
ConsoleBulkDomainDeleteActionType - Class in
An action that will run a delete EPP command on the given domain.
ConsoleBulkDomainDeleteActionType(JsonElement) - Constructor for class
ConsoleBulkDomainSuspendActionType - Class in
An action that will suspend the given domain, assigning all 5 server*Prohibited statuses.
ConsoleBulkDomainSuspendActionType(JsonElement) - Constructor for class
ConsoleBulkDomainUnsuspendActionType - Class in
An action that will unsuspend the given domain, removing all 5 server*Prohibited statuses.
ConsoleBulkDomainUnsuspendActionType(JsonElement) - Constructor for class
ConsoleConfigModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.ui.ConsoleDebug.ConsoleConfigModule
ConsoleDebug - Enum Class in google.registry.ui
Enum defining which JS/CSS files get rendered in a soy templates.
ConsoleDebug.ConsoleConfigModule - Class in google.registry.ui
Dagger module for ConsoleDebug.
ConsoleDomainActionType - Class in
A type of EPP action to perform on domain(s), run by the ConsoleBulkDomainAction.
ConsoleDomainActionType(JsonElement) - Constructor for class
consoleDomainGetAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent
ConsoleDomainGetAction - Class in google.registry.ui.server.console
Returns a JSON representation of a domain to the registrar console.
ConsoleDomainGetAction(ConsoleApiParams, String) - Constructor for class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleDomainGetAction
consoleDomainListAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent
ConsoleDomainListAction - Class in google.registry.ui.server.console
Returns a (paginated) list of domains for a particular registrar.
ConsoleDomainListAction(ConsoleApiParams, String, Optional<DateTime>, Optional<Integer>, Optional<Integer>, Optional<Long>, Optional<String>) - Constructor for class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleDomainListAction
consoleDumDownloadAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent
ConsoleDumDownloadAction - Class in google.registry.ui.server.console
ConsoleDumDownloadAction(Clock, ConsoleApiParams, String, String) - Constructor for class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleDumDownloadAction
ConsoleEppActionHistory - Class in google.registry.model.console
A persisted history object representing an EPP action via the console.
ConsoleEppActionHistory() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleEppActionHistory
ConsoleEppActionHistory.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.console
Builder for the immutable UserUpdateHistory.
ConsoleEppOutput(String, int) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a ConsoleEppOutput record class.
consoleEppPasswordAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent
ConsoleEppPasswordAction - Class in google.registry.ui.server.console
ConsoleEppPasswordAction(ConsoleApiParams, AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor, Optional<ConsoleEppPasswordAction.EppPasswordData>) - Constructor for class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleEppPasswordAction
ConsoleEppPasswordAction.EppPasswordData - Record Class in google.registry.ui.server.console
ConsoleModule - Class in google.registry.ui.server.console
Dagger module for the Registrar Console parameters.
ConsoleModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleModule
consoleOteAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent
ConsoleOteAction - Class in google.registry.ui.server.console
ConsoleOteAction(ConsoleApiParams, IamClient, String, Optional<String>, StringGenerator, Optional<ConsoleOteAction.OteCreateData>) - Constructor for class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleOteAction
ConsoleOteAction.OteCreateData - Record Class in google.registry.ui.server.console
ConsolePermission - Enum Class in google.registry.model.console
Permissions that users may have in the UI, either per-registrar or globally.
consoleRegistryLockAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent
ConsoleRegistryLockAction - Class in google.registry.ui.server.console
Handler for retrieving / creating registry lock requests in the console.
ConsoleRegistryLockAction(ConsoleApiParams, DomainLockUtils, GmailClient, Optional<ConsoleRegistryLockAction.ConsoleRegistryLockPostInput>, String) - Constructor for class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleRegistryLockAction
ConsoleRegistryLockAction.ConsoleRegistryLockPostInput - Record Class in google.registry.ui.server.console
ConsoleRegistryLockPostInput(String, boolean, String, Long) - Constructor for record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleRegistryLockAction.ConsoleRegistryLockPostInput
Creates an instance of a ConsoleRegistryLockPostInput record class.
consoleRegistryLockVerifyAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent
ConsoleRegistryLockVerifyAction - Class in google.registry.ui.server.console
Handler for verifying registry lock requests, a form of 2FA.
ConsoleRegistryLockVerifyAction(ConsoleApiParams, DomainLockUtils, String) - Constructor for class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleRegistryLockVerifyAction
ConsoleRoleDefinitions - Class in google.registry.model.console
Definitions of the ConsolePermission sets that each role contains.
ConsoleUpdateHistory - Class in google.registry.model.console
A record of a resource that was updated through the console.
ConsoleUpdateHistory() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory
ConsoleUpdateHistory.Builder<T,B> - Class in google.registry.model.console
Builder for the immutable ConsoleUpdateHistory.
ConsoleUpdateHistory.Type - Enum Class in google.registry.model.console
consoleUpdateRegistrarAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent
ConsoleUpdateRegistrarAction - Class in google.registry.ui.server.console
consoleUserDataAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent
ConsoleUserDataAction - Class in google.registry.ui.server.console
ConsoleUserDataAction(ConsoleApiParams, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleUserDataAction
consoleUserGroupEmailAddress - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.GSuite
consoleUsersAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent
ConsoleUsersAction - Class in google.registry.ui.server.console
ConsoleUsersAction(ConsoleApiParams, Directory, IamClient, String, Optional<String>, StringGenerator, Optional<ConsoleUsersAction.UserData>, String) - Constructor for class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleUsersAction
ConsoleUsersAction.UserData - Record Class in google.registry.ui.server.console
contact - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpPurposeType
Contact - Search tag in class google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipeline
Contact - Class in
A persistable contact resource including mutable and non-mutable fields.
Contact() - Constructor for class
CONTACT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Type
CONTACT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.rde.RdeResourceType
CONTACT - Enum constant in enum class
CONTACT_ALLOWED_TO_SET_REGISTRY_LOCK_PASSWORD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
CONTACT_CHECK - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
CONTACT_CREATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
CONTACT_CREATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
CONTACT_CREATES - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
CONTACT_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
CONTACT_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
CONTACT_DELETE_FAILURE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
CONTACT_DELETES - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
CONTACT_EMAIL_ADDRESS_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
CONTACT_FAX_NUMBER_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
CONTACT_ID - Static variable in class
CONTACT_ID - Static variable in class
Listed by .createanchortenant.
CONTACT_INFO - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
CONTACT_NAME_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
CONTACT_PENDING_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
CONTACT_PHONE_NUMBER_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
CONTACT_REGISTRY_LOCK_PASSWORD_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
CONTACT_SUPPORT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Send messages to the registry support team.
CONTACT_TRANSFER_APPROVE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
CONTACT_TRANSFER_APPROVE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
CONTACT_TRANSFER_APPROVES - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
CONTACT_TRANSFER_CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
CONTACT_TRANSFER_CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
CONTACT_TRANSFER_CANCELS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
CONTACT_TRANSFER_QUERY - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
CONTACT_TRANSFER_REJECT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
CONTACT_TRANSFER_REJECT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
CONTACT_TRANSFER_REJECTS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
CONTACT_TRANSFER_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
CONTACT_TRANSFER_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
CONTACT_TRANSFER_REQUESTS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
CONTACT_TYPES - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
CONTACT_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
CONTACT_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
CONTACT_UPDATES - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
CONTACT_VISIBLE_IN_WHOIS_AS_ADMIN_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
CONTACT_VISIBLE_IN_WHOIS_AS_TECH_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
Contact.Builder - Class in
A builder for constructing Contact, since it is immutable.
contactAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent
ContactAction - Class in google.registry.ui.server.console.settings
ContactAction(ConsoleApiParams, String, Optional<ImmutableSet<RegistrarPoc>>) - Constructor for class google.registry.ui.server.console.settings.ContactAction
ContactAddress - Class in
EPP Contact Address
ContactAddress() - Constructor for class
ContactAddress.Builder - Class in
Builder for ContactAddress.
contactAndHostRoidSuffix - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
ContactAuthInfo - Class in
A version of authInfo specifically for contacts.
ContactAuthInfo() - Constructor for class
contactAutomaticTransferDays - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
ContactBase - Class in
A persistable contact resource including mutable and non-mutable fields.
ContactBase() - Constructor for class
ContactBase.Builder<T,B> - Class in
A builder for constructing Contact, since it is immutable.
ContactCheck() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.ContactCheck
ContactCheckData() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.ContactCheckData
contactCheckFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
ContactCheckFlow - Class in
An EPP flow that checks whether a contact can be provisioned.
ContactCommand - Class in
A collection of Contact commands.
ContactCommand() - Constructor for class
ContactCommand.AbstractContactAuthCommand - Class in
An abstract contact command that contains authorization info.
ContactCommand.Check - Class in
A check request for Contact.
ContactCommand.ContactCreateOrChange - Class in
The fields on "chgType" from RFC5733.
ContactCommand.Create - Class in
A create command for a Contact, mapping "createType" from RFC5733}.
ContactCommand.Delete - Class in
A delete command for a Contact.
ContactCommand.Info - Class in
An info request for a Contact.
ContactCommand.Transfer - Class in
A transfer operation for a Contact.
ContactCommand.Update - Class in
An update to a Contact.
ContactCommand.Update.AddRemove - Class in
The inner change type on a contact update command.
ContactCommand.Update.Change - Class in
The inner change type on a contact update command.
CONTACTCREATE - Static variable in class
CONTACTCREATE - Static variable in class
The full template name of the contactcreate template.
CONTACTCREATE__NAME - Static variable in class
ContactCreateData() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CreateData.ContactCreateData
contactCreateFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
ContactCreateFlow - Class in
An EPP flow that creates a new contact.
ContactCreateOrChange() - Constructor for class
ContactCreateSoyInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
ContactCreateSoyInfo.ContactcreateSoyTemplateInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
ContactCreateSoyInfo.Param - Class in
ContactCreateSoyInfo.TemplateName - Class in
contactDeleteFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
ContactDeleteFlow - Class in
An EPP flow that deletes a contact.
ContactFlowUtils - Class in
Static utility functions for contact flows.
ContactFlowUtils() - Constructor for class
contactHistory - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
ContactHistory - Class in
A persisted history entry representing an EPP modification to a contact.
ContactHistory() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.ContactHistory
ContactHistory() - Constructor for class
ContactHistory.Builder - Class in
ContactInfoData - Class in
The EppResponse.ResponseData returned for an EPP info flow on a contact.
ContactInfoData() - Constructor for class
ContactInfoData.Builder - Class in
Builder for ContactInfoData.
contactInfoFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
ContactInfoFlow - Class in
An EPP flow that returns information about a contact.
ContactPendingActionNotificationResponse() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.poll.PendingActionNotificationResponse.ContactPendingActionNotificationResponse
ContactPhoneNumber - Class in
EPP Contact Phone Number
ContactPhoneNumber() - Constructor for class
ContactPhoneNumber.Builder - Class in
Builder for ContactPhoneNumber.
contacts - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAddRemType
contacts - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreate
contacts - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
contacts - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
contacts - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
contacts - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
contacts - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
contacts() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction.EmailInfo
Returns the value of the contacts record component.
CONTACTS_AS_MAPS - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
contactTransferApproveFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
ContactTransferApproveFlow - Class in
An EPP flow that approves a pending transfer on a contact.
contactTransferCancelFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
ContactTransferCancelFlow - Class in
An EPP flow that cancels a pending transfer on a contact.
ContactTransferData - Class in google.registry.model.transfer
Transfer data for contact.
ContactTransferData() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.transfer.ContactTransferData
ContactTransferData.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.transfer
contactTransferQueryFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
ContactTransferQueryFlow - Class in
An EPP flow that queries a pending transfer on a contact.
contactTransferRejectFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
ContactTransferRejectFlow - Class in
An EPP flow that rejects a pending transfer on a contact.
contactTransferRequestFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
ContactTransferRequestFlow - Class in
An EPP flow that requests a transfer on a contact.
ContactTransferResponse() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferResponse.ContactTransferResponse
contactUpdateFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
ContactUpdateFlow - Class in
An EPP flow that updates a contact.
contains(CidrAddressBlock) - Method in class google.registry.util.CidrAddressBlock
Returns true if the supplied CidrAddressBlock is within this CidrAddressBlock, false otherwise.
contains(String) - Method in class google.registry.util.CidrAddressBlock
Returns true if the supplied String is within this CidrAddressBlock, false otherwise.
contains(InetAddress) - Method in class google.registry.util.CidrAddressBlock
Returns true if the supplied InetAddress is within this CidrAddressBlock, false otherwise.
content - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigCanonicalizationMethod
content - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDigestMethod
content - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigKeyInfo
content - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigKeyValue
content - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigObject
content - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureMethod
content - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureProperty
content - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigTransform
content - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppErrValueType
content - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMixedMsgType
content - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpMixedType
content - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportTextType
content() - Method in record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Attachment
Returns the value of the content record component.
contents - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeContentsType
contents - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
contentType() - Method in record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Attachment
Returns the value of the contentType record component.
contentType() - Method in record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage
Returns the value of the contentType record component.
contributeTypes(TypeContributions, ServiceRegistry) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.NomulusPostgreSQLDialect
convert(I) - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField
Convert and validate a raw user-supplied value.
convert(String) - Method in class google.registry.client.EppClient.InetAddressConverter
convert(String) - Method in class
convert(String) - Method in class
convert(String) - Method in class
convert(String) - Method in class
convert(String) - Method in class
convert(String) - Method in class
convert(String) - Method in class
convert(String) - Method in class
convert(String) - Method in class
convert(String) - Method in class
convert(String) - Method in class
convert(String) - Method in class
convert(String) - Method in class
convert(String) - Method in class
convert(String) - Method in class
convert(String) - Method in class
convert(String) - Method in class
convert(String) - Method in class
convert(String) - Method in class
convert(String) - Method in class
convertAmountToMoney(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumList
Converts a raw BigDecimal amount to a Money by applying the list's currency.
convertFilePathToName(Path) - Static method in class google.registry.util.ListNamingUtils
Turns a file path into a name suitable for use as the name of a premium or reserved list.
convertFromCurrency(CurrencyUnit) - Static method in class google.registry.model.adapters.CurrencyUnitAdapter
convertFromString(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.adapters.CurrencyUnitAdapter
convertPublicKeyToBytes(PGPPublicKey) - Static method in class google.registry.keyring.api.PgpHelper
Converts publicKey to bytes.
convertToDatabaseColumn(BloomFilter<String>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.BloomFilterConverter
convertToDatabaseColumn(VKey<? extends T>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.VKeyConverter
convertToDatabaseColumn(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.DateTimeConverter
convertToDatabaseColumn(LocalDate) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.LocalDateConverter
convertToDatabaseColumn(CurrencyUnit) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.CurrencyUnitConverter
convertToDuration(PGInterval) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.DurationUserType
convertToEntityAttribute(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.BloomFilterConverter
convertToEntityAttribute(C) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.VKeyConverter
convertToEntityAttribute(String) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.CurrencyUnitConverter
convertToEntityAttribute(Date) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.LocalDateConverter
convertToEntityAttribute(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.DateTimeConverter
convertToPGInterval(Duration) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.DurationUserType
copy(HistoryEntry, HistoryEntry) - Static method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
copyConstantFieldsToBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData
copyConstantFieldsToBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferData
Returns a fresh Builder populated only with the constant fields of this TransferData, i.e.
copyDetailReportAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
CopyDetailReportsAction - Class in google.registry.reporting.billing
Copy all registrar detail reports in a given bucket's subdirectory from GCS to Drive.
copyFrom(ContactBase) - Method in class
copyFrom(DomainBase) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.Domain.Builder
copyFrom(HostBase) - Method in class
copyFrom(HistoryEntry) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Builder
copyFrom(HistoryEntry.Builder<? extends HistoryEntry, ?>) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Builder
copyUpdateTimestamp(UpdateAutoTimestampEntity) - Method in class google.registry.model.UpdateAutoTimestampEntity
Copies UpdateAutoTimestampEntity.updateTimestamp from another entity.
count - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMsgQType
count() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer
Returns the number of results of the query.
count(long) - Method in class google.registry.rde.LoggingSftpProgressMonitor
COUNTRY_CODE - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormFields
Two-letter ISO country code form field.
COUNTRY_CODE_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
countryCode - Variable in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address
counts - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdeheader.XjcRdeHeader
CourtMark - Class in google.registry.model.mark
Holds information about a mark derived from a court opinion.
CourtMark() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.mark.CourtMark
courtName - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
courts - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkMarkType
CRASH - Enum constant in enum class
CRASH - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.util.RegistryEnvironment
Load/Backup/Restore Testing environment.
crDate - Variable in class
crDate - Variable in class
crDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreData
crDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
crDate - Variable in class
crDate - Variable in class
crDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
crDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
crDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
crDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndn
crDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
crDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
create - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
create() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.CloudSqlCredentialSupplier
create() - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.DummyJpaTransactionManager
Constructs a dummy JpaTransactionManager instance.
create() - Static method in class google.registry.util.SelfSignedCaCertificate
create() - Static method in class google.registry.util.TimeLimiter
create(boolean, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCheckResponseExtension.LaunchCheckName
create(boolean, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.CheckID
create(boolean, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.CheckName
create(boolean, String, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.ContactCheck
create(boolean, String, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.DomainCheck
create(boolean, String, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.HostCheck
create(boolean, Money, Money) - Static method in class google.registry.model.pricing.PremiumPricingEngine.DomainPrices
create(int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsData
create(int, int, int, byte[], String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsData
create(int, int, int, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsData
create(int, Period.Unit) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.Period
create(long, BlockOrder.OrderType) - Static method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockOrder
create(B2) - Static method in class google.registry.util.NullIgnoringCollectionBuilder
create(GoogleJsonResponseException) - Static method in exception class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryJobFailureException
Create an error for JSON server response errors.
create(JobStatus) - Static method in exception class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryJobFailureException
Create an error from a failed job.
create(GoogleCredentials) - Static method in class google.registry.util.GoogleCredentialsBundle
Creates a GoogleCredentialsBundle instance from given GoogleCredentials.
create(ImmutableList<CheckData.ContactCheck>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.ContactCheckData
create(ImmutableList<CheckData.DomainCheck>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.DomainCheckData
create(ImmutableList<CheckData.HostCheck>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.HostCheckData
create(ImmutableSet<GracePeriodStatus>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.RgpInfoExtension
create(ImmutableSet<DomainDsData>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.SecDnsInfoExtension
create(Gson, TypeToken<T>) - Method in class google.registry.model.adapters.ClassProcessingTypeAdapterFactory
create(Gson, TypeToken<T>) - Method in class
create(BsaDownload) - Static method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadSchedule.CompletedJob
create(PostalInfo.Type) - Static method in class
create(DesignatedContact.Type, VKey<Contact>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.DesignatedContact
create(DesignatedContact.Type, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.ForeignKeyedDesignatedContact
create(FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName, String, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeExtensionCommandDescriptor
create(LaunchCheckResponseExtension.LaunchCheckName, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCheckResponseExtension.LaunchCheck
create(LaunchPhase, ImmutableList<LaunchCheckResponseExtension.LaunchCheck>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCheckResponseExtension
create(GracePeriodStatus, String, DateTime, String, VKey<BillingEvent>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriod
Creates a GracePeriod for an (optional) OneTime billing event.
create(GracePeriodStatus, String, DateTime, String, VKey<BillingEvent>, Long) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriod
Creates a GracePeriod for an (optional) OneTime billing event and a given GracePeriodBase.gracePeriodId.
create(DomainDsDataHistory) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsData
create(AuthInfo.PasswordAuth) - Static method in class
create(AuthInfo.PasswordAuth) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainAuthInfo
create(EppOutput.ResponseOrGreeting) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppOutput
create(Result.Code) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result
create(Result.Code, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result
create(Registrar, Registrar, ImmutableSet<RegistrarPoc>, ImmutableSet<RegistrarPoc>) - Static method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction.EmailInfo
create(ProbingStep) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingSequence.Builder
create(JpaTransactionManager, Class<T>) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.CriteriaQueryBuilder
Creates a query builder for the given entity manager.
create(QuotaManager.QuotaResponse) - Static method in record class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager.QuotaRebate
create(RdeResourceType, String, String) - Static method in record class google.registry.rde.DepositFragment
create(JsonResponseHelper.Status, String) - Static method in class
create(JsonResponseHelper.Status, String, Iterable<? extends Map<String, ?>>) - Static method in class
Creates a JSON response message securely to the browser client with a parser breaker.
create(JsonResponseHelper.Status, String, Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class
Same as JsonResponseHelper.create(Status, String, Iterable) but with only one results.
create(HttpServletRequest, Response, AuthResult, SendEmailUtils, XsrfTokenManager, Gson) - Static method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiParams
create(IOException) - Static method in exception class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryJobFailureException
Delegate IOException errors, checking for GoogleJsonResponseException
create(Class<C>, Provider<? extends RequestComponentBuilder<C>>, RequestAuthenticator) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RequestHandler
Creates a new RequestHandler with an explicit component class for test purposes.
create(Class<T>) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.CriteriaQueryBuilder
Creates a query builder that will SELECT from the given class.
create(Class<T>, Serializable) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.VKey
Creates a VKey with supplied the SQL primary key.
create(Long, BigDecimal, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumList.PremiumEntry
create(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchPhase
Private create function for the typesafe enum pattern.
create(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.AuthInfo.PasswordAuth
create(String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CidrAddressBlock
Attempts to construct a CIDR block from the IP address and netmask expressed as a String, truncating the IP address as required.
create(String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.SelfSignedCaCertificate
create(String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.SqlTemplate
Returns a new immutable SQL template builder object, for query parameter substitution.
create(String, boolean, Trid, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.poll.PendingActionNotificationResponse.ContactPendingActionNotificationResponse
create(String, boolean, Trid, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.poll.PendingActionNotificationResponse.DomainPendingActionNotificationResponse
create(String, boolean, Trid, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.poll.PendingActionNotificationResponse.HostPendingActionNotificationResponse
create(String, BlockLabel.LabelType, ImmutableSet<String>) - Static method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockLabel
create(String, ReservationType, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedList.ReservedListEntry
Creates a ReservedList.ReservedListEntry from a label, reservation type, and optional comment.
create(String, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.AuthInfo.PasswordAuth
create(String, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Trid
create(String, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.smd.EncodedSignedMark
create(String, String) - Static method in record class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlCredential
create(String, String, SecretVersion.State) - Static method in record class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient.SecretVersionState
create(String, String, InternetAddress) - Static method in record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage
create(String, String, String) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.HibernateSchemaExporter
Constructs a HibernateSchemaExporter instance.
create(String, String, DateTime, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchNotice
create(String, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainRenewData
create(String, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CreateData.ContactCreateData
create(String, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CreateData.HostCreateData
create(String, DateTime, RdeMode, Cursor.CursorType, Duration) - Static method in record class google.registry.rde.PendingDeposit
create(String, DateTime, DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField, int) - Static method in class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord
An alternative construction method when the builder is not necessary.
create(String, DateTime, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CreateData.DomainCreateData
create(String, DateTime, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.util.SelfSignedCaCertificate
create(String, LocalDate, RdeMode) - Static method in class google.registry.model.rde.RdeRevision.RdeRevisionId
create(String, LocalDate, RdeMode, int) - Static method in class google.registry.model.rde.RdeRevision
create(BigDecimal, BaseFee.FeeType, boolean, Range<DateTime>, Object...) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.Fee
Creates a Fee for the given cost, type, and valid date range with the default description.
create(BigDecimal, BaseFee.FeeType, boolean, Object...) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.Fee
Creates a Fee for the given cost and type with the default description.
create(BigDecimal, BaseFee.FeeType, Object...) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.Credit
Creates a Credit for the given amount and type with the default description.
create(InetAddress, int) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CidrAddressBlock
Attempts to construct a CIDR block from the IP address and netmask, truncating the IP address as required.
create(KeyPair, String, DateTime, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.util.SelfSignedCaCertificate
create(Optional<VKey<AllocationToken>>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.bulktoken.BulkTokenResponseExtension
create(DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.CreateAutoTimestamp
create(DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.UpdateAutoTimestamp
create(DateTime, ImmutableMap<String, String>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tmch.ClaimsList
create(DateTime, ImmutableMap<String, DateTime>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.smd.SignedMarkRevocationList
Create a new SignedMarkRevocationList without saving it.
create(DateTime, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Greeting
create(T) - Method in class google.registry.util.CircularList.AbstractBuilder
Necessary to instantiate each C object from value.
create(T) - Method in class google.registry.util.CircularList.Builder
Simply calls on constructor to CircularList to create new instance.
create(T[]) - Static method in class google.registry.util.XmlToEnumMapper
Creates a new XmlToEnumMapper from xml value to enum value.
Create - Class in google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1
Java class for createType complex type
Create() - Constructor for class google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1.Create
Create() - Constructor for class
Create() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Create
Create() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Create
Create() - Constructor for class
CREATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockLabel.LabelType
CREATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockOrder.OrderType
CREATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Reason
CREATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee.FeeType
CREATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName
createAllocationToken() - Method in class ietf.params.xml.ns.allocationtoken_1.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of AllocationToken
CREATEANCHORTENANT - Static variable in class
CREATEANCHORTENANT - Static variable in class
The full template name of the createanchortenant template.
CREATEANCHORTENANT__NAME - Static variable in class
CreateAnchorTenantSoyInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
CreateAnchorTenantSoyInfo.CreateanchortenantSoyTemplateInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
CreateAnchorTenantSoyInfo.Param - Class in
CreateAnchorTenantSoyInfo.TemplateName - Class in
createAndApplyRequest(String) - Method in class
createAndApplyRequest(String) - Method in class
createAndApplyRequest(String) - Method in class
createApp(String) - Static method in record class google.registry.request.auth.AuthResult
CreateAutoTimestamp - Class in google.registry.model
A timestamp that auto-updates when first saved to the database.
CreateAutoTimestamp() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.CreateAutoTimestamp
CreateAutoTimestampDeserializer() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.CreateAutoTimestampDeserializer
CreateAutoTimestampDeserializer(Class<CreateAutoTimestamp>) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.CreateAutoTimestampDeserializer
createBuilderForResource(E) - Static method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
createBulkData() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.bulktoken_1.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of BulkData
CreateBulkPricingPackageCommand - Class in
Command to create a BulkPricingPackage
CreateBulkPricingPackageCommand() - Constructor for class
createCancelingRecords(Domain, DateTime, Duration, ImmutableSet<DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField>) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
Returns a set of DomainTransactionRecords which negate the most recent HistoryEntry's records.
CreateCancellationsForBillingEventsCommand - Class in
Command to create BillingCancellations for specified BillingEvent billing events.
CreateCancellationsForBillingEventsCommand() - Constructor for class
createChanged(UnblockableDomain, UnblockableDomain.Reason) - Static method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomainChange
createConnection(URL) - Method in interface google.registry.request.UrlConnectionService
createCount(JpaTransactionManager, Class<T>) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.CriteriaQueryBuilder
Creates a "count" query for the table for the class.
createCreate() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Create
CreateData - Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
The EppResponse.ResponseData returned when creating a resource.
CreateData() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CreateData
CreateData.ContactCreateData - Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
An acknowledgment message indicating that a contact was created.
CreateData.DomainCreateData - Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
An acknowledgment message indicating that a domain was created.
CreateData.HostCreateData - Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
An acknowledgment message indicating that a host was created.
createDeleted(UnblockableDomain) - Static method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomainChange
createDomainDelete() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of DomainDelete
createDomainRepoId(long, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.EppResourceUtils
Returns the full domain repoId in the format HEX-TLD for the specified long id and tld.
createDomainTransferRequest() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of DomainTransferRequest
createDomainUpdate() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of DomainUpdate
createEmptyBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.ContactTransferData
createEmptyBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData
createEmptyBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferData
createEppVKeyFromString(String) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.VKey
Constructs a VKey for an EppResource from the string representation.
createFile(String, MediaType, String, byte[]) - Method in class
Creates a file with the given parent.
createFolder(String, String) - Method in class
Creates a folder with the given parent.
createFormFieldError(String, String) - Static method in class
Creates a JSON response message when a submitted form field is invalid.
createForRecurrence(GracePeriodStatus, String, DateTime, String, VKey<BillingRecurrence>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriod
Creates a GracePeriod for a Recurrence billing event.
createForRecurrence(GracePeriodStatus, String, DateTime, String, VKey<BillingRecurrence>, Long) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriod
Creates a GracePeriod for a Recurrence billing event and a given GracePeriodBase.gracePeriodId.
createForTesting(ImmutableSetMultimap<String, AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor.Role>) - Static method in class google.registry.request.auth.AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor
Creates a "logged-in user" accessor with a given role map, used for tests.
createFragmentMarshaller() - Method in class google.registry.xml.XmlTransformer
Returns new instance of XmlFragmentMarshaller.
createFrom(long, DomainDsData) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsDataHistory
Creates a DomainDsDataHistory instance from given DomainDsDataHistory.domainHistoryRevisionId and DomainDsData instance.
createFromBytes(BlobId, byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.gcs.GcsUtils
Creates a GCS file with the given byte contents, overwriting existing files.
createFromBytes(BlobInfo, byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.gcs.GcsUtils
Creates a GCS file with the given byte contents and metadata, overwriting existing files.
createFromHistory(GracePeriod.GracePeriodHistory) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriod
createFromLdhDomainName(String) - Static method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapSearchPattern
Creates a SearchPattern using the provided domain search pattern in LDH format.
createFromLdhOrUnicodeDomainName(String) - Static method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapSearchPattern
Creates a SearchPattern using the provided domain search pattern in LDH or Unicode format.
createFromUnicodeString(String) - Static method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapSearchPattern
Creates a SearchPattern using the provided search pattern string in Unicode.
createGainingTransferPollMessage(String, TransferData, DateTime, DateTime, HistoryEntry.HistoryEntryId) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainTransferUtils
Create a poll message for the gaining client in a transfer.
createGlobal(Cursor.CursorType, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.common.Cursor
Creates a new global cursor instance.
createGlobalVKey(Cursor.CursorType) - Static method in class google.registry.model.common.Cursor
createGroup(String) - Method in class google.registry.groups.DirectoryGroupsConnection
createGroup(String) - Method in interface google.registry.groups.GroupsConnection
Creates a group with the given email address (groupKey) that is open for external members to join, and returns it.
createGroupsAction() - Method in interface
CreateGroupsAction - Class in
Action that creates Google Groups for a registrar's mailing lists.
createHistoryEntryId(EppResource) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.FlowUtils
createInfo() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.bulktoken_1.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Info
createInfo(Object) - Method in class ietf.params.xml.ns.allocationtoken_1.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Info
createInManualOperation(String, DateTime, RdeMode, String, Integer) - Static method in record class google.registry.rde.PendingDeposit
createJobName(String, Clock) - Static method in class google.registry.beam.BeamUtils
Creates a beam job name and validates that it conforms to the requirements.
createLosingTransferPollMessage(String, TransferData, DateTime, HistoryEntry.HistoryEntryId) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainTransferUtils
Create a poll message for the losing client in a transfer.
createMetadata() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.metadata_1.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Metadata
createNew(UnblockableDomain) - Static method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomainChange
createObjectMapper() - Static method in class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils
Returns a new ObjectMapper object that can be used to convert an entity to/from YAML.
createOidcToken(GoogleCredentialsBundle, String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.OidcTokenUtils
createOrUpdateCredential(SqlUser, String) - Method in class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlCredentialStore
createOrUpdateFile(String, MediaType, String, byte[]) - Method in class
Creates a file with the given parent or updates the existing one if a file already exists with that same name and parent.
CreateOrUpdateReservedListCommand - Class in
Base class for specification of command line parameters common to creating and updating reserved lists.
CreateOrUpdateReservedListCommand() - Constructor for class
createOrUpdateSecret(String, byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.KeyringSecretStore
CreateOrUpdateUserCommand - Class in
Shared base class for commands that create or modify a User.
CreateOrUpdateUserCommand() - Constructor for class
createPendingTransferData(String, Long, DomainTransferData.Builder, ImmutableSet<TransferData.TransferServerApproveEntity>, Period) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainTransferUtils
Sets up TransferData for a domain with links to entities for server approval.
createPendingTransferNotificationResponse(EppResource, Trid, boolean, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.ResourceTransferUtils
Create a pending action notification response indicating the resolution of a transfer.
createPeriodType() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of PeriodType
createPollMessageQuery(String, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.poll.PollFlowUtils
Returns the QueryComposer for poll messages from the given registrar that are not in the future.
createPremiumListCache(Duration) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumListDao
CreatePremiumListCommand - Class in
Command to create a PremiumList on Database.
CreatePremiumListCommand() - Constructor for class
CreatePriceParameters(FeesAndCredits, Tld, InternetDomainName, DateTime, int) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.CreatePriceParameters
Creates an instance of a CreatePriceParameters record class.
createQuery() - Method in class google.registry.reporting.icann.CloudDnsCountQueryCoordinator
createQuery() - Method in class google.registry.reporting.icann.DummyDnsCountQueryCoordinator
createQuery(RegistryQuery.CriteriaQuerySupplier<T>) - Static method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryQuery
Returns a RegistryQuery from a CriteriaQuery supplier.
createQuery(String, Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Static method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryQuery
Returns a RegistryQuery that creates a string query from constant text.
createQuery(String, Map<String, Object>, Class<T>) - Static method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryQuery
Returns a RegistryQuery that creates a typed JPQL query from constant text.
createQueryComposer(Class<T>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
createQueryComposer(Class<T>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Returns a QueryComposer which can be used to perform queries against the current database.
CreateRegistrarGroupsCommand - Class in
Command to create groups in Google Groups for all contact types for a registrar.
CreateRegistrarGroupsCommand() - Constructor for class
createRegistrarIdToTldMap(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.OteAccountBuilder
Returns the registrar IDs of the OT&E, with the TLDs each has access to.
createRepoId(long, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.EppResourceUtils
Returns the full repoId in the format HEX-TLD for the specified long id and ROID suffix.
createResponse(ImmutableList<? extends FeeCheckResponseExtensionItem>) - Method in interface google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeCheckCommandExtension
createResponse(ImmutableList<? extends FeeCheckResponseExtensionItem>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckCommandExtensionV06
createResponse(ImmutableList<? extends FeeCheckResponseExtensionItem>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeCheckCommandExtensionV11
createResponse(ImmutableList<? extends FeeCheckResponseExtensionItem>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckCommandExtensionV12
createResponseBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItem
Create a builder for a matching fee check response item.
createResponseBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeTransformCommandExtension
createResponseBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV06
createResponseBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCreateCommandExtensionV06
createResponseBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeRenewCommandExtensionV06
createResponseBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeTransferCommandExtensionV06
createResponseBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeUpdateCommandExtensionV06
createResponseBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeCreateCommandExtensionV11
createResponseBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeRenewCommandExtensionV11
createResponseBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeTransferCommandExtensionV11
createResponseBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeUpdateCommandExtensionV11
createResponseBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV12
createResponseBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCreateCommandExtensionV12
createResponseBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeRenewCommandExtensionV12
createResponseBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeTransferCommandExtensionV12
createResponseBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeUpdateCommandExtensionV12
createScoped(Cursor.CursorType, DateTime, Tld) - Static method in class google.registry.model.common.Cursor
Creates a new cursor instance with a given Tld scope.
createScopedVKey(Cursor.CursorType, Tld) - Static method in class google.registry.model.common.Cursor
createSecret(String) - Method in interface google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient
Creates a new secret in the Cloud Secret Manager with no data.
createSecret(String) - Method in class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClientImpl
createSecretIfAbsent(String) - Method in interface google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient
Creates a secret if it does not already exists.
createSelfSignedDelegatedCredential(ImmutableList<String>, ImmutableList<String>, GoogleCredentialsBundle, String, Duration, Clock) - Static method in class google.registry.config.CredentialModule
createServerTrid() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.ServerTridProvider
Creates a new server Trid.
createServerTrid() - Method in class google.registry.flows.ServerTridProviderImpl
createSslClientInitializerWithSystemTrustStore(SslProvider, Function<Channel, String>, Function<Channel, Integer>) - Static method in class google.registry.networking.handler.SslClientInitializer
createSslClientInitializerWithSystemTrustStoreAndClientAuthentication(SslProvider, Function<Channel, String>, Function<Channel, Integer>, Supplier<PrivateKey>, Supplier<ImmutableList<X509Certificate>>) - Static method in class google.registry.networking.handler.SslClientInitializer
createString(int) - Method in class google.registry.util.RandomStringGenerator
Generates a random string of a specified length.
createString(int) - Method in class google.registry.util.StringGenerator
Generates a string of a specified length.
createStrings(int, int) - Method in class google.registry.util.StringGenerator
Batch-generates an ImmutableList of strings of a specified length.
createTask(Class<? extends Runnable>, Action.Method, Multimap<String, String>) - Method in class google.registry.batch.CloudTasksUtils
Create a Task to be enqueued.
createTask(String, Action.Method, Action.Service, Multimap<String, String>) - Method in class google.registry.batch.CloudTasksUtils
Create a Task to be enqueued.
createTaskWithDelay(Class<? extends Runnable>, Action.Method, Multimap<String, String>, Duration) - Method in class google.registry.batch.CloudTasksUtils
Create a Task to be enqueued with delay of duration.
createTaskWithJitter(Class<? extends Runnable>, Action.Method, Multimap<String, String>, Optional<Integer>) - Method in class google.registry.batch.CloudTasksUtils
Create a Task to be enqueued with a random delay up to jitterSeconds.
createTaskWithJitter(String, Action.Method, Action.Service, Multimap<String, String>, Optional<Integer>) - Method in class google.registry.batch.CloudTasksUtils
Create a Task to be enqueued with a random delay up to jitterSeconds.
createTransferResponse(EppResource, TransferData) - Static method in class google.registry.model.ResourceTransferUtils
Create a transfer response using the id and type of this resource and the specified TransferData.
createTransferServerApproveEntities(DateTime, DateTime, HistoryEntry.HistoryEntryId, Domain, BillingRecurrence, Trid, String, Optional<Money>, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainTransferUtils
Returns a set of entities created speculatively in anticipation of a server approval.
createUser(User) - Static method in record class google.registry.request.auth.AuthResult
CreateUserCommand - Class in
Command to create a new User.
CreateUserCommand() - Constructor for class
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingCancellation
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingEvent
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingRecurrence
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.Cursor
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.DnsRefreshRequest
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleEppActionHistory
Creates a VKey instance for this entity.
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarPocUpdateHistory
Creates a VKey instance for this entity.
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarUpdateHistory
Creates a VKey instance for this entity.
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.User
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserUpdateHistory
Creates a VKey instance for this entity.
createVKey() - Method in class
createVKey() - Method in class
createVKey() - Method in class
Creates a VKey instance for this entity.
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.Domain
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainHistory
Creates a VKey instance for this entity.
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.BulkPricingPackage
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource
Create the VKey for the specified EPP resource.
createVKey() - Method in class
createVKey() - Method in class
createVKey() - Method in class
Creates a VKey instance for this entity.
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.ImmutableObject
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Autorenew
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.OneTime
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPoc
createVKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
createVKey() - Method in interface google.registry.model.transfer.TransferData.TransferServerApproveEntity
createVKey(long) - Static method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingCancellation
createVKey(long) - Static method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingEvent
createVKey(FeatureFlag.FeatureName) - Static method in class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag
createVKey(Long) - Static method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingRecurrence
createVKey(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.Domain
createVKey(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
Creates a VKey for the given registrarId.
createVKey(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
createWithCustomDescription(BigDecimal, BaseFee.FeeType, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.Credit
Creates a Credit for the given amount and type with a custom description.
createWithoutBillingEvent(GracePeriodStatus, String, DateTime, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriod
Creates a GracePeriod with no billing event.
createXjcContactAddRemType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactAddRemType
createXjcContactAddrType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactAddrType
createXjcContactAuthIDType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactAuthIDType
createXjcContactAuthInfoType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactAuthInfoType
createXjcContactCheck() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactCheck
createXjcContactCheckIDType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactCheckIDType
createXjcContactCheckType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactCheckType
createXjcContactChgPostalInfoType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactChgPostalInfoType
createXjcContactChgType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactChgType
createXjcContactChkData() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactChkData
createXjcContactCreate() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactCreate
createXjcContactCreData() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactCreData
createXjcContactDelete() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactDelete
createXjcContactDiscloseType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactDiscloseType
createXjcContactE164Type() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactE164Type
createXjcContactInfData() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactInfData
createXjcContactInfo(XjcContactAuthIDType) - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactInfo
createXjcContactIntLocType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactIntLocType
createXjcContactPaCLIDType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactPaCLIDType
createXjcContactPanData() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactPanData
createXjcContactPostalInfoType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactPostalInfoType
createXjcContactStatusType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactStatusType
createXjcContactTransfer(XjcContactAuthIDType) - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactTransfer
createXjcContactTrnData() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactTrnData
createXjcContactUpdate() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcContactUpdate
createXjcDomainAddRemType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainAddRemType
createXjcDomainAuthInfoChgType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainAuthInfoChgType
createXjcDomainAuthInfoType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainAuthInfoType
createXjcDomainCheck() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainCheck
createXjcDomainCheckNameType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainCheckNameType
createXjcDomainCheckType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainCheckType
createXjcDomainChgType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainChgType
createXjcDomainChkData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainChkData
createXjcDomainContactType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainContactType
createXjcDomainCreate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainCreate
createXjcDomainCreData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainCreData
createXjcDomainDelete() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainDelete
createXjcDomainHostAttrType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainHostAttrType
createXjcDomainInfData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainInfData
createXjcDomainInfo() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainInfo
createXjcDomainInfoNameType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainInfoNameType
createXjcDomainNsType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainNsType
createXjcDomainPaNameType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainPaNameType
createXjcDomainPanData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainPanData
createXjcDomainPeriodType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainPeriodType
createXjcDomainRenData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainRenData
createXjcDomainRenew() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainRenew
createXjcDomainStatusType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainStatusType
createXjcDomainTransfer() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainTransfer
createXjcDomainTrnData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainTrnData
createXjcDomainUpdate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDomainUpdate
createXjcDsigCanonicalizationMethod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigCanonicalizationMethod
createXjcDsigDigestMethod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigDigestMethod
createXjcDsigDigestValue(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigDigestValue
createXjcDsigDSAKeyValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
createXjcDsigKeyInfo() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigKeyInfo
createXjcDsigKeyName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigKeyName
createXjcDsigKeyValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigKeyValue
createXjcDsigManifest() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigManifest
createXjcDsigMgmtData(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigMgmtData
createXjcDsigObject() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigObject
createXjcDsigPGPData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigPGPData
createXjcDsigReference() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigReference
createXjcDsigRetrievalMethod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigRetrievalMethod
createXjcDsigRSAKeyValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigRSAKeyValue
createXjcDsigSignature() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigSignature
createXjcDsigSignatureMethod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigSignatureMethod
createXjcDsigSignatureMethodHMACOutputLength(BigInteger) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<BigInteger>
createXjcDsigSignatureProperties() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigSignatureProperties
createXjcDsigSignatureProperty() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigSignatureProperty
createXjcDsigSignatureValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigSignatureValue
createXjcDsigSignedInfo() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigSignedInfo
createXjcDsigSPKIData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigSPKIData
createXjcDsigSPKIDataSPKISexp(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<
invalid reference
createXjcDsigTransform() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigTransform
createXjcDsigTransforms() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigTransforms
createXjcDsigTransformXPath(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>
createXjcDsigX509Data() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigX509Data
createXjcDsigX509DataX509Certificate(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<
invalid reference
createXjcDsigX509DataX509CRL(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<
invalid reference
createXjcDsigX509DataX509IssuerSerial(XjcDsigX509IssuerSerialType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<XjcDsigX509IssuerSerialType>
createXjcDsigX509DataX509SKI(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<
invalid reference
createXjcDsigX509DataX509SubjectName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>
createXjcDsigX509IssuerSerialType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcDsigX509IssuerSerialType
createXjcEpp() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEpp
createXjcEppcomExtAuthInfoType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppcomExtAuthInfoType
createXjcEppCommandType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppCommandType
createXjcEppcomPwAuthInfoType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppcomPwAuthInfoType
createXjcEppcomReasonType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppcomReasonType
createXjcEppCredsOptionsType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppCredsOptionsType
createXjcEppDcpAccessType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppDcpAccessType
createXjcEppDcpExpiryType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppDcpExpiryType
createXjcEppDcpOursType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppDcpOursType
createXjcEppDcpPurposeType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppDcpPurposeType
createXjcEppDcpRecipientType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppDcpRecipientType
createXjcEppDcpRetentionType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppDcpRetentionType
createXjcEppDcpStatementType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppDcpStatementType
createXjcEppDcpType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppDcpType
createXjcEppElement() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppElement
createXjcEppErrValueType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppErrValueType
createXjcEppExtAnyType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppExtAnyType
createXjcEppExtErrValueType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppExtErrValueType
createXjcEppExtURIType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppExtURIType
createXjcEppGreetingType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppGreetingType
createXjcEppLoginSvcType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppLoginSvcType
createXjcEppLoginType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppLoginType
createXjcEppMixedMsgType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppMixedMsgType
createXjcEppMsgQType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppMsgQType
createXjcEppMsgType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppMsgType
createXjcEppPollType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppPollType
createXjcEppReadWriteType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppReadWriteType
createXjcEppResponse() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppResponse
createXjcEppResultType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppResultType
createXjcEppSvcMenuType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppSvcMenuType
createXjcEppTransferType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppTransferType
createXjcEppTrIDType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcEppTrIDType
createXjcFee06Check() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee06Check
createXjcFee06ChkData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee06ChkData
createXjcFee06CommandType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee06CommandType
createXjcFee06Create(XjcFee06TransformCommandType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee06Create
createXjcFee06CreData(XjcFee06TransformResultType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee06CreData
createXjcFee06CreditType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee06CreditType
createXjcFee06DelData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee06DelData
createXjcFee06DomainCDType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee06DomainCDType
createXjcFee06DomainCheckType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee06DomainCheckType
createXjcFee06FeeType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee06FeeType
createXjcFee06InfData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee06InfData
createXjcFee06Info() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee06Info
createXjcFee06RenData(XjcFee06TransformResultType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee06RenData
createXjcFee06Renew(XjcFee06TransformCommandType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee06Renew
createXjcFee06Transfer(XjcFee06TransformCommandType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee06Transfer
createXjcFee06TransformCommandType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee06TransformCommandType
createXjcFee06TransformResultType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee06TransformResultType
createXjcFee06TrnData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee06TrnData
createXjcFee06Update(XjcFee06TransformCommandType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee06Update
createXjcFee06UpdData(XjcFee06TransformResultType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee06UpdData
createXjcFee11Check() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee11Check
createXjcFee11ChkData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee11ChkData
createXjcFee11CommandType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee11CommandType
createXjcFee11Create(XjcFee11TransformCommandType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee11Create
createXjcFee11CreData(XjcFee11TransformResultType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee11CreData
createXjcFee11CreditType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee11CreditType
createXjcFee11DelData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee11DelData
createXjcFee11FeeType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee11FeeType
createXjcFee11ObjectCDType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee11ObjectCDType
createXjcFee11ObjectCDTypeObject() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee11ObjectCDType.Object
createXjcFee11RenData(XjcFee11TransformResultType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee11RenData
createXjcFee11Renew(XjcFee11TransformCommandType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee11Renew
createXjcFee11Transfer(XjcFee11TransformCommandType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee11Transfer
createXjcFee11TransformCommandType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee11TransformCommandType
createXjcFee11TransformResultType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee11TransformResultType
createXjcFee11TrnData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee11TrnData
createXjcFee11Update(XjcFee11TransformCommandType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee11Update
createXjcFee11UpdData(XjcFee11TransformResultType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee11UpdData
createXjcFee12Check() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee12Check
createXjcFee12ChkData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee12ChkData
createXjcFee12CommandCDType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee12CommandCDType
createXjcFee12CommandCheckType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee12CommandCheckType
createXjcFee12Create(XjcFee12TransformCommandType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee12Create
createXjcFee12CreData(XjcFee12TransformResultType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee12CreData
createXjcFee12CreditType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee12CreditType
createXjcFee12DelData(XjcFee12TransformResultType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee12DelData
createXjcFee12FeeType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee12FeeType
createXjcFee12ObjectCDType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee12ObjectCDType
createXjcFee12ObjectCDTypeObject() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee12ObjectCDType.Object
createXjcFee12RenData(XjcFee12TransformResultType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee12RenData
createXjcFee12Renew(XjcFee12TransformCommandType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee12Renew
createXjcFee12Transfer(XjcFee12TransformCommandType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee12Transfer
createXjcFee12TransformCommandType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee12TransformCommandType
createXjcFee12TransformResultType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee12TransformResultType
createXjcFee12TrnData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee12TrnData
createXjcFee12Update(XjcFee12TransformCommandType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee12Update
createXjcFee12UpdData(XjcFee12TransformResultType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcFee12UpdData
createXjcHostAddRemType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcHostAddRemType
createXjcHostAddrType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcHostAddrType
createXjcHostCheck() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcHostCheck
createXjcHostCheckNameType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcHostCheckNameType
createXjcHostCheckType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcHostCheckType
createXjcHostChgType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcHostChgType
createXjcHostChkData() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcHostChkData
createXjcHostCreate() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcHostCreate
createXjcHostCreData() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcHostCreData
createXjcHostDelete(XjcHostSNameType) - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcHostDelete
createXjcHostInfData() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcHostInfData
createXjcHostInfo(XjcHostSNameType) - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcHostInfo
createXjcHostPaNameType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcHostPaNameType
createXjcHostPanData() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcHostPanData
createXjcHostSNameType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcHostSNameType
createXjcHostStatusType() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcHostStatusType
createXjcHostUpdate() - Method in class
Create an instance of XjcHostUpdate
createXjcIirdeaCode() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcIirdeaCode
createXjcIirdeaResponse() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcIirdeaResponse
createXjcIirdeaResponseElement() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcIirdeaResponseElement
createXjcIirdeaResult() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcIirdeaResult
createXjcLaunchCdNameType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcLaunchCdNameType
createXjcLaunchCdType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcLaunchCdType
createXjcLaunchCheck() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcLaunchCheck
createXjcLaunchChkData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcLaunchChkData
createXjcLaunchClaimKeyType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcLaunchClaimKeyType
createXjcLaunchCodeMarkType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcLaunchCodeMarkType
createXjcLaunchCodeType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcLaunchCodeType
createXjcLaunchCreate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcLaunchCreate
createXjcLaunchCreateNoticeType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcLaunchCreateNoticeType
createXjcLaunchCreData(XjcLaunchIdContainerType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcLaunchCreData
createXjcLaunchDelete(XjcLaunchIdContainerType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcLaunchDelete
createXjcLaunchIdContainerType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcLaunchIdContainerType
createXjcLaunchInfData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcLaunchInfData
createXjcLaunchInfo() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcLaunchInfo
createXjcLaunchNoticeIDType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcLaunchNoticeIDType
createXjcLaunchPhaseType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcLaunchPhaseType
createXjcLaunchStatusType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcLaunchStatusType
createXjcLaunchUpdate(XjcLaunchIdContainerType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcLaunchUpdate
createXjcMarkAbstractMark(XjcMarkAbstractMarkType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcMarkAbstractMark
createXjcMarkAbstractMarkType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcMarkAbstractMarkType
createXjcMarkAddrType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcMarkAddrType
createXjcMarkContactType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcMarkContactType
createXjcMarkCourtType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcMarkCourtType
createXjcMarkE164Type() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcMarkE164Type
createXjcMarkHolderType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcMarkHolderType
createXjcMarkMark(XjcMarkMarkType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcMarkMark
createXjcMarkMarkType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcMarkMarkType
createXjcMarkProtectionType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcMarkProtectionType
createXjcMarkTrademarkType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcMarkTrademarkType
createXjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
createXjcRdeContact() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeContact
createXjcRdeContactAbstract(XjcRdeContact) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeContactAbstract
createXjcRdeContactDelete(XjcRdeContactDeleteType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeContactDelete
createXjcRdeContactDeleteType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeContactDeleteType
createXjcRdeContactElement(XjcRdeContact) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeContactElement
createXjcRdeContactTransferDataType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeContactTransferDataType
createXjcRdeContent(XjcRdeContentType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeContent
createXjcRdeContentsType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeContentsType
createXjcRdeContentType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeContentType
createXjcRdeDelete(XjcRdeDeleteType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeDelete
createXjcRdeDeletesType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeDeletesType
createXjcRdeDeleteType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeDeleteType
createXjcRdeDeposit() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeDeposit
createXjcRdeDomain() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeDomain
createXjcRdeDomainAbstract(XjcRdeDomain) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeDomainAbstract
createXjcRdeDomainDelete(XjcRdeDomainDeleteType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeDomainDelete
createXjcRdeDomainDeleteType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeDomainDeleteType
createXjcRdeDomainElement(XjcRdeDomain) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeDomainElement
createXjcRdeDomainTransferDataType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType
createXjcRdeEppParams() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeEppParams
createXjcRdeEppParamsAbstract(XjcRdeEppParams) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeEppParamsAbstract
createXjcRdeEppParamsElement(XjcRdeEppParams) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeEppParamsElement
createXjcRdeHeader() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeheader.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeHeader
createXjcRdeHeaderCount() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeheader.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeHeaderCount
createXjcRdeHeaderElement(XjcRdeHeader) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeheader.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeHeaderElement
createXjcRdeHost() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeHost
createXjcRdeHostAbstractHost(XjcRdeHost) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeHostAbstractHost
createXjcRdeHostDelete(XjcRdeHostDeleteType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeHostDelete
createXjcRdeHostDeleteType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeHostDeleteType
createXjcRdeHostDeleteTypeName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>
createXjcRdeHostDeleteTypeRoid(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>
createXjcRdeHostElement(XjcRdeHost) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeHostElement
createXjcRdeIdn() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeIdn
createXjcRdeIdnDelete(XjcRdeIdnDeleteType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeIdnDelete
createXjcRdeIdnDeleteType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeIdnDeleteType
createXjcRdeIdnElement(XjcRdeIdn) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeIdnElement
createXjcRdeMenuType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeMenuType
createXjcRdeNndn() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeNndn
createXjcRdeNndnAbstract(XjcRdeNndn) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeNndnAbstract
createXjcRdeNndnDelete(XjcRdeNndnDeleteType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeNndnDelete
createXjcRdeNndnDeleteType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeNndnDeleteType
createXjcRdeNndnElement(XjcRdeNndn) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeNndnElement
createXjcRdeNndnNameState() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeNndnNameState
createXjcRdeNotification() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeNotification
createXjcRdeNotificationElement() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeNotificationElement
createXjcRdeNotificationName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeNotificationName
createXjcRdePolicy() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdePolicy
createXjcRdePolicyElement(XjcRdePolicy) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdePolicyElement
createXjcRdeRegistrar() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeRegistrar
createXjcRdeRegistrarAbstract(XjcRdeRegistrar) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeRegistrarAbstract
createXjcRdeRegistrarAddrType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeRegistrarAddrType
createXjcRdeRegistrarDelete(XjcRdeRegistrarDeleteType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeRegistrarDelete
createXjcRdeRegistrarDeleteType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeRegistrarDeleteType
createXjcRdeRegistrarElement(XjcRdeRegistrar) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeRegistrarElement
createXjcRdeRegistrarPostalInfoType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeRegistrarPostalInfoType
createXjcRdeRegistrarWhoisInfoType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeRegistrarWhoisInfoType
createXjcRdeReport() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeReport
createXjcRdeReportReport() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeReportReport
createXjcRdeRrType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRdeRrType
createXjcRgpInfData(XjcRgpRespDataType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRgpInfData
createXjcRgpMixedType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRgpMixedType
createXjcRgpReportTextType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRgpReportTextType
createXjcRgpReportType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRgpReportType
createXjcRgpRespDataType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRgpRespDataType
createXjcRgpRestoreType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRgpRestoreType
createXjcRgpStatusType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRgpStatusType
createXjcRgpUpData(XjcRgpRespDataType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRgpUpData
createXjcRgpUpdate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcRgpUpdate
createXjcSecdnsChgType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcSecdnsChgType
createXjcSecdnsCreate(XjcSecdnsDsOrKeyType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcSecdnsCreate
createXjcSecdnsDsDataType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcSecdnsDsDataType
createXjcSecdnsDsOrKeyType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcSecdnsDsOrKeyType
createXjcSecdnsInfData(XjcSecdnsDsOrKeyType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcSecdnsInfData
createXjcSecdnsKeyDataType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcSecdnsKeyDataType
createXjcSecdnsRemType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcSecdnsRemType
createXjcSecdnsUpdate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcSecdnsUpdate
createXjcSmdAbstractSignedMark() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcSmdAbstractSignedMark
createXjcSmdAbstractSignedMarkElement(XjcSmdAbstractSignedMark) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcSmdAbstractSignedMarkElement
createXjcSmdEncodedSignedMark() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcSmdEncodedSignedMark
createXjcSmdIssuerInfo() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcSmdIssuerInfo
createXjcSmdSignedMark() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcSmdSignedMark
createXjcSmdSignedMarkElement(XjcSmdSignedMark) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of XjcSmdSignedMarkElement
Creating DepositFragment - Search tag in class google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipeline
creationDate - Variable in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CreateData
creationDate() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CreateData.DomainCreateData
creationTime() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.Queries.DomainLifeSpan
Returns the value of the creationTime record component.
CredentialModule - Class in google.registry.config
Dagger module that provides all GoogleCredentials used in the application.
CredentialModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.CredentialModule
CredentialModule.AdcDelegatedCredential - Annotation Interface in google.registry.config
Dagger qualifier for a credential with delegated admin access for a dasher domain (for Google Workspace) backed by the application default credential (ADC).
CredentialModule.ApplicationDefaultCredential - Annotation Interface in google.registry.config
Dagger qualifier for the scope-less Application Default Credential.
CredentialModule.GmailDelegatedCredential - Annotation Interface in google.registry.config
Dagger qualifier for a credential with delegated Email-sending permission for a dasher domain (for Google Workspace) backed by the application default credential (ADC).
CredentialModule.GoogleWorkspaceCredential - Annotation Interface in google.registry.config
Dagger qualifier for the credential for Google Workspace APIs.
CredentialModule.LocalCredential - Annotation Interface in google.registry.config
Dagger qualifier for the local credential used in the nomulus tool.
CredentialModule.LocalCredentialJson - Annotation Interface in google.registry.config
Dagger qualifier for the JSON string used to create the local credential.
credentialOAuth - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
CredentialOAuth() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.CredentialOAuth
Credit - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee
A credit, in currency units specified elsewhere in the xml, and with an optional description.
Credit() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee.Credit
CREDIT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee.FeeType
creditLimit - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DelData
creditLimit - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TransformResultType
creditLimit - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TrnData
creditLimit - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11DelData
creditLimit - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformResultType
creditLimit - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformResultType
creditLimit - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TrnData
credits - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DelData
credits - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11DelData
credits - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
credits - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformCommandType
credits - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformResultType
credits - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TrnData
credits - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
credits - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformCommandType
credits - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformResultType
credits - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TrnData
crID - Variable in class
crID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
crID - Variable in class
criteriaQuery(CriteriaQuery<T>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManager
Creates a JPA SQL query for the given criteria query.
criteriaQuery(CriteriaQuery<T>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
CriteriaQueryBuilder<T> - Class in google.registry.persistence.transaction
An extension of CriteriaQuery that uses a Builder-style pattern when adding "WHERE" and/or "ORDER BY" clauses.
CriteriaQueryBuilder.WhereOperator<U> - Interface in google.registry.persistence.transaction
Functional interface that defines the 'where' operator, e.g.
CronModule - Class in google.registry.cron
Dagger module for the cron package.
CronModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.cron.CronModule
CrossTldSingleton - Class in google.registry.model.common
A singleton entity in the database.
CrossTldSingleton() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.common.CrossTldSingleton
crRr - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
crRr - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
crRr - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
cryptoKey - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Kms
CSV - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.DestinationFormat
curExpDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainRenew
currency - Variable in class
currency - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DelData
currency - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCDType
currency - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCheckType
currency - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06InfData
currency - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Info
currency - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TransformCommandType
currency - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TransformResultType
currency - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TrnData
currency - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Check
currency - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11DelData
currency - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
currency - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformCommandType
currency - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformResultType
currency - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TrnData
currency - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12Check
currency - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12ChkData
currency - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformCommandType
currency - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformResultType
currency - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TrnData
currency() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.billing.BillingEvent
Returns the value of the currency record component.
CURRENCY - Static variable in class
CURRENCY - Static variable in class
Listed by .domaincreate.
CurrencyDeserializer() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.CurrencyDeserializer
CurrencyDeserializer(Class<CurrencyUnit>) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.CurrencyDeserializer
CurrencyJsonAdapter - Class in google.registry.model.adapters
CurrencyJsonAdapter() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.adapters.CurrencyJsonAdapter
CurrencySerializer() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.CurrencySerializer
CurrencySerializer(Class<CurrencyUnit>) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.CurrencySerializer
CurrencyToStringMapUserType - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
Hibernate custom type for Map of CurrencyUnit to String.
CurrencyToStringMapUserType() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.CurrencyToStringMapUserType
CurrencyUnitAdapter - Class in google.registry.model.adapters
Adapter to use Joda CurrencyUnit when marshalling strings.
CurrencyUnitAdapter() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.adapters.CurrencyUnitAdapter
CurrencyUnitAdapter.UnknownCurrencyException - Exception Class in google.registry.model.adapters
Exception to throw when failing to parse a currency.
CurrencyUnitConverter - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
JPA converter for CurrencyUnits.
CurrencyUnitConverter() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.CurrencyUnitConverter
CurrencyUnitToStringMap() - Constructor for class
current - Variable in class google.registry.util.CircularList.AbstractBuilder
cursor() - Method in record class google.registry.rde.PendingDeposit
Returns the value of the cursor record component.
Cursor - Class in google.registry.model.common
Shared entity for date cursors.
Cursor() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.common.Cursor
Cursor.CursorId - Class in google.registry.model.common
Cursor.CursorType - Enum Class in google.registry.model.common
The types of cursors, used as the string id field for each cursor in the database.
CursorId(Cursor.CursorType, String) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.common.Cursor.CursorId
Cursors - Search tag in class google.registry.rde.RdeStagingAction
cursorString - Variable in class google.registry.rdap.RdapSearchActionBase
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName
We don't accept CUSTOM commands in requests but may issue them in responses.
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchPhaseTypeValue
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusValueType
customizeCreatePrice(DomainPricingCustomLogic.CreatePriceParameters) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic
A hook that customizes the create price.
customizeRenewPrice(DomainPricingCustomLogic.RenewPriceParameters) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic
A hook that customizes the renew price.
customizeRestorePrice(DomainPricingCustomLogic.RestorePriceParameters) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic
A hook that customizes the restore price.
customizeTransferPrice(DomainPricingCustomLogic.TransferPriceParameters) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic
A hook that customizes the transfer price.
customizeUpdatePrice(DomainPricingCustomLogic.UpdatePriceParameters) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic
A hook that customizes the update price.
CustomLogicFactory - Class in google.registry.flows.custom
A no-op base custom logic factory.
CustomLogicFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.custom.CustomLogicFactory
customLogicFactoryClass - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
CustomLogicFactoryModule - Class in google.registry.flows.custom
Dagger module for custom logic factories.
CustomLogicFactoryModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.custom.CustomLogicFactoryModule
CustomLogicModule - Class in google.registry.flows.custom
Dagger module to provide instances of custom logic classes for EPP flows.
CustomLogicModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.custom.CustomLogicModule
customQuota - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Quota


DAILY_SPEC_11_EMAIL - Static variable in class
DAILY_SPEC_11_EMAIL - Static variable in class
The full template name of the dailySpec11Email template.
DAILY_SPEC_11_EMAIL__NAME - Static variable in class
DatabaseException - Exception Class in google.registry.persistence.transaction
Wraps an exception thrown by the JPA framework and captures the SQL error details (state and status code) in the message.
Dataflow - Search tag in class google.registry.rde.RdeStagingAction
datasetId(String) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection.DestinationTable.Builder
dataUrls - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Bsa
date - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
date - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCheckType
DATE - Static variable in class
DATE - Static variable in class
Listed by .dailySpec11Email.
DateAdapter - Class in google.registry.xml
Adapter to use Joda LocalDate when marshalling the XML Schema date type.
DateAdapter() - Constructor for class google.registry.xml.DateAdapter
DateParameter - Class in
DateTime CLI parameter converter/validator restricted to dates.
DateParameter() - Constructor for class
DateTimeConverter - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
JPA converter to for storing/retrieving DateTime objects.
DateTimeConverter() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.DateTimeConverter
DateTimeParameter - Class in
DateTime CLI parameter converter/validator.
DateTimeParameter() - Constructor for class
DateTimeTypeAdapter - Class in google.registry.util
GSON type adapter for Joda DateTime objects.
DateTimeTypeAdapter() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.DateTimeTypeAdapter
DateTimeUtils - Class in google.registry.util
Utilities methods and constants related to Joda DateTime objects.
DateTimeUtils() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.DateTimeUtils
dcp - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppGreetingType
dcp - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.XjcRdeEppParams
deaName - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.ui.ConsoleDebug
Use debug compiled CSS and JS, where symbols are only slightly mangled.
decode(byte[], PGPPrivateKey) - Static method in class google.registry.rde.Ghostryde
Deciphers a ghostryde file from an in-memory byte array.
decode(ChannelHandlerContext, ByteBuf, List<Object>) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.HttpsRelayServiceHandler
decode(ChannelHandlerContext, ByteBuf, List<Object>) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.ProxyProtocolHandler
Attempts to decode an internally accumulated buffer and find the proxy protocol header.
decode(InputStream) - Method in class google.registry.rde.PendingDeposit.PendingDepositCoder
decodeBase64(String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.SerializeUtils
Turns a string encoded by SerializeUtils.encodeBase64(byte[]) back into a byte array.
decodeCursorToken() - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapSearchActionBase
Decodes the cursor token passed in the HTTP request.
decodeFullHttpRequest(ByteBuf) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.EppServiceHandler
decodeFullHttpRequest(ByteBuf) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.HttpsRelayServiceHandler
Construct the FullHttpRequest.
decodeFullHttpRequest(ByteBuf) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.WhoisServiceHandler
decoder(InputStream, PGPPrivateKey) - Static method in class google.registry.rde.Ghostryde
Creates a Ghostryde decoder.
deepCopy(C) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringCollectionUserType
deepCopy(TimedTransitionProperty<AllocationToken.TokenStatus>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.AllocationTokenStatusTransitionUserType
deepCopy(TimedTransitionProperty<Money>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.BillingCostTransitionUserType
deepCopy(Map<CurrencyUnit, String>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.CurrencyToStringMapUserType
deepCopy(TimedTransitionProperty<FeatureFlag.FeatureStatus>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.FeatureStatusTransitionUserType
deepCopy(Map<String, RegistrarRole>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.RegistrarToRoleMapUserType
deepCopy(Map<String, String>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringMapUserType
deepCopy(TimedTransitionProperty<V>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.TimedTransitionBaseUserType
deepCopy(TimedTransitionProperty<Tld.TldState>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.TldStateTransitionUserType
deepCopy(Money) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.JodaMoneyType
deepCopy(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.DurationUserType
deepDiff(Map<?, ?>, Map<?, ?>, boolean) - Static method in class google.registry.util.DiffUtils
Compare two maps and return a map containing, at each key where they differed, both values.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.RenewalPriceBehavior
This indicates the renewal price is the default price.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.RegistrationBehavior
No special behavior
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.TokenBehavior
No special behavior
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.Action.GaeService
DEFAULT_ADD_GRACE_PERIOD - Static variable in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
DEFAULT_ANCHOR_TENANT_ADD_GRACE_PERIOD - Static variable in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
DEFAULT_AUTO_RENEW_GRACE_PERIOD - Static variable in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
DEFAULT_AUTOMATIC_TRANSFER_LENGTH - Static variable in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE - Static variable in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO.Write
DEFAULT_BILLING_ACCOUNT_MAP - Static variable in class google.registry.model.OteAccountBuilder
The default billing account map applied to all OT&E registrars.
DEFAULT_CREATE_BILLING_COST - Static variable in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
DEFAULT_CURRENCY - Static variable in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
DEFAULT_DATASET_NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection
Default name of the default dataset to use for requests to the API.
DEFAULT_DNS_PAUSED - Static variable in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
DEFAULT_EAP_BILLING_COST - Static variable in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
DEFAULT_ESCROW_ENABLED - Static variable in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
DEFAULT_LATENCY_FITTER - Static variable in class google.registry.proxy.metric.BaseMetrics
DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO.Read
DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO.Write
DEFAULT_PASSWORD_LENGTH - Static variable in class google.registry.util.StringGenerator
DEFAULT_PENDING_DELETE_LENGTH - Static variable in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
DEFAULT_PER_GROUP - Static variable in class google.registry.util.HexDumper
DEFAULT_PER_LINE - Static variable in class google.registry.util.HexDumper
DEFAULT_PROMO - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.TokenType
Token saved on a TLD to use if no other token is passed from the client
DEFAULT_REDEMPTION_GRACE_PERIOD - Static variable in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
DEFAULT_REGISTRY_LOCK_OR_UNLOCK_BILLING_COST - Static variable in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
DEFAULT_RENEW_BILLING_COST - Static variable in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
DEFAULT_RENEW_GRACE_PERIOD - Static variable in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
DEFAULT_RESTORE_BILLING_COST - Static variable in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
DEFAULT_SERVER_STATUS_CHANGE_BILLING_COST - Static variable in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
DEFAULT_SIZE_FITTER - Static variable in class google.registry.proxy.metric.BaseMetrics
DEFAULT_TLD_STATE - Static variable in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Default values for all the relevant TLD parameters.
DEFAULT_TRANSFER_GRACE_PERIOD - Static variable in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
defaultCredentialOauthScopes - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.CredentialOAuth
defaultJobRegion - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Beam
defaultQuota - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Quota
defaultRegistrarWhoisServer - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
defaultServiceUrl - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.GcpProject
DEL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainHostsType
delay() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.ProbingAction
Actual Duration of this delay
DELAYED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee.AppliedType
DELEGATED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Info.HostsRequest
delegatedCredentialOauthScopes - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.CredentialOAuth
DelegatedCredentials - Class in google.registry.config
OAuth2 credentials for accessing Google Workspace APIs with domain-wide delegation.
delete - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
delete(BlobId) - Method in class google.registry.gcs.GcsUtils
Delete the given GCS file.
delete(PremiumList) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumListDao
delete(ReservedList) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedListDao
Deletes a reserved list from Cloud SQL.
delete(VKey<?>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
delete(VKey<?>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Deletes the entity by its id.
delete(Iterable<? extends VKey<?>>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
delete(Iterable<? extends VKey<?>>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Deletes the set of entities by their key id.
delete(T) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
delete(T) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Deletes the given entity from the database.
Delete() - Constructor for class
Delete() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Delete
Delete() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Delete
Delete() - Constructor for class
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockLabel.LabelType
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockOrder.OrderType
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.Action.Method
deleteCredential(SqlUser) - Method in class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlCredentialStore
DELETED_DOMAINS_GRACE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
DELETED_DOMAINS_NOGRACE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
DELETEDOMAIN - Static variable in class
DELETEDOMAIN - Static variable in class
The full template name of the deletedomain template.
DELETEDOMAIN__NAME - Static variable in class
deleteEntriesByDate(JpaTransactionManager, LocalDate) - Static method in class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatchDao
Delete all entries with the specified date from the database.
deleteExpiredDomainsAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
DeleteExpiredDomainsAction - Class in google.registry.batch
An action that deletes all non-renewing domains whose expiration dates have now passed.
deleteHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction
deleteHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleUsersAction
DELETEHOST - Static variable in class
DELETEHOST - Static variable in class
The full template name of the deletehost template.
DELETEHOST__NAME - Static variable in class
deleteLoadTestDataAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
DeleteLoadTestDataAction - Class in google.registry.batch
Hard deletes load-test Contacts, Hosts, their subordinate history entries, and the associated ForeignKey entities.
deleteProberDataAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
DeleteProberDataAction - Class in google.registry.batch
Deletes all prober Domains and their subordinate history entries, poll messages, and billing events, along with their ForeignKeyDomainIndex entities.
deleteRequests(Collection<DnsRefreshRequest>) - Static method in class google.registry.dns.DnsUtils
Removes the requests that have been processed.
deletes - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeletesType
deletes - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
deletes() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.EntityChanges
Returns the value of the deletes record component.
deletesBuilder() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.EntityChanges.Builder
deleteSecret(String) - Method in interface google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient
Deletes a secret from the Secret Manager.
deleteSecret(String) - Method in class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClientImpl
DeleteUserCommand - Class in
Deletes a User.
DeleteUserCommand() - Constructor for class
deletionTime() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.Queries.DomainLifeSpan
Returns the value of the deletionTime record component.
delTime - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
denyPendingTransfer(R, TransferStatus, DateTime, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.ResourceTransferUtils
Resolve a pending transfer by denying it.
Dependencies - Search tag in class google.registry.whois.NonCachingWhoisModule
Dependencies - Search tag in class google.registry.whois.WhoisModule
DepositFragment - Record Class in google.registry.rde
Container of RDE resource marshalled by RdeMarshaller.
DepositFragment(RdeResourceType, String, String) - Constructor for record class google.registry.rde.DepositFragment
Creates an instance of a DepositFragment record class.
description - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06CreditType
description - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06FeeType
description - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11CreditType
description - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11FeeType
description - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CreditType
description - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12FeeType
description - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.XjcIirdeaResult
description(String) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection.DestinationTable.Builder
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.CreateAutoTimestampDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.CurrencyDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.MoneyDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.TimedTransitionPropertyFeatureStatusDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.TimedTransitionPropertyMoneyDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.TimedTransitionPropertyTldStateDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.TokenVKeyListDeserializer
deserialize(Class<T>, byte[]) - Static method in class google.registry.util.SerializeUtils
Turns a byte string into an object.
deserialize(String) - Static method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockLabel
deserialize(String) - Static method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockOrder
deserialize(String) - Static method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomain
deserialize(String) - Static method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomainChange
deserializeKeyPair(byte[]) - Static method in class google.registry.keyring.api.KeySerializer
Deserialize a PGPKeyPair
deserializePublicKey(byte[]) - Static method in class google.registry.keyring.api.KeySerializer
Deserialize a PGPPublicKey
deserializeString(byte[]) - Static method in class google.registry.keyring.api.KeySerializer
Deserializes a string
DesignatedContact - Class in google.registry.model.domain
Persisted type for storing a domain's contact associations.
DesignatedContact() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DesignatedContact
DesignatedContact.Type - Enum Class in google.registry.model.domain
XML type for contact types.
destroySecretVersion(String, String) - Method in interface google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient
Destroys a secret version.
destroySecretVersion(String, String) - Method in class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClientImpl
detach(EntityManager, T) - Static method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryQuery
Removes an object from the JPA session cache if applicable.
detachObject(EntityManager, Object) - Static method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryQuery
DETAIL_REPORT_PREFIX - Static variable in class google.registry.reporting.billing.BillingModule
Determinism - Search tag in class google.registry.rde.RdeStagingAction
DIFF - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDepositTypeType
difference(Set<T>, T...) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Copy an ImmutableSet and remove members.
DiffPair(Object, Object) - Constructor for record class google.registry.util.DiffUtils.DiffPair
Creates an instance of a DiffPair record class.
DiffUtils - Class in google.registry.util
Helper class for diff utilities.
DiffUtils.DiffPair - Record Class in google.registry.util
A helper record to store the two sides of a diff.
digest - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsDataType
digestMethod - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigReference
digestType - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsDataType
DigestType - Enum Class in
Enumerates the DNSSEC digest types for use with Delegation Signer records.
digestValue - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigReference
DIGITS_ONLY - Static variable in class google.registry.util.StringGenerator.Alphabets
Decimal digit-only alphabet.
DIRECTORY - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader.Type
A directory AKA folder.
DirectoryGroupsConnection - Class in google.registry.groups
Class encapsulating methods to access Google Groups API.
DirectoryModule - Class in google.registry.groups
Dagger module for the Google Directory service.
DirectoryModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.groups.DirectoryModule
directoryWithTrailingSlash() - Method in record class google.registry.rde.PendingDeposit
Returns the value of the directoryWithTrailingSlash record component.
DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.State
This registrar is completely disabled and cannot perform any EPP actions whatsoever, nor log in to the registrar console.
disableSecretVersion(String, String) - Method in interface google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient
Disables a secret version.
disableSecretVersion(String, String) - Method in class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClientImpl
disassemble(C) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringCollectionUserType
disassemble(TimedTransitionProperty<AllocationToken.TokenStatus>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.AllocationTokenStatusTransitionUserType
disassemble(TimedTransitionProperty<Money>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.BillingCostTransitionUserType
disassemble(Map<CurrencyUnit, String>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.CurrencyToStringMapUserType
disassemble(TimedTransitionProperty<FeatureFlag.FeatureStatus>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.FeatureStatusTransitionUserType
disassemble(Map<String, RegistrarRole>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.RegistrarToRoleMapUserType
disassemble(Map<String, String>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringMapUserType
disassemble(TimedTransitionProperty<V>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.TimedTransitionBaseUserType
disassemble(TimedTransitionProperty<Tld.TldState>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.TldStateTransitionUserType
disassemble(Money) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.JodaMoneyType
disassemble(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.DurationUserType
disclose - Variable in class
disclose - Variable in class
disclose - Variable in class
disclose - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Disclose - Class in
The "discloseType" from RFC5733.
Disclose() - Constructor for class
Disclose.Builder - Class in
A builder for Disclose since it is immutable.
Disclose.PostalInfoChoice - Class in
The "intLocType" from RFC5733.
DNS_PUBLISH_PUSH_QUEUE_NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.dns.DnsUtils
The name of the DNS publish push queue.
DnsCountQueryCoordinator - Class in google.registry.reporting.icann
Methods for preparing and querying DNS statistics.
DnsCountQueryCoordinator() - Constructor for class google.registry.reporting.icann.DnsCountQueryCoordinator
DnsCountQueryCoordinator.DnsCountQueryCoordinatorModule - Class in google.registry.reporting.icann
dnsCountQueryCoordinatorClass - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
dnsCountQueryCoordinatorClass(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
DnsCountQueryCoordinatorModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.reporting.icann.DnsCountQueryCoordinator.DnsCountQueryCoordinatorModule
DnsMessageTransport - Class in google.registry.dns.writer.dnsupdate
A transport for DNS messages.
DnsMessageTransport(SocketFactory, String, Duration) - Constructor for class google.registry.dns.writer.dnsupdate.DnsMessageTransport
Class constructor.
DnsMetrics - Class in google.registry.dns
DNS instrumentation.
DnsMetrics.ActionStatus - Enum Class in google.registry.dns
Disposition of the publish action.
DnsMetrics.CommitStatus - Enum Class in google.registry.dns
Disposition of writer.commit().
DnsMetrics.PublishStatus - Enum Class in google.registry.dns
Disposition of a publish request.
DnsModule - Class in google.registry.dns
Dagger module for the dns package.
DnsModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.dns.DnsModule
DnsRefreshRequest - Class in google.registry.model.common
DnsRefreshRequest() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.common.DnsRefreshRequest
DnsRefreshRequest(DnsUtils.TargetType, String, String, DateTime) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.common.DnsRefreshRequest
dnsUpdate - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
DnsUpdate() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.DnsUpdate
DnsUpdateConfigModule - Class in google.registry.dns.writer.dnsupdate
Dagger module that provides DNS configuration settings.
DnsUpdateConfigModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.dns.writer.dnsupdate.DnsUpdateConfigModule
dnsUpdateFailEmailBodyText - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.DnsUpdate
dnsUpdateFailEmailSubjectText - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.DnsUpdate
dnsUpdateFailRegistryName - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.DnsUpdate
DnsUpdateWriter - Class in google.registry.dns.writer.dnsupdate
A DnsWriter that implements the DNS UPDATE protocol as specified in RFC 2136.
DnsUpdateWriter(String, Duration, Duration, Duration, DnsMessageTransport, Clock) - Constructor for class google.registry.dns.writer.dnsupdate.DnsUpdateWriter
Class constructor.
DnsUpdateWriterModule - Class in google.registry.dns.writer.dnsupdate
Dagger module that provides a DnsUpdateWriter.
DnsUpdateWriterModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.dns.writer.dnsupdate.DnsUpdateWriterModule
DnsUtils - Class in google.registry.dns
Utility class to handle DNS refresh requests.
DnsUtils.TargetType - Enum Class in google.registry.dns
The possible values of the DNS_TARGET_TYPE_PARAM parameter.
DnsWriter - Interface in google.registry.dns.writer
Transaction object for sending an atomic batch of updates for a single zone to the DNS server.
DnsWriterProxy - Class in google.registry.dns
Proxy for retrieving DnsWriter implementations.
DnsWriterZone - Annotation Interface in google.registry.dns.writer
Dagger qualifier for the fully-qualified zone name that's being updated.
domain() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.billing.BillingEvent
Returns the value of the domain record component.
domain() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns the value of the domain record component.
domain() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns the value of the domain record component.
domain() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns the value of the domain record component.
Domain - Search tag in class google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipeline
Domain - Class in google.registry.model.domain
A persistable domain resource including mutable and non-mutable fields.
Domain() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.Domain
DOMAIN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.dns.DnsUtils.TargetType
DOMAIN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Type
DOMAIN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.rde.RdeResourceType
DOMAIN - Enum constant in enum class
DOMAIN - Static variable in class
DOMAIN - Static variable in class
Listed by .domaincreate.
DOMAIN - Static variable in class
DOMAIN - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
DOMAIN_ALLOCATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
DOMAIN_AUTORENEW - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
Used for domain registration autorenews explicitly logged by ExpandBillingRecurrencesAction.
DOMAIN_AUTORENEWS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
DOMAIN_CHECK - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
DOMAIN_CREATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
DOMAIN_CREATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
DOMAIN_CREATES - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
DOMAIN_CREATES_ASCII - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
DOMAIN_CREATES_IDN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
DOMAIN_CREATES_START_DATE_SUNRISE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
DOMAIN_CREATES_WITH_CLAIMS_NOTICE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
DOMAIN_CREATES_WITH_FEE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
DOMAIN_CREATES_WITH_SEC_DNS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
DOMAIN_CREATES_WITHOUT_SEC_DNS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
DOMAIN_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Type
DOMAIN_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
DOMAIN_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
DOMAIN_DELETES - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
DOMAIN_FRAGMENTS - Static variable in class google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipeline.TupleTags
DOMAIN_INFO - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
DOMAIN_JOINER - Static variable in class google.registry.bsa.BsaStringUtils
DOMAIN_KEY - Static variable in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppMessage
Key that allows for substitution of domainName to xml template.
DOMAIN_NAME - Static variable in class
DOMAIN_NAME - Static variable in class
Listed by .createanchortenant.
DOMAIN_NAME - Static variable in class
DOMAIN_NAME - Static variable in class
Listed by .deletedomain.
DOMAIN_NAME - Static variable in class
Listed by .renewdomain.
DOMAIN_NAME - Static variable in class
DOMAIN_NAME - Static variable in class
Listed by .uniformrapidsuspension.
DOMAIN_NAME - Static variable in class
DOMAIN_NAME - Static variable in class
Listed by .updateserverlocks.
DOMAIN_NAME - Static variable in class
DOMAIN_NAMES - Static variable in class
DOMAIN_NAMES - Static variable in class
Listed by .domaincheckclaims.
DOMAIN_NAMES - Static variable in class
DOMAIN_NAMES - Static variable in class
Listed by .domaincheck.
DOMAIN_RENEW - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
DOMAIN_RENEW - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
DOMAIN_RENEWS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
DOMAIN_RESTORE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
DOMAIN_RESTORES - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
DOMAIN_RGP_RESTORE_REPORT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
DOMAIN_RGP_RESTORE_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
DOMAIN_SPLITTER - Static variable in class google.registry.bsa.BsaStringUtils
DOMAIN_SUSPEND - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Type
DOMAIN_TRANSFER_APPROVE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
DOMAIN_TRANSFER_APPROVE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
DOMAIN_TRANSFER_APPROVES - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
DOMAIN_TRANSFER_CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
DOMAIN_TRANSFER_CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
DOMAIN_TRANSFER_CANCELS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
DOMAIN_TRANSFER_QUERY - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
DOMAIN_TRANSFER_REJECT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
DOMAIN_TRANSFER_REJECT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
DOMAIN_TRANSFER_REJECTS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
DOMAIN_TRANSFER_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
DOMAIN_TRANSFER_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
DOMAIN_TRANSFER_REQUESTS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
DOMAIN_UNSUSPEND - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Type
DOMAIN_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
DOMAIN_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
DOMAIN_UPDATES - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
DOMAIN_UPDATES_WITH_SEC_DNS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
DOMAIN_UPDATES_WITHOUT_SEC_DNS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
Domain.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.domain
A builder for constructing Domain, since it is immutable.
DomainAuthInfo - Class in google.registry.model.domain
A version of authInfo specifically for domains.
DomainAuthInfo() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainAuthInfo
DomainBase - Class in google.registry.model.domain
A persistable domain resource including mutable and non-mutable fields.
DomainBase() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
DomainBase.Builder<T,B> - Class in google.registry.model.domain
A builder for constructing Domain, since it is immutable.
domainBlockedByBsaTemplate - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
DomainCheck() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.DomainCheck
DOMAINCHECK - Static variable in class
DOMAINCHECK - Static variable in class
The full template name of the domaincheck template.
DOMAINCHECK__NAME - Static variable in class
DOMAINCHECKCLAIMS - Static variable in class
DOMAINCHECKCLAIMS - Static variable in class
The full template name of the domaincheckclaims template.
DOMAINCHECKCLAIMS__NAME - Static variable in class
DomainCheckClaimsSoyInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
DomainCheckClaimsSoyInfo.DomaincheckclaimsSoyTemplateInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
DomainCheckClaimsSoyInfo.Param - Class in
DomainCheckClaimsSoyInfo.TemplateName - Class in
DomainCheckData() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.DomainCheckData
domainCheckFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
DomainCheckFlow - Class in google.registry.flows.domain
An EPP flow that checks whether a domain can be provisioned.
DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic - Class in google.registry.flows.custom
A no-op base class for DomainCheckFlow custom logic.
DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic(EppInput, SessionMetadata, FlowMetadata) - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic
DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
domainCheckResults() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.domain.token.AllocationTokenDomainCheckResults
Returns the value of the domainCheckResults record component.
domainChecks() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns the value of the domainChecks record component.
domainChecks() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Returns the value of the domainChecks record component.
DomainCheckSoyInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
DomainCheckSoyInfo.DomaincheckSoyTemplateInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
DomainCheckSoyInfo.Param - Class in
DomainCheckSoyInfo.TemplateName - Class in
domainClaimsCheckFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
DomainClaimsCheckFlow - Class in google.registry.flows.domain
An EPP flow that checks whether domain labels are trademarked.
DomainCommand - Class in google.registry.model.domain
A collection of Domain commands.
DomainCommand() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand
DomainCommand.Check - Class in google.registry.model.domain
A check request for Domain.
DomainCommand.Create - Class in google.registry.model.domain
A create command for a Domain, mapping "createType" from RFC5731.
DomainCommand.CreateOrUpdate<T> - Interface in google.registry.model.domain
A common interface for DomainCommand.Create and DomainCommand.Update to support linking resources.
DomainCommand.Delete - Class in google.registry.model.domain
A delete command for a Domain.
DomainCommand.DomainCreateOrChange<B> - Class in google.registry.model.domain
The fields on "chgType" from RFC5731.
DomainCommand.Info - Class in google.registry.model.domain
An info request for a Domain.
DomainCommand.Info.HostsRequest - Enum Class in google.registry.model.domain
Enum of the possible values for the "hosts" attribute in info flows.
DomainCommand.Info.NameWithHosts - Class in google.registry.model.domain
Info commands use a variant syntax where the name tag has a "hosts" attribute.
DomainCommand.InvalidReferencesException - Exception Class in google.registry.model.domain
Exception to throw when referenced objects don't exist.
DomainCommand.Renew - Class in google.registry.model.domain
A renew command for a Domain.
DomainCommand.Transfer - Class in google.registry.model.domain
A transfer operation for a Domain.
DomainCommand.Update - Class in google.registry.model.domain
An update to a Domain.
DomainCommand.Update.AddRemove - Class in google.registry.model.domain
The inner change type on a domain update command.
DomainCommand.Update.Change - Class in google.registry.model.domain
The inner change type on a domain update command.
DOMAINCREATE - Static variable in class
DOMAINCREATE - Static variable in class
The full template name of the domaincreate template.
DOMAINCREATE__NAME - Static variable in class
DomainCreateData() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CreateData.DomainCreateData
domainCreateFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
DomainCreateFlow - Class in google.registry.flows.domain
An EPP flow that creates a new domain resource.
DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic - Class in google.registry.flows.custom
A no-op base class for DomainCreateFlow custom logic.
DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic(EppInput, SessionMetadata, FlowMetadata) - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic
DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainCreateOrChange() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.DomainCreateOrChange
DomainCreateSoyInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
DomainCreateSoyInfo.DomaincreateSoyTemplateInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
DomainCreateSoyInfo.Param - Class in
DomainCreateSoyInfo.TemplateName - Class in
domainCreateTxnCommitTimeLagSeconds - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Bsa
DomainDelete - Class in google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1
Java class for domainDeleteType complex type
DomainDelete() - Constructor for class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.DomainDelete
domainDeleteFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
DomainDeleteFlow - Class in google.registry.flows.domain
An EPP flow that deletes a domain.
DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic - Class in google.registry.flows.custom
A no-op base class for DomainDeleteFlow custom logic.
DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic(EppInput, SessionMetadata, FlowMetadata) - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic
DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainDeleteSoyInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
DomainDeleteSoyInfo.DeletedomainSoyTemplateInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
DomainDeleteSoyInfo.Param - Class in
DomainDeleteSoyInfo.TemplateName - Class in
DomainDeleteSuperuserExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.superuser
A superuser extension that may be present on domain delete commands.
DomainDeleteSuperuserExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.superuser.DomainDeleteSuperuserExtension
DomainDsData - Class in google.registry.model.domain.secdns
Holds the data necessary to construct a single Delegation Signer (DS) record for a domain.
DomainDsDataBase - Class in google.registry.model.domain.secdns
Base class for DomainDsData and DomainDsDataHistory.
DomainDsDataBase() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsDataBase
DomainDsDataHistory - Class in google.registry.model.domain.secdns
Entity class to represent a historic DomainDsData.
DomainFlowTmchUtils - Class in google.registry.flows.domain
TMCH utility functions for domain flows.
DomainFlowTmchUtils(TmchXmlSignature) - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowTmchUtils
DomainFlowUtils - Class in google.registry.flows.domain
Static utility functions for domain flows.
DomainFlowUtils() - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
DomainFlowUtils.BadCommandForRegistryPhaseException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain
Command is not allowed in the current registry phase.
DomainFlowUtils.FeeDescriptionMultipleMatchesException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain
The fee description passed in the transform command matches multiple fee types.
DomainFlowUtils.FeeDescriptionParseException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain
The fee description passed in the transform command cannot be parsed.
DomainFlowUtils.FeesMismatchException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain
The fees passed in the transform command do not match the fees that will be charged.
DomainFlowUtils.InvalidIdnDomainLabelException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain
Domain label is not allowed by IDN table.
DomainFlowUtils.MissingBillingAccountMapException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain
Registrar is missing the billing account map for this currency type.
DomainFlowUtils.NameserversNotAllowedForTldException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain
Nameservers are not allow-listed for this TLD.
DomainFlowUtils.NameserversNotSpecifiedForTldWithNameserverAllowListException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain
Nameservers not specified for domain on TLD with nameserver allow list.
DomainFlowUtils.NotAuthorizedForTldException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain
Registrar is not authorized to access this TLD.
DomainFlowUtils.RegistrantNotAllowedException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain
Registrant is not allow-listed for this TLD.
DomainHistory - Class in google.registry.model.domain
A persisted history entry representing an EPP modification to a domain.
DomainHistory() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainHistory
DomainHistory.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.domain
DomainInfoData - Class in google.registry.model.domain
The EppResponse.ResponseData returned for an EPP info flow on a domain.
DomainInfoData() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainInfoData
DomainInfoData.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.domain
Builder for DomainInfoData.
domainInfoFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
DomainInfoFlow - Class in google.registry.flows.domain
An EPP flow that returns information about a domain.
DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic - Class in google.registry.flows.custom
A no-op base class for DomainInfoFlow custom logic.
DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic(EppInput, SessionMetadata, FlowMetadata) - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic
DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
domainLabelCachingSeconds - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Caching
DomainLabelEntry<T,D> - Class in google.registry.model.tld.label
Represents a label entry parsed from a line in a reserved/premium list txt file.
DomainLabelEntry() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.tld.label.DomainLabelEntry
DomainLabelEntry.Builder<T,B> - Class in google.registry.model.tld.label
A generic builder base.
DomainLifeSpan(String, DateTime, DateTime) - Constructor for record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.Queries.DomainLifeSpan
Creates an instance of a DomainLifeSpan record class.
domainList() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the domainList record component.
DomainLockUtils - Class in
Utility functions for validating and applying RegistryLocks.
DomainLockUtils(StringGenerator, String, CloudTasksUtils) - Constructor for class
domainLookup(InternetDomainName, boolean, String, String) - Method in class google.registry.whois.WhoisCommandFactory
Returns a new WhoisCommand to perform a domain lookup on the specified domain name.
DomainLookupCommand - Class in google.registry.whois
Represents a WHOIS lookup on a domain name (i.e.
DomainLookupCommand(InternetDomainName, boolean, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class google.registry.whois.DomainLookupCommand
domainName - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.GSuite
domainName() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.spec11.DomainNameInfo
Returns the value of the domainName record component.
domainName() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.spec11.ThreatMatch
Returns the value of the domainName record component.
domainName() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomain
Returns the value of the domainName record component.
domainName() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomainChange
domainName() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.Queries.DomainLifeSpan
Returns the value of the domainName record component.
domainName() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns the value of the domainName record component.
domainName() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.CreatePriceParameters
Returns the value of the domainName record component.
domainName() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RenewPriceParameters
Returns the value of the domainName record component.
domainName() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RestorePriceParameters
Returns the value of the domainName record component.
domainName() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.TransferPriceParameters
Returns the value of the domainName record component.
domainName() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.UpdatePriceParameters
Returns the value of the domainName record component.
domainName() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleRegistryLockAction.ConsoleRegistryLockPostInput
Returns the value of the domainName record component.
DomainNameInfo - Record Class in google.registry.beam.spec11
A record representing a domain name and associated info, parsed from a SchemaAndRecord.
DomainNameInfo(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for record class google.registry.beam.spec11.DomainNameInfo
Creates an instance of a DomainNameInfo record class.
domainNames() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns the value of the domainNames record component.
DomainNameUtils - Class in google.registry.util
Utility methods related to domain names.
DomainObjectSpec - Class in google.registry.model.domain
Specification of a domain by name, as used in version 0.11 fee check response items and version 0.12 fee check commands.
DomainObjectSpec(String) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainObjectSpec
DomainPendingActionNotificationResponse() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.poll.PendingActionNotificationResponse.DomainPendingActionNotificationResponse
DomainPrices() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.pricing.PremiumPricingEngine.DomainPrices
DomainPricingCustomLogic - Class in google.registry.flows.custom
A no-op base class to customize DomainPricingLogic.
DomainPricingCustomLogic(EppInput, SessionMetadata, FlowMetadata) - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic
DomainPricingCustomLogic.CreatePriceParameters - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainPricingCustomLogic.CreatePriceParameters.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainPricingCustomLogic.RenewPriceParameters - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainPricingCustomLogic.RenewPriceParameters.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainPricingCustomLogic.RestorePriceParameters - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainPricingCustomLogic.RestorePriceParameters.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainPricingCustomLogic.TransferPriceParameters - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainPricingCustomLogic.TransferPriceParameters.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainPricingCustomLogic.UpdatePriceParameters - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainPricingCustomLogic.UpdatePriceParameters.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainPricingLogic - Class in google.registry.flows.domain
Provides pricing for create, renew, etc, operations, with call-outs that can be customized by providing a DomainPricingCustomLogic implementation that operates on cross-TLD or per-TLD logic.
DomainPricingLogic(DomainPricingCustomLogic) - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainPricingLogic
DomainPricingLogic.AllocationTokenInvalidForCurrencyException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain
DomainPricingLogic.AllocationTokenInvalidForPremiumNameException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.domain
An allocation token was provided that is invalid for premium domains.
DomainRenewData - Class in google.registry.model.domain
The EppResponse.ResponseData returned when renewing a domain.
DomainRenewData() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainRenewData
domainRenewFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
DomainRenewFlow - Class in google.registry.flows.domain
An EPP flow that renews a domain.
DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic - Class in google.registry.flows.custom
A no-op base class for DomainRenewFlow custom logic.
DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic(EppInput, SessionMetadata, FlowMetadata) - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic
DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainRenewSoyInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
DomainRenewSoyInfo.Param - Class in
DomainRenewSoyInfo.RenewdomainSoyTemplateInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
DomainRenewSoyInfo.TemplateName - Class in
domainRepoId() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.spec11.DomainNameInfo
Returns the value of the domainRepoId record component.
domainRestoreRequestFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
DomainRestoreRequestFlow - Class in google.registry.flows.domain
An EPP flow that requests that a domain in the redemption grace period be restored.
domains - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Check
DomainsRefresher - Class in google.registry.bsa.persistence
Rechecks the registered/reserved domain names in the database for changes.
DomainsRefresher(DateTime, DateTime, Duration, int) - Constructor for class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DomainsRefresher
DomainTransactionRecord - Class in google.registry.model.reporting
The record of the mutations which contribute to transaction reporting.
DomainTransactionRecord() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord
DomainTransactionRecord.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.reporting
A builder for DomainTransactionRecord since it is immutable.
DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField - Enum Class in google.registry.model.reporting
The field added to by reportAmount within the transaction report.
domainTransferApproveFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
DomainTransferApproveFlow - Class in google.registry.flows.domain
An EPP flow that approves a pending transfer on a domain.
domainTransferCancelFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
DomainTransferCancelFlow - Class in google.registry.flows.domain
An EPP flow that cancels a pending transfer on a domain.
DomainTransferData - Class in google.registry.model.transfer
Transfer data for domain.
DomainTransferData() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData
DomainTransferData.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.transfer
domainTransferQueryFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
DomainTransferQueryFlow - Class in google.registry.flows.domain
An EPP flow that queries a pending transfer on a domain.
domainTransferRejectFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
DomainTransferRejectFlow - Class in google.registry.flows.domain
An EPP flow that rejects a pending transfer on a domain.
DomainTransferRequest - Class in google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1
Java class for domainTransferRequest complex type
DomainTransferRequest() - Constructor for class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.DomainTransferRequest
domainTransferRequestFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
DomainTransferRequestFlow - Class in google.registry.flows.domain
An EPP flow that requests a transfer on a domain.
DomainTransferRequestSuperuserExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.superuser
A superuser extension that may be present on domain transfer request commands.
DomainTransferRequestSuperuserExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.superuser.DomainTransferRequestSuperuserExtension
DomainTransferResponse() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferResponse.DomainTransferResponse
DomainTransferUtils - Class in google.registry.flows.domain
Utility logic for facilitating domain transfers.
DomainUpdate - Class in google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1
Java class for domainUpdateType complex type
DomainUpdate() - Constructor for class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.DomainUpdate
DOMAINUPDATE - Static variable in class
DOMAINUPDATE - Static variable in class
The full template name of the domainupdate template.
DOMAINUPDATE__NAME - Static variable in class
domainUpdateFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
DomainUpdateFlow - Class in google.registry.flows.domain
An EPP flow that updates a domain.
DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic - Class in google.registry.flows.custom
A no-op base class for DomainUpdateFlow custom logic.
DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic(EppInput, SessionMetadata, FlowMetadata) - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic
DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
DomainUpdateSoyInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
DomainUpdateSoyInfo.DomainupdateSoyTemplateInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
DomainUpdateSoyInfo.Param - Class in
DomainUpdateSoyInfo.TemplateName - Class in
DomainUpdateSuperuserExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.superuser
A superuser extension that may be present on domain update commands.
DomainUpdateSuperuserExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.superuser.DomainUpdateSuperuserExtension
DONE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.DownloadStage
The terminal stage after processing succeeds.
DONE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.RefreshStage
dontRunCommand() - Method in class
dontRunCommand() - Method in class
Whether to NOT run the command.
dontRunCommand() - Method in class
DOWNLOAD_BLOCK_LISTS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.DownloadStage
Downloads BSA block list files.
DOWNLOAD_DOMAINS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Download a list of domains under management.
DownloadSchedule - Record Class in google.registry.bsa.persistence
Information needed when handling a download from BSA.
DownloadSchedule(long, DateTime, String, DownloadStage, Optional<DownloadSchedule.CompletedJob>, boolean) - Constructor for record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadSchedule
Creates an instance of a DownloadSchedule record class.
DownloadSchedule.CompletedJob - Record Class in google.registry.bsa.persistence
Information about a completed BSA download job.
DownloadScheduler - Class in google.registry.bsa.persistence
Assigns work for each cron invocation of the BSA Download job.
DownloadStage - Enum Class in google.registry.bsa
The processing stages of a download.
DRFN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotificationStatusType
DriveConnection - Class in
Class encapsulating parameters and state for accessing the Drive API.
DriveConnection() - Constructor for class
DriveModule - Class in google.registry.export
Dagger module for Google Drive service connection objects.
DriveModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.export.DriveModule
DS_RECORDS - Static variable in class
DS_RECORDS - Static variable in class
Listed by .domaincreate.
dsDatas - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsOrKeyType
dsDatas - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsRemType
dumFileName - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistrarConsole
DummyDnsCountQueryCoordinator - Class in google.registry.reporting.icann
DNS Count query where returned values are all -1.
DummyDnsCountQueryCoordinator() - Constructor for class google.registry.reporting.icann.DummyDnsCountQueryCoordinator
DummyJpaTransactionManager - Class in google.registry.persistence.transaction
A dummy implementation for JpaTransactionManager which throws exception when any of its method is invoked.
DummyJpaTransactionManager() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.transaction.DummyJpaTransactionManager
dumpHex(byte[]) - Static method in class google.registry.util.HexDumper
Calls HexDumper.dumpHex(byte[], int, int) with perLine set to 16 and perGroup set to 4.
dumpHex(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class google.registry.util.HexDumper
Convenience static method for generating a hex dump as a String.
duration() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingStep
Returns the value of the duration record component.
DurationParameter - Class in
Duration CLI parameter converter/validator.
DurationParameter() - Constructor for class
DurationSerializer() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.DurationSerializer
DurationSerializer(Class<Duration>) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.DurationSerializer
DurationUserType - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
Hibernate custom type for Duration.
DurationUserType() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.DurationUserType
DVFN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotificationStatusType
DVPN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotificationStatusType


EAP - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee.FeeType
earliestOf(Iterable<DateTime>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.DateTimeUtils
Returns the earliest element in a DateTime iterable.
earliestOf(DateTime, DateTime...) - Static method in class google.registry.util.DateTimeUtils
Returns the earliest of a number of given DateTime instances.
EDIT_REGISTRAR_DETAILS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Edit basic information about a registrar.
element - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy.XjcRdePolicy
email - Variable in class
email - Variable in class
email - Variable in class
email - Variable in class
email - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
email - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
email - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
email - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
email - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdIssuerInfo
EMAIL - Static variable in class
EMAIL - Static variable in class
Listed by .contactcreate.
EMAIL - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormFields
Email address form field.
EMAIL_ADDRESS_FIELD_OPTIONAL - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
EMAIL_ADDRESS_FIELD_REQUIRED - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
emailAddress() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleUsersAction.UserData
Returns the value of the emailAddress record component.
EmailInfo(Registrar, Registrar, ImmutableSet<RegistrarPoc>, ImmutableSet<RegistrarPoc>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction.EmailInfo
Creates an instance of a EmailInfo record class.
EmailMessage - Record Class in google.registry.util
Record representing the content and metadata of an email.
EmailMessage(String, String, ImmutableSet<InternetAddress>, Optional<InternetAddress>, ImmutableSet<InternetAddress>, ImmutableSet<InternetAddress>, Optional<MediaType>, Optional<EmailMessage.Attachment>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage
Creates an instance of a EmailMessage record class.
EmailMessage.Attachment - Record Class in google.registry.util
An attachment to the email, if one exists.
EmailMessage.Attachment.Builder - Interface in google.registry.util
EmailMessage.Builder - Interface in google.registry.util
Builder for EmailMessage.
emailOverallInvoice() - Method in class google.registry.reporting.billing.BillingEmailUtils
Sends an e-mail to all expected recipients with an attached overall invoice from GCS.
emailThrottleSeconds - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Misc
embeddable() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.JodaMoneyType
EMPTY - Static variable in class google.registry.model.transfer.ContactTransferData
EMPTY - Static variable in class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData
emptyToNull() - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField.Builder
Transform empty values into null.
enableSecretVersion(String, String) - Method in interface google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient
Enables a secret version.
enableSecretVersion(String, String) - Method in class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClientImpl
encode(byte[], PGPPublicKey) - Static method in class google.registry.rde.Ghostryde
Creates a ghostryde file from an in-memory byte array.
encode(PendingDeposit, OutputStream) - Method in class google.registry.rde.PendingDeposit.PendingDepositCoder
encode(ChannelHandlerContext, FullHttpResponse, ByteBuf) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.HttpsRelayServiceHandler
encodeBase64(byte[]) - Static method in class google.registry.util.SerializeUtils
Encodes a byte array as a URL-safe string.
encodeCursorToken(String) - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapSearchActionBase
Returns an encoded cursor token to pass back in the RDAP JSON link strings.
EncodedSignedMark - Class in google.registry.model.smd
Encoded data representation of a SignedMark object.
EncodedSignedMark() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.smd.EncodedSignedMark
encodedSignedMarks - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreate
encodePendingDeposits(ImmutableSet<PendingDeposit>) - Static method in class google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipeline
Encodes the pending deposit set in a URL safe string that is sent to the pipeline worker by the pipeline launcher as a pipeline option.
encoder(OutputStream, PGPPublicKey) - Static method in class google.registry.rde.Ghostryde
Creates a Ghostryde Encoder.
encoder(OutputStream, PGPPublicKey, OutputStream) - Static method in class google.registry.rde.Ghostryde
Creates a Ghostryde Encoder.
encodeX509Certificate(X509Certificate) - Static method in class google.registry.util.X509Utils
Encodes an X.509 certificate in the same form that the proxy encodes a certificate before passing it via an HTTP header.
encodeX509CertificateFromPemString(String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.X509Utils
Constructs an X.509 certificate from a PEM string and encodes it.
encoding - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigObject
encoding - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdEncodedSignedMark
ENCRYPT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.keyring.api.PgpHelper.KeyRequirement
ENCRYPT_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.keyring.api.PgpHelper.KeyRequirement
end() - Method in class google.registry.rde.LoggingSftpProgressMonitor
END_OF_TIME - Static variable in class google.registry.util.DateTimeUtils
A date in the far future that we can treat as infinity.
ENDED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.TokenStatus
The promotion has ended.
ENDPOINT_PARAM - Static variable in class google.registry.cron.CronModule
endTimestamp() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric
Returns the value of the endTimestamp record component.
endTimestamp() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric
Returns the value of the endTimestamp record component.
endTimestamp() - Method in record class google.registry.whois.WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric
Returns the value of the endTimestamp record component.
enqueue(String, Task) - Method in class google.registry.batch.CloudTasksUtils
enqueue(String, Task...) - Method in class google.registry.batch.CloudTasksUtils
enqueue(String, Iterable<Task>) - Method in class google.registry.batch.CloudTasksUtils
enqueue(String, String, String, Task) - Method in class google.registry.batch.CloudTasksUtils.GcpCloudTasksClient
enqueue(String, String, String, Task) - Method in class google.registry.batch.CloudTasksUtils.SerializableCloudTasksClient
ENQUEUE_DELAY_MINUTES - Static variable in class google.registry.reporting.ReportingModule
The amount of time expected for the Dataflow jobs to complete.
enqueueAsyncResave(VKey<? extends EppResource>, DateTime, ImmutableSortedSet<DateTime>) - Method in class google.registry.batch.AsyncTaskEnqueuer
Enqueues a task to asynchronously re-save an entity at some point(s) in the future.
enqueueDomainRelock(RegistryLock) - Method in class
Enqueues a task to asynchronously re-lock a registry-locked domain after it was unlocked.
enqueueDomainRelock(Duration, long, int) - Method in class
Enqueues a task to asynchronously re-lock a registry-locked domain after it was unlocked.
ensureDataSetAndTableExist(String, String, String) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.CheckedBigquery
Returns a new connection to Bigquery, first ensuring that the given dataset and table exist in project with the given id, creating them if required.
ensureDataSetExists(String, String) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.CheckedBigquery
Returns a new connection to Bigquery, first ensuring that the given dataset exists in the project with the given id, creating it if required.
ensureTable(TableReference, String) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection
Create a table from a SQL query if it doesn't already exist.
entitlement - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
EntityCallbacksListener - Class in google.registry.persistence
A listener class to invoke entity callbacks in cases where Hibernate doesn't invoke the callback as expected.
EntityCallbacksListener() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.EntityCallbacksListener
entityChanges() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns the value of the entityChanges record component.
entityChanges() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns the value of the entityChanges record component.
entityChanges() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns the value of the entityChanges record component.
entityChanges() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns the value of the entityChanges record component.
EntityChanges - Record Class in google.registry.flows.custom
A record that encapsulates database entities to both save and delete.
EntityChanges(ImmutableSet<ImmutableObject>, ImmutableSet<VKey<ImmutableObject>>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.EntityChanges
Creates an instance of a EntityChanges record class.
EntityChanges.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows.custom
Builder for EntityChanges.
entityClass - Variable in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer
EntityYamlUtils - Class in google.registry.model
A collection of static utility classes/functions to convert entities to/from YAML files.
EntityYamlUtils() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils
EntityYamlUtils.CreateAutoTimestampDeserializer - Class in google.registry.model
A custom JSON deserializer for a CreateAutoTimestamp.
EntityYamlUtils.CurrencyDeserializer - Class in google.registry.model
A custom JSON deserializer for CurrencyUnit.
EntityYamlUtils.CurrencySerializer - Class in google.registry.model
A custom JSON serializer for CurrencyUnit.
EntityYamlUtils.DurationSerializer - Class in google.registry.model
A custom JSON serializer for a Duration object.
EntityYamlUtils.MoneyDeserializer - Class in google.registry.model
A custom JSON deserializer for Money.
EntityYamlUtils.MoneySerializer - Class in google.registry.model
A custom JSON serializer for Money.
EntityYamlUtils.OptionalDurationSerializer - Class in google.registry.model
A custom JSON serializer for an Optional of a Duration object.
EntityYamlUtils.OptionalStringSerializer - Class in google.registry.model
A custom JSON serializer for an Optional String.
EntityYamlUtils.SortedEnumSetSerializer - Class in google.registry.model
A custom serializer for Enum Set to sort the order and make YAML generation deterministic.
EntityYamlUtils.SortedSetSerializer - Class in google.registry.model
A custom serializer for String Set to sort the order and make YAML generation deterministic.
EntityYamlUtils.TimedTransitionPropertyFeatureStatusDeserializer - Class in google.registry.model
A custom JSON deserializer for a TimedTransitionProperty of FeatureFlag.FeatureStatus.
EntityYamlUtils.TimedTransitionPropertyMoneyDeserializer - Class in google.registry.model
A custom JSON deserializer for a TimedTransitionProperty of Money.
EntityYamlUtils.TimedTransitionPropertySerializer<E> - Class in google.registry.model
A custom JSON serializer for a TimedTransitionProperty of Enum values.
EntityYamlUtils.TimedTransitionPropertyTldStateDeserializer - Class in google.registry.model
A custom JSON deserializer for a TimedTransitionProperty of Tld.TldState.
EntityYamlUtils.TokenVKeyListDeserializer - Class in google.registry.model
A custom JSON deserializer for a list of AllocationToken VKeys.
EntityYamlUtils.TokenVKeyListSerializer - Class in google.registry.model
A custom JSON serializer for a list of AllocationToken VKeys.
entriesToImmutableMap() - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Returns a Collector that accumulates Map.Entrys into an ImmutableMap.
EnumParameter<T> - Class in
Base class for Enum-based parameters.
EnumParameter() - Constructor for class
EnumToAttributeAdapter<E> - Class in google.registry.model.adapters
Used by JAXB to convert enums to the peculiar EPP format that puts the value in an attribute.
EnumToAttributeAdapter() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.adapters.EnumToAttributeAdapter
EnumToAttributeAdapter.EppEnum - Interface in google.registry.model.adapters
Interface for epp enums that can be transformed with this adapter.
enumToXml(Enum<?>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.XmlEnumUtils
Read the XmlEnumValue string off of an enum.
epp - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig
Epp() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Epp
EPP_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class google.registry.proxy.handler.EppServiceHandler
EPP_PASSWORD_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Type
EPP_SESSION - Static variable in class google.registry.util.ProxyHttpHeaders
HTTP header name passed from Nomulus to proxy to indicate that an EPP session should be closed.
EppActionHandler - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler
Subclass of ActionHandler that deals with the Epp Sequence
EppActionHandler() - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler.EppActionHandler
EppClient - Class in google.registry.client
A simple EPP client that can be used for load testing.
EppClient() - Constructor for class google.registry.client.EppClient
EppClient.InetAddressConverter - Class in google.registry.client
EppClientException - Exception Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.exception
Subclass of UndeterminedStateException that represents all instances when the action performed failed due to the fault of the Prober when the action is an EPP action.
EppClientException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.exception.EppClientException
EppClientException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.exception.EppClientException
EppClientHandler - Class in google.registry.client
Handler that sends EPP requests and receives EPP responses.
EppClientHandler() - Constructor for class google.registry.client.EppClientHandler
EppController - Class in google.registry.flows
An implementation of the EPP command/response protocol.
EppException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Exception used to propagate all failures containing one or more EPP responses.
EppException.AssociationProhibitsOperationException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Abstract exception class.
EppException.AuthenticationErrorClosingConnectionException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Abstract exception class.
EppException.AuthenticationErrorException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Abstract exception class.
EppException.AuthorizationErrorException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Abstract exception class.
EppException.CommandUseErrorException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Abstract exception class.
EppException.EppResultCode - Annotation Interface in google.registry.flows
Annotation for associating an EPP Result.Code value with an EppException subclass.
EppException.InvalidAuthorizationInformationErrorException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Abstract exception class.
EppException.ObjectAlreadyExistsException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Abstract exception class.
EppException.ObjectDoesNotExistException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Abstract exception class.
EppException.ObjectNotPendingTransferException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Abstract exception class.
EppException.ObjectPendingTransferException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Abstract exception class.
EppException.ParameterValuePolicyErrorException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Abstract exception class.
EppException.ParameterValueRangeErrorException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Abstract exception class.
EppException.ParameterValueSyntaxErrorException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Abstract exception class.
EppException.RequiredParameterMissingException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Abstract exception class.
EppException.StatusProhibitsOperationException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Abstract exception class.
EppException.SyntaxErrorException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Abstract exception class.
EppException.UnimplementedCommandException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Specified command is not implemented.
EppException.UnimplementedExtensionException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Specified extension is not implemented.
EppException.UnimplementedObjectServiceException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Specified object service is not implemented.
EppException.UnimplementedOptionException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Abstract exception class.
EppException.UnimplementedProtocolVersionException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Specified protocol version is not implemented.
EppInput - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
This class represents the root EPP XML element for input.
EppInput() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput
EppInput.Check - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
Epp envelope wrapper for check on some objects.
EppInput.CommandExtension - Interface in google.registry.model.eppinput
Marker interface for types that can go in the EppInput.CommandWrapper.extension field.
EppInput.CommandWrapper - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
The "command" element that holds an actual command inside of it.
EppInput.Create - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
Epp envelope wrapper for create of some object.
EppInput.Delete - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
Epp envelope wrapper for delete of some object.
EppInput.Hello - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
Empty type to represent the empty "hello" command.
EppInput.Info - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
Epp envelope wrapper for info on some object.
EppInput.InnerCommand - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
A tag that goes inside of an EPP <command>.
EppInput.Login - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
Login command.
EppInput.Logout - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
Logout command.
EppInput.Options - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
An options object inside of EppInput.Login.
EppInput.Poll - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
Poll command.
EppInput.Poll.PollOp - Enum Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
Enum of the possible values for the "op" attribute in poll commands.
EppInput.Renew - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
Epp envelope wrapper for renewing some object.
EppInput.ResourceCommandWrapper - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
A command that has an extension inside of it.
EppInput.Services - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
A services object inside of EppInput.Login.
EppInput.Transfer - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
Epp envelope wrapper for transferring some object.
EppInput.Transfer.TransferOp - Enum Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
Enum of the possible values for the "op" attribute in transfer flows.
EppInput.Update - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
Epp envelope wrapper for update of some object.
EppInput.VersionAdapter - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
RFC 5730 says we should check the version and return special error code 2100 if it isn't what we support, but it also specifies a schema that only allows 1.0 in the version field, so any other version doesn't validate.
EppInput.WrongProtocolVersionException - Exception Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
Exception to throw if encountering a protocol version other than "1.0".
EppMessage - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message
Superclass of EppRequestMessage and EppResponseMessage that represents skeleton of any kind of EPP message, whether inbound or outbound.
EppMessage() - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppMessage
EppMessageHandler - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler
ChannelHandler that converts inbound ByteBuf to custom type EppResponseMessage and similarly converts the outbound EppRequestMessage to a ByteBuf.
EppMessageHandler(EppResponseMessage) - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler.EppMessageHandler
EppMetric - Record Class in google.registry.monitoring.whitebox
A record for recording attributes of an EPP metric.
EppMetric(DateTime, DateTime, Optional<String>, Optional<String>, Optional<String>, Optional<Result.Code>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric
Creates an instance of a EppMetric record class.
EppMetric.Builder - Class in google.registry.monitoring.whitebox
A builder to create instances of EppMetric.
EppMetrics - Class in google.registry.flows
EPP Instrumentation.
EppMetrics() - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.EppMetrics
EppModule - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.module
A module that provides the components necessary for and the overall ProbingSequence to probe EPP.
EppModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.module.EppModule
EppModule.EppProtocol - Annotation Interface in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.module
Dagger qualifier to provide EPP protocol related handlers and other bindings.
EppOutput - Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
This class represents the root EPP XML element for output.
EppOutput() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppOutput
EppOutput.ResponseOrGreeting - Interface in google.registry.model.eppoutput
Marker interface for types allowed inside of an EppOutput.
EppPasswordData(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleEppPasswordAction.EppPasswordData
Creates an instance of a EppPasswordData record class.
EppProtocolModule - Class in google.registry.proxy
A module that provides the Protocol.FrontendProtocol used for epp protocol.
EppProtocolModule.EppProtocol - Annotation Interface in google.registry.proxy
Dagger qualifier to provide epp protocol related handlers and other bindings.
EppRequestHandler - Class in google.registry.flows
Handle an EPP request and response.
EppRequestMessage - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message
EppMessage subclass that implements OutboundMessageType, which represents an outbound Epp message.
EppRequestMessage(String, EppResponseMessage, String, BiFunction<String, String, Map<String, String>>) - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppRequestMessage
Private constructor for EppRequestMessage that its subclasses use for instantiation.
EppRequestSource - Enum Class in google.registry.flows
An enum that identifies the origin of the session.
EppResource - Search tag in class google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipeline
EppResource - Class in google.registry.model
An EPP entity object (i.e.
EppResource() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EppResource
EppResource.Builder<T,B> - Class in google.registry.model
Abstract builder for EppResource types.
EppResource.BuilderWithTransferData<T,B> - Interface in google.registry.model
An interface for builders of resources that have transfer data.
EppResource.ForeignKeyedEppResource - Interface in google.registry.model
EppResources that are loaded via foreign keys should implement this marker interface.
EppResource.ResourceWithTransferData<T> - Interface in google.registry.model
An interface for resources that have transfer data.
eppResourceCachingEnabled - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Caching
eppResourceCachingSeconds - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Caching
eppResourceMaxCachedEntries - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Caching
EppResourceTypeParameter - Enum Class in
Enum to make it easy for a command to accept a flag that specifies an EppResource subclass.
EppResourceUtils - Class in google.registry.model
Utilities for working with EppResource.
EppResponse - Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
The EppResponse class represents an EPP response message.
EppResponse() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppResponse
EppResponse.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
Builder for EppResponse because it is immutable.
EppResponse.ResponseData - Interface in google.registry.model.eppoutput
Marker interface for types that can go in the EppResponse.resData field.
EppResponse.ResponseExtension - Interface in google.registry.model.eppoutput
Marker interface for types that can go in the EppResponse.extensions field.
EppResponseMessage - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message
EppMessage subclass that implements InboundMessageType, which represents an inbound EPP message and serves to verify the response received from the server.
EppResponseMessage(String, BiFunction<String, String, List<String>>) - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppResponseMessage
EppServiceHandler - Class in google.registry.proxy.handler
Handler that processes EPP protocol logic.
EppServiceHandler(String, String, boolean, Supplier<String>, byte[], FrontendMetrics) - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.handler.EppServiceHandler
eppTlsAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent
EppTlsAction - Class in google.registry.flows
Establishes a transport for EPP+TLS over HTTP.
EppTlsModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.TlsCredentials.EppTlsModule
EppToken - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token
Token subtype that deals performs specified actions for the EPP sequence.
EppToken(String, String) - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token.EppToken
Always the constructor used to provide any EppToken, with tld and host specified by Dagger.
EppToken(String, String, Channel) - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token.EppToken
Constructor used when passing on same Channel to next Token.
EppToken.Persistent - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token
EppToken Subclass that represents a token used in a persistent sequence, meaning the connection is maintained on each new iteration of the ProbingSequence.
EppToken.Transient - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token
EppToken Subclass that represents a token used in a transient sequence, meaning the connection is remade on each new iteration of the ProbingSequence.
eppToolAction() - Method in interface
EppToolAction - Class in google.registry.flows
Runs EPP commands directly without logging in, verifying an XSRF token from the tool.
EppToolAction.EppToolModule - Class in google.registry.flows
Dagger module for the epp tool endpoint.
EppToolModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.EppToolAction.EppToolModule
eppValidate(Document) - Static method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppMessage
Validate an EPP XML document against the set of XSD files that make up the EPP XML Schema.
EppXmlSanitizer - Class in google.registry.flows
Sanitizes sensitive data in incoming/outgoing EPP XML messages.
EppXmlSanitizer() - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.EppXmlSanitizer
EppXmlTransformer - Class in google.registry.model.eppcommon
XmlTransformer for marshalling to and from the Epp model classes.
EppXmlTransformer() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppcommon.EppXmlTransformer
EQ - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer.Comparator
Return only records whose field is equal to the value.
equal(CriteriaBuilder) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer
equals(C, C) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringCollectionUserType
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.beam.billing.BillingEvent
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.beam.spec11.DomainNameInfo
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.beam.spec11.ThreatMatch
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockLabel
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockOrder
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomain
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomainChange
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadSchedule.CompletedJob
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadSchedule
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.Queries.DomainLifeSpan
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.RefreshSchedule
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.CreatePriceParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RenewPriceParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RestorePriceParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.TransferPriceParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.UpdatePriceParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.EntityChanges
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.domain.token.AllocationTokenDomainCheckResults
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.flows.FlowMetadata
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class google.registry.gcs.GcsUtils
equals(Object) - Method in class google.registry.model.common.TimedTransitionProperty
equals(Object) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchPhase
A special equals implementation that only considers the string value.
equals(Object) - Method in class google.registry.model.ImmutableObject
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingStep
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient.SecretVersionState
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlCredential
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager.QuotaRebate
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager.QuotaRequest
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager.QuotaResponse
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.rdap.RdapAuthorization
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.rdap.RdapResultSet
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.rde.DepositFragment
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.rde.PendingDeposit
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.reporting.spec11.RegistrarThreatMatches
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.request.auth.AuthResult
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.request.auth.AuthSettings
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in exception class google.registry.ui.forms.FormFieldException
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction.EmailInfo
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiParams
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleEppPasswordAction.EppPasswordData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleOteAction.OteCreateData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleRegistryLockAction.ConsoleRegistryLockPostInput
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleUsersAction.UserData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class google.registry.util.CidrAddressBlock
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.util.DiffUtils.DiffPair
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Attachment
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.whois.WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class google.registry.whois.WhoisResponse.WhoisResponseResults
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(TimedTransitionProperty<AllocationToken.TokenStatus>, TimedTransitionProperty<AllocationToken.TokenStatus>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.AllocationTokenStatusTransitionUserType
equals(TimedTransitionProperty<Money>, TimedTransitionProperty<Money>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.BillingCostTransitionUserType
equals(Map<CurrencyUnit, String>, Map<CurrencyUnit, String>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.CurrencyToStringMapUserType
equals(TimedTransitionProperty<FeatureFlag.FeatureStatus>, TimedTransitionProperty<FeatureFlag.FeatureStatus>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.FeatureStatusTransitionUserType
equals(Map<String, RegistrarRole>, Map<String, RegistrarRole>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.RegistrarToRoleMapUserType
equals(Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringMapUserType
equals(TimedTransitionProperty<V>, TimedTransitionProperty<V>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.TimedTransitionBaseUserType
equals(TimedTransitionProperty<Tld.TldState>, TimedTransitionProperty<Tld.TldState>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.TldStateTransitionUserType
equals(Money, Money) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.JodaMoneyType
equals(Duration, Duration) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.DurationUserType
equalYaml(Tld) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
error() - Method in record class google.registry.rde.DepositFragment
Returns the value of the error record component.
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Reason
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.metric.MetricsCollector.ResponseType
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog.Result.Outcome
Error Handling - Search tag in class google.registry.rde.RdeStagingAction
errorPrintStream - Variable in class
eventTime() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.billing.BillingEvent
Returns the value of the eventTime record component.
exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable) - Method in class google.registry.client.EppClientHandler
exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler.ActionHandler
Logs the channel and pipeline that caused error, closes channel, then informs ProbingAction listeners of error.
exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.HttpsRelayServiceHandler
Terminates connection upon inbound exception.
exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.RelayHandler
exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.WebWhoisRedirectHandler
Exception Handling - Search tag in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField
EXCLUDE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.rdap.RdapActionBase.DeletedItemHandling
EXCLUDE_PARAM - Static variable in class google.registry.cron.CronModule
exDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreData
exDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
exDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainRenData
exDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
exDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
exDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
exDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType
execDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
execute() - Method in class
Perform the command and return a result description.
execute() - Method in class
execute() - Method in class
execute() - Method in class
execute() - Method in class
execute() - Method in class
execute() - Method in class
execute() - Method in class
execute() - Method in class
execute() - Method in class
execute() - Method in class
execute() - Method in class
Performs the command and returns a result description.
execute() - Method in class
EXECUTE_EPP_COMMANDS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Execute arbitrary EPP commands through the UI.
executeEpp(SessionMetadata, TransportCredentials, EppRequestSource, boolean, boolean, byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.flows.EppRequestHandler
Handle an EPP request and write out a servlet response.
executeQuery(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.whois.DomainLookupCommand
executeQuery(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.whois.NameserverLookupByHostCommand
executeQuery(DateTime) - Method in interface google.registry.whois.WhoisCommand
Executes a WHOIS query and returns the resultant data.
executeWithLocks(Callable<Void>, String, Duration, String...) - Method in interface google.registry.request.lock.LockHandler
Acquire one or more locks and execute a Void Callable.
executeWithLocks(Callable<Void>, String, Duration, String...) - Method in class google.registry.request.lock.LockHandlerImpl
Acquire one or more locks and execute a Void Callable.
existingDomain() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns the value of the existingDomain record component.
existingDomain() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns the value of the existingDomain record component.
existingDomain() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns the value of the existingDomain record component.
existingDomain() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns the value of the existingDomain record component.
existingDomain() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns the value of the existingDomain record component.
existingDomain() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns the value of the existingDomain record component.
exists - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCdNameType
exists(VKey<T>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
exists(VKey<T>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Returns whether the entity of given key exists.
exists(Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
exists(Object) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Returns whether the given entity with same ID exists.
existsAndNotEmpty(BlobId) - Method in class google.registry.gcs.GcsUtils
Returns true if a file exists and is non-empty on Google Cloud Storage.
expand(PBegin) - Method in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO.Read
expand(PCollection<T>) - Method in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO.Write
expandBillingRecurrencesAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
ExpandBillingRecurrencesAction - Class in google.registry.batch
An action that kicks off a ExpandBillingRecurrencesPipeline dataflow job to expand BillingRecurrence billing events into synthetic BillingEvent events.
ExpandBillingRecurrencesPipeline - Class in google.registry.beam.billing
Definition of a Dataflow Flex pipeline template, which expands BillingRecurrence to BillingEvent when an autorenew occurs within the given time frame.
ExpandBillingRecurrencesPipelineOptions - Interface in google.registry.beam.billing
EXPIRATION_DATE - Static variable in class
Listed by .renewdomain.
EXPIRATION_DATE - Static variable in class
expirationDate() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CreateData.DomainCreateData
expirationWarningDays - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.SslCertificateValidation
expirationWarningEmailBodyText - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.SslCertificateValidation
expirationWarningEmailSubjectText - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.SslCertificateValidation
expirationWarningIntervalDays - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.SslCertificateValidation
EXPIRED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.flows.certs.CertificateChecker.CertificateViolation
expiry - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpType
exponent - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigRSAKeyValue
export(ImmutableList<Class<?>>, File) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.HibernateSchemaExporter
Exports DDL script to the outputFile for the given entityClasses.
exportDomainListsAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
ExportDomainListsAction - Class in google.registry.export
An action that exports the list of active domains on all real TLDs to Google Drive and GCS.
exportPremiumTermsAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
ExportPremiumTermsAction - Class in google.registry.export
Action that exports the premium terms list for a TLD to Google Drive.
exportReservedTerms(Tld) - Method in class google.registry.export.ExportUtils
Returns the file contents of the auto-export reserved terms document for the given TLD.
exportReservedTermsAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
ExportReservedTermsAction - Class in google.registry.export
Action that exports the publicly viewable reserved terms list for a TLD to Google Drive.
exportToDrive(String, String, DriveConnection) - Static method in class google.registry.export.ExportDomainListsAction
exportToGcs(String, String, String, GcsUtils) - Static method in class google.registry.export.ExportDomainListsAction
ExportUtils - Class in google.registry.export
Container class for exported-related utility methods.
ExportUtils(String) - Constructor for class google.registry.export.ExportUtils
ext - Variable in class
ext - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAuthInfoChgType
ext - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAuthInfoType
EXTENDED_LATIN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.tldconfig.idn.IdnTableEnum
Extended Latin, as used on our existing TLD launches prior to 2023.
extendRegistrationWithCap(DateTime, DateTime, Integer) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
Return what the expiration time would be if the given number of years were added to it.
extension - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEpp
extension - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
extension - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResponse
ExtensionManager - Class in google.registry.flows
Helper to validate extensions on an EPP command.
ExtensionManager.UndeclaredServiceExtensionException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Service extension(s) must be declared at login.
EXTERNAL_HOST_FRAGMENTS - Static variable in class google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipeline.TupleTags
EXTERNAL_MONITORING - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Type
A registrar used for external monitoring by ICANN.
ExternalMessagingName - Annotation Interface in google.registry.model.annotations
Annotation to provide a name for a class to use in external error messages.
extract(BigqueryConnection.DestinationTable, String, BigqueryUtils.DestinationFormat, boolean) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection
Starts an asynchronous job to extract the specified source table or view and output it to the given GCS filepath in the specified destination format, optionally printing headers.
extract(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface google.registry.request.auth.OidcTokenAuthenticationMechanism.TokenExtractor
extract(Map<String, I>) - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField
Convert and validate a raw user-supplied value from a map.
extractBooleanParameter(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
Returns true iff the given parameter is present, not empty, and not "false".
extractEnumParameter(HttpServletRequest, Class<C>, String) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
Returns the first GET or POST parameter associated with name.
extractField(GenericRecord, String) - Static method in class google.registry.beam.BeamUtils
Extracts a string representation of a field in a GenericRecord.
extractHumanReadableRoutesFromComponent(Class<?>) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RouterDisplayHelper
Returns a string representation of the routing map in the specified component.
extractHumanReadableRoutesWithWrongService(Class<?>, Action.Service) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RouterDisplayHelper
extractIntParameter(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
Returns first GET or POST parameter associated with name as an integer.
extractLongParameter(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
Returns first GET or POST parameter associated with name as a long.
extractOptionalBooleanParameter(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
Returns first GET or POST parameter associated with name as a boolean.
extractOptionalDatetimeParameter(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
Returns first request parameter associated with name parsed as an ISO 8601 timestamp, e.g.
extractOptionalEnumParameter(HttpServletRequest, Class<C>, String) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
Returns all GET or POST parameters associated with name.
extractOptionalHeader(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
Returns an Optional of the first HTTP header associated with name, or empty.
extractOptionalIntParameter(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
Returns first GET or POST parameter associated with name as an integer.
extractOptionalLongParameter(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
Returns first GET or POST parameter associated with name as a long.
extractOptionalParameter(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
Returns the first GET or POST parameter associated with name.
extractQuery(String, String, BigqueryUtils.DestinationFormat, boolean) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection
Starts an asynchronous job to run the provided query, store the results in a temporary table, and then extract the contents of that table to the given GCS filepath in the specified destination format, optionally printing headers.
extractRequiredDatetimeParameter(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
Returns first request parameter associated with name parsed as an ISO 8601 timestamp, e.g.
extractRequiredHeader(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
Returns first HTTP header associated with name.
extractRequiredParameter(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
Returns first GET or POST parameter associated with name.
extractSetOfDatetimeParameters(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
Returns all GET or POST date parameters associated with name, or an empty set if none.
extractSetOfEnumParameters(HttpServletRequest, Class<C>, String) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
Returns the first GET or POST parameter associated with name.
extractSetOfParameters(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
Returns all GET or POST parameters associated with name.
extractTlds(Iterable<String>) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.FlowReporter
Returns the set of unique results of FlowReporter.extractTld(java.lang.String) applied to each given domain name, excluding any absent results (i.e.
extractUntyped(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField
Convert and validate a raw user-supplied value from an untyped JSON map.
extURIs - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppExtURIType


FAILOVER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.batch.SendExpiringCertificateNotificationEmailAction.CertificateType
FAILOVER_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
FAILURE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.dns.DnsMetrics.CommitStatus
FAILURE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.metric.MetricsCollector.ResponseType
FailureException - Exception Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.exception
Base exception class for all instances when the status of the action performed is FAILURE.
FailureException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.exception.FailureException
FailureException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.exception.FailureException
FALLBACK_IP_ADDRESS - Static variable in class google.registry.util.ProxyHttpHeaders
Fallback HTTP header name used to pass the client IP address from the proxy to Nomulus.
fax - Variable in class
fax - Variable in class
fax - Variable in class
fax - Variable in class
fax - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
fax - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
fax - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
fax - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
FAX - Static variable in class
FAX - Static variable in class
Listed by .contactcreate.
FAX_NUMBER_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
FeatureFlag - Class in google.registry.model.common
FeatureFlag() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag
FeatureFlag.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.common
A builder for constructing FeatureFlag objects, since they are immutable.
FeatureFlag.FeatureFlagNotFoundException - Exception Class in google.registry.model.common
Exception to throw when no FeatureFlag entity is found for given FeatureName string(s).
FeatureFlag.FeatureName - Enum Class in google.registry.model.common
FeatureFlag.FeatureStatus - Enum Class in google.registry.model.common
The current status of the feature the flag represents.
FeatureFlagNotFoundException(FeatureFlag.FeatureName) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag.FeatureFlagNotFoundException
FeatureStatusTransitions() - Constructor for class
FeatureStatusTransitionUserType - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
FeatureStatusTransitionUserType() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.FeatureStatusTransitionUserType
Fee - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee
A fee, in currency units specified elsewhere in the xml, with type of the fee an optional fee description.
Fee() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee.Fee
FEE - Static variable in class
FEE - Static variable in class
Listed by .createanchortenant.
FEE_0_11 - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.ProtocolDefinition.ServiceExtension
FEE_0_12 - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.ProtocolDefinition.ServiceExtension
FEE_0_6 - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.ProtocolDefinition.ServiceExtension
FEE_CURRENCY - Static variable in class
FEE_CURRENCY - Static variable in class
Listed by .createanchortenant.
FEE_EARLY_ACCESS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Reason
FEE_EXTENSION_URIS - Static variable in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.Fee
FeeCheckCommandExtension<C,R> - Interface in google.registry.model.domain.fee
Interface for domain check command fee extensions.
FeeCheckCommandExtensionItem - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee
Interface for individual fee extension items in Check commands.
FeeCheckCommandExtensionItem() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItem
FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV06 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee06
An individual price check item in version 0.6 of the fee extension on Check commands.
FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV06() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV06
FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV12 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee12
An individual price check item in version 0.12 of the fee extension on domain check commands.
FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV12() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV12
FeeCheckCommandExtensionV06 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee06
Version 0.6 of the fee extension that may be present on domain check commands.
FeeCheckCommandExtensionV06() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckCommandExtensionV06
FeeCheckCommandExtensionV11 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee11
Version 0.11 of the fee extension that may be present on domain check commands.
FeeCheckCommandExtensionV11() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeCheckCommandExtensionV11
FeeCheckCommandExtensionV12 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee12
Version 0.12 of the fee extension that may be present on domain check commands.
FeeCheckCommandExtensionV12() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckCommandExtensionV12
FeeCheckResponseExtension<F> - Interface in google.registry.model.domain.fee
Interface for domain check response fee extensions.
FeeCheckResponseExtensionItem - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee
Abstract class for individual fee extension items in Check responses.
FeeCheckResponseExtensionItem() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItem
FeeCheckResponseExtensionItem.Builder<T> - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee
Abstract builder for FeeCheckResponseExtensionItem.
FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemCommandV12 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee12
The version 0.12 response command entity for a domain check on a single resource.
FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemCommandV12() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemCommandV12
FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemCommandV12.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee12
FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV06 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee06
The version 0.6 response for a domain check on a single resource.
FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV06() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV06
FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV06.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee06
FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV11 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee11
The version 0.11 response for a domain check on a single resource.
FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV11() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV11
FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV11.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee11
FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV12 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee12
The version 0.12 response for a domain check on a single resource.
FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV12() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV12
FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV12.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee12
FeeCheckResponseExtensionV06 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee06
An XML data object that represents version 0.6 of the fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain check commands.
FeeCheckResponseExtensionV06() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckResponseExtensionV06
FeeCheckResponseExtensionV11 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee11
An XML data object that represents version 0.11 of the fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain check commands.
FeeCheckResponseExtensionV11() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeCheckResponseExtensionV11
FeeCheckResponseExtensionV12 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee12
An XML data object that represents version 0.12 of the fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain check commands.
FeeCheckResponseExtensionV12() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionV12
FeeCreateCommandExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee
A fee extension that may be present on domain create commands.
FeeCreateCommandExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeCreateCommandExtension
FeeCreateCommandExtensionV06 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee06
A fee extension that may be present on domain create commands.
FeeCreateCommandExtensionV06() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCreateCommandExtensionV06
FeeCreateCommandExtensionV11 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee11
A fee extension that may be present on domain create commands.
FeeCreateCommandExtensionV11() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeCreateCommandExtensionV11
FeeCreateCommandExtensionV12 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee12
A fee extension that may be present on domain create commands.
FeeCreateCommandExtensionV12() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCreateCommandExtensionV12
FeeCreateResponseExtensionV06 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee06
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain create commands.
FeeCreateResponseExtensionV06() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCreateResponseExtensionV06
FeeCreateResponseExtensionV11 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee11
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain create commands.
FeeCreateResponseExtensionV11() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeCreateResponseExtensionV11
FeeCreateResponseExtensionV12 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee12
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain create commands.
FeeCreateResponseExtensionV12() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCreateResponseExtensionV12
FeeDeleteResponseExtensionV06 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee06
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain create commands.
FeeDeleteResponseExtensionV06() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeDeleteResponseExtensionV06
FeeDeleteResponseExtensionV06.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee06
FeeDeleteResponseExtensionV11 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee11
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain create commands.
FeeDeleteResponseExtensionV11() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeDeleteResponseExtensionV11
FeeDeleteResponseExtensionV11.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee11
FeeDeleteResponseExtensionV12 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee12
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain create commands.
FeeDeleteResponseExtensionV12() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeDeleteResponseExtensionV12
FeeDeleteResponseExtensionV12.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee12
FeeDescriptionMultipleMatchesException(String, ImmutableList<BaseFee.FeeType>) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils.FeeDescriptionMultipleMatchesException
FeeDescriptionParseException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils.FeeDescriptionParseException
FeeExtensionCommandDescriptor - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee
A command name along with the launch phase and subphase it is to be executed in.
FeeExtensionCommandDescriptor() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeExtensionCommandDescriptor
FeeInfoCommandExtensionV06 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee06
A fee extension that may be present on domain info commands.
FeeInfoCommandExtensionV06() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeInfoCommandExtensionV06
FeeInfoResponseExtensionV06 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee06
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain info commands.
FeeInfoResponseExtensionV06() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeInfoResponseExtensionV06
FeeInfoResponseExtensionV06.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee06
FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee
Abstract base class for the fee request query items used in Check and Info commands.
FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem
FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName - Enum Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee
The name of a command that might have an associated fee.
FeeQueryResponseExtensionItem - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee
Abstract base class for the fee request query items used in Check and Info responses.
FeeQueryResponseExtensionItem() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryResponseExtensionItem
FeeQueryResponseExtensionItem.Builder<T,B> - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee
Abstract builder for FeeQueryResponseExtensionItem.
FeeRenewCommandExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee
A fee extension that may be present on domain renew commands.
FeeRenewCommandExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeRenewCommandExtension
FeeRenewCommandExtensionV06 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee06
A fee extension that may be present on domain renew commands.
FeeRenewCommandExtensionV06() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeRenewCommandExtensionV06
FeeRenewCommandExtensionV11 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee11
A fee extension that may be present on domain renew commands.
FeeRenewCommandExtensionV11() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeRenewCommandExtensionV11
FeeRenewCommandExtensionV12 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee12
A fee extension that may be present on domain renew commands.
FeeRenewCommandExtensionV12() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeRenewCommandExtensionV12
FeeRenewResponseExtensionV06 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee06
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain renew commands.
FeeRenewResponseExtensionV06() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeRenewResponseExtensionV06
FeeRenewResponseExtensionV11 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee11
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain renew commands.
FeeRenewResponseExtensionV11() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeRenewResponseExtensionV11
FeeRenewResponseExtensionV12 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee12
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain renew commands.
FeeRenewResponseExtensionV12() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeRenewResponseExtensionV12
fees - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCDType
fees - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06InfData
fees - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TransformCommandType
fees - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TransformResultType
fees - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TrnData
fees - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
fees - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformCommandType
fees - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformResultType
fees - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TrnData
fees - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
fees - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformCommandType
fees - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformResultType
fees - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TrnData
feesAndCredits() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.CreatePriceParameters
Returns the value of the feesAndCredits record component.
feesAndCredits() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RenewPriceParameters
Returns the value of the feesAndCredits record component.
feesAndCredits() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RestorePriceParameters
Returns the value of the feesAndCredits record component.
feesAndCredits() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.TransferPriceParameters
Returns the value of the feesAndCredits record component.
feesAndCredits() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.UpdatePriceParameters
Returns the value of the feesAndCredits record component.
FeesAndCredits - Class in google.registry.flows.domain
A collection of fees and credits for a specific EPP transform.
FeesAndCredits() - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits
FeesAndCredits.Builder - Class in google.registry.flows.domain
A builder for constructing FeesAndCredits objects, since they are immutable.
FeesMismatchException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils.FeesMismatchException
FeesMismatchException(BaseFee.FeeType) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils.FeesMismatchException
FeesMismatchException(BaseFee.FeeType, Money) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils.FeesMismatchException
FeesMismatchException(Money) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils.FeesMismatchException
FeeTransferCommandExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee
A fee extension that may be present on domain transfer commands.
FeeTransferCommandExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeTransferCommandExtension
FeeTransferCommandExtensionV06 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee06
A fee extension that may be present on domain transfer requests.
FeeTransferCommandExtensionV06() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeTransferCommandExtensionV06
FeeTransferCommandExtensionV11 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee11
A fee extension that may be present on domain transfer requests.
FeeTransferCommandExtensionV11() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeTransferCommandExtensionV11
FeeTransferCommandExtensionV12 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee12
A fee extension that may be present on domain transfer requests.
FeeTransferCommandExtensionV12() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeTransferCommandExtensionV12
FeeTransferResponseExtensionV06 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee06
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain transfer requests.
FeeTransferResponseExtensionV06() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeTransferResponseExtensionV06
FeeTransferResponseExtensionV11 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee11
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain transfer requests.
FeeTransferResponseExtensionV11() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeTransferResponseExtensionV11
FeeTransferResponseExtensionV12 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee12
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain transfer requests.
FeeTransferResponseExtensionV12() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeTransferResponseExtensionV12
FeeTransformCommandExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee
Base class for general transform commands with fees (create, renew, update, transfer).
FeeTransformCommandExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeTransformCommandExtension
FeeTransformResponseExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee
Base class for fee responses on general transform commands (create, update, renew, transfer).
FeeTransformResponseExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeTransformResponseExtension
FeeTransformResponseExtension.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee
Abstract builder for FeeTransformResponseExtension.
FeeUpdateCommandExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee
A fee extension that may be present on domain update commands.
FeeUpdateCommandExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeUpdateCommandExtension
FeeUpdateCommandExtensionV06 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee06
A fee extension that may be present on domain update commands.
FeeUpdateCommandExtensionV06() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeUpdateCommandExtensionV06
FeeUpdateCommandExtensionV11 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee11
A fee extension that may be present on domain update commands.
FeeUpdateCommandExtensionV11() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeUpdateCommandExtensionV11
FeeUpdateCommandExtensionV12 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee12
A fee extension that may be present on domain update commands.
FeeUpdateCommandExtensionV12() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeUpdateCommandExtensionV12
FeeUpdateResponseExtensionV06 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee06
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain update commands.
FeeUpdateResponseExtensionV06() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeUpdateResponseExtensionV06
FeeUpdateResponseExtensionV11 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee11
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain update commands.
FeeUpdateResponseExtensionV11() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeUpdateResponseExtensionV11
FeeUpdateResponseExtensionV12 - Class in google.registry.model.domain.fee12
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain update commands.
FeeUpdateResponseExtensionV12() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeUpdateResponseExtensionV12
fetchMostRecentDownloadJobIdIfCompleted() - Static method in class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadScheduler
Returns the most recent download jobName if it has been fully processed, and empty if the download is still being processed.
fieldName - Variable in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer.WhereClause
FIELDS_PARAM - Static variable in class
filename() - Method in record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Attachment
Returns the value of the filename record component.
fillSubstitutions(String, String) - Method in class
Fills out the default set of substitutions in the provided XML template.
filterResourcesByVisibility(List<T>, int) - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapSearchActionBase
findDuplicates(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Returns any duplicates in an iterable.
findMember(Binding, String) - Static method in class
findMostRecentPrefixForWatermark(DateTime, String, String, GcsUtils) - Static method in class google.registry.rde.RdeUtils
Find the most recent folder in the given GCS bucket for the given watermark.
findTldForName(InternetDomainName) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tlds
Returns TLD which the domain name or hostname falls under, no matter how many levels of sublabels there are.
findTldForNameOrThrow(InternetDomainName) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tlds
Returns the registered TLD which this domain name falls under, or throws an exception if no match exists.
findValidIdnTableForTld(String, String) - Method in class google.registry.tldconfig.idn.IdnLabelValidator
Returns name of first matching IdnTable if domain label is valid for the given TLD.
finishAndPersistConsoleUpdateHistory(SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory.Builder) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction
finished - Variable in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler.ActionHandler
ChannelPromise that informs ProbingAction if response has been received.
first - Variable in class google.registry.util.CircularList.AbstractBuilder
first() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer
Returns the first result of the query or an empty optional if there is none.
flag - Variable in class
flags - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsKeyDataType
flags() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.billing.BillingEvent
Returns the value of the flags record component.
FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.FieldType
Flow - Interface in google.registry.flows
An Extensible Provisioning Protocol flow.
FlowComponent - Interface in google.registry.flows
Dagger component for flow classes.
FlowComponent.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows
Dagger-implemented builder for this subcomponent.
FlowComponent.FlowComponentModule - Class in google.registry.flows
Module to delegate injection of a desired Flow.
flowComponentBuilder() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
flowComponentBuilder() - Method in interface google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent
flowComponentBuilder() - Method in interface
FlowComponentModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.FlowComponent.FlowComponentModule
FlowMetadata - Record Class in google.registry.flows
Object to hold metadata specific to a particular execution of a flow.
FlowMetadata(boolean) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.FlowMetadata
Creates an instance of a FlowMetadata record class.
FlowMetadata.Builder - Interface in google.registry.flows
Builder for FlowMetadata
flowModule(FlowModule) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent.Builder
FlowModule - Class in google.registry.flows
Module to choose and instantiate an EPP flow.
FlowModule.DryRun - Annotation Interface in google.registry.flows
Dagger qualifier for whether a flow is in dry run mode.
FlowModule.InputXml - Annotation Interface in google.registry.flows
Dagger qualifier for inputXml.
FlowModule.LogSqlStatements - Annotation Interface in google.registry.flows
Dagger qualifier for if we should log all SQL statements in a flow.
FlowModule.PollMessageId - Annotation Interface in google.registry.flows
Dagger qualifier for the message id for poll flows.
FlowModule.RegistrarId - Annotation Interface in google.registry.flows
Dagger qualifier for registrar client id.
FlowModule.Superuser - Annotation Interface in google.registry.flows
Dagger qualifier for whether a flow is in superuser mode.
FlowModule.TargetId - Annotation Interface in google.registry.flows
Dagger qualifier for the target id (foreign key) for single resource flows.
FlowModule.Transactional - Annotation Interface in google.registry.flows
Dagger qualifier for whether a flow is transactional.
FlowPicker - Class in google.registry.flows.picker
Class that picks a flow to handle a given EPP command.
FlowPicker() - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.picker.FlowPicker
FlowReporter - Class in google.registry.flows
Reporter used by FlowRunner to record flow execution data for reporting.
flowRunner() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
FlowRunner - Class in google.registry.flows
Run a flow, either transactionally or not, with logging and retrying as needed.
FlowScope - Annotation Interface in google.registry.flows
Dagger annotation for flow-scoped components.
FlowUtils - Class in google.registry.flows
Static utility functions for flows.
FlowUtils.GenericXmlSyntaxErrorException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Generic XML syntax error that can be thrown by any flow.
FlowUtils.IpAddressVersionMismatchException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
IP address version mismatch.
FlowUtils.NotLoggedInException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Registrar is not logged in.
FlowUtils.UnknownCurrencyEppException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Unknown currency.
flush() - Method in class google.registry.util.CapturingLogHandler
flush() - Method in class google.registry.util.HexDumper
Writes partial line buffer (if any) to upstream Writer.
flushTransaction() - Method in class
Subclasses can call this to write out all previously requested entity changes since the last transaction flush in a transaction.
FOR_EACH_REAL_TLD_PARAM - Static variable in class google.registry.cron.CronModule
FOR_EACH_TEST_TLD_PARAM - Static variable in class google.registry.cron.CronModule
forBillingEvent(GracePeriodStatus, String, BillingEvent) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriod
Constructs a GracePeriod of the given type from the provided one-time BillingEvent.
forceEmptyToNull(C) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Turns an empty collection into a null collection.
forDomainCheckFlow(EppInput, SessionMetadata, FlowMetadata) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.CustomLogicFactory
forDomainCreateFlow(EppInput, SessionMetadata, FlowMetadata) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.CustomLogicFactory
forDomainDeleteFlow(EppInput, SessionMetadata, FlowMetadata) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.CustomLogicFactory
forDomainInfoFlow(EppInput, SessionMetadata, FlowMetadata) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.CustomLogicFactory
forDomainPricing(Optional<EppInput>, Optional<SessionMetadata>, Optional<FlowMetadata>) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.CustomLogicFactory
forDomainRenewFlow(EppInput, SessionMetadata, FlowMetadata) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.CustomLogicFactory
forDomainUpdateFlow(EppInput, SessionMetadata, FlowMetadata) - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.CustomLogicFactory
ForeignKeyedDesignatedContact - Class in google.registry.model.domain
EPP-XML-serializable equivalent of DesignatedContact.
ForeignKeyedDesignatedContact() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.ForeignKeyedDesignatedContact
ForeignKeyUtils - Class in google.registry.model
Util class to map a foreign key to the VKey to the active instance of EppResource whose unique repoId matches the foreign key string at a given time.
forGracePeriod(GracePeriod, DateTime, HistoryEntry.HistoryEntryId, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingCancellation
Creates a cancellation billing event (parented on the provided history key, and with the corresponding event time) that will cancel out the provided grace period's billing event, using the supplied targetId and deriving other metadata (clientId, billing time, and the cancellation reason) from the grace period.
format(LogRecord) - Method in class google.registry.util.GcpJsonFormatter
FormException - Exception Class in google.registry.ui.forms
Exception thrown when a form is invalid.
FormException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.ui.forms.FormException
Creates a new FormException
FormException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.ui.forms.FormException
Creates a new FormException
FormField<I,O> - Class in google.registry.ui.forms
Declarative functional fluent form field converter / validator.
FormField.Builder<I,O> - Class in google.registry.ui.forms
Mutable builder for FormField.
FormFieldException - Exception Class in google.registry.ui.forms
Exception thrown when a form field contains a bad value.
FormFieldException(FormField<?, ?>, String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.ui.forms.FormFieldException
Creates a new FormFieldException for a particular form field.
FormFieldException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.ui.forms.FormFieldException
Creates a new FormFieldException
FormFieldException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.ui.forms.FormFieldException
Creates a new FormFieldException for a particular field name.
FormFieldException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.ui.forms.FormFieldException
Creates a new FormFieldException
FormFields - Class in google.registry.ui.forms
Utility class of FormField objects for validating EPP related things.
forRegistrarId(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.OteAccountBuilder
Creates an OteAccountBuilder for the given base client ID.
from(byte[]) - Static method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
Create a new header from the bytes of an existing tar file header (Safe).
fromBigqueryTimestampString(String) - Static method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils
Returns the DateTime for a given human-readable string-formatted BigQuery timestamp.
fromDateTime(DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.common.TimeOfYear
Constructs a TimeOfYear from a DateTime.
fromFormattedString(String) - Static method in record class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlCredential
fromJSON(JSONObject) - Static method in record class google.registry.beam.spec11.ThreatMatch
Parses a JSONObject and returns an equivalent ThreatMatch.
fromMode(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel
fromString(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.adapters.CurrencyJsonAdapter
fromString(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.adapters.SerializableJsonTypeAdapter
fromString(String) - Method in class google.registry.util.CidrAddressBlock.CidrAddressBlockAdapter
fromString(String) - Method in class google.registry.util.DateTimeTypeAdapter
fromString(String) - Method in class google.registry.util.StringBaseTypeAdapter
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.PUnitType
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainContactAttrType
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainHostsType
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPUnitType
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppPollOpType
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTransferOpType
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomTrStatusType
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCheckFormType
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchObjectType
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchPhaseTypeValue
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusValueType
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactTypeType
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkEntitlementType
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDepositTypeType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnNameStateValue
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotificationStatusType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarPostalInfoEnumType
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarStatusType
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpOpType
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusValueType
Gets the enum associated to the value passed as parameter.
fromValueMap(ImmutableSortedMap<DateTime, V>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.common.TimedTransitionProperty
Returns a new immutable TimedTransitionProperty representing the given map of DateTime to value TimedTransitionProperty.
fromWireValue(int) - Static method in enum class
Fetches a DigestType enumeration constant by its IANA assigned value.
fromXmlName(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.GracePeriodStatus
Maps from xmlName to GracePeriodStatus.
fromXmlName(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
FRONTEND - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.Action.GkeService
frontendBuilder() - Static method in interface google.registry.proxy.Protocol
A builder for Protocol.FrontendProtocol, by default there is a backend associated with it.
FrontendMetrics - Class in google.registry.proxy.metric
Frontend metrics instrumentation.
FrontendMetrics() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.metric.FrontendMetrics
FrontendMetricsHandler - Class in google.registry.proxy.handler
Handler that records metrics for a fronend channel.
FrontendProtocol() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.Protocol.FrontendProtocol
FrontendRequestComponent - Interface in google.registry.module.frontend
Dagger component with per-request lifetime for "default" App Engine module.
FrontendRequestComponent.Builder - Class in google.registry.module.frontend
FrontendRequestComponent.FrontendRequestComponentModule - Class in google.registry.module.frontend
FrontendRequestComponentModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent.FrontendRequestComponentModule
FrontendRequestHandler - Class in google.registry.module.frontend
Request handler for the frontend module.
FrontendServlet - Class in google.registry.module.frontend
Servlet that should handle all requests to our "default" App Engine module.
FrontendServlet() - Constructor for class google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendServlet
FTE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.GlobalRole
The user is a registry full-time employee.
FULL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.rde.RdeMode
Include all information is in the escrow deposit.
FULL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.rdap.RdapJsonFormatter.OutputDataType
The full information about an RDAP object.
FULL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDepositTypeType
FULL_ASCII - Static variable in class google.registry.util.StringGenerator.Alphabets
Full ASCII alphabet with a wide selection of punctuation characters.
FULL_FIELD_NAMES_PARAM - Static variable in class
FullHttpRequestRelayHandler() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.handler.RelayHandler.FullHttpRequestRelayHandler
FullHttpResponseRelayHandler() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.handler.RelayHandler.FullHttpResponseRelayHandler
FULLY_BLOCKED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservationType
The domain can never be registered.


g - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
GcpCloudTasksClient(Supplier<CloudTasksClient>) - Constructor for class google.registry.batch.CloudTasksUtils.GcpCloudTasksClient
GcpJsonFormatter - Class in google.registry.util
JUL formatter that formats log messages in a single-line JSON that Stackdriver logging can parse.
GcpJsonFormatter() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.GcpJsonFormatter
gcpProject - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
GcpProject() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.GcpProject
gcpScopes - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig
gcs - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig
Gcs() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Gcs
GcsClient - Class in google.registry.bsa
Stores and accesses BSA-related data, including original downloads and processed data.
GcsUtils - Class in google.registry.gcs
Utilities for working with Google Cloud Storage.
GcsUtils(StorageOptions) - Constructor for class google.registry.gcs.GcsUtils
GcsUtils(GoogleCredentialsBundle) - Constructor for class google.registry.gcs.GcsUtils
GENERAL_AVAILABILITY - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.TldState
The steady state of a TLD in which all domain names are available via first-come, first-serve.
generateAction(Token) - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingStep
Generates a new ProbingAction from token modified OutboundMessageType
generateInvoicesAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
GenerateInvoicesAction - Class in google.registry.reporting.billing
Invokes the InvoicingPipeline beam template via the REST api, and enqueues the PublishInvoicesAction to publish the subsequent output.
generateSpec11ReportAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
GenerateSpec11ReportAction - Class in google.registry.reporting.spec11
Invokes the Spec11Pipeline Beam template via the REST api.
generateToken(String) - Method in class
Generates an XSRF token for a given user based on email address.
generateZoneFilesAction() - Method in interface
GenerateZoneFilesAction - Class in
Action that requests generation of BIND zone files for a set of TLDs at a given time.
GenericBuilder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.Buildable.GenericBuilder
GenericBuilder(S) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.Buildable.GenericBuilder
GenericXmlSyntaxErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.FlowUtils.GenericXmlSyntaxErrorException
get() - Static method in class google.registry.model.server.ServerSecret
Returns the global ServerSecret instance, creating it if one isn't already in the database.
get() - Static method in class google.registry.model.smd.SignedMarkRevocationList
get() - Static method in class google.registry.model.tmch.ClaimsListDao
Returns the most recent revision of the ClaimsList from the cache.
get() - Static method in class google.registry.model.tmch.TmchCrl
Returns the singleton instance of this entity, without memoization.
get() - Static method in enum class
Returns the current environment.
get() - Static method in enum class google.registry.ui.ConsoleDebug
Returns value configured by system property #PROPERTY.
get() - Method in class google.registry.util.CircularList
Standard get method to retrieve value.
get() - Static method in enum class google.registry.util.RegistryEnvironment
Returns environment configured by system property "google.registry.environment".
get() - Static method in class google.registry.xjc.XjcXmlTransformer
get(FeatureFlag.FeatureName) - Static method in class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag
get(VKey<AllocationToken>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
get(Action) - Static method in class google.registry.request.Action.ServiceGetter
get(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedList
Gets a ReservedList by name using the caching layer.
get(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Returns the TLD for a given TLD, throwing if none exists.
get(Set<String>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Returns the TLD entities for the given TLD strings, throwing if any don't exist.
GET - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.Action.Method
GET_REGISTRANT_EMAIL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Retrieve the unredacted registrant email from a domain.
getAbsolute() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpExpiryType
Gets the value of the absolute property.
getAbstractMark() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCodeMarkType
Gets the value of the abstractMark property.
getAbstractMark() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
Gets the value of the abstractMark property.
getAbstractMarks() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfData
Gets the value of the abstractMarks property.
getAbstractSignedMarks() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreate
Gets the value of the abstractSignedMarks property.
getAcceptedDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreateNoticeType
Gets the value of the acceptedDate property.
getAcceptedTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchNotice
getAccess() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpType
Gets the value of the access property.
getAcDate() - Method in class
Gets the value of the acDate property.
getAcDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
Gets the value of the acDate property.
getAcDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactTransferDataType
Gets the value of the acDate property.
getAcDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType
Gets the value of the acDate property.
getAcID() - Method in class
Gets the value of the acID property.
getAcID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
Gets the value of the acID property.
getAcRr() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactTransferDataType
Gets the value of the acRr property.
getAcRr() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType
Gets the value of the acRr property.
getActingUser() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory
getActingUser() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory
getActionResult() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PendingActionNotificationResponse
getAdd() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.SecDnsUpdateExtension
getAdd() - Method in class
Gets the value of the add property.
getAdd() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainUpdate
Gets the value of the add property.
getAdd() - Method in class
Gets the value of the add property.
getAdd() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsUpdate
Gets the value of the add property.
getAddGracePeriodLength() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getAddr() - Method in class
Gets the value of the addr property.
getAddr() - Method in class
Gets the value of the addr property.
getAddr() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
Gets the value of the addr property.
getAddr() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
Gets the value of the addr property.
getAddr() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarPostalInfoType
Gets the value of the addr property.
getAddress() - Method in class
getAddress() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.CommonMarkContactFields
getAddrs() - Method in class
getAddrs() - Method in class
Gets the value of the addrs property.
getAddrs() - Method in class
Gets the value of the addrs property.
getAddrs() - Method in class
Gets the value of the addrs property.
getAddrs() - Method in class
Gets the value of the addrs property.
getAddrs() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
Gets the value of the addrs property.
getAdmin() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpPurposeType
Gets the value of the admin property.
getAdminContact() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getAdvanceCursor() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.billing.ExpandBillingRecurrencesPipelineOptions
getAlg() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsDataType
Gets the value of the alg property.
getAlg() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsKeyDataType
Gets the value of the alg property.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsData
getAlgorithm() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsDataBase
getAlgorithm() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsDataHistory
getAlgorithm() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigCanonicalizationMethod
Gets the value of the algorithm property.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDigestMethod
Gets the value of the algorithm property.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureMethod
Gets the value of the algorithm property.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigTransform
Gets the value of the algorithm property.
getAll() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.SecDnsUpdateExtension.Remove
getAll() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpAccessType
Gets the value of the all property.
getAll(ImmutableList<VKey<AllocationToken>>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
getAll(Set<FeatureFlag.FeatureName>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag
getAllContacts() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
Gets all associated contacts for the domain, including the registrant.
getAllFields(Class<?>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.ModelUtils
Lists all instance fields on an object, including non-public and inherited fields.
getAllocationToken() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingEvent
getAllocationToken() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationTokenExtension
getAllOnesAddress() - Method in class google.registry.util.CidrAddressBlock
Returns the address that is contained in this CidrAddressBlock with the most bits set.
getAllowedEppActions() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
getAllowedFullyQualifiedHostNames() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getAllowedRegistrantContactIds() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getAllowedRegistrarIds() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
getAllowedTlds() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
getAllowedTlds() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getAllRegistrarIdsWithRoles() - Method in class google.registry.request.auth.AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor
A map that gives all roles a user has for a given registrar ID.
getAllReservedNames(DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.bsa.ReservedDomainsUtils
getAllUncached() - Static method in class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag
getAllValidIdns(String) - Method in class google.registry.bsa.IdnChecker
Returns all IDNs in which the label is valid.
getAName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndn
Gets the value of the aName property.
getANames() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnDeleteType
Gets the value of the aNames property.
getAnchorTenantAddGracePeriodLength() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getAndValidateRoot() - Method in class google.registry.tmch.TmchCertificateAuthority
getAnies() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigPGPData
Gets the value of the anies property.
getAnies() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppExtAnyType
Gets the value of the anies property.
getAny() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppReadWriteType
Gets the value of the any property.
getAny() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTransferType
Gets the value of the any property.
getAny() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomExtAuthInfoType
Gets the value of the any property.
getAny() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType.Object
Gets the value of the any property.
getAny() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12ObjectCDType.Object
Gets the value of the any property.
getApDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Gets the value of the apDate property.
getApId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Gets the value of the apId property.
getApplicationDate() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.Trademark
getApplicationId() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.Trademark
getApplicationID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchIdContainerType
Gets the value of the applicationID property.
getApplicationID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfData
Gets the value of the applicationID property.
getApplicationID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfo
Gets the value of the applicationID property.
getApplicationRoid() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1.Create
Gets the value of the applicationRoid property.
getApplicationTime() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1.Create
Gets the value of the applicationTime property.
getApplied() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee
getApplied() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06FeeType
Gets the value of the applied property.
getApplied() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11FeeType
Gets the value of the applied property.
getApplied() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12FeeType
Gets the value of the applied property.
getArrayTypeName(String, String, Integer) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.NomulusPostgreSQLDialect
getAuthInfo() - Method in class
getAuthInfo() - Method in class
getAuthInfo() - Method in class
getAuthInfo() - Method in class
getAuthInfo() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getAuthInfo() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Create
getAuthInfo() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.DomainCreateOrChange
getAuthInfo() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Info
getAuthInfo() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Transfer
getAuthInfo() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.ResourceCommand.AbstractSingleResourceCommand
getAuthInfo() - Method in interface google.registry.model.eppinput.ResourceCommand.SingleResourceCommand
getAuthInfo() - Method in class
Gets the value of the authInfo property.
getAuthInfo() - Method in class
Gets the value of the authInfo property.
getAuthInfo() - Method in class
Gets the value of the authInfo property.
getAuthInfo() - Method in class
Gets the value of the authInfo property.
getAuthInfo() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainChgType
Gets the value of the authInfo property.
getAuthInfo() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreate
Gets the value of the authInfo property.
getAuthInfo() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Gets the value of the authInfo property.
getAuthInfo() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfo
Gets the value of the authInfo property.
getAuthInfo() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTransfer
Gets the value of the authInfo property.
getAuthToken() - Method in class google.registry.bsa.api.BsaCredential
Returns the auth token for accessing the BSA API.
getAutomaticTransferLength() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.DomainTransferRequest
Gets the value of the automaticTransferLength property.
getAutomaticTransferLength() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.superuser.DomainTransferRequestSuperuserExtension
getAutomaticTransferLength() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getAutorenewBillingEvent() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getAutorenewEndTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
Returns the autorenew end time if there is one, otherwise empty.
getAutorenewEndTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Autorenew
getAutoRenewGracePeriodLength() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getAutorenewPollMessage() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getAutorenews() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.superuser.DomainUpdateSuperuserExtension
getAvail() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.CheckNameOrID
getBackendServer() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the address of the Nomulus app backend HTTP server.
getBalance() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DelData
Gets the value of the balance property.
getBalance() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TransformResultType
Gets the value of the balance property.
getBalance() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TrnData
Gets the value of the balance property.
getBalance() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11DelData
Gets the value of the balance property.
getBalance() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformResultType
Gets the value of the balance property.
getBalance() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformResultType
Gets the value of the balance property.
getBalance() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TrnData
Gets the value of the balance property.
getBaseDomain() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
getBaseRegistrarId(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.OteAccountBuilder
Returns the base registrar ID that corresponds to a given OT&E registrar ID.
getBillingAccountMap() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getBillingBucketUrl() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.billing.InvoicingPipelineOptions
getBillingContact() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getBillingEvent() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriodBase
Returns the one time billing event.
getBillingRecurrence() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriodBase
Returns the Recurrence.
getBillingTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingCancellation
getBillingTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingEvent
getBlobInfo(BlobId) - Method in class google.registry.gcs.GcsUtils
Returns the BlobInfo of the given GCS file.
getBlockedLabels(ImmutableCollection<String>) - Static method in class google.registry.bsa.persistence.BsaLabelUtils
Returns the elements in domainLabels that are blocked by BSA.
getBlockPremiumNames() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getBloomFilter() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumList
Returns a Bloom filter to determine whether a label might be premium, or is definitely not.
getBrdaReceiverKey() - Method in interface google.registry.keyring.api.Keyring
Returns public key of receiver of Bulk Registration Data Access (BRDA) deposits.
getBrdaReceiverKey() - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyring
getBrdaSigningKey() - Method in interface google.registry.keyring.api.Keyring
Returns the PGP key we use to sign Bulk Registration Data Access (BRDA) deposits.
getBrdaSigningKey() - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyring
getBreakglassMode() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getBsaApiKey() - Method in interface google.registry.keyring.api.Keyring
Returns the API_KEY for authentication with the BSA portal.
getBsaApiKey() - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyring
getBsaEnrollStartTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Returns the time when this TLD was enrolled in the Brand Safety Alliance (BSA) program.
getBsaServer() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the address of the Nomulus app bsa HTTP server.
getBuilder() - Method in class google.registry.util.NullIgnoringCollectionBuilder
Returns the underlying builder.
getBulkPrice() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.BulkPricingPackage
GetBulkPricingPackageCommand - Class in
Command to show a BulkPricingPackage object.
GetBulkPricingPackageCommand() - Constructor for class
getBusiness() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRetentionType
Gets the value of the business property.
getByClassNameForTld(String, String) - Method in class google.registry.dns.DnsWriterProxy
Returns the instance of DnsWriter by class name.
getByRevisionId(long) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.RegistryLockDao
Returns the RegistryLock referred to by this revision ID, or empty if none exists.
getBySuperuser() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
getBytes() - Method in class google.registry.model.smd.EncodedSignedMark
getBytes() - Method in enum class
Returns the expected length in bytes of the signature.
getBytes() - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
Returns 512-byte tar header (safe copy).
getBytesWritten() - Method in class google.registry.util.ImprovedOutputStream
Returns the number of bytes that have been written to this stream thus far.
getByVerificationCode(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.RegistryLockDao
Returns the most recent version of the RegistryLock referred to by the code.
getCancellationMatchingBillingEvent() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingEvent
getCanonicalHostName() - Static method in class google.registry.util.NetworkUtils
Returns the fully-qualified domain name of the local host in all lower case.
getCanonicalizationMethod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignedInfo
Gets the value of the canonicalizationMethod property.
getCc() - Method in class
Gets the value of the cc property.
getCc() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkAddrType
Gets the value of the cc property.
getCc() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
Gets the value of the cc property.
getCc() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkProtectionType
Gets the value of the cc property.
getCc() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarAddrType
Gets the value of the cc property.
getCds() - Method in class
Gets the value of the cds property.
getCds() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainChkData
Gets the value of the cds property.
getCds() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06ChkData
Gets the value of the cds property.
getCds() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ChkData
Gets the value of the cds property.
getCds() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12ChkData
Gets the value of the cds property.
getCds() - Method in class
Gets the value of the cds property.
getCds() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchChkData
Gets the value of the cds property.
getCertificate(String) - Method in class google.registry.flows.certs.CertificateChecker
Converts the given string to a certificate object.
getCertificateHash(X509Certificate) - Static method in class google.registry.util.X509Utils
Parse the encoded certificate and return a base64 encoded string (without padding) of the SHA-256 digest of the certificate.
getChange() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.SecDnsUpdateExtension
getChangedEntities() - Method in class
Returns the collection of the new entity in the MutatingCommand.EntityChange.
getCheck() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Gets the value of the check property.
getCheckDate() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch
getChecks() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCheckResponseExtension
getChecks() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData
getCheckType() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCheckExtension
getChg() - Method in class
Gets the value of the chg property.
getChg() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainUpdate
Gets the value of the chg property.
getChg() - Method in class
Gets the value of the chg property.
getChg() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsUpdate
Gets the value of the chg property.
getChksum() - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
Returns the checksum value stored in the .
getCity() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address
getCity() - Method in class
Gets the value of the city property.
getCity() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkAddrType
Gets the value of the city property.
getCity() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarAddrType
Gets the value of the city property.
getClaimKey() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCdType
Gets the value of the claimKey property.
getClaimKey(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.tmch.ClaimsList
Returns the claim key for a given domain if there is one, empty otherwise.
getClaimsListCacheDuration() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the amount of time that a particular claims list should be cached.
getClaimsPeriodEnd() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getClassFromString(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.TypeUtils
Returns the class referred to by a fully qualified class name string.
getClazz() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCDType
Gets the value of the clazz property.
getClazz() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06InfData
Gets the value of the clazz property.
getClazz() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Check
Gets the value of the clazz property.
getClazz() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
Gets the value of the clazz property.
getClazz() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
Gets the value of the clazz property.
getClazz() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCheckType
Gets the value of the clazz property.
getClazzs() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Gets the value of the clazzs property.
getClID() - Method in class
Gets the value of the clID property.
getClID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Gets the value of the clID property.
getClID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginType
Gets the value of the clID property.
getClID() - Method in class
Gets the value of the clID property.
getClID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Gets the value of the clID property.
getClID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Gets the value of the clID property.
getClID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
Gets the value of the clID property.
getClient() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeRrType
Gets the value of the client property.
getClientCertificate() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
Returns the client certificate string if it has been set, or empty otherwise.
getClientCertificateHash() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
Returns the client certificate hash if it has been set, or empty otherwise.
getClientId() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Login
getClientTransactionId() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Trid
getCloudDnsRootUrl(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
getCloudDnsServicePath(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
getClTrid() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.CommandWrapper
Returns the client transaction ID.
getClTRID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Gets the value of the clTRID property.
getClTRID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTrIDType
Gets the value of the clTRID property.
getCode() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result
getCode() - Method in class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog.Result
getCode() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResultType
Gets the value of the code property.
getCode() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.XjcIirdeaResult
Gets the value of the code property.
getCode() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCodeMarkType
Gets the value of the code property.
getCodeMarks() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreate
Gets the value of the codeMarks property.
getCommand() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeExtensionCommandDescriptor
getCommand() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.CommandWrapper
getCommand() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEpp
Gets the value of the command property.
getCommand() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCDType
Gets the value of the command property.
getCommand() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCheckType
Gets the value of the command property.
getCommand() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06InfData
Gets the value of the command property.
getCommand() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Info
Gets the value of the command property.
getCommand() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Check
Gets the value of the command property.
getCommand() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
Gets the value of the command property.
getCommandExtensionClass() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.ProtocolDefinition.ServiceExtension
getCommandExtensionUri(Class<? extends EppInput.CommandExtension>) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.ProtocolDefinition.ServiceExtension
Returns the namespace URI of the command extension class.
getCommandName() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem
The name of the command being checked.
getCommandName() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV06
The name of the command being checked.
getCommandName() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeInfoCommandExtensionV06
The name of the command being checked.
getCommandName() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV12
getCommandName() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric
getCommands() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12Check
Gets the value of the commands property.
getCommands() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12ObjectCDType
Gets the value of the commands property.
getCommandType() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput
Returns the EPP command name, defined as the name of the InnerCommand element within the <command> element (e.g.
getCommandWrapper() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput
getComment(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedList.ReservedListEntry
getComparisonFactory() - Method in enum class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer.Comparator
getConfig(Class<?>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.JdkLoggerConfig
Returns a configuration instance suitable for configuring the logger of the specified class.
getConfig(String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.JdkLoggerConfig
Returns a configuration instance suitable for configuring a logger with the same name.
getConfigSettings(String, String, Class<T>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.YamlUtils
Loads the POJO of type T from merged YAML configuration files.
getConsoleUpdateHistoryType() - Method in class
getConsoleUpdateHistoryType() - Method in class
getConsoleUpdateHistoryType() - Method in class
getConsoleUpdateHistoryType() - Method in class
Returns the type of history / audit logging object to save.
getContact() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpPurposeType
Gets the value of the contact property.
getContactAndHostRoidSuffix() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the roid suffix to be used for the roids of all contacts and hosts.
getContactAutomaticTransferLength() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the global automatic transfer length for contacts.
getContactBase() - Method in class
The values of all the fields on the ContactBase object after the action represented by this history object was executed.
getContactId() - Method in class
getContactId() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferResponse.ContactTransferResponse
getContactKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DesignatedContact
getContactRepoId() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage
Returns the contact repo id.
getContacts() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
Associated contacts for the domain (other than registrant).
getContacts() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Create
getContacts() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Update.AddRemove
getContacts() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.CommonMarkFields
getContacts() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
Returns a list of all RegistrarPoc objects for this registrar sorted by their email address.
getContacts() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAddRemType
Gets the value of the contacts property.
getContacts() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreate
Gets the value of the contacts property.
getContacts() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Gets the value of the contacts property.
getContacts() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
Gets the value of the contacts property.
getContacts() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Gets the value of the contacts property.
getContacts() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
Gets the value of the contacts property.
getContacts() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Gets the value of the contacts property.
getContactsOfType(RegistrarPocBase.Type) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
Returns a list of RegistrarPoc objects of a given type for this registrar sorted by their email address.
getContactsRequireSyncing() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getContent() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigCanonicalizationMethod
Gets the value of the content property.
getContent() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDigestMethod
Gets the value of the content property.
getContent() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigKeyInfo
Gets the value of the content property.
getContent() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigKeyValue
Gets the value of the content property.
getContent() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigObject
Gets the value of the content property.
getContent() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureMethod
Gets the value of the content property.
getContent() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureProperty
Gets the value of the content property.
getContent() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigTransform
Gets the value of the content property.
getContent() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppErrValueType
Gets the value of the content property.
getContent() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMixedMsgType
Gets the value of the content property.
getContent() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpMixedType
Gets the value of the content property.
getContent() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportTextType
Gets the value of the content property.
getContents() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeContentsType
Gets the value of the contents property.
getContents() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
Gets the value of the contents property.
getConverter(Class<?>) - Method in class
Returns JCommander converter for a given type, or null if none exists.
getCost() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingEvent
getCost() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee
According to the fee extension specification, a fee must always be non-negative, while a credit must always be negative.
getCount() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMsgQType
Gets the value of the count property.
getCount(OteStats.StatType) - Method in class google.registry.model.OteStats
Returns the number of times that a particular StatType was seen
getCountryCode() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address
getCountryCode() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.CourtMark
getCountryCode() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.MarkProtection
getCounts() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeheader.XjcRdeHeader
Gets the value of the counts property.
getCourtMarks() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.Mark
getCourtName() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.CourtMark
getCourtName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
Gets the value of the courtName property.
getCourts() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkMarkType
Gets the value of the courts property.
getCrDate() - Method in class
Gets the value of the crDate property.
getCrDate() - Method in class
Gets the value of the crDate property.
getCrDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreData
Gets the value of the crDate property.
getCrDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Gets the value of the crDate property.
getCrDate() - Method in class
Gets the value of the crDate property.
getCrDate() - Method in class
Gets the value of the crDate property.
getCrDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Gets the value of the crDate property.
getCrDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Gets the value of the crDate property.
getCrDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
Gets the value of the crDate property.
getCrDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndn
Gets the value of the crDate property.
getCrDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Gets the value of the crDate property.
getCrDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
Gets the value of the crDate property.
getCreate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Gets the value of the create property.
getCreateBillingCost(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Use PricingEngineProxy.getDomainCreateCost instead of this to find the cost for a domain create.
getCreateBillingCostTransitions() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getCreateCost() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits
Returns the create cost for the event.
getCreateCost() - Method in class google.registry.model.pricing.PremiumPricingEngine.DomainPrices
Returns the cost to create the domain.
getCreateType() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCreateExtension
getCreationRegistrarId() - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource
getCreationTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
getCreationTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource
getCreationTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getCreationTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.smd.SignedMark
getCreationTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.smd.SignedMarkRevocationList
Returns the creation timestamp specified at the top of the SMDRL CSV file.
getCreationTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getCreationTimestamp() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.BaseDomainLabelList
Returns the creation time of this revision of the reserved list.
getCreationTimestamp() - Method in class google.registry.model.tmch.ClaimsList
Returns the creation time of this claims list.
getCredential(SqlUser) - Method in class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlCredentialStore
getCreditLimit() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DelData
Gets the value of the creditLimit property.
getCreditLimit() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TransformResultType
Gets the value of the creditLimit property.
getCreditLimit() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TrnData
Gets the value of the creditLimit property.
getCreditLimit() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11DelData
Gets the value of the creditLimit property.
getCreditLimit() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformResultType
Gets the value of the creditLimit property.
getCreditLimit() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformResultType
Gets the value of the creditLimit property.
getCreditLimit() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TrnData
Gets the value of the creditLimit property.
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits
Returns the list of credits for the event.
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeTransformCommandExtension
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeTransformResponseExtension
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCreateCommandExtensionV06
This method is overridden and not annotated for JAXB because this version of the extension doesn't support the "credit" field.
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCreateResponseExtensionV06
This version of the extension doesn't support the "credit" field.
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeRenewCommandExtensionV06
This version of the extension doesn't support the "credit" field.
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeRenewResponseExtensionV06
This version of the extension doesn't support the "credit" field.
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeTransferCommandExtensionV06
This version of the extension doesn't support the "credit" field.
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeTransferResponseExtensionV06
This version of the extension doesn't support the "credit" field.
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeUpdateCommandExtensionV06
This version of the extension doesn't support the "credit" field.
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeUpdateResponseExtensionV06
This version of the extension doesn't support the "credit" field.
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeCreateCommandExtensionV11
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeRenewCommandExtensionV11
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeTransferCommandExtensionV11
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeUpdateCommandExtensionV11
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCreateCommandExtensionV12
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeRenewCommandExtensionV12
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeTransferCommandExtensionV12
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeUpdateCommandExtensionV12
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DelData
Gets the value of the credits property.
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11DelData
Gets the value of the credits property.
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
Gets the value of the credits property.
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformCommandType
Gets the value of the credits property.
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformResultType
Gets the value of the credits property.
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TrnData
Gets the value of the credits property.
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
Gets the value of the credits property.
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformCommandType
Gets the value of the credits property.
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformResultType
Gets the value of the credits property.
getCredits() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TrnData
Gets the value of the credits property.
getCrID() - Method in class
Gets the value of the crID property.
getCrID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Gets the value of the crID property.
getCrID() - Method in class
Gets the value of the crID property.
getCrl() - Method in class google.registry.model.tmch.TmchCrl
ASCII-armored X.509 certificate revocation list.
getCrl() - Method in class google.registry.tmch.TmchCertificateAuthority
getCrRr() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Gets the value of the crRr property.
getCrRr() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Gets the value of the crRr property.
getCrRr() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
Gets the value of the crRr property.
getCsvLineForClaimsDomain(Domain) - Static method in class google.registry.tmch.LordnTaskUtils
Returns the corresponding CSV LORDN line for a claims domain.
getCsvLineForSunriseDomain(Domain) - Static method in class google.registry.tmch.LordnTaskUtils
Returns the corresponding CSV LORDN line for a sunrise domain.
getCurExpDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainRenew
Gets the value of the curExpDate property.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits
Returns the currency for all fees in the event.
getCurrency() - Method in interface google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeCheckCommandExtension
Three-character ISO4217 currency code.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem
Three-character ISO4217 currency code.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeTransformCommandExtension
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV06
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckCommandExtensionV06
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeInfoCommandExtensionV06
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeCheckCommandExtensionV11
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV12
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckCommandExtensionV12
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumList
Returns the CurrencyUnit used for this list.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DelData
Gets the value of the currency property.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCDType
Gets the value of the currency property.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCheckType
Gets the value of the currency property.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06InfData
Gets the value of the currency property.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Info
Gets the value of the currency property.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TransformCommandType
Gets the value of the currency property.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TransformResultType
Gets the value of the currency property.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TrnData
Gets the value of the currency property.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Check
Gets the value of the currency property.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11DelData
Gets the value of the currency property.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
Gets the value of the currency property.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformCommandType
Gets the value of the currency property.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformResultType
Gets the value of the currency property.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TrnData
Gets the value of the currency property.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12Check
Gets the value of the currency property.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12ChkData
Gets the value of the currency property.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformCommandType
Gets the value of the currency property.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformResultType
Gets the value of the currency property.
getCurrency() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TrnData
Gets the value of the currency property.
getCurrentBulkToken() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getCurrentExpirationDate() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Renew
getCurrentRevision(String, DateTime, RdeMode) - Static method in class google.registry.model.rde.RdeRevision
Returns the latest revision of the report already generated for the given triplet.
getCurrentSponsorRegistrarId() - Method in class
getCurrentSponsorRegistrarId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getCurrentTraceId() - Static method in class google.registry.util.GcpJsonFormatter
Get the Trace ID associated with any logging done by the current thread.
getCurrentTransactionIsolationLevel() - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManager
Return the PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel used in the current transaction.
getCurrentTransactionIsolationLevel() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
getCursorTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.Cursor
getCursorTimeOrStartOfTime(Optional<Cursor>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.common.Cursor
Returns the current time for a given cursor, or START_OF_TIME if the cursor is null.
getCutoffTime() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.wipeout.WipeOutContactHistoryPiiPipelineOptions
getDatabaseRetention() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the length of time before commit logs should be deleted from the database.
getDataset() - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection
Returns dataset reference that can be used to avoid having to specify dataset in SQL code.
getDatasetId() - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection
Returns the dataset name that this bigquery connection uses by default.
getDate() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.spec11.Spec11PipelineOptions
getDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
Gets the value of the date property.
getDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCheckType
Gets the value of the date property.
getDcp() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppGreetingType
Gets the value of the dcp property.
getDcp() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.XjcRdeEppParams
Gets the value of the dcp property.
getDeaName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
Gets the value of the deaName property.
getDefaultPromoTokens() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getDefaultRegistrarWhoisServer() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns default WHOIS server to use when Registrar#getWhoisServer() is null.
getDefaultServer() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the address of the Nomulus app default HTTP server.
getDefaultTransactionIsolationLevel() - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManager
Return the default PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel specified via the config file.
getDefaultTransactionIsolationLevel() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
getDelete() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Gets the value of the delete property.
getDeletePollMessage() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getDeletes() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.EntityChanges
getDeletes() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeletesType
Gets the value of the deletes property.
getDeletes() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
Gets the value of the deletes property.
getDeletionTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource
getDelTime() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
Gets the value of the delTime property.
getDescription() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory
getDescription() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee
getDescription() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
Returns a more human-readable translation of the enum constant.
getDescription() - Method in class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog.Result
getDescription() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06CreditType
Gets the value of the description property.
getDescription() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06FeeType
Gets the value of the description property.
getDescription() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11CreditType
Gets the value of the description property.
getDescription() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11FeeType
Gets the value of the description property.
getDescription() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CreditType
Gets the value of the description property.
getDescription() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12FeeType
Gets the value of the description property.
getDescription() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.XjcIirdeaResult
Gets the value of the description property.
getDesiredRegistrar() - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapSearchActionBase
Returns the registrar on which results should be filtered, or absent().
getDevMajor() - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
Returns the devmajor field.
getDevMinor() - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
Returns the devminor field.
getDigest() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsData
getDigest() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsDataBase
getDigest() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsDataHistory
getDigest() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsDataType
Gets the value of the digest property.
getDigestAsString() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsDataBase
getDigestMethod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigReference
Gets the value of the digestMethod property.
getDigestType() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsData
getDigestType() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsDataBase
getDigestType() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsDataHistory
getDigestType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsDataType
Gets the value of the digestType property.
getDigestValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigReference
Gets the value of the digestValue property.
getDisclose() - Method in class
getDisclose() - Method in class
getDisclose() - Method in class
Gets the value of the disclose property.
getDisclose() - Method in class
Gets the value of the disclose property.
getDisclose() - Method in class
Gets the value of the disclose property.
getDisclose() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Gets the value of the disclose property.
getDiscountFraction() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
getDiscountPrice() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
getDiscountYears() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
getDisplayLabel() - Method in enum class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Availability
getDisplayLabel() - Method in enum class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Status
getDisplayLabel() - Method in enum class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Tier
getDisplayMessage(CertificateChecker) - Method in enum class google.registry.flows.certs.CertificateChecker.CertificateViolation
Gets a suitable end-user-facing display message for this particular certificate violation.
getDisplayName() - Method in enum class google.registry.batch.SendExpiringCertificateNotificationEmailAction.CertificateType
getDisplayName() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Type
getDnsAPlusAaaaTtl() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Returns the time to live for A and AAAA records.
getDnsAPlusAAAATtlForHost(String, Duration) - Static method in class google.registry.dns.DnsUtils
getDnsDsTtl() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Returns the time to live for DS records.
getDnsNsTtl() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Returns the time to live for NS records.
getDnsPaused() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getDnsWriters() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getDockerImageName() - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.NomulusPostgreSql
Returns the docker image of the targeted Postgresql server version.
getDocument(ByteBuf) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppResponseMessage
Extracts Document from the ByteBuf input.
getDomainBase() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainHistory
The values of all the fields on the DomainBase object after the action represented by this history object was executed.
getDomainCreateCost(String, DateTime, int) - Static method in class google.registry.pricing.PricingEngineProxy
Returns the billing cost for registering the specified domain name for this many years.
getDomainHistoryRevisionId() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase
getDomainLabel() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.DomainLabelEntry
Returns the label of the field, which also happens to be used as the key for the Map object that is serialized from the database.
getDomainLabelListCacheDuration() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the amount of time a domain label list should be cached in memory before expiring.
getDomainName() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getDomainName() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Create
getDomainName() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItem
The domain name being checked; throws an exception if domain names are not supported.
getDomainName() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV06
getDomainName() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV12
getDomainName() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock
getDomainName() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
getDomainName() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch
getDomainName() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferResponse.DomainTransferResponse
getDomainPrices(String, DateTime) - Method in interface google.registry.model.pricing.PremiumPricingEngine
Returns the prices for the given fully qualified domain name at the given time.
getDomainPrices(String, DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.pricing.StaticPremiumListPricingEngine
getDomainRenewCost(String, DateTime, int) - Static method in class google.registry.pricing.PricingEngineProxy
Returns the billing cost for renewing the specified domain name for this many years.
getDomainRepoId() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase
getDomainRepoId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriodBase
getDomainRepoId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsData
getDomainRepoId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsDataBase
getDomainRepoId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsDataHistory
getDomainRepoId() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage
Returns the domain repo id.
getDomainRepoId() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch
getDomains() - Method in class
getDomains() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Check
Gets the value of the domains property.
getDomainTransactionRecords() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainHistory
getDriveFolderId() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getDriveFolderId() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getDsData() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getDsData() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.SecDnsCreateExtension
getDsData() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.SecDnsUpdateExtension.Add
getDsData() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.SecDnsUpdateExtension.Remove
getDsDataHistories() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainHistory
Returns the collection of DomainDsDataHistory instances.
getDsDatas() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsOrKeyType
Gets the value of the dsDatas property.
getDsDatas() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsRemType
Gets the value of the dsDatas property.
getEapCost() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits
Returns the EAP cost for the event.
getEapFeeFor(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Returns the EAP fee for the tld at the given time.
getEapFeeScheduleAsMap() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getEffectiveDate() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem
The as-of date for the fee extension to run.
getEffectiveDate() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV06
getEffectiveDate() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeInfoCommandExtensionV06
getEffectiveDate() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV12
getElement() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy.XjcRdePolicy
Gets the value of the element property.
getElementValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppMessage
getElementValue(Document, String) - Static method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppMessage
A helper method to extract a value from an element in an XML document.
getEmail() - Method in class
getEmail() - Method in class
getEmail() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.CommonMarkContactFields
getEmail() - Method in class google.registry.model.smd.IssuerInfo
getEmail() - Method in class
Gets the value of the email property.
getEmail() - Method in class
Gets the value of the email property.
getEmail() - Method in class
Gets the value of the email property.
getEmail() - Method in class
Gets the value of the email property.
getEmail() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
Gets the value of the email property.
getEmail() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
Gets the value of the email property.
getEmail() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Gets the value of the email property.
getEmail() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Gets the value of the email property.
getEmail() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdIssuerInfo
Gets the value of the email property.
getEmailAddress() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.User
getEmailAddress() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserBase
getEmailAddress() - Method in class
getEmailAddress() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getEmailAddress() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPoc
getEmailAddress() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPoc.RegistrarPocId
getEmailAddress() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase
getEncodedData() - Method in class google.registry.model.smd.EncodedSignedMark
getEncodedSignedMarks() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreate
Gets the value of the encodedSignedMarks property.
getEncoding() - Method in class google.registry.model.smd.EncodedSignedMark
getEncoding() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigObject
Gets the value of the encoding property.
getEncoding() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdEncodedSignedMark
Gets the value of the encoding property.
getEndTime() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.billing.ExpandBillingRecurrencesPipelineOptions
getEndTimestamp() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric
getEntitlement() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
Gets the value of the entitlement property.
getEntitlementType() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.MarkHolder
getEntityClass() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.VKeyConverter
Returns the class of the entity that the VKey represents.
getEntityManager() - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManager
Returns the EntityManager for the current request.
getEntityManager() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
getEppDocFromTemplate(String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppMessage
Reads one of a set of EPP templates (included as resources in our jar) and finds nodes using an xpath expression, then replaces the node value of the first child, returning the transformed XML as a Document.
getEppInput() - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.BaseFlowCustomLogic
Returns the EppInput, which may be empty outside a flow context.
getEppResourceCachingDuration() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the amount of time an EPP resource or key should be cached in memory before expiring.
getEppResourceMaxCachedEntries() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the maximum number of EPP resources and keys to keep in in-memory cache.
getEscrowEnabled() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getEventKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingCancellation
getEventTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase
getEventTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage
getExactType() - Method in class google.registry.util.TypeUtils.TypeInstantiator
getExDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreData
Gets the value of the exDate property.
getExDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Gets the value of the exDate property.
getExDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainRenData
Gets the value of the exDate property.
getExDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
Gets the value of the exDate property.
getExDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Gets the value of the exDate property.
getExDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Gets the value of the exDate property.
getExDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType
Gets the value of the exDate property.
getExecDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
Gets the value of the execDate property.
getExecutionDate() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.TreatyOrStatuteMark
getExpectedResponse() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppRequestMessage
Returns the EppResponseMessage we expect.
getExpirationDate() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.Trademark
getExpirationTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriodBase
getExpirationTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchNotice
getExpirationTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.server.Lock
getExpirationTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.smd.SignedMark
getExpiry() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpType
Gets the value of the expiry property.
getExponent() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigRSAKeyValue
Gets the value of the exponent property.
getExt() - Method in class
Gets the value of the ext property.
getExt() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAuthInfoChgType
Gets the value of the ext property.
getExt() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAuthInfoType
Gets the value of the ext property.
getExtendedRegistrationExpirationTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferResponse.DomainTransferResponse
getExtension() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.PhoneNumber
getExtension() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEpp
Gets the value of the extension property.
getExtension() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Gets the value of the extension property.
getExtension() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResponse
Gets the value of the extension property.
getExtensions() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.CommandWrapper
getExtensions() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppResponse
getExternalAddressOfLocalSystem() - Static method in class google.registry.util.NetworkUtils
Returns the externally-facing IPv4 network address of the local host.
getExtURIs() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppExtURIType
Gets the value of the extURIs property.
getFailedLoginAttempts() - Method in class google.registry.flows.HttpSessionMetadata
getFailedLoginAttempts() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.SessionMetadata
getFailedLoginAttempts() - Method in class google.registry.flows.StatelessRequestSessionMetadata
getFailoverClientCertificate() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
Returns the failover client certificate string if it has been set, or empty otherwise.
getFailoverClientCertificateHash() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
Returns the failover client certificate hash if it has been set, or empty otherwise.
getFailures() - Method in class google.registry.model.OteStats
Returns a list of failures, any cases where the passed stats fail to meet the required thresholds, or the empty list if all requirements are met.
getFast() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.resave.ResaveAllEppResourcesPipelineOptions
getFax() - Method in class
getFax() - Method in class
getFax() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.CommonMarkContactFields
getFax() - Method in class
Gets the value of the fax property.
getFax() - Method in class
Gets the value of the fax property.
getFax() - Method in class
Gets the value of the fax property.
getFax() - Method in class
Gets the value of the fax property.
getFax() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
Gets the value of the fax property.
getFax() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
Gets the value of the fax property.
getFax() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Gets the value of the fax property.
getFax() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Gets the value of the fax property.
getFaxNumber() - Method in class
getFaxNumber() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getFaxNumber() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase
GetFeatureFlagCommand - Class in
Command to show a FeatureFlag.
GetFeatureFlagCommand() - Constructor for class
getFeatureName() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag
getFeeClass() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryResponseExtensionItem
getFeeClass() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemCommandV12
getFeeClass() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV12
This method is not annotated for JAXB because this version of the extension doesn't support "feeClass" and because the data comes off of the command object rather than a field.
getFees() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits
Returns the list of fees for the event.
getFees() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryResponseExtensionItem
getFees() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeTransformCommandExtension
getFees() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV12
This method is overridden and not annotated for JAXB because this version of the extension doesn't support "fee".
getFees() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCDType
Gets the value of the fees property.
getFees() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06InfData
Gets the value of the fees property.
getFees() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TransformCommandType
Gets the value of the fees property.
getFees() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TransformResultType
Gets the value of the fees property.
getFees() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TrnData
Gets the value of the fees property.
getFees() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
Gets the value of the fees property.
getFees() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformCommandType
Gets the value of the fees property.
getFees() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformResultType
Gets the value of the fees property.
getFees() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TrnData
Gets the value of the fees property.
getFees() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
Gets the value of the fees property.
getFees() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformCommandType
Gets the value of the fees property.
getFees() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformResultType
Gets the value of the fees property.
getFees() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TrnData
Gets the value of the fees property.
getFeesAndCredits() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits
Returns all fees and credits for the event.
getFieldAliases() - Method in class
getFieldAliases() - Method in class
getFieldName() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
getFieldName() - Method in exception class google.registry.ui.forms.FormFieldException
Returns the fully-qualified name (JavaScript syntax) of the form field causing this error.
getFieldOverrides(Registrar) - Method in class
getFieldOverrides(Tld) - Method in class
getFieldValues(Object) - Static method in class google.registry.model.ModelUtils
Returns a map from Field objects (including non-public and inherited fields) to values.
getFilenameComponent() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.rde.RdeMode
getFilter() - Method in class google.registry.util.JdkLoggerConfig
getFinishedFuture() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler.ActionHandler
Returns initialized ChannelPromise to ProbingAction.
getFirstExtensionOfType(ImmutableList<Class<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>>) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppResponse
getFirstExtensionOfType(Class<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppResponse
getFirstExtensionOfType(Class<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>...) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppResponse
getFirstPollMessage(String, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.poll.PollFlowUtils
Returns the first (by event time) poll message not in the future for this registrar.
getFlag() - Method in class
getFlags() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase
getFlags() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsKeyDataType
Gets the value of the flags property.
getFlowClass(EppInput) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.picker.FlowPicker
Return the appropriate flow to handle this EPP command.
getFlowMetadata() - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.BaseFlowCustomLogic
Returns the FlowMetadata, which may be empty outside a flow context.
getForbiddingTlds(ImmutableSet<String>) - Method in class google.registry.bsa.IdnChecker
Returns the TLDs that do not support any IDN in the idnTables.
getForeignKey() - Method in class
getForeignKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getForeignKey() - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource
Get the foreign key string for this resource.
getForeignKey() - Method in class
getForeignKeys() - Method in exception class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.InvalidReferencesException
getFormattedString(DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.xml.UtcDateTimeAdapter
Same as UtcDateTimeAdapter.marshal(DateTime), but in a convenient static format.
getFromFile(BlobId) - Method in class google.registry.reporting.spec11.Spec11RegistrarThreatMatchesParser
Returns registrar:set-of-threat-match pairings from the file, or empty if it doesn't exist.
getFromRegistrar(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.OteStats
Returns the statistics about the OT&E actions that have been taken by a particular registrar.
getFromServiceLoader(Class<? extends T>, T) - Static method in class google.registry.config.DelegatedCredentials
getG() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
Gets the value of the g property.
getGainingRegistrarId() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.BaseTransferObject
getGid() - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
Returns the UNIX group id.
getGlobalRole() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserRoles
The global role (e.g.
getGname() - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
Returns the UNIX group name associated with the file.
getGoodsAndServices() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.CommonMarkFields
getGoodsAndServices() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
Gets the value of the goodsAndServices property.
getGoodsAndServices() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Gets the value of the goodsAndServices property.
getGoodsAndServices() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
Gets the value of the goodsAndServices property.
getGoogleCredentials() - Method in class google.registry.util.GoogleCredentialsBundle
Returns the same GoogleCredentials used to create this object.
getGracePeriod() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee
getGracePeriod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06FeeType
Gets the value of the gracePeriod property.
getGracePeriod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11FeeType
Gets the value of the gracePeriod property.
getGracePeriod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12FeeType
Gets the value of the gracePeriod property.
getGracePeriodHistories() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainHistory
getGracePeriodId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriod
getGracePeriodId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriod.GracePeriodHistory
getGracePeriodId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriodBase
getGracePeriods() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getGracePeriodsOfType(GracePeriodStatus) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
Returns the subset of grace periods having the specified type.
getGracePeriodStatuses() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
Returns the Registry Grace Period Statuses for this domain.
getGreeting() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEpp
Gets the value of the greeting property.
getGroupEmailAddressForContactType(String, RegistrarPocBase.Type, String) - Static method in class google.registry.export.SyncGroupMembersAction
Returns the Google Groups email address for the given registrar ID and RegistrarContact.Type.
getGSuiteOutgoingEmailAddress() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the email address that outgoing emails from the app are sent from.
getGSuiteOutgoingEmailDisplayName() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the display name that outgoing emails from the app are sent from.
getGurid() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Gets the value of the gurid property.
getHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction
getHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleDomainGetAction
getHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleDomainListAction
getHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleDumDownloadAction
getHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleOteAction
getHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleRegistryLockAction
getHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleRegistryLockVerifyAction
getHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleUserDataAction
getHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleUsersAction
getHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.RegistrarsAction
getHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.settings.ContactAction
getHandlers() - Method in class google.registry.util.JdkLoggerConfig
getHasWildcard() - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapSearchPattern
getHeader() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
Gets the value of the header property.
getHello() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEpp
Gets the value of the hello property.
getHibernateAllowNestedTransactions() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns true if nested calls to tm().transact() are allowed.
getHibernateConnectionIsolation() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the default database transaction isolation.
getHibernateHikariConnectionTimeout() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the connection timeout for HikariCP.
getHibernateHikariIdleTimeout() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the idle timeout for HikariCP.
getHibernateHikariMaximumPoolSize() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the maximum pool size for HikariCP.
getHibernateHikariMinimumIdle() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the minimum idle connections for HikariCP.
getHibernateJdbcBatchSize() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
JDBC-specific: driver default batch size is 0, which means that every INSERT statement will be sent to the database individually.
getHibernateJdbcFetchSize() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the JDBC fetch size.
getHibernateLogSqlQueries() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns true if hibernate.show_sql is enabled.
getHistoryClassFromParent(Class<? extends EppResource>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntryDao
getHistoryEntryClass() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleEppActionHistory
getHistoryEntryId() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase
getHistoryEntryId() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleEppActionHistory
getHistoryEntryId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriod.GracePeriodHistory
getHistoryEntryId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsDataHistory
getHistoryEntryId() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord
getHistoryEntryId() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
getHistoryEntryId() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferData
getHistoryRevisionId() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage
Gets the underlying history revision id, regardless of the type of the resource.
getHolders() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
Gets the value of the holders property.
getHolders() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Gets the value of the holders property.
getHolders() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
Gets the value of the holders property.
getHostAddrs() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainHostAttrType
Gets the value of the hostAddrs property.
getHostAttrs() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainNsType
Gets the value of the hostAttrs property.
getHostBase() - Method in class
The values of all the fields on the HostBase object after the action represented by this history object was executed.
getHostName() - Method in class
getHostName() - Method in class
getHostName() - Method in class
getHostName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainHostAttrType
Gets the value of the hostName property.
getHostObjs() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainNsType
Gets the value of the hostObjs property.
getHostRepoId() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage
Returns the host repo id.
getHosts() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Gets the value of the hosts property.
getHosts() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfoNameType
Gets the value of the hosts property.
getHostsRequest() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Info
Get the enum that specifies the requested hosts (applies only to info flows).
getHttpRequestInitializer() - Method in class google.registry.util.GoogleCredentialsBundle
Returns the instance of HttpRequestInitializer.
getHttpTransport() - Method in class google.registry.util.GoogleCredentialsBundle
Returns the instance of HttpTransport.
getIanaIdentifier() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getIcannReferralEmail() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getIcannReportingPassword() - Method in interface google.registry.keyring.api.Keyring
Returns password to be used when uploading reports to ICANN.
getIcannReportingPassword() - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyring
getId() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase
getId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.BulkPricingPackage
getId() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.CommonMarkFields
getId() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage
getId() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Type
Returns a numeric id for the enum, which is used as part of an externally published string key for the message.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch
getId() - Method in class google.registry.model.smd.IssuerInfo
getId() - Method in class google.registry.model.smd.SignedMark
getId() - Method in class
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigKeyInfo
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigManifest
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigObject
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigReference
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignature
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureProperties
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureProperty
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureValue
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignedInfo
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMsgQType
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.XjcRdeIdn
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.XjcRdeIdnDeleteType
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
Gets the value of the id property.
getIdAttribute() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
Gets the value of the idAttribute property.
getIdnTableId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Gets the value of the idnTableId property.
getIdnTableId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndn
Gets the value of the idnTableId property.
getIdnTableName() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getIdnTables() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getIdnTablesForTld(Tld) - Method in class google.registry.tldconfig.idn.IdnLabelValidator
Returns the names of the IDN tables supported by a tld.
getIds() - Method in class
Gets the value of the ids property.
getIds() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactDeleteType
Gets the value of the ids property.
getIds() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarDeleteType
Gets the value of the ids property.
getIncludeMark() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchInfoExtension
getIndefinite() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRetentionType
Gets the value of the indefinite property.
getInetAddress() - Method in class google.registry.util.CidrAddressBlock
getInetAddresses() - Method in class
getInetAddresses() - Method in class
getInetAddresses() - Method in class
getInfo() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Gets the value of the info property.
getInitialString() - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapSearchPattern
getInnerAdd() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.ResourceCommand.ResourceUpdate
getInnerChange() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.ResourceCommand.ResourceUpdate
getInnerRemove() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.ResourceCommand.ResourceUpdate
getInstance() - Method in class google.registry.model.Buildable.Builder
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstancesInRange(Range<DateTime>) - Method in class google.registry.model.common.TimeOfYear
Returns an Iterable of DateTimes of every recurrence of this particular time of year within a given Range (usually one spanning many years).
getInternationalizedAddress() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getInternationalizedPostalInfo() - Method in class
getInternationalizedPostalInfo() - Method in class
getInvoiceFilePrefix() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.billing.InvoicingPipelineOptions
getIp() - Method in class google.registry.util.CidrAddressBlock
Returns the standard String representation of the IP portion of this CIDR block (a.b.c.d, or a:b:c::d)
getIp() - Method in class
Gets the value of the ip property.
getIpAddressAllowList() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getIsAnchorTenant() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.metadata.MetadataExtension
getIsDryRun() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.billing.ExpandBillingRecurrencesPipelineOptions
getIsDryRun() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.wipeout.WipeOutContactHistoryPiiPipelineOptions
getIsolationOverride() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryPipelineOptions
getIssuerId() - Method in class google.registry.model.smd.IssuerInfo
getIssuerID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdIssuerInfo
Gets the value of the issuerID property.
getIssuerInfo() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
Gets the value of the issuerInfo property.
getItems() - Method in interface google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeCheckCommandExtension
getItems() - Method in interface google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeCheckResponseExtension
getItems() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckCommandExtensionV06
getItems() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckResponseExtensionV06
getItems() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeCheckCommandExtensionV11
getItems() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeCheckResponseExtensionV11
getItems() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckCommandExtensionV12
getItems() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionV12
getJ() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
Gets the value of the j property.
getJpaTransactionManager() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryPipelineComponent
Returns the regular JpaTransactionManager for general use.
getJpaTransactionManagerType() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryPipelineOptions
getJsonFactory() - Method in class google.registry.util.GoogleCredentialsBundle
Returns the instance of JsonFactory.
getJsonObjectForResource(String, boolean) - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapAutnumAction
getJsonObjectForResource(String, boolean) - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapDomainAction
getJsonObjectForResource(String, boolean) - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapEntityAction
getJsonObjectForResource(String, boolean) - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapHelpAction
getJsonObjectForResource(String, boolean) - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapIpAction
getJsonObjectForResource(String, boolean) - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapNameserverAction
getJsonObjectForResource(String, boolean) - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapSearchActionBase
getJurisdiction() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.Trademark
getJurisdiction() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Gets the value of the jurisdiction property.
getKey() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.VKey
Returns the primary key.
getKeyClass() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.VKeyConverter
Returns the class of the key that the VKey holds.
getKeyData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsDataType
Gets the value of the keyData property.
getKeyDatas() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsOrKeyType
Gets the value of the keyDatas property.
getKeyDatas() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsRemType
Gets the value of the keyDatas property.
getKeyInfo() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignature
Gets the value of the keyInfo property.
getKeyTag() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsData
getKeyTag() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsDataBase
getKeyTag() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsDataHistory
getKeyTag() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsDataType
Gets the value of the keyTag property.
getKind() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.VKey
Returns the type of the entity.
getKind() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
Gets the value of the kind property.
getLabelInDomain(String) - Static method in class google.registry.bsa.BsaStringUtils
getLabels() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.CommonMarkFields
getLabels() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
Gets the value of the labels property.
getLabels() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Gets the value of the labels property.
getLabels() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
Gets the value of the labels property.
getLabelsToKeys() - Method in class google.registry.model.tmch.ClaimsList
Returns an Map mapping domain label to its lookup key.
getLabelsToPrices() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumList
Returns a Map of domain labels to prices.
getLang() - Method in class
Gets the value of the lang property.
getLang() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusType
Gets the value of the lang property.
getLang() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCredsOptionsType
Gets the value of the lang property.
getLang() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMixedMsgType
Gets the value of the lang property.
getLang() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMsgType
Gets the value of the lang property.
getLang() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomReasonType
Gets the value of the lang property.
getLang() - Method in class
Gets the value of the lang property.
getLang() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusType
Gets the value of the lang property.
getLang() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportTextType
Gets the value of the lang property.
getLang() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusType
Gets the value of the lang property.
getLangs() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppSvcMenuType
Gets the value of the langs property.
getLangs() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.XjcRdeEppParams
Gets the value of the langs property.
getLanguage() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Options
getLastCertificateUpdateTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getLastEppUpdateRegistrarId() - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource
getLastEppUpdateTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource
getLastExpiringCertNotificationSentDate() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getLastExpiringFailoverCertNotificationSentDate() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getLastFullDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
Gets the value of the lastFullDate property.
getLastInstanceBeforeOrAt(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.common.TimeOfYear
Get the first DateTime with this month/day/millis that is at or before the end.
getLastNotificationSent() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.BulkPricingPackage
getLastProcessTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.DnsRefreshRequest
The time at which the entity was last processed.
getLastSuperordinateChange() - Method in class
getLastTransferTime() - Method in class
getLastTransferTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getLastTransferTime() - Method in interface google.registry.model.EppResource.ResourceWithTransferData
The time that this resource was last transferred.
getLastTransferTime() - Method in class
getLastUpdateTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.Cursor
getLastUpdateTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock
getLastUpdateTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getLatestRevision(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumListDao
Returns the most recent revision of the PremiumList with the specified name, if it exists.
getLatestRevision(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedListDao
Returns the most recent revision of the ReservedList with the specified name, if it exists.
getLaunchNotice() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getLegal() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRetentionType
Gets the value of the legal property.
getLevel() - Method in class google.registry.util.JdkLoggerConfig
getLinkedDomainKeys(VKey<? extends EppResource>, DateTime, Integer) - Static method in class google.registry.model.EppResourceUtils
Returns a set of VKey for domains that reference a specified contact or host.
getLinkName() - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
Returns the UNIX symbolic link name.
getLocalizedAddress() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getLocalizedPostalInfo() - Method in class
getLocalizedPostalInfo() - Method in class
getLockCompletionTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock
Returns the completion timestamp, or empty if this lock has not been completed yet.
getLockRequestTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock
getLocksByRegistrarId(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.RegistryLockDao
Returns all lock objects that this registrar has created, including pending locks.
getLogCreation() - Method in class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog
getLogId() - Method in class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog
getLogin() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Gets the value of the login property.
getLogout() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Gets the value of the logout property.
getLordnCreation() - Method in class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog
getLordnPhase() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getLordnUsername() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getLosingRegistrarId() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.BaseTransferObject
getMagic() - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
Returns the magic field.
getManagedClasses() - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceXmlUtility
Returns all managed classes defined in persistence.xml.
getMark() - Method in class google.registry.model.smd.SignedMark
getMarkClasses() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.Trademark
getMarkHolders() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.CommonMarkFields
getMarkName() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.CommonMarkFields
getMarkName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
Gets the value of the markName property.
getMarkName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Gets the value of the markName property.
getMarkName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
Gets the value of the markName property.
getMarkProtections() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.TreatyOrStatuteMark
getMarksdbDnlLoginAndPassword() - Method in interface google.registry.keyring.api.Keyring
Returns user:password login for TMCH MarksDB HTTP server DNL interface.
getMarksdbDnlLoginAndPassword() - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyring
getMarksdbLordnPassword() - Method in interface google.registry.keyring.api.Keyring
Returns password for TMCH MarksDB HTTP server LORDN interface.
getMarksdbLordnPassword() - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyring
getMarksdbSmdrlLoginAndPassword() - Method in interface google.registry.keyring.api.Keyring
Returns user:password login for TMCH MarksDB HTTP server SMDRL interface.
getMarksdbSmdrlLoginAndPassword() - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyring
getMaxCreates() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.BulkPricingPackage
getMaxDomains() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.BulkPricingPackage
getMaxSigLife() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.SecDnsCreateExtension
getMaxSigLife() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsChgType
Gets the value of the maxSigLife property.
getMaxSigLife() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsOrKeyType
Gets the value of the maxSigLife property.
getMembersOfGroup(String) - Method in class google.registry.groups.DirectoryGroupsConnection
getMembersOfGroup(String) - Method in interface google.registry.groups.GroupsConnection
Returns all of the members of the specified group.
getMessage() - Method in exception class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryJobFailureException
getMessage() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferStatus
getMessage() - Method in exception class google.registry.persistence.transaction.DatabaseException
getMessage() - Method in exception class google.registry.ui.forms.FormException
Returns an error message that's safe to display to the user.
getMessage() - Method in exception class google.registry.util.UrlConnectionException
getMessageForCheck() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservationType
getMessageId() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Poll
getMetadata(BlobId) - Method in class google.registry.gcs.GcsUtils
Returns the user defined metadata of a GCS file if the file exists, or an empty map.
getMetaModel() - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManager
Returns the JPA Metamodel.
getMetaModel() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
getMethod() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory
getMethod() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory
getMimeType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigObject
Gets the value of the mimeType property.
getMode() - Method in enum class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel
getMode() - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
Returns the octal UNIX mode aka permissions.
getModes() - Method in enum class google.registry.rde.RdeResourceType
Returns set indicating if resource is stored in BRDA thin deposits.
getModificationTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory
getModificationTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory
getModificationTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
getModulus() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigRSAKeyValue
Gets the value of the modulus property.
getMostRecentByRepoId(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.RegistryLockDao
Returns the most recent lock object for a given domain specified by repo ID.
getMostRecentVerifiedLockByRepoId(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.RegistryLockDao
Returns the most recent verified lock object for a given domain specified by repo ID.
getMostRecentVerifiedUnlockByRepoId(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.RegistryLockDao
Returns the most recent verified unlock for a given domain specified by repo ID.
getMsg() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result
getMsg() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage
getMsg() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMsgQType
Gets the value of the msg property.
getMsg() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResultType
Gets the value of the msg property.
getMsg() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.XjcIirdeaResult
Gets the value of the msg property.
getMsgID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppPollType
Gets the value of the msgID property.
getMsgQ() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResponse
Gets the value of the msgQ property.
getMtime() - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
Returns the modified time as a UTC DateTime object.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.DnsRefreshRequest
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainObjectSpec
getName() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.DomainCheck
getName() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.CommonMarkContactFields
getName() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase
getName() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.BaseDomainLabelList
Returns the name of the reserved list.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.tldconfig.idn.IdnTable
getName() - Method in class google.registry.util.JdkLoggerConfig
getName() - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
Returns the filename.
getName() - Method in class
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCheckType
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreate
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreData
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainDelete
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfo
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPanData
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainRenData
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainRenew
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTransfer
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainUpdate
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCDType
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCheckType
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCheckType
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCdType
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchPhaseType
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusType
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarWhoisInfoType
Gets the value of the name property.
getNameAsString() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PendingActionNotificationResponse
getNames() - Method in class
getNames() - Method in class
Gets the value of the names property.
getNames() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCheck
Gets the value of the names property.
getNames() - Method in class
Gets the value of the names property.
getNames() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainDeleteType
Gets the value of the names property.
getNamesAndRoids() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHostDeleteType
Gets the value of the namesAndRoids property.
getNameserverHostNames() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Create
getNameserverHostNames() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Update.AddRemove
getNameservers() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getNameservers() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Create
getNameservers() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Update.AddRemove
getNameState() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndn
Gets the value of the nameState property.
getNecessaryPermission() - Method in class
getNecessaryPermission() - Method in class
getNecessaryPermission() - Method in class
getNecessaryPermission() - Method in class
Returns the permission necessary to successfully perform this action.
getNetmask() - Method in class google.registry.util.CidrAddressBlock
Returns the number of leading bits (prefix size) of the routing prefix.
getNewPassword() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Login
getNewPW() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginType
Gets the value of the newPW property.
getNewUnblockables() - Method in class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DomainsRefresher
getNextBillingDate() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.BulkPricingPackage
getNextInitialString() - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapSearchPattern
Attempts to return the next string in sort order after initialString.
getNextInstanceAtOrAfter(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.common.TimeOfYear
Get the first DateTime with this month/day/millis that is at or after the start.
getNextRevision(String, DateTime, RdeMode) - Static method in class google.registry.model.rde.RdeRevision
Returns next revision ID to use when staging a new deposit file for the given triplet.
getNextTransitionAfter(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.common.TimedTransitionProperty
Returns the time of the next transition.
getNone() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpAccessType
Gets the value of the none property.
getNone() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRetentionType
Gets the value of the none property.
getNoPollMessageOnDeletionRegistrarIds() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Set of registrars for which we do not send poll messages on standard domain deletion.
getNotAfter() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
Gets the value of the notAfter property.
getNotAfter() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreateNoticeType
Gets the value of the notAfter property.
getNotAfter() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
Gets the value of the notAfter property.
getNotBefore() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
Gets the value of the notBefore property.
getNotice() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1.Create
Gets the value of the notice property.
getNotice() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCreateExtension
getNotice() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreate
Gets the value of the notice property.
getNoticeId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchNotice
getNoticeID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreateNoticeType
Gets the value of the noticeID property.
getNs() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAddRemType
Gets the value of the ns property.
getNs() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreate
Gets the value of the ns property.
getNs() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Gets the value of the ns property.
getNs() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Gets the value of the ns property.
getNsHosts() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.Domain
getNsHosts() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainHistory
Returns keys to the Host that are the nameservers for the domain.
getNull() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAuthInfoChgType
Gets the value of the null property.
getNull() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpAccessType
Gets the value of the null property.
getNullableInnerAdd() - Method in class
getNullableInnerAdd() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Update
getNullableInnerAdd() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.ResourceCommand.ResourceUpdate
getNullableInnerAdd() - Method in class
getNullableInnerChange() - Method in class
getNullableInnerChange() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Update
getNullableInnerChange() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.ResourceCommand.ResourceUpdate
getNullableInnerChange() - Method in class
getNullableInnerRemove() - Method in class
getNullableInnerRemove() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Update
getNullableInnerRemove() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.ResourceCommand.ResourceUpdate
getNullableInnerRemove() - Method in class
getNumDnsPublishLocks() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Returns the number of simultaneous DNS publish operations we allow at once.
getObject() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
Gets the value of the object property.
getObject() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12ObjectCDType
Gets the value of the object property.
getObjects() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignature
Gets the value of the objects property.
getObjectServices() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Services
getObjURIs() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginSvcType
Gets the value of the objURIs property.
getObjURIs() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppSvcMenuType
Gets the value of the objURIs property.
getObjURIs() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeMenuType
Gets the value of the objURIs property.
getObjURIs() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.XjcRdeEppParams
Gets the value of the objURIs property.
getOp() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppPollType
Gets the value of the op property.
getOp() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTransferType
Gets the value of the op property.
getOp() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpRestoreType
Gets the value of the op property.
getOptions() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Login
getOptions() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginType
Gets the value of the options property.
getOrg() - Method in class
getOrg() - Method in class
Gets the value of the org property.
getOrg() - Method in class
Gets the value of the org property.
getOrg() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
Gets the value of the org property.
getOrg() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
Gets the value of the org property.
getOrg() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdIssuerInfo
Gets the value of the org property.
getOrganization() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.CommonMarkContactFields
getOrganization() - Method in class google.registry.model.smd.IssuerInfo
getOrgs() - Method in class
getOrgs() - Method in class
Gets the value of the orgs property.
getOriginalName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Gets the value of the originalName property.
getOriginalName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndn
Gets the value of the originalName property.
getOther() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpAccessType
Gets the value of the other property.
getOther() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpPurposeType
Gets the value of the other property.
getOther() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRecipientType
Gets the value of the other property.
getOther() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
Gets the value of the other property.
getOtherAttributes() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppErrValueType
Gets a map that contains attributes that aren't bound to any typed property on this class.
getOtherRegistrarId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainHistory
getOurs() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRecipientType
Gets the value of the ours property.
getOutcome() - Method in class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog.Result
getP() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
Gets the value of the p property.
getPackageConfig(Class<?>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.JdkLoggerConfig
Returns a configuration instance suitable for configuring loggers in the same package as the specified class.
getPaDate() - Method in class
Gets the value of the paDate property.
getPaDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPanData
Gets the value of the paDate property.
getPaDate() - Method in class
Gets the value of the paDate property.
getParent() - Method in class google.registry.util.JdkLoggerConfig
getParsedPersistenceXmlDescriptor() - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceXmlUtility
Returns the ParsedPersistenceXmlDescriptor instance constructed from persistence.xml.
getPassword() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Login
getPathForAction(Class<?>) - Static method in class google.registry.request.Actions
Extracts the action path from the @Action annotation.
getPaTRID() - Method in class
Gets the value of the paTRID property.
getPaTRID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPanData
Gets the value of the paTRID property.
getPaTRID() - Method in class
Gets the value of the paTRID property.
getPc() - Method in class
Gets the value of the pc property.
getPc() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkAddrType
Gets the value of the pc property.
getPc() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarAddrType
Gets the value of the pc property.
getPendingDeleteDays() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.DomainDelete
Gets the value of the pendingDeleteDays property.
getPendingDeleteDays() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.superuser.DomainDeleteSuperuserExtension
getPendingDeleteLength() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getPendings() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipelineOptions
getPendingTransferExpirationTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.BaseTransferObject
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Create
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Renew
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Transfer
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainHistory
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryResponseExtensionItem
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV12
This method is overridden and not annotated for JAXB because this version of the extension doesn't support "period".
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreate
Gets the value of the period property.
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainRenew
Gets the value of the period property.
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTransfer
Gets the value of the period property.
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCDType
Gets the value of the period property.
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCheckType
Gets the value of the period property.
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06InfData
Gets the value of the period property.
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Info
Gets the value of the period property.
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TrnData
Gets the value of the period property.
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Check
Gets the value of the period property.
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
Gets the value of the period property.
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TrnData
Gets the value of the period property.
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
Gets the value of the period property.
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCheckType
Gets the value of the period property.
getPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TrnData
Gets the value of the period property.
getPeriodYears() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingEvent
getPersistedCurrentSponsorRegistrarId() - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource
Get the stored value of EppResource.currentSponsorRegistrarId.
getPersonal() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpAccessType
Gets the value of the personal property.
getPersonalAndOther() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpAccessType
Gets the value of the personalAndOther property.
getPgenCounter() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
Gets the value of the pgenCounter property.
getPGPKeyID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigPGPData
Gets the value of the pgpKeyID property.
getPGPKeyPacket() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigPGPData
Gets the value of the pgpKeyPacket property.
getPhase() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeExtensionCommandDescriptor
getPhase() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem
The phase of the command being checked.
getPhase() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV06
The phase of the command being checked.
getPhase() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeInfoCommandExtensionV06
The phase of the command being checked.
getPhase() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV12
getPhase() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCheckExtension
getPhase() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCheckResponseExtension
getPhase() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchExtension
getPhase() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchPhase
getPhase() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06CommandType
Gets the value of the phase property.
getPhase() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11CommandType
Gets the value of the phase property.
getPhase() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
Gets the value of the phase property.
getPhase() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCheckType
Gets the value of the phase property.
getPhase() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCheck
Gets the value of the phase property.
getPhase() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchChkData
Gets the value of the phase property.
getPhase() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreate
Gets the value of the phase property.
getPhase() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchIdContainerType
Gets the value of the phase property.
getPhase() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfData
Gets the value of the phase property.
getPhase() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfo
Gets the value of the phase property.
getPhoneNumber() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.PhoneNumber
getPhoneNumber() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getPhoneNumber() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase
getPhonePasscode() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getPolicy() - Method in class google.registry.tldconfig.idn.IdnTable
getPoll() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Gets the value of the poll property.
getPollMessageCount(String, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.poll.PollFlowUtils
Returns the number of poll messages for the given registrar that are not in the future.
getPollOp() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Poll
getPoNumber() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getPostalInfos() - Method in class
Gets the value of the postalInfos property.
getPostalInfos() - Method in class
Gets the value of the postalInfos property.
getPostalInfos() - Method in class
Gets the value of the postalInfos property.
getPostalInfos() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Gets the value of the postalInfos property.
getPostalInfos() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Gets the value of the postalInfos property.
getPostalInfosAsList() - Method in class
Postal info for the contact.
getPostalInfosAsMap() - Method in class
Helper method to move between the postal infos list and the individual getters.
getPostData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
Gets the value of the postData property.
getPreData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
Gets the value of the preData property.
getPrefix() - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
Returns the prefix field.
GetPremiumListCommand - Class in
Retrieves and prints one or more premium lists.
GetPremiumListCommand() - Constructor for class
getPremiumListName() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getPremiumPrice(String, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumListDao
Returns the premium price for the specified label and registry, or absent if the label is not premium.
getPrevId() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
Gets the value of the prevId property.
getPreviousDateWithMatches(LocalDate) - Method in class google.registry.reporting.spec11.Spec11RegistrarThreatMatchesParser
getPricesForDomainName(String, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.pricing.PricingEngineProxy
Returns the full PremiumPricingEngine.DomainPrices details for the given domain name by dispatching to the appropriate PremiumPricingEngine based on what is configured for the TLD that the domain is under.
getPricingEngineClassName() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getPrimaryKeyFields() - Method in class
getPrimaryKeyFields() - Method in class
getPrimaryKeyFields() - Method in class
getPrimaryKeyFields() - Method in class
getPrimaryKeyFields() - Method in class
getPrimaryKeyFields() - Method in class
getProDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
Gets the value of the proDate property.
getProDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
Gets the value of the proDate property.
getProject() - Method in interface google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient
Returns the project name with which this client is associated.
getProject() - Method in class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClientImpl
getProjectId() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryPipelineComponent
Returns the GCP project ID.
getProjectId() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the App Engine project ID, which is based off the environment name.
getProjectRoot() - Static method in class google.registry.util.BuildPathUtils
Returns the Path to the project root directory.
getPropertyValue(Money, int) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.JodaMoneyType
getProtectionDate() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.ProtectedMark
getProtections() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
Gets the value of the protections property.
getProtocol() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsKeyDataType
Gets the value of the protocol property.
getProv() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpPurposeType
Gets the value of the prov property.
getPubapiServer() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the address of the Nomulus app pubapi HTTP server.
getPubKey() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsKeyDataType
Gets the value of the pubKey property.
getPublic() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRecipientType
Gets the value of the public property.
getPurpose() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpStatementType
Gets the value of the purpose property.
getPw() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.AuthInfo
getPw() - Method in class
Gets the value of the pw property.
getPw() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAuthInfoChgType
Gets the value of the pw property.
getPw() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAuthInfoType
Gets the value of the pw property.
getPw() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginType
Gets the value of the pw property.
getQ() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
Gets the value of the q property.
getQDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMsgQType
Gets the value of the qDate property.
getRdapBaseUrls() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getRdeMenu() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
Gets the value of the rdeMenu property.
getRdeReceiverKey() - Method in interface google.registry.keyring.api.Keyring
Returns public key of escrow agent for encrypting deposits as they're uploaded.
getRdeReceiverKey() - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyring
getRdeSigningKey() - Method in interface google.registry.keyring.api.Keyring
Returns the key which should be used to sign RDE deposits being uploaded to a third-party.
getRdeSigningKey() - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyring
getRdeSshClientPrivateKey() - Method in interface google.registry.keyring.api.Keyring
Returns private key for SSH client connections made by RDE.
getRdeSshClientPrivateKey() - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyring
getRdeSshClientPublicKey() - Method in interface google.registry.keyring.api.Keyring
Returns public key for SSH client connections made by RDE.
getRdeSshClientPublicKey() - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyring
getRdeStagingBucket() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipelineOptions
getRdeStagingDecryptionKey() - Method in interface google.registry.keyring.api.Keyring
Returns private key for decrypting escrow deposits retrieved from cloud storage.
getRdeStagingDecryptionKey() - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyring
getRdeStagingEncryptionKey() - Method in interface google.registry.keyring.api.Keyring
Returns public key for encrypting escrow deposits being staged to cloud storage.
getRdeStagingEncryptionKey() - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyring
getReadOnlyReplicaJpaTransactionManager() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryPipelineComponent
A JpaTransactionManager that uses the Postgres read-only replica if configured (uses the standard DB otherwise).
getReason() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.metadata_1.Metadata
Gets the value of the reason property.
getReason() - Method in exception class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryJobFailureException
Returns a short error code describing why this job failed.
getReason() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase
getReason() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.metadata.MetadataExtension
getReason() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.DomainCheck
getReason() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
getReason() - Method in class
Gets the value of the reason property.
getReason() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCheckType
Gets the value of the reason property.
getReason() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppExtErrValueType
Gets the value of the reason property.
getReason() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
Gets the value of the reason property.
getReason() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
Gets the value of the reason property.
getReason() - Method in class
Gets the value of the reason property.
getRecDesc() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpOursType
Gets the value of the recDesc property.
getRecipient() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpStatementType
Gets the value of the recipient property.
getRecords() - Method in class google.registry.util.CapturingLogHandler
getRecurrenceEndTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingRecurrence
getRecurrenceHistoryRevisionId() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingEvent
getRecurrenceLastExpansion() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingRecurrence
getRecurrenceTimeOfYear() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingRecurrence
getReDate() - Method in class
Gets the value of the reDate property.
getReDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
Gets the value of the reDate property.
getReDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactTransferDataType
Gets the value of the reDate property.
getReDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType
Gets the value of the reDate property.
getReDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
Gets the value of the reDate property.
getRedemptionGracePeriodDays() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.DomainDelete
Gets the value of the redemptionGracePeriodDays property.
getRedemptionGracePeriodDays() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.superuser.DomainDeleteSuperuserExtension
getRedemptionGracePeriodLength() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getRedemptionHistoryId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
getReferencedContacts() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
Returns all referenced contacts from this domain.
getReferenceNumber() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.ProtectedMark
getReferences() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigManifest
Gets the value of the references property.
getReferences() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignedInfo
Gets the value of the references property.
getReferencingTlds() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.BaseDomainLabelList
Gets the names of the tlds that reference this list.
getRefNum() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
Gets the value of the refNum property.
getRefNum() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
Gets the value of the refNum property.
getRefundable() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee
getRegDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Gets the value of the regDate property.
getRegion() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.MarkProtection
getRegion() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkProtectionType
Gets the value of the region property.
getRegions() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.CourtMark
getRegions() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
Gets the value of the regions property.
getRegistrant() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
A key to the registrant who registered this domain.
getRegistrant() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.DomainCreateOrChange
getRegistrant() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainChgType
Gets the value of the registrant property.
getRegistrant() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreate
Gets the value of the registrant property.
getRegistrant() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Gets the value of the registrant property.
getRegistrant() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Gets the value of the registrant property.
getRegistrantContactId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.DomainCreateOrChange
getRegistrar() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarUpdateHistory
getRegistrar(String) - Method in class google.registry.request.auth.AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor
Loads a Registrar IFF the user is authorized.
getRegistrarContactBuilders(ImmutableSet<RegistrarPoc>, Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
getRegistrarId() - Method in class google.registry.flows.HttpSessionMetadata
getRegistrarId() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.SessionMetadata
getRegistrarId() - Method in class google.registry.flows.StatelessRequestSessionMetadata
getRegistrarId() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase
getRegistrarId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriodBase
getRegistrarId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock
getRegistrarId() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage
getRegistrarId() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.Registrar
getRegistrarId() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getRegistrarId() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPoc
getRegistrarId() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPoc.RegistrarPocId
getRegistrarId() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
getRegistrarId() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch
getRegistrarId() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric
getRegistrarIdToTldMap() - Method in class google.registry.model.OteAccountBuilder
Return the map from the OT&E registrarIds we will create to the new TLDs they will have access to.
getRegistrarName() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getRegistrarPoc() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarPocUpdateHistory
getRegistrarPocId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock
getRegistrarRoles() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserRoles
Any per-registrar roles that this user may have.
getRegistrarThreatMatches(LocalDate) - Method in class google.registry.reporting.spec11.Spec11RegistrarThreatMatchesParser
Gets the entire set of registrar:set-of-threat-match pairings from the most recent report file in GCS.
getRegistrationBehavior() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
getRegistrationDate() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.Trademark
getRegistrationExpirationTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getRegistrationNumber() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.Trademark
getRegistryEnvironment() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryPipelineOptions
getRegistryLockEmailAddress() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserBase
getRegistryLockEmailAddress() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase
getRegistryLockOrUnlockBillingCost() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Returns the cost of a registry lock/unlock.
getRegNum() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Gets the value of the regNum property.
getReID() - Method in class
Gets the value of the reID property.
getReID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
Gets the value of the reID property.
getRelative() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpExpiryType
Gets the value of the relative property.
getRelock() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock
The lock that undoes this lock, if this lock has been unlocked and the domain locked again.
getRelockDuration() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock
The duration after which we will re-lock this domain after it is unlocked.
getRem() - Method in class
Gets the value of the rem property.
getRem() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainUpdate
Gets the value of the rem property.
getRem() - Method in class
Gets the value of the rem property.
getRem() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsUpdate
Gets the value of the rem property.
getRemove() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.SecDnsUpdateExtension
getRenew() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Gets the value of the renew property.
getRenewalPeriod() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.DomainTransferRequest
Gets the value of the renewalPeriod property.
getRenewalPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.superuser.DomainTransferRequestSuperuserExtension
getRenewalPrice() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingRecurrence
getRenewalPrice() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
getRenewalPriceBehavior() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingRecurrence
getRenewalPriceBehavior() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
getRenewBillingCostTransitions() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getRenewCost() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits
Returns the renew cost for the event.
getRenewCost() - Method in class google.registry.model.pricing.PremiumPricingEngine.DomainPrices
Returns the cost to renew the domain.
getRenewGracePeriodLength() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getRenewPrice(Tld, String, DateTime, int, BillingRecurrence, Optional<AllocationToken>) - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainPricingLogic
Returns a new renewal cost for the pricer.
getRepDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
Gets the value of the repDate property.
getRepoId() - Method in class
getRepoId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.Domain
getRepoId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock
getRepoId() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.AuthInfo.PasswordAuth
getRepoId() - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource
getRepoId() - Method in class
getRepoId() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
getRepoId() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.HistoryEntryId
Returns the [domain|contact|host]_repo_id of the HistoryEntry.
getReport() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
Gets the value of the report property.
getReport() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpRestoreType
Gets the value of the report property.
getReportAmount() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord
getReportField() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord
getReportingBucketUrl() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.spec11.Spec11PipelineOptions
getReportingTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord
getReportQuery(YearMonth) - Method in class google.registry.reporting.icann.ActivityReportingQueryBuilder
Returns the aggregate query which generates the activity report from the saved view.
getReportQuery(YearMonth) - Method in interface google.registry.reporting.icann.QueryBuilder
Returns a query that retrieves the overall report from the previously generated view.
getReportQuery(YearMonth) - Method in class google.registry.reporting.icann.TransactionsReportingQueryBuilder
Returns the aggregate query which generates the transactions report from the saved view.
getRequestBody() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory
getRequestedByRegistrar() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.metadata.MetadataExtension
getRequestedByRegistrar() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
getRequestTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.DnsRefreshRequest
getRequestUrlWithExtraParameter(String, String) - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapSearchActionBase
Returns the original request URL, but with the specified parameter added or overridden.
getRequestUrlWithExtraParameter(String, List<String>) - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapSearchActionBase
Returns the original request URL, but with the specified parameter added or overridden.
getRequirement() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
Returns the number of times this StatType must be performed.
getReRr() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactTransferDataType
Gets the value of the reRr property.
getReRr() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType
Gets the value of the reRr property.
getResData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResponse
Gets the value of the resData property.
getResend() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
Gets the value of the resend property.
getResend() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
Gets the value of the resend property.
getReservationInList(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedList
Gets the ReservationType of a label in a single ReservedList, or returns an absent Optional if none exists in the list.
getReservationTypes(String, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedList
Queries the set of all reserved lists associated with the specified TLD and returns the reservation types of the label.
GetReservedListCommand - Class in
Retrieves and prints one or more reserved lists.
GetReservedListCommand() - Constructor for class
getReservedListEntries() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedList
Returns a Map of domain labels to ReservedList.ReservedListEntry.
getReservedListNames() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Retrieves an ImmutableSet of all ReservedLists associated with this TLD.
getResource() - Method in class
getResource() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainHistory
getResource() - Method in class
getResource() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
getResourceAtPointInTime() - Method in class
getResourceAtPointInTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainHistory
getResourceAtPointInTime() - Method in class
getResourceAtPointInTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
getResourceBundle() - Method in class google.registry.util.JdkLoggerConfig
getResourceBundleName() - Method in class google.registry.util.JdkLoggerConfig
getResourceClass() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Type
Returns the class of the underlying resource for the poll message type.
getResourceCommand() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.ResourceCommandWrapper
getResourceId() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage
Gets the repo ID of the underlying resource that the PollMessage is for, regardless of the type of the resource.
getResourcesDir() - Static method in class google.registry.util.BuildPathUtils
Returns the Path to the resources directory.
getResourceType() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput
Returns the EPP resource type ("domain", "contact", or "host") for commands that operate on EPP resources, otherwise absent.
getResourceType() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
getResponse() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppOutput
getResponse() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEpp
Gets the value of the response property.
getResponse(boolean, String) - Method in exception class google.registry.whois.WhoisException
getResponse(boolean, String) - Method in interface google.registry.whois.WhoisResponse
Returns the WHOIS response.
getResponseBytes(HttpURLConnection) - Static method in class google.registry.request.UrlConnectionUtils
Retrieves the response from the given connection as a byte array.
getResponseCode() - Method in exception class google.registry.request.HttpException
getResponseCodeString() - Method in exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.BadRequestException
getResponseCodeString() - Method in exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.ConflictException
getResponseCodeString() - Method in exception class google.registry.request.HttpException
Returns the string associated with a particular response code.
getResponseCodeString() - Method in exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.InternalServerErrorException
getResponseCodeString() - Method in exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.NoContentException
getResponseCodeString() - Method in exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.NotFoundException
getResponseCodeString() - Method in exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.NotImplementedException
getResponseCodeString() - Method in exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.NotModifiedException
getResponseCodeString() - Method in exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.ServiceUnavailableException
getResponseCodeString() - Method in exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.UnprocessableEntityException
getResponseCodeString() - Method in exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.UnsupportedMediaTypeException
getResponseData() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppResponse
getResponseData() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Autorenew
getResponseData() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage
getResponseData() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.OneTime
getResponseExtensionClass() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.ProtocolDefinition.ServiceExtension
getResReason() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
Gets the value of the resReason property.
getResTime() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
Gets the value of the resTime property.
getRestore() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpUpdate
Gets the value of the restore property.
getRestoreBillingCost() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Returns the add-on cost of a domain restore (the flat tld-wide fee charged in addition to one year of renewal for that name).
getRestoreCommand() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.RgpUpdateExtension
getRestoreCost() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits
Returns the restore cost for the event.
getRestoreOp() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.RestoreCommand
getResult() - Method in exception class google.registry.flows.EppException
getResult() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppResponse
getResult() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.XjcIirdeaResponse
Gets the value of the result property.
getResult(String) - Method in class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog
getResults() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResponse
Gets the value of the results property.
getRetention() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpStatementType
Gets the value of the retention property.
getRevision() - Method in class google.registry.model.rde.RdeRevision
getRevisionId() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory
getRevisionId() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory
getRevisionId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock
getRevisionId() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
getRevisionId() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.HistoryEntryId
Returns the history_revision_id of the HistoryEntry.
getRevisionId() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.BaseDomainLabelList
Returns the ID of this revision, or throws if null.
getRevisionId() - Method in class google.registry.model.tmch.ClaimsList
Returns the revision id of this claims list, or throws exception if it is null.
getRgpStatuses() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Gets the value of the rgpStatuses property.
getRgpStatuses() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpRespDataType
Gets the value of the rgpStatuses property.
getRoid() - Method in class
Gets the value of the roid property.
getRoid() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Gets the value of the roid property.
getRoid() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomPwAuthInfoType
Gets the value of the roid property.
getRoid() - Method in class
Gets the value of the roid property.
getRoid() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Gets the value of the roid property.
getRoid() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Gets the value of the roid property.
getRoid() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
Gets the value of the roid property.
getRoidSuffix() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getRolesForRegistrar(String) - Method in class google.registry.request.auth.AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor
Returns all the roles the current user has on the given registrar.
getRulingCountryCodes() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.MarkProtection
getRulings() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkProtectionType
Gets the value of the rulings property.
getRydeSpecEscrow() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
Gets the value of the rydeSpecEscrow property.
getRydeSpecMapping() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
Gets the value of the rydeSpecMapping property.
getS() - Method in class
Gets the value of the s property.
getS() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusType
Gets the value of the s property.
getS() - Method in class
Gets the value of the s property.
getS() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusType
Gets the value of the s property.
getS() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusType
Gets the value of the s property.
getSafeBrowsingApiKey() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.spec11.Spec11PipelineOptions
getSafeBrowsingAPIKey() - Method in interface google.registry.keyring.api.Keyring
Returns the API key for accessing the SafeBrowsing API.
getSafeBrowsingAPIKey() - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyring
getSame() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRecipientType
Gets the value of the same property.
getSaves() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.EntityChanges
getScope() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.Cursor
getScope() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy.XjcRdePolicy
Gets the value of the scope property.
getSearchName() - Method in class
getSearchResponse(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapDomainSearchAction
Parses the parameters and calls the appropriate search function.
getSearchResponse(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapEntitySearchAction
Parses the parameters and calls the appropriate search function.
getSearchResponse(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapNameserverSearchAction
Parses the parameters and calls the appropriate search function.
getSearchResponse(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapSearchActionBase
getSecDNS() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Gets the value of the secDNS property.
getSecondLevelDomain(String, String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.DomainNameUtils
Returns the second level domain name for a fully qualified host name under a given tld.
getSecret(String) - Method in class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.KeyringSecretStore
getSecretData(String, Optional<String>) - Method in interface google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient
Returns the data of a secret at the given version.
getSecretData(String, Optional<String>) - Method in class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClientImpl
getSeed() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
Gets the value of the seed property.
getServerApproveAutorenewEvent() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData
getServerApproveAutorenewPollMessage() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData
getServerApproveAutorenewPollMessageHistoryId() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData
getServerApproveBillingEvent() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData
getServerApproveEntities() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData
getServerApproveEntities() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferData
getServerStatusChangeBillingCost() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Returns the cost of a server status change (i.e.
getServerTransactionId() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Trid
getServiceExtensionFromUri(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.ProtocolDefinition
Returns the service extension enum associated with a URI, or null if none are associated.
getServiceExtensions() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Services
getServiceExtensionUris() - Method in class google.registry.flows.HttpSessionMetadata
getServiceExtensionUris() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.SessionMetadata
getServiceExtensionUris() - Method in class google.registry.flows.StatelessRequestSessionMetadata
getServiceId() - Method in enum class google.registry.request.Action.GaeService
getServiceId() - Method in enum class google.registry.request.Action.GkeService
getServiceId() - Method in interface google.registry.request.Action.Service
getServices() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Login
getServiceUrl() - Method in enum class google.registry.request.Action.GaeService
getServiceUrl() - Method in enum class google.registry.request.Action.GkeService
getServiceUrl() - Method in interface google.registry.request.Action.Service
getServiceUrl(Action.GkeService) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
getSessionMetadata() - Method in class google.registry.flows.custom.BaseFlowCustomLogic
Returns the SessionMetadata, which may be empty outside a flow context.
getSignature() - Method in class google.registry.rde.RydePgpSigningOutputStream
Returns the byte contents for the detached .asc signature file.
getSignature() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
Gets the value of the signature property.
getSignatureMethod() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignedInfo
Gets the value of the signatureMethod property.
getSignatureProperties() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureProperties
Gets the value of the signatureProperties property.
getSignatureValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignature
Gets the value of the signatureValue property.
getSignedInfo() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignature
Gets the value of the signedInfo property.
getSignedMarks() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCreateExtension
getSignificantFields() - Method in class google.registry.model.ImmutableObject
Returns the map of significant fields (fields that we care about for purposes of comparison and display).
getSingleExtension(Class<E>) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput
Get the extension based on type, or null.
getSingleResult() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer
Returns the one and only result of a query.
getSingleTargetId() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput
Returns the target ID (name for domains and hosts, contact ID for contacts) if this command always acts on a single EPP resource, or absent otherwise (e.g.
getSingletonCachePersistDuration() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the amount of time a singleton should be cached in persist mode, before expiring.
getSingletonCacheRefreshDuration() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the amount of time a singleton should be cached, before expiring.
getSize() - Method in class google.registry.model.OteStats
Returns the total number of actions taken
getSize() - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
Returns the file size in bytes.
getSmdId() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1.Create
Gets the value of the smdId property.
getSmdId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getSp() - Method in class
Gets the value of the sp property.
getSp() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkAddrType
Gets the value of the sp property.
getSp() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarAddrType
Gets the value of the sp property.
getSpec11ReportFilePath(LocalDate) - Static method in class google.registry.beam.spec11.Spec11Pipeline
Returns the subdirectory spec11 reports reside in for a given local date in yyyy-MM-dd format.
getSPKISexpsAndAnies() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSPKIData
Gets the value of the spkiSexpsAndAnies property.
GetSqlCredentialCommand - Class in
Command to get a Cloud SQL credential in the Secret Manager.
getSqlPrimaryConnectionName() - Method in interface google.registry.keyring.api.Keyring
Returns the Cloud SQL connection name of the primary database instance.
getSqlPrimaryConnectionName() - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyring
getSqlReplicaConnectionName() - Method in interface google.registry.keyring.api.Keyring
Returns the Cloud SQL connection name of the replica database instance.
getSqlReplicaConnectionName() - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyring
getSqlType() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.DurationUserType
getSqlType() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.AllocationTokenStatusTransitionUserType
getSqlType() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.BillingCostTransitionUserType
getSqlType() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.CurrencyToStringMapUserType
getSqlType() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.FeatureStatusTransitionUserType
getSqlType() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.RegistrarToRoleMapUserType
getSqlType() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringMapUserType
getSqlType() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.TimedTransitionBaseUserType
getSqlType() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.TldStateTransitionUserType
getSqlType() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringCollectionUserType
getSqlWriteBatchSize() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryPipelineOptions
getStagingKey() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipelineOptions
getStandaloneEntityManager() - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManager
Returns a long-lived EntityManager not bound to a particular transaction.
getStandaloneEntityManager() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
getStandardRenewCost(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Use PricingEngineProxy.getDomainRenewCost instead of this to find the cost for a domain renewal, and all derived costs (i.e.
getStartTime() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.billing.ExpandBillingRecurrencesPipelineOptions
getStartTimestamp() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric
getState() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address
getState() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getStated() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRetentionType
Gets the value of the stated property.
getStatements() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpType
Gets the value of the statements property.
getStatements() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
Gets the value of the statements property.
getStaticPremiumListMaxCachedEntries() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the maximum number of premium list entries across all TLDs to keep in in-memory cache.
getStatus() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric
getStatus() - Method in class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog
getStatus() - Method in exception class google.registry.whois.WhoisException
Returns a non-2xx HTTP status code to differentiate types of failure.
getStatus() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfData
Gets the value of the status property.
getStatus() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
Gets the value of the status property.
getStatus() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Gets the value of the status property.
getStatus(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag
getStatuses() - Method in class
Gets the value of the statuses property.
getStatuses() - Method in class
Gets the value of the statuses property.
getStatuses() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAddRemType
Gets the value of the statuses property.
getStatuses() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Gets the value of the statuses property.
getStatuses() - Method in class
Gets the value of the statuses property.
getStatuses() - Method in class
Gets the value of the statuses property.
getStatuses() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Gets the value of the statuses property.
getStatuses() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Gets the value of the statuses property.
getStatuses() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
Gets the value of the statuses property.
getStatusMap() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag
getStatusValues() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.ResourceCommand.ResourceUpdate.AddRemove
getStatusValues() - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource
getStreet() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address
getStreets() - Method in class
Gets the value of the streets property.
getStreets() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkAddrType
Gets the value of the streets property.
getStreets() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarAddrType
Gets the value of the streets property.
getStringReference() - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection.DestinationTable
Returns a string representation of the TableReference for the wrapped table.
getSubordinateHosts() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getSubphase() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeExtensionCommandDescriptor
getSubphase() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem
The subphase of the command being checked.
getSubphase() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV06
The subphase of the command being checked.
getSubphase() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeInfoCommandExtensionV06
The subphase of the command being checked.
getSubphase() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV12
getSubphase() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06CommandType
Gets the value of the subphase property.
getSubphase() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11CommandType
Gets the value of the subphase property.
getSubphase() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
Gets the value of the subphase property.
getSubphase() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCheckType
Gets the value of the subphase property.
getSuffix() - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapSearchPattern
getSunriseDomainCreateDiscount() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
A discount for all sunrise domain creates, between 0.0 (no discount) and 1.0 (free).
getSuperordinateDomain() - Method in class
getSupportingTlds(ImmutableSet<String>) - Method in class google.registry.bsa.IdnChecker
Returns the TLDs that support at least one IDN in the idnTables.
getSvcExtension() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginSvcType
Gets the value of the svcExtension property.
getSvcExtension() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppSvcMenuType
Gets the value of the svcExtension property.
getSvcExtension() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.XjcRdeEppParams
Gets the value of the svcExtension property.
getSvcMenu() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppGreetingType
Gets the value of the svcMenu property.
getSvcs() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginType
Gets the value of the svcs property.
getSvDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppGreetingType
Gets the value of the svDate property.
getSvID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppGreetingType
Gets the value of the svID property.
getSvTRID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTrIDType
Gets the value of the svTRID property.
getSyntheticCreationTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingEvent
getTable() - Method in enum class google.registry.tldconfig.idn.IdnTableEnum
getTable(String) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection
Returns table reference with the projectId and datasetId filled out for you.
getTarget() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureProperty
Gets the value of the target property.
getTargetId() - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase
getTargetId() - Method in class
getTargetId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Create
getTargetId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Info
getTargetId() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.ResourceCommand.AbstractSingleResourceCommand
getTargetId() - Method in interface google.registry.model.eppinput.ResourceCommand.SingleResourceCommand
getTargetId() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Autorenew
getTargetIds() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput
Returns all the target IDs (name for domains and hosts, contact ID for contacts) that this command references if it acts on EPP resources, or the empty list otherwise (e.g.
getTargetIds() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.ResourceCommand.ResourceCheck
getTcnId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchNotice.NoticeIdType
getTechContact() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getThreatTypes() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch
getTieredPricingPromotionRegistrarIds() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
List of registrars for which we include a promotional price on domain checks if configured.
getTimestamp() - Method in class google.registry.model.CreateAutoTimestamp
Returns the timestamp.
getTimestamp() - Method in class google.registry.model.UpdateAutoTimestamp
Returns the timestamp, or START_OF_TIME if it's null.
getTimestamp() - Method in exception class google.registry.whois.WhoisException
Returns the time at which this WHOIS request was processed.
getTimestamp() - Method in interface google.registry.whois.WhoisResponse
Returns the time at which this response was created.
getTitle() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.TreatyOrStatuteMark
getTitle() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
Gets the value of the title property.
getTld() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.DnsRefreshRequest
getTld() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getTld() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord
getTld() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch
getTld() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Retrieve the actual domain name representing the TLD for which this registry operates.
getTld() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric
getTld() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeheader.XjcRdeHeader
Gets the value of the tld property.
getTldEntitiesOfType(Tld.TldType) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tlds
Returns the TLD entities themselves of the given type loaded fresh from the database.
getTldFromDomainName(InternetDomainName) - Static method in class google.registry.util.DomainNameUtils
Returns the canonicalized TLD part of a valid fully-qualified domain name by stripping off the leftmost part.
getTldFromDomainName(String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.DomainNameUtils
Returns the canonicalized TLD part of a valid fully-qualified domain name by stripping off the leftmost part.
getTldInDomain(String) - Static method in class google.registry.bsa.BsaStringUtils
getTlds() - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tlds
getTldsAndWatermarksPendingDepositForRdeAndBrda() - Method in class google.registry.rde.PendingDepositChecker
Returns multimap of TLDs to all RDE and BRDA deposits that need to happen.
getTldsOfType(Tld.TldType) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tlds
getTldState(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Retrieve the TLD state at the given time.
getTldStateTransitions() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getTldStr() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getTldType() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Retrieve the TLD type (real or test).
getTldUnicode() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Retrieve the TLD unicode representation.
getTmdbGenerationTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.tmch.ClaimsList
Returns the time when the external TMDB service generated this revision of the claims list.
getToken() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
getToken() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.BulkPricingPackage
getTokenBehavior() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
getTokens() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.bulktoken_1.BulkData
Gets the value of the tokens property.
getTokenStatusTransitions() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
getTokenType() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
getToolsServer() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
Returns the address of the Nomulus app tools HTTP server.
getTotalCost() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits
Returns the total cost of all fees and credits for the event.
getTrademarks() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.Mark
getTrademarks() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkMarkType
Gets the value of the trademarks property.
getTransactionTime() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
getTransactionTime() - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Returns the time associated with the start of this particular transaction attempt.
getTransfer() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Gets the value of the transfer property.
getTransferData() - Method in class
getTransferData() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
getTransferData() - Method in interface google.registry.model.EppResource.ResourceWithTransferData
getTransferGracePeriodLength() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
getTransferOp() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Transfer
getTransferPeriod() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData
getTransferredRegistrationExpirationTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData
getTransferRequestTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.BaseTransferObject
getTransferRequestTrid() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferData
getTransferStatus() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.BaseTransferObject
getTransforms() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigReference
Gets the value of the transforms property.
getTransforms() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigRetrievalMethod
Gets the value of the transforms property.
getTransforms() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigTransforms
Gets the value of the transforms property.
getTrDate() - Method in class
Gets the value of the trDate property.
getTrDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Gets the value of the trDate property.
getTrDate() - Method in class
Gets the value of the trDate property.
getTrDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Gets the value of the trDate property.
getTrDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Gets the value of the trDate property.
getTrDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
Gets the value of the trDate property.
getTreatyOrStatuteMarks() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.Mark
getTreatyOrStatutes() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkMarkType
Gets the value of the treatyOrStatutes property.
getTrid() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PendingActionNotificationResponse
getTrid() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
Returns the TRID, which may be null if the entry was not created by a normal flow.
getTrID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResponse
Gets the value of the trID property.
getTrnData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Gets the value of the trnData property.
getTrnData() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Gets the value of the trnData property.
getTrStatus() - Method in class
Gets the value of the trStatus property.
getTrStatus() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
Gets the value of the trStatus property.
getTrStatus() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactTransferDataType
Gets the value of the trStatus property.
getTrStatus() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType
Gets the value of the trStatus property.
getType() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.Cursor
getType() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.DnsRefreshRequest
getType() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory
getType() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DesignatedContact
getType() - Method in exception class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.InvalidReferencesException
getType() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee
getType() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriodBase
getType() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.MarkContact
getType() - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage
getType() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getType() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
getType() - Method in class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlUser
getType() - Method in enum class
getType() - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
Returns the PosixTarHeader.Type of file.
getType() - Method in class
Gets the value of the type property.
getType() - Method in class
Gets the value of the type property.
getType() - Method in class
Gets the value of the type property.
getType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainContactType
Gets the value of the type property.
getType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigReference
Gets the value of the type property.
getType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigRetrievalMethod
Gets the value of the type property.
getType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCheck
Gets the value of the type property.
getType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreate
Gets the value of the type property.
getType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
Gets the value of the type property.
getType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
Gets the value of the type property.
getType() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarPostalInfoType
Gets the value of the type property.
getTypeOfHighestSeverity(Set<ReservationType>) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservationType
Returns the ReservationType with the highest severity, used when a label has multiple reservation types and a reservation message is needed.
getTypes() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase
getTypesafeEnumMapping(Class<T>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.TypeUtils
Aggregates enum "values" in a typesafe enum pattern into a string->field map.
getUid() - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
Returns the UNIX owner/user id.
getUname() - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
Returns the UNIX user name (or owner) of the file.
getUName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Gets the value of the uName property.
getUName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndn
Gets the value of the uName property.
getUncached(FeatureFlag.FeatureName) - Static method in class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag
getUnit() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.PeriodType
Gets the value of the unit property.
getUnit() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.Period
getUnit() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPeriodType
Gets the value of the unit property.
getUnlockCompletionTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock
Returns the unlock completion timestamp, or empty if this unlock has not been completed yet.
getUnlockRequestTime() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock
Returns the unlock request timestamp or null if an unlock has not been requested yet.
getUnparsedCommandName() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeExtensionCommandDescriptor
getUnparsedCommandName() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem
The command name before being parsed into an enum, for use in error strings.
getUnparsedCommandName() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV06
The command name before being parsed into an enum, for use in error strings.
getUnparsedCommandName() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeInfoCommandExtensionV06
The command name before being parsed into an enum, for use in error strings.
getUnparsedCommandName() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV12
getUnrelated() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRecipientType
Gets the value of the unrelated property.
getUpdate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Gets the value of the update property.
getUpDate() - Method in class
Gets the value of the upDate property.
getUpDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Gets the value of the upDate property.
getUpDate() - Method in class
Gets the value of the upDate property.
getUpDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Gets the value of the upDate property.
getUpDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Gets the value of the upDate property.
getUpDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
Gets the value of the upDate property.
getUpDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Gets the value of the upDate property.
getUpdated() - Method in class google.registry.model.tmch.TmchCrl
Time we last updated the Database with a newer ICANN CRL.
getUpdateTimestamp() - Method in class google.registry.model.UpdateAutoTimestampEntity
Get the UpdateAutoTimestamp for this entity.
getUpID() - Method in class
Gets the value of the upID property.
getUpID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Gets the value of the upID property.
getUpID() - Method in class
Gets the value of the upID property.
getUpRr() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Gets the value of the upRr property.
getUpRr() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Gets the value of the upRr property.
getUpRr() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
Gets the value of the upRr property.
getUrgent() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.SecDnsUpdateExtension
getUri() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.ProtocolDefinition.ServiceExtension
getUri() - Method in enum class google.registry.rde.RdeResourceType
Returns RDE XML schema URI specifying resource.
getUri() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeheader.XjcRdeHeaderCount
Gets the value of the uri property.
getURI() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigReference
Gets the value of the uri property.
getURI() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigRetrievalMethod
Gets the value of the uri property.
getUris(RdeMode) - Static method in enum class google.registry.rde.RdeResourceType
Returns set of resource type URIs included in a deposit mode.
getUrl() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory
getUrl() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory
getUrl() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getUrl() - Method in class google.registry.model.smd.IssuerInfo
getUrl() - Method in class google.registry.model.tmch.TmchCrl
Returns the URL that the CRL was downloaded from.
getUrl() - Method in class google.registry.tldconfig.idn.IdnTable
getUrl() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.XjcRdeIdn
Gets the value of the url property.
getUrl() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Gets the value of the url property.
getUrl() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarWhoisInfoType
Gets the value of the url property.
getUrl() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdIssuerInfo
Gets the value of the url property.
getUrlPolicy() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.XjcRdeIdn
Gets the value of the urlPolicy property.
getUseParentHandlers() - Method in class google.registry.util.JdkLoggerConfig
getUser() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserUpdateHistory
GetUserCommand - Class in
Command to display one or more users.
GetUserCommand() - Constructor for class
getUserRoles() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserBase
getVaDate() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
Gets the value of the vaDate property.
getValidationMode() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipelineOptions
getValidatorId() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchNotice.NoticeIdType
getValidatorID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchClaimKeyType
Gets the value of the validatorID property.
getValidatorID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCodeType
Gets the value of the validatorID property.
getValidatorID() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchNoticeIDType
Gets the value of the validatorID property.
getValidDateRange() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee
getValue() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.PeriodType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.Period
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.AuthInfo.PasswordAuth
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.CheckNameOrID
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.DomainLabelEntry
Returns the value of the field (used for determining which entry takes priority over another).
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumList.PremiumEntry
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedList.ReservedListEntry
getValue() - Method in enum class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel
getValue() - Method in class
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCheckNameType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainContactType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfoNameType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPaNameType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPeriodType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureValue
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppExtErrValueType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMsgType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomPwAuthInfoType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomReasonType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06CommandType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06CreditType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06FeeType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11CommandType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11CreditType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11FeeType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CreditType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12FeeType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.XjcIirdeaCode
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCdNameType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchClaimKeyType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCodeType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchNoticeIDType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchPhaseType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkE164Type
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeRrType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeheader.XjcRdeHeaderCount
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnNameState
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotificationName
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdEncodedSignedMark
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class ietf.params.xml.ns.allocationtoken_1.AllocationToken
Gets the value of the value property.
getValueAtTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.common.TimedTransitionProperty
Returns the value of the property that is active at the specified time.
getValuesAndExtValues() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResultType
Gets the value of the valuesAndExtValues property.
getVerificationCode() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock
getVersion() - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
Returns the magic field.
getVersion() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCredsOptionsType
Gets the value of the version property.
getVersion() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeMenuType
Gets the value of the version property.
getVersion() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
Gets the value of the version property.
getVersion() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
Gets the value of the version property.
getVersions() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppSvcMenuType
Gets the value of the versions property.
getVersions() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.XjcRdeEppParams
Gets the value of the versions property.
getViewQueryMap(YearMonth) - Method in class google.registry.reporting.icann.ActivityReportingQueryBuilder
Sets the month we're doing activity reporting for, and returns the view query map.
getViewQueryMap(YearMonth) - Method in interface google.registry.reporting.icann.QueryBuilder
Returns a map from an intermediary view's table name to the query that generates it.
getViewQueryMap(YearMonth) - Method in class google.registry.reporting.icann.TransactionsReportingQueryBuilder
Sets the month we're doing transactions reporting for, and returns the view query map.
getVisible() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.ProtocolDefinition.ServiceExtension
getVisibleInDomainWhoisAsAbuse() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase
getVisibleInWhoisAsAdmin() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase
getVisibleInWhoisAsTech() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase
getVisibleServiceExtensionUris() - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.ProtocolDefinition
Return the set of all visible service extension URIs.
getVoice() - Method in class
getVoice() - Method in class
getVoice() - Method in class google.registry.model.mark.CommonMarkContactFields
getVoice() - Method in class google.registry.model.smd.IssuerInfo
getVoice() - Method in class
Gets the value of the voice property.
getVoice() - Method in class
Gets the value of the voice property.
getVoice() - Method in class
Gets the value of the voice property.
getVoice() - Method in class
Gets the value of the voice property.
getVoice() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
Gets the value of the voice property.
getVoice() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
Gets the value of the voice property.
getVoice() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Gets the value of the voice property.
getVoice() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Gets the value of the voice property.
getVoice() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdIssuerInfo
Gets the value of the voice property.
getVoiceNumber() - Method in class
getWatermark() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
Gets the value of the watermark property.
getWatermark() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
Gets the value of the watermark property.
getWhoisAbuseContact() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
Returns the RegistrarPoc that is the WHOIS abuse contact for this registrar, or empty if one does not exist.
getWhoisInfo() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Gets the value of the whoisInfo property.
getWhoisServer() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
getWireValue() - Method in enum class
Fetches a value in the range [0, 255] that encodes this DS digest type on the wire.
getWriter() - Method in interface google.registry.request.Response
getWriter() - Method in class google.registry.request.ResponseImpl
getX() - Method in class
Gets the value of the x property.
getX() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkE164Type
Gets the value of the x property.
getX509IssuerName() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigX509IssuerSerialType
Gets the value of the x509IssuerName property.
getX509IssuerSerialsAndX509SKISAndX509SubjectNames() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigX509Data
Gets the value of the x509IssuerSerialsAndX509SKISAndX509SubjectNames property.
getX509SerialNumber() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigX509IssuerSerialType
Gets the value of the x509SerialNumber property.
getXmlBytes() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
getXmlContentsToRun(String) - Method in class
Returns the full XML representing this action, including all substitutions.
getXmlName() - Method in interface google.registry.model.adapters.EnumToAttributeAdapter.EppEnum
getXmlName() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.GracePeriodStatus
getXmlName() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
getXmlName() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferStatus
getXmlTemplate() - Method in class
getXmlTemplate() - Method in class
getXmlTemplate() - Method in class
getXmlTemplate() - Method in class
Returns the XML template contents for this action.
getY() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
Gets the value of the y property.
getYearMonth() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.billing.InvoicingPipelineOptions
getZip() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address
geUserName() - Method in class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlUser
Ghostryde - Class in google.registry.rde
Utility class for reading and writing data in the ghostryde container format.
GhostRYDE Format - Search tag in class google.registry.rde.Ghostryde
gkeService() - Element in annotation interface google.registry.request.Action
Which GKE service this action lives on.
GLOBAL - Static variable in class google.registry.model.common.Cursor
The scope of a global cursor.
GlobalRole - Enum Class in google.registry.model.console
Roles for registry employees that apply across all registrars.
gmailClient - Variable in class google.registry.ui.server.SendEmailUtils
GmailClient - Class in google.registry.groups
Sends EmailMessages through Google Workspace using Gmail.
GmailModule - Class in google.registry.groups
Dagger module providing Gmail API.
GmailModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.groups.GmailModule
goodsAndServices - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
goodsAndServices - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
goodsAndServices - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1 - package google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1
google.params.xml.ns.bulktoken_1 - package google.params.xml.ns.bulktoken_1
google.params.xml.ns.metadata_1 - package google.params.xml.ns.metadata_1
google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1 - package google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1
google.registry.batch - package google.registry.batch
google.registry.beam - package google.registry.beam
google.registry.beam.billing - package google.registry.beam.billing
google.registry.beam.common - package google.registry.beam.common
google.registry.beam.rde - package google.registry.beam.rde
google.registry.beam.resave - package google.registry.beam.resave
google.registry.beam.spec11 - package google.registry.beam.spec11
google.registry.beam.wipeout - package google.registry.beam.wipeout
google.registry.bigquery - package google.registry.bigquery
google.registry.bsa - package google.registry.bsa
google.registry.bsa.api - package google.registry.bsa.api
google.registry.bsa.persistence - package google.registry.bsa.persistence
google.registry.client - package google.registry.client
google.registry.config - package google.registry.config
google.registry.cron - package google.registry.cron
google.registry.dns - package google.registry.dns
google.registry.dns.writer - package google.registry.dns.writer
google.registry.dns.writer.clouddns - package google.registry.dns.writer.clouddns
google.registry.dns.writer.dnsupdate - package google.registry.dns.writer.dnsupdate
google.registry.export - package google.registry.export
google.registry.export.sheet - package google.registry.export.sheet
google.registry.flows - package google.registry.flows
google.registry.flows.annotations - package google.registry.flows.annotations
google.registry.flows.certs - package google.registry.flows.certs - package
google.registry.flows.custom - package google.registry.flows.custom
google.registry.flows.domain - package google.registry.flows.domain
google.registry.flows.domain.token - package google.registry.flows.domain.token
google.registry.flows.exceptions - package google.registry.flows.exceptions - package
google.registry.flows.picker - package google.registry.flows.picker
google.registry.flows.poll - package google.registry.flows.poll
google.registry.flows.session - package google.registry.flows.session
google.registry.gcs - package google.registry.gcs
google.registry.groups - package google.registry.groups
google.registry.keyring - package google.registry.keyring
google.registry.keyring.api - package google.registry.keyring.api
google.registry.keyring.secretmanager - package google.registry.keyring.secretmanager
google.registry.loadtest - package google.registry.loadtest
google.registry.model - package google.registry.model
google.registry.model.adapters - package google.registry.model.adapters
google.registry.model.annotations - package google.registry.model.annotations
google.registry.model.billing - package google.registry.model.billing
google.registry.model.common - package google.registry.model.common
google.registry.model.console - package google.registry.model.console - package
google.registry.model.domain - package google.registry.model.domain
google.registry.model.domain.bulktoken - package google.registry.model.domain.bulktoken
google.registry.model.domain.fee - package google.registry.model.domain.fee
google.registry.model.domain.fee06 - package google.registry.model.domain.fee06
google.registry.model.domain.fee11 - package google.registry.model.domain.fee11
google.registry.model.domain.fee12 - package google.registry.model.domain.fee12
google.registry.model.domain.launch - package google.registry.model.domain.launch
google.registry.model.domain.metadata - package google.registry.model.domain.metadata
google.registry.model.domain.rgp - package google.registry.model.domain.rgp
google.registry.model.domain.secdns - package google.registry.model.domain.secdns
google.registry.model.domain.superuser - package google.registry.model.domain.superuser
google.registry.model.domain.token - package google.registry.model.domain.token
google.registry.model.eppcommon - package google.registry.model.eppcommon
google.registry.model.eppinput - package google.registry.model.eppinput
google.registry.model.eppoutput - package google.registry.model.eppoutput - package
google.registry.model.mark - package google.registry.model.mark
google.registry.model.poll - package google.registry.model.poll
google.registry.model.pricing - package google.registry.model.pricing
google.registry.model.rde - package google.registry.model.rde
google.registry.model.registrar - package google.registry.model.registrar
google.registry.model.reporting - package google.registry.model.reporting
google.registry.model.server - package google.registry.model.server
google.registry.model.smd - package google.registry.model.smd
google.registry.model.tld - package google.registry.model.tld
google.registry.model.tld.label - package google.registry.model.tld.label
google.registry.model.tmch - package google.registry.model.tmch
google.registry.model.transfer - package google.registry.model.transfer
google.registry.module - package google.registry.module
google.registry.module.backend - package google.registry.module.backend
google.registry.module.bsa - package google.registry.module.bsa
google.registry.module.frontend - package google.registry.module.frontend
google.registry.module.pubapi - package google.registry.module.pubapi - package
google.registry.monitoring.blackbox - package google.registry.monitoring.blackbox
google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection - package google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection
google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.exception - package google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.exception
google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler - package google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler
google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message - package google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message
google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.metric - package google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.metric
google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.module - package google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.module
google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token - package google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token
google.registry.monitoring.whitebox - package google.registry.monitoring.whitebox
google.registry.networking.handler - package google.registry.networking.handler
google.registry.networking.module - package google.registry.networking.module
google.registry.persistence - package google.registry.persistence
google.registry.persistence.converter - package google.registry.persistence.converter
google.registry.persistence.transaction - package google.registry.persistence.transaction
google.registry.pricing - package google.registry.pricing
google.registry.privileges.secretmanager - package google.registry.privileges.secretmanager
google.registry.processors - package google.registry.processors
google.registry.proxy - package google.registry.proxy
google.registry.proxy.handler - package google.registry.proxy.handler
google.registry.proxy.metric - package google.registry.proxy.metric
google.registry.proxy.quota - package google.registry.proxy.quota
google.registry.rdap - package google.registry.rdap
google.registry.rde - package google.registry.rde
google.registry.reporting - package google.registry.reporting
google.registry.reporting.billing - package google.registry.reporting.billing
google.registry.reporting.icann - package google.registry.reporting.icann
google.registry.reporting.spec11 - package google.registry.reporting.spec11 - package
google.registry.request - package google.registry.request
google.registry.request.auth - package google.registry.request.auth
google.registry.request.lock - package google.registry.request.lock - package - package
google.registry.tldconfig.idn - package google.registry.tldconfig.idn
google.registry.tmch - package google.registry.tmch - package - package - package - package - package
google.registry.ui - package google.registry.ui
google.registry.ui.forms - package google.registry.ui.forms
google.registry.ui.server - package google.registry.ui.server
google.registry.ui.server.console - package google.registry.ui.server.console - package
google.registry.ui.server.console.settings - package google.registry.ui.server.console.settings
google.registry.util - package google.registry.util
google.registry.whois - package google.registry.whois
google.registry.xjc - package google.registry.xjc - package
google.registry.xjc.domain - package google.registry.xjc.domain
google.registry.xjc.dsig - package google.registry.xjc.dsig
google.registry.xjc.epp - package google.registry.xjc.epp
google.registry.xjc.eppcom - package google.registry.xjc.eppcom
google.registry.xjc.fee06 - package google.registry.xjc.fee06
google.registry.xjc.fee11 - package google.registry.xjc.fee11
google.registry.xjc.fee12 - package google.registry.xjc.fee12 - package
google.registry.xjc.iirdea - package google.registry.xjc.iirdea
google.registry.xjc.launch - package google.registry.xjc.launch
google.registry.xjc.mark - package google.registry.xjc.mark
google.registry.xjc.rde - package google.registry.xjc.rde
google.registry.xjc.rdecontact - package google.registry.xjc.rdecontact
google.registry.xjc.rdedomain - package google.registry.xjc.rdedomain
google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams - package google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams
google.registry.xjc.rdeheader - package google.registry.xjc.rdeheader
google.registry.xjc.rdehost - package google.registry.xjc.rdehost
google.registry.xjc.rdeidn - package google.registry.xjc.rdeidn
google.registry.xjc.rdenndn - package google.registry.xjc.rdenndn
google.registry.xjc.rdenotification - package google.registry.xjc.rdenotification
google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy - package google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy
google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar - package google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar
google.registry.xjc.rdereport - package google.registry.xjc.rdereport
google.registry.xjc.rgp - package google.registry.xjc.rgp
google.registry.xjc.secdns - package google.registry.xjc.secdns
google.registry.xjc.smd - package google.registry.xjc.smd
google.registry.xml - package google.registry.xml
GoogleCredentialsBundle - Class in google.registry.util
Helper class to provide HttpTransport, JsonFactory and HttpRequestInitializer for a given GoogleCredentials.
GoogleCredentialsBundle(GoogleCredentials) - Constructor for class google.registry.util.GoogleCredentialsBundle
gracePeriod - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06FeeType
gracePeriod - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11FeeType
gracePeriod - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12FeeType
GracePeriod - Class in google.registry.model.domain
A domain grace period with an expiration time.
GracePeriod() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriod
GracePeriod.GracePeriodHistory - Class in google.registry.model.domain
Entity class to represent a historic GracePeriod.
GracePeriodBase - Class in google.registry.model.domain
Base class containing common fields and methods for GracePeriod.
GracePeriodBase() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriodBase
GracePeriodHistory() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriod.GracePeriodHistory
GracePeriodStatus - Enum Class in google.registry.model.domain.rgp
Represents a Registry Grace Period status, as defined by RFC 3915.
grantedTokenRefillTime() - Method in record class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager.QuotaRebate
Returns the value of the grantedTokenRefillTime record component.
grantedTokenRefillTime() - Method in record class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager.QuotaResponse
Returns the value of the grantedTokenRefillTime record component.
grantIapPermission(String, Optional<String>, CloudTasksUtils, ServiceConnection, IamClient) - Static method in class google.registry.model.console.User
Grants the user permission to pass IAP.
grantIapPermission(Optional<String>, CloudTasksUtils, IamClient) - Method in class google.registry.model.OteAccountBuilder
Grants the users permission to pass IAP.
greaterThan(CriteriaBuilder) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer
greaterThanOrEqualTo(CriteriaBuilder) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer
greeting - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEpp
Greeting - Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
A greeting, defined in RFC5730.
Greeting() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Greeting
greetingServerId - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
GROUP_UPDATE_QUEUE - Static variable in class
GroupsConnection - Interface in google.registry.groups
Interface for common operations on Groups.
GroupsConnection.Role - Enum Class in google.registry.groups
The role of a member in a group.
GroupsModule - Class in google.registry.groups
Dagger module for groups package.
GroupsModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.groups.GroupsModule
GroupssettingsModule - Class in google.registry.groups
Dagger module for the Google Groupssettings service.
GroupssettingsModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.groups.GroupssettingsModule
gson() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiParams
Returns the value of the gson record component.
GsonModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.request.Modules.GsonModule
GsonPostProcessableTypeAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class
GsonUtils - Class in
Utility class for methods related to GSON and necessary GSON processing.
GsonUtils.GsonPostProcessable - Interface in
Interface to enable GSON post-processing on a particular object after deserialization.
GsonUtils.GsonPostProcessableTypeAdapterFactory - Class in
Some objects may require post-processing after deserialization from JSON.
gSuite - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
GSuite() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.GSuite
GT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer.Comparator
Return only records whose field is greater than the value.
GTE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer.Comparator
Return only records whose field is greater than or equal to the value.
guessRegistrarId() - Method in class google.registry.request.auth.AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor
"Guesses" which client ID the user wants from all those they have access to.
gUnzipBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class google.registry.request.UrlConnectionUtils
Decodes compressed data in GZIP format.
gurid - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar


handleEppCommand(SessionMetadata, TransportCredentials, EppRequestSource, boolean, boolean, byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.flows.EppController
Reads EPP XML, executes the matching flow, and returns an EppOutput.
handleJsonRequest(Map<String, ?>) - Method in interface google.registry.request.JsonActionRunner.JsonAction
Handles JSON HTTP request.
handleJsonRequest(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class
handleJsonRequest(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class
handlePendingTransferOnDelete(R, R, DateTime, HistoryEntry) - Static method in class google.registry.model.ResourceTransferUtils
If there is a transfer out, delete the server-approve entities and enqueue a poll message.
handlerAdded(ChannelHandlerContext) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler.ActionHandler
Initializes ChannelPromise
handleRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class google.registry.request.RequestHandler
Runs the appropriate action for a servlet request.
handlerProviders() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.Protocol
The ChannelHandler providers to use for the protocol, in order.
handlerProviders() - Method in interface google.registry.proxy.Protocol
The ChannelHandler providers to use for the protocol, in order.
handlerProviders(ImmutableList<Provider<? extends ChannelHandler>>) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.Protocol.Builder
hasActiveBsaEnrollment(DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tlds
Returns true if at least one TLD is enrolled now.
hasAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.TypeUtils
Returns a predicate that tests whether classes are annotated with the given annotation.
hasAnyPremiumFees() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits
hasAnyRegistryLockPermission() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserBase
Whether the user has the registry lock permission on any registrar or globally.
hasBackend() - Method in class google.registry.proxy.Protocol.FrontendProtocol
Whether this FrontendProtocol relays to a BackendProtocol.
hasBackend(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.Protocol.FrontendProtocol.Builder
hasBillingEvent() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.GracePeriodBase
Returns true if this GracePeriod has an associated BillingEvent; i.e.
hasCodeMarks() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCreateExtension
hasDefaultAttributes() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee
hasGlobalPermission(ConsolePermission) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserRoles
If the user has the given permission globally across all registrars.
hashCode - Variable in class google.registry.model.ImmutableObject
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.billing.BillingEvent
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.spec11.DomainNameInfo
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.spec11.ThreatMatch
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockLabel
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockOrder
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomain
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomainChange
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadSchedule.CompletedJob
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadSchedule
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.Queries.DomainLifeSpan
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.RefreshSchedule
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.CreatePriceParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RenewPriceParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RestorePriceParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.TransferPriceParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.UpdatePriceParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.EntityChanges
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.domain.token.AllocationTokenDomainCheckResults
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.FlowMetadata
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class google.registry.gcs.GcsUtils
hashCode() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.TimedTransitionProperty
hashCode() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchPhase
A special hashCode implementation that only considers the string value.
hashCode() - Method in class google.registry.model.ImmutableObject
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingStep
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient.SecretVersionState
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlCredential
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager.QuotaRebate
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager.QuotaRequest
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager.QuotaResponse
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.rdap.RdapAuthorization
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.rdap.RdapResultSet
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.rde.DepositFragment
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.rde.PendingDeposit
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.reporting.spec11.RegistrarThreatMatches
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.request.auth.AuthResult
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.request.auth.AuthSettings
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in exception class google.registry.ui.forms.FormFieldException
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction.EmailInfo
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiParams
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleEppPasswordAction.EppPasswordData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleOteAction.OteCreateData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleRegistryLockAction.ConsoleRegistryLockPostInput
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleUsersAction.UserData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class google.registry.util.CidrAddressBlock
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.util.DiffUtils.DiffPair
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Attachment
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.whois.WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class google.registry.whois.WhoisResponse.WhoisResponseResults
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode(C) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringCollectionUserType
hashCode(TimedTransitionProperty<AllocationToken.TokenStatus>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.AllocationTokenStatusTransitionUserType
hashCode(TimedTransitionProperty<Money>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.BillingCostTransitionUserType
hashCode(Map<CurrencyUnit, String>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.CurrencyToStringMapUserType
hashCode(TimedTransitionProperty<FeatureFlag.FeatureStatus>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.FeatureStatusTransitionUserType
hashCode(Map<String, RegistrarRole>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.RegistrarToRoleMapUserType
hashCode(Map<String, String>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringMapUserType
hashCode(TimedTransitionProperty<V>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.TimedTransitionBaseUserType
hashCode(TimedTransitionProperty<Tld.TldState>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.TldStateTransitionUserType
hashCode(Money) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.JodaMoneyType
hashCode(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.DurationUserType
hashPassword(String, byte[]) - Static method in class google.registry.util.PasswordUtils
Returns the hash of the password using the provided salt.
hasNullFields() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.PhoneNumber
Returns true if both fields of the phone number are null.
hasPeriodYears() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Reason
Returns whether billing events with this reason have a period years associated with them.
hasPermission(ConsolePermission) - Method in enum class google.registry.model.console.GlobalRole
hasPermission(ConsolePermission) - Method in enum class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarRole
hasPermission(String, ConsolePermission) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserRoles
If the user has the given permission either globally or on the given registrar.
hasPremiumFeesOfType(BaseFee.FeeType) - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits
hasRecipients() - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.SendEmailUtils
Returns whether there are any recipients set up.
hasRegistryLockPassword() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserBase
hasRestoreReport() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.RestoreCommand
hasRoleOnRegistrar(AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor.Role, String) - Method in class google.registry.request.auth.AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor
Checks if we have a given role for a given registrar.
hasSignature() - Method in class google.registry.model.smd.SignedMark
hasValidDateRange() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee
hasWarnings() - Method in class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog
hasZeroCost() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee
HEAD - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.Action.Method
header - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
Header - Annotation Interface in google.registry.request
Dagger qualifier for HTTP headers.
HEADER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.rde.RdeResourceType
HEADER_LENGTH - Static variable in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppMessage
Standard EPP header number of bytes (size of int).
HEADER_LENGTH - Static variable in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
headerLengthBytes - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Epp
headHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction
healthCheck - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig
HealthCheck() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.HealthCheck
HealthCheckHandler - Class in google.registry.proxy.handler
A handler that responds to GCP load balancer health check message
HealthCheckHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.handler.HealthCheckHandler
HealthCheckProtocolModule - Class in google.registry.proxy
Module that provides a Protocol.FrontendProtocol used for GCP load balancer health checking.
HealthCheckProtocolModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.HealthCheckProtocolModule
hello - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEpp
Hello() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Hello
helloFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
HelloFlow - Class in google.registry.flows.session
A flow for an Epp "hello".
HEX_DIGITS_ONLY - Static variable in class google.registry.util.StringGenerator.Alphabets
Hexadecimal digit-only alphabet.
HexDumper - Class in google.registry.util
Hex Dump Utility.
HexDumper(Writer) - Constructor for class google.registry.util.HexDumper
Calls HexDumper(Writer, int, int) with perLine set to 16 and perGroup set to 4.
HexDumper(Writer, int, int) - Constructor for class google.registry.util.HexDumper
Construct a new streaming HexDumper object.
hibernate - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
Hibernate() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Hibernate
HibernateSchemaExporter - Class in google.registry.persistence
Utility class to export DDL script for given Entity classes.
highPerformanceMachineType - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Beam
HIKARI_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule
HIKARI_DS_CLOUD_SQL_INSTANCE - Static variable in class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule
HIKARI_DS_SOCKET_FACTORY - Static variable in class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule
HIKARI_IDLE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule
HIKARI_MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule
HIKARI_MINIMUM_IDLE - Static variable in class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule
hikariConnectionTimeout - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Hibernate
hikariIdleTimeout - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Hibernate
hikariMaximumPoolSize - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Hibernate
hikariMinimumIdle - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Hibernate
historyEntry() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns the value of the historyEntry record component.
historyEntry() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns the value of the historyEntry record component.
historyEntry() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns the value of the historyEntry record component.
historyEntry() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns the value of the historyEntry record component.
HistoryEntry - Class in google.registry.model.reporting
A record of an EPP command that mutated a resource.
HistoryEntry() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
HistoryEntry.Builder<T,B> - Class in google.registry.model.reporting
A builder for HistoryEntry since it is immutable
HistoryEntry.HistoryEntryId - Class in google.registry.model.reporting
Class to represent the composite primary key of a HistoryEntry.
HistoryEntry.Type - Enum Class in google.registry.model.reporting
Represents the type of history entry.
HistoryEntryDao - Class in google.registry.model.reporting
Retrieves HistoryEntry descendants (e.g.
HistoryEntryDao() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntryDao
HistoryEntryId() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.HistoryEntryId
HistoryEntryId(String, long) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.HistoryEntryId
holders - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
holders - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
holders - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
host() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.ProbingAction
The hostname of the remote host we have a connection or will make a connection to
host() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token.EppToken
host() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token.Token
String corresponding to host that is relevant for loop in sequence.
host() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token.WebWhoisToken
Returns host as the concatenation of fixed prefix and current value of topLevelDomains.
host() - Method in class google.registry.proxy.Protocol.BackendProtocol
The hostname that the proxy connects to.
host(String) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.Protocol.BackendProtocol.Builder
Host - Search tag in class google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipeline
Host - Class in
A persistable Host resource including mutable and non-mutable fields.
Host() - Constructor for class
HOST - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.dns.DnsUtils.TargetType
HOST - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Type
HOST - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.rde.RdeResourceType
HOST - Enum constant in enum class
HOST_CHECK - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
HOST_CREATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
HOST_CREATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
HOST_CREATES - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
HOST_CREATES_EXTERNAL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
HOST_CREATES_SUBORDINATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
HOST_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
HOST_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
HOST_DELETE_FAILURE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
HOST_DELETES - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
HOST_INFO - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
HOST_NAME - Static variable in class
HOST_NAME - Static variable in class
Listed by .deletehost.
HOST_PENDING_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
HOST_TO_PENDING_DEPOSIT - Static variable in class google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipeline.TupleTags
HOST_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
HOST_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
HOST_UPDATES - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
Host.Builder - Class in
A builder for constructing Host, since it is immutable.
hostAddrs - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainHostAttrType
HostAndPortParameter - Class in
HostAndPort CLI parameter converter/validator.
HostAndPortParameter() - Constructor for class
hostAttrs - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainNsType
HostBase - Class in
A persistable Host resource including mutable and non-mutable fields.
HostBase() - Constructor for class
HostBase.Builder<T,B> - Class in
A builder for constructing HostBase, since it is immutable.
HostCheck() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.HostCheck
HostCheckData() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.HostCheckData
hostCheckFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
HostCheckFlow - Class in
An EPP flow that checks whether a host can be provisioned.
HostCommand - Class in
A collection of Host commands.
HostCommand() - Constructor for class
HostCommand.Check - Class in
A check request for Host.
HostCommand.Create - Class in
A create command for a Host, mapping "createType" from RFC5732.
HostCommand.Delete - Class in
A delete command for a Host.
HostCommand.Info - Class in
An info request for a Host.
HostCommand.Update - Class in
An update to a Host.
HostCommand.Update.AddRemove - Class in
The add/remove type on a host update command.
HostCommand.Update.Change - Class in
The inner change type on a host update command.
HOSTCREATE - Static variable in class
HOSTCREATE - Static variable in class
The full template name of the hostcreate template.
HOSTCREATE__NAME - Static variable in class
HostCreateData() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CreateData.HostCreateData
hostCreateFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
HostCreateFlow - Class in
An EPP flow that creates a new host.
HostCreateSoyInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
HostCreateSoyInfo.HostcreateSoyTemplateInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
HostCreateSoyInfo.Param - Class in
HostCreateSoyInfo.TemplateName - Class in
hostDeleteFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
HostDeleteFlow - Class in
An EPP flow that deletes a host.
HostDeleteSoyInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
HostDeleteSoyInfo.DeletehostSoyTemplateInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
HostDeleteSoyInfo.Param - Class in
HostDeleteSoyInfo.TemplateName - Class in
HostFlowUtils - Class in
Static utility functions for host flows.
HostFlowUtils() - Constructor for class
HostHistory - Class in
A persisted history entry representing an EPP modification to a host.
HostHistory() - Constructor for class
HostHistory.Builder - Class in
HostInfoData - Class in
The EppResponse.ResponseData returned for an EPP info flow on a host.
HostInfoData() - Constructor for class
HostInfoData.Builder - Class in
Builder for HostInfoData.
hostInfoFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
HostInfoFlow - Class in
An EPP flow that returns information about a host.
hostName - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainHostAttrType
HOSTNAME - Static variable in class
HOSTNAME - Static variable in class
Listed by .hostcreate.
hostObjs - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainNsType
HostPendingActionNotificationResponse() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.poll.PendingActionNotificationResponse.HostPendingActionNotificationResponse
hosts - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
hosts - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfoNameType
HOSTS_TO_ADD - Static variable in class
Listed by .uniformrapidsuspension.
HOSTS_TO_ADD - Static variable in class
HOSTS_TO_REMOVE - Static variable in class
Listed by .uniformrapidsuspension.
HOSTS_TO_REMOVE - Static variable in class
hostUpdateFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
HostUpdateFlow - Class in
An EPP flow that updates a host.
HTML_TITLE_TAG_PATTERN - Static variable in class
Pattern to heuristically extract title tag contents in HTML responses.
HttpException - Exception Class in google.registry.request
Base for exceptions that cause an HTTP error response.
HttpException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.request.HttpException
HttpException(int, String, Throwable, Level) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.request.HttpException
HttpException.BadRequestException - Exception Class in google.registry.request
Exception that causes a 400 response.
HttpException.ConflictException - Exception Class in google.registry.request
Exception that causes a 409 response.
HttpException.InternalServerErrorException - Exception Class in google.registry.request
Exception that causes a 500 response.
HttpException.NoContentException - Exception Class in google.registry.request
Exception that causes a 204 response.
HttpException.NotFoundException - Exception Class in google.registry.request
Exception that causes a 404 response.
HttpException.NotImplementedException - Exception Class in google.registry.request
Exception that causes a 501 response.
HttpException.NotModifiedException - Exception Class in google.registry.request
Exception that causes a 304 response.
HttpException.ServiceUnavailableException - Exception Class in google.registry.request
Exception that causes a 503 response.
HttpException.UnprocessableEntityException - Exception Class in google.registry.request
Exception that causes a 422 response.
HttpException.UnsupportedMediaTypeException - Exception Class in google.registry.request
Exception that causes a 415 response.
httpPort - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.WebWhois
HttpRequestMessage - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message
OutboundMessageType subtype that acts identically to DefaultFullHttpRequest.
HttpRequestMessage() - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.HttpRequestMessage
HttpRequestMessage(FullHttpRequest) - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.HttpRequestMessage
Used for conversion from FullHttpRequest to HttpRequestMessage
HttpResponseMessage - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message
InboundMessageType subtype that acts identically to DefaultFullHttpResponse
HttpResponseMessage(FullHttpResponse) - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.HttpResponseMessage
Used for pipeline conversion from FullHttpResponse to HttpResponseMessage
HttpSessionMetadata - Class in google.registry.flows
A metadata class that is a wrapper around HttpSession.
HttpSessionMetadata(HttpSession) - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.HttpSessionMetadata
httpsPort - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.WebWhois
httpsRelay - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig
HttpsRelay() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.HttpsRelay
HttpsRelayProtocolModule - Class in google.registry.proxy
Module that provides a Protocol.BackendProtocol.Builder for HTTP(S) protocol.
HttpsRelayProtocolModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.HttpsRelayProtocolModule
HttpsRelayProtocolModule.HttpsRelayProtocol - Annotation Interface in google.registry.proxy
Dagger qualifier to provide https relay protocol related handlers and other bindings.
HttpsRelayServiceHandler - Class in google.registry.proxy.handler
Handler that relays a single (framed) ByteBuf message to an HTTPS server.
HttpsRelayServiceHandler.NonOkHttpResponseException - Exception Class in google.registry.proxy.handler
Exception thrown when the response status from GAE is not 200.


I18N_CITY_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
I18N_STATE_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
I18N_STREET_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
I18N_ZIP_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
IamClient - Class in
IamClient(CloudResourceManager, String) - Constructor for class
IamClient(GoogleCredentialsBundle, String) - Constructor for class
IANA_IDENTIFIER_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
IAP_HEADER_NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.request.auth.AuthModule
IAP_SECURED_WEB_APP_USER_ROLE - Static variable in class google.registry.model.console.User
ICANN_REFERRAL_EMAIL_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
ICANN_REPORTING_PASSWORD - Enum constant in enum class
ICANN_UPLOAD_ACTIVITY - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.common.Cursor.CursorType
Cursor for tracking monthly uploads of ICANN activity reports.
ICANN_UPLOAD_TX - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.common.Cursor.CursorType
Cursor for tracking monthly uploads of ICANN transaction reports.
icannActivityReportingUploadUrl - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.IcannReporting
IcannHttpReporter - Class in google.registry.reporting.icann
Class that uploads a CSV file to ICANN's endpoint via an HTTP PUT call.
icannReporting - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
IcannReporting() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.IcannReporting
IcannReportingModule - Class in google.registry.reporting.icann
Module for dependencies required by ICANN monthly transactions/activity reporting.
IcannReportingModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.reporting.icann.IcannReportingModule
IcannReportingModule.ReportType - Enum Class in google.registry.reporting.icann
Enum determining the type of report to generate or upload.
IcannReportingStager - Class in google.registry.reporting.icann
Class containing methods for staging ICANN monthly reports on GCS.
icannReportingStagingAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
IcannReportingStagingAction - Class in google.registry.reporting.icann
Action that generates monthly ICANN activity and transactions reports.
IcannReportingTypes - Class in google.registry.model.reporting
Types used for ICANN reporting.
IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField - Enum Class in google.registry.model.reporting
Represents the set of possible ICANN Monthly Registry Functions Activity Report fields.
icannReportingUploadAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
IcannReportingUploadAction - Class in google.registry.reporting.icann
Action that uploads the monthly activity/transactions reports from GCS to ICANN via an HTTP PUT.
icannTransactionsReportingUploadUrl - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.IcannReporting
id - Variable in class google.registry.model.common.DnsRefreshRequest
id - Variable in class
id - Variable in class
id - Variable in class
id - Variable in class
id - Variable in class
id - Variable in class
id - Variable in class
id - Variable in class
id - Variable in class
id - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigKeyInfo
id - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigManifest
id - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigObject
id - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigReference
id - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignature
id - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureProperties
id - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureProperty
id - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureValue
id - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignedInfo
id - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMsgQType
id - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
id - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
id - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
id - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
id - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
id - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.XjcRdeIdn
id - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.XjcRdeIdnDeleteType
id - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
id - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
id - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
id() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.billing.BillingEvent
Returns the value of the id record component.
ID - Static variable in class
ID - Static variable in class
Listed by .contactcreate.
ID_TOKEN - Static variable in class google.registry.bsa.api.BsaCredential
The variable name for the auth token in the returned json response.
IdAllocation - Annotation Interface in google.registry.model.annotations
This annotation is needed for any ID field that needs to be allocated with TransactionManager.allocateId() class
idAttribute - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
Idempotency - Search tag in class google.registry.rde.RdeStagingAction
Idn - Class in google.registry.util
A partial API-compatible replacement for IDN that replaces IDNA2003 processing with UTS46 transitional processing, with differences as described in the UTS46 documentation/
Idn() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.Idn
IDN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.rde.RdeResourceType
IdnChecker - Class in google.registry.bsa
Checks labels' validity wrt Idns in TLDs enrolled with BSA.
IdnLabelValidator - Class in google.registry.tldconfig.idn
Validates whether a given IDN label can be provisioned for a particular TLD.
IdnLabelValidator() - Constructor for class google.registry.tldconfig.idn.IdnLabelValidator
IdnTable - Class in google.registry.tldconfig.idn
An IDN table for a particular TLD.
IdnTableEnum - Enum Class in google.registry.tldconfig.idn
Wrapper enum that loads all IdnTable resources into memory.
idnTableId - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
idnTableId - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndn
idnTables() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockLabel
Returns the value of the idnTables record component.
ids - Variable in class
ids - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactDeleteType
ids - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarDeleteType
ietf.params.xml.ns.allocationtoken_1 - package ietf.params.xml.ns.allocationtoken_1
IMMEDIATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee.AppliedType
IMMEDIATELY - Static variable in class
IMMEDIATELY - Static variable in class
Listed by .deletedomain.
ImmutableObject - Class in google.registry.model
ImmutableObject() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.ImmutableObject
ImmutableObject.DoNotHydrate - Annotation Interface in google.registry.model
Marker to indicate that ImmutableObject.toHydratedString() should not hydrate a field.
ImmutableObject.IgnoredInDiffableMap - Annotation Interface in google.registry.model
Marker to indicate that this filed should be ignored by ImmutableObject.toDiffableFieldMap().
ImmutableObject.Insignificant - Annotation Interface in google.registry.model
Indicates that the field does not take part in the immutability contract.
ImprovedInputStream - Class in google.registry.util
InputStream wrapper that offers some additional magic.
ImprovedInputStream(String, InputStream) - Constructor for class google.registry.util.ImprovedInputStream
ImprovedInputStream(String, InputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class google.registry.util.ImprovedInputStream
ImprovedOutputStream - Class in google.registry.util
OutputStream wrapper that offers some additional magic.
ImprovedOutputStream(String, OutputStream) - Constructor for class google.registry.util.ImprovedOutputStream
ImprovedOutputStream(String, OutputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class google.registry.util.ImprovedOutputStream
in(Set<O>) - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField.Builder
Enforce value be a member of values.
INACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag.FeatureStatus
INACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
A status for a domain with no nameservers.
INACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
InboundMessageType - Interface in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message
Marker Interface that is implemented by all classes that serve as inboundMessages in channel pipeline
INCLUDE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.rdap.RdapActionBase.DeletedItemHandling
INCLUDE_PENDING_DELETE_DATE_FOR_DOMAINS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag.FeatureName
includeMark - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfo
incompletenessWarningType() - Method in record class google.registry.rdap.RdapResultSet
Returns the value of the incompletenessWarningType record component.
INCR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDepositTypeType
increment(RdeResourceType) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RdeCounter
Increment the count on a given resource.
incrementCheckApiRequest(CheckApiMetric) - Method in class google.registry.flows.CheckApiMetrics
incrementEppRequests(EppMetric) - Method in class google.registry.flows.EppMetrics
Increments the counters which tracks EPP requests.
incrementFailedLoginAttempts() - Method in class google.registry.flows.HttpSessionMetadata
incrementFailedLoginAttempts() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.SessionMetadata
incrementFailedLoginAttempts() - Method in class google.registry.flows.StatelessRequestSessionMetadata
incrementPublishDomainRequests(String, long, DnsMetrics.PublishStatus) - Method in class google.registry.dns.DnsMetrics
Increment a monotonic counter that tracks calls to DnsWriter.publishDomain(String), per TLD.
incrementPublishHostRequests(String, long, DnsMetrics.PublishStatus) - Method in class google.registry.dns.DnsMetrics
Increment a monotonic counter that tracks calls to DnsWriter.publishHost(String), per TLD.
indefinite - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRetentionType
InetAddressAdapter - Class in
Used by JAXB to convert InetAddress objects to and from AddrType objects, which are the intermediate representations of IP addresses in EPP host commands.
InetAddressAdapter() - Constructor for class
InetAddressAdapter.IpVersionMismatchException - Exception Class in
Exception for when the specified type of an address (v4/v6) doesn't match its actual type.
InetAddressConverter() - Constructor for class google.registry.client.EppClient.InetAddressConverter
InetAddressSetUserType - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
Hibernate custom type for Set of InetAddress objects.
InetAddressSetUserType() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.InetAddressSetUserType
info - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Info - Class in google.params.xml.ns.bulktoken_1
Java class for infoType complex type
Info - Class in ietf.params.xml.ns.allocationtoken_1
Info() - Constructor for class google.params.xml.ns.bulktoken_1.Info
Info() - Constructor for class
Info() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Info
Info() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Info
Info() - Constructor for class
Info() - Constructor for class ietf.params.xml.ns.allocationtoken_1.Info
Info(Object) - Constructor for class ietf.params.xml.ns.allocationtoken_1.Info
init() - Method in class google.registry.module.ServletBase
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
Initializes the command.
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
Initializes the command.
init(int, String, String, long) - Method in class google.registry.rde.LoggingSftpProgressMonitor
init(T, boolean, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.CheckNameOrID
init(T, ImmutableList<? extends CheckData.Check>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData
init(T, CheckData.CheckNameOrID, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CheckData.Check
init(T, String, boolean, Trid, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.poll.PendingActionNotificationResponse
initChannel(C) - Method in class google.registry.networking.handler.SslClientInitializer
initChannel(C) - Method in class google.registry.networking.handler.SslServerInitializer
initEppToolCommand() - Method in class
initialWorkerCount - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Beam
initMutatingEppToolCommand() - Method in class
innerAdd - Variable in class
innerAdd - Variable in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Update
innerAdd - Variable in class
innerChange - Variable in class
innerChange - Variable in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Update
innerChange - Variable in class
InnerCommand() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.InnerCommand
innerRemove - Variable in class
innerRemove - Variable in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Update
innerRemove - Variable in class
inputData - Variable in class
InputFile() - Constructor for class
insecureRandomStringGenerator(String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.RandomStringGenerator
Returns an instance of this class backed by an insecure random number generator.
insert(Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
insert(Object) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Persists a new entity in the database, throws exception if the entity already exists.
insertAll(ImmutableCollection<?>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
insertAll(ImmutableCollection<?>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Persists all new entities in the database, throws exception if any entity already exists.
insertAll(ImmutableObject...) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
insertAll(ImmutableObject...) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Persists all new entities in the database, throws exception if any entity already exists.
instanceConnectionName - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.CloudSql
instantiate() - Method in class google.registry.util.TypeUtils.TypeInstantiator
instantiate(Class<? extends T>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.TypeUtils
instantiate(Class<? extends T>, U) - Static method in class google.registry.util.TypeUtils
Instantiate a class with the specified constructor argument.
instantiate(ValueAccess, SessionFactoryImplementor) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.JodaMoneyType
INT - Enum constant in enum class
INT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarPostalInfoEnumType
INTEGER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.FieldType
INTERNAL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Type
A registrar used for when the registry acts as a registrar.
INTERNAL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.rdap.RdapJsonFormatter.OutputDataType
The object isn't the subject of the query, but is rather a sub-object of the actual reply.
InternalServerErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.InternalServerErrorException
InternalServerErrorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.InternalServerErrorException
INTERNATIONALIZED - Enum constant in enum class
InternetDomainNameParameter - Class in
InternetDomainName CLI parameter converter/validator.
InternetDomainNameParameter() - Constructor for class
interval() - Method in record class google.registry.rde.PendingDeposit
IntervalParameter - Class in
Interval CLI parameter converter/validator.
IntervalParameter() - Constructor for class
intervalStr() - Method in record class google.registry.rde.PendingDeposit
Returns the value of the intervalStr record component.
inTransaction() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
inTransaction() - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Returns true if the caller is in a transaction.
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomain.Reason
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusValueType
INVALID_AUTHORIZATION_INFORMATION_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
INVALID_ECDSA_CURVE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.flows.certs.CertificateChecker.CertificateViolation
INVALID_NAME - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Status
INVALID_REGISTRY_PHASE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Status
invalidate() - Method in class google.registry.flows.HttpSessionMetadata
invalidate() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.SessionMetadata
Invalidates the session.
invalidate() - Method in class google.registry.flows.StatelessRequestSessionMetadata
invalidateInCache() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Invalidates the cache entry.
InvalidAuthorizationInformationErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.InvalidAuthorizationInformationErrorException
InvalidChecksumException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchNotice.InvalidChecksumException
InvalidIdnDomainLabelException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils.InvalidIdnDomainLabelException
InvalidTransferPeriodValueException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.exceptions
Domain transfer period must be zero or one year when using the superuser EPP extension.
InvalidTransferPeriodValueException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.exceptions.InvalidTransferPeriodValueException
invoiceEmailRecipients - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Billing
invoiceFilePrefix - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Billing
invoiceReplyToEmailAddress - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Billing
INVOICES_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class google.registry.reporting.billing.BillingModule
InvoicingPipeline - Class in google.registry.beam.billing
Definition of a Dataflow Flex pipeline template, which generates a given month's invoices.
InvoicingPipelineOptions - Interface in google.registry.beam.billing
Custom options for running the invoicing pipeline.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class google.registry.util.ComparingInvocationHandler
ip - Variable in class
IP_ADDRESS - Static variable in class google.registry.util.ProxyHttpHeaders
HTTP header name used to pass the client IP address from the proxy to Nomulus.
IP_ADDRESS_ALLOW_LIST_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
IP_ADDRESSES - Static variable in class
Listed by .remove_ip_address.
IP_ADDRESSES - Static variable in class
IpAddressVersionMismatchException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.FlowUtils.IpAddressVersionMismatchException
IPV_4_ADDRESSES - Static variable in class
IPV_4_ADDRESSES - Static variable in class
Listed by .hostcreate.
IPV_6_ADDRESSES - Static variable in class
IPV_6_ADDRESSES - Static variable in class
Listed by .hostcreate.
IpVersionMismatchException() - Constructor for exception class
isActive(EppResource, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.EppResourceUtils
isActiveAt(FeatureFlag.FeatureName, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag
Returns if the FeatureFlag with the given FeatureName is active at a given time.
isActiveNow(FeatureFlag.FeatureName) - Static method in class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag
Returns if the FeatureFlag with the given FeatureName is active now.
isActiveNowOrElse(FeatureFlag.FeatureName, boolean) - Static method in class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag
Returns if the flag is active, or the default value if the flag does not exist.
isAdmin() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserRoles
Whether the user is a global admin, who has access to everything.
isAdmin() - Method in class google.registry.request.auth.AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor
Returns whether this user is allowed to create new Registrars and TLDs.
isAll() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsRemType
Gets the value of the all property.
isAllowedOn(Class<? extends EppResource>) - Method in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
isAllowedToSetRegistryLockPassword() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase
isAnchorTenant() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.metadata_1.Metadata
Gets the value of the anchorTenant property.
isAnchorTenant(InternetDomainName, Optional<AllocationToken>, Optional<MetadataExtension>) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
Returns whether a given domain create request is for a valid anchor tenant.
isApproved() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferStatus
isAtOrAfter(DateTime, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.util.DateTimeUtils
Returns whether the first DateTime is equal to or later than the second.
isAuthenticated() - Method in record class google.registry.request.auth.AuthResult
isAutorenews() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.DomainUpdate
Gets the value of the autorenews property.
isAvail() - Method in class
Gets the value of the avail property.
isAvail() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCheckNameType
Gets the value of the avail property.
isAvail() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
Gets the value of the avail property.
isAvail() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
Gets the value of the avail property.
isAvail() - Method in class
Gets the value of the avail property.
isBeforeOrAt(DateTime, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.util.DateTimeUtils
Returns whether the first DateTime is equal to or earlier than the second.
isBlockedByBsa(String, Tld, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
isCanary() - Static method in enum class google.registry.util.RegistryEnvironment
isChangeOrDelete() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomainChange
isChargedStatus() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
isClientSettable() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
isDelete() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomainChange
isDeleted(EppResource, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.EppResourceUtils
isDenied() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferStatus
isDomainNameSupported() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItem
True if this version of the fee extension supports domain names in Check items.
isDomainNameSupported() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV06
isDomainNameSupported() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckCommandExtensionItemV12
Version .12 does not support domain name or currency in fee extension items.
isDomainPremium(String, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.pricing.PricingEngineProxy
Returns true if the specified domain name is premium.
isDomainType() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput
Returns whether this EppInput represents a command that operates on domains.
isDryRun() - Method in class
isEmailSendingEnabled - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Misc
isEmpty() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.ContactTransferData
isEmpty() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData
isEmpty() - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferData
isEnrolledWithBsa(Tld, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Checks if tld is enrolled with BSA.
isEppResourceCachingEnabled() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
isExists() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCdNameType
Gets the value of the exists property.
isFailedTxnRetriable(Throwable) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.JpaRetries
isFeeExtensionRequired() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits
Returns whether a custom fee is present that requires fee extension acknowledgement.
isFlag() - Method in class
Gets the value of the flag property.
isGZipped(byte[]) - Static method in class google.registry.request.UrlConnectionUtils
Checks whether bytes are GZIP encoded.
isIncludeMark() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfo
Gets the value of the includeMark property.
isInTestServer() - Static method in enum class google.registry.util.RegistryEnvironment
isInUse() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedList
Determines whether the ReservedList is in use on any Registry
isInvoicingEnabled() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Retrieve whether invoicing is enabled.
isLabelBlocked(String) - Static method in class google.registry.bsa.persistence.BsaLabelUtils
Checks if the domainLabel (the leading `part` of a domain name) is blocked by BSA.
isLinked(VKey<? extends EppResource>, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.EppResourceUtils
Returns whether the given contact or host is linked to (that is, referenced by) a domain.
isLive() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
Returns true if the registrar is live.
isLiveAndPubliclyVisible() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
Returns true if registrar should be visible in WHOIS results.
isLocal - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.GcpProject
isLocal() - Method in class google.registry.proxy.Protocol.BackendProtocol
Whether the protocol is expected to connect to localhost.
isLocal(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.Protocol.BackendProtocol.Builder
isLock() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleRegistryLockAction.ConsoleRegistryLockPostInput
Returns the value of the isLock record component.
isLocked() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock
isLockRequestExpired(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock
Returns true iff the lock was requested >= 1 hour ago and has not been verified.
isLoginResponse() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppResponse
isMemberOfGroup(String, String) - Method in class google.registry.groups.DirectoryGroupsConnection
isMemberOfGroup(String, String) - Method in interface google.registry.groups.GroupsConnection
Checks whether the given email belongs to the "support" group.
isMirroringNS() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnNameState
Gets the value of the mirroringNS property.
isMutable() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.DurationUserType
isMutable() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.JodaMoneyType
isMutable() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.AllocationTokenStatusTransitionUserType
isMutable() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.BillingCostTransitionUserType
isMutable() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.CurrencyToStringMapUserType
isMutable() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.FeatureStatusTransitionUserType
isMutable() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.RegistrarToRoleMapUserType
isMutable() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringMapUserType
isMutable() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.TimedTransitionBaseUserType
isMutable() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.TldStateTransitionUserType
isMutable() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringCollectionUserType
isNew() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomainChange
isNewOrChange() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomainChange
isNullOrEmpty(Multimap<?, ?>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Checks if a Multimap is null or empty.
isNullOrEmpty(Iterable<?>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Checks if an iterable is null or empty.
isNullOrEmpty(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Checks if a map is null or empty.
IsolationLevel - Annotation Interface in google.registry.persistence
isolationOverride(PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryPipelineComponent.Builder
Optionally overrides the default transaction isolation level.
isOneTimeUse() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.TokenType
Returns true if token should be invalidated after use.
isOnJetty() - Static method in enum class google.registry.util.RegistryEnvironment
isPaResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the paResult property.
isPaResult() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPaNameType
Gets the value of the paResult property.
isPaResult() - Method in class
Gets the value of the paResult property.
isPdt(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Retrieve whether this TLD is in predelegation testing.
isPrefix() - Element in annotation interface google.registry.request.Action
Indicates all paths starting with this path should be accepted.
isPremium() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee
Returns whether the fee in question is a premium price.
isPremium() - Method in class google.registry.model.pricing.PremiumPricingEngine.DomainPrices
Returns whether the domain is premium.
isRedeemed() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
isRefundable() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06FeeType
Gets the value of the refundable property.
isRefundable() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11FeeType
Gets the value of the refundable property.
isRefundable() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12FeeType
Gets the value of the refundable property.
isRegisterBsaCreate(InternetDomainName, Optional<AllocationToken>) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
Returns whether a given domain create request may bypass the BSA block check.
isRegistryLockAllowed() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
isRegistryLockAllowed() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase
isRequestedByRegistrar() - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.metadata_1.Metadata
Gets the value of the requestedByRegistrar property.
isRequired() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Type
isReserved(InternetDomainName, boolean) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
isReservedDomain(String, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.bsa.ReservedDomainsUtils
Returns true if domain is a reserved name that can be registered right now (e.g., during sunrise or with allocation token), therefore unblockable.
isResponse() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppOutput
isRetriable() - Method in exception class google.registry.bsa.api.BsaException
isScoped() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.common.Cursor.CursorType
isServerSettable() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
isSigningKey(PGPPublicKey) - Static method in class google.registry.keyring.api.PgpHelper
Returns true if this key can be used for signing.
isSmdRevoked(String, DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.smd.SignedMarkRevocationList
Returns true if the SMD ID has been revoked at the given point in time.
isSubordinate() - Method in class
isSuccess() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppOutput
isSuccess() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
Returns true iff the response code is in the 1xxx category, representing success.
issuerID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdIssuerInfo
issuerInfo - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
IssuerInfo - Class in google.registry.model.smd
Holds information about the issuer of a mark registration.
IssuerInfo() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.smd.IssuerInfo
isSuperuser() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.FlowMetadata
Returns the value of the isSuperuser record component.
isSuperuser() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock
isSuperuser(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock.Builder
isUnder(InternetDomainName, InternetDomainName) - Static method in class google.registry.util.DomainNameUtils
Checks whether "name" is a strict subdomain of "potentialParent".
isUnlockRequestExpired(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock
Returns true iff the unlock was requested >= 1 hour ago and has not been verified.
isUrgent() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsUpdate
Gets the value of the urgent property.
isValidIanaId(Long) - Method in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Type
Returns true if the given IANA identifier is valid for this registrar type.
isValidLabel(String) - Method in class google.registry.tldconfig.idn.IdnTable
Returns true if the given label is valid for this IDN table.
isValidReservedCreate(InternetDomainName, Optional<AllocationToken>) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
Returns whether a given domain create request is for a valid reserved domain.
iterator() - Method in class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog
iterator() - Method in class google.registry.util.CidrAddressBlock


j - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
JA - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.tldconfig.idn.IdnTableEnum
Japanese, as used on our existing TLD launches prior to 2023.
JavaCharMatchers - Class in google.registry.util
Creates CharMatchers that support Java character strings only, not unicode supplementary characters.
JDBC_BATCH_SIZE - Static variable in class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule
JDBC_FETCH_SIZE - Static variable in class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule
jdbcBatchSize - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Hibernate
jdbcFetchSize - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Hibernate
jdbcUrl - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.CloudSql
JdkLoggerConfig - Class in google.registry.util
An adapter for the configuration specific aspects of a JDK logger which retains a strong reference to the corresponding underlying logger to prevent accidental garbage collection.
JITTER_SECONDS_PARAM - Static variable in class google.registry.cron.CronModule
jobCreationTime() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadSchedule
Returns the value of the jobCreationTime record component.
jobCreationTime() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.RefreshSchedule
Returns the value of the jobCreationTime record component.
jobId() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadSchedule
Returns the value of the jobId record component.
jobId() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.RefreshSchedule
Returns the value of the jobId record component.
jobName() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadSchedule.CompletedJob
Returns the value of the jobName record component.
jobName() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadSchedule
Returns the value of the jobName record component.
jobName() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.RefreshSchedule
Returns the value of the jobName record component.
JodaMoneyType - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
Defines JPA mapping for Joda Money type.
JodaMoneyType() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.JodaMoneyType
JodaMoneyType.MoneyMapper - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
Maps Money fields to database columns.
jpaConverter() - Method in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO.Write
JpaRetries - Class in google.registry.persistence
Helpers for identifying retriable database operations.
jpaTransactionManager() - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.PersistenceComponent
JpaTransactionManager - Interface in google.registry.persistence.transaction
Sub-interface of TransactionManager which defines JPA related methods.
JpaTransactionManagerImpl - Class in google.registry.persistence.transaction
Implementation of JpaTransactionManager for JPA compatible database.
JpaTransactionManagerImpl(EntityManagerFactory, Clock) - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
JpaTransactionManagerImpl(EntityManagerFactory, Clock, boolean) - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
JSchModule - Class in google.registry.rde
Dagger module for JSch which provides SSH/SFTP connectivity.
JSchModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.rde.JSchModule
JSON_SAFETY_PREFIX - Static variable in class google.registry.request.JsonResponse
String prefixed to all JSON-like responses to break eval().
JSON_SAFETY_PREFIX - Static variable in class
String prefixed to all JSON-like responses.
JsonActionRunner - Class in google.registry.request
Runner for actions that read and write JSON objects.
JsonActionRunner(Map<String, Object>, JsonResponse) - Constructor for class google.registry.request.JsonActionRunner
JsonActionRunner.JsonAction - Interface in google.registry.request
Interface for actions that read and write JSON objects.
JsonHttp - Class in
Helper class for servlets that read or write JSON.
JsonHttp() - Constructor for class
Jsonifiable - Interface in google.registry.model
Interface for objects that may be converted to JSON.
JsonMapBuilder - Class in google.registry.model
Helper class for Jsonifiable classes to generate JSON maps for RPC responses.
JsonMapBuilder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.JsonMapBuilder
JsonPayload - Annotation Interface in google.registry.request
Dagger qualifier for the HTTP request payload as parsed JSON.
JsonResponse - Class in google.registry.request
JSON response object.
JsonResponse(Response) - Constructor for class google.registry.request.JsonResponse
JsonResponseHelper - Class in
Helper class for JSON API servlets to send response messages.
JsonResponseHelper() - Constructor for class
JsonResponseHelper.Status - Enum Class in
Possible results of an RPC operation.
JsonSerializations - Class in google.registry.bsa.api
Helpers for generating BlockOrder and UnblockableDomain reports.
jurisdiction - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType


key() - Method in class google.registry.util.SelfSignedCaCertificate
keyData - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsDataType
keyDatas - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsOrKeyType
keyDatas - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsRemType
keyInfo - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignature
KeyModule - Class in google.registry.keyring.api
Dagger module for keys stored in Keyring.
KeyModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.keyring.api.KeyModule
KeyModule.Key - Annotation Interface in google.registry.keyring.api
Dagger qualifier for keys from Keyring.
keyRing - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Kms
Keyring - Interface in google.registry.keyring.api
Nomulus keyring interface.
KeyringException - Exception Class in google.registry.keyring.api
Base class for all Keyring specific unchecked exceptions.
KeyringException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.keyring.api.KeyringException
KeyringException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.keyring.api.KeyringException
KeyringKeyName - Enum Class in
Names of all the keyrings we can save.
KeyringModule - Class in google.registry.keyring
Dagger module for Keyring
KeyringModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.keyring.KeyringModule
KeyringSecretStore - Class in google.registry.privileges.secretmanager
Storage for 'keyring' secrets, backed by the Secret Manager.
KeyringSecretStore(SecretManagerClient) - Constructor for class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.KeyringSecretStore
KeySerializer - Class in google.registry.keyring.api
Collection of tools to serialize / deserialize PGP types.
keyTag - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsDataType
KeyValueMapParameter<K,V> - Class in
Combined converter and validator class for key-value map JCommander argument strings.
KeyValueMapParameter() - Constructor for class
KeyValueMapParameter(String) - Constructor for class
KeyValueMapParameter.CurrencyUnitToStringMap - Class in
Combined converter and validator class for currency unit-to-string Map argument strings.
KeyValueMapParameter.StringToIntegerMap - Class in
Combined converter and validator class for string-to-integer Map argument strings.
KeyValueMapParameter.StringToRegistrarRoleMap - Class in
Combined converter/validator class for maps of registrar names to registrar roles.
KeyValueMapParameter.StringToStringMap - Class in
Combined converter and validator class for string-to-string Map argument strings.
kind - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
kms - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig
Kms() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Kms


L10N_ADDRESS_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
L10N_CITY_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
L10N_STATE_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
L10N_STREET_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
L10N_ZIP_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
label() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockLabel
Returns the value of the label record component.
LABEL - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormFields
Form field for labelType from eppcom.xsd.
LabelDiffUpdates - Class in google.registry.bsa.persistence
Applies the BSA label diffs from the latest BSA download.
labels - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
labels - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
labels - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
LABELS - Static variable in class google.registry.proxy.metric.BaseMetrics
Labels to register metrics with.
labelType() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockLabel
Returns the value of the labelType record component.
LANDRUSH - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Flag
Landrush billing events are historical only and are no longer created.
LANDRUSH - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchPhaseTypeValue
lang - Variable in class
lang - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusType
lang - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCredsOptionsType
lang - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMixedMsgType
lang - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMsgType
lang - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomReasonType
lang - Variable in class
lang - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusType
lang - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportTextType
lang - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusType
langs - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppSvcMenuType
langs - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.XjcRdeEppParams
LANGUAGE - Static variable in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.ProtocolDefinition
LAST_UPDATE_TIME - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
lastFullDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
latestCompleted() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadSchedule
Returns the value of the latestCompleted record component.
latestOf(Iterable<DateTime>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.DateTimeUtils
Returns the latest element in a DateTime iterable.
latestOf(DateTime, DateTime...) - Static method in class google.registry.util.DateTimeUtils
Returns the latest of a number of given DateTime instances.
LAUNCH_EXTENSION_1_0 - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.ProtocolDefinition.ServiceExtension
LaunchCheck() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCheckResponseExtension.LaunchCheck
LaunchCheckExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.launch
An XML data object that represents a launch extension that may be present on EPP domain check commands.
LaunchCheckExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCheckExtension
LaunchCheckExtension.CheckType - Enum Class in google.registry.model.domain.launch
Type of domain check being requested.
LaunchCheckName() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCheckResponseExtension.LaunchCheckName
LaunchCheckResponseExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.launch
An XML data object that represents a launch extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain check commands.
LaunchCheckResponseExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCheckResponseExtension
LaunchCheckResponseExtension.LaunchCheck - Class in google.registry.model.domain.launch
The response for a check on a single resource.
LaunchCheckResponseExtension.LaunchCheckName - Class in google.registry.model.domain.launch
Holds the name and availability of a checked resource.
LaunchCreateExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.launch
An XML data object that represents a launch extension that may be present on EPP domain create commands.
LaunchCreateExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCreateExtension
LaunchCreateExtension.CreateType - Enum Class in google.registry.model.domain.launch
Type of domain creation being requested.
LaunchDeleteExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.launch
An XML data object that represents a launch extension that may be present on EPP domain delete commands.
LaunchDeleteExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchDeleteExtension
LaunchExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.launch
A launch extension which can be passed in to domain update and delete, and also returned from domain create.
LaunchExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchExtension
LaunchExtension.Builder<T,B> - Class in google.registry.model.domain.launch
A builder for constructing LaunchExtension.
LaunchInfoExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.launch
An XML data object that represents a launch extension that may be present on EPP domain info commands.
LaunchInfoExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchInfoExtension
LaunchNotice - Class in google.registry.model.domain.launch
The claims notice id from the claims phase.
LaunchNotice() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchNotice
LaunchNotice.InvalidChecksumException - Exception Class in google.registry.model.domain.launch
Thrown from validate() if the checksum is invalid.
LaunchNotice.NoticeIdType - Class in google.registry.model.domain.launch
An id with a validator-id attribute.
LaunchPhase - Class in google.registry.model.domain.launch
The launch phase of the TLD being addressed by this command.
LaunchPhase() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchPhase
LaunchUpdateExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.launch
An XML data object that represents a launch extension that may be present on EPP domain update commands.
LaunchUpdateExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchUpdateExtension
leapSafeAddYears(DateTime, int) - Static method in class google.registry.util.DateTimeUtils
Adds years to a date, in the Duration sense of semantic years.
leapSafeSubtractYears(DateTime, int) - Static method in class google.registry.util.DateTimeUtils
Subtracts years from a date, in the Duration sense of semantic years.
legal - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRetentionType
LEGAL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Type
LENIENT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xml.ValidationMode
Don't validate.
lessThan(CriteriaBuilder) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer
lessThanOrEqualTo(CriteriaBuilder) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer
Library Definitions - Search tag in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField
LICENSEE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkEntitlementType
like(CriteriaBuilder) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer
LIKE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer.Comparator
Return only records whose field matches the pattern.
LINE_SPLITTER - Static variable in class google.registry.bsa.BsaStringUtils
LINKED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
A status for a resource has an incoming reference from an active domain.
LINKED - Enum constant in enum class
LINKED - Enum constant in enum class
list() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer
Returns the results of the query as a list.
listDomainsAction() - Method in interface
ListDomainsAction - Class in
An action that lists domains, for use by the nomulus list_domains command.
ListFeatureFlagsCommand - Class in
Command to list all FeatureFlag objects.
ListFeatureFlagsCommand() - Constructor for class
listFiles(String) - Method in class
Returns a list of Drive file ids for all files in Google Drive in the folder with the specified id.
listFiles(String, String) - Method in class
Returns a list of Drive file ids for all files in Google Drive in the folder with the specified id and matching the given Drive query.
listFolderObjects(String, String) - Method in class google.registry.gcs.GcsUtils
Returns a list of all object names within a bucket for a given prefix.
listHostsAction() - Method in interface
ListHostsAction - Class in
An action that lists hosts, for use by the nomulus list_hosts command.
ListNamingUtils - Class in google.registry.util
A utility class for conversion of input file paths into names for entities in the database.
ListNamingUtils() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.ListNamingUtils
ListObjectsAction<T> - Class in
Abstract base class for actions that list ImmutableObjects.
ListObjectsAction() - Constructor for class
listPremiumListsAction() - Method in interface
ListPremiumListsAction - Class in
An action that lists premium lists, for use by the nomulus list_premium_lists command.
listRegistrarsAction() - Method in interface
ListRegistrarsAction - Class in
An action that lists registrars, for use by the nomulus list_registrars command.
listReservedListsAction() - Method in interface
ListReservedListsAction - Class in
A that lists reserved lists, for use by the nomulus list_reserved_lists command.
listSecrets() - Method in interface google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient
Returns all secret IDs in the Cloud Secret Manager.
listSecrets() - Method in class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClientImpl
listSecretVersions(String) - Method in interface google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient
Returns the SecretManagerClient.SecretVersionState of all secrets with secretId.
listSecretVersions(String) - Method in class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClientImpl
listSecretVersions(String, SecretVersion.State) - Method in interface google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient
Returns the version strings of all secrets in the given state with secretId.
listTldsAction() - Method in interface
ListTldsAction - Class in
An action that lists top-level domains, for use by the nomulus list_tlds command.
load(Class<E>, String, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.ForeignKeyUtils
Loads a VKey to an EppResource from the database by foreign key.
load(Class<E>, Collection<String>, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.ForeignKeyUtils
Load a map of String foreign keys to VKeys to EppResource that are active at or after the specified moment in time.
loadAll() - Static method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
Loads all registrar entities directly from the database.
loadAllCached() - Static method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
Loads all registrar entities using an in-memory cache.
loadAllHistoryObjects(DateTime, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntryDao
Loads all history objects in the times specified, including all types.
loadAllKeysCached() - Static method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
Loads all registrar keys using an in-memory cache.
loadAllOf(JpaTransactionManager, Class<T>, int) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.BatchedQueries
Loads all entities of type T in batches.
loadAllOf(Class<T>) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.BatchedQueries
loadAllOf(Class<T>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
loadAllOf(Class<T>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Returns a list of all entities of the given type that exist in the database.
loadAllOf(Class<T>, int) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.BatchedQueries
loadAllOfStream(Class<T>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
loadAllOfStream(Class<T>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Returns a stream of all entities of the given type that exist in the database.
loadAllPremiumEntries(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumListDao
Returns all PremiumEntries in the list with the given name.
loadAndVerifyExistence(Class<R>, String, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils
loadAtPointInTime(T, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.EppResourceUtils
Rewinds an EppResource object to a given point in time.
loadAtPointInTimeAsync(T, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.EppResourceUtils
Rewinds an EppResource object to a given point in time.
loadByEntities(Iterable<T>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
loadByEntities(Iterable<T>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Loads all given entities from the database.
loadByEntitiesIfPresent(Iterable<T>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
loadByEntitiesIfPresent(Iterable<T>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Loads all given entities from the database if possible.
loadByEntity(T) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
loadByEntity(T) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Loads the given entity from the database.
loadByForeignKey(Class<T>, String, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.EppResourceUtils
Loads the last created version of an EppResource from the database by foreign key.
loadByForeignKeyCached(Class<T>, String, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.EppResourceUtils
Loads the last created version of an EppResource from the database by foreign key, using a cache.
loadByKey(VKey<T>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
loadByKey(VKey<T>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Loads the entity by its key.
loadByKeyIfPresent(VKey<T>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
loadByKeyIfPresent(VKey<T>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Loads the entity by its key, returns empty if the entity doesn't exist.
loadByKeys(Iterable<? extends VKey<? extends T>>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
loadByKeys(Iterable<? extends VKey<? extends T>>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Loads the set of entities by their keys.
loadByKeysIfPresent(Iterable<? extends VKey<? extends T>>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
loadByKeysIfPresent(Iterable<? extends VKey<? extends T>>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Loads the set of entities by their keys.
loadByRegistrarId(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
Loads and returns a registrar entity by its id directly from the database.
loadByRegistrarIdCached(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
Loads and returns a registrar entity by its id using an in-memory cache.
loadByTokenString(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.BulkPricingPackage
Loads and returns a BulkPricingPackage entity by its token string directly from Cloud SQL.
loadCached(VKey<T>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.EppResource
Loads a given EppResource by its key using the cache (if enabled).
loadCached(Class<E>, Collection<String>, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.ForeignKeyUtils
Load a list of VKey to EppResource instances by class and foreign key strings that are active at or after the specified moment in time, using the cache if enabled.
loadCached(Iterable<VKey<? extends EppResource>>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.EppResource
Loads the given EppResources by their keys using the cache (if enabled).
loadCertificate(InputStream) - Static method in class google.registry.util.X509Utils
Loads an ASCII-armored public X.509 certificate.
loadCertificate(String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.X509Utils
Loads an ASCII-armored public X.509 certificate.
loadCertificate(Path) - Static method in class google.registry.util.X509Utils
Loads an ASCII-armored public X.509 certificate.
loadCrl(String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.X509Utils
Loads an ASCII-armored X.509 certificate revocation list (CRL).
loadEntriesByDate(JpaTransactionManager, LocalDate) - Static method in class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatchDao
Query the database and return a list of domain names with the specified date.
loadHistoryObjectsByRegistrars(ImmutableCollection<String>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntryDao
Loads all history objects from all time from the given registrars.
loadHistoryObjectsForResource(VKey<? extends EppResource>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntryDao
Loads all history objects corresponding to the given EppResource.
loadHistoryObjectsForResource(VKey<? extends EppResource>, Class<T>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntryDao
Loads all history objects corresponding to the given EppResource and cast to the appropriate subclass.
loadHistoryObjectsForResource(VKey<? extends EppResource>, DateTime, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntryDao
Loads all history objects in the time period specified for the given EppResource.
loadNameserverHostNames() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
Loads and returns the fully qualified host names of all linked nameservers.
loadObjects() - Method in class
loadObjects() - Method in class
loadObjects() - Method in class
loadObjects() - Method in class
loadObjects() - Method in class
loadObjects() - Method in class
loadPremiumEntries(PremiumList) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumListDao
Returns all PremiumEntries in the given premiumList.
loadPublicKeyBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class google.registry.keyring.api.PgpHelper
Returns raw key bytes as a Bouncy Castle PGP public key.
loadRequiredRegistrarCached(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
Loads and returns a registrar entity by its id using an in-memory cache.
loadReservedLists(ImmutableSet<String>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedList
Loads and returns the reserved lists with the given names, skipping those that don't exist.
loadSingleton(Class<T>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
loadSingleton(Class<T>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Loads the only instance of this particular class, or empty if none exists.
loadTestAction() - Method in interface
LoadTestAction - Class in google.registry.loadtest
Simple load test action that can generate configurable QPSes of various EPP actions.
LoadTestModule - Class in google.registry.loadtest
Dagger module for loadtest package.
LoadTestModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.loadtest.LoadTestModule
loadXmlSchemas(List<String>) - Static method in class google.registry.xml.XmlTransformer
Creates a single Schema from multiple .xsd files.
LOC - Enum constant in enum class
LOC - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarPostalInfoEnumType
LOCAL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.util.RegistryEnvironment
Local machine environment.
localCredentialOauthScopes - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.CredentialOAuth
LocalDateConverter - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
JPA converter for LocalDate, to/from Date.
LocalDateConverter() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.LocalDateConverter
LocalDateParameter - Class in
LocalDate CLI parameter converter/validator.
LocalDateParameter() - Constructor for class
LOCALHOST - Enum constant in enum class
LOCALIZED - Enum constant in enum class
localPort - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.HttpsRelay
location - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Kms
locationId - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.GcpProject
Lock - Class in google.registry.model.server
A lock on some shared resource.
Lock() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.server.Lock
LOCK_FAILURE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.dns.DnsMetrics.ActionStatus
LOCK_NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.dns.PublishDnsUpdatesAction
LockDomainCommand - Class in
A command to registry lock domain names.
LockDomainCommand() - Constructor for class
LockHandler - Interface in google.registry.request.lock
Code execution locked on some shared resource.
LockHandlerImpl - Class in google.registry.request.lock
Implementation of LockHandler that uses the database lock.
LockHandlerImpl(Clock) - Constructor for class google.registry.request.lock.LockHandlerImpl
LockOrUnlockDomainCommand - Class in
Shared base class for commands to registry lock or unlock a domain via EPP.
LockOrUnlockDomainCommand() - Constructor for class
LOCKS_TO_APPLY - Static variable in class
Listed by .updateserverlocks.
LOCKS_TO_APPLY - Static variable in class
LOCKS_TO_REMOVE - Static variable in class
Listed by .updateserverlocks.
LOCKS_TO_REMOVE - Static variable in class
log(Method, String) - Method in class google.registry.util.ComparingInvocationHandler
Called when there was a difference between the implementations.
logger - Static variable in class google.registry.request.auth.OidcTokenAuthenticationMechanism
Logging - Search tag in class google.registry.rde.RdeStagingAction
LoggingLevelParameter - Class in
Java logging level CLI parameter converter/validator.
LoggingLevelParameter() - Constructor for class
LoggingSftpProgressMonitor - Class in google.registry.rde
A progress monitor for SFTP operations that writes status to logs periodically.
login - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
login() - Method in record class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlCredential
Returns the value of the login record component.
Login() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Login
loginFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
LoginFlow - Class in google.registry.flows.session
An EPP flow for login.
logout - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Logout() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Logout
logoutFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
LogoutFlow - Class in google.registry.flows.session
An EPP flow for logout.
logSqlQueries - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Hibernate
LongParameter - Class in
Long CLI parameter converter/validator.
LongParameter() - Constructor for class
lookup(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class google.registry.whois.Whois
Performs a WHOIS lookup on a plaintext query string.
lookupKeyPair(PGPPublicKeyRingCollection, PGPSecretKeyRingCollection, String, PgpHelper.KeyRequirement) - Static method in class google.registry.keyring.api.PgpHelper
lookupPublicKey(PGPPublicKeyRingCollection, String, PgpHelper.KeyRequirement) - Static method in class google.registry.keyring.api.PgpHelper
Search for public key on keyring based on a substring (like an email address).
lookupPublicSubkey(PGPPublicKeyRing, PgpHelper.KeyRequirement) - Static method in class google.registry.keyring.api.PgpHelper
Return appropriate key or subkey for given task from public key.
lookupSuperordinateDomain(InternetDomainName, DateTime) - Static method in class
Return the Domain this host is subordinate to, or null for external hosts.
LordnLog - Class in google.registry.tmch
Parser of LORDN log responses from the MarksDB server during the NORDN process.
LordnLog.Result - Class in google.registry.tmch
Result code for individual DN lines.
LordnLog.Result.Outcome - Enum Class in google.registry.tmch
Outcome categories for individual DN lines.
LordnLog.Status - Enum Class in google.registry.tmch
Indicates whether or not the LORDN upload succeeded.
LordnTaskUtils - Class in google.registry.tmch
Helper methods for creating tasks containing CSV line data based on DomainBase.getLordnPhase().
LordnTaskUtils.LordnPhase - Enum Class in google.registry.tmch
lowercased() - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField.Builder
Modify String input to be lowercase.
LT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer.Comparator
Return only records whose field is less than the value.
LTE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer.Comparator
Return only records whose field is less than or equal to the value.


M - Enum constant in enum class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.PUnitType
M - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPUnitType
main(String[]) - Static method in class google.registry.beam.billing.ExpandBillingRecurrencesPipeline
main(String[]) - Static method in class google.registry.beam.billing.InvoicingPipeline
main(String[]) - Static method in class google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipeline
main(String[]) - Static method in class google.registry.beam.resave.ResaveAllEppResourcesPipeline
main(String[]) - Static method in class google.registry.beam.spec11.Spec11Pipeline
main(String[]) - Static method in class google.registry.beam.wipeout.WipeOutContactHistoryPiiPipeline
main(String[]) - Static method in class google.registry.client.EppClient
main(String[]) - Static method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.Prober
main(String[]) - Static method in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyServer
main(String[]) - Static method in class
make(ImmutableSortedMap<DateTime, V>, ImmutableMultimap<V, V>, String, V, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.common.TimedTransitionProperty
Validates a new set of transitions and returns the resulting TimedTransitionProperty.
MAKE_ORDER_AND_LABEL_DIFF - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.DownloadStage
Generates block list diffs against the previous download.
makeFooter() - Method in class google.registry.rde.RdeMarshaller
Returns bottom-portion of XML document.
makeHeader(String, RdeMode) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RdeCounter
Constructs a header containing the sum of RdeCounter.increment(RdeResourceType) calls.
makeHeader(String, DateTime, Collection<String>, int) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RdeMarshaller
Returns top-portion of XML document.
makeLabelsMap() - Method in class google.registry.util.MetricParameters
makePartialName(String, DateTime, RdeMode) - Static method in class google.registry.model.rde.RdeNamingUtils
makePollMessageExternalId(PollMessage) - Static method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessageExternalKeyConverter
Returns an external poll message ID for the given poll message.
makeProxy() - Method in class google.registry.util.ComparingInvocationHandler
Returns the proxy to the actualImplementation.
makeReport(String, DateTime, XjcRdeHeader, int) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RdeCounter
Returns an ICANN notification report as a JAXB object.
makeRydeFilename(String, DateTime, RdeMode, int, int) - Static method in class google.registry.model.rde.RdeNamingUtils
Returns extensionless RDE filename in format <gTLD>_<YYYY-MM-DD>_<type>_S<#>_R<rev>.
makeUrl(String) - Static method in class google.registry.config.ConfigUtils
Creates a URL instance.
MALWARE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch.ThreatType
MANAGE_ACCREDITATION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Manage related registrars, e.g.
MANAGE_DOCUMENTATION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Change the documentation available in the UI about the registry.
MANAGE_REGISTRARS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Add, update, or remove registrars.
MANAGE_USERS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Add, update, or remove other console users.
MANAGER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.groups.GroupsConnection.Role
manual() - Method in record class google.registry.rde.PendingDeposit
Returns the value of the manual record component.
Manual Operation - Search tag in class google.registry.rde.RdeStagingAction
mapNamed(String) - Static method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField
Returns a form field builder for validating JSON nested maps.
mark(int) - Method in class google.registry.util.ImprovedInputStream
Mark - Class in google.registry.model.mark
Information about one or more marks.
Mark() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.mark.Mark
MarkAddress - Class in google.registry.model.mark
Mark Holder/Owner Address
MarkAddress() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.mark.MarkAddress
MarkAddress.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.mark
Builder for MarkAddress.
MarkContact - Class in google.registry.model.mark
Contact information for the representative of the mark.
MarkContact() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.mark.MarkContact
MARKETING - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Type
markFirstRepeated() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingSequence.Builder
We take special note of the first repeated step.
MarkHolder - Class in google.registry.model.mark
Contact information for the holder of the mark.
MarkHolder() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.mark.MarkHolder
markName - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
markName - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
markName - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
MarkPhoneNumber - Class in google.registry.model.mark
Mark Holder/Owner Phone Number
MarkPhoneNumber() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.mark.MarkPhoneNumber
MarkPhoneNumber.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.mark
Builder for MarkPhoneNumber.
MarkProtection - Class in google.registry.model.mark
A country and region of a country where a mark is protected.
MarkProtection() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.mark.MarkProtection
Marksdb - Class in google.registry.tmch
Shared code for tasks that download stuff from MarksDB.
MARKSDB_DNL_LOGIN_AND_PASSWORD - Enum constant in enum class
MARKSDB_LORDN_PASSWORD - Enum constant in enum class
MARKSDB_SMDRL_LOGIN_AND_PASSWORD - Enum constant in enum class
marshal(E) - Method in class google.registry.model.adapters.EnumToAttributeAdapter
marshal(EppOutput, ValidationMode) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.EppXmlTransformer
marshal(JAXBElement<?>) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RdeMarshaller
Turns XJC element into XML fragment, with schema validation unless in lenient mode.
marshal(JAXBElement<?>) - Method in class google.registry.xml.XmlFragmentMarshaller
Turns an individual JAXB element into an XML fragment string.
marshal(JAXBElement<?>, ValidationMode) - Method in class google.registry.xml.XmlFragmentMarshaller
Turns an individual JAXB element into an XML fragment string using the given validation mode.
marshal(OutputStream, Charset) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.XjcObject
Validates and streams this as formatted XML bytes with XML declaration.
marshal(Object, OutputStream, Charset, ValidationMode) - Static method in class google.registry.xjc.XjcXmlTransformer
marshal(Object, OutputStream, Charset, ValidationMode) - Method in class google.registry.xml.XmlTransformer
Validates and streams root as formatted XML bytes with XML declaration.
marshal(Object, Writer, ValidationMode) - Method in class google.registry.xml.XmlTransformer
Streams root without XML declaration, optionally validating against the schema.
marshal(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.VersionAdapter
marshal(String) - Method in class google.registry.xml.TrimWhitespaceAdapter
marshal(InetAddress) - Method in class
marshal(CurrencyUnit) - Method in class google.registry.model.adapters.CurrencyUnitAdapter
Converts CurrencyUnit to a string.
marshal(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xml.UtcDateTimeAdapter
Converts DateTime to UTC and returns it as an RFC3339 string.
marshal(DateTime, RdeMode) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RdeFragmenter
marshal(LocalDate) - Method in class google.registry.xml.DateAdapter
Converts LocalDate to UTC and returns it as an RFC3339 string.
marshal(Period) - Method in class google.registry.xml.PeriodAdapter
marshalContact(Contact) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RdeMarshaller
Turns Contact object into an XML fragment.
marshalDomain(Domain, RdeMode) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RdeMarshaller
Turns Domain object into an XML fragment.
marshalExternalHost(Host) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RdeMarshaller
Turns Host object into an XML fragment.
marshalIdn(IdnTable) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RdeMarshaller
Turns IdnTable object into an XML fragment.
marshalInput(EppInput, ValidationMode) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.EppXmlTransformer
marshalLenient(JAXBElement<?>) - Method in class google.registry.xml.XmlFragmentMarshaller
Turns an individual JAXB element into an XML fragment string.
marshalLenient(Object, OutputStream, Charset) - Static method in class google.registry.xjc.XjcXmlTransformer
marshalLenient(Object, Writer) - Static method in class google.registry.xjc.XjcXmlTransformer
marshalOrDie(JAXBElement<?>) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RdeMarshaller
Turns XJC element into XML fragment, converting MarshalExceptions to RuntimeExceptions.
marshalRegistrar(Registrar) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RdeMarshaller
Turns Registrar object into an XML fragment.
marshalStrict(Object, OutputStream, Charset) - Static method in class google.registry.xjc.XjcXmlTransformer
marshalStrict(Object, Result) - Method in class google.registry.xml.XmlTransformer
Validates and streams root as characters, always using strict validation.
marshalSubordinateHost(Host, Domain) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RdeMarshaller
Turns Host object into an XML fragment.
marshalWithLenientRetry(EppOutput) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.FlowUtils
matches(Pattern) - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField.Builder
matches(Pattern, String) - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField.Builder
Ensure input matches pattern.
matches(String) - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapSearchPattern
Checks a string to make sure that it matches the search pattern.
MAX_COLLECTION_SIZE - Static variable in class google.registry.util.SafeSerializationUtils
Maximum number of elements allowed in a serialized collection.
MAX_REGISTRATION_YEARS - Static variable in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
The max number of years that a domain can be registered for, as set by ICANN policy.
MAX_RETRIES_EXCEEDED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.dns.DnsMetrics.ActionStatus
maxMessageLengthBytes - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Epp
maxMessageLengthBytes - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.HttpsRelay
maxMessageLengthBytes - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Whois
maxSigLife - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsChgType
maxSigLife - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsOrKeyType
maxValidityDaysSchedule - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.SslCertificateValidation
maybeApplyBulkPricingRemovalToken(Domain, Optional<AllocationToken>) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.token.AllocationTokenFlowUtils
maybeGetStaticTokenInstance(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
MEMBER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.groups.GroupsConnection.Role
memoizeWithShortExpiration(Supplier<T>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.CacheUtils
Memoize a supplier, with a short expiration specified in the environment config.
message - Variable in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppMessage
Document that represents the actual XML document sent inbound or outbound through channel pipeline.
message() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the message record component.
MessageDoesNotExistException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.poll.PollAckFlow.MessageDoesNotExistException
MessageQueueInfo - Class in google.registry.model.poll
Information about the message queue for the currently logged in registrar.
MessageQueueInfo() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.poll.MessageQueueInfo
MessageQueueInfo.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.poll
A builder for constructing a MessageQueueInfo, since it's immutable.
messageTemplate() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingStep
Returns the value of the messageTemplate record component.
Metadata - Class in google.params.xml.ns.metadata_1
Java class for metadata complex type
Metadata() - Constructor for class google.params.xml.ns.metadata_1.Metadata
METADATA_1_0 - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.ProtocolDefinition.ServiceExtension
MetadataExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.metadata
A metadata extension that may be present on EPP create/mutate commands.
MetadataExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.metadata.MetadataExtension
method() - Element in annotation interface google.registry.request.Action
HTTP methods that request processor should allow.
MetricParameters - Class in google.registry.util
Utility class to obtain labels for monitored resource of type gke_container.
metrics - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.handler.HttpsRelayServiceHandler
metrics - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.handler.QuotaHandler
metrics - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig
Metrics() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Metrics
MetricsCollector - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.metric
Metrics collection instrumentation.
MetricsCollector.ResponseType - Enum Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.metric
Three standard Response types to be recorded as metrics: SUCCESS, FAILURE, or ERROR.
MetricsModule - Class in google.registry.proxy
Module that provides necessary bindings to instantiate a MetricReporter
MetricsModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.MetricsModule
mimeType - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigObject
MIN_TOKEN - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormFields
Form field for non-empty tokens (see minToken in eppcom.xsd).
MINIMUM_DATASET_CONTACTS_OPTIONAL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag.FeatureName
MINIMUM_DATASET_CONTACTS_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag.FeatureName
minimumLevel() - Method in record class google.registry.request.auth.AuthSettings
Returns the value of the minimumLevel record component.
minimumRsaKeyLength - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.SslCertificateValidation
minMonthsBeforeWipeOut - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.ContactHistory
MIRRORED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnNameStateValue
mirroringNS - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnNameState
misc - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
Misc() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Misc
MissingBillingAccountMapException(CurrencyUnit) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils.MissingBillingAccountMapException
MissingTransferRequestAuthInfoException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.exceptions
Authorization info is required to request a transfer.
MissingTransferRequestAuthInfoException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.exceptions.MissingTransferRequestAuthInfoException
mode() - Method in record class google.registry.rde.PendingDeposit
Returns the value of the mode record component.
ModelModule - Class in google.registry.model
Dagger module for the entity (model) classes.
ModelModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.ModelModule
ModelUtils - Class in google.registry.model
A collection of static methods that deal with reflection on model classes.
ModelUtils() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.ModelUtils
modifyMessage(OutboundMessageType) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token.EppToken
Modifies the message to reflect the new domain name and TRID
modifyMessage(OutboundMessageType) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token.Token
Modifies the OutboundMessageType in the manner necessary for each loop
modifyMessage(OutboundMessageType) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token.WebWhoisToken
Modifies message to reflect the new host coming from the new top level domain.
modifyMessage(String...) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppRequestMessage
From the input clTrid and domainName, modifies the template EPP XML document and the expectedResponse to reflect new parameters.
modifyMessage(String...) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.HttpRequestMessage
Modifies headers to reflect new host and new path if applicable.
modifyMessage(String...) - Method in interface google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.OutboundMessageType
All OutboundMessageType implementing classes should be able to be modified by token with String arguments
Modules - Class in google.registry.request
Dagger modules for App Engine services and other vendor classes.
Modules() - Constructor for class google.registry.request.Modules
Modules.GsonModule - Class in google.registry.request
Dagger module that causes the Google GSON parser to be used for Google APIs requests.
Modules.NetHttpTransportModule - Class in google.registry.request
Dagger module that provides standard NetHttpTransport.
Modules.UrlConnectionServiceModule - Class in google.registry.request
Dagger module for UrlConnectionService.
modulus - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigRSAKeyValue
MoneyDeserializer() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.MoneyDeserializer
MoneyDeserializer(Class<Money>) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.MoneyDeserializer
MoneyMapper() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.JodaMoneyType.MoneyMapper
MoneyParameter - Class in
Money CLI parameter converter/validator.
MoneyParameter() - Constructor for class
MoneySerializer() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.MoneySerializer
MoneySerializer(Class<Money>) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.MoneySerializer
monitoring - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
Monitoring() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Monitoring
MONITORING - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Type
A registrar used for internal monitoring.
MONTHLY_SPEC_11_EMAIL - Static variable in class
MONTHLY_SPEC_11_EMAIL - Static variable in class
The full template name of the monthlySpec11Email template.
MONTHLY_SPEC_11_EMAIL__NAME - Static variable in class
MONTHS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.Period.Unit
msg - Variable in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
A human-readable description of the response code.
msg - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMsgQType
msg - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResultType
msg - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.XjcIirdeaResult
msgID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppPollType
msgLang - Variable in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
An RFC 4646 language code.
msgQ - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResponse
MutatingCommand - Class in
A ConfirmingCommand that changes objects in the database.
MutatingCommand() - Constructor for class
MutatingEppToolCommand - Class in
A command to execute an epp command that intends to mutate objects (i.e.
MutatingEppToolCommand() - Constructor for class
MutatingFlow - Interface in google.registry.flows
Interface for a TransactionalFlow that mutates the database (i.e.


name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCheckType
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreate
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreData
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainDelete
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfo
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPanData
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainRenData
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainRenew
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTransfer
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainUpdate
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCDType
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCheckType
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCheckType
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCdType
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchPhaseType
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusType
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
name - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarWhoisInfoType
name() - Method in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO.Write
name() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.CreateData.DomainCreateData
name() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.Protocol
name() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppRequestMessage
name() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppResponseMessage
name() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.HttpRequestMessage
name() - Method in interface google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.OutboundMessageType
Necessary to inform metrics collector what kind of message is sent down ChannelPipeline.
name() - Method in interface google.registry.proxy.Protocol
Protocol name.
name() - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField
Returns the name of this field.
name(String) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection.DestinationTable.Builder
name(String) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.Protocol.Builder
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.dns.writer.clouddns.CloudDnsWriter
The name of the dns writer, as used in Registry.dnsWriter.
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.dns.writer.dnsupdate.DnsUpdateWriter
The name of the pricing engine, as used in Registry.dnsWriter.
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.dns.writer.VoidDnsWriter
The name of the pricing engine, as used in Registry.dnsWriter.
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.model.pricing.StaticPremiumListPricingEngine
The name of the pricing engine, as used in Registry.pricingEngineClassName.
NAME - Static variable in class
NAME - Static variable in class
Listed by .contactcreate.
NAME - Static variable in class
Listed by .remove_ip_address.
NAME - Static variable in class
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormFields
Form field for nameType (see rde-registrar/notification).
NAME - Static variable in class
NAME - Static variable in class
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDigestValue
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigKeyName
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigMgmtData
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Create
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06CreData
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06RenData
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Renew
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Transfer
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Update
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06UpdData
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Create
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11CreData
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11RenData
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Renew
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Transfer
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Update
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11UpdData
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12Create
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CreData
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12DelData
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12RenData
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12Renew
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12Transfer
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12Update
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12UpdData
NAME - Static variable in class
NAME - Static variable in class
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreData
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchDelete
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchUpdate
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkAbstractMark
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkMark
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeContent
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDelete
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactAbstract
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactDelete
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactElement
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainAbstract
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainDelete
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainElement
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.XjcRdeEppParamsAbstract
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.XjcRdeEppParamsElement
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdeheader.XjcRdeHeaderElement
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHostAbstractHost
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHostDelete
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHostElement
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.XjcRdeIdnDelete
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.XjcRdeIdnElement
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnAbstract
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnDelete
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnElement
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy.XjcRdePolicyElement
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarAbstract
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarDelete
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarElement
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpInfData
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpUpData
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsCreate
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsInfData
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdAbstractSignedMarkElement
NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMarkElement
NAME - Static variable in class ietf.params.xml.ns.allocationtoken_1.Info
NAME_COLLISION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservationType
The domain can only be registered during sunrise for defensive purposes, and will never resolve.
NAME_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
named(String) - Static method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField
Returns an optional string form field named name.
named(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField
Returns an optional form field named name with a specific inputType.
names - Variable in class
names - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCheck
names - Variable in class
names - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainDeleteType
namesAndRoids - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHostDeleteType
nameserverLookupByHost(InternetDomainName) - Method in class google.registry.whois.WhoisCommandFactory
Returns a new WhoisCommand to perform a nameserver lookup on the specified host name.
NameserverLookupByHostCommand - Class in google.registry.whois
Represents a WHOIS lookup on a nameserver based on its hostname.
nameserverLookupByIp(InetAddress) - Method in class google.registry.whois.WhoisCommandFactory
Returns a new WhoisCommand to perform a nameserver lookup on the specified IP address.
NAMESERVERS - Static variable in class
NAMESERVERS - Static variable in class
Listed by .domaincreate.
NameserversNotAllowedForTldException(Set<String>) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils.NameserversNotAllowedForTldException
NameserversNotSpecifiedForTldWithNameserverAllowListException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils.NameserversNotSpecifiedForTldWithNameserverAllowListException
NameserversParameter - Class in
Nameservers CLI parameter converter/validator.
NameserversParameter() - Constructor for class
nameState - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndn
NameWithHosts() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Info.NameWithHosts
NATIVE_ARRAY_OF_POJO_TYPE - Static variable in class google.registry.persistence.NomulusPostgreSQLDialect
Represents a type backed by an `text[]` column in the database.
NATIVE_INTERVAL_TYPE - Static variable in class google.registry.persistence.NomulusPostgreSQLDialect
Represents a type backed by an `interval` column in the database.
NATIVE_MAP_TYPE - Static variable in class google.registry.persistence.NomulusPostgreSQLDialect
Represents a type backed by an `hstore` column in the database.
NET_ADDS_1_YR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
NET_ADDS_10_YR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
NET_ADDS_2_YR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
NET_ADDS_3_YR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
NET_ADDS_4_YR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
NET_ADDS_5_YR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
NET_ADDS_6_YR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
NET_ADDS_7_YR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
NET_ADDS_8_YR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
NET_ADDS_9_YR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
NET_RENEWS_1_YR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
NET_RENEWS_10_YR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
NET_RENEWS_2_YR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
NET_RENEWS_3_YR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
NET_RENEWS_4_YR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
NET_RENEWS_5_YR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
NET_RENEWS_6_YR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
NET_RENEWS_7_YR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
NET_RENEWS_8_YR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
NET_RENEWS_9_YR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
netAddsFieldFromYears(int) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
Boilerplate to simplify getting the NET_ADDS_#_YR enum from a number of years.
NetHttpTransportModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.request.Modules.NetHttpTransportModule
netRenewsFieldFromYears(int) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
Boilerplate to simplify getting the NET_RENEWS_#_YR enum from a number of years.
NetworkUtils - Class in google.registry.util
Utilities for networking.
NEW_DS_DATA - Static variable in class
Listed by .uniformrapidsuspension.
NEW_DS_DATA - Static variable in class
NEW_ORDER_ASSOCIATION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockLabel.LabelType
newAlertRecipientEmailAddress - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Misc
newAutorenewBillingEvent(Domain) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
Fills in a builder with the data needed for an autorenew billing event for this domain.
newAutorenewPollMessage(Domain) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
Fills in a builder with the data needed for an autorenew poll message for this domain.
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.CreatePriceParameters
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RenewPriceParameters
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RestorePriceParameters
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.TransferPriceParameters
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.UpdatePriceParameters
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.EntityChanges
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.flows.FlowMetadata
newBuilder() - Static method in class
newBuilder() - Static method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainInfoData
newBuilder() - Static method in class
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Attachment
newBuilder() - Static method in record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage
newCacheBuilder() - Static method in class google.registry.model.CacheUtils
Creates and returns a new Caffeine builder.
newCacheBuilder(Duration) - Static method in class google.registry.model.CacheUtils
Creates and returns a new Caffeine builder with the specified cache expiration.
newDomain() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns the value of the newDomain record component.
newDomain() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns the value of the newDomain record component.
newDomain() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns the value of the newDomain record component.
newDomain() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns the value of the newDomain record component.
NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.DestinationFormat
newOutgoingEmailAddress - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.GSuite
newPassword() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleEppPasswordAction.EppPasswordData
Returns the value of the newPassword record component.
newPasswordRepeat() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleEppPasswordAction.EppPasswordData
Returns the value of the newPasswordRepeat record component.
newPW - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginType
newReason() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomainChange
Returns the value of the newReason record component.
newValue() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomainChange
next() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingSequence
Obtains next ProbingSequence in sequence.
next() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token.EppToken.Persistent
next() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token.EppToken.Transient
next() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token.Token
Obtains next Token for next loop in sequence.
next() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token.WebWhoisToken
Moves on to next top level domain in tldCycleIterator.
next() - Method in class google.registry.util.CircularList
Standard method to obtain next node in list.
noChangesPresent() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Update
NoContentException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.NoContentException
NOMULUS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlUser.RobotId
NomulusNamingStrategy - Class in google.registry.persistence
Nomulus naming strategy for Hibernate ORM.
NomulusNamingStrategy() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.NomulusNamingStrategy
NomulusPostgreSql - Class in google.registry.persistence
Information about Nomulus' Cloud SQL PostgreSql instance.
NomulusPostgreSql() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.NomulusPostgreSql
NomulusPostgreSQLDialect - Class in google.registry.persistence
Nomulus mapping rules for column types in Postgresql.
NomulusPostgreSQLDialect() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.NomulusPostgreSQLDialect
NON_FATAL_INBOUND_EXCEPTIONS - Static variable in class google.registry.proxy.handler.HttpsRelayServiceHandler
NON_FATAL_OUTBOUND_EXCEPTIONS - Static variable in class google.registry.proxy.handler.HttpsRelayServiceHandler
NonCachingWhoisModule - Class in google.registry.whois
Whois module for systems that require that we not cache EPP resources (e.g.
NonCachingWhoisModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.whois.NonCachingWhoisModule
none - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpAccessType
none - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRetentionType
NONE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.GlobalRole
The user has no global role, i.e.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Info.HostsRequest
NONE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.auth.AuthSettings.AuthLevel
No authentication was required/found.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.tmch.LordnTaskUtils.LordnPhase
NONE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainHostsType
NonFinalForTesting - Annotation Interface in google.registry.util
Annotation that discourages future maintainers from marking a field final.
NONPREMIUM - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.RenewalPriceBehavior
This indicates the domain will be renewed at standard price even if it's a premium domain.
NONPREMIUM_CREATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.RegistrationBehavior
Bypasses the premium list to use the standard creation price.
NoopJpaEntityScanner - Class in google.registry.persistence
A do-nothing Scanner for Hibernate that works around bugs in Hibernate's default implementation.
NoopJpaEntityScanner() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.NoopJpaEntityScanner
NOP - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.DownloadStage
The terminal stage indicating that the downloads are discarded because their checksums are the same as that of the previous download.
noPollMessageOnDeletionRegistrarIds - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
nordnUploadAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
NordnUploadAction - Class in google.registry.tmch
Action that reads the NORDN pull queues, uploads claims and sunrise marks data to TMCH, and enqueues subsequent upload verification tasks.
nordnVerifyAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
NordnVerifyAction - Class in google.registry.tmch
NORDN CSV uploading system, verify operation.
normalizeRegistrarId(String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.RegistrarUtils
Returns a normalized registrar ID by taking the input and making it lowercase and removing all characters that aren't alphanumeric or hyphens.
normalizeRegistrarName(String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.RegistrarUtils
Strip out anything that isn't a letter or digit, and lowercase.
NOT_AUTHENTICATED - Static variable in record class google.registry.request.auth.AuthResult
No authentication was made.
NOT_STARTED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.TokenStatus
Default status for a token.
NOT_YET_VALID - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.flows.certs.CertificateChecker.CertificateViolation
notAfter - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
notAfter - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreateNoticeType
notAfter - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
NotAuthorizedForTldException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils.NotAuthorizedForTldException
NotAuthorizedToViewTransferException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.exceptions
Registrar is not authorized to view transfer status.
NotAuthorizedToViewTransferException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.exceptions.NotAuthorizedToViewTransferException
notBefore - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
NotFoundException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.NotFoundException
NotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.NotFoundException
notice - Variable in class google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1.Create
notice - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreate
noticeID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreateNoticeType
NoticeIdType() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchNotice.NoticeIdType
NotImplementedException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.NotImplementedException
NotLoggedInException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.FlowUtils.NotLoggedInException
NotModifiedException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.NotModifiedException
NotModifiedException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.NotModifiedException
NotPendingTransferException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.exceptions
The resource does not have a pending transfer.
NotPendingTransferException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.exceptions.NotPendingTransferException
NoTransferHistoryToQueryException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.exceptions
Object has no transfer history.
NoTransferHistoryToQueryException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.exceptions.NoTransferHistoryToQueryException
NotTransferInitiatorException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.exceptions
Registrar is not the initiator of this transfer.
NotTransferInitiatorException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.exceptions.NotTransferInitiatorException
now() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns the value of the now record component.
now() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns the value of the now record component.
nowUtc() - Method in interface google.registry.util.Clock
Returns current time in UTC timezone.
nowUtc() - Method in class google.registry.util.SystemClock
Returns the current time.
ns - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAddRemType
ns - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreate
ns - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
ns - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
NullIgnoringCollectionBuilder<E,B> - Class in google.registry.util
Collection builder that simply ignores requests to add null elements.
nullSafeGet(ResultSet, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.DurationUserType
nullSafeGet(ResultSet, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.AllocationTokenStatusTransitionUserType
nullSafeGet(ResultSet, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.BillingCostTransitionUserType
nullSafeGet(ResultSet, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.CurrencyToStringMapUserType
nullSafeGet(ResultSet, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.FeatureStatusTransitionUserType
nullSafeGet(ResultSet, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.RegistrarToRoleMapUserType
nullSafeGet(ResultSet, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringMapUserType
nullSafeGet(ResultSet, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.TimedTransitionBaseUserType
nullSafeGet(ResultSet, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.TldStateTransitionUserType
nullSafeGet(ResultSet, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringCollectionUserType
nullSafeImmutableCopy(List<V>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Defensive copy helper for List.
nullSafeImmutableCopy(Set<V>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Defensive copy helper for Set.
nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement, C, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringCollectionUserType
nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement, TimedTransitionProperty<AllocationToken.TokenStatus>, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.AllocationTokenStatusTransitionUserType
nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement, TimedTransitionProperty<Money>, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.BillingCostTransitionUserType
nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement, Map<CurrencyUnit, String>, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.CurrencyToStringMapUserType
nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement, TimedTransitionProperty<FeatureFlag.FeatureStatus>, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.FeatureStatusTransitionUserType
nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement, Map<String, RegistrarRole>, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.RegistrarToRoleMapUserType
nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement, Map<String, String>, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringMapUserType
nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement, TimedTransitionProperty<V>, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.TimedTransitionBaseUserType
nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement, TimedTransitionProperty<Tld.TldState>, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.TldStateTransitionUserType
nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement, Duration, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.DurationUserType
nullToEmpty(Multimap<T, U>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Turns a null multimap into an empty multimap.
nullToEmpty(List<T>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Turns a null list into an empty list.
nullToEmpty(Map<T, U>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Turns a null map into an empty map.
nullToEmpty(Set<T>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Turns a null set into an empty set.
nullToEmpty(SortedMap<T, U>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Turns a null sorted map into an empty sorted map..
nullToEmptyImmutableCopy(List<V>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Defensive copy helper for List.
nullToEmptyImmutableCopy(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Defensive copy helper for Map.
nullToEmptyImmutableCopy(Set<V>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Defensive copy helper for Set.
nullToEmptyImmutableCopy(SortedMap<K, V>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Defensive copy helper for SortedMap.
nullToEmptyImmutableSortedCopy(Set<V>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Defensive copy helper for Set.
numResourcesRetrieved() - Method in record class google.registry.rdap.RdapResultSet
Returns the value of the numResourcesRetrieved record component.
numResults() - Method in record class google.registry.whois.WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric
Returns the value of the numResults record component.
numResults() - Method in record class google.registry.whois.WhoisResponse.WhoisResponseResults
Returns the value of the numResults record component.


oauthClientId - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Auth
oauthClientId - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig
object - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
object - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12ObjectCDType
Object() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType.Object
Object() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12ObjectCDType.Object
OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
OBJECT_EXISTS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
OBJECT_NOT_PENDING_TRANSFER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
OBJECT_PENDING_TRANSFER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
ObjectAlreadyExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.ObjectAlreadyExistsException
ObjectAlreadySponsoredException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.exceptions
Registrar already sponsors the object of this transfer request.
ObjectAlreadySponsoredException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.exceptions.ObjectAlreadySponsoredException
ObjectDoesNotExistException(Class<?>, ImmutableSet<String>) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.ObjectDoesNotExistException
ObjectDoesNotExistException(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.ObjectDoesNotExistException
ObjectFactory - Class in google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1 package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.params.xml.ns.bulktoken_1
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.params.xml.ns.bulktoken_1 package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.params.xml.ns.metadata_1
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.params.xml.ns.metadata_1 package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1 package.
ObjectFactory - Class in
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.domain package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.dsig package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.epp package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.eppcom
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.eppcom package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.fee06 package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee11
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.fee11 package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee12
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.fee12 package.
ObjectFactory - Class in
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.iirdea
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.iirdea package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.launch package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.mark
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.mark package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.rde
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rde package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdecontact
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rdecontact package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdedomain
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rdedomain package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdeheader
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rdeheader package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdehost
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rdehost package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdeidn
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rdeidn package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdenndn
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rdenndn package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdenotification
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rdenotification package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdereport
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rdereport package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.rgp
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rgp package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.secdns
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.secdns package.
ObjectFactory - Class in google.registry.xjc.smd
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.smd package.
ObjectFactory - Class in ietf.params.xml.ns.allocationtoken_1
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the ietf.params.xml.ns.allocationtoken_1 package.
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.params.xml.ns.bulktoken_1.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.params.xml.ns.bulktoken_1
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.params.xml.ns.metadata_1.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.params.xml.ns.metadata_1
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package:
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.domain
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.dsig
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.epp
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.eppcom
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.fee06
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.fee11
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.fee12
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package:
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.iirdea
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.launch
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.mark.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.mark
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rde.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.rde
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.rdecontact
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.rdedomain
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdeheader.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.rdeheader
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.rdehost
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.rdeidn
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.rdenndn
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.rdenotification
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.rdereport
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rgp.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.rgp
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.secdns.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.secdns
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.smd.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: google.registry.xjc.smd
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class ietf.params.xml.ns.allocationtoken_1.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: ietf.params.xml.ns.allocationtoken_1
ObjectNotPendingTransferException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.ObjectNotPendingTransferException
ObjectPendingTransferException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.ObjectPendingTransferException
objects - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignature
objURIs - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginSvcType
objURIs - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppSvcMenuType
objURIs - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeMenuType
objURIs - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.XjcRdeEppParams
of() - Static method in class google.registry.rde.PendingDeposit.PendingDepositCoder
of(String, String, UnblockableDomain.Reason) - Static method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomain
OidcTokenAuthenticationMechanism - Class in google.registry.request.auth
An authentication mechanism that verifies the OIDC token.
OidcTokenAuthenticationMechanism(ImmutableSet<String>, OidcTokenAuthenticationMechanism.TokenExtractor, OidcTokenAuthenticationMechanism.TokenVerifier) - Constructor for class google.registry.request.auth.OidcTokenAuthenticationMechanism
OidcTokenAuthenticationMechanism.TokenExtractor - Interface in google.registry.request.auth
OidcTokenAuthenticationMechanism.TokenVerifier - Interface in google.registry.request.auth
OidcTokenUtils - Class in google.registry.util
OK - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
A status for a resource that has no other statuses.
OK - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog.Result.Outcome
OK - Enum constant in enum class
OK - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
OK - Enum constant in enum class
OK - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarStatusType
OLD_UNLOCK_REVISION_ID_PARAM - Static variable in class google.registry.batch.RelockDomainAction
oldPassword() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleEppPasswordAction.EppPasswordData
Returns the value of the oldPassword record component.
ONBOARD_ADDITIONAL_PROGRAMS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Onboarding the registrar(s) to extra programs like registry locking.
onClose() - Method in class google.registry.util.ImprovedInputStream
Overridable method that's called by ImprovedInputStream.close().
onClose() - Method in class google.registry.util.ImprovedOutputStream
Overridable method that's called by ImprovedOutputStream.close().
OneTime() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.OneTime
OnlyToolCanPassMetadataException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.exceptions
Only a tool can pass a metadata extension.
OnlyToolCanPassMetadataException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.exceptions.OnlyToolCanPassMetadataException
op - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppPollType
op - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTransferType
op - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpRestoreType
OPEN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchPhaseTypeValue
OPEN - Static variable in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchPhase
A post-launch phase that is also referred to as "steady state".
openInputStream(BlobId) - Method in class google.registry.gcs.GcsUtils
Opens a GCS file for reading as an InputStream.
openOutputStream(BlobId) - Method in class google.registry.gcs.GcsUtils
Opens a GCS file for writing as an OutputStream, overwriting existing files.
openOutputStream(BlobId, ImmutableMap<String, String>) - Method in class google.registry.gcs.GcsUtils
Opens a GCS file for writing as an OutputStream, overwriting existing files and setting the given metadata.
OptionalDurationSerializer() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.OptionalDurationSerializer
OptionalDurationSerializer(Class<Optional<Duration>>) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.OptionalDurationSerializer
OptionalIntervalParameter - Class in
Optional wrapper for IntervalParameter.
OptionalIntervalParameter() - Constructor for class
OptionalJsonPayload - Annotation Interface in google.registry.request
Dagger qualifier for the HTTP request payload as parsed JSON wrapped in Optional.
OptionalLongParameter - Class in
Optional wrapper for LongParameter.
OptionalLongParameter() - Constructor for class
OptionalParameterConverterValidator<T,C> - Class in
Class for parameters that can handle special string "null" or empty values to indicate a desire to pass an empty value (i.e.
OptionalParameterConverterValidator() - Constructor for class
OptionalPhoneNumberParameter - Class in
Optional wrapper for PhoneNumberParameter.
OptionalPhoneNumberParameter() - Constructor for class
OptionalStringParameter - Class in
Optional wrapper for StringParameter.
OptionalStringParameter() - Constructor for class
OptionalStringSerializer() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.OptionalStringSerializer
OptionalStringSerializer(Class<Optional<String>>) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.OptionalStringSerializer
options - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginType
Options() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Options
orderBy - Variable in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer
orderBy(String) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer
Order the query results by the value of the specified field.
orderByAsc(String) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.CriteriaQueryBuilder
Orders the result by the given field ascending.
orderByDesc(String) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.CriteriaQueryBuilder
Orders the result by the given field descending.
orderId() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockOrder
Returns the value of the orderId record component.
orderStatusUrl - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Bsa
orderType() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockOrder
Returns the value of the orderType record component.
org - Variable in class
org - Variable in class
org - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
org - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
org - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdIssuerInfo
ORG - Static variable in class
ORG - Static variable in class
Listed by .contactcreate.
orgs - Variable in class
originalName - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
originalName - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndn
OTE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Type
A registrar account used by a real third-party registrar undergoing operational testing and evaluation.
OteAccountBuilder - Class in google.registry.model
Class to help build and persist all the OT&E entities in the database.
OteCreateData(String, String) - Constructor for record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleOteAction.OteCreateData
Creates an instance of a OteCreateData record class.
OteStats - Class in google.registry.model
Represents stats derived from HistoryEntry objects on actions taken by registrars.
OteStats.StatType - Enum Class in google.registry.model
Enum defining the distinct statistics (types of registrar actions) to record.
other - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpAccessType
other - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpPurposeType
other - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRecipientType
other - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
ours - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRecipientType
outboundMessage() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.ProbingAction
OutboundMessageType instance that we write and flush down pipeline to server
OutboundMessageType - Interface in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message
Marker Interface that is implemented by all classes that serve as outboundMessages in channel pipeline
outgoingEmailAddress - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.GSuite
outgoingEmailDisplayName - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.GSuite
OutputDirectory() - Constructor for class
OutputFile() - Constructor for class
overlay(PostalInfo) - Method in class
overlay(T) - Method in interface google.registry.model.Buildable.Overlayable
Return an overlay of this object using non-null fields from the source.
overlayInternationalizedPostalInfo(PostalInfo) - Method in class
overlayLocalizedPostalInfo(PostalInfo) - Method in class
overrideIsEppResourceCachingEnabledForTesting(boolean) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig
overwrite(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection.DestinationTable.Builder
OWNER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.groups.GroupsConnection.Role
OWNER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.auth.AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor.Role
OWNER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactTypeType
OWNER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkEntitlementType


p - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
P_CSRF_TOKEN - Static variable in class
POST parameter used for transmitting XSRF tokens.
P12_FILE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.networking.module.CertificateSupplierModule.Mode
PACKAGE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.TokenType
paDate - Variable in class
paDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPanData
paDate - Variable in class
PARAM_ADVANCE_CURSOR - Static variable in class google.registry.batch.ExpandBillingRecurrencesAction
PARAM_BATCH_SIZE - Static variable in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
The standardized request parameter name used by any action taking a configurable batch size.
PARAM_CLIENT_ID - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleModule
PARAM_CUTOFF_TIME - Static variable in class google.registry.batch.WipeOutContactHistoryPiiAction
PARAM_DATE - Static variable in class google.registry.reporting.ReportingModule
The request parameter name used by reporting actions that take a local date as a parameter, which defaults to the current date.
PARAM_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class google.registry.rde.RdeModule
PARAM_DNS_JITTER_SECONDS - Static variable in class google.registry.dns.DnsModule
PARAM_DNS_WRITER - Static variable in class google.registry.dns.DnsModule
PARAM_DOMAINS - Static variable in class google.registry.dns.DnsModule
PARAM_DRY_RUN - Static variable in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
The standardized request parameter name used by any action in dry run mode.
PARAM_END_TIME - Static variable in class google.registry.batch.ExpandBillingRecurrencesAction
PARAM_FAST - Static variable in class google.registry.batch.BatchModule
PARAM_HOST_KEY - Static variable in class google.registry.dns.RefreshDnsOnHostRenameAction
PARAM_HOSTS - Static variable in class google.registry.dns.DnsModule
PARAM_JOB_ID - Static variable in class google.registry.reporting.ReportingModule
The request parameter specifying the jobId for a running Dataflow pipeline.
PARAM_LENIENT - Static variable in class google.registry.rde.RdeModule
PARAM_LOCK_INDEX - Static variable in class google.registry.dns.DnsModule
PARAM_MANUAL - Static variable in class google.registry.rde.RdeModule
PARAM_MODE - Static variable in class google.registry.rde.RdeModule
PARAM_NUM_PUBLISH_LOCKS - Static variable in class google.registry.dns.DnsModule
PARAM_PREFIX - Static variable in class google.registry.rde.RdeModule
PARAM_PUBLISH_TASK_ENQUEUED - Static variable in class google.registry.dns.DnsModule
PARAM_REFRESH_REQUEST_TIME - Static variable in class google.registry.dns.DnsModule
PARAM_REQUESTED_TIME - Static variable in class google.registry.batch.AsyncTaskEnqueuer
PARAM_RESAVE_TIMES - Static variable in class google.registry.batch.AsyncTaskEnqueuer
PARAM_RESOURCE_KEY - Static variable in class google.registry.batch.AsyncTaskEnqueuer
The HTTP parameter names used by async flows.
PARAM_REVISION - Static variable in class google.registry.rde.RdeModule
PARAM_START_TIME - Static variable in class google.registry.batch.ExpandBillingRecurrencesAction
PARAM_TLD - Static variable in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
The standardized request parameter name used by any action taking a tld parameter.
PARAM_TLDS - Static variable in class google.registry.request.RequestParameters
The standardized request parameter name used by any action taking multiple tld parameters.
PARAM_WATERMARK - Static variable in class google.registry.rde.RdeModule
PARAM_WATERMARKS - Static variable in class google.registry.rde.RdeModule
PARAM_YEAR_MONTH - Static variable in class google.registry.reporting.ReportingModule
The request parameter name used by reporting actions that takes a year/month parameter, which defaults to the last month.
Parameter - Annotation Interface in google.registry.request
Dagger qualifier for HTTP parameters.
PARAMETER_VALUE_POLICY_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
PARAMETER_VALUE_RANGE_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
PARAMETER_VALUE_SYNTAX_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
ParameterConverterValidator<T> - Class in
Base class for parameters that do both conversion and validation (reduces boilerplate).
ParameterFactory - Class in
JCommander converter factory that works for non-internal converters.
ParameterFactory() - Constructor for class
ParameterMap - Annotation Interface in google.registry.request
Dagger qualifier for ImmutableListMultimap of HTTP params.
Parameters Reference - Search tag in class google.registry.cron.TldFanoutAction
ParameterValuePolicyErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.ParameterValuePolicyErrorException
ParameterValueRangeErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.ParameterValueRangeErrorException
ParameterValueSyntaxErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.ParameterValueSyntaxErrorException
paResult - Variable in class
paResult - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPaNameType
paResult - Variable in class
parse(Class<T>, String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.SerializeUtils
Turns a string encoded by stringify() into an object.
parse(Iterable<String>) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.BaseDomainLabelList
Turns the list CSV data into a map of labels to parsed data of type R.
parse(List<String>) - Static method in class google.registry.tmch.ClaimsListParser
Converts the lines from the DNL CSV file into a ClaimsList object.
parse(List<String>) - Static method in class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog
Turns lines of NORDN log returned by MarksDB into a data structure.
parse(List<String>) - Static method in class google.registry.tmch.SmdrlCsvParser
Converts the lines from the DNL CSV file into a data structure.
parseDateTime(String) - Static method in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
parseDescriptionForTypes() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee
Parses the description field and returns BaseFee.FeeTypes that match the description.
parseKey(String) - Method in class
parseKey(String) - Method in class
Override to define how to parse rawKey into an object of type K.
parseKey(String) - Method in class
parseKey(String) - Method in class
parseKey(String) - Method in class
parseKey(String) - Method in class
parseKnownCommand(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName
parsePollMessageExternalId(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessageExternalKeyConverter
Returns a VKey to a PollMessage corresponding with the external ID.
parseToPremiumList(String, CurrencyUnit, List<String>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumListUtils
parseValue(String) - Method in class
parseValue(String) - Method in class
Override to define how to parse rawValue into an object of type V.
parseValue(String) - Method in class
parseValue(String) - Method in class
parseValue(String) - Method in class
parseValue(String) - Method in class
parseValue(String) - Method in class
parseValue(String) - Method in class
parseValue(String) - Method in class
partitionMap(Map<K, V>, int) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Partitions a Map into a Collection of Maps, each of max size n.
password() - Method in record class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlCredential
Returns the value of the password record component.
password() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleRegistryLockAction.ConsoleRegistryLockPostInput
Returns the value of the password record component.
password() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleUsersAction.UserData
Returns the value of the password record component.
PASSWORD - Static variable in class
PASSWORD - Static variable in class
Listed by .contactcreate.
PASSWORD - Static variable in class
PASSWORD - Static variable in class
Listed by .createanchortenant.
PASSWORD - Static variable in class
PASSWORD - Static variable in class
Listed by .domaincreate.
PASSWORD - Static variable in class
PASSWORD - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
PASSWORD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormFields
Form field for passwords (see pwType in epp.xsd).
PASSWORD_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
PasswordAuth() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppcommon.AuthInfo.PasswordAuth
PasswordOnlyTransportCredentials - Class in google.registry.flows
A transport credentials that validates the registrar's EPP password and nothing else.
PasswordOnlyTransportCredentials() - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.PasswordOnlyTransportCredentials
PasswordUtils - Class in google.registry.util
Common utility class to handle password hashing and salting /*
path() - Element in annotation interface google.registry.request.Action
HTTP path to serve the action from.
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.batch.CheckBulkComplianceAction
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.batch.DeleteExpiredDomainsAction
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.batch.RelockDomainAction
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.batch.ResaveEntityAction
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.batch.SendExpiringCertificateNotificationEmailAction
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.batch.WipeOutContactHistoryPiiAction
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.dns.PublishDnsUpdatesAction
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.dns.RefreshDnsOnHostRenameAction
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.export.sheet.SyncRegistrarsSheetAction
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.flows.EppToolAction
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.loadtest.LoadTestAction
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.rdap.RdapNameserverSearchAction
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.rde.BrdaCopyAction
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.rde.RdeStagingAction
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.rde.RdeUploadAction
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.reporting.billing.CopyDetailReportsAction
PATH - Static variable in class
PATH - Static variable in class
PATH - Static variable in class
PATH - Static variable in class
PATH - Static variable in class
PATH - Static variable in class
PATH - Static variable in class
PATH - Static variable in class
PATH - Static variable in class
PATH - Static variable in class
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleDomainGetAction
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleDomainListAction
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleDumDownloadAction
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleEppPasswordAction
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleUserDataAction
PATH - Static variable in class
PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.whois.WhoisHttpAction
Patharg Reference - Search tag in class google.registry.cron.TldFanoutAction
PathParameter - Class in
Filesystem path CLI parameter converter/validator.
PathParameter() - Constructor for class
PathParameter.InputFile - Class in
PathParameter when you want an input file that must exist.
PathParameter.OutputDirectory - Class in
PathParameter when you want an output directory parameter.
PathParameter.OutputFile - Class in
PathParameter when you want an output file parameter.
paTRID - Variable in class
paTRID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPanData
paTRID - Variable in class
Payload - Annotation Interface in google.registry.request
Dagger qualifier for the HTTP request payload.
pc - Variable in class
pc - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkAddrType
pc - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarAddrType
PDT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Type
A registrar used for predelegation testing.
PDT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.TldState
A "fake" state for use in predelegation testing.
PDT - Enum constant in enum class
peekWatermark(BufferedInputStream) - Static method in class google.registry.rde.RdeUtils
Look at some bytes from xmlInput to ensure it appears to be a FULL XML deposit and then use a regular expression to extract the watermark timestamp which is returned.
PEM_FILE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.networking.module.CertificateSupplierModule.Mode
The certificate chain and the private key are stored in a single PEM file.
PENDING - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.State
This registrar is provisioned but not yet active, and cannot log in.
PENDING - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferStatus
PENDING - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomTrStatusType
PENDING_ALLOCATION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusValueType
PENDING_CREATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
A status for a resource undergoing asynchronous creation.
PENDING_CREATE - Enum constant in enum class
PENDING_CREATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
PENDING_CREATE - Enum constant in enum class
PENDING_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.GracePeriodStatus
This status value is used to describe a domain that has entered the purge processing state after completing the redemptionPeriod state.
PENDING_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
A status for a resource indicating that deletion has been requested but has not yet happened.
PENDING_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class
PENDING_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
PENDING_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class
PENDING_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusValueType
PENDING_DEPOSIT - Static variable in class google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipeline.TupleTags
PENDING_RENEW - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
PENDING_RESTORE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.GracePeriodStatus
This status value is used to describe a domain that is in the process of being restored after being in the redemptionPeriod state.
PENDING_RESTORE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusValueType
PENDING_TRANSFER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
A status for a resource with an unresolved transfer request.
PENDING_TRANSFER - Enum constant in enum class
PENDING_TRANSFER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
PENDING_TRANSFER - Enum constant in enum class
PENDING_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
A status for a resource undergoing an asynchronous update.
PENDING_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class
PENDING_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
PENDING_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class
PENDING_VALIDATION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusValueType
PendingActionNotificationResponse - Class in google.registry.model.poll
The EppResponse.ResponseData returned when completing a pending action on a domain.
PendingActionNotificationResponse() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.poll.PendingActionNotificationResponse
PendingActionNotificationResponse.ContactPendingActionNotificationResponse - Class in google.registry.model.poll
An adapter to output the XML in response to resolving a pending command on a contact.
PendingActionNotificationResponse.DomainPendingActionNotificationResponse - Class in google.registry.model.poll
An adapter to output the XML in response to resolving a pending command on a domain.
PendingActionNotificationResponse.HostPendingActionNotificationResponse - Class in google.registry.model.poll
An adapter to output the XML in response to resolving a pending command on a host.
pendingDeleteDays - Variable in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.DomainDelete
PendingDeposit - Record Class in google.registry.rde
Container representing a single RDE or BRDA XML escrow deposit that needs to be created.
PendingDeposit(boolean, String, String, RdeMode, Cursor.CursorType, String, String, Integer) - Constructor for record class google.registry.rde.PendingDeposit
Creates an instance of a PendingDeposit record class.
PendingDeposit.PendingDepositCoder - Class in google.registry.rde
A deterministic coder for PendingDeposit used during a GroupBy transform.
PendingDepositChecker - Class in google.registry.rde
Utility class that determines which RDE or BRDA deposits need to be created.
Pending Deposits - Search tag in class google.registry.rde.RdeStagingAction
period - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreate
period - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainRenew
period - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTransfer
period - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCDType
period - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCheckType
period - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06InfData
period - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Info
period - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TrnData
period - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Check
period - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
period - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TrnData
period - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
period - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCheckType
period - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TrnData
Period - Class in google.registry.model.domain
The "periodType" from RFC5731.
Period() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.Period
PERIOD - Static variable in class
PERIOD - Static variable in class
Listed by .createanchortenant.
PERIOD - Static variable in class
PERIOD - Static variable in class
Listed by .domaincreate.
PERIOD - Static variable in class
Listed by .renewdomain.
PERIOD - Static variable in class
Period.Unit - Enum Class in google.registry.model.domain
The unit enum.
PeriodAdapter - Class in google.registry.xml
Adapter to use Joda Period when marshalling XML.
PeriodAdapter() - Constructor for class google.registry.xml.PeriodAdapter
PeriodType - Class in google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1
Java class for periodType complex type
PeriodType() - Constructor for class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.PeriodType
PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME - Static variable in class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule
PersistenceComponent - Interface in google.registry.persistence
Dagger component to provide EntityManagerFactory instances.
PersistenceModule - Class in google.registry.persistence
Dagger module class for the persistence layer.
PersistenceModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule
PersistenceModule.BeamJpaTm - Annotation Interface in google.registry.persistence
Dagger qualifier for JpaTransactionManager used inside BEAM pipelines.
PersistenceModule.BeamReadOnlyReplicaJpaTm - Annotation Interface in google.registry.persistence
Dagger qualifier for JpaTransactionManager used inside BEAM pipelines that uses the read-only Postgres replica if one is configured (otherwise it uses the standard DB).
PersistenceModule.DefaultHibernateConfigs - Annotation Interface in google.registry.persistence
Dagger qualifier for the default Hibernate configurations.
PersistenceModule.JpaTransactionManagerType - Enum Class in google.registry.persistence
PersistenceModule.NomulusToolJpaTm - Annotation Interface in google.registry.persistence
Dagger qualifier for JpaTransactionManager used for Nomulus tool.
PersistenceModule.ReadOnlyReplicaJpaTm - Annotation Interface in google.registry.persistence
Dagger qualifier for JpaTransactionManager that uses the read-only Postgres replica if one is configured (otherwise it uses the standard DB).
PersistenceModule.SchemaManagerConnection - Annotation Interface in google.registry.persistence
Dagger qualifier for JDBC Connection with schema management privilege.
PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel - Enum Class in google.registry.persistence
Transaction isolation levels supported by Cloud SQL (mysql and postgresql).
PersistenceXmlUtility - Class in google.registry.persistence
Utility class that provides methods to manipulate persistence.xml file.
Persistent(String, String) - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token.EppToken.Persistent
persistentConnection() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.Protocol
Boolean that notes if connection associated with Protocol is persistent.
persistEntityChanges(EntityChanges) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.FlowUtils
Persists the saves and deletes in an EntityChanges to the DB.
personal - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpAccessType
personalAndOther - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpAccessType
pgenCounter - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
PgpHelper - Class in google.registry.keyring.api
Helper functions for extracting PGP keys from their keyrings.
PgpHelper() - Constructor for class google.registry.keyring.api.PgpHelper
PgpHelper.KeyRequirement - Enum Class in google.registry.keyring.api
Narrowed key search requirements.
pgpKeyID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigPGPData
pgpKeyPacket - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigPGPData
phase - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06CommandType
phase - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11CommandType
phase - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
phase - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCheckType
phase - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCheck
phase - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchChkData
phase - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreate
phase - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchIdContainerType
phase - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfData
phase - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfo
PHONE - Static variable in class
PHONE - Static variable in class
Listed by .contactcreate.
PHONE_AND_EMAIL_VISIBLE_IN_DOMAIN_WHOIS_AS_ABUSE_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
PHONE_NUMBER - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormFields
Form field for +E164 phone numbers with a dot after the country prefix.
PHONE_NUMBER_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
PHONE_PASSCODE_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
PHONE_PASSCODE_PATTERN - Static variable in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
Regex for telephone support passcode (5 digit string).
PhoneNumber - Class in google.registry.model.eppcommon
Container for generic E164 phone number.
PhoneNumber() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppcommon.PhoneNumber
PhoneNumber.Builder<T> - Class in google.registry.model.eppcommon
A builder for constructing PhoneNumber.
PhoneNumberParameter - Class in
Phone number CLI parameter converter/validator.
PhoneNumberParameter() - Constructor for class
pickUnusedPort() - Static method in class google.registry.util.NetworkUtils
Returns random unused local port that can be used for TCP listening server.
PILOT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule.TmchCaMode
Pilot mode, for everything else (e.g.
plainTextOutput() - Method in record class google.registry.whois.WhoisResponse.WhoisResponseResults
Returns the value of the plainTextOutput record component.
poll - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Poll() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Poll
pollAckFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
PollAckFlow - Class in google.registry.flows.poll
An EPP flow for acknowledging PollMessages.
PollAckFlow.MessageDoesNotExistException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.poll
Message with this id does not exist.
PollFlowUtils - Class in google.registry.flows.poll
Static utility functions for poll flows.
PollMessage - Class in google.registry.model.poll
A poll message that is pending for a registrar.
PollMessage() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage
PollMessage.Autorenew - Class in google.registry.model.poll
An autorenew poll message which recurs annually.
PollMessage.Autorenew.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.poll
A builder for PollMessage.Autorenew since it is immutable.
PollMessage.Builder<T,B> - Class in google.registry.model.poll
Builder for PollMessage because it is immutable.
PollMessage.OneTime - Class in google.registry.model.poll
A one-time poll message.
PollMessage.OneTime.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.poll
A builder for PollMessage.OneTime since it is immutable.
PollMessage.Type - Enum Class in google.registry.model.poll
Indicates the type of entity the poll message is for.
PollMessageExternalKeyConverter - Class in google.registry.model.poll
A converter between external key strings for PollMessages (i.e.
PollMessageExternalKeyConverter.PollMessageExternalKeyParseException - Exception Class in google.registry.model.poll
An exception thrown when an external key cannot be parsed.
PollMessageExternalKeyParseException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessageExternalKeyConverter.PollMessageExternalKeyParseException
pollRequestFlow() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
PollRequestFlow - Class in google.registry.flows.poll
An EPP flow for requesting PollMessages.
poNumber() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.billing.BillingEvent
Returns the value of the poNumber record component.
port - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Epp
port - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.HealthCheck
port - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.HttpsRelay
port - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Whois
port() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.Protocol
port() - Method in interface google.registry.proxy.Protocol
Port to bind to (for Protocol.FrontendProtocol) or to connect to (for Protocol.BackendProtocol).
port(int) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.Protocol.Builder
PosixTarHeader - Class in google.registry.util
POSIX Tar Header.
PosixTarHeader.Builder - Class in google.registry.util
Builder for PosixTarHeader.
PosixTarHeader.Type - Enum Class in google.registry.util
Type of file stored in the archive.
POST - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.Action.Method
PostalInfo - Class in
Implementation of both "postalInfoType" and "chgPostalInfoType" from RFC5733.
PostalInfo() - Constructor for class
PostalInfo.Builder - Class in
A builder for constructing PostalInfo, since its changes get overlayed.
PostalInfo.Type - Enum Class in
The type of the address, either localized or international.
PostalInfoChoice() - Constructor for class
PostalInfoChoiceListUserType - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
Hibernate custom type for List of Disclose.PostalInfoChoice.
PostalInfoChoiceListUserType() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.PostalInfoChoiceListUserType
postalInfos - Variable in class
postalInfos - Variable in class
postalInfos - Variable in class
postalInfos - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
postalInfos - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
postBatchExecute() - Method in class
Performs any execution step after each batch.
postData - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
postExecute() - Method in class
Perform any post-execution steps (e.g.
POSTGRES - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlUser.RobotId
The Postgres admin account.
postHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction
postHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleEppPasswordAction
postHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleOteAction
postHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleRegistryLockAction
postHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleUpdateRegistrarAction
postHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleUsersAction
postHandler(User) - Method in class
postHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.RegistrarsAction
postHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.settings.ContactAction
postHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.settings.SecurityAction
postHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.settings.WhoisRegistrarFieldsAction
postLoad() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.Domain
Post-load method to eager load the collections.
postLoad() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainHistory
postLoad() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
postProcess() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address
postProcess() - Method in interface
POTENTIALLY_HARMFUL_APPLICATION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch.ThreatType
PreconditionsUtils - Class in google.registry.util
Utility methods related to preconditions checking.
PreconditionsUtils() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.PreconditionsUtils
preData - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
PREDELEGATION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.TldState
The state of not yet being delegated to this TLD in the root zone by IANA.
predicate(Expression<U>, U) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.CriteriaQueryBuilder.WhereOperator
predicates - Variable in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer
PredicateUtils - Class in google.registry.util
Utility class containing Predicate methods.
PredicateUtils() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.PredicateUtils
PREMIUM - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Tier
PremiumEntry() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumList.PremiumEntry
PremiumList - Class in google.registry.model.tld.label
A premium list entity that is used to check domain label prices.
PremiumList() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumList
PremiumList.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.tld.label
A builder for constructing PremiumList objects, since they are immutable.
PremiumList.PremiumEntry - Class in google.registry.model.tld.label
A premium list entry entity, persisted to Cloud SQL.
PremiumList.PremiumEntry.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.tld.label
A builder for constructing PremiumList.PremiumEntry objects, since they are immutable.
PremiumListDao - Class in google.registry.model.tld.label
Data access object class for accessing PremiumList objects from Cloud SQL.
PremiumListUtils - Class in google.registry.model.tld.label
Static utility methods for PremiumList.
PremiumPricingEngine - Interface in google.registry.model.pricing
A plugin interface for premium pricing engines.
PremiumPricingEngine.DomainPrices - Class in google.registry.model.pricing
A class containing information on premium prices for a specific domain name.
premiumTermsExportDisclaimer - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
prepareForQuery(YearMonth) - Method in class google.registry.reporting.icann.CloudDnsCountQueryCoordinator
prepareForQuery(YearMonth) - Method in class google.registry.reporting.icann.DummyDnsCountQueryCoordinator
PresenceMarker - Class in google.registry.model.eppcommon
Used as the value of a tag that is present in the XML but has no children or value.
PresenceMarker() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppcommon.PresenceMarker
prettyPrint(byte[]) - Static method in class google.registry.xml.XmlTransformer
Pretty print XML bytes.
prettyPrint(String) - Static method in class google.registry.xml.XmlTransformer
Pretty print XML.
prettyPrintDiffedMap(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.DiffUtils
Recursively pretty prints the contents of a diffed map generated by DiffUtils.deepDiff(java.util.Map<?, ?>, java.util.Map<?, ?>, boolean).
prettyPrintEntityDeepDiff(Map<?, ?>, Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.DiffUtils
Pretty-prints a deep diff between two maps that represent entities.
prettyPrintXmlDeepDiff(Map<?, ?>, Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.DiffUtils
Pretty-prints a deep diff between two maps that represent XML documents.
prevId - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
PREVIOUS_ATTEMPTS_PARAM - Static variable in class google.registry.batch.RelockDomainAction
prevRefreshTime() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.RefreshSchedule
Returns the value of the prevRefreshTime record component.
PRICE - Static variable in class
PRICE - Static variable in class
Listed by .domaincreate.
PricingEngineProxy - Class in google.registry.pricing
A global proxy providing static methods for getting premium prices that dispatches requests correctly to the relevant PremiumPricingEngine implementation per TLD.
PricingModule - Class in google.registry.pricing
Dagger module for injecting pricing engines.
PricingModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.pricing.PricingModule
PRIMARY - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.batch.SendExpiringCertificateNotificationEmailAction.CertificateType
PRIMARY_CONTACT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarRole
The user is the primary contact at a registrar.
PRINT_HEADER_ROW_PARAM - Static variable in class
printStream - Variable in class
Prober - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox
Main class of the Prober, which obtains and starts the ProbingSequences provided by Dagger.
Prober() - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.Prober
ProberModule - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox
Dagger main module, which Provides all objects that are shared between sequences and stores ProberModule.ProberComponent, which allows main Prober class to obtain each ProbingSequence.
ProberModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProberModule
ProberModule.ProberComponent - Interface in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox
Root level Component that provides each ProbingSequence.
ProbingAction - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection
AutoValue class that represents action generated by ProbingStep
ProbingAction() - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.ProbingAction
ProbingAction.Builder - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection
AutoValue.Builder that does work of creating connection when not already present.
ProbingSequence - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox
Represents Sequence of ProbingSteps that the Prober performs in order.
ProbingSequence.Builder - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox
Turns ProbingStep.Builders into fully self-dependent sequence with supplied Bootstrap.
ProbingStep - Record Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox
AutoValue class that represents generator of actions performed at each step in ProbingSequence.
ProbingStep(Duration, Protocol, OutboundMessageType, Bootstrap) - Constructor for record class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingStep
Creates an instance of a ProbingStep record class.
ProbingStep.Builder - Interface in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox
Builder for ProbingStep.
process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class google.registry.processors.VKeyProcessor
Processing DepositFragment - Search tag in class google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipeline
processMap(ImmutableMap<K, V>) - Method in class
Override to perform any post-processing on the map.
processMap(ImmutableMap<DateTime, V>) - Method in class
processResourcePostLoad() - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
proDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
proDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
PRODUCTION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule.TmchCaMode
Production mode, suitable for live environments hosting TLDs.
PRODUCTION - Enum constant in enum class
PRODUCTION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.ui.ConsoleDebug
Use compiled CSS and JS.
PRODUCTION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.util.RegistryEnvironment
Production environment.
PRODUCTION_IMPL - Static variable in interface google.registry.util.SystemPropertySetter
Production implementation of SystemPropertySetter.
productName - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
projectId - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.GcpProject
projectId - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig
projectIdNumber - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.GcpProject
projectResourceOntoBuilderAtTime(E, B, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.EppResourceUtils
Perform common operations for projecting an EppResource at a given time: Process an automatic transfer.
prompt() - Method in class
Returns the optional extra confirmation prompt for the command.
prompt() - Method in class
prompt() - Method in class
prompt() - Method in class
prompt() - Method in class
prompt() - Method in class
prompt() - Method in class
prompt() - Method in class
Returns the changes that have been staged thus far.
prompt() - Method in class
propagate(String) - Method in exception class google.registry.ui.forms.FormFieldException
Returns self with name prepended, for propagating exceptions up the stack.
PROPERTY - Static variable in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryPipelineWorkerInitializer
PROPERTY_JOINER - Static variable in class google.registry.bsa.BsaStringUtils
PROPERTY_SPLITTER - Static variable in class google.registry.bsa.BsaStringUtils
ProtectedMark - Class in google.registry.model.mark
Common fields for CourtMark and TreatyOrStatuteMark.
ProtectedMark() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.mark.ProtectedMark
protections - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
protocol - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsKeyDataType
protocol() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.ProbingAction
The Protocol instance that specifies type of connection
protocol() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingStep
Returns the value of the protocol record component.
Protocol - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection
AutoValue class that stores all unchanged variables necessary for type of connection.
Protocol - Interface in google.registry.proxy
Value class that encapsulates parameters of a specific connection.
Protocol() - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.Protocol
PROTOCOL_KEY - Static variable in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.Protocol
AttributeKey that lets channel reference Protocol that created it.
PROTOCOL_KEY - Static variable in interface google.registry.proxy.Protocol
Key used to retrieve the Protocol from a Channel's Attribute.
Protocol.BackendProtocol - Class in google.registry.proxy
Connection parameters for a connection from the proxy to the GAE app.
Protocol.BackendProtocol.Builder - Class in google.registry.proxy
Protocol.Builder - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection
Default AutoValue.Builder for Protocol.
Protocol.Builder<B,P> - Class in google.registry.proxy
Generic builder enabling chaining for concrete implementations.
Protocol.FrontendProtocol - Class in google.registry.proxy
Connection parameters for a connection from the client to the proxy.
Protocol.FrontendProtocol.Builder - Class in google.registry.proxy
ProtocolDefinition - Class in google.registry.model.eppcommon
Constants that define the EPP protocol version we support.
ProtocolDefinition() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppcommon.ProtocolDefinition
ProtocolDefinition.ServiceExtension - Enum Class in google.registry.model.eppcommon
Enums repesenting valid service extensions that are recognized by the server.
prov - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpPurposeType
provideAlertRecipientEmailAddress(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the email address we send various alert e-mails to.
provideAllowedEcdsaCurves(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideAllowedServiceAccountEmails(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Provides service account email addresses allowed to authenticate with the app at AuthSettings.AuthLevel.APP level.
provideApplicationDefaultCredential() - Static method in class google.registry.config.CredentialModule
Provides a GoogleCredentialsBundle backed by the application default credential from the Google Cloud Runtime.
provideAuthorizationCodeFlow(JsonFactory, GoogleClientSecrets, ImmutableList<String>, AbstractDataStoreFactory) - Static method in class
provideBase58StringGenerator(SecureRandom) - Static method in class google.registry.util.UtilsModule
provideBase64StringGenerator(SecureRandom) - Static method in class google.registry.util.UtilsModule
provideBaseDomain(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideBeamStagingBucketUrl(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the GCS bucket URL with all staged BEAM flex templates.
provideBillingBucket(String) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns name of the GCS bucket we store invoices and detail reports in.
provideBillingBucketUrl(String) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the URL of the GCS bucket we store invoices and detail reports in.
provideBillingInvoiceOriginUrl(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns origin part of the URL of the billing invoice file
provideBrdaBucket(String) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the Google Cloud Storage bucket for staging BRDA escrow deposits.
provideBrdaDayOfWeek() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the day of the week on which BRDA deposits should be made.
provideBrdaInterval() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Amount of time between BRDA deposits.
provideBsaAddUnblockableDomainsUrls(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Provides the BSA Http endpoint for reporting new unblockable domains.
provideBsaAuthTokenExpiry(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideBsaAuthUrl(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideBsaChecksumAlgorithm(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideBsaDataUrls(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideBsaDownloadInterval(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the desired interval between successive BSA downloads.
provideBsaGcsBucket(String) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideBsaLockLeaseExpiry(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideBsaMaxNopInterval(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the maximum period when a BSA download can be skipped due to the checksum-based equality check with the previous download.
provideBsaOrderStatusUrls(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Provides the BSA Http endpoint for reporting order processing status.
provideBsaRemoveUnblockableDomainsUrls(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Provides the BSA Http endpoint for reporting domains that have become blockable.
provideBsaTxnBatchSize(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideBsaUnavailableNamesGcsBucket(String) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
The GCS bucket for exporting lists of unavailable names for the BSA.
provideBsaUploadUnavailableDomainsUrl(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideBsaValidationMaxStaleness(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideBulkDomainAction(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleModule
provideBulkPricingPackageCreateLimitEmailBody(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideBulkPricingPackageCreateLimitEmailSubject(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideBulkPricingPackageDomainLimitUpgradeEmailBody(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideBulkPricingPackageDomainLimitUpgradeEmailSubject(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideBulkPricingPackageDomainLimitWarningEmailBody(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideBulkPricingPackageDomainLimitWarningEmailSubject(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideCheckpointTime(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleModule
provideClientSecrets(String, String, GoogleClientSecrets.Details) - Static method in class
provideCloudSqlDbInstance(String) - Static method in class google.registry.keyring.KeyringModule
provideCloudSqlInstanceConnectionName(Keyring) - Static method in class google.registry.keyring.KeyringModule
provideCloudSqlJdbcUrl(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideCloudSqlReplicaInstanceConnectionName(Keyring) - Static method in class google.registry.keyring.KeyringModule
provideCloudTasksClientSupplier(GoogleCredentialsBundle) - Static method in class google.registry.config.CloudTasksUtilsModule
provideContactAndHostRoidSuffix(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the roid suffix to be used for the roids of all contacts and hosts.
provideContactAutomaticTransferLength(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
The global automatic transfer length for contacts.
provideContacts(Gson, Optional<JsonElement>) - Static method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleModule
provideCustomLogicFactoryClass(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideDatabaseRetention() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the length of time before commit logs should be deleted from the database.
provideDataStoreFactory() - Static method in class
provideDefaultDatabaseConfigs() - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule
provideDefaultJobRegion(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the default job region to run Apache Beam (Cloud Dataflow) jobs in.
provideDefaultShouldPublishInvoices() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns whether or not we should publish invoices to partners automatically by default.
provideDelegatedCredentialOauthScopes(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Provides the OAuth scopes required for delegated admin access to G Suite domain.
provideDigitsOnlyStringGenerator(SecureRandom) - Static method in class google.registry.util.UtilsModule
provideDnsDefaultATtl() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the default time to live for DNS A and AAAA records.
provideDnsDefaultDsTtl() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the default time to live for DNS DS records.
provideDnsDefaultNsTtl() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the default time to live for DNS NS records.
provideDnsTldUpdateBatchSize() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
The maximum number of domain and host updates to batch together to send to PublishDnsUpdatesAction, to avoid exceeding HTTP request timeout limits.
provideDnsUpdateFailEmailBodyText(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideDnsUpdateFailEmailSubjectText(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideDnsUpdateFailRegistryName(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideDnsUpdateHost() - Static method in class google.registry.dns.writer.dnsupdate.DnsUpdateConfigModule
Host that receives DNS updates from the registry.
provideDnsUpdateTimeout() - Static method in class google.registry.dns.writer.dnsupdate.DnsUpdateConfigModule
Timeout on the socket for DNS update requests.
provideDomainBlockedByBsaTemplate(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Message template for whois response when queried domain is blocked by BSA.
provideDomainCreateTxnCommitTimeLag(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideDomainListsGcsBucket(String) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
The GCS bucket for exporting domain lists.
provideDumFileName(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
The DUM file name, used as a file name base for DUM csv file
provideEmailThrottleSeconds(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the desired delay between outgoing emails when sending in bulk.
provideEppPasswordChangeRequest(Gson, Optional<JsonElement>) - Static method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleModule
provideExpirationWarningDays(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideExpirationWarningEmailBodyText(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideExpirationWarningEmailSubjectText(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideExpirationWarningIntervalDays(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideGreetingServerId(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
The server ID used in the 'svID' element of an EPP 'greeting'.
provideGson() - Static method in class google.registry.request.RequestModule
provideGson() - Static method in class
provideGSuiteAdminAccountEmailAddress(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the email address of the admin account on the G Suite app used to perform administrative actions.
provideGSuiteConsoleUserGroupEmailAddress(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the email address of the group containing emails of console users.
provideGSuiteDomainName(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the publicly accessible domain name for the running G Suite instance.
provideGSuiteDriveCredential(GoogleCredentialsBundle, ImmutableList<String>) - Static method in class google.registry.config.CredentialModule
Provides a GoogleCredentialsBundle for accessing Google Workspace APIs, such as Drive and Sheets.
provideGSuiteNewOutgoingEmailAddress(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideGSuiteOutgoingEmailAddress(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
The email address that outgoing emails from the app are sent from.
provideGSuiteOutgoingEmailDisplayName(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
The display name that is used on outgoing emails sent by Nomulus.
provideGSuiteSupportGroupEmailAddress(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the email address of the group containing emails of support accounts.
provideHibernateJdbcBatchSize(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideHighPerformanceMachineType(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the GCE machine type that a CPU-demanding pipeline should use.
provideIcannActivityReportingUploadUrl(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the URL we send HTTP PUT requests for ICANN monthly activity reports.
provideIcannTransactionsReportingUploadUrl(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the URL we send HTTP PUT requests for ICANN monthly transactions reports.
provideInitialWorkerCount(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns initial number of workers used for a Beam pipeline.
provideInvoiceEmailRecipients(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the list of addresses that receive monthly invoicing emails.
provideInvoiceFilePrefix(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the file prefix for the invoice CSV file.
provideInvoiceReplyToEmailAddress(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns an optional return email address that overrides the default reply-to address in outgoing invoicing email messages.
provideIsEmailSendingEnabled(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideJsonBody(HttpServletRequest, Gson) - Static method in class google.registry.request.RequestModule
provideKeyring(SecretManagerKeyring) - Method in class google.registry.keyring.KeyringModule
provideLocalCredential(String, ImmutableList<String>) - Static method in class
provideLocalCredentialJson(Lazy<GoogleClientSecrets>, Lazy<Credential>, String) - Static method in class
provideLocalCredentialOauthScopes(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Provides the OAuth scopes required for credentials created locally for the nomulus tool.
provideLocationId(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideMaxChecks() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the maximum number of entities that can be checked at one time in an EPP check flow.
provideMetricsWriteInterval(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
The reporting interval for Metric instances to be sent to a MetricWriter.
provideMinimumRsaKeyLength(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideMinMonthsBeforeWipeOut(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideNewAlertRecipientEmailAddress(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideOauthClientId(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideObjectMapper() - Static method in class google.registry.model.ModelModule
Returns an ObjectMapper object that can be used to convert an entity to/from YAML.
provideOteCreateData(Gson, Optional<JsonElement>) - Static method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleModule
providePageNumber(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleModule
providePremiumTermsExportDisclaimer(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the disclaimer text for the exported premium terms.
provideProductName(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
The product name of this specific registry.
provideProjectId(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideProjectIdNumber(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
providePublishDnsUpdatesLockDuration() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
The maximum time we allow publishDnsUpdates to run.
provideRdapResultSetMaxSize() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Maximum number of results to return for an RDAP search query
provideRdapTos(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideRdapTosStaticUrl(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Link to static Web page with RDAP terms of service.
provideRdeBucket(String) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the Google Cloud Storage bucket for staging escrow deposits pending upload.
provideRdeInterval() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Amount of time between RDE deposits.
provideRdeReportLockTimeout() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Maximum amount of time for sending a small XML file to ICANN via HTTP, before killing.
provideRdeReportUrlPrefix(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
URL of ICANN's HTTPS server to which the RDE report should be PUT.
provideRdeUploadLockTimeout() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Maximum amount of time it should ever take to upload an escrow deposit, before killing.
provideRdeUploadSftpCooldown() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Minimum amount of time to wait between consecutive SFTP uploads on a single TLD.
provideRdeUploadUrl(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns SFTP URL containing a username, hostname, port (optional), and directory (optional) to which cloud storage files are uploaded.
provideReadDnsRefreshRequestsRuntime() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
The requested maximum duration for ReadDnsRefreshRequestsAction.
provideRegistrar(Gson, Optional<JsonElement>) - Static method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleModule
provideRegistrarChangesNotificationEmailAddresses(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the email address(es) that notifications of registrar and/or registrar contact updates should be sent to, or the empty list if updates should not be sent.
provideRegistryAdminClientId(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the ID of the registrar that admins are automatically logged in as if they aren't otherwise associated with one.
provideRegistryCcEmail(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideRegistryLockPostInput(Gson, Optional<JsonElement>) - Static method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleModule
provideRegistryName(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the name of the registry, for use in spec 11 emails.
provideRegistrySupportEmail(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideReplyToEmailAddress(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Provides the `reply-to` address for outgoing email messages.
provideReportingBucket(String) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the Google Cloud Storage bucket for Spec11 and ICANN transaction and activity reports to be uploaded.
provideReportingBucketUrl(String) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the Google Cloud Storage bucket URL for Spec11 and ICANN transaction and activity reports to be uploaded.
provideRequireSslCertificates(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns whether an SSL certificate hash is required to log in via EPP and run flows.
provideReservedTermsExportDisclaimer(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the header text at the top of the reserved terms exported list.
provideResultsPerPage(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleModule
provideSearchTerm(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleModule
provideSecureRandom() - Static method in class google.registry.util.UtilsModule
provideSelfSignedAdminDelegatedCredential(ImmutableList<String>, ImmutableList<String>, GoogleCredentialsBundle, String, Duration, Clock) - Static method in class google.registry.config.CredentialModule
Provides a GoogleCredentialsBundle with delegated access to Google Workspace APIs for the application default credential user.
provideSelfSignedGmailDelegatedCredential(ImmutableList<String>, ImmutableList<String>, GoogleCredentialsBundle, String, Duration, Clock) - Static method in class google.registry.config.CredentialModule
Provides a GoogleCredentialsBundle for sending emails through Google Workspace.
provideSerializableCloudTasksClient(Supplier<CloudTasksClient>) - Static method in class google.registry.config.CloudTasksUtilsModule
provideServiceAccountCredentialOauthScopes(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Provides the OAuth scopes required for accessing Google APIs using the default credential.
provideSheetLockTimeout() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Maximum amount of time for syncing a spreadsheet, before killing.
provideSheetRegistrarId(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns ID of Google Spreadsheet to which Registrar entities should be synced.
providesLocalCredentialForCloudSqlClient(String, ImmutableList<String>) - Static method in class
provideSpec11BccEmailAddresses(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the email addresses to which we will BCC Spec11 emails.
provideSpec11OutgoingEmailAddress(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the email address to which spec 11 email should be replied.
provideSpec11WebResources(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns a list of resources we send to registrars when informing them of spec 11 threats.
provideSshIdentity(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the identity (an email address) used for the SSH keys used in RDE SFTP uploads.
provideSshTimeout() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns SSH client connection and read timeout.
provideStackdriverMaxPointsPerRequest(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Maximum number of points that can be sent to Stackdriver in a single TimeSeries.Create API call.
provideStackdriverMaxQps(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Maximum QPS for the Google Cloud Monitoring V3 (aka Stackdriver) API.
provideSupportEmail(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
The e-mail address for general support.
provideSupportPhoneNumber(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
The contact phone number.
provideTechnicalDocsUrl(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
The URL for technical support docs.
provideTmchCaMode(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the mode that TMCH certificate authority should run in.
provideTmchCrlUrl(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
ICANN TMCH Certificate Revocation List URL.
provideTmchMarksdbUrl(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
URL prefix for communicating with MarksDB ry interface.
provideTokenRefreshDelay(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideToolsClientId(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
OAuth client ID used by the nomulus tool.
provideToolsClientSecret(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
OAuth client secret used by the nomulus tool.
provideTotalResults(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleModule
provideTransactionCooldown() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Duration after watermark where we shouldn't deposit, because transactions might be pending.
provideTransientFailureRetries(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Number of times to retry a GAE operation when TransientFailureException is thrown.
provideTrustedCertificates() - Static method in class google.registry.proxy.HttpsRelayProtocolModule
provideUserData(Gson, Optional<JsonElement>) - Static method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleModule
provideValidityDaysMap(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideWhoisCommandFactoryClass(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
provideWhoisDisclaimer(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Disclaimer displayed at the end of WHOIS query results.
provideWhoisHttpExpires() - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Amount of time public HTTP proxies are permitted to cache our WHOIS responses.
provideWhoisRedactedEmailText(RegistryConfigSettings) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Redaction text for email address in WHOIS
provideZoneFilesBucket(String) - Static method in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule
Returns the Google Cloud Storage bucket for storing zone files.
ProxyConfig - Class in google.registry.proxy
The POJO that YAML config files are deserialized into.
ProxyConfig() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig
ProxyConfig.Epp - Class in google.registry.proxy
Configuration options that apply to EPP protocol.
ProxyConfig.Gcs - Class in google.registry.proxy
Configuration options that apply to GCS.
ProxyConfig.HealthCheck - Class in google.registry.proxy
Configuration options that apply to GCP load balancer health check protocol.
ProxyConfig.HttpsRelay - Class in google.registry.proxy
Configuration options that apply to HTTPS relay protocol.
ProxyConfig.Kms - Class in google.registry.proxy
Configuration options that apply to Cloud KMS.
ProxyConfig.Metrics - Class in google.registry.proxy
Configuration options that apply to Stackdriver monitoring metrics.
ProxyConfig.Quota - Class in google.registry.proxy
Configuration options that apply to quota management.
ProxyConfig.Quota.QuotaGroup - Class in google.registry.proxy
Quota configuration for a specific set of users.
ProxyConfig.WebWhois - Class in google.registry.proxy
Configuration options that apply to web WHOIS redirects.
ProxyConfig.Whois - Class in google.registry.proxy
Configuration options that apply to WHOIS protocol.
ProxyHttpHeaders - Class in google.registry.util
Utility class of HTTP header names used for HTTP calls between Nomulus and the proxy.
ProxyModule - Class in google.registry.proxy
A module that provides the port-to-protocol map and other configs that are used to bootstrap the server.
ProxyModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.ProxyModule
ProxyProtocolHandler - Class in google.registry.proxy.handler
Handler that processes possible existence of a PROXY protocol v1 header.
ProxyServer - Class in google.registry.proxy
A multi-protocol proxy server that listens for protocols in ProxyModule.ProxyComponent.protocols() }.
PUBAPI - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.Action.GaeService
PUBAPI - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.Action.GkeService
PubApiRequestComponent - Interface in google.registry.module.pubapi
Dagger component with per-request lifetime for "pubapi" App Engine module.
PubApiRequestComponent.Builder - Class in google.registry.module.pubapi
PubApiRequestComponent.PubApiRequestComponentModule - Class in google.registry.module.pubapi
PubApiRequestComponentModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.module.pubapi.PubApiRequestComponent.PubApiRequestComponentModule
PubApiRequestHandler - Class in google.registry.module.pubapi
Request handler for the frontend module.
pubapiServiceUrl - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.GcpProject
PubApiServlet - Class in google.registry.module.pubapi
Servlet that should handle all requests to our "default" App Engine module.
PubApiServlet() - Constructor for class google.registry.module.pubapi.PubApiServlet
pubKey - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsKeyDataType
PUBLIC - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.auth.AuthSettings.UserPolicy
No user policy is enforced; anyone can access this action.
PUBLIC_AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in record class google.registry.rdap.RdapAuthorization
publish(LogRecord) - Method in class google.registry.util.CapturingLogHandler
publishDnsUpdatesAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
PublishDnsUpdatesAction - Class in google.registry.dns
Task that sends domain and host updates to the DNS server.
PublishDnsUpdatesAction(String, DateTime, DateTime, int, int, Set<String>, Set<String>, String, Duration, String, String, String, Lazy<InternetAddress>, Lazy<InternetAddress>, int, DnsWriterProxy, DnsMetrics, LockHandler, Clock, CloudTasksUtils, GmailClient, Response) - Constructor for class google.registry.dns.PublishDnsUpdatesAction
publishDomain(String) - Method in class google.registry.dns.writer.clouddns.CloudDnsWriter
Publish the domain and all subordinate hosts.
publishDomain(String) - Method in class google.registry.dns.writer.dnsupdate.DnsUpdateWriter
publishDomain(String) - Method in interface google.registry.dns.writer.DnsWriter
Loads domainName from the database and publishes its NS/DS records to the DNS server.
publishDomain(String) - Method in class google.registry.dns.writer.VoidDnsWriter
publishHost(String) - Method in class google.registry.dns.writer.clouddns.CloudDnsWriter
Publish A/AAAA records to Cloud DNS.
publishHost(String) - Method in class google.registry.dns.writer.dnsupdate.DnsUpdateWriter
publishHost(String) - Method in interface google.registry.dns.writer.DnsWriter
Loads hostName from the database and publishes its A/AAAA glue records to the DNS server, if it is used as an in-bailiwick nameserver.
publishHost(String) - Method in class google.registry.dns.writer.VoidDnsWriter
PublishInvoicesAction - Class in google.registry.reporting.billing
Uploads the results of the InvoicingPipeline.
publishSpec11ReportAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
PublishSpec11ReportAction - Class in google.registry.reporting.spec11
Retries until a Dataflow job with a given jobId completes, continuing the Spec11 pipeline accordingly.
PUnitType - Enum Class in google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1
Java class for pUnitType
purpose - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpStatementType
put(Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
put(Object) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Persists a new entity or update the existing entity in the database.
put(String, Jsonifiable) - Method in class google.registry.model.JsonMapBuilder
put(String, Boolean) - Method in class google.registry.model.JsonMapBuilder
put(String, Enum<?>) - Method in class google.registry.model.JsonMapBuilder
put(String, Number) - Method in class google.registry.model.JsonMapBuilder
put(String, String) - Method in class google.registry.model.JsonMapBuilder
put(String, String) - Method in class google.registry.util.SqlTemplate
Adds a key/value that should be substituted an individual variable in the template.
PUT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.Action.Method
putAll(ImmutableCollection<?>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
putAll(ImmutableCollection<?>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Persists all new entities or updates the existing entities in the database.
putAll(ImmutableObject...) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
putAll(ImmutableObject...) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Persists all new entities or updates the existing entities in the database.
putHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction
putHandler(User) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleUsersAction
putListOfJsonObjects(String, Iterable<? extends Jsonifiable>) - Method in class google.registry.model.JsonMapBuilder
putListOfStrings(String, Iterable<T>) - Method in class google.registry.model.JsonMapBuilder
putString(String, T) - Method in class google.registry.model.JsonMapBuilder
pw - Variable in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.AuthInfo
pw - Variable in class
pw - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAuthInfoChgType
pw - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAuthInfoType
pw - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginType


q - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
QA - Enum constant in enum class
QA - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.util.RegistryEnvironment
Quality Assurance environment.
qDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMsgQType
Queries - Class in google.registry.bsa.persistence
Helpers for querying BSA JPA entities.
Queries.DomainLifeSpan - Record Class in google.registry.bsa.persistence
query(String) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManager
Creates a JPA SQL query for the given query string.
query(String) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
query(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManager
Creates a JPA SQL query for the given query string and result class.
query(String, Class<T>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
QUERY - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Transfer.TransferOp
QUERY - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTransferOpType
QUERY_FETCH_SIZE - Static variable in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryQuery
Number of JPA entities to fetch in each batch during a query.
QueryBuilder - Interface in google.registry.reporting.icann
Interface defining the necessary methods to construct ICANN reporting SQL queries.
QueryComposer<T> - Class in google.registry.persistence.transaction
Creates queries that can be used JPA.
QueryComposer(Class<T>) - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer
QueryComposer.Comparator - Enum Class in google.registry.persistence.transaction
Enum used to specify comparison operations, e.g.
QueryComposer.WhereClause<U> - Class in google.registry.persistence.transaction
queryMissedRegisteredUnblockables(String, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.bsa.persistence.Queries
Finds all currently registered domains that match BSA labels but are not recorded as unblockable.
queryToLocalTable(String) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection
Starts an asynchronous query job to dump the results of the specified query into a local ImmutableTable object, row-keyed by the row number (indexed from 1), column-keyed by the TableFieldSchema for that column, and with the value object as the cell value.
queryToLocalTableSync(String) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection
Returns the result of calling queryToLocalTable, but synchronously to avoid spawning new background threads, which App Engine doesn't support.
queryUnblockableDomainByLabels(ImmutableCollection<String>) - Static method in class google.registry.bsa.persistence.Queries
QUEUE - Static variable in class google.registry.export.sheet.SyncRegistrarsSheetAction
QUEUE_ASYNC_ACTIONS - Static variable in class google.registry.batch.AsyncTaskEnqueuer
The task queue names used by async flows.
QUEUE_HOST_RENAME - Static variable in class google.registry.dns.RefreshDnsOnHostRenameAction
QUEUE_PARAM - Static variable in class google.registry.cron.CronModule
QUIET_PERIOD - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.TldState
A state in which no domain operations are permitted.
quota - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Epp
quota - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Whois
Quota() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Quota
QuotaConfig - Class in google.registry.proxy.quota
Value class that stores the quota configuration for a protocol.
QuotaConfig(ProxyConfig.Quota, String) - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaConfig
Constructs a QuotaConfig from a ProxyConfig.Quota.
QuotaGroup() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Quota.QuotaGroup
QuotaHandler - Class in google.registry.proxy.handler
Handler that checks quota fulfillment and terminates connection if necessary.
QuotaHandler(QuotaManager, FrontendMetrics) - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.handler.QuotaHandler
QuotaHandler.EppQuotaHandler - Class in google.registry.proxy.handler
Quota Handler for EPP protocol.
QuotaHandler.WhoisQuotaHandler - Class in google.registry.proxy.handler
Quota Handler for WHOIS protocol.
quotaManager - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.handler.QuotaHandler
QuotaManager - Class in google.registry.proxy.quota
A thread-safe quota manager that schedules background refresh if necessary.
QuotaManager(TokenStore, ExecutorService) - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager
QuotaManager.QuotaRebate - Record Class in google.registry.proxy.quota
Value class representing a quota rebate.
QuotaManager.QuotaRequest - Record Class in google.registry.proxy.quota
Value class representing a quota request.
QuotaManager.QuotaResponse - Record Class in google.registry.proxy.quota
Value class representing a quota response.
QuotaRebate(String, DateTime) - Constructor for record class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager.QuotaRebate
Creates an instance of a QuotaRebate record class.
QuotaRequest(String) - Constructor for record class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager.QuotaRequest
Creates an instance of a QuotaRequest record class.
quotaResponse - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.handler.QuotaHandler
QuotaResponse(boolean, String, DateTime) - Constructor for record class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager.QuotaResponse
Creates an instance of a QuotaResponse record class.


RandomStringGenerator - Class in google.registry.util
Random string generator.
RandomStringGenerator(String, SecureRandom) - Constructor for class google.registry.util.RandomStringGenerator
range(Range<Integer>) - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField.Builder
Enforce value length/size/value is within range.
RAW - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.ui.ConsoleDebug
Use debug compiled CSS and raw JS from internal source code dependency-managed directory structure.
RdapActionBase - Class in google.registry.rdap
Base RDAP (new WHOIS) action for all requests.
RdapActionBase.DeletedItemHandling - Enum Class in google.registry.rdap
Whether to include or exclude deleted items from a query.
RdapAuthorization - Record Class in google.registry.rdap
Authorization information for RDAP data access.
RdapAuthorization(RdapAuthorization.Role, ImmutableSet<String>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.rdap.RdapAuthorization
Creates an instance of a RdapAuthorization record class.
rdapAutnumAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.pubapi.PubApiRequestComponent
RdapAutnumAction - Class in google.registry.rdap
RDAP (new WHOIS) action for RDAP autonomous system number requests.
rdapDefaultAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.pubapi.PubApiRequestComponent
rdapDomainAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.pubapi.PubApiRequestComponent
RdapDomainAction - Class in google.registry.rdap
RDAP (new WHOIS) action for domain requests.
RdapDomainAction() - Constructor for class google.registry.rdap.RdapDomainAction
rdapDomainSearchAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.pubapi.PubApiRequestComponent
RdapDomainSearchAction - Class in google.registry.rdap
RDAP (new WHOIS) action for domain search requests.
RdapDomainSearchAction() - Constructor for class google.registry.rdap.RdapDomainSearchAction
rdapEntityAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.pubapi.PubApiRequestComponent
RdapEntityAction - Class in google.registry.rdap
RDAP (new WHOIS) action for entity (contact and registrar) requests.
RdapEntityAction() - Constructor for class google.registry.rdap.RdapEntityAction
rdapEntitySearchAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.pubapi.PubApiRequestComponent
RdapEntitySearchAction - Class in google.registry.rdap
RDAP (new WHOIS) action for entity (contact and registrar) search requests.
RdapEntitySearchAction() - Constructor for class google.registry.rdap.RdapEntitySearchAction
rdapHelpAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.pubapi.PubApiRequestComponent
RdapHelpAction - Class in google.registry.rdap
RDAP (new WHOIS) action for help requests.
RdapHelpAction() - Constructor for class google.registry.rdap.RdapHelpAction
RdapIcannStandardInformation - Class in google.registry.rdap
This file contains boilerplate required by the ICANN RDAP Profile.
RdapIcannStandardInformation() - Constructor for class google.registry.rdap.RdapIcannStandardInformation
RdapIpAction - Class in google.registry.rdap
RDAP (new WHOIS) action for RDAP IP address requests.
RdapJsonFormatter - Class in google.registry.rdap
Helper class to create RDAP JSON objects for various registry entities and objects.
RdapJsonFormatter.OutputDataType - Enum Class in google.registry.rdap
What type of data to generate.
RdapMetrics - Class in google.registry.rdap
RDAP Instrumentation.
RdapMetrics() - Constructor for class google.registry.rdap.RdapMetrics
RdapModule - Class in google.registry.rdap
Dagger module for the RDAP package.
RdapModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.rdap.RdapModule
rdapNameserverAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.pubapi.PubApiRequestComponent
RdapNameserverAction - Class in google.registry.rdap
RDAP (new WHOIS) action for nameserver requests.
RdapNameserverAction() - Constructor for class google.registry.rdap.RdapNameserverAction
rdapNameserverSearchAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.pubapi.PubApiRequestComponent
RdapNameserverSearchAction - Class in google.registry.rdap
RDAP (new WHOIS) action for nameserver search requests.
RdapNameserverSearchAction() - Constructor for class google.registry.rdap.RdapNameserverSearchAction
RdapResultSet<T> - Record Class in google.registry.rdap
RDAP result set.
RdapResultSet(ImmutableList<T>, RdapSearchResults.IncompletenessWarningType, int) - Constructor for record class google.registry.rdap.RdapResultSet
Creates an instance of a RdapResultSet record class.
RdapSearchActionBase - Class in google.registry.rdap
Base RDAP (new WHOIS) action for domain, nameserver and entity search requests.
RdapSearchPattern - Class in google.registry.rdap
Object containing the results of parsing an RDAP partial match search pattern.
rdapTos - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
rdapTosStaticUrl - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
RdapUtils - Class in google.registry.rdap
Utility functions for RDAP.
rde - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
Rde() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Rde
RDE_IMPORT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
Resource was created by an escrow file import.
RDE_RECEIVER_PUBLIC_KEY - Enum constant in enum class
RDE_REPORT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.common.Cursor.CursorType
Cursor for ensuring rolling transactional isolation of RDE report operation.
RDE_REPORT_QUEUE - Static variable in class google.registry.rde.RdeModule
RDE_SIGNING_KEY_PAIR - Enum constant in enum class
RDE_SIGNING_PUBLIC_KEY - Enum constant in enum class
RDE_SSH_CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY - Enum constant in enum class
RDE_SSH_CLIENT_PUBLIC_KEY - Enum constant in enum class
RDE_STAGING - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.common.Cursor.CursorType
Cursor for ensuring rolling transactional isolation of RDE staging operation.
RDE_STAGING_KEY_PAIR - Enum constant in enum class
RDE_STAGING_PUBLIC_KEY - Enum constant in enum class
RDE_UPLOAD - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.common.Cursor.CursorType
Cursor for ensuring rolling transactional isolation of RDE upload operation.
RDE_UPLOAD_QUEUE - Static variable in class google.registry.rde.RdeModule
RDE_UPLOAD_SFTP - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.common.Cursor.CursorType
Cursor that tracks the last time we talked to the escrow provider's SFTP server for a given TLD.
RdeCounter - Class in google.registry.rde
Utility class for generating a single XjcRdeHeader while marshalling a deposit.
RdeCounter() - Constructor for class google.registry.rde.RdeCounter
RdeFragmenter - Class in google.registry.rde
Loading cache that turns a resource into XML for the various points in time and modes.
RdeFragmenter(ImmutableMap<DateTime, Supplier<EppResource>>, RdeMarshaller) - Constructor for class google.registry.rde.RdeFragmenter
RdeIO - Class in google.registry.beam.rde
RdeIO() - Constructor for class google.registry.beam.rde.RdeIO
RdeMarshaller - Class in google.registry.rde
XML document fragment marshaller for RDE.
RdeMarshaller(ValidationMode) - Constructor for class google.registry.rde.RdeMarshaller
rdeMenu - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
RdeMode - Enum Class in google.registry.model.rde
Mode of operation for RDE and BRDA.
RdeModule - Class in google.registry.rde
Dagger module for RDE package.
RdeNamingUtils - Class in google.registry.model.rde
Utility class for generating RDE filenames and string IDs.
RdePipeline - Class in google.registry.beam.rde
Definition of a Dataflow Flex template, which generates RDE/BRDA deposits.
RdePipeline.TupleTags - Class in google.registry.beam.rde
A utility class that contains TupleTags when PCollectionTuples and CoGbkResults are used.
RdePipelineOptions - Interface in google.registry.beam.rde
Custom options for running the spec11 pipeline.
rdeReportAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
RdeReportAction - Class in google.registry.rde
Action that uploads a small XML RDE report to ICANN after RdeUploadAction has finished.
rdeReporter() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
RdeReporter - Class in google.registry.rde
Class that uploads a decrypted XML deposit report to ICANN's webserver.
RdeResourceType - Enum Class in google.registry.rde
Types of objects that get embedded in an escrow deposit.
RdeRevision - Class in google.registry.model.rde
Entity for tracking RDE revisions.
RdeRevision.RdeRevisionId - Class in google.registry.model.rde
Class to represent the composite primary key of RdeRevision entity.
rdeStagingAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
RdeStagingAction - Class in google.registry.rde
Action that kicks off a Dataflow job to stage escrow deposit XML files on GCS for RDE/BRDA for all TLDs.
rdeUploadAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
RdeUploadAction - Class in google.registry.rde
Action that securely uploads an RDE XML file from Cloud Storage to a trusted third party (such as Iron Mountain) via SFTP.
RdeUtils - Class in google.registry.rde
Helper methods for RDE.
read() - Method in class google.registry.util.ImprovedInputStream
read(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.util.ImprovedInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class google.registry.util.ImprovedInputStream
read(JsonReader) - Method in class google.registry.model.adapters.ClassTypeAdapter
read(JsonReader) - Method in class google.registry.util.StringBaseTypeAdapter
read(RegistryQuery.CriteriaQuerySupplier<R>) - Static method in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO
read(RegistryQuery.CriteriaQuerySupplier<R>, SerializableFunction<R, T>) - Static method in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO
read(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
Extracts a JSON object from a servlet request.
read(String, boolean, SerializableFunction<R, T>) - Static method in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO
read(String, Class<R>, SerializableFunction<R, T>) - Static method in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO
read(String, Map<String, Object>, boolean, SerializableFunction<R, T>) - Static method in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO
Returns a RegistryJpaIO.Read connector based on the given native or jpql query string.
read(String, Map<String, Object>, Class<R>, SerializableFunction<R, T>) - Static method in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO
Returns a RegistryJpaIO.Read connector based on the given jpql typed query string.
Read() - Constructor for class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO.Read
READ_ONLY_REPLICA - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule.JpaTransactionManagerType
The JpaTransactionManager that uses the read-only Postgres replica if configured, or the standard DB if not.
readAndUpdateRequestsWithLatestProcessTime(String, Duration, int) - Static method in class google.registry.dns.DnsUtils
Returns pending DNS update requests that need further processing up to batch size, in ascending order of their request time, and updates their processing time to now.
readBatch(Optional<T>, int) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.BatchedQueries.BatchQuery
readBytesFrom(BlobId) - Method in class google.registry.gcs.GcsUtils
Read the content of the given GCS file and return it in a byte array.
readDnsRefreshRequestsAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
ReadDnsRefreshRequestsAction - Class in google.registry.dns
Action for fanning out DNS refresh tasks by TLD, using data taken from DnsRefreshRequest table.
readEncodedSignedMark(String) - Static method in class google.registry.tmch.TmchData
Extracts encoded SMD from an ASCII-armored string.
readLength(InputStream) - Static method in class google.registry.rde.Ghostryde
READONLY - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarStatusType
readOnlyReplicaJpaTransactionManager() - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.PersistenceComponent
readResourceBytes(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.ResourceUtils
Loads a file (specified relative to the contextClass) as a ByteSource.
readResourceUtf8(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.ResourceUtils
Loads a resource from a file (specified relative to the contextClass) as a string, assuming UTF-8 encoding.
readResourceUtf8(String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.ResourceUtils
Loads a resource from a file as a string, assuming UTF-8 encoding.
readResourceUtf8(URL) - Static method in class google.registry.util.ResourceUtils
Loads a resource from a URL as a string, assuming UTF-8 encoding.
readTimeoutSeconds - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Epp
readTimeoutSeconds - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Whois
readTimestamp - Variable in class
REAL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Type
A real-world, third-party registrar.
REAL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.TldType
A real, official TLD (but not necessarily only on production).
reason - Variable in class google.params.xml.ns.metadata_1.Metadata
reason - Variable in class
reason - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCheckType
reason - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppExtErrValueType
reason - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
reason - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
reason - Variable in class
reason() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomain
Returns the value of the reason record component.
REASON - Static variable in class
REASON - Static variable in class
Listed by .createanchortenant.
REASON - Static variable in class
REASON - Static variable in class
Listed by .domaincreate.
REASON - Static variable in class
REASON - Static variable in class
Listed by .deletedomain.
REASON - Static variable in class
Listed by .renewdomain.
REASON - Static variable in class
REASON - Static variable in class
REASON - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
REASON - Static variable in class
REASON - Static variable in class
Listed by .deletehost.
REASON - Static variable in class
Listed by .uniformrapidsuspension.
REASON - Static variable in class
REASON - Static variable in class
Listed by .updateserverlocks.
REASON - Static variable in class
recDesc - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpOursType
recipient - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpStatementType
recipients() - Method in record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage
Returns the value of the recipients record component.
recipientsBuilder() - Method in interface google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Builder
RECORD - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.FieldType
recordProcessingTime(CheckApiMetric) - Method in class google.registry.flows.CheckApiMetrics
recordProcessingTime(EppMetric) - Method in class google.registry.flows.EppMetrics
Records the server-side processing time for an EPP request.
recordResult(String, String, String, MetricsCollector.ResponseType, long) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.metric.MetricsCollector
recordToLogs() - Method in class google.registry.flows.FlowReporter
Records information about the current flow execution in the GAE request logs.
recordWhoisMetric(WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric) - Method in class google.registry.whois.WhoisMetrics
Records the given WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric and its associated processing time.
RecreateBillingRecurrencesCommand - Class in
Command to recreate closed BillingRecurrences for domains.
RecreateBillingRecurrencesCommand() - Constructor for class
RECURRING_BILLING - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.common.Cursor.CursorType
Cursor for ensuring rolling transactional isolation of recurring billing expansion.
reDate - Variable in class
reDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
reDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactTransferDataType
reDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType
reDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
redeemToken(AllocationToken, HistoryEntry.HistoryEntryId) - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.token.AllocationTokenFlowUtils
Redeems a SINGLE_USE AllocationToken, returning the redeemed copy.
REDEMPTION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.GracePeriodStatus
This status value is used to describe a domain for which a <delete> command has been received, but the domain has not yet been purged because an opportunity exists to restore the domain and abort the deletion process.
REDEMPTION_GRACE_PERIOD_1_0 - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.ProtocolDefinition.ServiceExtension
REDEMPTION_PERIOD - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusValueType
redemptionGracePeriodDays - Variable in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.DomainDelete
redirectHost - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.WebWhois
REFERENCED_CONTACTS - Static variable in class google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipeline.TupleTags
REFERENCED_HOSTS - Static variable in class google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipeline.TupleTags
references - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigManifest
references - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignedInfo
refersToList(Tld, String) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.BaseDomainLabelList
refersToList(Tld, String) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumList
refersToList(Tld, String) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedList
refillSeconds - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Quota.QuotaGroup
refNum - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
refNum - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
refreshAccessToken() - Method in class google.registry.config.DelegatedCredentials
Refreshes the OAuth2 access token by getting a new access token using a JSON Web Token (JWT).
refreshDnsAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
RefreshDnsAction - Class in google.registry.dns
Action that manually triggers refresh of DNS information.
refreshDnsForAllDomainsAction() - Method in interface
RefreshDnsForAllDomainsAction - Class in
A task that enqueues DNS publish tasks on all active domains on the specified TLD(s).
refreshDnsOnHostRenameAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
RefreshDnsOnHostRenameAction - Class in google.registry.dns
RefreshSchedule - Record Class in google.registry.bsa.persistence
Information needed when handling a domain refresh.
RefreshSchedule(long, DateTime, String, RefreshStage, DateTime) - Constructor for record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.RefreshSchedule
Creates an instance of a RefreshSchedule record class.
RefreshScheduler - Class in google.registry.bsa.persistence
Assigns work for each cron invocation of domain refresh job.
refreshSeconds - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Quota
RefreshStage - Enum Class in google.registry.bsa
refreshStaleUnblockables() - Method in class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DomainsRefresher
Returns all changes to unblockable domains that have been reported to BSA.
refundable - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06FeeType
refundable - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11FeeType
refundable - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12FeeType
regDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
region - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkProtectionType
regions - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
register(Class<? extends EppInput.CommandExtension>...) - Method in class google.registry.flows.ExtensionManager
REGISTER_BSA - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.TokenType
Allows bypassing the BSA check during domain creation, otherwise has the same semantics as AllocationToken.TokenType.SINGLE_USE.
registerActiveConnection(String, String, Channel) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.metric.FrontendMetrics
REGISTERED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomain.Reason
REGISTERED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Availability
registerQuotaRejection(String, String) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.metric.FrontendMetrics
registrant - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainChgType
registrant - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreate
registrant - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
registrant - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
REGISTRANT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.DesignatedContact.Type
The registrant type is not reflected in XML and exists only for internal use.
REGISTRANT - Static variable in class
REGISTRANT - Static variable in class
Listed by .domaincreate.
REGISTRANT - Static variable in class
REGISTRANT - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
RegistrantNotAllowedException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils.RegistrantNotAllowedException
registrar() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction.EmailInfo
Returns the value of the registrar record component.
Registrar - Search tag in class google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipeline
Registrar - Class in google.registry.model.registrar
Information about a registrar.
Registrar() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.registrar.Registrar
REGISTRAR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.rde.RdeResourceType
REGISTRAR_CLIENT_ID_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.beam.spec11.Spec11Pipeline
The JSON object field into which we put the registrar's name for Spec11 reports.
REGISTRAR_CREATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Type
REGISTRAR_EMAIL_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.beam.spec11.Spec11Pipeline
The JSON object field into which we put the registrar's e-mail address for Spec11 reports.
REGISTRAR_SECURITY_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Type
REGISTRAR_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Type
Registrar.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.registrar
Builder for constructing immutable Registrar objects.
RegistrarAccessDeniedException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.request.auth.AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor.RegistrarAccessDeniedException
RegistrarAddress - Class in google.registry.model.registrar
Registrar Address
RegistrarAddress() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarAddress
RegistrarAddress.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.registrar
Builder for RegistrarAddress.
RegistrarBase - Class in google.registry.model.registrar
Information about a registrar.
RegistrarBase() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
RegistrarBase.Builder<T,B> - Class in google.registry.model.registrar
A builder for constructing Registrar, since it is immutable.
RegistrarBase.State - Enum Class in google.registry.model.registrar
Represents the state of a persisted registrar entity.
RegistrarBase.Type - Enum Class in google.registry.model.registrar
Represents the type of registrar entity.
registrarChangesNotificationEmailAddresses - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
registrarConsole - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
RegistrarConsole() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistrarConsole
registrarEmail() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleOteAction.OteCreateData
Returns the value of the registrarEmail record component.
registrarEmailAddress() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.spec11.DomainNameInfo
Returns the value of the registrarEmailAddress record component.
RegistrarFormFields - Class in google.registry.ui.server
Form fields for validating input for the Registrar class.
RegistrarFormFields() - Constructor for class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
registrarId - Variable in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase
registrarId() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.billing.BillingEvent
Returns the value of the registrarId record component.
registrarId() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.spec11.DomainNameInfo
Returns the value of the registrarId record component.
registrarId() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric
Returns the value of the registrarId record component.
registrarId() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleEppPasswordAction.EppPasswordData
Returns the value of the registrarId record component.
registrarId() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleOteAction.OteCreateData
Returns the value of the registrarId record component.
registrarIds() - Method in record class google.registry.rdap.RdapAuthorization
Returns the value of the registrarIds record component.
registrarLookup(String) - Method in class google.registry.whois.WhoisCommandFactory
Returns a new WhoisCommand to perform a registrar lookup on the specified registrar name.
RegistrarPoc - Class in google.registry.model.registrar
A contact for a Registrar.
RegistrarPoc() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPoc
RegistrarPoc.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.registrar
RegistrarPoc.RegistrarPocId - Class in google.registry.model.registrar
Class to represent the composite primary key for RegistrarPoc entity.
RegistrarPocBase - Class in google.registry.model.registrar
A contact for a Registrar.
RegistrarPocBase() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase
RegistrarPocBase.Builder<T,B> - Class in google.registry.model.registrar
A builder for constructing a RegistrarPoc, since it is immutable.
RegistrarPocBase.Type - Enum Class in google.registry.model.registrar
Registrar contacts types for partner communication tracking.
RegistrarPocId(String, String) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPoc.RegistrarPocId
RegistrarPocUpdateHistory - Class in google.registry.model.console
A persisted history object representing an update to a RegistrarPoc.
RegistrarPocUpdateHistory() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarPocUpdateHistory
RegistrarPocUpdateHistory.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.console
Builder for the immutable UserUpdateHistory.
RegistrarRole - Enum Class in google.registry.model.console
Roles for registrar partners that apply to only one registrar.
registrarsAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent
RegistrarsAction - Class in google.registry.ui.server.console
RegistrarsAction(ConsoleApiParams, Optional<Registrar>, StringGenerator, StringGenerator) - Constructor for class google.registry.ui.server.console.RegistrarsAction
RegistrarThreatMatches - Record Class in google.registry.reporting.spec11
Value record representing the registrar and list-of-threat-matches pair stored in GCS.
RegistrarThreatMatches(String, ImmutableList<ThreatMatch>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.reporting.spec11.RegistrarThreatMatches
Creates an instance of a RegistrarThreatMatches record class.
RegistrarToRoleMapUserType - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
Hibernate custom type for Map of String to RegistrarRole.
RegistrarToRoleMapUserType() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.RegistrarToRoleMapUserType
RegistrarUpdateHistory - Class in google.registry.model.console
A persisted history object representing an update to a Registrar.
RegistrarUpdateHistory() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarUpdateHistory
RegistrarUpdateHistory.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.console
Builder for the immutable UserUpdateHistory.
RegistrarUtils - Class in google.registry.util
Utilities for working with Registrar objects.
RegistrarUtils() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.RegistrarUtils
REGISTRATION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCreateExtension.CreateType
A Launch Registration refers to a registration made during a launch phase when the server uses a "first-come, first-served" model.
REGISTRATION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchObjectType
REGISTRY - Static variable in class
REGISTRY - Static variable in class
REGISTRY - Static variable in class
Listed by .monthlySpec11Email, .dailySpec11Email.
REGISTRY_LOCK - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
View and perform registry locks.
REGISTRY_LOCK_EMAIL_ADDRESS_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
REGISTRY_LOCK_STATUSES - Static variable in class
registryAdminClientId - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
registryCcEmail - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.DnsUpdate
RegistryConfig - Class in google.registry.config
Central clearing-house for all configuration.
RegistryConfig.Config - Annotation Interface in google.registry.config
Dagger qualifier for configuration settings.
RegistryConfig.ConfigModule - Class in google.registry.config
Dagger module for providing configuration settings.
RegistryConfig.ConfigModule.TmchCaMode - Enum Class in google.registry.config
The mode that the TmchCertificateAuthority operates in.
RegistryConfigSettings - Class in google.registry.config
The POJO that YAML config files are deserialized into.
RegistryConfigSettings() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
RegistryConfigSettings.Auth - Class in google.registry.config
Configuration options for authenticating users.
RegistryConfigSettings.Beam - Class in google.registry.config
Configuration for Apache Beam (Cloud Dataflow).
RegistryConfigSettings.Billing - Class in google.registry.config
Configuration for monthly invoices.
RegistryConfigSettings.Bsa - Class in google.registry.config
Configurations for integration with Brand Safety Alliance (BSA) API.
RegistryConfigSettings.BulkPricingPackageMonitoring - Class in google.registry.config
Configuration for bulk pricing package compliance monitoring.
RegistryConfigSettings.Caching - Class in google.registry.config
Configuration for caching.
RegistryConfigSettings.CloudDns - Class in google.registry.config
Configuration for Cloud DNS.
RegistryConfigSettings.CloudSql - Class in google.registry.config
Configuration for Cloud SQL.
RegistryConfigSettings.ContactHistory - Class in google.registry.config
Configuration for contact history.
RegistryConfigSettings.CredentialOAuth - Class in google.registry.config
Configuration options for accessing Google APIs.
RegistryConfigSettings.DnsUpdate - Class in google.registry.config
Configuration for dns update.
RegistryConfigSettings.GcpProject - Class in google.registry.config
Configuration options that apply to the entire GCP project.
RegistryConfigSettings.GSuite - Class in google.registry.config
Configuration options for the G Suite account used by Nomulus.
RegistryConfigSettings.Hibernate - Class in google.registry.config
Configuration for Hibernate.
RegistryConfigSettings.IcannReporting - Class in google.registry.config
Configuration for ICANN monthly reporting.
RegistryConfigSettings.Misc - Class in google.registry.config
Miscellaneous configuration that doesn't quite fit in anywhere else.
RegistryConfigSettings.Monitoring - Class in google.registry.config
Configuration for monitoring.
RegistryConfigSettings.Rde - Class in google.registry.config
Configuration for Registry Data Escrow (RDE).
RegistryConfigSettings.RegistrarConsole - Class in google.registry.config
Configuration for the web-based registrar console.
RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy - Class in google.registry.config
Configuration options for registry policy.
RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryTool - Class in google.registry.config
Configuration options for the registry tool.
RegistryConfigSettings.SslCertificateValidation - Class in google.registry.config
Configuration for the certificate checker.
RegistryEnvironment - Enum Class in google.registry.util
Registry environments.
RegistryJpaIO - Class in google.registry.beam.common
Contains IO transforms for a BEAM pipeline that interacts with a single database through a JpaTransactionManager.
RegistryJpaIO.Read<R,T> - Class in google.registry.beam.common
A transform that transactionally executes a JPA CriteriaQuery and adds the results to the BEAM pipeline.
RegistryJpaIO.Read.Builder<R,T> - Class in google.registry.beam.common
RegistryJpaIO.Write<T> - Class in google.registry.beam.common
A transform that writes a PCollection of entities to the SQL database using the JpaTransactionManager.
RegistryLock - Class in google.registry.model.domain
Represents a registry lock/unlock object, meaning that the domain is locked on the registry level.
RegistryLock() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock
RegistryLock.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.domain
Builder for RegistryLock.
RegistryLockDao - Class in google.registry.model.tld
Data access object for RegistryLock.
RegistryLockDao() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.tld.RegistryLockDao
registryName - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
RegistryPipelineComponent - Interface in google.registry.beam.common
Component that provides everything needed on a Pipeline worker.
RegistryPipelineComponent.Builder - Interface in google.registry.beam.common
RegistryPipelineOptions - Interface in google.registry.beam.common
Defines Nomulus-specific pipeline options, e.g.
RegistryPipelineWorkerInitializer - Class in google.registry.beam.common
Sets up Nomulus environment and initializes JPA on each pipeline worker.
RegistryPipelineWorkerInitializer() - Constructor for class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryPipelineWorkerInitializer
registryPolicy - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
RegistryPolicy() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
RegistryQuery<T> - Interface in google.registry.beam.common
Interface for query instances used by RegistryJpaIO.Read.
RegistryQuery.CriteriaQuerySupplier<T> - Interface in google.registry.beam.common
RegistryServlet - Class in google.registry.module
Servlet that handles all requests.
RegistryServlet() - Constructor for class google.registry.module.RegistryServlet
registrySupportEmail - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.DnsUpdate
registryTool - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
RegistryTool - Class in
Container class to create and run remote commands against a server instance.
RegistryTool() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryTool
RegistryTool() - Constructor for class
RegistryToolDataflowModule - Class in
Provides a Dataflow API client for use in RegistryTool.
RegistryToolDataflowModule() - Constructor for class
RegistryToolEnvironment - Enum Class in
Enum of production environments, used for the --environment flag.
regNum - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
REGULAR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule.JpaTransactionManagerType
The regular JpaTransactionManager for general use.
REGULAR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader.Type
A regular file.
reID - Variable in class
reID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
REJECT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Transfer.TransferOp
REJECT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTransferOpType
REJECTED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.dns.DnsMetrics.PublishStatus
REJECTED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog.Status
REJECTED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusValueType
relative - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpExpiryType
RELAY_BUFFER_KEY - Static variable in class google.registry.proxy.handler.RelayHandler
A queue that saves messages that failed to be relayed.
RELAY_CHANNEL_KEY - Static variable in class google.registry.proxy.handler.RelayHandler
Key used to retrieve the relay channel from a Channel's Attribute.
RelayHandler<I> - Class in google.registry.proxy.handler
Receives inbound massage of type I, and writes it to the relayChannel stored in the inbound channel's attribute.
RelayHandler(Class<? extends I>) - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.handler.RelayHandler
RelayHandler.FullHttpRequestRelayHandler - Class in google.registry.proxy.handler
Specialized RelayHandler that takes a FullHttpRequest as inbound payload.
RelayHandler.FullHttpResponseRelayHandler - Class in google.registry.proxy.handler
Specialized RelayHandler that takes a FullHttpResponse as inbound payload.
relayHost - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Epp
relayHost - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Whois
relayPath - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Epp
relayPath - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Whois
relayProtocol() - Method in class google.registry.proxy.Protocol.FrontendProtocol
The Protocol.BackendProtocol used to establish a relay channel and relay the traffic to.
relayProtocol(Protocol.BackendProtocol) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.Protocol.FrontendProtocol.Builder
release() - Method in class google.registry.model.server.Lock
Release the lock.
releaseQuota(QuotaManager.QuotaRebate) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager
Returns granted quota to the token store, asynchronously.
relockDomainAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
RelockDomainAction - Class in google.registry.batch
Task that re-locks a previously-Registry-Locked domain after a predetermined period of time.
RelockDomainAction(long, int, InternetAddress, String, GmailClient, DomainLockUtils, Response) - Constructor for class google.registry.batch.RelockDomainAction
relockDurationMillis() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleRegistryLockAction.ConsoleRegistryLockPostInput
Returns the value of the relockDurationMillis record component.
rem - Variable in class
rem - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainUpdate
rem - Variable in class
rem - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsUpdate
REMOTE_ADDRESS_KEY - Static variable in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.ProbingAction
AttributeKey in channel that gives the information of the channel's host.
REMOTE_ADDRESS_KEY - Static variable in class google.registry.proxy.handler.ProxyProtocolHandler
Key used to retrieve origin IP address from a channel's attribute.
Remove() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.SecDnsUpdateExtension.Remove
REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class
REMOVE - Static variable in class
REMOVE - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
REMOVE_ADMINS - Static variable in class
REMOVE_ADMINS - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
REMOVE_ALL_DS_RECORDS - Static variable in class
REMOVE_ALL_DS_RECORDS - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
REMOVE_BULK_PRICING - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.TokenBehavior
REMOVE_BULK_PRICING triggers domain removal from a bulk pricing package, bypasses DEFAULT token validations.
REMOVE_DS_RECORDS - Static variable in class
REMOVE_DS_RECORDS - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
REMOVE_IP_ADDRESS - Static variable in class
REMOVE_IP_ADDRESS - Static variable in class
The full template name of the remove_ip_address template.
REMOVE_IP_ADDRESS__NAME - Static variable in class
REMOVE_NAMESERVERS - Static variable in class
REMOVE_NAMESERVERS - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
REMOVE_STATUSES - Static variable in class
REMOVE_STATUSES - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
REMOVE_TECHS - Static variable in class
REMOVE_TECHS - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
removeBinding(String, String) - Method in class
Remove the given role to the account.
removeContacts(ImmutableSet<DesignatedContact>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
removeGracePeriod(GracePeriod) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
removeHandler(Handler) - Method in class google.registry.util.JdkLoggerConfig
removeInetAddresses(ImmutableSet<InetAddress>) - Method in class
RemoveIpAddressSoyInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
RemoveIpAddressSoyInfo.Param - Class in
RemoveIpAddressSoyInfo.RemoveIpAddressSoyTemplateInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
RemoveIpAddressSoyInfo.TemplateName - Class in
removeMemberFromGroup(String, String) - Method in class google.registry.groups.DirectoryGroupsConnection
removeMemberFromGroup(String, String) - Method in interface google.registry.groups.GroupsConnection
Removes a member from the specified group, or throws GoogleJsonResponseException if the member doesn't exist.
removeNameserver(VKey<Host>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
removeNameservers(ImmutableSet<VKey<Host>>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
removeRegistryLockPassword() - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserBase.Builder
removeStatusValue(StatusValue) - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource.Builder
Remove from this resource's status values.
removeStatusValues(ImmutableSet<StatusValue>) - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource.Builder
Remove from this resource's status values.
removeSubordinateHost(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
removeUnblockableDomainsUpdates(String) - Method in class google.registry.bsa.api.BsaReportSender
renew - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Renew() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Renew
Renew() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Renew
RENEW - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Reason
RENEW - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee.FeeType
RENEW - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName
RENEW - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.GracePeriodStatus
This grace period is provided after a domain name registration period is explicitly extended (renewed) by the registrar.
RENEW_FIELDS - Static variable in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
RENEW_PERIOD - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusValueType
renewalPeriod - Variable in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.DomainTransferRequest
RENEWDOMAIN - Static variable in class
RENEWDOMAIN - Static variable in class
The full template name of the renewdomain template.
RENEWDOMAIN__NAME - Static variable in class
RenewPriceParameters(FeesAndCredits, Tld, InternetDomainName, DateTime, int) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RenewPriceParameters
Creates an instance of a RenewPriceParameters record class.
repDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
replace(Money, Money, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.JodaMoneyType
replicaInstanceConnectionName - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.CloudSql
replicaTm() - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManagerFactory
Returns a read-only JpaTransactionManager instance if configured.
REPLY_TO_EMAIL - Static variable in class
REPLY_TO_EMAIL - Static variable in class
REPLY_TO_EMAIL - Static variable in class
Listed by .monthlySpec11Email, .dailySpec11Email.
replyToEmailAddress - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.GSuite
replyToEmailAddress() - Method in record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage
Returns the value of the replyToEmailAddress record component.
repoId - Variable in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
The repo ID of the embedded EppResource that this event mutated.
report - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
report - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpRestoreType
REPORT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.RestoreCommand.RestoreOp
REPORT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpOpType
REPORT_END_OF_ORDER_PROCESSING - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.DownloadStage
Makes a REST API call to BSA endpoint, declaring the completion of order processing.
REPORT_START_OF_ORDER_PROCESSING - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.DownloadStage
Makes a REST API call to BSA endpoint, declaring that processing starts for new orders in the diffs.
ReportingModule - Class in google.registry.reporting
Dagger module for injecting common settings for all reporting tasks.
ReportingModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.reporting.ReportingModule
ReportingSpec - Annotation Interface in google.registry.flows.annotations
Annotation for flow classes to indicate how this flow should be recorded for reporting.
reportUrlPrefix - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Rde
repositoryId() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.billing.BillingEvent
Returns the value of the repositoryId record component.
REQ - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppPollOpType
request() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiParams
Returns the value of the request record component.
REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.RestoreCommand.RestoreOp
REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Poll.PollOp
Request the next poll message.
REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Transfer.TransferOp
REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTransferOpType
REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpOpType
RequestAuthenticator - Class in google.registry.request.auth
Top-level authentication/authorization class; calls authentication mechanisms as needed.
RequestAuthenticator(ImmutableList<AuthenticationMechanism>) - Constructor for class google.registry.request.auth.RequestAuthenticator
RequestComponentBuilder<C> - Interface in google.registry.request
Builder interface for request components.
requestDelegated() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Info.HostsRequest
requestDomainDnsRefresh(ImmutableCollection<String>) - Static method in class google.registry.dns.DnsUtils
requestDomainDnsRefresh(ImmutableCollection<String>, Duration) - Static method in class google.registry.dns.DnsUtils
requestDomainDnsRefresh(String) - Static method in class google.registry.dns.DnsUtils
requestDomainDnsRefresh(String, Duration) - Static method in class google.registry.dns.DnsUtils
REQUESTED_BY_REGISTRAR - Static variable in class
REQUESTED_BY_REGISTRAR - Static variable in class
Listed by .domaincreate.
REQUESTED_BY_REGISTRAR - Static variable in class
REQUESTED_BY_REGISTRAR - Static variable in class
Listed by .deletedomain.
REQUESTED_BY_REGISTRAR - Static variable in class
Listed by .renewdomain.
REQUESTED_BY_REGISTRAR - Static variable in class
REQUESTED_BY_REGISTRAR - Static variable in class
REQUESTED_BY_REGISTRAR - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
REQUESTED_BY_REGISTRAR - Static variable in class
REQUESTED_BY_REGISTRAR - Static variable in class
Listed by .deletehost.
REQUESTED_BY_REGISTRAR - Static variable in class
Listed by .remove_ip_address.
REQUESTED_BY_REGISTRAR - Static variable in class
REQUESTED_BY_REGISTRAR - Static variable in class
Listed by .updateserverlocks.
REQUESTED_BY_REGISTRAR - Static variable in class
requestedByRegistrar - Variable in class google.params.xml.ns.metadata_1.Metadata
RequestHandler<C> - Class in google.registry.request
Dagger-based request processor.
RequestHandler(Provider<? extends RequestComponentBuilder<C>>, RequestAuthenticator) - Constructor for class google.registry.request.RequestHandler
Constructor for subclasses to create a new request handler for a specific request component.
requestHostDnsRefresh(ImmutableCollection<String>) - Static method in class google.registry.dns.DnsUtils
requestHostDnsRefresh(String) - Static method in class google.registry.dns.DnsUtils
RequestMethod - Annotation Interface in google.registry.request
Dagger qualifier for the HTTP request method.
requestModule(RequestModule) - Method in class google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent.Builder
requestModule(RequestModule) - Method in class google.registry.module.bsa.BsaRequestComponent.Builder
requestModule(RequestModule) - Method in class google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent.Builder
requestModule(RequestModule) - Method in class google.registry.module.pubapi.PubApiRequestComponent.Builder
requestModule(RequestModule) - Method in class
requestModule(RequestModule) - Method in interface google.registry.request.RequestComponentBuilder
RequestModule - Class in google.registry.request
Dagger module for servlets.
RequestModule(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class google.registry.request.RequestModule
RequestModule(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, AuthResult) - Constructor for class google.registry.request.RequestModule
RequestParameters - Class in google.registry.request
Utilities for extracting parameters from HTTP requests.
RequestPath - Annotation Interface in google.registry.request
Dagger qualifier for the HTTP request path.
RequestScope - Annotation Interface in google.registry.request
Dagger annotation for request-scoped components that depend on a global component.
requestSent(String, String, int) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.metric.BackendMetrics
RequestServerName - Annotation Interface in google.registry.request
Dagger qualifier for the server name of the HTTP request.
requestSubordinate() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Info.HostsRequest
RequestUrl - Annotation Interface in google.registry.request
Dagger qualifier for the HTTP request URL.
required() - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField.Builder
Ensure value is not null.
REQUIRED_PARAMETER_MISSING - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
REQUIRED_STAT_TYPES - Static variable in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
StatTypes with a non-zero requirement
RequiredParameterMissingException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.RequiredParameterMissingException
requireSslCertificates - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
reRr - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactTransferDataType
reRr - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType
ResaveAllEppResourcesPipeline - Class in google.registry.beam.resave
A Dataflow Flex pipeline that resaves changed EPP resources in SQL.
resaveAllEppResourcesPipelineAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
ResaveAllEppResourcesPipelineAction - Class in google.registry.batch
Starts a Dataflow pipeline that resaves all EPP resources projected to the current time.
ResaveAllEppResourcesPipelineOptions - Interface in google.registry.beam.resave
resaveEntityAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
ResaveEntityAction - Class in google.registry.batch
An action that re-saves a given entity, typically after a certain amount of time has passed.
resData - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResponse
resData() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns the value of the resData record component.
resData() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Returns the value of the resData record component.
resData() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns the value of the resData record component.
resData() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Returns the value of the resData record component.
resData() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns the value of the resData record component.
resData() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Returns the value of the resData record component.
resend - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
resend - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
ReservationType - Enum Class in google.registry.model.tld.label
Enum describing reservation on a label in a ReservedList.
RESERVED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomain.Reason
RESERVED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Flag
This flag is used on create BillingEvent billing events for domains that were reserved.
RESERVED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Availability
RESERVED_FOR_ANCHOR_TENANT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservationType
The domain is for an anchor tenant and can only be registered using a specific token.
RESERVED_FOR_SPECIFIC_USE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservationType
The domain can only be registered by providing a specific token.
ReservedDomainsUtils - Class in google.registry.bsa
Utility for looking up reserved domain names.
ReservedList - Class in google.registry.model.tld.label
A list of reserved domain labels that are blocked from being registered for various reasons.
ReservedList() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedList
ReservedList.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.tld.label
A builder for constructing ReservedList objects, since they are immutable.
ReservedList.ReservedListEntry - Class in google.registry.model.tld.label
A reserved list entry entity, persisted to the database, that represents a single label and its reservation type.
ReservedListDao - Class in google.registry.model.tld.label
A ReservedList DAO for Cloud SQL.
ReservedListEntry() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedList.ReservedListEntry
reservedTermsExportDisclaimer - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
reset() - Method in class google.registry.util.ImprovedInputStream
resetCache() - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tlds
Manually reset the static cache backing the methods on this class.
resetFailedLoginAttempts() - Method in class google.registry.flows.HttpSessionMetadata
resetFailedLoginAttempts() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.SessionMetadata
resetFailedLoginAttempts() - Method in class google.registry.flows.StatelessRequestSessionMetadata
resetUpdateTimestamp() - Method in class google.registry.model.UpdateAutoTimestampEntity
Resets the UpdateAutoTimestampEntity.updateTimestamp to force Hibernate to persist it.
resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass) - Method in class google.registry.util.SafeObjectInputStream
RESOURCE_LIST - Static variable in class
RESOURCE_LIST - Static variable in class
The full template name of the resourceList template.
RESOURCE_LIST__NAME - Static variable in class
RESOURCE_TYPES_TO_HISTORY_TYPES - Static variable in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntryDao
ResourceAlreadyExistsForThisClientException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.exceptions
Resource with this id already exists.
ResourceAlreadyExistsForThisClientException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.exceptions.ResourceAlreadyExistsForThisClientException
ResourceCheck() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.ResourceCommand.ResourceCheck
ResourceCommand - Interface in google.registry.model.eppinput
Commands for EPP resources.
ResourceCommand.AbstractSingleResourceCommand - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
Abstract implementation of ResourceCommand.
ResourceCommand.ResourceCheck - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
A check command for an EppResource.
ResourceCommand.ResourceCreateOrChange<B> - Interface in google.registry.model.eppinput
A create command, or the inner change (as opposed to add or remove) part of an update.
ResourceCommand.ResourceUpdate<A,B,C> - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
An update command for an EppResource.
ResourceCommand.ResourceUpdate.AddRemove - Class in google.registry.model.eppinput
Part of an update command that specifies set values to add or remove.
ResourceCommand.SingleResourceCommand - Interface in google.registry.model.eppinput
A command for a single EppResource.
ResourceCommandWrapper() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.ResourceCommandWrapper
ResourceCreateContentionException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.exceptions
Resource with this id already exists.
ResourceCreateContentionException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.exceptions.ResourceCreateContentionException
ResourceDoesNotExistException(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils.ResourceDoesNotExistException
ResourceFlowUtils - Class in google.registry.flows
Static utility functions for resource flows.
ResourceFlowUtils.AddRemoveSameValueException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Cannot add and remove the same value.
ResourceFlowUtils.BadAuthInfoForResourceException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Authorization information for accessing resource is invalid.
ResourceFlowUtils.ResourceDoesNotExistException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Resource with this id does not exist.
ResourceFlowUtils.ResourceNotOwnedException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
The specified resource belongs to another client.
ResourceFlowUtils.StatusNotClientSettableException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
The specified status value cannot be set by clients.
ResourceHasClientUpdateProhibitedException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.exceptions
This resource has clientUpdateProhibited on it, and the update does not clear that status.
ResourceHasClientUpdateProhibitedException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.exceptions.ResourceHasClientUpdateProhibitedException
ResourceNotOwnedException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils.ResourceNotOwnedException
resources() - Method in record class google.registry.rdap.RdapResultSet
Returns the value of the resources record component.
RESOURCES - Static variable in class
RESOURCES - Static variable in class
RESOURCES - Static variable in class
Listed by .monthlySpec11Email, .dailySpec11Email, .resourceList.
RESOURCES - Static variable in class
ResourceStatusProhibitsOperationException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.exceptions
Resource status prohibits this operation.
ResourceStatusProhibitsOperationException(Set<StatusValue>) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.exceptions.ResourceStatusProhibitsOperationException
ResourceToDeleteIsReferencedException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.exceptions
Resource to be deleted has active incoming references.
ResourceToDeleteIsReferencedException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.exceptions.ResourceToDeleteIsReferencedException
ResourceTransferUtils - Class in google.registry.model
Static utility functions for resource transfers.
ResourceUpdate() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.ResourceCommand.ResourceUpdate
ResourceUtils - Class in google.registry.util
Utility methods related to reading java resources.
response - Variable in class google.registry.request.JsonResponse
response - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEpp
response() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiParams
Returns the value of the response record component.
Response - Interface in google.registry.request
HTTP request response object.
responseCode() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the responseCode record component.
responseExtensions() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns the value of the responseExtensions record component.
responseExtensions() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Returns the value of the responseExtensions record component.
responseExtensions() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns the value of the responseExtensions record component.
responseExtensions() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Returns the value of the responseExtensions record component.
responseExtensions() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns the value of the responseExtensions record component.
responseExtensions() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Returns the value of the responseExtensions record component.
responseExtensions() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns the value of the responseExtensions record component.
responseExtensions() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Returns the value of the responseExtensions record component.
responseExtensions() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns the value of the responseExtensions record component.
responseExtensions() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Returns the value of the responseExtensions record component.
ResponseImpl - Class in google.registry.request
HTTP response object.
ResponseImpl(HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class google.registry.request.ResponseImpl
responseName() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppRequestMessage
responseName() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.HttpRequestMessage
responseName() - Method in interface google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.OutboundMessageType
Necessary to inform metrics collector what kind of message is sent inbound ChannelPipeline.
responseReceived(String, String, FullHttpResponse, Duration) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.metric.BackendMetrics
responseSent(String, String, Duration) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.metric.FrontendMetrics
resReason - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
resTime - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
restore - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpUpdate
RESTORE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Reason
RESTORE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee.FeeType
RESTORE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName
RestoreCommand - Class in google.registry.model.domain.rgp
The EPP RGP restore command.
RestoreCommand() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.RestoreCommand
RestoreCommand.RestoreOp - Enum Class in google.registry.model.domain.rgp
Restore operation to perform on this domain.
RESTORED_DOMAINS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
RestorePriceParameters(FeesAndCredits, Tld, InternetDomainName, DateTime) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RestorePriceParameters
Creates an instance of a RestorePriceParameters record class.
result - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.XjcIirdeaResponse
Result - Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
"If the command was processed successfully, only one Result element MUST be returned.
Result() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result
Result.Code - Enum Class in google.registry.model.eppoutput
"EPP result codes are based on the theory of reply codes described in section 4.2.1 of [RFC5321].
resultCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns the value of the resultCode record component.
resultCode() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Returns the value of the resultCode record component.
results - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResponse
retains(CharMatcher) - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField.Builder
Removes all characters not in matcher.
retention - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpStatementType
reTransact(TransactionManager.ThrowingRunnable) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
reTransact(TransactionManager.ThrowingRunnable) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Executes the work in a (potentially wrapped) transaction and returns the result.
reTransact(Callable<T>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
reTransact(Callable<T>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Executes the work in a (potentially wrapped) transaction and returns the result.
Retrier - Class in google.registry.util
Wrapper that does retry with exponential backoff.
Retrier(Sleeper, int) - Constructor for class google.registry.util.Retrier
Retrier.FailureReporter - Interface in google.registry.util
Holds functions to call whenever the code being retried fails.
RETRIES_BEFORE_PERMANENT_FAILURE - Static variable in class google.registry.dns.PublishDnsUpdatesAction
returnedClass() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.AllocationTokenVkeyListUserType
returnedClass() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.CidrBlockListUserType
returnedClass() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.CurrencyToStringMapUserType
returnedClass() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.DurationUserType
returnedClass() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.InetAddressSetUserType
returnedClass() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.JodaMoneyType
returnedClass() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.PostalInfoChoiceListUserType
returnedClass() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.RegistrarToRoleMapUserType
returnedClass() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringMapUserType
returnedClass() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.converter.TimedTransitionBaseUserType
revision() - Method in record class google.registry.rde.PendingDeposit
Returns the value of the revision record component.
REVISION_ID - Static variable in class google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipeline.TupleTags
revisionId - Variable in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory
Autogenerated ID of this event.
revisionId - Variable in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry
The autogenerated id of this event.
revokeIapPermission(String, Optional<String>, CloudTasksUtils, ServiceConnection, IamClient) - Static method in class google.registry.model.console.User
Revoke the user's permission to pass IAP.
RgpInfoExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.rgp
The EPP registry grace period extension to be returned with domain info commands.
RgpInfoExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.RgpInfoExtension
rgpStatuses - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
rgpStatuses - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpRespDataType
RgpUpdateExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.rgp
The EPP RGP extension that may be present on domain update commands.
RgpUpdateExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.RgpUpdateExtension
RobotUser(SqlUser.RobotId) - Constructor for class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlUser.RobotUser
roid - Variable in class
roid - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
roid - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomPwAuthInfoType
roid - Variable in class
roid - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
roid - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
roid - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
ROID - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormFields
Ensure value is an EPP Repository Object IDentifier (ROID).
ROID_SUFFIX_PATTERN - Static variable in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
role() - Method in record class google.registry.rdap.RdapAuthorization
Returns the value of the role record component.
role() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleUsersAction.UserData
Returns the value of the role record component.
rootUrl - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.CloudDns
RouterDisplayHelper - Class in google.registry.request
Utility class to help in dumping routing maps.
RouterDisplayHelper() - Constructor for class google.registry.request.RouterDisplayHelper
RSA_KEY_LENGTH_TOO_SHORT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.flows.certs.CertificateChecker.CertificateViolation
rulings - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkProtectionType
run() - Method in class google.registry.batch.CannedScriptExecutionAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.batch.CheckBulkComplianceAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.batch.DeleteExpiredDomainsAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.batch.DeleteLoadTestDataAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.batch.DeleteProberDataAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.batch.ExpandBillingRecurrencesAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.batch.RelockDomainAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.batch.ResaveAllEppResourcesPipelineAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.batch.ResaveEntityAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.batch.SendExpiringCertificateNotificationEmailAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.batch.WipeOutContactHistoryPiiAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.bsa.BsaDownloadAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.bsa.BsaRefreshAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.bsa.BsaValidateAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.bsa.UploadBsaUnavailableDomainsAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.client.EppClient
run() - Method in class google.registry.cron.TldFanoutAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.dns.PublishDnsUpdatesAction
Runs the task.
run() - Method in class google.registry.dns.ReadDnsRefreshRequestsAction
Reads requests up to the maximum requested runtime, and enqueues update batches from the these requests.
run() - Method in class google.registry.dns.RefreshDnsAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.dns.RefreshDnsOnHostRenameAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.export.ExportDomainListsAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.export.ExportPremiumTermsAction
Exports the premium terms for the TLD specified via the "tld" param to a file in the Google Drive folder configured for that TLD.
run() - Method in class google.registry.export.ExportReservedTermsAction
Exports the reserved terms for the TLD specified via the "tld" param to a newline-delimited UTF-8-formatted CSV file (with one column) named "reserved_terms.txt" in the Google Drive folder with the id specified for that TLD.
run() - Method in class google.registry.export.sheet.SyncRegistrarsSheetAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.export.SyncGroupMembersAction
Loads all Registrars, and for each one that is marked dirty, grabs the existing group memberships and updates them to reflect the current state of the RegistrarContacts.
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.CheckApiAction
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
The logic in this flow, which handles client approvals, very closely parallels the logic in Contact.cloneProjectedAtTime(org.joda.time.DateTime) which handles implicit server approvals.
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainCheckFlow
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainClaimsCheckFlow
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainCreateFlow
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainDeleteFlow
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainInfoFlow
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainRenewFlow
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainRestoreRequestFlow
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainTransferApproveFlow
The logic in this flow, which handles client approvals, very closely parallels the logic in Domain.cloneProjectedAtTime(org.joda.time.DateTime) which handles implicit server approvals.
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainTransferCancelFlow
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainTransferQueryFlow
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainTransferRejectFlow
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainTransferRequestFlow
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainUpdateFlow
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.EppTlsAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.EppToolAction
run() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.Flow
Executes an EPP "flow" and returns a response object (or in the specific case of the "hello" flow a greeting object) that can be converted to XML and returned to the caller.
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.poll.PollAckFlow
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.poll.PollRequestFlow
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.session.HelloFlow
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.session.LoginFlow
Run the flow and log errors.
run() - Method in class google.registry.flows.session.LogoutFlow
run() - Method in class google.registry.loadtest.LoadTestAction
run() - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager.ThrowingRunnable
run() - Method in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyServer
run() - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapActionBase
run() - Method in class google.registry.rdap.UpdateRegistrarRdapBaseUrlsAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.rde.BrdaCopyAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.rde.RdeReportAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.rde.RdeStagingAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.rde.RdeUploadAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.reporting.billing.CopyDetailReportsAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.reporting.billing.GenerateInvoicesAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.reporting.billing.PublishInvoicesAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.reporting.icann.IcannReportingStagingAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.reporting.icann.IcannReportingUploadAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.reporting.spec11.GenerateSpec11ReportAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.reporting.spec11.PublishSpec11ReportAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.tmch.NordnUploadAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.tmch.NordnVerifyAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.tmch.TmchCrlAction
Synchronously fetches latest ICANN TMCH CRL and saves it to the database.
run() - Method in class google.registry.tmch.TmchDnlAction
Synchronously fetches latest domain name list and saves it to Cloud SQL.
run() - Method in class google.registry.tmch.TmchSmdrlAction
Synchronously fetches latest signed mark revocation list and saves it to the database.
run() - Method in interface
Performs the command.
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
Run the shell until the user presses "Ctrl-D".
run() - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.whois.WhoisAction
run() - Method in class google.registry.whois.WhoisHttpAction
run(EppMetric.Builder) - Method in class google.registry.flows.FlowRunner
Runs the EPP flow, and records metrics on the given builder.
run(JsonActionRunner.JsonAction) - Method in class google.registry.request.JsonActionRunner
Delegates request to action.
RUN_IN_EMPTY_PARAM - Static variable in class google.registry.cron.CronModule
runWithLock(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RdeReportAction
runWithLock(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RdeUploadAction
RydeEncoder - Class in google.registry.rde
Stream that performs the full RyDE encryption.
RydeEncoder.Builder - Class in google.registry.rde
Builder for RydeEncoder.
RydePgpSigningOutputStream - Class in google.registry.rde
OpenPGP detached signing service that wraps an OutputStream.
RydePgpSigningOutputStream(OutputStream, PGPKeyPair) - Constructor for class google.registry.rde.RydePgpSigningOutputStream
Create a signer that wraps os and generates a detached signature using signingKey.
rydeSpecEscrow - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
rydeSpecMapping - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport


s - Variable in class
s - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusType
s - Variable in class
s - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusType
s - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusType
SAFE_BROWSING_API_KEY - Enum constant in enum class
SafeBrowsingTransforms - Class in google.registry.beam.spec11
Utilities and Beam PTransforms for interacting with the SafeBrowsing API.
SafeBrowsingTransforms() - Constructor for class google.registry.beam.spec11.SafeBrowsingTransforms
safeDeserialize(byte[]) - Static method in class google.registry.util.SafeSerializationUtils
Safely deserializes an object using SafeObjectInputStream.
safeDeserializeCollection(Class<T>, byte[]) - Static method in class google.registry.util.SafeSerializationUtils
Safely deserializes a collection of objects previously serialized with SafeSerializationUtils.serializeCollection(java.util.Collection<?>).
SafeObjectInputStream - Class in google.registry.util
Safely deserializes Nomulus http request parameters.
SafeObjectInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class google.registry.util.SafeObjectInputStream
SafeSerializationUtils - Class in google.registry.util
Helpers for using SafeObjectInputStream.
SALT_SUPPLIER - Static variable in class google.registry.util.PasswordUtils
same - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRecipientType
SAME_AS_GAE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.Action.GkeService
SANDBOX - Enum constant in enum class
SANDBOX - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.util.RegistryEnvironment
Sandbox environment.
sanitizeEppXml(byte[]) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.EppXmlSanitizer
Returns sanitized EPP XML message.
save() - Method in class google.registry.model.smd.SignedMarkRevocationList
Save this list to Cloud SQL.
save(RegistryLock) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.RegistryLockDao
save(PremiumList) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumListDao
Saves the given premium list (and its premium list entries) to Cloud SQL.
save(ReservedList) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedListDao
Persist a new reserved list to Cloud SQL.
save(ClaimsList) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tmch.ClaimsListDao
Saves the given ClaimsList to Cloud SQL.
save(String, CurrencyUnit, List<String>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumListDao
saveNewRegistryLockRequest(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class
Creates and persists a lock request when requested by a user.
saveNewRegistryUnlockRequest(String, String, boolean, Optional<Duration>) - Method in class
Creates and persists an unlock request when requested by a user.
saveRevision(String, DateTime, RdeMode, int) - Static method in class google.registry.model.rde.RdeRevision
Sets the revision ID for a given triplet.
saves() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.EntityChanges
Returns the value of the saves record component.
savesBuilder() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.EntityChanges.Builder
SaveSqlCredentialCommand - Class in
Command to create or update a Cloud SQL credential in the Secret Manager.
scan(ScanEnvironment, ScanOptions, ScanParameters) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.NoopJpaEntityScanner
schedule() - Method in class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadScheduler
Returns a DownloadSchedule instance that describes the work to be performed by an invocation of the download action, if applicable; or Optional.empty() when there is nothing to do.
schedule() - Method in class google.registry.bsa.persistence.RefreshScheduler
SCHEMA_DEPLOYER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlUser.RobotId
scope - Variable in class google.registry.model.common.Cursor.CursorId
scope - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy.XjcRdePolicy
secDNS - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
SECDNS - Static variable in class
SECDNS - Static variable in class
Listed by .domainupdate.
SecDnsCreateExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.secdns
The EPP secDNS extension that may be present on domain create commands.
SecDnsCreateExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.SecDnsCreateExtension
SecDnsInfoExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.secdns
The EPP secDNS extension to be returned with domain info commands.
SecDnsInfoExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.SecDnsInfoExtension
SecDnsUpdateExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.secdns
The EPP secDNS extension that may be present on domain update commands.
SecDnsUpdateExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.SecDnsUpdateExtension
SecDnsUpdateExtension.Add - Class in google.registry.model.domain.secdns
The inner add type on the update extension.
SecDnsUpdateExtension.Change - Class in google.registry.model.domain.secdns
The inner change type on the update extension, though we don't actually support changes.
SecDnsUpdateExtension.Remove - Class in google.registry.model.domain.secdns
The inner remove type on the update extension.
secretExists(String) - Method in interface google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient
Checks if a secret with the given secretId already exists.
secretExists(String) - Method in class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClientImpl
secretId() - Method in record class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient.SecretVersionState
Returns the value of the secretId record component.
SecretManagerClient - Interface in google.registry.privileges.secretmanager
A Cloud Secret Manager client for Nomulus, bound to a specific GCP project.
SecretManagerClient.NoSuchSecretResourceException - Exception Class in google.registry.privileges.secretmanager
The resource being requested in the Secret Manager does not exist.
SecretManagerClient.SecretAlreadyExistsException - Exception Class in google.registry.privileges.secretmanager
The secret to be created already exists.
SecretManagerClient.SecretManagerException - Exception Class in google.registry.privileges.secretmanager
Catch-all class for all SecretManager exceptions.
SecretManagerClient.SecretVersionState - Record Class in google.registry.privileges.secretmanager
Contains the State of an secret version.
SecretManagerClientImpl - Class in google.registry.privileges.secretmanager
Implements SecretManagerClient on Google Cloud Platform.
SecretManagerKeyring - Class in google.registry.keyring.secretmanager
A Keyring implementation which stores sensitive data in the Secret Manager.
SecretManagerKeyringUpdater - Class in google.registry.keyring.secretmanager
The SecretManagerKeyringUpdater accumulates updates to a SecretManagerKeyring and persists them to Cloud Secret Manager when closed.
SecretManagerKeyringUpdater(KeyringSecretStore) - Constructor for class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyringUpdater
SecretManagerModule - Class in google.registry.privileges.secretmanager
Provides bindings for SecretManagerClient.
SecretManagerModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerModule
SecretVersionState(String, String, SecretVersion.State) - Constructor for record class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient.SecretVersionState
Creates an instance of a SecretVersionState record class.
SECURE_DNS_1_1 - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.ProtocolDefinition.ServiceExtension
Security - Search tag in class google.registry.rde.RdeStagingAction
securityAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent
SecurityAction - Class in google.registry.ui.server.console.settings
SecurityAction(ConsoleApiParams, CertificateChecker, AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor, String, Optional<Registrar>) - Constructor for class google.registry.ui.server.console.settings.SecurityAction
Security Features - Search tag in class google.registry.request.RequestHandler
seed - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
SELF_SIGNED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.networking.module.CertificateSupplierModule.Mode
A single certificate/private key pair is generated in place and self signed.
SelfSignedCaCertificate - Class in google.registry.util
A self-signed certificate authority (CA) cert for use in tests.
SelfSignedCaCertificate(PrivateKey, X509Certificate) - Constructor for class google.registry.util.SelfSignedCaCertificate
send(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RdeReporter
Uploads reportBytes to ICANN.
send(byte[], String) - Method in class google.registry.reporting.icann.IcannHttpReporter
Uploads reportBytes to ICANN, returning whether or not it succeeded.
send(HttpServletResponse) - Method in exception class google.registry.request.HttpException
Transmits the error response to the client.
send(Message) - Method in class google.registry.dns.writer.dnsupdate.DnsMessageTransport
Sends a DNS "query" message (most likely an UPDATE) and returns the response.
SEND_ANNOUNCEMENTS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Create announcements that can be displayed in the UI.
SEND_EMAIL - Static variable in class google.registry.reporting.ReportingModule
The request parameter name used by actions to indicate if an email should be sent.
sendEmail(EmailMessage) - Method in class google.registry.groups.GmailClient
Sends emailMessage using Gmail.
sendEmail(String, String) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.SendEmailUtils
Sends an email from Nomulus to the registrarChangesNotificationEmailAddresses.
sendEmail(String, String, ImmutableList<String>) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.SendEmailUtils
Sends an email from Nomulus to the registrarChangesNotificationEmailAddresses and the specified additionalAddresses.
sendEmail(String, String, Optional<String>, ImmutableList<String>) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.SendEmailUtils
Sends an email from Nomulus to the registrarChangesNotificationEmailAddresses, the bcc address, and the specified additionalAddresses.
sendEmailUtils() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiParams
Returns the value of the sendEmailUtils record component.
SendEmailUtils - Class in google.registry.ui.server
Utility class for sending emails from the app.
SendEmailUtils(ImmutableList<String>, GmailClient) - Constructor for class google.registry.ui.server.SendEmailUtils
sendExpiringCertificateNotificationEmailAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
SendExpiringCertificateNotificationEmailAction - Class in google.registry.batch
An action that sends notification emails to registrars whose certificates are expiring soon.
SendExpiringCertificateNotificationEmailAction(String, String, GmailClient, CertificateChecker, Response) - Constructor for class google.registry.batch.SendExpiringCertificateNotificationEmailAction
SendExpiringCertificateNotificationEmailAction.CertificateType - Enum Class in google.registry.batch
Certificate types for X509Certificate.
sendExternalUpdates(Map<?, ?>, Registrar, ImmutableSet<RegistrarPoc>) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction
sendExternalUpdatesIfNecessary(ConsoleApiAction.EmailInfo) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction
Determines if any changes were made to the registrar besides the lastUpdateTime, and if so, sends an email with a diff of the changes to the configured notification email address and all contact addresses and enqueues a task to re-sync the registrar sheet.
sendGetRequest(String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class
sendJson(String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class
sendOrderStatusReport(String) - Method in class google.registry.bsa.api.BsaReportSender
sendPostRequest(String, Map<String, ?>, MediaType, byte[]) - Method in class
sendRedirect(String) - Method in interface google.registry.request.Response
sendRedirect(String) - Method in class google.registry.request.ResponseImpl
SENTINEL_UNLIMITED_TOKENS - Static variable in class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaConfig
A special value of token amount that indicates unlimited tokens.
SEPARATOR - Static variable in record class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlCredential
sequences() - Method in interface google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProberModule.ProberComponent
SerializableCloudTasksClient() - Constructor for class google.registry.batch.CloudTasksUtils.SerializableCloudTasksClient
SerializableJsonTypeAdapter - Class in google.registry.model.adapters
TypeAdapter for Serializable objects.
SerializableJsonTypeAdapter() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.adapters.SerializableJsonTypeAdapter
serialize() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockLabel
serialize() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockOrder
serialize() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomain
serialize() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomainChange
serialize(TimedTransitionProperty<E>, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.TimedTransitionPropertySerializer
serialize(Object) - Static method in class google.registry.util.SerializeUtils
Turns an object into a byte array.
serialize(List<VKey<AllocationToken>>, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.TokenVKeyListSerializer
serialize(Optional<String>, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.OptionalStringSerializer
serialize(Optional<Duration>, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.OptionalDurationSerializer
serialize(Set<Enum>, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.SortedEnumSetSerializer
serialize(Set<String>, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.SortedSetSerializer
serialize(CurrencyUnit, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.CurrencySerializer
serialize(Money, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.MoneySerializer
serialize(Duration, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.DurationSerializer
serializeCertificate(X509Certificate) - Method in class google.registry.flows.certs.CertificateChecker
Serializes the certificate object to a certificate string.
serializeCollection(Collection<?>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.SafeSerializationUtils
Serializes a collection of objects that can be safely deserialized using SafeSerializationUtils.safeDeserializeCollection(java.lang.Class<T>, byte[]).
serializeDeserialize(Object) - Static method in class google.registry.util.SerializeUtils
Serializes an object then deserializes it.
serializeKeyPair(PGPKeyPair) - Static method in class google.registry.keyring.api.KeySerializer
Serialize a PGPKeyPair
serializePublicKey(PGPPublicKey) - Static method in class google.registry.keyring.api.KeySerializer
Serialize a PGPPublicKey
serializeString(String) - Static method in class google.registry.keyring.api.KeySerializer
Serializes a string
SerializeUtils - Class in google.registry.util
Utilities for easy serialization with informative error messages.
SERVER_APPROVED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferStatus
SERVER_APPROVED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomTrStatusType
SERVER_CANCELLED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferStatus
SERVER_CANCELLED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomTrStatusType
SERVER_DELETE_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
A non-client-settable status that prevents deletes of EPP resources.
SERVER_DELETE_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class
SERVER_DELETE_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
SERVER_DELETE_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class
SERVER_HOLD - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
SERVER_HOLD - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
SERVER_RENEW_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
SERVER_RENEW_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
SERVER_STATUS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Reason
SERVER_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
A non-client-settable status that prevents transfers of EPP resources.
SERVER_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class
SERVER_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
SERVER_TRID_KEY - Static variable in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppMessage
Key that allows for substitution ofsvTrid to xml template.
SERVER_UPDATE_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
A non-client-settable status that prevents updates of EPP resources, except by superusers.
SERVER_UPDATE_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class
SERVER_UPDATE_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
SERVER_UPDATE_PROHIBITED - Enum constant in enum class
serverCertificateCacheSeconds - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig
ServerSecret - Class in google.registry.model.server
A secret number used for generating tokens (such as XSRF tokens).
ServerSecret() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.server.ServerSecret
ServerTridProvider - Interface in google.registry.flows
An interface that provides server Trids.
ServerTridProviderImpl - Class in google.registry.flows
A server Trid provider that generates globally incrementing UUIDs.
ServerTridProviderImpl() - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.ServerTridProviderImpl
ServerTridProviderModule - Class in google.registry.flows
Dagger module for the server Trid provider.
ServerTridProviderModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.ServerTridProviderModule
service() - Element in annotation interface google.registry.request.Action
Which App Engine service this action lives on.
service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class google.registry.module.RegistryServlet
service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class google.registry.module.ServletBase
serviceAccount() - Method in class google.registry.util.GoogleCredentialsBundle
Returns the service account email address of the underlying GoogleCredentials, if possible.
serviceAccountEmail() - Method in record class google.registry.request.auth.AuthResult
Returns the value of the serviceAccountEmail record component.
ServiceConnection - Class in
An HTTP connection to a service.
ServiceGetter() - Constructor for class google.registry.request.Action.ServiceGetter
servicePath - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.CloudDns
Services() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Services
ServiceUnavailableException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.ServiceUnavailableException
ServletBase - Class in google.registry.module
Base for Servlets that handle all requests to our App Engine modules.
ServletBase(RequestHandler<?>, Lazy<MetricReporter>) - Constructor for class google.registry.module.ServletBase
SessionMetadata - Interface in google.registry.flows
Object to allow setting and retrieving session information in flows.
set(ConsoleDebug) - Static method in enum class google.registry.ui.ConsoleDebug
Sets the global ConsoleDebug state.
set(String, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tmch.TmchCrl
Change the singleton to a new ASCII-armored X.509 CRL.
setAbsolute(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpExpiryType
Sets the value of the absolute property.
setAbstractMark(JAXBElement<? extends XjcMarkAbstractMarkType>) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCodeMarkType
Sets the value of the abstractMark property.
setAbstractMark(JAXBElement<? extends XjcMarkAbstractMarkType>) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
Sets the value of the abstractMark property.
setAcceptedDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreateNoticeType
Sets the value of the acceptedDate property.
setAccess(XjcEppDcpAccessType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpType
Sets the value of the access property.
setAcDate(DateTime) - Method in class
Sets the value of the acDate property.
setAcDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
Sets the value of the acDate property.
setAcDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactTransferDataType
Sets the value of the acDate property.
setAcDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType
Sets the value of the acDate property.
setAcID(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the acID property.
setAcID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
Sets the value of the acID property.
setAcRr(XjcRdeRrType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactTransferDataType
Sets the value of the acRr property.
setAcRr(XjcRdeRrType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType
Sets the value of the acRr property.
setActingUser(User) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Builder
setActingUser(User) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory.Builder
setAdd(XjcContactAddRemType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the add property.
setAdd(XjcDomainAddRemType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainUpdate
Sets the value of the add property.
setAdd(XjcHostAddRemType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the add property.
setAdd(XjcSecdnsDsOrKeyType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsUpdate
Sets the value of the add property.
setAddGracePeriodLength(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setAddr(XjcContactAddrType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the addr property.
setAddr(XjcContactAddrType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the addr property.
setAddr(XjcMarkAddrType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
Sets the value of the addr property.
setAddr(XjcMarkAddrType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
Sets the value of the addr property.
setAddr(XjcRdeRegistrarAddrType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarPostalInfoType
Sets the value of the addr property.
setAddress(ContactAddress) - Method in class
setAddrs(ImmutableList<Disclose.PostalInfoChoice>) - Method in class
setAdmin(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpPurposeType
Sets the value of the admin property.
setAdvanceCursor(boolean) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.billing.ExpandBillingRecurrencesPipelineOptions
setAlg(short) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsDataType
Sets the value of the alg property.
setAlg(short) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsKeyDataType
Sets the value of the alg property.
setAlgorithm(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigCanonicalizationMethod
Sets the value of the algorithm property.
setAlgorithm(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDigestMethod
Sets the value of the algorithm property.
setAlgorithm(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureMethod
Sets the value of the algorithm property.
setAlgorithm(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigTransform
Sets the value of the algorithm property.
setAll(Boolean) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsRemType
Sets the value of the all property.
setAll(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpAccessType
Sets the value of the all property.
setAllocationToken(VKey<AllocationToken>) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingEvent.Builder
setAllowedEppActions(Set<FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.Builder
setAllowedFullyQualifiedHostNames(ImmutableSet<String>) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setAllowedRegistrantContactIds(ImmutableSet<String>) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setAllowedRegistrarIds(Set<String>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.Builder
setAllowedTlds(Set<String>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.Builder
setAllowedTlds(Set<String>) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setAllowedTldsUncached(Set<String>) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
Same as RegistrarBase.Builder.setAllowedTlds(java.util.Set<java.lang.String>), but doesn't use the cache to check if the TLDs exist.
setAllowedToSetRegistryLockPassword(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Builder
setAName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndn
Sets the value of the aName property.
setAnchorTenant(Boolean) - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.metadata_1.Metadata
Sets the value of the anchorTenant property.
setAny(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppReadWriteType
Sets the value of the any property.
setAny(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTransferType
Sets the value of the any property.
setAny(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomExtAuthInfoType
Sets the value of the any property.
setAny(Element) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType.Object
Sets the value of the any property.
setAny(Element) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12ObjectCDType.Object
Sets the value of the any property.
setApDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Sets the value of the apDate property.
setApId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Sets the value of the apId property.
setApplicationID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchIdContainerType
Sets the value of the applicationID property.
setApplicationID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfData
Sets the value of the applicationID property.
setApplicationID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfo
Sets the value of the applicationID property.
setApplicationRoid(String) - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1.Create
Sets the value of the applicationRoid property.
setApplicationTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1.Create
Sets the value of the applicationTime property.
setApplied(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06FeeType
Sets the value of the applied property.
setApplied(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11FeeType
Sets the value of the applied property.
setApplied(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12FeeType
Sets the value of the applied property.
setAsOfDate(DateTime) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder
setAsOfDate(DateTime) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder
setAsOfDate(DateTime) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.CreatePriceParameters.Builder
setAsOfDate(DateTime) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RenewPriceParameters.Builder
setAsOfDate(DateTime) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RestorePriceParameters.Builder
setAsOfDate(DateTime) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.TransferPriceParameters.Builder
setAsOfDate(DateTime) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.UpdatePriceParameters.Builder
setAttachment(EmailMessage.Attachment) - Method in interface google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Builder
setAuthInfo(ContactAuthInfo) - Method in class
setAuthInfo(ContactAuthInfo) - Method in class
setAuthInfo(DomainAuthInfo) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setAuthInfo(DomainAuthInfo) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainInfoData.Builder
setAuthInfo(XjcContactAuthInfoType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the authInfo property.
setAuthInfo(XjcContactAuthInfoType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the authInfo property.
setAuthInfo(XjcContactAuthInfoType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the authInfo property.
setAuthInfo(XjcContactAuthInfoType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the authInfo property.
setAuthInfo(XjcDomainAuthInfoChgType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainChgType
Sets the value of the authInfo property.
setAuthInfo(XjcDomainAuthInfoType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreate
Sets the value of the authInfo property.
setAuthInfo(XjcDomainAuthInfoType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Sets the value of the authInfo property.
setAuthInfo(XjcDomainAuthInfoType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfo
Sets the value of the authInfo property.
setAuthInfo(XjcDomainAuthInfoType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTransfer
Sets the value of the authInfo property.
setAuthResultForTesting(AuthResult) - Static method in class google.registry.request.auth.OidcTokenAuthenticationMechanism
setAutomaticTransferLength(BigInteger) - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.DomainTransferRequest
Sets the value of the automaticTransferLength property.
setAutomaticTransferLength(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setAutomaticTransferSuccessProperties(B, TransferData) - Static method in class google.registry.model.EppResourceUtils
Process an automatic transfer on a resource.
setAutorenewBillingEvent(VKey<BillingRecurrence>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setAutorenewEndTime(Optional<DateTime>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
Sets the autorenew end time, or clears it if empty is passed.
setAutorenewEndTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Autorenew.Builder
setAutoRenewGracePeriodLength(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
Warning! Changing this will affect the billing time of autorenew events in the past.
setAutorenewPollMessage(VKey<PollMessage.Autorenew>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setAutorenews(Boolean) - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.DomainUpdate
Sets the value of the autorenews property.
setAvail(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the value of the avail property.
setAvail(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCheckNameType
Sets the value of the avail property.
setAvail(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the value of the avail property.
setAvail(Boolean) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
Sets the value of the avail property.
setAvail(Boolean) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
Sets the value of the avail property.
setAvailIfSupported(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryResponseExtensionItem.Builder
setAvailIfSupported(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV11.Builder
setBalance(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DelData
Sets the value of the balance property.
setBalance(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TransformResultType
Sets the value of the balance property.
setBalance(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TrnData
Sets the value of the balance property.
setBalance(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11DelData
Sets the value of the balance property.
setBalance(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformResultType
Sets the value of the balance property.
setBalance(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformResultType
Sets the value of the balance property.
setBalance(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TrnData
Sets the value of the balance property.
setBasicAuth(HttpURLConnection, String) - Static method in class google.registry.request.UrlConnectionUtils
Sets auth on the given connection with the given string, formatted "username:password".
setBasicAuth(HttpURLConnection, String, String) - Static method in class google.registry.request.UrlConnectionUtils
Sets auth on the given connection with the given username/password.
setBccs(Collection<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Builder
setBillingAccountMap(Map<CurrencyUnit, String>) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setBillingBucketUrl(String) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.billing.InvoicingPipelineOptions
setBillingEvent(VKey<BillingEvent>) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingCancellation.Builder
setBillingRecurrence(VKey<BillingRecurrence>) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingCancellation.Builder
setBillingTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingCancellation.Builder
setBillingTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingEvent.Builder
setBlockPremiumNames(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setBody(String) - Method in interface google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Builder
setBootstrap(Bootstrap) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.ProbingAction.Builder
setBootstrap(Bootstrap) - Method in interface google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingStep.Builder
setBrdaReceiverPublicKey(PGPPublicKey) - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyringUpdater
setBrdaSigningKey(PGPKeyPair) - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyringUpdater
setBreakglassMode(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setBsaApiKey(String) - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyringUpdater
setBsaEnrollStartTime(Optional<DateTime>) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setBulkPrice(Money) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.BulkPricingPackage.Builder
setBusiness(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRetentionType
Sets the value of the business property.
setBySuperuser(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Builder
setCacheForTest(Optional<Duration>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.EppResource
setCacheForTest(Optional<Duration>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.ForeignKeyUtils
setCacheForTest(Optional<Duration>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tmch.ClaimsListDao
setCancellationMatchingBillingEvent(BillingRecurrence) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingEvent.Builder
setCanonicalizationMethod(XjcDsigCanonicalizationMethod) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignedInfo
Sets the value of the canonicalizationMethod property.
setCc(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the cc property.
setCc(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkAddrType
Sets the value of the cc property.
setCc(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
Sets the value of the cc property.
setCc(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkProtectionType
Sets the value of the cc property.
setCc(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarAddrType
Sets the value of the cc property.
setCcs(Collection<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Builder
setCertificate(String, DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.OteAccountBuilder
Sets the client certificate to all the OT&E Registrars.
setChannel(Channel) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.ProbingAction.Builder
setChannel(Channel) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token.Token
Set method for channel
setCheck(XjcEppReadWriteType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Sets the value of the check property.
setCheckDate(LocalDate) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch.Builder
setChg(XjcContactChgType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the chg property.
setChg(XjcDomainChgType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainUpdate
Sets the value of the chg property.
setChg(XjcHostChgType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the chg property.
setChg(XjcSecdnsChgType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsUpdate
Sets the value of the chg property.
setCity(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address.Builder
setCity(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the city property.
setCity(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkAddrType
Sets the value of the city property.
setCity(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarAddrType
Sets the value of the city property.
setClaimKey(XjcLaunchClaimKeyType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCdType
Sets the value of the claimKey property.
setClaimsPeriodEnd(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setClass(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryResponseExtensionItem.Builder
setClass(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemCommandV12.Builder
setClass(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV12.Builder
setClazz(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCDType
Sets the value of the clazz property.
setClazz(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06InfData
Sets the value of the clazz property.
setClazz(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Check
Sets the value of the clazz property.
setClazz(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
Sets the value of the clazz property.
setClazz(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
Sets the value of the clazz property.
setClazz(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCheckType
Sets the value of the clazz property.
setClID(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the clID property.
setClID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Sets the value of the clID property.
setClID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginType
Sets the value of the clID property.
setClID(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the clID property.
setClID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Sets the value of the clID property.
setClID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Sets the value of the clID property.
setClID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
Sets the value of the clID property.
setClient(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeRrType
Sets the value of the client property.
setClientCertificate(String, DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setClTRID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Sets the value of the clTRID property.
setClTRID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTrIDType
Sets the value of the clTRID property.
setCode(int) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResultType
Sets the value of the code property.
setCode(XjcIirdeaCode) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.XjcIirdeaResult
Sets the value of the code property.
setCode(XjcLaunchCodeType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCodeMarkType
Sets the value of the code property.
setCommand(FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName, String, String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryResponseExtensionItem.Builder
setCommand(FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName, String, String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV06.Builder
setCommand(FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName, String, String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeInfoResponseExtensionV06.Builder
setCommand(FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName, String, String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV11.Builder
setCommand(FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName, String, String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV12.Builder
setCommand(WhoisCommand) - Method in class google.registry.whois.WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric.Builder
setCommand(XjcEppCommandType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEpp
Sets the value of the command property.
setCommand(XjcFee06CommandType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCDType
Sets the value of the command property.
setCommand(XjcFee06CommandType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCheckType
Sets the value of the command property.
setCommand(XjcFee06CommandType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06InfData
Sets the value of the command property.
setCommand(XjcFee06CommandType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Info
Sets the value of the command property.
setCommand(XjcFee11CommandType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Check
Sets the value of the command property.
setCommand(XjcFee11CommandType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
Sets the value of the command property.
setCommandName(FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemCommandV12.Builder
setCommandName(String) - Method in class google.registry.whois.WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric.Builder
setCommandNameFromFlow(String) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric.Builder
setConnection(ServiceConnection) - Method in interface
setConnection(ServiceConnection) - Method in class
setConnection(ServiceConnection) - Method in class
setConnection(ServiceConnection) - Method in class
setConnection(ServiceConnection) - Method in class
setContact(ContactBase) - Method in class
setContact(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpPurposeType
Sets the value of the contact property.
setContactHistoryId(HistoryEntry.HistoryEntryId) - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Builder
setContactId(String) - Method in class
setContactId(String) - Method in class
setContactId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferResponse.ContactTransferResponse.Builder
setContacts(ImmutableSet<DesignatedContact>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setContacts(ImmutableSet<ForeignKeyedDesignatedContact>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainInfoData.Builder
setContacts(DesignatedContact) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setContactsRequireSyncing(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setContent(String) - Method in interface google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Attachment.Builder
setContents(XjcRdeContentsType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
Sets the value of the contents property.
setContentType(MediaType) - Method in interface google.registry.request.Response
Sets the HTTP Content-Type and possibly encoding.
setContentType(MediaType) - Method in class google.registry.request.ResponseImpl
setContentType(MediaType) - Method in interface google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Attachment.Builder
setContentType(MediaType) - Method in interface google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Builder
setCost(Money) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingEvent.Builder
setCount(BigInteger) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMsgQType
Sets the value of the count property.
setCountryCode(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address.Builder
setCourtName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
Sets the value of the courtName property.
setCrDate(DateTime) - Method in class
Sets the value of the crDate property.
setCrDate(DateTime) - Method in class
Sets the value of the crDate property.
setCrDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreData
Sets the value of the crDate property.
setCrDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Sets the value of the crDate property.
setCrDate(DateTime) - Method in class
Sets the value of the crDate property.
setCrDate(DateTime) - Method in class
Sets the value of the crDate property.
setCrDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Sets the value of the crDate property.
setCrDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Sets the value of the crDate property.
setCrDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
Sets the value of the crDate property.
setCrDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndn
Sets the value of the crDate property.
setCrDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Sets the value of the crDate property.
setCrDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
Sets the value of the crDate property.
setCreate(XjcEppReadWriteType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Sets the value of the create property.
setCreateBillingCostTransitions(ImmutableSortedMap<DateTime, Money>) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setCreationRegistrarId(String) - Method in class
setCreationRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainInfoData.Builder
setCreationRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource.Builder
Set the registrar that created this resource.
setCreationRegistrarId(String) - Method in class
setCreationTime(DateTime) - Method in class
setCreationTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainInfoData.Builder
setCreationTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource.Builder
Set the time this resource was created.
setCreationTime(DateTime) - Method in class
setCreationTimeForTest(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.Builder
setCreationTimeForTest(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource.Builder
Set the time this resource was created.
setCreationTimestamp(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.BaseDomainLabelList.Builder
setCreditLimit(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DelData
Sets the value of the creditLimit property.
setCreditLimit(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TransformResultType
Sets the value of the creditLimit property.
setCreditLimit(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TrnData
Sets the value of the creditLimit property.
setCreditLimit(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11DelData
Sets the value of the creditLimit property.
setCreditLimit(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformResultType
Sets the value of the creditLimit property.
setCreditLimit(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformResultType
Sets the value of the creditLimit property.
setCreditLimit(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TrnData
Sets the value of the creditLimit property.
setCredits(List<Credit>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeTransformResponseExtension.Builder
setCrID(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the crID property.
setCrID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Sets the value of the crID property.
setCrID(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the crID property.
setCrRr(XjcRdeRrType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Sets the value of the crRr property.
setCrRr(XjcRdeRrType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Sets the value of the crRr property.
setCrRr(XjcRdeRrType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
Sets the value of the crRr property.
setCurExpDate(LocalDate) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainRenew
Sets the value of the curExpDate property.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DelData
Sets the value of the currency property.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCDType
Sets the value of the currency property.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCheckType
Sets the value of the currency property.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06InfData
Sets the value of the currency property.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Info
Sets the value of the currency property.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TransformCommandType
Sets the value of the currency property.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TransformResultType
Sets the value of the currency property.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TrnData
Sets the value of the currency property.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Check
Sets the value of the currency property.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11DelData
Sets the value of the currency property.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
Sets the value of the currency property.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformCommandType
Sets the value of the currency property.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformResultType
Sets the value of the currency property.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TrnData
Sets the value of the currency property.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12Check
Sets the value of the currency property.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12ChkData
Sets the value of the currency property.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformCommandType
Sets the value of the currency property.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformResultType
Sets the value of the currency property.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TrnData
Sets the value of the currency property.
setCurrency(CurrencyUnit) - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits.Builder
setCurrency(CurrencyUnit) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeTransformResponseExtension.Builder
setCurrency(CurrencyUnit) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumList.Builder
setCurrency(CurrencyUnit) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setCurrencyIfSupported(CurrencyUnit) - Method in interface google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeCheckResponseExtension
If currency is not supported at the top level of Check responses for this version of the fee extension, this function has not effect.
setCurrencyIfSupported(CurrencyUnit) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryResponseExtensionItem.Builder
setCurrencyIfSupported(CurrencyUnit) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV06.Builder
setCurrencyIfSupported(CurrencyUnit) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckResponseExtensionV06
setCurrencyIfSupported(CurrencyUnit) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeInfoResponseExtensionV06.Builder
setCurrencyIfSupported(CurrencyUnit) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV11.Builder
setCurrencyIfSupported(CurrencyUnit) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeCheckResponseExtensionV11
setCurrencyIfSupported(CurrencyUnit) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionV12
setCurrentBulkToken(VKey<AllocationToken>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setCurrentRequest(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.GcpJsonFormatter
Record the parameters of the current request.
setCurrentSponsorRegistrarId(String) - Method in class
setCurrentSponsorRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainInfoData.Builder
setCurrentSponsorRegistrarId(String) - Method in class
setCurrentTraceId(String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.GcpJsonFormatter
Set the Trace ID associated with any logging done by the current thread.
setCutoffTime(String) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.wipeout.WipeOutContactHistoryPiiPipelineOptions
setDatasetId(String) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection.Builder
setDate(String) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.spec11.Spec11PipelineOptions
setDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
Sets the value of the date property.
setDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCheckType
Sets the value of the date property.
setDateHeader(String, DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.request.JsonResponse
Sets the date header.
setDateHeader(String, DateTime) - Method in interface google.registry.request.Response
Writes an HTTP header with a timestamp value.
setDateHeader(String, DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.request.ResponseImpl
setDcp(XjcEppDcpType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppGreetingType
Sets the value of the dcp property.
setDcp(XjcEppDcpType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.XjcRdeEppParams
Sets the value of the dcp property.
setDeaName(XjcRdeNotificationName) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
Sets the value of the deaName property.
setDefaultPromoTokens(ImmutableList<VKey<AllocationToken>>) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setDelay(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.ProbingAction.Builder
setDelete(XjcEppReadWriteType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Sets the value of the delete property.
setDeletePollMessage(VKey<PollMessage.OneTime>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setDeletes(ImmutableSet<VKey<ImmutableObject>>) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.EntityChanges.Builder
setDeletes(XjcRdeDeletesType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
Sets the value of the deletes property.
setDeletionTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource.Builder
Set the time after which this resource should be considered deleted.
setDelTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
Sets the value of the delTime property.
setDescription(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory.Builder
setDescription(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06CreditType
Sets the value of the description property.
setDescription(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06FeeType
Sets the value of the description property.
setDescription(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11CreditType
Sets the value of the description property.
setDescription(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11FeeType
Sets the value of the description property.
setDescription(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CreditType
Sets the value of the description property.
setDescription(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12FeeType
Sets the value of the description property.
setDescription(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.XjcIirdeaResult
Sets the value of the description property.
setDigest(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsDataType
Sets the value of the digest property.
setDigestMethod(XjcDsigDigestMethod) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigReference
Sets the value of the digestMethod property.
setDigestType(short) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsDataType
Sets the value of the digestType property.
setDigestValue(XjcDsigDigestValue) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigReference
Sets the value of the digestValue property.
setDisclose(Disclose) - Method in class
setDisclose(Disclose) - Method in class
setDisclose(XjcContactDiscloseType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the disclose property.
setDisclose(XjcContactDiscloseType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the disclose property.
setDisclose(XjcContactDiscloseType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the disclose property.
setDisclose(XjcContactDiscloseType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Sets the value of the disclose property.
setDiscountFraction(double) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.Builder
setDiscountPremiums(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.Builder
setDiscountPrice(Money) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.Builder
setDiscountYears(int) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.Builder
setDnsAPlusAaaaTtl(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setDnsDsTtl(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setDnsNsTtl(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setDnsPaused(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setDnsWriters(ImmutableSet<String>) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setDomain(Domain) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder
setDomain(Domain) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder
setDomain(Domain) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder
setDomain(DomainBase) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainHistory.Builder
setDomainChecks(ImmutableList<CheckData.DomainCheck>) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder
setDomainChecks(ImmutableList<CheckData.DomainCheck>) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData.Builder
setDomainHistory(DomainHistory) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Builder
setDomainHistoryId(HistoryEntry.HistoryEntryId) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Builder
setDomainHistoryId(HistoryEntry.HistoryEntryId) - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Builder
setDomainName(InternetDomainName) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder
setDomainName(InternetDomainName) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.CreatePriceParameters.Builder
setDomainName(InternetDomainName) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RenewPriceParameters.Builder
setDomainName(InternetDomainName) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RestorePriceParameters.Builder
setDomainName(InternetDomainName) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.TransferPriceParameters.Builder
setDomainName(InternetDomainName) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.UpdatePriceParameters.Builder
setDomainName(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setDomainName(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainInfoData.Builder
setDomainName(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock.Builder
setDomainName(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.Builder
setDomainName(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch.Builder
setDomainName(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferResponse.DomainTransferResponse.Builder
setDomainNameIfSupported(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItem.Builder
The name associated with the item.
setDomainNameIfSupported(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee06.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV06.Builder
setDomainNameIfSupported(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV11.Builder
setDomainNameIfSupported(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV12.Builder
setDomainNames(ImmutableMap<String, InternetDomainName>) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder
setDomainRepoId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch.Builder
setDomainTransactionRecords(ImmutableSet<DomainTransactionRecord>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainHistory.Builder
setDriveFolderId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setDriveFolderId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setDsData(ImmutableSet<DomainDsData>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setDuration(Duration) - Method in interface google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingStep.Builder
setEapFeeSchedule(ImmutableSortedMap<DateTime, Money>) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
Sets the EAP fee schedule for the TLD.
setEffectiveDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemCommandV12.Builder
setEffectiveDateIfSupported(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryResponseExtensionItem.Builder
setEffectiveDateIfSupported(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV12.Builder
setElement(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy.XjcRdePolicy
Sets the value of the element property.
setEmail(PresenceMarker) - Method in class
setEmail(Object) - Method in class
Sets the value of the email property.
setEmail(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the email property.
setEmail(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the email property.
setEmail(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the email property.
setEmail(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
Sets the value of the email property.
setEmail(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
Sets the value of the email property.
setEmail(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Sets the value of the email property.
setEmail(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Sets the value of the email property.
setEmail(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdIssuerInfo
Sets the value of the email property.
setEmailAddress(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserBase.Builder
setEmailAddress(String) - Method in class
setEmailAddress(String) - Method in class
setEmailAddress(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setEmailAddress(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Builder
setEmailAddress(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase
These methods set the email address and registrar ID
setEncoding(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigObject
Sets the value of the encoding property.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdEncodedSignedMark
Sets the value of the encoding property.
setEndTime(String) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.billing.ExpandBillingRecurrencesPipelineOptions
setEntitlement(XjcMarkEntitlementType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
Sets the value of the entitlement property.
setEntityChanges(EntityChanges) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
setEntityChanges(EntityChanges) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
setEntityChanges(EntityChanges) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
setEntityChanges(EntityChanges) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
setEscrowEnabled(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setEventTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Builder
setEventTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Builder
setExDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreData
Sets the value of the exDate property.
setExDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Sets the value of the exDate property.
setExDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainRenData
Sets the value of the exDate property.
setExDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
Sets the value of the exDate property.
setExDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Sets the value of the exDate property.
setExDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Sets the value of the exDate property.
setExDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType
Sets the value of the exDate property.
setExecDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
Sets the value of the execDate property.
setExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection.Builder
The BigqueryConnection takes ownership of this ExecutorService and will shut it down when the BigqueryConnection is closed.
setExistingDomain(Domain) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder
setExistingDomain(Domain) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
setExistingDomain(Domain) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder
setExistingDomain(Domain) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
setExistingDomain(Domain) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder
setExistingDomain(Domain) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
setExists(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCdNameType
Sets the value of the exists property.
setExpiry(XjcEppDcpExpiryType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpType
Sets the value of the expiry property.
setExponent(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigRSAKeyValue
Sets the value of the exponent property.
setExt(XjcEppcomExtAuthInfoType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the ext property.
setExt(XjcEppcomExtAuthInfoType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAuthInfoChgType
Sets the value of the ext property.
setExt(XjcEppcomExtAuthInfoType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAuthInfoType
Sets the value of the ext property.
setExtendedRegistrationExpirationTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferResponse.DomainTransferResponse.Builder
Set the registration expiration time that will take effect if this transfer completes.
setExtension(XjcEppExtAnyType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEpp
Sets the value of the extension property.
setExtension(XjcEppExtAnyType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Sets the value of the extension property.
setExtension(XjcEppExtAnyType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResponse
Sets the value of the extension property.
setExtension(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.PhoneNumber.Builder
setExtensions(ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppResponse.Builder
setFailedResponse(String, int) - Method in class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction
setFailoverClientCertificate(String, DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setFast(boolean) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.resave.ResaveAllEppResourcesPipelineOptions
setFax(PresenceMarker) - Method in class
setFax(XjcContactE164Type) - Method in class
Sets the value of the fax property.
setFax(XjcContactE164Type) - Method in class
Sets the value of the fax property.
setFax(XjcContactE164Type) - Method in class
Sets the value of the fax property.
setFax(XjcContactE164Type) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Sets the value of the fax property.
setFax(XjcContactE164Type) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Sets the value of the fax property.
setFax(XjcMarkE164Type) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
Sets the value of the fax property.
setFax(XjcMarkE164Type) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
Sets the value of the fax property.
setFax(Object) - Method in class
Sets the value of the fax property.
setFaxNumber(ContactPhoneNumber) - Method in class
setFaxNumber(ContactPhoneNumber) - Method in class
setFaxNumber(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setFaxNumber(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Builder
setFeatureName(FeatureFlag.FeatureName) - Method in class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag.Builder
setFee(List<Fee>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemCommandV12.Builder
setFeeExtensionRequired(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits.Builder
setFees(ImmutableList<Fee>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryResponseExtensionItem.Builder
setFees(ImmutableList<Fee>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV12.Builder
setFees(List<Fee>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeTransformResponseExtension.Builder
setFeesAndCredits(ImmutableList<BaseFee>) - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits.Builder
setFeesAndCredits(FeesAndCredits) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.CreatePriceParameters.Builder
setFeesAndCredits(FeesAndCredits) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RenewPriceParameters.Builder
setFeesAndCredits(FeesAndCredits) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RestorePriceParameters.Builder
setFeesAndCredits(FeesAndCredits) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.TransferPriceParameters.Builder
setFeesAndCredits(FeesAndCredits) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.UpdatePriceParameters.Builder
setFeesAndCredits(BaseFee...) - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.FeesAndCredits.Builder
setFileMetadata(String, long, DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RydeEncoder.Builder
Sets the information about the unencoded data that will follow.
setFilename(String) - Method in interface google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Attachment.Builder
setFilter(Filter) - Method in class google.registry.util.JdkLoggerConfig
setFlag(boolean) - Method in class
setFlag(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the value of the flag property.
setFlags(int) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsKeyDataType
Sets the value of the flags property.
setFlags(ImmutableSet<BillingBase.Flag>) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Builder
setG(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
Sets the value of the g property.
setGainingRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.BaseTransferObject.Builder
Set the gaining registrar for a pending transfer on this resource.
setGid(int) - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader.Builder
Sets the UNIX group ID.
setGlobalRole(GlobalRole) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserRoles.Builder
setGname(String) - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader.Builder
Sets the UNIX group of the file.
setGoodsAndServices(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
Sets the value of the goodsAndServices property.
setGoodsAndServices(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Sets the value of the goodsAndServices property.
setGoodsAndServices(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
Sets the value of the goodsAndServices property.
setGracePeriod(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06FeeType
Sets the value of the gracePeriod property.
setGracePeriod(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11FeeType
Sets the value of the gracePeriod property.
setGracePeriod(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12FeeType
Sets the value of the gracePeriod property.
setGracePeriods(ImmutableSet<GracePeriod>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setGreeting(XjcEppGreetingType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEpp
Sets the value of the greeting property.
setGurid(BigInteger) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Sets the value of the gurid property.
setHandlerProviders(ImmutableList<Provider<? extends ChannelHandler>>) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.Protocol.Builder
setHeader(XjcRdeHeaderElement) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
Sets the value of the header property.
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class google.registry.request.JsonResponse
Sets the header.
setHeader(String, String) - Method in interface google.registry.request.Response
Writes an HTTP header to the response.
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class google.registry.request.ResponseImpl
setHello(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEpp
Sets the value of the hello property.
setHistoryEntry(HistoryEntry) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
setHistoryEntry(HistoryEntry) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
setHistoryEntry(HistoryEntry) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
setHistoryEntry(HistoryEntry) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
setHistoryEntry(HistoryEntry) - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Builder
setHistoryEntryClass(Class<? extends HistoryEntry>) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleEppActionHistory.Builder
setHistoryEntryId(HistoryEntry.HistoryEntryId) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleEppActionHistory.Builder
setHost(HostBase) - Method in class
setHost(String) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.ProbingAction.Builder
setHostHistoryId(HistoryEntry.HistoryEntryId) - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Builder
setHostName(String) - Method in class
setHostName(String) - Method in class
setHostName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainHostAttrType
Sets the value of the hostName property.
setHosts(XjcDomainHostsType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfoNameType
Sets the value of the hosts property.
setIanaIdentifier(Long) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setIcannReferralEmail(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setIcannReportingPassword(String) - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyringUpdater
setId(long) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Builder
setId(XjcContactCheckIDType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(XjcContactPaCLIDType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(Long) - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Builder
Manually set the ID for testing or in special circumstances.
setId(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigKeyInfo
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigManifest
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigObject
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigReference
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignature
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureProperties
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureProperty
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureValue
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignedInfo
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMsgQType
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.XjcRdeIdn
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.XjcRdeIdnDeleteType
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
Sets the value of the id property.
setIdAttribute(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
Sets the value of the idAttribute property.
setIdnTableId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Sets the value of the idnTableId property.
setIdnTableId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndn
Sets the value of the idnTableId property.
setIdnTableName(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setIdnTables(ImmutableSet<IdnTableEnum>) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setIncludeMark(Boolean) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfo
Sets the value of the includeMark property.
setIndefinite(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRetentionType
Sets the value of the indefinite property.
setInetAddresses(ImmutableSet<InetAddress>) - Method in class
setInetAddresses(ImmutableSet<InetAddress>) - Method in class
setInfo(XjcEppReadWriteType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Sets the value of the info property.
setInternationalizedAddress(RegistrarAddress) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setInternationalizedPostalInfo(PostalInfo) - Method in class
setInvoiceFilePrefix(String) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.billing.InvoicingPipelineOptions
setInvoicingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setIp(XjcHostIpType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the ip property.
setIpAddressAllowList(Iterable<CidrAddressBlock>) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setIpAllowList(Collection<String>) - Method in class google.registry.model.OteAccountBuilder
Sets the IP allowlist to all the OT&E Registrars.
setIsAdmin(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserRoles.Builder
setIsDryRun(boolean) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.billing.ExpandBillingRecurrencesPipelineOptions
setIsDryRun(boolean) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.wipeout.WipeOutContactHistoryPiiPipelineOptions
setIsInTestDriver(boolean) - Static method in enum class google.registry.util.RegistryEnvironment
setIsLoginResponse() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppResponse.Builder
setIsolationOverride(PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryPipelineOptions
setIssuerID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdIssuerInfo
Sets the value of the issuerID property.
setIssuerInfo(XjcSmdIssuerInfo) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
Sets the value of the issuerInfo property.
setIsSuperuser(boolean) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowMetadata.Builder
setJ(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
Sets the value of the j property.
setJpaTm(Supplier<JpaTransactionManager>) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManagerFactory
Sets the return of to the given instance of JpaTransactionManager.
setJpaTmOnBeamWorker(Supplier<JpaTransactionManager>) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManagerFactory
Makes return the JpaTransactionManager instance provided by jpaTmSupplier from now on.
setJpaTransactionManagerType(PersistenceModule.JpaTransactionManagerType) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryPipelineOptions
setJurisdiction(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Sets the value of the jurisdiction property.
setKeyData(XjcSecdnsKeyDataType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsDataType
Sets the value of the keyData property.
setKeyInfo(XjcDsigKeyInfo) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignature
Sets the value of the keyInfo property.
setKeyTag(int) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsDataType
Sets the value of the keyTag property.
setKind(XjcRdeDepositTypeType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
Sets the value of the kind property.
setLabel(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.DomainLabelEntry.Builder
setLabel(String, String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.GcpJsonFormatter
Set an arbitrary key-value pair as a label for the current request.
setLabelsToPrices(Map<String, BigDecimal>) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumList.Builder
setLang(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the lang property.
setLang(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusType
Sets the value of the lang property.
setLang(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCredsOptionsType
Sets the value of the lang property.
setLang(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMixedMsgType
Sets the value of the lang property.
setLang(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMsgType
Sets the value of the lang property.
setLang(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomReasonType
Sets the value of the lang property.
setLang(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the lang property.
setLang(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusType
Sets the value of the lang property.
setLang(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportTextType
Sets the value of the lang property.
setLang(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusType
Sets the value of the lang property.
setLastEppUpdateRegistrarId(String) - Method in class
setLastEppUpdateRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainInfoData.Builder
setLastEppUpdateRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource.Builder
Set the registrar who last performed a <update> on this resource.
setLastEppUpdateRegistrarId(String) - Method in class
setLastEppUpdateTime(DateTime) - Method in class
setLastEppUpdateTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainInfoData.Builder
setLastEppUpdateTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource.Builder
Set the time when a <update> was performed on this resource.
setLastEppUpdateTime(DateTime) - Method in class
setLastExpiringCertNotificationSentDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setLastExpiringFailoverCertNotificationSentDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setLastFullDate(LocalDate) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
Sets the value of the lastFullDate property.
setLastNotificationSent(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.BulkPricingPackage.Builder
setLastSuperordinateChange(DateTime) - Method in class
setLastTransferTime(DateTime) - Method in class
setLastTransferTime(DateTime) - Method in class
setLastTransferTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setLastTransferTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainInfoData.Builder
setLastTransferTime(DateTime) - Method in interface google.registry.model.EppResource.BuilderWithTransferData
Set the time when this resource was transferred.
setLastTransferTime(DateTime) - Method in class
setLastTransferTime(DateTime) - Method in class
setLastUpdateTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
This lets tests set the update timestamp in cases where setting fields resets the timestamp and breaks the verification that an object has not been updated since it was copied.
setLaunchNotice(LaunchNotice) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setLegal(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRetentionType
Sets the value of the legal property.
setLevel(Level) - Method in class google.registry.util.JdkLoggerConfig
setLocalizedAddress(RegistrarAddress) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setLocalizedPostalInfo(PostalInfo) - Method in class
setLockCompletionTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock.Builder
setLogin(XjcEppLoginType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Sets the value of the login property.
setLogout(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Sets the value of the logout property.
setLordnPhase(LordnTaskUtils.LordnPhase) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setLordnUsername(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setLosingRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.BaseTransferObject.Builder
Set the losing registrar for a pending transfer on this resource.
setMarkName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
Sets the value of the markName property.
setMarkName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Sets the value of the markName property.
setMarkName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
Sets the value of the markName property.
setMarksdbDnlLoginAndPassword(String) - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyringUpdater
setMarksdbLordnPassword(String) - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyringUpdater
setMarksdbSmdrlLoginAndPassword(String) - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyringUpdater
setMaxCreates(int) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.BulkPricingPackage.Builder
setMaxDomains(int) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.BulkPricingPackage.Builder
setMaxSigLife(Integer) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsChgType
Sets the value of the maxSigLife property.
setMaxSigLife(Integer) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsOrKeyType
Sets the value of the maxSigLife property.
setMessageId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.MessageQueueInfo.Builder
setMessageQueueInfo(MessageQueueInfo) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppResponse.Builder
setMessageTemplate(OutboundMessageType) - Method in interface google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingStep.Builder
setMethod(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Builder
setMethod(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory.Builder
setMimeType(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigObject
Sets the value of the mimeType property.
setMirroringNS(Boolean) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnNameState
Sets the value of the mirroringNS property.
setMode(int) - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader.Builder
Sets the UNIX file mode aka permissions.
setModificationTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Builder
setModificationTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory.Builder
setModificationTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Builder
setModulus(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigRSAKeyValue
Sets the value of the modulus property.
setMsg(XjcEppMixedMsgType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMsgQType
Sets the value of the msg property.
setMsg(XjcEppMsgType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResultType
Sets the value of the msg property.
setMsg(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.MessageQueueInfo.Builder
setMsg(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Builder
setMsg(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.XjcIirdeaResult
Sets the value of the msg property.
setMsgID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppPollType
Sets the value of the msgID property.
setMsgQ(XjcEppMsgQType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResponse
Sets the value of the msgQ property.
setMtime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader.Builder
Sets the modified time of the file.
setMultipleResData(ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseData>) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppResponse.Builder
setName(XjcDomainCheckNameType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCheckType
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(XjcDomainInfoNameType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfo
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(XjcDomainPaNameType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPanData
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(XjcHostCheckNameType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(XjcHostPaNameType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(XjcLaunchCdNameType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCdType
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.BaseDomainLabelList.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.Protocol.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader.Builder
Sets the file name.
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreate
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreData
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainDelete
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainRenData
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainRenew
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTransfer
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainUpdate
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCDType
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCheckType
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCheckType
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchPhaseType
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusType
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarWhoisInfoType
Sets the value of the name property.
setNames(ImmutableList<Disclose.PostalInfoChoice>) - Method in class
setNameservers(ImmutableSet<VKey<Host>>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setNameservers(ImmutableSet<String>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainInfoData.Builder
setNameservers(VKey<Host>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setNameState(XjcRdeNndnNameState) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndn
Sets the value of the nameState property.
setNewDomain(Domain) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
setNewDomain(Domain) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
setNewDomain(Domain) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
setNewDomain(Domain) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
setNewPW(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginType
Sets the value of the newPW property.
setNext(CircularList<T>) - Method in class google.registry.util.CircularList
Setter method only used in builder to point one node to the next.
setNextBillingDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.BulkPricingPackage.Builder
setNone(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpAccessType
Sets the value of the none property.
setNone(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRetentionType
Sets the value of the none property.
setNotAfter(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
Sets the value of the notAfter property.
setNotAfter(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreateNoticeType
Sets the value of the notAfter property.
setNotAfter(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
Sets the value of the notAfter property.
setNotAfterDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemCommandV12.Builder
setNotAfterDateIfSupported(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryResponseExtensionItem.Builder
setNotAfterDateIfSupported(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV12.Builder
setNotBefore(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
Sets the value of the notBefore property.
setNotice(XjcLaunchCreateNoticeType) - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1.Create
Sets the value of the notice property.
setNotice(XjcLaunchCreateNoticeType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreate
Sets the value of the notice property.
setNoticeID(XjcLaunchNoticeIDType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreateNoticeType
Sets the value of the noticeID property.
setNow(DateTime) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder
setNow(DateTime) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
setNs(XjcDomainNsType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAddRemType
Sets the value of the ns property.
setNs(XjcDomainNsType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreate
Sets the value of the ns property.
setNs(XjcDomainNsType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Sets the value of the ns property.
setNs(XjcDomainNsType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Sets the value of the ns property.
setNull(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAuthInfoChgType
Sets the value of the null property.
setNull(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpAccessType
Sets the value of the null property.
setNumDnsPublishLocks(int) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setNumResults(int) - Method in class google.registry.whois.WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric.Builder
setObject(XjcFee11ObjectCDType.Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
Sets the value of the object property.
setObject(XjcFee12ObjectCDType.Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12ObjectCDType
Sets the value of the object property.
setOnlyExtension(EppResponse.ResponseExtension) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppResponse.Builder
setOp(XjcEppPollOpType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppPollType
Sets the value of the op property.
setOp(XjcEppTransferOpType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTransferType
Sets the value of the op property.
setOp(XjcRgpOpType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpRestoreType
Sets the value of the op property.
setOptions(XjcEppCredsOptionsType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginType
Sets the value of the options property.
setOrg(String) - Method in class
setOrg(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the org property.
setOrg(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the org property.
setOrg(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
Sets the value of the org property.
setOrg(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
Sets the value of the org property.
setOrg(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdIssuerInfo
Sets the value of the org property.
setOrgs(ImmutableList<Disclose.PostalInfoChoice>) - Method in class
setOriginalName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Sets the value of the originalName property.
setOriginalName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndn
Sets the value of the originalName property.
setOther(XjcRgpMixedType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
Sets the value of the other property.
setOther(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpAccessType
Sets the value of the other property.
setOther(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpPurposeType
Sets the value of the other property.
setOther(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRecipientType
Sets the value of the other property.
setOtherRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainHistory.Builder
setOutboundMessage(OutboundMessageType) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.ProbingAction.Builder
setOverwrite(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection.Builder
setP(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
Sets the value of the p property.
setPaDate(DateTime) - Method in class
Sets the value of the paDate property.
setPaDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPanData
Sets the value of the paDate property.
setPaDate(DateTime) - Method in class
Sets the value of the paDate property.
setPaResult(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the value of the paResult property.
setPaResult(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPaNameType
Sets the value of the paResult property.
setPaResult(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the value of the paResult property.
setPassword(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.OteAccountBuilder
Sets the EPP login password for all the OT&E Registrars.
setPassword(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setPaTRID(XjcEppTrIDType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the paTRID property.
setPaTRID(XjcEppTrIDType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPanData
Sets the value of the paTRID property.
setPaTRID(XjcEppTrIDType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the paTRID property.
setPayload(String) - Method in interface google.registry.request.Response
Writes the HTTP payload.
setPayload(String) - Method in class google.registry.request.ResponseImpl
setPayload(HttpURLConnection, byte[], String) - Static method in class google.registry.request.UrlConnectionUtils
Sets the given byte[] payload on the given connection with a particular content type.
setPayload(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class google.registry.request.JsonResponse
Writes the JSON map to the HTTP payload; call this exactly once.
setPayloadMultipart(HttpURLConnection, String, String, MediaType, String, Random) - Static method in class google.registry.request.UrlConnectionUtils
Sets payload on request as a multipart/form-data request.
setPc(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the pc property.
setPc(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkAddrType
Sets the value of the pc property.
setPc(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarAddrType
Sets the value of the pc property.
setPendingDeleteDays(BigInteger) - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.DomainDelete
Sets the value of the pendingDeleteDays property.
setPendingDeleteLength(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setPendings(String) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipelineOptions
setPendingTransferExpirationTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.BaseTransferObject.Builder
Set the expiration time of the current pending transfer.
setPeriod(Period) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainHistory.Builder
setPeriod(Period) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryResponseExtensionItem.Builder
setPeriod(Period) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemCommandV12.Builder
setPeriod(Period) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV12.Builder
setPeriod(XjcDomainPeriodType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreate
Sets the value of the period property.
setPeriod(XjcDomainPeriodType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainRenew
Sets the value of the period property.
setPeriod(XjcDomainPeriodType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTransfer
Sets the value of the period property.
setPeriod(XjcDomainPeriodType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCDType
Sets the value of the period property.
setPeriod(XjcDomainPeriodType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCheckType
Sets the value of the period property.
setPeriod(XjcDomainPeriodType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06InfData
Sets the value of the period property.
setPeriod(XjcDomainPeriodType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Info
Sets the value of the period property.
setPeriod(XjcDomainPeriodType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TrnData
Sets the value of the period property.
setPeriod(XjcDomainPeriodType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Check
Sets the value of the period property.
setPeriod(XjcDomainPeriodType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
Sets the value of the period property.
setPeriod(XjcDomainPeriodType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TrnData
Sets the value of the period property.
setPeriod(XjcDomainPeriodType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
Sets the value of the period property.
setPeriod(XjcDomainPeriodType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCheckType
Sets the value of the period property.
setPeriod(XjcDomainPeriodType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TrnData
Sets the value of the period property.
setPeriodYears(Integer) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingEvent.Builder
setPersistedCurrentSponsorRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource.Builder
Set the current sponsoring registrar.
setPersistentConnection(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.Protocol.Builder
setPersonal(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpAccessType
Sets the value of the personal property.
setPersonalAndOther(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpAccessType
Sets the value of the personalAndOther property.
setPgenCounter(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
Sets the value of the pgenCounter property.
setPGPKeyID(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigPGPData
Sets the value of the pgpKeyID property.
setPGPKeyPacket(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigPGPData
Sets the value of the pgpKeyPacket property.
setPhase(LaunchPhase) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchExtension.Builder
setPhase(XjcLaunchPhaseType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCheck
Sets the value of the phase property.
setPhase(XjcLaunchPhaseType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchChkData
Sets the value of the phase property.
setPhase(XjcLaunchPhaseType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreate
Sets the value of the phase property.
setPhase(XjcLaunchPhaseType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchIdContainerType
Sets the value of the phase property.
setPhase(XjcLaunchPhaseType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfData
Sets the value of the phase property.
setPhase(XjcLaunchPhaseType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfo
Sets the value of the phase property.
setPhase(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemCommandV12.Builder
setPhase(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06CommandType
Sets the value of the phase property.
setPhase(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11CommandType
Sets the value of the phase property.
setPhase(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
Sets the value of the phase property.
setPhase(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCheckType
Sets the value of the phase property.
setPhoneNumber(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.PhoneNumber.Builder
setPhoneNumber(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setPhoneNumber(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Builder
setPhonePasscode(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
Set the phone passcode.
setPoll(XjcEppPollType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Sets the value of the poll property.
setPollInterval(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection.Builder
setPoNumber(Optional<String>) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setPort(int) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.Protocol.Builder
setPostalInfos(ImmutableList<PostalInfo>) - Method in class
setPostData(XjcRgpMixedType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
Sets the value of the postData property.
setPreData(XjcRgpMixedType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
Sets the value of the preData property.
setPremiumList(PremiumList) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setPremiumListCacheForTest(Optional<Duration>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumListDao
setPremiumPricingEngine(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setPrevId(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
Sets the value of the prevId property.
setPrice(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumList.PremiumEntry.Builder
setProDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
Sets the value of the proDate property.
setProDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
Sets the value of the proDate property.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface google.registry.util.SystemPropertySetter
Updates the system property specified by key.
setProtocol(short) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsKeyDataType
Sets the value of the protocol property.
setProtocol(Protocol) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.ProbingAction.Builder
setProtocol(Protocol) - Method in interface google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingStep.Builder
setProv(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpPurposeType
Sets the value of the prov property.
setPubKey(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsKeyDataType
Sets the value of the pubKey property.
setPublic(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRecipientType
Sets the value of the public property.
setPurpose(XjcEppDcpPurposeType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpStatementType
Sets the value of the purpose property.
setPw(XjcEppcomPwAuthInfoType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the pw property.
setPw(XjcEppcomPwAuthInfoType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAuthInfoChgType
Sets the value of the pw property.
setPw(XjcEppcomPwAuthInfoType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAuthInfoType
Sets the value of the pw property.
setPw(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginType
Sets the value of the pw property.
setQ(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
Sets the value of the q property.
setQDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMsgQType
Sets the value of the qDate property.
setQueryFetchSize(Query, int) - Static method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManager
Sets the JDBC driver fetch size for the query.
setQueueDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.MessageQueueInfo.Builder
setQueueLength(int) - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.MessageQueueInfo.Builder
setRdapBaseUrls(Set<String>) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setRdeMenu(XjcRdeMenuType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
Sets the value of the rdeMenu property.
setRdeReceiverPublicKey(PGPPublicKey) - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyringUpdater
setRdeSigningKey(PGPKeyPair) - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyringUpdater
setRdeSshClientPrivateKey(String) - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyringUpdater
setRdeSshClientPublicKey(String) - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyringUpdater
setRdeStagingBucket(String) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipelineOptions
setRdeStagingKey(PGPKeyPair) - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyringUpdater
setReason(BillingBase.Reason) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Builder
setReason(XjcEppMsgType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppExtErrValueType
Sets the value of the reason property.
setReason(XjcEppcomReasonType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the reason property.
setReason(XjcEppcomReasonType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCheckType
Sets the value of the reason property.
setReason(XjcEppcomReasonType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the reason property.
setReason(String) - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.metadata_1.Metadata
Sets the value of the reason property.
setReason(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Builder
setReason(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
Sets the value of the reason property.
setReason(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
Sets the value of the reason property.
setReasonIfSupported(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryResponseExtensionItem.Builder
setReasonIfSupported(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee11.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemV11.Builder
setRecDesc(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpOursType
Sets the value of the recDesc property.
setRecipient(XjcEppDcpRecipientType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpStatementType
Sets the value of the recipient property.
setRecipients(Collection<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Builder
setRecurrenceEndTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingRecurrence.Builder
setRecurrenceLastExpansion(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingRecurrence.Builder
setReDate(DateTime) - Method in class
Sets the value of the reDate property.
setReDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
Sets the value of the reDate property.
setReDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactTransferDataType
Sets the value of the reDate property.
setReDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType
Sets the value of the reDate property.
setReDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
Sets the value of the reDate property.
setRedemptionGracePeriodDays(BigInteger) - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.DomainDelete
Sets the value of the redemptionGracePeriodDays property.
setRedemptionGracePeriodLength(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setRedemptionHistoryId(HistoryEntry.HistoryEntryId) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.Builder
setRefNum(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
Sets the value of the refNum property.
setRefNum(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
Sets the value of the refNum property.
setRefundable(Boolean) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06FeeType
Sets the value of the refundable property.
setRefundable(Boolean) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11FeeType
Sets the value of the refundable property.
setRefundable(Boolean) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12FeeType
Sets the value of the refundable property.
setRegDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Sets the value of the regDate property.
setRegion(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkProtectionType
Sets the value of the region property.
setRegistrant(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainInfoData.Builder
setRegistrant(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainChgType
Sets the value of the registrant property.
setRegistrant(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreate
Sets the value of the registrant property.
setRegistrant(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Sets the value of the registrant property.
setRegistrant(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Sets the value of the registrant property.
setRegistrant(Optional<VKey<Contact>>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setRegistrar(Registrar) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Builder
setRegistrar(RegistrarBase) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarUpdateHistory.Builder
setRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.flows.HttpSessionMetadata
setRegistrarId(String) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.SessionMetadata
setRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.flows.StatelessRequestSessionMetadata
setRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Builder
setRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock.Builder
setRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Builder
setRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
Sets the registrar ID.
setRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Builder
setRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase
setRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Builder
setRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch.Builder
setRegistrarId(String) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric.Builder
setRegistrarId(Optional<String>) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric.Builder
setRegistrarName(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setRegistrarPoc(RegistrarPoc) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarPocUpdateHistory.Builder
setRegistrarPocId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock.Builder
setRegistrarRoles(Map<String, RegistrarRole>) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserRoles.Builder
setRegistrationBehavior(AllocationToken.RegistrationBehavior) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.Builder
setRegistrationExpirationTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setRegistrationExpirationTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainInfoData.Builder
setRegistryEnvironment(RegistryEnvironment) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryPipelineOptions
setRegistryLockAllowed(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setRegistryLockEmailAddress(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserBase.Builder
setRegistryLockEmailAddress(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Builder
setRegistryLockOrUnlockBillingCost(Money) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setRegistryLockPassword(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserBase.Builder
setRegistryLockPassword(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Builder
setRegNum(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
Sets the value of the regNum property.
setReID(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the reID property.
setReID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
Sets the value of the reID property.
setRelative(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpExpiryType
Sets the value of the relative property.
setRelock(RegistryLock) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock.Builder
setRelockDuration(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock.Builder
setRem(XjcContactAddRemType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the rem property.
setRem(XjcDomainAddRemType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainUpdate
Sets the value of the rem property.
setRem(XjcHostAddRemType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the rem property.
setRem(XjcSecdnsRemType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsUpdate
Sets the value of the rem property.
setRenew(XjcEppReadWriteType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Sets the value of the renew property.
setRenewalPeriod(PeriodType) - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.DomainTransferRequest
Sets the value of the renewalPeriod property.
setRenewalPrice(Money) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingRecurrence.Builder
setRenewalPrice(Money) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.Builder
setRenewalPriceBehavior(BillingBase.RenewalPriceBehavior) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingRecurrence.Builder
setRenewalPriceBehavior(BillingBase.RenewalPriceBehavior) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.Builder
setRenewBillingCostTransitions(ImmutableSortedMap<DateTime, Money>) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
Sets the renew billing cost to transition to the specified values at the specified times.
setRenewGracePeriodLength(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setRepDate(LocalDate) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
Sets the value of the repDate property.
setReplaceExisting(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.model.OteAccountBuilder
Set whether to replace any conflicting existing entities.
setReplicaJpaTm(Supplier<JpaTransactionManager>) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManagerFactory
setReplyToEmailAddress(InternetAddress) - Method in interface google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Builder
setReplyToEmailAddress(Optional<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Builder
setRepoId(EppResource) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Builder
setRepoId(String) - Method in class
setRepoId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainInfoData.Builder
setRepoId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock.Builder
setRepoId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource.Builder
Set this resource's repoId.
setRepoId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource
Sets the repository ID.
setRepoId(String) - Method in class
setRepoId(String) - Method in class
setReport(XjcRdeReport) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
Sets the value of the report property.
setReport(XjcRgpReportType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpRestoreType
Sets the value of the report property.
setReportAmount(Integer) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.Builder
setReportField(DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.Builder
setReportingBucketUrl(String) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.spec11.Spec11PipelineOptions
setReportingTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.Builder
setRequestBody(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Builder
setRequestedByRegistrar(boolean) - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.metadata_1.Metadata
Sets the value of the requestedByRegistrar property.
setRequestedByRegistrar(Boolean) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Builder
setReRr(XjcRdeRrType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactTransferDataType
Sets the value of the reRr property.
setReRr(XjcRdeRrType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType
Sets the value of the reRr property.
setResData(DomainInfoData) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder
setResData(DomainInfoData) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData.Builder
setResData(EppResponse.ResponseData) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder
setResData(EppResponse.ResponseData) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData.Builder
setResData(EppResponse.ResponseData) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder
setResData(EppResponse.ResponseData) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData.Builder
setResData(EppResponse.ResponseData) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppResponse.Builder
setResData(XjcEppExtAnyType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResponse
Sets the value of the resData property.
setResend(int) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
Sets the value of the resend property.
setResend(Integer) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
Sets the value of the resend property.
setReservedListMap(ImmutableMap<String, ReservedList.ReservedListEntry>) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedList.Builder
setReservedListMapFromLines(Iterable<String>) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedList.Builder
Updates the reservedListMap from input lines.
setReservedLists(ReservedList...) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setReservedLists(Set<ReservedList>) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setReservedListsByName(Set<String>) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setResponse(XjcEppResponse) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEpp
Sets the value of the response property.
setResponseData(ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseData>) - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.OneTime.Builder
setResponseExtensions(ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder
setResponseExtensions(ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData.Builder
setResponseExtensions(ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder
setResponseExtensions(ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData.Builder
setResponseExtensions(ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder
setResponseExtensions(ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData.Builder
setResponseExtensions(ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder
setResponseExtensions(ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData.Builder
setResponseExtensions(ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder
setResponseExtensions(ImmutableList<? extends EppResponse.ResponseExtension>) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData.Builder
setResReason(XjcRgpReportTextType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
Sets the value of the resReason property.
setResTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
Sets the value of the resTime property.
setRestore(XjcRgpRestoreType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpUpdate
Sets the value of the restore property.
setRestoreBillingCost(Money) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setResult(Result) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppResponse.Builder
setResult(XjcIirdeaResult) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.XjcIirdeaResponse
Sets the value of the result property.
setResultCode(Result.Code) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters.Builder
setResultCode(Result.Code) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData.Builder
setResultFromCode(Result.Code) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppResponse.Builder
setRetention(XjcEppDcpRetentionType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpStatementType
Sets the value of the retention property.
setRevisionId(Long) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Builder
setRevisionId(Long) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumList.PremiumEntry.Builder
setRoid(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the roid property.
setRoid(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Sets the value of the roid property.
setRoid(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomPwAuthInfoType
Sets the value of the roid property.
setRoid(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the roid property.
setRoid(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Sets the value of the roid property.
setRoid(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Sets the value of the roid property.
setRoid(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
Sets the value of the roid property.
setRoidSuffix(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setRydeOutput(OutputStream, PGPPublicKey, PGPPublicKey...) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RydeEncoder.Builder
Sets the OutputStream for the Ryde-encoded data, and the keys used for the encryption.
setRydeSpecEscrow(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
Sets the value of the rydeSpecEscrow property.
setRydeSpecMapping(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
Sets the value of the rydeSpecMapping property.
setS(XjcContactStatusValueType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the s property.
setS(XjcDomainStatusValueType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusType
Sets the value of the s property.
setS(XjcHostStatusValueType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the s property.
setS(XjcLaunchStatusValueType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusType
Sets the value of the s property.
setS(XjcRgpStatusValueType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusType
Sets the value of the s property.
setSafeBrowsingApiKey(String) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.spec11.Spec11PipelineOptions
setSafeBrowsingAPIKey(String) - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyringUpdater
setSame(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRecipientType
Sets the value of the same property.
setSaves(ImmutableSet<ImmutableObject>) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.EntityChanges.Builder
setScope(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy.XjcRdePolicy
Sets the value of the scope property.
setSecDNS(XjcSecdnsDsOrKeyType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Sets the value of the secDNS property.
setSeed(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
Sets the value of the seed property.
setServerApproveAutorenewEvent(VKey<BillingRecurrence>) - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData.Builder
setServerApproveAutorenewPollMessage(VKey<PollMessage.Autorenew>) - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData.Builder
setServerApproveBillingEvent(VKey<BillingEvent>) - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData.Builder
setServerApproveEntities(String, Long, ImmutableSet<VKey<? extends TransferData.TransferServerApproveEntity>>) - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData.Builder
setServerApproveEntities(String, Long, ImmutableSet<VKey<? extends TransferData.TransferServerApproveEntity>>) - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferData.Builder
setServerStatusChangeBillingCost(Money) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setServiceExtensionUris(Set<String>) - Method in class google.registry.flows.HttpSessionMetadata
setServiceExtensionUris(Set<String>) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.SessionMetadata
setServiceExtensionUris(Set<String>) - Method in class google.registry.flows.StatelessRequestSessionMetadata
setSignature(XjcDsigSignature) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
Sets the value of the signature property.
setSignatureMethod(XjcDsigSignatureMethod) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignedInfo
Sets the value of the signatureMethod property.
setSignatureOutput(OutputStream, PGPKeyPair) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RydeEncoder.Builder
Sets the OutputStream for the signature, and the key used to sign.
setSignatureValue(XjcDsigSignatureValue) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignature
Sets the value of the signatureValue property.
setSignedInfo(XjcDsigSignedInfo) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignature
Sets the value of the signedInfo property.
setSignedMarkId(Optional<String>) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder
setSize(long) - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader.Builder
Sets the file size.
setSmdId(String) - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1.Create
Sets the value of the smdId property.
setSmdId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setSoyTemplate(SoyFileInfo, SoyTemplateInfo) - Method in class
setSp(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the sp property.
setSp(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkAddrType
Sets the value of the sp property.
setSp(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarAddrType
Sets the value of the sp property.
setSqlPrimaryConnectionName(String) - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyringUpdater
setSqlReplicaConnectionName(String) - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyringUpdater
setSqlWriteBatchSize(int) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryPipelineOptions
setStagingKey(String) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipelineOptions
setStartTime(String) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.billing.ExpandBillingRecurrencesPipelineOptions
setState(RegistrarBase.State) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setState(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address.Builder
setStated(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRetentionType
Sets the value of the stated property.
setStatus(int) - Method in class google.registry.request.JsonResponse
Sets the status.
setStatus(int) - Method in interface google.registry.request.Response
Sets the HTTP status code.
setStatus(int) - Method in class google.registry.request.ResponseImpl
setStatus(int) - Method in class google.registry.whois.WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric.Builder
setStatus(Result.Code) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric.Builder
setStatus(XjcLaunchStatusType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfData
Sets the value of the status property.
setStatus(XjcRdeNotificationStatusType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
Sets the value of the status property.
setStatus(XjcRdeRegistrarStatusType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Sets the value of the status property.
setStatusMap(ImmutableSortedMap<DateTime, FeatureFlag.FeatureStatus>) - Method in class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag.Builder
setStatusValues(ImmutableSet<StatusValue>) - Method in class
setStatusValues(ImmutableSet<StatusValue>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainInfoData.Builder
setStatusValues(ImmutableSet<StatusValue>) - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource.Builder
Set this resource's status values.
setStatusValues(ImmutableSet<StatusValue>) - Method in class
setStreet(ImmutableList<String>) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address.Builder
setSubject(String) - Method in interface google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Builder
setSubordinateHosts(ImmutableSet<String>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setSubordinateHosts(ImmutableSet<String>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainInfoData.Builder
setSubphase(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.fee12.FeeCheckResponseExtensionItemCommandV12.Builder
setSubphase(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06CommandType
Sets the value of the subphase property.
setSubphase(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11CommandType
Sets the value of the subphase property.
setSubphase(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
Sets the value of the subphase property.
setSubphase(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCheckType
Sets the value of the subphase property.
setSuperordinateDomain(VKey<Domain>) - Method in class
setSvcExtension(XjcEppExtURIType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginSvcType
Sets the value of the svcExtension property.
setSvcExtension(XjcEppExtURIType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppSvcMenuType
Sets the value of the svcExtension property.
setSvcExtension(XjcEppExtURIType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.XjcRdeEppParams
Sets the value of the svcExtension property.
setSvcMenu(XjcEppSvcMenuType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppGreetingType
Sets the value of the svcMenu property.
setSvcs(XjcEppLoginSvcType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginType
Sets the value of the svcs property.
setSvDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppGreetingType
Sets the value of the svDate property.
setSvID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppGreetingType
Sets the value of the svID property.
setSvTRID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTrIDType
Sets the value of the svTRID property.
setSyntheticCreationTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingEvent.Builder
setTarget(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureProperty
Sets the value of the target property.
setTargetId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Builder
setTargetId(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Autorenew.Builder
setThreatTypes(ImmutableSet<Spec11ThreatMatch.ThreatType>) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch.Builder
setTitle(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
Sets the value of the title property.
setTld(Tld) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.CreatePriceParameters.Builder
setTld(Tld) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RenewPriceParameters.Builder
setTld(Tld) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RestorePriceParameters.Builder
setTld(Tld) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.TransferPriceParameters.Builder
setTld(Tld) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.UpdatePriceParameters.Builder
setTld(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.Builder
setTld(String) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric.Builder
setTld(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeheader.XjcRdeHeader
Sets the value of the tld property.
setTld(Optional<String>) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric.Builder
setTlds(ImmutableSet<String>) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric.Builder
Sets the single TLD field from a list of TLDs associated with a command.
setTldStateTransitions(ImmutableSortedMap<DateTime, Tld.TldState>) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
Sets the TLD state to transition to the specified states at the specified times.
setTldStr(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setTldType(Tld.TldType) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setToken(AllocationToken) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.BulkPricingPackage.Builder
setToken(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.Builder
setTokenStatusTransitions(ImmutableSortedMap<DateTime, AllocationToken.TokenStatus>) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.Builder
setTokenType(AllocationToken.TokenType) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.Builder
setTransfer(XjcEppTransferType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Sets the value of the transfer property.
setTransferData(ContactTransferData) - Method in class
setTransferData(DomainTransferData) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase.Builder
setTransferData(T) - Method in interface google.registry.model.EppResource.BuilderWithTransferData
setTransferGracePeriodLength(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.Builder
setTransferPeriod(Period) - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData.Builder
setTransferredRegistrationExpirationTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.DomainTransferData.Builder
setTransferRequestTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.BaseTransferObject.Builder
Set the time that the current transfer request was made on this resource.
setTransferRequestTrid(Trid) - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferData.Builder
setTransferStatus(TransferStatus) - Method in class google.registry.model.transfer.BaseTransferObject.Builder
Set this resource's transfer status.
setTransforms(XjcDsigTransforms) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigReference
Sets the value of the transforms property.
setTransforms(XjcDsigTransforms) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigRetrievalMethod
Sets the value of the transforms property.
setTrDate(DateTime) - Method in class
Sets the value of the trDate property.
setTrDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Sets the value of the trDate property.
setTrDate(DateTime) - Method in class
Sets the value of the trDate property.
setTrDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Sets the value of the trDate property.
setTrDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Sets the value of the trDate property.
setTrDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
Sets the value of the trDate property.
setTrid(Trid) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppoutput.EppResponse.Builder
setTrid(Trid) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Builder
setTrID(XjcEppTrIDType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResponse
Sets the value of the trID property.
setTrnData(XjcRdeContactTransferDataType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Sets the value of the trnData property.
setTrnData(XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Sets the value of the trnData property.
setTrStatus(XjcEppcomTrStatusType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the trStatus property.
setTrStatus(XjcEppcomTrStatusType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
Sets the value of the trStatus property.
setTrStatus(XjcEppcomTrStatusType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactTransferDataType
Sets the value of the trStatus property.
setTrStatus(XjcEppcomTrStatusType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType
Sets the value of the trStatus property.
setType(ConsoleUpdateHistory.Type) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Builder
setType(ConsoleUpdateHistory.Type) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory.Builder
setType(PostalInfo.Type) - Method in class
setType(RegistrarBase.Type) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setType(HistoryEntry.Type) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Builder
setType(PosixTarHeader.Type) - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader.Builder
Sets the file PosixTarHeader.Type.
setType(XjcContactPostalInfoEnumType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the type property.
setType(XjcContactPostalInfoEnumType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the type property.
setType(XjcContactPostalInfoEnumType) - Method in class
Sets the value of the type property.
setType(XjcDomainContactAttrType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainContactType
Sets the value of the type property.
setType(XjcLaunchCheckFormType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCheck
Sets the value of the type property.
setType(XjcLaunchObjectType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreate
Sets the value of the type property.
setType(XjcMarkContactTypeType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
Sets the value of the type property.
setType(XjcRdeDepositTypeType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
Sets the value of the type property.
setType(XjcRdeRegistrarPostalInfoEnumType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarPostalInfoType
Sets the value of the type property.
setType(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigReference
Sets the value of the type property.
setType(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigRetrievalMethod
Sets the value of the type property.
setTypes(Iterable<RegistrarPocBase.Type>) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Builder
setUid(int) - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader.Builder
Sets the owner's UNIX user ID.
setUname(String) - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader.Builder
Sets the UNIX owner of the file.
setUName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Sets the value of the uName property.
setUName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndn
Sets the value of the uName property.
setUnit(PUnitType) - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.PeriodType
Sets the value of the unit property.
setUnit(XjcDomainPUnitType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPeriodType
Sets the value of the unit property.
setUnlockCompletionTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock.Builder
setUnlockRequestTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock.Builder
setUnrelated(Object) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRecipientType
Sets the value of the unrelated property.
setup() - Method in enum class google.registry.util.RegistryEnvironment
Sets this enum as the name of the registry environment.
setup(SystemPropertySetter) - Method in enum class google.registry.util.RegistryEnvironment
Sets this enum as the name of the registry environment using specified SystemPropertySetter.
setupCredentialSupplier(GoogleCredentials) - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.CloudSqlCredentialSupplier
Initialize the supplier with given credential json and scopes.
setUpdate(XjcEppReadWriteType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Sets the value of the update property.
setUpDate(DateTime) - Method in class
Sets the value of the upDate property.
setUpDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Sets the value of the upDate property.
setUpDate(DateTime) - Method in class
Sets the value of the upDate property.
setUpDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Sets the value of the upDate property.
setUpDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Sets the value of the upDate property.
setUpDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
Sets the value of the upDate property.
setUpDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Sets the value of the upDate property.
setUpdateTimestamp(UpdateAutoTimestamp) - Method in class google.registry.model.EppResource.Builder
Set the update timestamp.
setUpdateTimestamp(UpdateAutoTimestamp) - Method in class google.registry.model.UpdateAutoTimestampEntity
Sets the UpdateAutoTimestampEntity.updateTimestamp.
setUpID(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the upID property.
setUpID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
Sets the value of the upID property.
setUpID(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the upID property.
setUpRr(XjcRdeRrType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Sets the value of the upRr property.
setUpRr(XjcRdeRrType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
Sets the value of the upRr property.
setUpRr(XjcRdeRrType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
Sets the value of the upRr property.
setUrgent(Boolean) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsUpdate
Sets the value of the urgent property.
setUri(String) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.HttpRequestMessage
setUri(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeheader.XjcRdeHeaderCount
Sets the value of the uri property.
setURI(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigReference
Sets the value of the uri property.
setURI(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigRetrievalMethod
Sets the value of the uri property.
setUrl(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Builder
setUrl(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory.Builder
setUrl(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setUrl(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.XjcRdeIdn
Sets the value of the url property.
setUrl(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Sets the value of the url property.
setUrl(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarWhoisInfoType
Sets the value of the url property.
setUrl(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdIssuerInfo
Sets the value of the url property.
setUrlPolicy(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.XjcRdeIdn
Sets the value of the urlPolicy property.
setUseParentHandlers(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.util.JdkLoggerConfig
setUser(User) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserUpdateHistory.Builder
setUserRoles(UserRoles) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserBase.Builder
setVaDate(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
Sets the value of the vaDate property.
setValidationMode(String) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipelineOptions
setValidatorID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchClaimKeyType
Sets the value of the validatorID property.
setValidatorID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCodeType
Sets the value of the validatorID property.
setValidatorID(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchNoticeIDType
Sets the value of the validatorID property.
setValue(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureValue
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(int) - Method in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.PeriodType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(int) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPeriodType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(int) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.XjcIirdeaCode
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(long) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdeheader.XjcRdeHeaderCount
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(XjcEppErrValueType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppExtErrValueType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(XjcLaunchPhaseTypeValue) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchPhaseType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(XjcRdeNndnNameStateValue) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnNameState
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCheckNameType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainContactType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfoNameType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPaNameType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMsgType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomPwAuthInfoType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomReasonType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06CommandType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11CommandType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCdNameType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchClaimKeyType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCodeType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchNoticeIDType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkE164Type
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeRrType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotificationName
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdEncodedSignedMark
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class ietf.params.xml.ns.allocationtoken_1.AllocationToken
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06CreditType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06FeeType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11CreditType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11FeeType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CreditType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(BigDecimal) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12FeeType
Sets the value of the value property.
setVerificationCode(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.RegistryLock.Builder
setVersion(int) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
Sets the value of the version property.
setVersion(int) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
Sets the value of the version property.
setVersion(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCredsOptionsType
Sets the value of the version property.
setVersion(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeMenuType
Sets the value of the version property.
setVisibleInDomainWhoisAsAbuse(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Builder
setVisibleInWhoisAsAdmin(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Builder
setVisibleInWhoisAsTech(boolean) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Builder
setVoice(PresenceMarker) - Method in class
setVoice(XjcContactE164Type) - Method in class
Sets the value of the voice property.
setVoice(XjcContactE164Type) - Method in class
Sets the value of the voice property.
setVoice(XjcContactE164Type) - Method in class
Sets the value of the voice property.
setVoice(XjcContactE164Type) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
Sets the value of the voice property.
setVoice(XjcContactE164Type) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Sets the value of the voice property.
setVoice(XjcMarkE164Type) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
Sets the value of the voice property.
setVoice(XjcMarkE164Type) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
Sets the value of the voice property.
setVoice(XjcMarkE164Type) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdIssuerInfo
Sets the value of the voice property.
setVoice(Object) - Method in class
Sets the value of the voice property.
setVoiceNumber(ContactPhoneNumber) - Method in class
setVoiceNumber(ContactPhoneNumber) - Method in class
setWatermark(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
Sets the value of the watermark property.
setWatermark(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
Sets the value of the watermark property.
setWhoisInfo(XjcRdeRegistrarWhoisInfoType) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Sets the value of the whoisInfo property.
setWhoisServer(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Builder
setX(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the x property.
setX(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkE164Type
Sets the value of the x property.
setX509IssuerName(String) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigX509IssuerSerialType
Sets the value of the x509IssuerName property.
setX509SerialNumber(BigInteger) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigX509IssuerSerialType
Sets the value of the x509SerialNumber property.
setXmlBytes(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Builder
setY(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
Sets the value of the y property.
setYearMonth(String) - Method in interface google.registry.beam.billing.InvoicingPipelineOptions
setYears(int) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder
setYears(int) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
setYears(int) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.CreatePriceParameters.Builder
setYears(int) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RenewPriceParameters.Builder
setYears(int) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters.Builder
setYears(int) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters.Builder
setZip(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address.Builder
SHA1 - Enum constant in enum class
SHA256 - Enum constant in enum class
SHA384 - Enum constant in enum class
sheetExportId - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Misc
SheetModule - Class in google.registry.export.sheet
Dagger module for the sheet package.
SheetModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.export.sheet.SheetModule
SheetsServiceModule - Class in google.registry.export.sheet
Dagger module for Sheets.
SheetsServiceModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.export.sheet.SheetsServiceModule
ShellCommand - Class in
Implements a tiny shell interpreter for the nomulus tool.
shouldBeVisible(EppResource) - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapSearchActionBase
Returns true if the EPP resource should be visible.
shouldBeVisible(Registrar) - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapSearchActionBase
Returns true if the EPP resource should be visible.
shouldBeVisible(Optional<? extends EppResource>) - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapSearchActionBase
shouldDiscountPremiums() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken
shouldLoadDomainForCheck() - Method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName
shouldPublishToDns() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.DomainBase
Returns true if DNS information should be published for the given domain.
shouldReceiveExpiringNotification(DateTime, String) - Method in class google.registry.flows.certs.CertificateChecker
Returns whether the client should receive a notification email.
SIGN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.keyring.api.PgpHelper.KeyRequirement
signature - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
signatureMethod - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignedInfo
signatureProperties - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureProperties
signatureValue - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignature
signedInfo - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignature
SignedMark - Class in google.registry.model.smd
Represents an XML fragment that is digitally signed by the TMCH to prove ownership over a mark.
SignedMark() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.smd.SignedMark
signedMarkId() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns the value of the signedMarkId record component.
SignedMarkRevocationList - Class in google.registry.model.smd
Signed Mark Data Revocation List (SMDRL).
SignedMarkRevocationList() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.smd.SignedMarkRevocationList
SignedMarkRevocationListDao - Class in google.registry.model.smd
SignedMarkRevocationListDao() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.smd.SignedMarkRevocationListDao
Simple API - Search tag in class google.registry.rde.Ghostryde
SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory - Class in google.registry.model.console
SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory
SimpleConsoleUpdateHistory.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.console
SINGLE_USE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.TokenType
Invalid after use
SINGLETON_ID - Static variable in class google.registry.model.common.CrossTldSingleton
singletonCachePersistSeconds - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Caching
singletonCacheRefreshSeconds - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Caching
size() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.TimedTransitionProperty
size() - Method in class google.registry.model.smd.SignedMarkRevocationList
Returns the number of revocations.
size() - Method in class google.registry.model.tmch.ClaimsList
Returns the number of claims.
skip(long) - Method in class google.registry.util.ImprovedInputStream
sleep(ReadableDuration) - Method in interface google.registry.util.Sleeper
Puts the current thread to sleep.
sleep(ReadableDuration) - Method in class google.registry.util.SystemSleeper
Sleeper - Interface in google.registry.util
An object which accepts requests to put the current thread to sleep.
sleepInterruptibly(ReadableDuration) - Method in interface google.registry.util.Sleeper
Puts the current thread to interruptible sleep.
sleepUninterruptibly(ReadableDuration) - Method in interface google.registry.util.Sleeper
Puts the current thread to sleep, ignoring interrupts.
sleepUninterruptibly(ReadableDuration) - Method in class google.registry.util.SystemSleeper
smdId - Variable in class google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1.Create
SmdrlCsvParser - Class in google.registry.tmch
Signed Mark Data Revocation List (SMDRL) CSV Parser
SmdrlCsvParser() - Constructor for class google.registry.tmch.SmdrlCsvParser
SOCIAL_ENGINEERING - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch.ThreatType
SortedEnumSetSerializer() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.SortedEnumSetSerializer
SortedEnumSetSerializer(Class<Set<Enum>>) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.SortedEnumSetSerializer
SortedSetSerializer() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.SortedSetSerializer
SortedSetSerializer(Class<Set<String>>) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.SortedSetSerializer
sp - Variable in class
sp - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkAddrType
sp - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarAddrType
spec11BccEmailAddresses - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Misc
Spec11EmailSoyInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
Spec11EmailSoyInfo.DailySpec11EmailSoyTemplateInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
Spec11EmailSoyInfo.MonthlySpec11EmailSoyTemplateInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
Spec11EmailSoyInfo.Param - Class in
Spec11EmailSoyInfo.ResourceListSoyTemplateInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
Spec11EmailSoyInfo.TemplateName - Class in
Spec11EmailSoyInfo.ThreatMatchTableSoyTemplateInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
Spec11EmailUtils - Class in google.registry.reporting.spec11
Provides e-mail functionality for Spec11 tasks, such as sending Spec11 reports to registrars.
Spec11Module - Class in google.registry.reporting.spec11
Module for dependencies required by Spec11 reporting.
Spec11Module() - Constructor for class google.registry.reporting.spec11.Spec11Module
spec11OutgoingEmailAddress - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Misc
Spec11Pipeline - Class in google.registry.beam.spec11
Definition of a Dataflow Flex template, which generates a given month's spec11 report.
Spec11PipelineOptions - Interface in google.registry.beam.spec11
Custom options for running the spec11 pipeline.
Spec11RegistrarThreatMatchesParser - Class in google.registry.reporting.spec11
Parser to retrieve which registrar-threat matches we should notify via email
Spec11RegistrarThreatMatchesParser(GcsUtils, String) - Constructor for class google.registry.reporting.spec11.Spec11RegistrarThreatMatchesParser
Spec11ThreatMatch - Class in google.registry.model.reporting
Spec11ThreatMatch() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch
Spec11ThreatMatch.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.reporting
A builder for constructing Spec11ThreatMatch, since it is immutable.
Spec11ThreatMatch.ThreatType - Enum Class in google.registry.model.reporting
The type of threat detected.
Spec11ThreatMatchDao - Class in google.registry.model.reporting
Data access object for Spec11ThreatMatch.
Spec11ThreatMatchDao() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatchDao
spec11WebResources - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
SPECIFIED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.RenewalPriceBehavior
This indicates that the renewalPrice in BillingRecurrence will be used for domain renewal.
spkiSexpsAndAnies - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSPKIData
splitOnComment(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.BaseDomainLabelList
Helper function to extract the comment from an input line.
SQL_PRIMARY_CONN_NAME - Enum constant in enum class
SQL_REPLICA_CONN_NAME - Enum constant in enum class
SqlCredential - Record Class in google.registry.privileges.secretmanager
Contains the login name and password of a Cloud SQL user.
SqlCredential(String, String) - Constructor for record class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlCredential
Creates an instance of a SqlCredential record class.
SqlCredentialStore - Class in google.registry.privileges.secretmanager
Storage of SQL users' login credentials, backed by Cloud Secret Manager.
SqlStatementLoggingFlow - Interface in google.registry.flows
Interface for a Flow that logs its SQL statements when running transactionally.
SqlTemplate - Class in google.registry.util
SQL template variable substitution.
SqlUser - Class in google.registry.privileges.secretmanager
SQL user information for privilege management purposes.
SqlUser(SqlUser.UserType, String) - Constructor for class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlUser
SqlUser.RobotId - Enum Class in google.registry.privileges.secretmanager
Enumerates the RobotUsers in the system.
SqlUser.RobotUser - Class in google.registry.privileges.secretmanager
Information of a RobotUser for privilege management purposes.
sshIdentityEmailAddress - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Rde
sslCertificateValidation - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings
SslCertificateValidation() - Constructor for class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.SslCertificateValidation
SslClientInitializer<C> - Class in google.registry.networking.handler
Adds a client side SSL handler to the channel pipeline.
sslPemFilename - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Gcs
SslServerInitializer<C> - Class in google.registry.networking.handler
Adds a server side SSL handler to the channel pipeline.
SslServerInitializer(boolean, boolean, SslProvider, Supplier<PrivateKey>, Supplier<ImmutableList<X509Certificate>>) - Constructor for class google.registry.networking.handler.SslServerInitializer
stackdriverMaxPointsPerRequest - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Monitoring
stackdriverMaxPointsPerRequest - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Metrics
stackdriverMaxQps - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Monitoring
stackdriverMaxQps - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Metrics
StackdriverModule - Class in google.registry.monitoring.whitebox
Dagger module for Google Stackdriver service connection objects.
stage() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadSchedule
Returns the value of the stage record component.
stage() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.RefreshSchedule
Returns the value of the stage record component.
stageEntityChange(ImmutableObject, ImmutableObject) - Method in class
Stages an entity change that will be applied by execute().
stagingBucketUrl - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Beam
STANDARD - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Tier
start() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingSequence
Starts ProbingSequence by calling first runStep with startToken.
START_DATE_SUNRISE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.TldState
The state in which only trademark holders can submit a "create" request.
START_OF_TIME - Static variable in class google.registry.util.DateTimeUtils
The start of the epoch, in a convenient constant.
startQuery(String, BigqueryConnection.DestinationTable) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection
Starts an asynchronous query job to populate the specified destination table with the results of the specified query, or if the table is a view, to update the view to reflect that query.
startTimestamp() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric
Returns the value of the startTimestamp record component.
startTimestamp() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric
Returns the value of the startTimestamp record component.
startTimestamp() - Method in record class google.registry.whois.WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric
Returns the value of the startTimestamp record component.
state - Variable in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address
state() - Method in record class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient.SecretVersionState
Returns the value of the state record component.
STATE - Static variable in class
STATE - Static variable in class
Listed by .contactcreate.
StateCode - Class in google.registry.ui.server
Bimap of state codes and names for the US Regime.
stated - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRetentionType
StatelessRequestSessionMetadata - Class in google.registry.flows
A read-only SessionMetadata that doesn't support login/logout.
StatelessRequestSessionMetadata(String, ImmutableSet<String>) - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.StatelessRequestSessionMetadata
statements - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpType
statements - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
staticPremiumListMaxCachedEntries - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Caching
StaticPremiumListPricingEngine - Class in google.registry.model.pricing
A premium list pricing engine that stores static pricing information in database entities.
status - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfData
status - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
status - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
status() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric
Returns the value of the status record component.
status() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric
Returns the value of the status record component.
status() - Method in record class google.registry.whois.WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric
Returns the value of the status record component.
status(CheckApiMetric.Status) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Builder
STATUS_PROHIBITS_OPERATION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
statuses - Variable in class
statuses - Variable in class
statuses - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAddRemType
statuses - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
statuses - Variable in class
statuses - Variable in class
statuses - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
statuses - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
statuses - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
STATUSES_TO_APPLY - Static variable in class
Listed by .uniformrapidsuspension.
STATUSES_TO_APPLY - Static variable in class
STATUSES_TO_REMOVE - Static variable in class
Listed by .uniformrapidsuspension.
STATUSES_TO_REMOVE - Static variable in class
StatusNotClientSettableException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils.StatusNotClientSettableException
StatusProhibitsOperationException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.StatusProhibitsOperationException
StatusValue - Enum Class in google.registry.model.eppcommon
Represents an EPP status value for hosts, contacts, and domains, as defined in RFC 5731, 5732, and 5733.
StatusValueAdapter - Class in google.registry.model.adapters
Adapter for StatusValue.
StatusValueAdapter() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.adapters.StatusValueAdapter
stream() - Method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryQuery
stream() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer
Returns the results of the query as a stream.
street - Variable in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address
At most three lines of addresses parsed from XML elements.
STREET - Static variable in class
STREET - Static variable in class
Listed by .contactcreate.
streetLine1 - Variable in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address
streetLine2 - Variable in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address
streetLine3 - Variable in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address
streets - Variable in class
streets - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkAddrType
streets - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarAddrType
STRICT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xml.ValidationMode
STRING - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.FieldType
StringBaseTypeAdapter<T> - Class in google.registry.util
Abstract class for TypeAdapters that can convert directly to/from strings.
StringBaseTypeAdapter() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.StringBaseTypeAdapter
StringCollectionUserType<V,C> - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
Base Hibernate custom type for Collection of entities backed by a postgresql one-dimension text array.
StringCollectionUserType() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringCollectionUserType
StringGenerator - Class in google.registry.util
String generator.
StringGenerator(String) - Constructor for class google.registry.util.StringGenerator
StringGenerator.Alphabets - Class in google.registry.util
A class containing different alphabets used to generate strings.
stringify() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.VKey
Constructs the string representation of a VKey.
stringify(Serializable) - Static method in class google.registry.util.SerializeUtils
Turns an object into an encoded string that can be used safely as a URI query parameter.
stringifyResult(Method, Object) - Method in class google.registry.util.ComparingInvocationHandler
Implements toString for specific types.
stringifyThrown(Method, Throwable) - Method in class google.registry.util.ComparingInvocationHandler
Implements toString for thrown exceptions.
StringListParameter - Class in
Converter for lists of String params that omits any empty strings.
StringListParameter() - Constructor for class
StringMapUserType - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
Hibernate custom type for Map of String to String values.
StringMapUserType() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.StringMapUserType
StringParameter - Class in
Identity String CLI parameter converter/validator.
StringParameter() - Constructor for class
StringToIntegerMap() - Constructor for class
StringToRegistrarRoleMap() - Constructor for class
StringToStringMap() - Constructor for class
SUB - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainHostsType
subject() - Method in record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage
Returns the value of the subject record component.
SUBORDINATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Info.HostsRequest
subphase - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06CommandType
subphase - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11CommandType
subphase - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
subphase - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCheckType
success() - Method in record class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager.QuotaResponse
Returns the value of the success record component.
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.dns.DnsMetrics.ActionStatus
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.dns.DnsMetrics.CommitStatus
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.metric.MetricsCollector.ResponseType
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Status
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class
SUCCESS_AND_CLOSE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
SUCCESS_WITH_ACK_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
SUCCESS_WITH_ACTION_PENDING - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
SUCCESS_WITH_NO_MESSAGES - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
SUMMARY - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.rdap.RdapJsonFormatter.OutputDataType
The minimal information about an RDAP object that is allowed as a reply.
SUNRISE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Flag
SUNRISE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.tmch.LordnTaskUtils.LordnPhase
SUNRISE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchPhaseTypeValue
SUNRISE - Static variable in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchPhase
The phase during which trademark holders can submit domain registrations with trademark information that can be validated by the server.
sunriseDomainCreateDiscount - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
SUPERORDINATE_DOMAINS - Static variable in class google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipeline.TupleTags
supertypeOf(Class<?>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.PredicateUtils
SuperuserExtension - Class in google.registry.model.domain.superuser
Base class for superuser EPP extensions.
SuperuserExtension() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.superuser.SuperuserExtension
SUPPORT_AGENT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.GlobalRole
The user is a registry support agent.
SUPPORT_LEAD - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.GlobalRole
The user is a registry support lead.
SUPPORTED_OBJECT_SERVICES - Static variable in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.ProtocolDefinition
supportEmailAddress - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistrarConsole
supportGroupEmailAddress - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.GSuite
supportPhoneNumber - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistrarConsole
SUSPEND_DOMAIN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Suspend a domain for compliance (non-URS) reasons.
SUSPEND_DOMAIN_URS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Suspend a domain for the Uniform Rapid Suspension process.
SUSPENDED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.State
This is a suspended account which is disallowed from provisioning new domains, but can otherwise still perform other operations to continue operations.
svcExtension - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginSvcType
svcExtension - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppSvcMenuType
svcExtension - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.XjcRdeEppParams
svcMenu - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppGreetingType
svcs - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginType
svDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppGreetingType
svID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppGreetingType
svTRID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTrIDType
SYNC_REGISTRAR_SHEET - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.common.Cursor.CursorType
syncGroupMembersAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
SyncGroupMembersAction - Class in google.registry.export
Action that syncs changes to RegistrarPoc entities with Google Groups.
syncRegistrarsSheetAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
SyncRegistrarsSheetAction - Class in google.registry.export.sheet
Action for synchronizing the registrars spreadsheet.
SYNTAX_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
SyntaxErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.SyntaxErrorException
SYNTHETIC - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Flag
This flag will be added to any BillingEvent events that are created via, e.g., an automated process to expand BillingRecurrence events.
SYNTHETIC - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
A synthetic history entry created by a tool or back-end migration script outside the scope of usual EPP flows.
SystemClock - Class in google.registry.util
Clock implementation that proxies to the real system clock.
SystemClock() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.SystemClock
SystemPropertySetter - Interface in google.registry.util
SystemSleeper - Class in google.registry.util
Implementation of Sleeper for production use.
SystemSleeper() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.SystemSleeper


TABLE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.TableType
target - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureProperty
teardown() - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManager
Releases all resources and shuts down.
teardown() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
TECH - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.DesignatedContact.Type
TECH - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Type
TECH - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainContactAttrType
TECH_CONTACT - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarRole
The user is a technical contact of a registrar.
technicalDocsUrl - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistrarConsole
TECHS - Static variable in class
TECHS - Static variable in class
Listed by .domaincreate.
TeeOutputStream - Class in google.registry.util
OutputStream delegate that writes simultaneously to multiple other output streams.
TeeOutputStream(Iterable<? extends OutputStream>) - Constructor for class google.registry.util.TeeOutputStream
TERMINATED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarStatusType
TEST - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Type
A registrar used for internal testing.
TEST - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.TldType
A test TLD, for the prober, OT&E, and other testing purposes.
TEST - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.ui.ConsoleDebug
Don't use any CSS or JS.
TEST_FEATURE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag.FeatureName
THIN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.rde.RdeMode
BRDA Periodic Access to Thin Registration Data.
THIRDPARTY - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactTypeType
thisCastToDerived() - Method in class google.registry.model.Buildable.GenericBuilder
THREAT_MATCH_TABLE - Static variable in class
The full template name of the threatMatchTable template.
THREAT_MATCH_TABLE - Static variable in class
THREAT_MATCH_TABLE__NAME - Static variable in class
THREAT_MATCHES_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.beam.spec11.Spec11Pipeline
The JSON object field into which we put the threat match array for Spec11 reports.
THREAT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch.ThreatType
ThreatMatch - Record Class in google.registry.beam.spec11
A record representing a threat match response from the SafeBrowsing API.
ThreatMatch(String, String) - Constructor for record class google.registry.beam.spec11.ThreatMatch
Creates an instance of a ThreatMatch record class.
threatMatches() - Method in record class google.registry.reporting.spec11.RegistrarThreatMatches
Returns the value of the threatMatches record component.
THREATS - Static variable in class
THREATS - Static variable in class
THREATS - Static variable in class
Listed by .monthlySpec11Email, .dailySpec11Email, .threatMatchTable.
THREATS - Static variable in class
threatType() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.spec11.ThreatMatch
Returns the value of the threatType record component.
tier() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric
Returns the value of the tier record component.
tier(CheckApiMetric.Tier) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Builder
tieredPricingPromotionRegistrarIds - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
TimedTransitionBaseUserType<V> - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
Base Hibernate custom type for TimedTransitionProperty.
TimedTransitionBaseUserType() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.TimedTransitionBaseUserType
TimedTransitionProperty<V> - Class in google.registry.model.common
An entity property whose value transitions over time.
TimedTransitionPropertyFeatureStatusDeserializer() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.TimedTransitionPropertyFeatureStatusDeserializer
TimedTransitionPropertyFeatureStatusDeserializer(Class<TimedTransitionProperty<FeatureFlag.FeatureStatus>>) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.TimedTransitionPropertyFeatureStatusDeserializer
TimedTransitionPropertyMoneyDeserializer() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.TimedTransitionPropertyMoneyDeserializer
TimedTransitionPropertyMoneyDeserializer(Class<TimedTransitionProperty<Money>>) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.TimedTransitionPropertyMoneyDeserializer
TimedTransitionPropertyTldStateDeserializer() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.TimedTransitionPropertyTldStateDeserializer
TimedTransitionPropertyTldStateDeserializer(Class<TimedTransitionProperty<Tld.TldState>>) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.TimedTransitionPropertyTldStateDeserializer
TimeLimiter - Class in google.registry.util
TimeLimiter() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.TimeLimiter
TimeOfYear - Class in google.registry.model.common
A time of year (month, day, millis of day) that can be stored in a sort-friendly format.
TimeOfYear() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.common.TimeOfYear
TIMESTAMP - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.FieldType
timestampToId(ReadableInstant) - Static method in class google.registry.rde.RdeUtils
Generates an ID matching the regex \w{1,13} from a millisecond timestamp.
timeToLive(Duration) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection.DestinationTable.Builder
title - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
tld - Variable in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token.EppToken
tld - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdeheader.XjcRdeHeader
tld() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.billing.BillingEvent
Returns the value of the tld record component.
tld() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.CreatePriceParameters
Returns the value of the tld record component.
tld() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RenewPriceParameters
Returns the value of the tld record component.
tld() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RestorePriceParameters
Returns the value of the tld record component.
tld() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.TransferPriceParameters
Returns the value of the tld record component.
tld() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.UpdatePriceParameters
Returns the value of the tld record component.
tld() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric
Returns the value of the tld record component.
tld() - Method in record class google.registry.rde.PendingDeposit
Returns the value of the tld record component.
Tld - Class in google.registry.model.tld
Persisted per-TLD configuration data.
Tld() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.tld.Tld
Tld.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.tld
A builder for constructing Tld objects, since they are immutable.
Tld.TldNotFoundException - Exception Class in google.registry.model.tld
Exception to throw when no Tld entity is found for given TLD string(s).
Tld.TldState - Enum Class in google.registry.model.tld
The states a TLD can be in at any given point in time.
Tld.TldType - Enum Class in google.registry.model.tld
The type of TLD, which determines things like backups and escrow policy.
tldFanoutAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
TldFanoutAction - Class in google.registry.cron
Action for fanning out cron tasks shared by TLD.
Tlds - Class in google.registry.model.tld
Utilities for finding and listing Tld entities.
TldStateParameter - Class in
Tld.TldState CLI parameter converter/validator.
TldStateParameter() - Constructor for class
TldStateTransitions() - Constructor for class
TldStateTransitionUserType - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
Hibernate custom type for TimedTransitionProperty of Tld.TldState.
TldStateTransitionUserType() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.TldStateTransitionUserType
TLS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.flows.EppRequestSource
TlsCredentials - Class in google.registry.flows
Container and validation for TLS certificate and IP-allow-listing.
TlsCredentials(boolean, Optional<String>, Optional<InetAddress>, CertificateChecker) - Constructor for class google.registry.flows.TlsCredentials
TlsCredentials.BadRegistrarCertificateException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Registrar certificate does not match stored certificate.
TlsCredentials.BadRegistrarIpAddressException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Registrar IP address is not in stored allow list.
TlsCredentials.CertificateContainsSecurityViolationsException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Registrar certificate contains the following security violations: ...
TlsCredentials.EppTlsModule - Class in google.registry.flows
Dagger module for the EPP TLS endpoint.
TlsCredentials.MissingRegistrarCertificateException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Registrar certificate not present.
TlsCredentials.RegistrarCertificateNotConfiguredException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Registrar certificate is not configured.
tm() - Static method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManagerFactory
Returns JpaTransactionManager instance.
tmchCaMode - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
TmchCertificateAuthority - Class in google.registry.tmch
Helper methods for accessing ICANN's TMCH root certificate and revocation list.
TmchCertificateAuthority(RegistryConfig.ConfigModule.TmchCaMode, Clock) - Constructor for class google.registry.tmch.TmchCertificateAuthority
TmchCrl - Class in google.registry.model.tmch
Singleton for ICANN's TMCH CA certificate revocation list (CRL).
TmchCrl() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.tmch.TmchCrl
tmchCrlAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
TmchCrlAction - Class in google.registry.tmch
Action to download the latest ICANN TMCH CRL from MarksDB.
tmchCrlUrl - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
TmchData - Class in google.registry.tmch
Helper class for common data loaded from the jar and SQL at runtime.
tmchDnlAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
TmchDnlAction - Class in google.registry.tmch
Action to download the latest domain name list (aka claims list) from MarksDB.
tmchMarksDbUrl - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
TmchModule - Class in google.registry.tmch
Dagger module for TMCH package.
tmchSmdrlAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
TmchSmdrlAction - Class in google.registry.tmch
Action to download the latest signed mark revocation list from MarksDB.
TmchXmlSignature - Class in google.registry.tmch
Helper class for verifying TMCH certificates and XML signatures.
TmchXmlSignature(TmchCertificateAuthority) - Constructor for class google.registry.tmch.TmchXmlSignature
TmchXmlSignature.CertificateSignatureException - Exception Class in google.registry.tmch
CertificateException wrapper.
toASCII(String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.Idn
Translates a string from Unicode to ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE), as defined by the ToASCII operation of RFC 3490.
toBatches(Stream<T>, int) - Static method in class google.registry.util.BatchedStreams
Transform a flat Stream into a Stream of batches.
toBigqueryTimestamp(long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils
Converts a time (in TimeUnits since the epoch) into a numeric string that BigQuery understands as a timestamp: the decimal number of seconds since the epoch, precise up to microseconds.
toBigqueryTimestamp(DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils
Converts a DateTime into a numeric string that BigQuery understands as a timestamp: the decimal number of seconds since the epoch, precise up to microseconds.
toBigqueryTimestampString(DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils
Returns the human-readable string version of the given DateTime, suitable for conversion within BigQuery from a string literal into a BigQuery timestamp type.
toCompletedOrdersReport(Stream<BlockOrder>) - Static method in class google.registry.bsa.api.JsonSerializations
toDiffableFieldMap() - Method in class google.registry.model.ImmutableObject
Returns a map of all object fields (including sensitive data) that's used to produce diffs.
toFormattedString() - Method in record class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlCredential
toHydratedString() - Method in class google.registry.model.ImmutableObject
Similar to toString(), with a full expansion of referenced keys, including in collections.
toInProgressOrdersReport(Stream<BlockOrder>) - Static method in class google.registry.bsa.api.JsonSerializations
toJobReferenceString(JobReference) - Static method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils
Returns the canonical string format for a JobReference object (the project ID and then job ID, delimited by a single colon) since JobReference.toString() is not customized to return it.
toJsonMap() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address
toJsonMap() - Method in interface google.registry.model.Jsonifiable
Returns a JSON representation of this object.
toJsonMap() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
toJsonMap() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase
token() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.domain.token.AllocationTokenDomainCheckResults
Returns the value of the token record component.
Token - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token
Superclass that represents information passed to each ProbingStep in a single loop of a ProbingSequence.
Token() - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token.Token
tokenAmount - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Quota.QuotaGroup
tokenExtractor - Variable in class google.registry.request.auth.OidcTokenAuthenticationMechanism
tokenRefreshDelaySeconds - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.CredentialOAuth
tokens - Variable in class google.params.xml.ns.bulktoken_1.BulkData
TokenStatusTransitions() - Constructor for class
TokenStore - Class in google.registry.proxy.quota
A thread-safe token store that supports concurrent TokenStore.take(java.lang.String), TokenStore.put(java.lang.String, org.joda.time.DateTime), and TokenStore.refresh() operations.
TokenStore(QuotaConfig, ScheduledExecutorService, Clock) - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.quota.TokenStore
tokenVerifier - Variable in class google.registry.request.auth.OidcTokenAuthenticationMechanism
TokenVKeyListDeserializer() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.TokenVKeyListDeserializer
TokenVKeyListDeserializer(Class<VKey<AllocationToken>>) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.TokenVKeyListDeserializer
TokenVKeyListSerializer() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.TokenVKeyListSerializer
TokenVKeyListSerializer(Class<List<VKey<AllocationToken>>>) - Constructor for class google.registry.model.EntityYamlUtils.TokenVKeyListSerializer
toLocalDate(Date) - Static method in class google.registry.util.DateTimeUtils
TOOL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.flows.EppRequestSource
TOOL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlUser.RobotId
Credential for RegistryTool.
TOOLS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.Action.GaeService
ToolsRequestComponent - Interface in
Dagger component with per-request lifetime for "tools" App Engine module.
ToolsRequestComponent.Builder - Class in
ToolsRequestComponent.ToolsRequestComponentModule - Class in
ToolsRequestComponentModule() - Constructor for class
ToolsRequestHandler - Class in
Request handler for the tools module.
ToolsServerModule - Class in
Dagger module for the tools package.
ToolsServerModule() - Constructor for class
toolsServiceUrl - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.GcpProject
ToolsServlet - Class in
Servlet that should handle all requests to our "tools" App Engine module.
ToolsServlet() - Constructor for class
TooManyResourceChecksException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.exceptions
Too many resource checks requested in one check command.
TooManyResourceChecksException(int) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.exceptions.TooManyResourceChecksException
toPhoneString() - Method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.PhoneNumber
toPhysicalCatalogName(Identifier, JdbcEnvironment) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.NomulusNamingStrategy
toPhysicalColumnName(Identifier, JdbcEnvironment) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.NomulusNamingStrategy
toPhysicalSchemaName(Identifier, JdbcEnvironment) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.NomulusNamingStrategy
toPhysicalSequenceName(Identifier, JdbcEnvironment) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.NomulusNamingStrategy
toPhysicalTableName(Identifier, JdbcEnvironment) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.NomulusNamingStrategy
toRegistryPipelineComponent(RegistryPipelineOptions) - Static method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryPipelineOptions
toRrData() - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.secdns.DomainDsDataBase
Returns the presentation format of this DS record.
TOS_PATH - Static variable in class google.registry.rdap.RdapHelpAction
The help path for the RDAP terms of service.
toSqlDate(LocalDate) - Static method in class google.registry.util.DateTimeUtils
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.billing.BillingEvent
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.spec11.DomainNameInfo
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.spec11.ThreatMatch
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockLabel
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockOrder
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomain
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomainChange
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadSchedule.CompletedJob
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadSchedule
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.Queries.DomainLifeSpan
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.RefreshSchedule
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCheckFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainDeleteFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainInfoFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.CreatePriceParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RenewPriceParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RestorePriceParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.TransferPriceParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.UpdatePriceParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeResponseReturnData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainUpdateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.EntityChanges
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.domain.token.AllocationTokenDomainCheckResults
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.FlowMetadata
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class google.registry.flows.HttpSessionMetadata
toString() - Method in class google.registry.flows.PasswordOnlyTransportCredentials
toString() - Method in class google.registry.flows.StatelessRequestSessionMetadata
toString() - Method in class google.registry.flows.TlsCredentials
toString() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.TimedTransitionProperty
toString() - Method in class google.registry.model.ImmutableObject
Returns a string view of the object, formatted like:
toString() - Method in class google.registry.model.OteStats
Returns a string showing all possible actions and how many times each was performed.
toString() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumList.PremiumEntry
toString() - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservedList.ReservedListEntry
toString() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.ProbingAction
toString() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.connection.Protocol
toString() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppMessage
toString() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppRequestMessage
Returns a String representation using the, EppRequestMessage.responseName(), and EppMessage.message (if non-null).
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.ProbingStep
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.EppMetric
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class google.registry.persistence.VKey
Constructs the readable string representation of a VKey.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient.SecretVersionState
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlCredential
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager.QuotaRebate
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager.QuotaRequest
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager.QuotaResponse
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.rdap.RdapAuthorization
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.rdap.RdapResultSet
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.rde.DepositFragment
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.rde.PendingDeposit
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.reporting.spec11.RegistrarThreatMatches
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class google.registry.request.auth.AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.request.auth.AuthResult
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.request.auth.AuthSettings
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog.Result
toString() - Method in class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog
toString() - Method in exception class google.registry.ui.forms.FormFieldException
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction.EmailInfo
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiParams
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleEppPasswordAction.EppPasswordData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleOteAction.OteCreateData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleRegistryLockAction.ConsoleRegistryLockPostInput
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleUsersAction.UserData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class google.registry.util.CidrAddressBlock
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.util.DiffUtils.DiffPair
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage.Attachment
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.util.EmailMessage
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.whois.WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class google.registry.whois.WhoisResponse.WhoisResponseResults
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class google.registry.xjc.XjcObject
Turns object into a formatted XML string by any means necessary.
toString(CurrencyUnit) - Method in class google.registry.model.tld.label.PremiumList.PremiumEntry
toStringHelper(SortedMap<String, Object>) - Method in class google.registry.model.ImmutableObject
toStringMultilinePlainText() - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase
Returns a string representation that's human friendly.
toUnblockableDomainsRemovalReport(Stream<String>) - Static method in class google.registry.bsa.api.JsonSerializations
toUnblockableDomainsReport(Stream<UnblockableDomain>) - Static method in class google.registry.bsa.api.JsonSerializations
toUnicode(String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.Idn
Translates a string from ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE) to Unicode, as defined by the ToUnicode operation of RFC 3490.
toValueMap() - Method in class google.registry.model.common.TimedTransitionProperty
Exposes the underlying ImmutableSortedMap.
Trademark - Class in google.registry.model.mark
Holds information about a registered trademark.
Trademark() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.mark.Trademark
trademarks - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkMarkType
transact(PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel, TransactionManager.ThrowingRunnable) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
transact(PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel, TransactionManager.ThrowingRunnable) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Executes the work in a transaction at the given PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel.
transact(PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel, Callable<T>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
transact(PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel, Callable<T>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Executes the work in a transaction at the given PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel and returns the result.
transact(PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel, Callable<T>, boolean) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManager
Executes the work with the given isolation level, possibly logging all SQL statements used.
transact(PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel, Callable<T>, boolean) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
transact(TransactionManager.ThrowingRunnable) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
transact(TransactionManager.ThrowingRunnable) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Executes the work in a transaction.
transact(Callable<T>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
transact(Callable<T>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Executes the work in a transaction and returns the result.
TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel
TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel
TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel
TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel
TransactionalFlow - Interface in google.registry.flows
Interface for a Flow that needs to be run transactionally.
TransactionManager - Interface in google.registry.persistence.transaction
This interface defines the methods to execute database operations with or without a transaction.
TransactionManager.ThrowingRunnable - Interface in google.registry.persistence.transaction
A runnable that allows for checked exceptions to be thrown.
TransactionManagerFactory - Class in google.registry.persistence.transaction
Factory class to create TransactionManager instance.
TRANSACTIONS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.reporting.icann.IcannReportingModule.ReportType
TransactionsReportingQueryBuilder - Class in google.registry.reporting.icann
Utility class that produces SQL queries used to generate activity reports from Bigquery.
transactNoRetry(PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel, Callable<T>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
transactNoRetry(PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel, Callable<T>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Executes the work in a transaction at the given PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel and returns the result, without retrying upon retryable exceptions.
transactNoRetry(PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel, Callable<T>, boolean) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManager
Executes the work with the given isolation level without retry, possibly logging all SQL statements used.
transactNoRetry(PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel, Callable<T>, boolean) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
transactNoRetry(Callable<T>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
transactNoRetry(Callable<T>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Executes the work in a transaction and returns the result, without retrying upon retryable exceptions.
transfer - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
Transfer() - Constructor for class
Transfer() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Transfer
Transfer() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Transfer
TRANSFER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Reason
TRANSFER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee.FeeType
A transfer fee.
TRANSFER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName
TRANSFER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.GracePeriodStatus
This grace period is provided after the successful transfer of domain name registration sponsorship from one registrar to another registrar.
TRANSFER_NACKED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
TRANSFER_PERIOD - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusValueType
TRANSFER_SUCCESSFUL - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
TransferData - Class in google.registry.model.transfer
Common transfer data for EppResource types.
TransferData() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferData
TransferData.Builder<T,B> - Class in google.registry.model.transfer
Builder for TransferData because it is immutable.
TransferData.TransferServerApproveEntity - Interface in google.registry.model.transfer
Marker interface for objects that are written in anticipation of a server approval, and therefore need to be deleted under any other outcome.
TransferPeriodMustBeOneYearException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.exceptions
Domain transfer period must be one year.
TransferPeriodMustBeOneYearException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.exceptions.TransferPeriodMustBeOneYearException
TransferPeriodZeroAndFeeTransferExtensionException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.exceptions
Domain transfer period cannot be zero when using the fee transfer extension.
TransferPeriodZeroAndFeeTransferExtensionException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.exceptions.TransferPeriodZeroAndFeeTransferExtensionException
TransferPriceParameters(FeesAndCredits, Tld, InternetDomainName, DateTime) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.TransferPriceParameters
Creates an instance of a TransferPriceParameters record class.
TransferResponse - Class in google.registry.model.transfer
A response to a transfer command on a EppResource.
TransferResponse() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferResponse
TransferResponse.ContactTransferResponse - Class in google.registry.model.transfer
An adapter to output the XML in response to a transfer command on a contact.
TransferResponse.ContactTransferResponse.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.transfer
TransferResponse.DomainTransferResponse - Class in google.registry.model.transfer
An adapter to output the XML in response to a transfer command on a domain.
TransferResponse.DomainTransferResponse.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.transfer
TransferStatus - Enum Class in google.registry.model.transfer
Represents the EPP transfer status as defined in RFC 5730.
transform(Class<T>, Function<O, T>) - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField.Builder
Performs arbitrary type transformation from O to T.
transform(Collection<A>, int, Function<A, B>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.Concurrent
Processes items in parallel using funk, with the specified number of threads.
transform(Collection<A>, Function<A, B>) - Static method in class google.registry.util.Concurrent
Runs transform with the default number of threads.
transform(Function<O, O>) - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField.Builder
Manipulates values without changing type.
transformAtTime(DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.model.EppResourceUtils
Returns a Function that transforms an EppResource to the given DateTime, suitable for use with Iterables.transform() over a collection of EppResources.
transforms - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigReference
transforms - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigRetrievalMethod
transforms - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigTransforms
Transient(String, String) - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token.EppToken.Transient
transientFailureRetries - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Misc
TransitionListParameter<V> - Class in
Combined converter and validator class for transition list JCommander argument strings.
TransitionListParameter() - Constructor for class
TransitionListParameter.BillingCostTransitions - Class in
Converter-validator for billing cost transitions.
TransitionListParameter.FeatureStatusTransitions - Class in
Converter-validator for feature status transitions.
TransitionListParameter.TldStateTransitions - Class in
Converter-validator for TLD state transitions.
TransitionListParameter.TokenStatusTransitions - Class in
Converter-validator for token status transitions.
TransportCredentials - Interface in google.registry.flows
Interface for objects containing registrar credentials provided via an EPP transport.
TransportCredentials.BadRegistrarPasswordException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows
Registrar password is incorrect.
trDate - Variable in class
trDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
trDate - Variable in class
trDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
trDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
trDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
TreatyOrStatuteMark - Class in google.registry.model.mark
Information about a mark derived from a treaty or statute.
TreatyOrStatuteMark() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.mark.TreatyOrStatuteMark
treatyOrStatutes - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkMarkType
trid() - Method in interface google.registry.flows.FlowComponent
trID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResponse
Trid - Class in google.registry.model.eppcommon
"A TRID (transaction identifier) element containing the transaction identifier assigned by the server to the command for which the response is being returned.
Trid() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Trid
trimmed() - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField.Builder
Modify String input to remove whitespace around the sides.
TrimWhitespaceAdapter - Class in google.registry.xml
XmlAdapter which trims all whitespace surrounding a String.
TrimWhitespaceAdapter() - Constructor for class google.registry.xml.TrimWhitespaceAdapter
trnData - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
trnData - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
trStatus - Variable in class
trStatus - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
trStatus - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactTransferDataType
trStatus - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType
tryMemoizeWithExpiration(Duration, Supplier<T>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.CacheUtils
Memoize a supplier with the given expiration.
TupleTags() - Constructor for class google.registry.beam.rde.RdePipeline.TupleTags
type - Variable in class google.registry.model.common.Cursor.CursorId
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainContactType
type - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigReference
type - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigRetrievalMethod
type - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCheck
type - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreate
type - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
type - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
type - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarPostalInfoType
type() - Method in record class google.registry.rde.DepositFragment
Returns the value of the type record component.
type(BigqueryUtils.TableType) - Method in class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryConnection.DestinationTable.Builder
TypeInstantiator(Class<?>) - Constructor for class google.registry.util.TypeUtils.TypeInstantiator
TYPES_ALLOWED_FOR_CREATE_ONLY_IN_SUNRISE - Static variable in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
Reservation types that are only allowed in sunrise by policy.
TypeUtils - Class in google.registry.util
Utilities methods related to reflection.
TypeUtils.TypeInstantiator<T> - Class in google.registry.util
A TypeToken that removes an ugly cast in the common cases of getting a known type.


uName - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
uName - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndn
UnauthorizedForSuperuserExtensionException - Exception Class in google.registry.flows.exceptions
Superuser extension used by non-superuser or not passed by tool.
UnauthorizedForSuperuserExtensionException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.exceptions.UnauthorizedForSuperuserExtensionException
unblockable() - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomainChange
Returns the value of the unblockable record component.
UnblockableDomain - Record Class in google.registry.bsa.api
A domain name whose second-level domain (SLD) matches a BSA label but is not blocked.
UnblockableDomain(String, UnblockableDomain.Reason) - Constructor for record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomain
Creates an instance of a UnblockableDomain record class.
UnblockableDomain.Reason - Enum Class in google.registry.bsa.api
Reasons why a valid domain name cannot be blocked.
UnblockableDomainChange - Record Class in google.registry.bsa.api
Change record of an UnblockableDomain.
UnblockableDomainChange(UnblockableDomain, Optional<UnblockableDomain.Reason>) - Constructor for record class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomainChange
Creates an instance of a UnblockableDomainChange record class.
unblockableDomainsUrl - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Bsa
UNCLASSIFIED_FLOWS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
UNCONFUSABLE_LATIN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.tldconfig.idn.IdnTableEnum
Extended Latin, but with confusable characters removed.
UndeclaredServiceExtensionException(Set<String>) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.ExtensionManager.UndeclaredServiceExtensionException
UndeterminedStateException - Exception Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.exception
Base exception class for all instances when the action performed fails before we can determine the state of the result, meaning the status is recorded as ERROR.
UndeterminedStateException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.exception.UndeterminedStateException
UndeterminedStateException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.exception.UndeterminedStateException
UNIFORMRAPIDSUSPENSION - Static variable in class
The full template name of the uniformrapidsuspension template.
UNIFORMRAPIDSUSPENSION - Static variable in class
UNIFORMRAPIDSUSPENSION__NAME - Static variable in class
UniformRapidSuspensionSoyInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
UniformRapidSuspensionSoyInfo.Param - Class in
UniformRapidSuspensionSoyInfo.TemplateName - Class in
UniformRapidSuspensionSoyInfo.UniformrapidsuspensionSoyTemplateInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
UNIMPLEMENTED_COMMAND - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
UNIMPLEMENTED_EXTENSION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
UNIMPLEMENTED_OBJECT_SERVICE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
UNIMPLEMENTED_OPTION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
UNIMPLEMENTED_PROTOCOL_VERSION - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
UnimplementedCommandException(EppInput.InnerCommand) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.UnimplementedCommandException
UnimplementedCommandException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.UnimplementedCommandException
UnimplementedExtensionException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.UnimplementedExtensionException
UnimplementedObjectServiceException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.UnimplementedObjectServiceException
UnimplementedOptionException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.UnimplementedOptionException
UnimplementedProtocolVersionException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.EppException.UnimplementedProtocolVersionException
union(Set<T>, T...) - Static method in class google.registry.util.CollectionUtils
Copy an ImmutableSet and add members.
unit - Variable in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.PeriodType
unit - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPeriodType
UNIT_TEST - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.flows.EppRequestSource
UNITTEST - Enum constant in enum class
UNITTEST - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.util.RegistryEnvironment
Unit testing environment.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName
UNKNOWN_COMMAND - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
UNKNOWN_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Status
UnknownCurrencyEppException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.flows.FlowUtils.UnknownCurrencyEppException
UnknownCurrencyException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.model.adapters.CurrencyUnitAdapter.UnknownCurrencyException
UNLIMITED_USE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.TokenType
Do not expire after use
UnlockDomainCommand - Class in
A command to registry unlock domain names.
UnlockDomainCommand() - Constructor for class
unmarshal(EnumToAttributeAdapter.EnumShim) - Method in class google.registry.model.adapters.EnumToAttributeAdapter
unmarshal(EnumToAttributeAdapter.EnumShim) - Method in class google.registry.model.adapters.StatusValueAdapter
unmarshal(InetAddressAdapter.AddressShim) - Method in class
unmarshal(Class<T>, byte[]) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.EppXmlTransformer
Unmarshal bytes into Epp classes.
unmarshal(Class<T>, InputStream) - Static method in class google.registry.xjc.XjcXmlTransformer
unmarshal(Class<T>, InputStream) - Method in class google.registry.xml.XmlTransformer
Turns XML text into an object, validating against hard-coded xml XmlTransformer.schemas.
unmarshal(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.adapters.CurrencyUnitAdapter
Parses a string into a CurrencyUnit object.
unmarshal(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.VersionAdapter
unmarshal(String) - Method in class google.registry.xml.DateAdapter
Parses an ISO timestamp string into a UTC LocalDate object, converting timezones and truncating time to midnight if necessary.
unmarshal(String) - Method in class google.registry.xml.PeriodAdapter
unmarshal(String) - Method in class google.registry.xml.TrimWhitespaceAdapter
unmarshal(String) - Method in class google.registry.xml.UtcDateTimeAdapter
Parses an ISO timestamp string into a UTC DateTime object, converting timezones if necessary.
unmarshalEpp(Class<T>, byte[]) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.FlowUtils
Unmarshal bytes into Epp classes.
UnprocessableEntityException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.UnprocessableEntityException
UnrecoverableStateException - Exception Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.exception
Exception thrown when error is severe enough that sequence cannot recover, and should be terminated as a result.
UnrecoverableStateException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.exception.UnrecoverableStateException
UnrecoverableStateException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.exception.UnrecoverableStateException
unrelated - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRecipientType
UnsafeSerializable - Interface in google.registry.model
Marker interface for Nomulus entities whose serialization are implemented in a fragile way.
unsetAuthResultForTesting() - Static method in class google.registry.request.auth.OidcTokenAuthenticationMechanism
unsetCurrentRequest() - Static method in class google.registry.util.GcpJsonFormatter
unsetLabels() - Static method in class google.registry.util.GcpJsonFormatter
UNSUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader.Type
This indicates we read a file from an archive with an unsupported type.
UnsupportedMediaTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.UnsupportedMediaTypeException
UnsupportedMediaTypeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.request.HttpException.UnsupportedMediaTypeException
UNWANTED_SOFTWARE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch.ThreatType
update - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
update() - Method in class google.registry.keyring.secretmanager.SecretManagerKeyringUpdater
Persists the secrets in the Secret Manager.
update(Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
update(Object) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Updates an entity in the database, throws exception if the entity does not exist.
upDate - Variable in class
upDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
upDate - Variable in class
upDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
upDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
upDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
upDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
Update() - Constructor for class
Update() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Update
Update() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Update
Update() - Constructor for class
UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee.FeeType
UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName
UPDATE_TIME_OFFSET - Static variable in class google.registry.batch.SendExpiringCertificateNotificationEmailAction
Used as an offset when storing the last notification email sent date.
updateAll(ImmutableCollection<?>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
updateAll(ImmutableCollection<?>) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Updates all entities in the database, throws exception if any entity does not exist.
updateAll(ImmutableObject...) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.JpaTransactionManagerImpl
updateAll(ImmutableObject...) - Method in interface google.registry.persistence.transaction.TransactionManager
Updates all entities in the database, throws exception if any entity does not exist.
updateAutorenewRecurrenceEndTime(Domain, BillingRecurrence, DateTime, HistoryEntry.HistoryEntryId) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
Re-saves the current autorenew billing event and poll message with a new end time.
UpdateAutoTimestamp - Class in google.registry.model
A timestamp that auto-updates on each save to Cloud SQL.
UpdateAutoTimestamp() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.UpdateAutoTimestamp
UpdateAutoTimestampEntity - Class in google.registry.model
Base class for entities that contains an UpdateAutoTimestamp which is updated every time the entity is persisted.
UpdateAutoTimestampEntity() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.UpdateAutoTimestampEntity
UpdateBulkPricingPackageCommand - Class in
Command to update a BulkPricingPackage
UpdateBulkPricingPackageCommand() - Constructor for class
updateContacts(Registrar, ImmutableSet<RegistrarPoc>) - Static method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase
Helper to update the contacts associated with a Registrar.
updateContentType(BlobId, String) - Method in class google.registry.gcs.GcsUtils
Update file content type on existing GCS file
updateCrl(String, String) - Method in class google.registry.tmch.TmchCertificateAuthority
Update to the latest TMCH X.509 certificate revocation list and save it to the database.
updatedContacts() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction.EmailInfo
Returns the value of the updatedContacts record component.
updatedRegistrar() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiAction.EmailInfo
Returns the value of the updatedRegistrar record component.
updateFile(String, String, MediaType, byte[]) - Method in class
Updates the file with the given id in place, setting the name, content, and mime type to the newly specified values.
updateJobStage(DownloadStage) - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadSchedule
Updates the current job to the new stage.
updateJobStage(DownloadStage, ImmutableMap<BlockListType, String>) - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.DownloadSchedule
Updates the current job to the new stage and sets the checksums of the downloaded files.
updateJobStage(RefreshStage) - Method in record class google.registry.bsa.persistence.RefreshSchedule
Updates the current job to the new stage.
updateMetrics(RdapMetrics.RdapMetricInformation) - Method in class google.registry.rdap.RdapMetrics
Increments the RDAP metrics.
UpdatePriceParameters(FeesAndCredits, Tld, InternetDomainName, DateTime) - Constructor for record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.UpdatePriceParameters
Creates an instance of a UpdatePriceParameters record class.
updateProcessTime(DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.model.common.DnsRefreshRequest
UpdateRecurrenceCommand - Class in
Command to update BillingRecurrence billing events with a new behavior and/or price.
UpdateRecurrenceCommand() - Constructor for class
updateRegistrarRdapBaseUrlsAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
UpdateRegistrarRdapBaseUrlsAction - Class in google.registry.rdap
Loads the current list of RDAP Base URLs from the ICANN servers.
UPDATESERVERLOCKS - Static variable in class
The full template name of the updateserverlocks template.
UPDATESERVERLOCKS - Static variable in class
UPDATESERVERLOCKS__NAME - Static variable in class
UpdateServerLocksSoyInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
UpdateServerLocksSoyInfo.Param - Class in
UpdateServerLocksSoyInfo.TemplateName - Class in
UpdateServerLocksSoyInfo.UpdateserverlocksSoyTemplateInfo - Class in
Use {LINK} instead.
UpdateUserCommand - Class in
Updates a user, assuming that the user in question already exists.
UpdateUserCommand() - Constructor for class
updateUserGroupAction() - Method in interface
UpdateUserGroupAction - Class in
Action that adds or deletes a console user to/from the group that has IAP permissions.
UpdateUserGroupAction.Mode - Enum Class in
upID - Variable in class
upID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
upID - Variable in class
UPLOAD_ADDITIONS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.RefreshStage
Reports the newly found unblockable domains to BSA.
UPLOAD_CONTRACTS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Sign and/or change legal documents like RRAs.
UPLOAD_REMOVALS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.RefreshStage
Reports the unblockable domains to be removed to BSA.
UPLOAD_UNBLOCKABLE_DOMAINS_FOR_NEW_ORDERS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bsa.DownloadStage
Makes a REST API call to BSA endpoint, uploading unblockable domains that match labels in the diff.
uploadBsaUnavailableDomains() - Method in interface google.registry.module.bsa.BsaRequestComponent
UploadBsaUnavailableDomainsAction - Class in google.registry.bsa
Daily action that uploads unavailable domain names on applicable TLDs to BSA.
UploadBsaUnavailableDomainsAction(Clock, BsaCredential, GcsUtils, BsaEmailSender, String, String, Response) - Constructor for class google.registry.bsa.UploadBsaUnavailableDomainsAction
uploadInvoicesAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
uploadUnavailableDomainsUrl - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Bsa
uploadUrl - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Rde
uppercased() - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField.Builder
Modify String input to be uppercase.
upRr - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
upRr - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
upRr - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
urgent - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsUpdate
uri - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigReference
uri - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigRetrievalMethod
uri - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdeheader.XjcRdeHeaderCount
url - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.XjcRdeIdn
url - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
url - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarWhoisInfoType
url - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdIssuerInfo
URL_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
UrlChecker - Class in google.registry.util
An utility to probe a given url until it becomes available.
UrlConnectionException - Exception Class in google.registry.util
Used when HTTP requests return a bad response, with troubleshooting info.
UrlConnectionException(String, HttpURLConnection) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.util.UrlConnectionException
UrlConnectionService - Interface in google.registry.request
Functional interface for opening a connection from a URL, injectable for testing.
UrlConnectionServiceModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.request.Modules.UrlConnectionServiceModule
UrlConnectionUtils - Class in google.registry.request
Utilities for common functionality relating to URLConnections.
urlPolicy - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.XjcRdeIdn
US_MAP - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.StateCode
user() - Method in record class google.registry.request.auth.AuthResult
Returns the value of the user record component.
User - Class in google.registry.model.console
A console user, either a registry employee or a registrar partner.
User() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.User
USER - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.request.auth.AuthSettings.AuthLevel
Authentication required, user required.
USER_CREATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Type
USER_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Type
USER_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Type
User.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.console
Builder for constructing immutable User objects.
UserBase - Class in google.registry.model.console
A console user, either a registry employee or a registrar partner.
UserBase() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.UserBase
UserBase.Builder<T,B> - Class in google.registry.model.console
Builder for constructing immutable UserBase objects.
UserData(String, String, String) - Constructor for record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleUsersAction.UserData
Creates an instance of a UserData record class.
userId - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Quota.QuotaGroup
userId() - Method in record class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager.QuotaRebate
Returns the value of the userId record component.
userId() - Method in record class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager.QuotaRequest
Returns the value of the userId record component.
userId() - Method in record class google.registry.proxy.quota.QuotaManager.QuotaResponse
Returns the value of the userId record component.
userIdForLogging() - Method in class google.registry.request.auth.AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor
userIdForLogging() - Method in record class google.registry.request.auth.AuthResult
username - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.CloudSql
username - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryTool
userPolicy() - Method in record class google.registry.request.auth.AuthSettings
Returns the value of the userPolicy record component.
UserRoles - Class in google.registry.model.console
Contains the global and per-registrar roles for a given user.
UserRoles() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.UserRoles
UserRoles.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.console
Builder for constructing immutable UserRoles objects.
UserUpdateHistory - Class in google.registry.model.console
A persisted history object representing an update to a User.
UserUpdateHistory() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.console.UserUpdateHistory
UserUpdateHistory.Builder - Class in google.registry.model.console
Builder for the immutable UserUpdateHistory.
UtcDateTimeAdapter - Class in google.registry.xml
Adapter to use Joda DateTime when marshalling XML timestamps.
UtcDateTimeAdapter() - Constructor for class google.registry.xml.UtcDateTimeAdapter
UtilsModule - Class in google.registry.util
Dagger module to provide instances of various utils classes.
UtilsModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.UtilsModule


V_4 - Enum constant in enum class
V_6 - Enum constant in enum class
vaDate - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
VALID - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.TokenStatus
A promotion is currently running.
validate() - Method in class google.registry.flows.ExtensionManager
validate(Registrar, String) - Method in class google.registry.flows.PasswordOnlyTransportCredentials
validate(Registrar, String) - Method in class google.registry.flows.TlsCredentials
validate(Registrar, String) - Method in interface google.registry.flows.TransportCredentials
Check that these credentials are valid for the registrar and optionally check the password.
validate(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchNotice
Validate the checksum of the notice against the domain label.
validate(String) - Method in class google.registry.xml.XmlTransformer
Validates XML text against XmlTransformer.schema without marshalling.
validate(String, String) - Method in class
validate(String, String) - Method in class
validate(String, String) - Method in class
validate(String, String) - Method in class
validate(String, String) - Method in class
validateAlgorithm(int) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
validateAndGroupDomainNamesByTld(List<String>) - Static method in class
Helper function for grouping sets of domain names into respective TLDs.
validateCertificate(String) - Method in class google.registry.flows.certs.CertificateChecker
Checks the given certificate string for violations and throws an exception if any violations exist.
validateCertificate(X509Certificate) - Method in class google.registry.flows.certs.CertificateChecker
Checks the given certificate string for violations and throws an exception if any violations exist.
VALIDATED - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusValueType
validateDomainName(String) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
Returns parsed version of name if domain name label follows our naming rules and is under one of the given allowed TLDs.
validateDomainNameWithIdnTables(InternetDomainName) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
Returns name of first matching IDN table for domain label.
validateFeeChallenge(Optional<? extends FeeTransformCommandExtension>, FeesAndCredits, boolean) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
Validates that fees are acked and match if they are required (typically for premium domains).
validateFeesAckedIfPresent(Optional<? extends FeeTransformCommandExtension>, FeesAndCredits, boolean) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
Validates that non-zero fees are acked (i.e.
validateHostName(String) - Static method in class
Checks that a host name is valid.
validateInput(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.EppXmlTransformer
validateOutput(String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.EppXmlTransformer
validateRegistrarIsLoggedIn(String) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.FlowUtils
Validate that there is a logged in client.
validateRegistrationPeriod(int) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
Check that a new registration period (via a create) does not extend beyond a maximum number of years (e.g.
validateRegistrationPeriod(DateTime, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
Check whether a new expiration time (via a renew) does not extend beyond a maximum number of years (e.g.
validateRegistryPipelineOptions(RegistryPipelineOptions) - Static method in interface google.registry.beam.common.RegistryPipelineOptions
Validates the GCP project and Registry environment settings in options.
validateTimedTransitionMap(NavigableMap<DateTime, V>, ImmutableMultimap<V, V>, String) - Static method in class google.registry.model.common.TimedTransitionProperty
Validates that a transition map is not null or empty, starts at START_OF_TIME, and has transitions which move from one value to another in allowed ways.
validateToken(InternetDomainName, AllocationToken, FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName, String, boolean, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.token.AllocationTokenFlowUtils
Validates a given token.
validateToken(String, String) - Method in class
Validates an XSRF token against the current logged-in user.
validateTokenForPossiblePremiumName(Optional<AllocationToken>, boolean) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.token.AllocationTokenFlowUtils
Validates that the given token is valid for a premium name if the name is premium.
ValidationMode - Enum Class in google.registry.xml
Enum that determines whether xml should be validated against a schema while marshaling.
validatorID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchClaimKeyType
validatorID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCodeType
validatorID - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchNoticeIDType
VALIDITY_LENGTH_TOO_LONG - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.flows.certs.CertificateChecker.CertificateViolation
value - Variable in class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.PeriodType
value - Variable in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer.WhereClause
value - Variable in class
value - Variable in class
value - Variable in class
value - Variable in class
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCheckNameType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainContactType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfoNameType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPaNameType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPeriodType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureValue
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppExtErrValueType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMsgType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomPwAuthInfoType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomReasonType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06CommandType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06CreditType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06FeeType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11CommandType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11CreditType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11FeeType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CreditType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12FeeType
value - Variable in class
value - Variable in class
value - Variable in class
value - Variable in class
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.XjcIirdeaCode
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCdNameType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchClaimKeyType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCodeType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchNoticeIDType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchPhaseType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkE164Type
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeRrType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdeheader.XjcRdeHeaderCount
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnNameState
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotificationName
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusType
value - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdEncodedSignedMark
value - Variable in class ietf.params.xml.ns.allocationtoken_1.AllocationToken
value() - Method in enum class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.PUnitType
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Element in annotation interface google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.Config
value() - Element in annotation interface google.registry.flows.annotations.ReportingSpec
The ICANN activity reporting field to record for this flow.
value() - Element in annotation interface google.registry.flows.EppException.EppResultCode
The Code value associated with this exception.
value() - Element in annotation interface google.registry.keyring.api.KeyModule.Key
value() - Element in annotation interface google.registry.model.annotations.ExternalMessagingName
value() - Element in annotation interface google.registry.persistence.IsolationLevel
value() - Element in annotation interface google.registry.persistence.WithVKey
The type of the SQL primary ID of the entity that is saved in the VKey
value() - Element in annotation interface google.registry.request.Header
value() - Element in annotation interface google.registry.request.Parameter
value() - Method in enum class
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainContactAttrType
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainHostsType
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPUnitType
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppPollOpType
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTransferOpType
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomTrStatusType
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCheckFormType
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchObjectType
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchPhaseTypeValue
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusValueType
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactTypeType
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkEntitlementType
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDepositTypeType
value() - Method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnNameStateValue
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotificationStatusType
value() - Method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarPostalInfoEnumType
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarStatusType
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpOpType
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
value() - Method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusValueType
Gets the value associated to the enum constant.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.PUnitType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.batch.SendExpiringCertificateNotificationEmailAction.CertificateType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.DestinationFormat
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.FieldType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.TableType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.WriteDisposition
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockLabel.LabelType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockOrder.OrderType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomain.Reason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.bsa.BlockListType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.bsa.DownloadStage
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.bsa.RefreshStage
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule.TmchCaMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.dns.DnsMetrics.ActionStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.dns.DnsMetrics.CommitStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.dns.DnsMetrics.PublishStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.dns.DnsUtils.TargetType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.flows.certs.CertificateChecker.CertificateViolation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.flows.EppRequestSource
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.groups.GroupsConnection.Role
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.keyring.api.PgpHelper.KeyRequirement
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Flag
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Reason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.RenewalPriceBehavior
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.common.Cursor.CursorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag.FeatureName
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag.FeatureStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.console.GlobalRole
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarRole
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.DesignatedContact.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Info.HostsRequest
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee.AppliedType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee.FeeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCheckExtension.CheckType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCreateExtension.CreateType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.Period.Unit
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.GracePeriodStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.RestoreCommand.RestoreOp
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.RegistrationBehavior
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.TokenBehavior
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.TokenStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.TokenType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.ProtocolDefinition.ServiceExtension
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Poll.PollOp
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Transfer.TransferOp
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.rde.RdeMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.State
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch.ThreatType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservationType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.TldState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.TldType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.metric.MetricsCollector.ResponseType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Availability
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Tier
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.networking.module.CertificateSupplierModule.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule.JpaTransactionManagerType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer.Comparator
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlUser.RobotId
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.rdap.RdapActionBase.DeletedItemHandling
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.rdap.RdapJsonFormatter.OutputDataType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.rde.RdeResourceType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.reporting.icann.IcannReportingModule.ReportType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.request.Action.GaeService
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.request.Action.GkeService
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.request.Action.Method
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.request.auth.Auth
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.request.auth.AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor.Role
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.request.auth.AuthSettings.AuthLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.request.auth.AuthSettings.UserPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.tldconfig.idn.IdnTableEnum
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog.Result.Outcome
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog.Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.tmch.LordnTaskUtils.LordnPhase
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.ui.ConsoleDebug
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.util.RegistryEnvironment
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainContactAttrType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainHostsType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPUnitType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppPollOpType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTransferOpType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomTrStatusType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCheckFormType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchObjectType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchPhaseTypeValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusValueType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactTypeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkEntitlementType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDepositTypeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnNameStateValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotificationStatusType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarPostalInfoEnumType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarStatusType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpOpType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusValueType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class google.registry.xml.ValidationMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.PUnitType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.batch.SendExpiringCertificateNotificationEmailAction.CertificateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.DestinationFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.FieldType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.TableType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.WriteDisposition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockLabel.LabelType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.bsa.api.BlockOrder.OrderType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.bsa.api.UnblockableDomain.Reason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.bsa.BlockListType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.bsa.DownloadStage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.bsa.RefreshStage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.config.RegistryConfig.ConfigModule.TmchCaMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.dns.DnsMetrics.ActionStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.dns.DnsMetrics.CommitStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.dns.DnsMetrics.PublishStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.dns.DnsUtils.TargetType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.flows.certs.CertificateChecker.CertificateViolation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.flows.EppRequestSource
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.groups.GroupsConnection.Role
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.keyring.api.PgpHelper.KeyRequirement
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Flag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.Reason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.billing.BillingBase.RenewalPriceBehavior
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.common.Cursor.CursorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag.FeatureName
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.common.FeatureFlag.FeatureStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsoleUpdateHistory.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.console.GlobalRole
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.console.RegistrarRole
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.DesignatedContact.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.DomainCommand.Info.HostsRequest
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee.AppliedType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.BaseFee.FeeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.fee.FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCheckExtension.CheckType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.launch.LaunchCreateExtension.CreateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.Period.Unit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.GracePeriodStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.rgp.RestoreCommand.RestoreOp
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.RegistrationBehavior
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.TokenBehavior
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.TokenStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.domain.token.AllocationToken.TokenType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.ProtocolDefinition.ServiceExtension
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.eppcommon.StatusValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Poll.PollOp
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.Transfer.TransferOp
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.eppoutput.Result.Code
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.OteStats.StatType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.poll.PollMessage.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.rde.RdeMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.DomainTransactionRecord.TransactionReportField
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.HistoryEntry.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.IcannReportingTypes.ActivityReportField
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.reporting.Spec11ThreatMatch.ThreatType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.tld.label.ReservationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.TldState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.tld.Tld.TldType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.model.transfer.TransferStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.metric.MetricsCollector.ResponseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Availability
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.CheckApiMetric.Tier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.networking.module.CertificateSupplierModule.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule.JpaTransactionManagerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.persistence.PersistenceModule.TransactionIsolationLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer.Comparator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SqlUser.RobotId
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.rdap.RdapActionBase.DeletedItemHandling
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.rdap.RdapJsonFormatter.OutputDataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.rde.RdeResourceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.reporting.icann.IcannReportingModule.ReportType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.request.Action.GaeService
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.request.Action.GkeService
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.request.Action.Method
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.request.auth.Auth
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.request.auth.AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor.Role
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.request.auth.AuthSettings.AuthLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.request.auth.AuthSettings.UserPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.tldconfig.idn.IdnTableEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog.Result.Outcome
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.tmch.LordnTaskUtils.LordnPhase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.ui.ConsoleDebug
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.util.PosixTarHeader.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.util.RegistryEnvironment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainContactAttrType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainHostsType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPUnitType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusValueType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppPollOpType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTransferOpType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomTrStatusType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCheckFormType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchObjectType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchPhaseTypeValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusValueType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactTypeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkEntitlementType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDepositTypeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnNameStateValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotificationStatusType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarPostalInfoEnumType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarStatusType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpOpType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusValueType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class google.registry.xml.ValidationMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
valuesAndExtValues - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResultType
verify() - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppResponseMessage
Verifies that the response recorded is what we expect from the request sent.
verify(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.tmch.TmchXmlSignature
Verifies that signed mark data contains a valid signature.
verify(String, String) - Method in interface google.registry.request.auth.OidcTokenAuthenticationMechanism.TokenVerifier
verify(X509Certificate) - Method in class google.registry.tmch.TmchCertificateAuthority
Check that cert is signed by the ICANN TMCH CA root and not revoked.
verifyAccess(String) - Method in class google.registry.request.auth.AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor
verifyAllocationTokenCreateIfPresent(DomainCommand.Create, Tld, String, DateTime, Optional<AllocationTokenExtension>) - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.token.AllocationTokenFlowUtils
Verifies and returns the allocation token if one is specified, otherwise does nothing.
verifyAllocationTokenIfPresent(Domain, Tld, String, DateTime, FeeQueryCommandExtensionItem.CommandName, Optional<AllocationTokenExtension>) - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.token.AllocationTokenFlowUtils
Verifies and returns the allocation token if one is specified, otherwise does nothing.
verifyAllStatusesAreClientSettable(Set<StatusValue>) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils
Check that all StatusValue objects in a set are client-settable.
verifyAuthInfo(AuthInfo, Contact) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils
Check that the given AuthInfo is valid for the given contact.
verifyAuthInfo(AuthInfo, Domain) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils
Check that the given AuthInfo is valid for the given domain.
verifyAuthInfoPresentForResourceTransfer(Optional<AuthInfo>) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils
Check that the given AuthInfo is present for a resource being transferred.
verifyCertificate(X509Certificate, X509CRL, X509Certificate, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.util.X509Utils
Check that cert is signed by the ca and not revoked.
verifyCrl(X509Certificate, X509CRL, X509CRL, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.util.X509Utils
Checks if an X.509 CRL you downloaded can safely replace your current CRL.
verifyEncodedSignedMark(EncodedSignedMark, DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowTmchUtils
verifyEppResponse(Document, List<String>, boolean) - Static method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppMessage
Verify an XML Document as an EPP Response using the provided XPath expressions.
verifyExistence(Class<R>, String, Optional<R>) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils
verifyHasPendingTransfer(R) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils
verifyNoDisallowedStatuses(EppResource, ImmutableSet<StatusValue>) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils
Check that the resource does not have any disallowed status values.
verifyNotBlockedByBsa(InternetDomainName, Tld, DateTime, Optional<AllocationToken>) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
Verifies that the domainLabel is not blocked by any BSA block label for the given tld at the specified time.
verifyNotInPredelegation(Tld, DateTime) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowUtils
Check that the registry phase is not predelegation, during which some flows are forbidden.
verifyOptionalAuthInfo(Optional<AuthInfo>, Contact) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils
Check that the given AuthInfo is either missing or else is valid for the given resource.
verifyOptionalAuthInfo(Optional<AuthInfo>, Domain) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils
Check that the given AuthInfo is either missing or else is valid for the given resource.
verifyOteAction() - Method in interface
VerifyOteAction - Class in
A servlet that verifies a registrar's OTE status.
verifyPassword(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarBase
verifyPassword(String, String, String) - Static method in class google.registry.util.PasswordUtils
Verifies a password by regenerating the hash with the provided salt and comparing it to the provided hash.
verifyRegistryLockPassword(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.console.UserBase
verifyRegistryLockPassword(String) - Method in class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase
verifyResourceDoesNotExist(Class<R>, String, DateTime, String) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils
verifyResourceOwnership(String, EppResource) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils
Check that the given registrarId corresponds to the owner of given resource.
verifySignedMarks(ImmutableList<AbstractSignedMark>, String, DateTime) - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowTmchUtils
verifySignedMarkValidForDomainLabel(SignedMark, String) - Method in class google.registry.flows.domain.DomainFlowTmchUtils
verifyTargetIdCount(List<String>, int) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils
Get the list of target ids from a check command.
verifyTokenAllowedOnDomain(Domain, Optional<AllocationToken>) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.domain.token.AllocationTokenFlowUtils
verifyTransferInitiator(String, R) - Static method in class google.registry.flows.ResourceFlowUtils
verifyVerificationCode(String, boolean) - Method in class
Verifies and applies the lock/unlock request previously requested given a verification code.
version - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCredsOptionsType
version - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeMenuType
version - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
version - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
version() - Method in record class google.registry.privileges.secretmanager.SecretManagerClient.SecretVersionState
Returns the value of the version record component.
VERSION - Static variable in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.ProtocolDefinition
VersionAdapter() - Constructor for class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.VersionAdapter
versions - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppSvcMenuType
versions - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.XjcRdeEppParams
VIEW - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.TableType
VIEW_ACTIVITY_LOG - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
Viewing a record of actions performed in the UI for a particular registrar.
VIEW_ANNOUNCEMENTS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
View announcements in the UI.
VIEW_OPERATIONAL_DATA - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
View analytics on operations and billing data (possibly TBD).
VIEW_PREMIUM_RESERVED_LISTS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
View premium and/or reserved lists for a TLD.
VIEW_REGISTRAR_DETAILS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
View basic information about a registrar.
VIEW_REGISTRARS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
View registrars.
VIEW_TLD_PORTFOLIO - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.console.ConsolePermission
View all possible TLDs.
VKey<T> - Class in google.registry.persistence
VKey is an abstraction that encapsulates the key concept.
VKeyConverter<T,C> - Class in google.registry.persistence.converter
Converts VKey to/from a type that can be directly stored in the database.
VKeyConverter() - Constructor for class google.registry.persistence.converter.VKeyConverter
VKeyProcessor - Class in google.registry.processors
Processor to generate AttributeConverter for VKey type.
VKeyProcessor() - Constructor for class google.registry.processors.VKeyProcessor
voice - Variable in class
voice - Variable in class
voice - Variable in class
voice - Variable in class
voice - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
voice - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
voice - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
voice - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
voice - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdIssuerInfo
VoidCallable - Interface in google.registry.util
A functional interface for a version of Callable that returns no value.
VoidDnsWriter - Class in google.registry.dns.writer
DnsWriter that doesn't actually update records in a DNS server.
VoidDnsWriter() - Constructor for class google.registry.dns.writer.VoidDnsWriter
VoidDnsWriterModule - Class in google.registry.dns.writer
Dagger module that disables DNS updates.
VoidDnsWriterModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.dns.writer.VoidDnsWriterModule


waitUntilAvailable(URL, int) - Static method in class google.registry.util.UrlChecker
Probes url until it becomes available.
WARNING - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.tmch.LordnLog.Result.Outcome
watermark - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
watermark - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
watermark() - Method in record class google.registry.rde.PendingDeposit
watermarkStr() - Method in record class google.registry.rde.PendingDeposit
Returns the value of the watermarkStr record component.
webWhois - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig
WebWhois() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.WebWhois
WebWhoisActionHandler - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler
Subclass of ActionHandler that deals with the WebWhois Sequence
WebWhoisActionHandler(Bootstrap, Protocol, Protocol, HttpRequestMessage) - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler.WebWhoisActionHandler
WebWhoisMessageHandler - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler
ChannelHandler that converts inbound FullHttpResponse to custom type HttpResponseMessage and retains HttpRequestMessage in case of reuse for redirection.
WebWhoisMessageHandler() - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler.WebWhoisMessageHandler
WebWhoisModule - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.module
A module that provides the components necessary for and the overall ProbingSequence to probe WebWHOIS.
WebWhoisModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.module.WebWhoisModule
WebWhoisModule.HttpsWhoisProtocol - Annotation Interface in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.module
Dagger qualifier to provide HTTPS whois protocol related handlers and other bindings.
WebWhoisModule.HttpWhoisProtocol - Annotation Interface in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.module
Dagger qualifier to provide HTTP whois protocol related handlers and other bindings.
WebWhoisModule.WebWhoisProtocol - Annotation Interface in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.module
Dagger qualifier to provide any WebWhois related bindings.
WebWhoisProtocolsModule - Class in google.registry.proxy
A module that provides the Protocol.FrontendProtocols to redirect HTTP(S) web WHOIS requests.
WebWhoisRedirectHandler - Class in google.registry.proxy.handler
Handler that redirects web WHOIS requests to a canonical website.
WebWhoisRedirectHandler(boolean, String) - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.handler.WebWhoisRedirectHandler
WebWhoisToken - Class in google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token
Token subtype designed for WebWhois sequence.
WebWhoisToken(ImmutableList<String>) - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.token.WebWhoisToken
where(String, CriteriaQueryBuilder.WhereOperator<U>, U) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.CriteriaQueryBuilder
Adds a WHERE clause to the query, given the specified operation, field, and value.
where(String, QueryComposer.Comparator, U) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer
Introduce a "where" clause to the query.
whereFieldContains(String, Object) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.CriteriaQueryBuilder
Adds a WHERE clause to the query specifying that a collection field must contain a particular value.
whereFieldIsIn(String, Collection<?>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.CriteriaQueryBuilder
Adds a WHERE clause to the query specifying that a value must be in the given collection.
whereFieldIsNotIn(String, Collection<?>) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.CriteriaQueryBuilder
Adds a WHERE clause to the query specifying that a value must not be in the given collection.
WhiteboxModule - Class in google.registry.monitoring.whitebox
Dagger module for injecting common settings for Whitebox tasks.
WhiteboxModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.monitoring.whitebox.WhiteboxModule
whois - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig
Whois - Class in google.registry.whois
High-level WHOIS API for other packages.
Whois() - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Whois
Whois(Clock, String, WhoisReader) - Constructor for class google.registry.whois.Whois
WHOIS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.registrar.RegistrarPocBase.Type
WHOIS_SERVER_FIELD - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.server.RegistrarFormFields
whoisAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.pubapi.PubApiRequestComponent
WhoisAction - Class in google.registry.whois
HTTP request handler for WHOIS protocol requests sent to us by a proxy.
WhoisCommand - Interface in google.registry.whois
Represents a WHOIS command request from a client.
WhoisCommandFactory - Class in google.registry.whois
A class used to configure WHOIS commands.
WhoisCommandFactory() - Constructor for class google.registry.whois.WhoisCommandFactory
Public default constructor, needed so we can construct this from the class name.
whoisCommandFactoryClass - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
whoisDisclaimer - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
WhoisException - Exception Class in google.registry.whois
Exception that gets thrown when WHOIS command isn't successful.
WhoisException.UncheckedWhoisException - Exception Class in google.registry.whois
Exception that wraps WhoisExceptions returned from Retrier.
whoisHttpAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.pubapi.PubApiRequestComponent
WhoisHttpAction - Class in google.registry.whois
Human-Friendly HTTP WHOIS API
whoisInfo - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
WhoisMetric(Optional<String>, int, int, DateTime, DateTime) - Constructor for record class google.registry.whois.WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric
Creates an instance of a WhoisMetric record class.
WhoisMetrics - Class in google.registry.whois
Instrumentation for WHOIS requests.
WhoisMetrics() - Constructor for class google.registry.whois.WhoisMetrics
WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric - Record Class in google.registry.whois
A value class for recording attributes of a WHOIS metric.
WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric.Builder - Class in google.registry.whois
A builder to create instances of WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric.
WhoisModule - Class in google.registry.whois
Dagger module for the whois package.
WhoisModule() - Constructor for class google.registry.whois.WhoisModule
WhoisProtocolModule - Class in google.registry.proxy
A module that provides the Protocol.FrontendProtocol used for whois protocol.
WhoisProtocolModule.WhoisProtocol - Annotation Interface in google.registry.proxy
Dagger qualifier to provide whois protocol related handlers and other bindings.
whoisRedactedEmailText - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.RegistryPolicy
whoisRegistrarFieldsAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.frontend.FrontendRequestComponent
WhoisRegistrarFieldsAction - Class in google.registry.ui.server.console.settings
Console action for editing fields on a registrar that are visible in WHOIS/RDAP.
WhoisRegistrarFieldsAction(ConsoleApiParams, AuthenticatedRegistrarAccessor, Optional<Registrar>) - Constructor for class google.registry.ui.server.console.settings.WhoisRegistrarFieldsAction
WhoisResponse - Interface in google.registry.whois
Representation of a WHOIS query response.
WhoisResponse.WhoisResponseResults - Record Class in google.registry.whois
A wrapper class for the plaintext response of a WHOIS command and its number of results.
WhoisResponseResults(String, int) - Constructor for record class google.registry.whois.WhoisResponse.WhoisResponseResults
Creates an instance of a WhoisResponseResults record class.
WhoisServiceHandler - Class in google.registry.proxy.handler
Handler that processes WHOIS protocol logic.
WhoisServiceHandler(String, String, boolean, Supplier<String>, FrontendMetrics) - Constructor for class google.registry.proxy.handler.WhoisServiceHandler
wipeOut() - Method in class
Remove all personally identifying information about a contact.
wipeOutContactHistoryPiiAction() - Method in interface google.registry.module.backend.BackendRequestComponent
WipeOutContactHistoryPiiAction - Class in google.registry.batch
An action that launches WipeOutContactHistoryPiiPipeline to wipe out Personal Identifiable Information (PII) fields of ContactHistory entities.
WipeOutContactHistoryPiiAction(Clock, boolean, Optional<DateTime>, int, String, String, String, Dataflow, Response) - Constructor for class google.registry.batch.WipeOutContactHistoryPiiAction
WipeOutContactHistoryPiiPipeline - Class in google.registry.beam.wipeout
Definition of a Dataflow Flex pipeline template, which finds out ContactHistory entries that are older than a given age (excluding the most recent one, even if it falls with the range) and wipe out PII information in them.
WipeOutContactHistoryPiiPipelineOptions - Interface in google.registry.beam.wipeout
wipeOutPii() - Method in class
withBatchSize(int) - Method in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO.Write
withCoder(Coder<T>) - Method in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO.Read
withDefault(O) - Method in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormField.Builder
Causes defaultValue to be substituted if value is null.
withFetchSize(int) - Method in class google.registry.persistence.transaction.QueryComposer
Applies fetchSize to the JDBC statement (by calling Statement.setFetchSize(int)) if the query result is accessed by the method.
WITHHELD - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnNameStateValue
withInitialValue(V) - Static method in class google.registry.model.common.TimedTransitionProperty
Returns a new immutable TimedTransitionProperty with an initial value at START_OF_TIME.
withJpaConverter(SerializableFunction<T, Object>) - Method in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO.Write
An optional function that converts the input entities to a form that can be written into the database.
withName(String) - Method in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO.Read
withName(String) - Method in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO.Write
withResultMapper(SerializableFunction<R, T>) - Method in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO.Read
withService(Action.Service, boolean) - Method in class
Returns a copy of this connection that talks to a different service endpoint.
WithVKey - Annotation Interface in google.registry.persistence
Annotation for Entity that can be saved as a foreign key in the form of a VKey in another table.
write() - Static method in class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO
write(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.util.ImprovedOutputStream
write(byte[]) - Method in class google.registry.util.TeeOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RydeEncoder
Call the underlying 3 input write.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RydePgpSigningOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class google.registry.util.ImprovedOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class google.registry.util.TeeOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class google.registry.rde.RydePgpSigningOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class google.registry.util.HexDumper
Writes a single byte to the current line buffer, flushing if end of line.
write(int) - Method in class google.registry.util.ImprovedOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class google.registry.util.TeeOutputStream
write(JsonWriter, Class) - Method in class google.registry.model.adapters.ClassTypeAdapter
write(JsonWriter, T) - Method in class google.registry.util.StringBaseTypeAdapter
write(ChannelHandlerContext, Object, ChannelPromise) - Method in class google.registry.client.EppClientHandler
write(ChannelHandlerContext, Object, ChannelPromise) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler.EppMessageHandler
Performs conversion to ByteBuf.
write(ChannelHandlerContext, Object, ChannelPromise) - Method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.handler.WebWhoisMessageHandler
Retains HttpRequestMessage and calls super write method.
write(ChannelHandlerContext, Object, ChannelPromise) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.BackendMetricsHandler
write(ChannelHandlerContext, Object, ChannelPromise) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.EppServiceHandler
write(ChannelHandlerContext, Object, ChannelPromise) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.FrontendMetricsHandler
write(ChannelHandlerContext, Object, ChannelPromise) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.HttpsRelayServiceHandler
Terminates connection upon outbound exception.
write(ChannelHandlerContext, Object, ChannelPromise) - Method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.WhoisServiceHandler
write(HttpServletResponse, Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class
Writes a JSON servlet response securely with a parser breaker.
Write() - Constructor for class google.registry.beam.common.RegistryJpaIO.Write
WRITE_APPEND - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.WriteDisposition
If the table already exists, append the data to the table.
WRITE_EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.WriteDisposition
Only write to the table if there is no existing table or if it is empty.
WRITE_TRUNCATE - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.bigquery.BigqueryUtils.WriteDisposition
If the table already exists, overwrite it with the new data.
writeIntervalSeconds - Variable in class google.registry.config.RegistryConfigSettings.Monitoring
writeIntervalSeconds - Variable in class google.registry.proxy.ProxyConfig.Metrics
writeToRelayChannel(Channel, Channel, Object, boolean) - Static method in class google.registry.proxy.handler.RelayHandler
WrongProtocolVersionException() - Constructor for exception class google.registry.model.eppinput.EppInput.WrongProtocolVersionException


x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkE164Type
X_CSRF_TOKEN - Static variable in class
HTTP header or cookie name used for transmitting XSRF tokens.
x509IssuerName - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigX509IssuerSerialType
x509IssuerSerialsAndX509SKISAndX509SubjectNames - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigX509Data
x509SerialNumber - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigX509IssuerSerialType
X509Utils - Class in google.registry.util
X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) helper functions.
XFAIL_EXPRESSION - Static variable in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppMessage
Expression that expresses a result code in the EppResponseMessage that means failure.
XjcContactAddRemType - Class in
Java class for addRemType complex type
XjcContactAddRemType() - Constructor for class
XjcContactAddrType - Class in
Java class for addrType complex type
XjcContactAddrType() - Constructor for class
XjcContactAuthIDType - Class in
Java class for authIDType complex type
XjcContactAuthIDType() - Constructor for class
XjcContactAuthInfoType - Class in
Java class for authInfoType complex type
XjcContactAuthInfoType() - Constructor for class
XjcContactCheck - Class in
Java class for mIDType complex type
XjcContactCheck() - Constructor for class
XjcContactCheckIDType - Class in
Java class for checkIDType complex type
XjcContactCheckIDType() - Constructor for class
XjcContactCheckType - Class in
Java class for checkType complex type
XjcContactCheckType() - Constructor for class
XjcContactChgPostalInfoType - Class in
Java class for chgPostalInfoType complex type
XjcContactChgPostalInfoType() - Constructor for class
XjcContactChgType - Class in
Java class for chgType complex type
XjcContactChgType() - Constructor for class
XjcContactChkData - Class in
Java class for chkDataType complex type
XjcContactChkData() - Constructor for class
XjcContactCreate - Class in
Java class for createType complex type
XjcContactCreate() - Constructor for class
XjcContactCreData - Class in
Java class for creDataType complex type
XjcContactCreData() - Constructor for class
XjcContactDelete - Class in
Java class for sIDType complex type
XjcContactDelete() - Constructor for class
XjcContactDiscloseType - Class in
Java class for discloseType complex type
XjcContactDiscloseType() - Constructor for class
XjcContactE164Type - Class in
Java class for e164Type complex type
XjcContactE164Type() - Constructor for class
XjcContactInfData - Class in
Java class for infDataType complex type
XjcContactInfData() - Constructor for class
XjcContactInfo - Class in
XjcContactInfo() - Constructor for class
XjcContactInfo(XjcContactAuthIDType) - Constructor for class
XjcContactIntLocType - Class in
Java class for intLocType complex type
XjcContactIntLocType() - Constructor for class
XjcContactPaCLIDType - Class in
Java class for paCLIDType complex type
XjcContactPaCLIDType() - Constructor for class
XjcContactPanData - Class in
Java class for panDataType complex type
XjcContactPanData() - Constructor for class
XjcContactPostalInfoEnumType - Enum Class in
Java class for postalInfoEnumType
XjcContactPostalInfoType - Class in
Java class for postalInfoType complex type
XjcContactPostalInfoType() - Constructor for class
XjcContactStatusType - Class in
Java class for statusType complex type
XjcContactStatusType() - Constructor for class
XjcContactStatusValueType - Enum Class in
Java class for statusValueType
XjcContactTransfer - Class in
XjcContactTransfer() - Constructor for class
XjcContactTransfer(XjcContactAuthIDType) - Constructor for class
XjcContactTrnData - Class in
Java class for trnDataType complex type
XjcContactTrnData() - Constructor for class
XjcContactUpdate - Class in
Java class for updateType complex type
XjcContactUpdate() - Constructor for class
XjcDomainAddRemType - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for addRemType complex type
XjcDomainAddRemType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAddRemType
XjcDomainAuthInfoChgType - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for authInfoChgType complex type
XjcDomainAuthInfoChgType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAuthInfoChgType
XjcDomainAuthInfoType - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for authInfoType complex type
XjcDomainAuthInfoType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAuthInfoType
XjcDomainCheck - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for mNameType complex type
XjcDomainCheck() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCheck
XjcDomainCheckNameType - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for checkNameType complex type
XjcDomainCheckNameType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCheckNameType
XjcDomainCheckType - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for checkType complex type
XjcDomainCheckType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCheckType
XjcDomainChgType - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for chgType complex type
XjcDomainChgType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainChgType
XjcDomainChkData - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for chkDataType complex type
XjcDomainChkData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainChkData
XjcDomainContactAttrType - Enum Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for contactAttrType
XjcDomainContactType - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for contactType complex type
XjcDomainContactType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainContactType
XjcDomainCreate - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for createType complex type
XjcDomainCreate() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreate
XjcDomainCreData - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for creDataType complex type
XjcDomainCreData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainCreData
XjcDomainDelete - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for sNameType complex type
XjcDomainDelete() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainDelete
XjcDomainHostAttrType - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for hostAttrType complex type
XjcDomainHostAttrType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainHostAttrType
XjcDomainHostsType - Enum Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for hostsType
XjcDomainInfData - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for infDataType complex type
XjcDomainInfData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfData
XjcDomainInfo - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for infoType complex type
XjcDomainInfo() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfo
XjcDomainInfoNameType - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for infoNameType complex type
XjcDomainInfoNameType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainInfoNameType
XjcDomainNsType - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for nsType complex type
XjcDomainNsType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainNsType
XjcDomainPaNameType - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for paNameType complex type
XjcDomainPaNameType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPaNameType
XjcDomainPanData - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for panDataType complex type
XjcDomainPanData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPanData
XjcDomainPeriodType - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for periodType complex type
XjcDomainPeriodType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPeriodType
XjcDomainPUnitType - Enum Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for pUnitType
XjcDomainRenData - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for renDataType complex type
XjcDomainRenData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainRenData
XjcDomainRenew - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for renewType complex type
XjcDomainRenew() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainRenew
XjcDomainStatusType - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for statusType complex type
XjcDomainStatusType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainStatusType
XjcDomainStatusValueType - Enum Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for statusValueType
XjcDomainTransfer - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for transferType complex type
XjcDomainTransfer() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTransfer
XjcDomainTrnData - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for trnDataType complex type
XjcDomainTrnData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainTrnData
XjcDomainUpdate - Class in google.registry.xjc.domain
Java class for updateType complex type
XjcDomainUpdate() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainUpdate
XjcDsigCanonicalizationMethod - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for CanonicalizationMethodType complex type
XjcDsigCanonicalizationMethod() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigCanonicalizationMethod
XjcDsigDigestMethod - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for DigestMethodType complex type
XjcDsigDigestMethod() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDigestMethod
XjcDsigDigestValue - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
XjcDsigDigestValue() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDigestValue
XjcDsigDigestValue(byte[]) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDigestValue
XjcDsigDSAKeyValue - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for DSAKeyValueType complex type
XjcDsigDSAKeyValue() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
XjcDsigKeyInfo - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for KeyInfoType complex type
XjcDsigKeyInfo() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigKeyInfo
XjcDsigKeyName - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
XjcDsigKeyName() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigKeyName
XjcDsigKeyName(String) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigKeyName
XjcDsigKeyValue - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for KeyValueType complex type
XjcDsigKeyValue() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigKeyValue
XjcDsigManifest - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for ManifestType complex type
XjcDsigManifest() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigManifest
XjcDsigMgmtData - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
XjcDsigMgmtData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigMgmtData
XjcDsigMgmtData(String) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigMgmtData
XjcDsigObject - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for ObjectType complex type
XjcDsigObject() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigObject
XjcDsigPGPData - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for PGPDataType complex type
XjcDsigPGPData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigPGPData
XjcDsigReference - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for ReferenceType complex type
XjcDsigReference() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigReference
XjcDsigRetrievalMethod - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for RetrievalMethodType complex type
XjcDsigRetrievalMethod() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigRetrievalMethod
XjcDsigRSAKeyValue - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for RSAKeyValueType complex type
XjcDsigRSAKeyValue() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigRSAKeyValue
XjcDsigSignature - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for SignatureType complex type
XjcDsigSignature() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignature
XjcDsigSignatureMethod - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for SignatureMethodType complex type
XjcDsigSignatureMethod() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureMethod
XjcDsigSignatureProperties - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for SignaturePropertiesType complex type
XjcDsigSignatureProperties() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureProperties
XjcDsigSignatureProperty - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for SignaturePropertyType complex type
XjcDsigSignatureProperty() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureProperty
XjcDsigSignatureValue - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for SignatureValueType complex type
XjcDsigSignatureValue() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignatureValue
XjcDsigSignedInfo - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for SignedInfoType complex type
XjcDsigSignedInfo() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSignedInfo
XjcDsigSPKIData - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for SPKIDataType complex type
XjcDsigSPKIData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigSPKIData
XjcDsigTransform - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for TransformType complex type
XjcDsigTransform() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigTransform
XjcDsigTransforms - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for TransformsType complex type
XjcDsigTransforms() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigTransforms
XjcDsigX509Data - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for X509DataType complex type
XjcDsigX509Data() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigX509Data
XjcDsigX509IssuerSerialType - Class in google.registry.xjc.dsig
Java class for X509IssuerSerialType complex type
XjcDsigX509IssuerSerialType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigX509IssuerSerialType
XjcEpp - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for eppType complex type
XjcEpp() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEpp
XjcEppcomExtAuthInfoType - Class in google.registry.xjc.eppcom
Java class for extAuthInfoType complex type
XjcEppcomExtAuthInfoType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomExtAuthInfoType
XjcEppCommandType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for commandType complex type
XjcEppCommandType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCommandType
XjcEppcomPwAuthInfoType - Class in google.registry.xjc.eppcom
Java class for pwAuthInfoType complex type
XjcEppcomPwAuthInfoType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomPwAuthInfoType
XjcEppcomReasonType - Class in google.registry.xjc.eppcom
Java class for reasonType complex type
XjcEppcomReasonType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.eppcom.XjcEppcomReasonType
XjcEppcomTrStatusType - Enum Class in google.registry.xjc.eppcom
Java class for trStatusType
XjcEppCredsOptionsType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for credsOptionsType complex type
XjcEppCredsOptionsType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppCredsOptionsType
XjcEppDcpAccessType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for dcpAccessType complex type
XjcEppDcpAccessType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpAccessType
XjcEppDcpExpiryType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for dcpExpiryType complex type
XjcEppDcpExpiryType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpExpiryType
XjcEppDcpOursType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for dcpOursType complex type
XjcEppDcpOursType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpOursType
XjcEppDcpPurposeType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for dcpPurposeType complex type
XjcEppDcpPurposeType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpPurposeType
XjcEppDcpRecipientType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for dcpRecipientType complex type
XjcEppDcpRecipientType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRecipientType
XjcEppDcpRetentionType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for dcpRetentionType complex type
XjcEppDcpRetentionType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRetentionType
XjcEppDcpStatementType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for dcpStatementType complex type
XjcEppDcpStatementType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpStatementType
XjcEppDcpType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for dcpType complex type
XjcEppDcpType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpType
XjcEppElement - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for epp element declaration
XjcEppElement() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppElement
XjcEppErrValueType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for errValueType complex type
XjcEppErrValueType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppErrValueType
XjcEppExtAnyType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for extAnyType complex type
XjcEppExtAnyType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppExtAnyType
XjcEppExtErrValueType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for extErrValueType complex type
XjcEppExtErrValueType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppExtErrValueType
XjcEppExtURIType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for extURIType complex type
XjcEppExtURIType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppExtURIType
XjcEppGreetingType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for greetingType complex type
XjcEppGreetingType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppGreetingType
XjcEppLoginSvcType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for loginSvcType complex type
XjcEppLoginSvcType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginSvcType
XjcEppLoginType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for loginType complex type
XjcEppLoginType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppLoginType
XjcEppMixedMsgType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for mixedMsgType complex type
XjcEppMixedMsgType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMixedMsgType
XjcEppMsgQType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for msgQType complex type
XjcEppMsgQType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMsgQType
XjcEppMsgType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for msgType complex type
XjcEppMsgType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppMsgType
XjcEppPollOpType - Enum Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for pollOpType
XjcEppPollType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for pollType complex type
XjcEppPollType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppPollType
XjcEppReadWriteType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for readWriteType complex type
XjcEppReadWriteType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppReadWriteType
XjcEppResponse - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for responseType complex type
XjcEppResponse() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResponse
XjcEppResultType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for resultType complex type
XjcEppResultType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppResultType
XjcEppSvcMenuType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for svcMenuType complex type
XjcEppSvcMenuType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppSvcMenuType
XjcEppTransferOpType - Enum Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for transferOpType
XjcEppTransferType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for transferType complex type
XjcEppTransferType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTransferType
XjcEppTrIDType - Class in google.registry.xjc.epp
Java class for trIDType complex type
XjcEppTrIDType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppTrIDType
XjcFee06Check - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
Java class for checkType complex type
XjcFee06Check() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Check
XjcFee06ChkData - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
Java class for chkDataType complex type
XjcFee06ChkData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06ChkData
XjcFee06CommandType - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
Java class for commandType complex type
XjcFee06CommandType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06CommandType
XjcFee06Create - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
XjcFee06Create() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Create
XjcFee06Create(XjcFee06TransformCommandType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Create
XjcFee06CreData - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
XjcFee06CreData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06CreData
XjcFee06CreData(XjcFee06TransformResultType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06CreData
XjcFee06CreditType - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
Java class for creditType complex type
XjcFee06CreditType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06CreditType
XjcFee06DelData - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
Java class for deleteDataType complex type
XjcFee06DelData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DelData
XjcFee06DomainCDType - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
Java class for domainCDType complex type
XjcFee06DomainCDType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCDType
XjcFee06DomainCheckType - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
Java class for domainCheckType complex type
XjcFee06DomainCheckType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06DomainCheckType
XjcFee06FeeType - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
Java class for feeType complex type
XjcFee06FeeType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06FeeType
XjcFee06InfData - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
Java class for infDataType complex type
XjcFee06InfData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06InfData
XjcFee06Info - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
Java class for infoType complex type
XjcFee06Info() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Info
XjcFee06RenData - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
XjcFee06RenData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06RenData
XjcFee06RenData(XjcFee06TransformResultType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06RenData
XjcFee06Renew - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
XjcFee06Renew() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Renew
XjcFee06Renew(XjcFee06TransformCommandType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Renew
XjcFee06Transfer - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
XjcFee06Transfer() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Transfer
XjcFee06Transfer(XjcFee06TransformCommandType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Transfer
XjcFee06TransformCommandType - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
Java class for transformCommandType complex type
XjcFee06TransformCommandType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TransformCommandType
XjcFee06TransformResultType - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
Java class for transformResultType complex type
XjcFee06TransformResultType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TransformResultType
XjcFee06TrnData - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
Java class for transferResultType complex type
XjcFee06TrnData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06TrnData
XjcFee06Update - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
XjcFee06Update() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Update
XjcFee06Update(XjcFee06TransformCommandType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06Update
XjcFee06UpdData - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee06
XjcFee06UpdData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06UpdData
XjcFee06UpdData(XjcFee06TransformResultType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee06.XjcFee06UpdData
XjcFee11Check - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee11
Java class for checkType complex type
XjcFee11Check() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Check
XjcFee11ChkData - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee11
Java class for chkDataType complex type
XjcFee11ChkData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ChkData
XjcFee11CommandType - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee11
Java class for commandType complex type
XjcFee11CommandType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11CommandType
XjcFee11Create - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee11
XjcFee11Create() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Create
XjcFee11Create(XjcFee11TransformCommandType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Create
XjcFee11CreData - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee11
XjcFee11CreData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11CreData
XjcFee11CreData(XjcFee11TransformResultType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11CreData
XjcFee11CreditType - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee11
Java class for creditType complex type
XjcFee11CreditType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11CreditType
XjcFee11DelData - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee11
Java class for deleteDataType complex type
XjcFee11DelData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11DelData
XjcFee11FeeType - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee11
Java class for feeType complex type
XjcFee11FeeType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11FeeType
XjcFee11ObjectCDType - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee11
Java class for objectCDType complex type
XjcFee11ObjectCDType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11ObjectCDType
XjcFee11ObjectCDType.Object - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee11
Java class for anonymous complex type
XjcFee11RenData - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee11
XjcFee11RenData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11RenData
XjcFee11RenData(XjcFee11TransformResultType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11RenData
XjcFee11Renew - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee11
XjcFee11Renew() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Renew
XjcFee11Renew(XjcFee11TransformCommandType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Renew
XjcFee11Transfer - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee11
XjcFee11Transfer() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Transfer
XjcFee11Transfer(XjcFee11TransformCommandType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Transfer
XjcFee11TransformCommandType - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee11
Java class for transformCommandType complex type
XjcFee11TransformCommandType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformCommandType
XjcFee11TransformResultType - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee11
Java class for transformResultType complex type
XjcFee11TransformResultType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TransformResultType
XjcFee11TrnData - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee11
Java class for transferResultType complex type
XjcFee11TrnData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11TrnData
XjcFee11Update - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee11
XjcFee11Update() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Update
XjcFee11Update(XjcFee11TransformCommandType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11Update
XjcFee11UpdData - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee11
XjcFee11UpdData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11UpdData
XjcFee11UpdData(XjcFee11TransformResultType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee11.XjcFee11UpdData
XjcFee12Check - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee12
Java class for checkType complex type
XjcFee12Check() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12Check
XjcFee12ChkData - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee12
Java class for chkDataType complex type
XjcFee12ChkData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12ChkData
XjcFee12CommandCDType - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee12
Java class for commandCDType complex type
XjcFee12CommandCDType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCDType
XjcFee12CommandCheckType - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee12
Java class for commandCheckType complex type
XjcFee12CommandCheckType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CommandCheckType
XjcFee12Create - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee12
XjcFee12Create() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12Create
XjcFee12Create(XjcFee12TransformCommandType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12Create
XjcFee12CreData - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee12
XjcFee12CreData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CreData
XjcFee12CreData(XjcFee12TransformResultType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CreData
XjcFee12CreditType - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee12
Java class for creditType complex type
XjcFee12CreditType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12CreditType
XjcFee12DelData - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee12
XjcFee12DelData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12DelData
XjcFee12DelData(XjcFee12TransformResultType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12DelData
XjcFee12FeeType - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee12
Java class for feeType complex type
XjcFee12FeeType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12FeeType
XjcFee12ObjectCDType - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee12
Java class for objectCDType complex type
XjcFee12ObjectCDType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12ObjectCDType
XjcFee12ObjectCDType.Object - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee12
Java class for anonymous complex type
XjcFee12RenData - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee12
XjcFee12RenData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12RenData
XjcFee12RenData(XjcFee12TransformResultType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12RenData
XjcFee12Renew - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee12
XjcFee12Renew() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12Renew
XjcFee12Renew(XjcFee12TransformCommandType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12Renew
XjcFee12Transfer - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee12
XjcFee12Transfer() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12Transfer
XjcFee12Transfer(XjcFee12TransformCommandType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12Transfer
XjcFee12TransformCommandType - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee12
Java class for transformCommandType complex type
XjcFee12TransformCommandType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformCommandType
XjcFee12TransformResultType - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee12
Java class for transformResultType complex type
XjcFee12TransformResultType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TransformResultType
XjcFee12TrnData - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee12
Java class for transferResultType complex type
XjcFee12TrnData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12TrnData
XjcFee12Update - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee12
XjcFee12Update() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12Update
XjcFee12Update(XjcFee12TransformCommandType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12Update
XjcFee12UpdData - Class in google.registry.xjc.fee12
XjcFee12UpdData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12UpdData
XjcFee12UpdData(XjcFee12TransformResultType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.fee12.XjcFee12UpdData
XjcHostAddRemType - Class in
Java class for addRemType complex type
XjcHostAddRemType() - Constructor for class
XjcHostAddrType - Class in
Java class for addrType complex type
XjcHostAddrType() - Constructor for class
XjcHostCheck - Class in
Java class for mNameType complex type
XjcHostCheck() - Constructor for class
XjcHostCheckNameType - Class in
Java class for checkNameType complex type
XjcHostCheckNameType() - Constructor for class
XjcHostCheckType - Class in
Java class for checkType complex type
XjcHostCheckType() - Constructor for class
XjcHostChgType - Class in
Java class for chgType complex type
XjcHostChgType() - Constructor for class
XjcHostChkData - Class in
Java class for chkDataType complex type
XjcHostChkData() - Constructor for class
XjcHostCreate - Class in
Java class for createType complex type
XjcHostCreate() - Constructor for class
XjcHostCreData - Class in
Java class for creDataType complex type
XjcHostCreData() - Constructor for class
XjcHostDelete - Class in
XjcHostDelete() - Constructor for class
XjcHostDelete(XjcHostSNameType) - Constructor for class
XjcHostInfData - Class in
Java class for infDataType complex type
XjcHostInfData() - Constructor for class
XjcHostInfo - Class in
XjcHostInfo() - Constructor for class
XjcHostInfo(XjcHostSNameType) - Constructor for class
XjcHostIpType - Enum Class in
Java class for ipType
XjcHostPaNameType - Class in
Java class for paNameType complex type
XjcHostPaNameType() - Constructor for class
XjcHostPanData - Class in
Java class for panDataType complex type
XjcHostPanData() - Constructor for class
XjcHostSNameType - Class in
Java class for sNameType complex type
XjcHostSNameType() - Constructor for class
XjcHostStatusType - Class in
Java class for statusType complex type
XjcHostStatusType() - Constructor for class
XjcHostStatusValueType - Enum Class in
Java class for statusValueType
XjcHostUpdate - Class in
Java class for updateType complex type
XjcHostUpdate() - Constructor for class
XjcIirdeaCode - Class in google.registry.xjc.iirdea
Java class for codeType simple type
XjcIirdeaCode() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.XjcIirdeaCode
XjcIirdeaResponse - Class in google.registry.xjc.iirdea
Java class for responseType complex type
XjcIirdeaResponse() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.XjcIirdeaResponse
XjcIirdeaResponseElement - Class in google.registry.xjc.iirdea
Java class for response element declaration
XjcIirdeaResponseElement() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.XjcIirdeaResponseElement
XjcIirdeaResult - Class in google.registry.xjc.iirdea
Java class for resultType complex type
XjcIirdeaResult() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.iirdea.XjcIirdeaResult
XjcLaunchCdNameType - Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
Java class for cdNameType complex type
XjcLaunchCdNameType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCdNameType
XjcLaunchCdType - Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
Java class for cdType complex type
XjcLaunchCdType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCdType
XjcLaunchCheck - Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
Java class for checkType complex type
XjcLaunchCheck() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCheck
XjcLaunchCheckFormType - Enum Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
Java class for checkFormType
XjcLaunchChkData - Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
Java class for chkDataType complex type
XjcLaunchChkData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchChkData
XjcLaunchClaimKeyType - Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
Java class for claimKeyType complex type
XjcLaunchClaimKeyType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchClaimKeyType
XjcLaunchCodeMarkType - Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
Java class for codeMarkType complex type
XjcLaunchCodeMarkType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCodeMarkType
XjcLaunchCodeType - Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
Java class for codeType complex type
XjcLaunchCodeType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCodeType
XjcLaunchCreate - Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
Java class for createType complex type
XjcLaunchCreate() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreate
XjcLaunchCreateNoticeType - Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
Java class for createNoticeType complex type
XjcLaunchCreateNoticeType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreateNoticeType
XjcLaunchCreData - Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
XjcLaunchCreData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreData
XjcLaunchCreData(XjcLaunchIdContainerType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchCreData
XjcLaunchDelete - Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
XjcLaunchDelete() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchDelete
XjcLaunchDelete(XjcLaunchIdContainerType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchDelete
XjcLaunchIdContainerType - Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
Java class for idContainerType complex type
XjcLaunchIdContainerType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchIdContainerType
XjcLaunchInfData - Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
Java class for infDataType complex type
XjcLaunchInfData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfData
XjcLaunchInfo - Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
Java class for infoType complex type
XjcLaunchInfo() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchInfo
XjcLaunchNoticeIDType - Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
Java class for noticeIDType complex type
XjcLaunchNoticeIDType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchNoticeIDType
XjcLaunchObjectType - Enum Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
Java class for objectType
XjcLaunchPhaseType - Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
Java class for phaseType complex type
XjcLaunchPhaseType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchPhaseType
XjcLaunchPhaseTypeValue - Enum Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
Java class for phaseTypeValue
XjcLaunchStatusType - Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
Java class for statusType complex type
XjcLaunchStatusType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchStatusType
XjcLaunchStatusValueType - Enum Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
Java class for statusValueType
XjcLaunchUpdate - Class in google.registry.xjc.launch
XjcLaunchUpdate() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchUpdate
XjcLaunchUpdate(XjcLaunchIdContainerType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.launch.XjcLaunchUpdate
XjcMarkAbstractMark - Class in google.registry.xjc.mark
XjcMarkAbstractMark() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkAbstractMark
XjcMarkAbstractMark(XjcMarkAbstractMarkType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkAbstractMark
XjcMarkAbstractMarkType - Class in google.registry.xjc.mark
Java class for abstractMarkType complex type
XjcMarkAbstractMarkType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkAbstractMarkType
XjcMarkAddrType - Class in google.registry.xjc.mark
Java class for addrType complex type
XjcMarkAddrType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkAddrType
XjcMarkContactType - Class in google.registry.xjc.mark
Java class for contactType complex type
XjcMarkContactType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkContactType
XjcMarkContactTypeType - Enum Class in google.registry.xjc.mark
Java class for contactTypeType
XjcMarkCourtType - Class in google.registry.xjc.mark
Java class for courtType complex type
XjcMarkCourtType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkCourtType
XjcMarkE164Type - Class in google.registry.xjc.mark
Java class for e164Type complex type
XjcMarkE164Type() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkE164Type
XjcMarkEntitlementType - Enum Class in google.registry.xjc.mark
Java class for entitlementType
XjcMarkHolderType - Class in google.registry.xjc.mark
Java class for holderType complex type
XjcMarkHolderType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkHolderType
XjcMarkMark - Class in google.registry.xjc.mark
XjcMarkMark() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkMark
XjcMarkMark(XjcMarkMarkType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkMark
XjcMarkMarkType - Class in google.registry.xjc.mark
Java class for markType complex type
XjcMarkMarkType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkMarkType
XjcMarkProtectionType - Class in google.registry.xjc.mark
Java class for protectionType complex type
XjcMarkProtectionType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkProtectionType
XjcMarkTrademarkType - Class in google.registry.xjc.mark
Java class for trademarkType complex type
XjcMarkTrademarkType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTrademarkType
XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType - Class in google.registry.xjc.mark
Java class for treatyOrStatuteType complex type
XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.mark.XjcMarkTreatyOrStatuteType
XjcObject - Class in google.registry.xjc
The superclass for XML classes generated by JAXB that provides marshalling and validation.
XjcObject() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.XjcObject
XjcRdeContact - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdecontact
Java class for abstractContentType complex type
XjcRdeContact() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContact
XjcRdeContactAbstract - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdecontact
XjcRdeContactAbstract() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactAbstract
XjcRdeContactAbstract(XjcRdeContact) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactAbstract
XjcRdeContactDelete - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdecontact
XjcRdeContactDelete() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactDelete
XjcRdeContactDelete(XjcRdeContactDeleteType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactDelete
XjcRdeContactDeleteType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdecontact
Java class for deleteType complex type
XjcRdeContactDeleteType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactDeleteType
XjcRdeContactElement - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdecontact
XjcRdeContactElement() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactElement
XjcRdeContactElement(XjcRdeContact) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactElement
XjcRdeContactTransferDataType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdecontact
Java class for transferDataType complex type
XjcRdeContactTransferDataType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdecontact.XjcRdeContactTransferDataType
XjcRdeContent - Class in google.registry.xjc.rde
XjcRdeContent() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeContent
XjcRdeContent(XjcRdeContentType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeContent
XjcRdeContentsType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rde
Java class for contentsType complex type
XjcRdeContentsType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeContentsType
XjcRdeContentType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rde
Java class for contentType complex type
XjcRdeContentType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeContentType
XjcRdeDelete - Class in google.registry.xjc.rde
XjcRdeDelete() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDelete
XjcRdeDelete(XjcRdeDeleteType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDelete
XjcRdeDeletesType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rde
Java class for deletesType complex type
XjcRdeDeletesType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeletesType
XjcRdeDeleteType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rde
Java class for deleteType complex type
XjcRdeDeleteType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeleteType
XjcRdeDeposit - Class in google.registry.xjc.rde
Java class for escrowDepositType complex type
XjcRdeDeposit() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeDeposit
XjcRdeDepositTypeType - Enum Class in google.registry.xjc.rde
Java class for depositTypeType
XjcRdeDomain - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdedomain
Java class for abstractContentType complex type
XjcRdeDomain() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomain
XjcRdeDomainAbstract - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdedomain
XjcRdeDomainAbstract() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainAbstract
XjcRdeDomainAbstract(XjcRdeDomain) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainAbstract
XjcRdeDomainDelete - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdedomain
XjcRdeDomainDelete() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainDelete
XjcRdeDomainDelete(XjcRdeDomainDeleteType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainDelete
XjcRdeDomainDeleteType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdedomain
Java class for deleteType complex type
XjcRdeDomainDeleteType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainDeleteType
XjcRdeDomainElement - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdedomain
XjcRdeDomainElement() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainElement
XjcRdeDomainElement(XjcRdeDomain) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainElement
XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdedomain
Java class for transferDataType complex type
XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdedomain.XjcRdeDomainTransferDataType
XjcRdeEppParams - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams
Java class for abstractContentType complex type
XjcRdeEppParams() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.XjcRdeEppParams
XjcRdeEppParamsAbstract - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams
XjcRdeEppParamsAbstract() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.XjcRdeEppParamsAbstract
XjcRdeEppParamsAbstract(XjcRdeEppParams) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.XjcRdeEppParamsAbstract
XjcRdeEppParamsElement - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams
XjcRdeEppParamsElement() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.XjcRdeEppParamsElement
XjcRdeEppParamsElement(XjcRdeEppParams) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams.XjcRdeEppParamsElement
XjcRdeHeader - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdeheader
Java class for contentType complex type
XjcRdeHeader() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdeheader.XjcRdeHeader
XjcRdeHeaderCount - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdeheader
Java class for countType complex type
XjcRdeHeaderCount() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdeheader.XjcRdeHeaderCount
XjcRdeHeaderElement - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdeheader
XjcRdeHeaderElement() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdeheader.XjcRdeHeaderElement
XjcRdeHeaderElement(XjcRdeHeader) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdeheader.XjcRdeHeaderElement
XjcRdeHost - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdehost
Java class for abstractContentType complex type
XjcRdeHost() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHost
XjcRdeHostAbstractHost - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdehost
XjcRdeHostAbstractHost() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHostAbstractHost
XjcRdeHostAbstractHost(XjcRdeHost) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHostAbstractHost
XjcRdeHostDelete - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdehost
XjcRdeHostDelete() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHostDelete
XjcRdeHostDelete(XjcRdeHostDeleteType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHostDelete
XjcRdeHostDeleteType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdehost
Java class for deleteType complex type
XjcRdeHostDeleteType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHostDeleteType
XjcRdeHostElement - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdehost
XjcRdeHostElement() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHostElement
XjcRdeHostElement(XjcRdeHost) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdehost.XjcRdeHostElement
XjcRdeIdn - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdeidn
Java class for contentType complex type
XjcRdeIdn() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.XjcRdeIdn
XjcRdeIdnDelete - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdeidn
XjcRdeIdnDelete() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.XjcRdeIdnDelete
XjcRdeIdnDelete(XjcRdeIdnDeleteType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.XjcRdeIdnDelete
XjcRdeIdnDeleteType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdeidn
Java class for deleteType complex type
XjcRdeIdnDeleteType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.XjcRdeIdnDeleteType
XjcRdeIdnElement - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdeidn
XjcRdeIdnElement() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.XjcRdeIdnElement
XjcRdeIdnElement(XjcRdeIdn) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdeidn.XjcRdeIdnElement
XjcRdeMenuType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rde
Java class for rdeMenuType complex type
XjcRdeMenuType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeMenuType
XjcRdeNndn - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdenndn
Java class for abstractContentType complex type
XjcRdeNndn() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndn
XjcRdeNndnAbstract - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdenndn
XjcRdeNndnAbstract() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnAbstract
XjcRdeNndnAbstract(XjcRdeNndn) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnAbstract
XjcRdeNndnDelete - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdenndn
XjcRdeNndnDelete() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnDelete
XjcRdeNndnDelete(XjcRdeNndnDeleteType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnDelete
XjcRdeNndnDeleteType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdenndn
Java class for deleteType complex type
XjcRdeNndnDeleteType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnDeleteType
XjcRdeNndnElement - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdenndn
XjcRdeNndnElement() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnElement
XjcRdeNndnElement(XjcRdeNndn) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnElement
XjcRdeNndnNameState - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdenndn
Java class for nameState complex type
XjcRdeNndnNameState() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdenndn.XjcRdeNndnNameState
XjcRdeNndnNameStateValue - Enum Class in google.registry.xjc.rdenndn
Java class for nameStateValue
XjcRdeNotification - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdenotification
Java class for notificationType complex type
XjcRdeNotification() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotification
XjcRdeNotificationElement - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdenotification
Java class for notification element declaration
XjcRdeNotificationElement() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotificationElement
XjcRdeNotificationName - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdenotification
Java class for nameType simple type
XjcRdeNotificationName() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdenotification.XjcRdeNotificationName
XjcRdeNotificationStatusType - Enum Class in google.registry.xjc.rdenotification
Java class for statusType
XjcRdePolicy - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy
Java class for policyType complex type
XjcRdePolicy() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy.XjcRdePolicy
XjcRdePolicyElement - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy
XjcRdePolicyElement() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy.XjcRdePolicyElement
XjcRdePolicyElement(XjcRdePolicy) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy.XjcRdePolicyElement
XjcRdeRegistrar - Class in google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar
Java class for abstractContentType complex type
XjcRdeRegistrar() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrar
XjcRdeRegistrarAbstract - Class in google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar
XjcRdeRegistrarAbstract() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarAbstract
XjcRdeRegistrarAbstract(XjcRdeRegistrar) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarAbstract
XjcRdeRegistrarAddrType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar
Java class for addrType complex type
XjcRdeRegistrarAddrType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarAddrType
XjcRdeRegistrarDelete - Class in google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar
XjcRdeRegistrarDelete() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarDelete
XjcRdeRegistrarDelete(XjcRdeRegistrarDeleteType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarDelete
XjcRdeRegistrarDeleteType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar
Java class for deleteType complex type
XjcRdeRegistrarDeleteType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarDeleteType
XjcRdeRegistrarElement - Class in google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar
XjcRdeRegistrarElement() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarElement
XjcRdeRegistrarElement(XjcRdeRegistrar) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarElement
XjcRdeRegistrarPostalInfoEnumType - Enum Class in google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar
Java class for postalInfoEnumType
XjcRdeRegistrarPostalInfoType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar
Java class for postalInfoType complex type
XjcRdeRegistrarPostalInfoType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarPostalInfoType
XjcRdeRegistrarStatusType - Enum Class in google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar
Java class for statusType
XjcRdeRegistrarWhoisInfoType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar
Java class for whoisInfoType complex type
XjcRdeRegistrarWhoisInfoType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar.XjcRdeRegistrarWhoisInfoType
XjcRdeReport - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdereport
Java class for report element declaration
XjcRdeReport() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReport
XjcRdeReportReport - Class in google.registry.xjc.rdereport
Java class for reportType complex type
XjcRdeReportReport() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rdereport.XjcRdeReportReport
XjcRdeRrType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rde
Java class for rrType complex type
XjcRdeRrType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rde.XjcRdeRrType
XjcRgpInfData - Class in google.registry.xjc.rgp
XjcRgpInfData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpInfData
XjcRgpInfData(XjcRgpRespDataType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpInfData
XjcRgpMixedType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rgp
Java class for mixedType complex type
XjcRgpMixedType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpMixedType
XjcRgpOpType - Enum Class in google.registry.xjc.rgp
Java class for rgpOpType
XjcRgpReportTextType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rgp
Java class for reportTextType complex type
XjcRgpReportTextType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportTextType
XjcRgpReportType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rgp
Java class for reportType complex type
XjcRgpReportType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpReportType
XjcRgpRespDataType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rgp
Java class for respDataType complex type
XjcRgpRespDataType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpRespDataType
XjcRgpRestoreType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rgp
Java class for restoreType complex type
XjcRgpRestoreType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpRestoreType
XjcRgpStatusType - Class in google.registry.xjc.rgp
Java class for statusType complex type
XjcRgpStatusType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpStatusType
XjcRgpStatusValueType - Enum Class in google.registry.xjc.rgp
Java class for statusValueType
XjcRgpUpData - Class in google.registry.xjc.rgp
XjcRgpUpData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpUpData
XjcRgpUpData(XjcRgpRespDataType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpUpData
XjcRgpUpdate - Class in google.registry.xjc.rgp
Java class for updateType complex type
XjcRgpUpdate() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.rgp.XjcRgpUpdate
XjcSecdnsChgType - Class in google.registry.xjc.secdns
Java class for chgType complex type
XjcSecdnsChgType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsChgType
XjcSecdnsCreate - Class in google.registry.xjc.secdns
XjcSecdnsCreate() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsCreate
XjcSecdnsCreate(XjcSecdnsDsOrKeyType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsCreate
XjcSecdnsDsDataType - Class in google.registry.xjc.secdns
Java class for dsDataType complex type
XjcSecdnsDsDataType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsDataType
XjcSecdnsDsOrKeyType - Class in google.registry.xjc.secdns
Java class for dsOrKeyType complex type
XjcSecdnsDsOrKeyType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsDsOrKeyType
XjcSecdnsInfData - Class in google.registry.xjc.secdns
XjcSecdnsInfData() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsInfData
XjcSecdnsInfData(XjcSecdnsDsOrKeyType) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsInfData
XjcSecdnsKeyDataType - Class in google.registry.xjc.secdns
Java class for keyDataType complex type
XjcSecdnsKeyDataType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsKeyDataType
XjcSecdnsRemType - Class in google.registry.xjc.secdns
Java class for remType complex type
XjcSecdnsRemType() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsRemType
XjcSecdnsUpdate - Class in google.registry.xjc.secdns
Java class for updateType complex type
XjcSecdnsUpdate() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.secdns.XjcSecdnsUpdate
XjcSmdAbstractSignedMark - Class in google.registry.xjc.smd
Java class for abstractSignedMarkType complex type
XjcSmdAbstractSignedMark() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdAbstractSignedMark
XjcSmdAbstractSignedMarkElement - Class in google.registry.xjc.smd
XjcSmdAbstractSignedMarkElement() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdAbstractSignedMarkElement
XjcSmdAbstractSignedMarkElement(XjcSmdAbstractSignedMark) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdAbstractSignedMarkElement
XjcSmdEncodedSignedMark - Class in google.registry.xjc.smd
Java class for encodedSignedMarkType complex type
XjcSmdEncodedSignedMark() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdEncodedSignedMark
XjcSmdIssuerInfo - Class in google.registry.xjc.smd
Java class for issuerInfoType complex type
XjcSmdIssuerInfo() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdIssuerInfo
XjcSmdSignedMark - Class in google.registry.xjc.smd
Java class for signedMarkType complex type
XjcSmdSignedMark() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMark
XjcSmdSignedMarkElement - Class in google.registry.xjc.smd
XjcSmdSignedMarkElement() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMarkElement
XjcSmdSignedMarkElement(XjcSmdSignedMark) - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.smd.XjcSmdSignedMarkElement
XjcXmlTransformer - Class in google.registry.xjc
Static methods for marshalling to and from the generated classes.
XjcXmlTransformer() - Constructor for class google.registry.xjc.XjcXmlTransformer
xml() - Method in record class google.registry.rde.DepositFragment
Returns the value of the xml record component.
xmlDocToByteArray(Document) - Static method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppMessage
A helper method to transform an XML Document to a byte array using the XML Encoding when converting from a String (see xmlDocToString).
xmlDocToString(Document) - Static method in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppMessage
A helper method to transform an XML Document to a string.
XmlEnumUtils - Class in google.registry.util
Utility methods related to xml enums.
XmlEnumUtils() - Constructor for class google.registry.util.XmlEnumUtils
XmlException - Exception Class in google.registry.xml
An exception thrown by XmlTransformer when marshalling or unmarshalling fails.
XmlException(String) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.xml.XmlException
XmlException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class google.registry.xml.XmlException
XmlFragmentMarshaller - Class in google.registry.xml
JAXB marshaller for building pieces of XML documents in a single thread.
xmlToEnum(String) - Method in class google.registry.util.XmlToEnumMapper
Look up T from the XmlEnumValue
XmlToEnumMapper<T> - Class in google.registry.util
Efficient lookup from xml enums to java enums
XmlTransformer - Class in google.registry.xml
Static methods for marshaling, unmarshaling, and validating XML.
XmlTransformer(Package, ImmutableMap<String, String>) - Constructor for class google.registry.xml.XmlTransformer
Create a new XmlTransformer that validates using the given schemas and marshals to and from classes generated off of those schemas.
XmlTransformer(List<String>, Class<?>...) - Constructor for class google.registry.xml.XmlTransformer
Create a new XmlTransformer that validates using the given schemas, but uses the given classes (rather than generated ones) for marshaling and unmarshaling.
XPASS_EXPRESSION - Static variable in class google.registry.monitoring.blackbox.message.EppMessage
Expression that expresses a result code in the EppResponseMessage that means success.
XS_NORMALIZED_STRING - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormFields
Form field that ensures input does not contain tabs, line feeds, or carriage returns.
XS_TOKEN - Static variable in class google.registry.ui.forms.FormFields
Form field that applies XML Schema Token cleanup to input.
xsrfTokenManager() - Method in record class google.registry.ui.server.console.ConsoleApiParams
Returns the value of the xsrfTokenManager record component.
XsrfTokenManager - Class in
Helper class for generating and validate XSRF tokens.
XsrfTokenManager(Clock) - Constructor for class


y - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.dsig.XjcDsigDSAKeyValue
Y - Enum constant in enum class google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1.PUnitType
Y - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainPUnitType
YamlUtils - Class in google.registry.util
Utility methods for dealing with YAML.
YearMonthParameter - Class in
YearMonth CLI parameter converter/validator (e.g.
YearMonthParameter() - Constructor for class
years() - Method in record class google.registry.beam.billing.BillingEvent
Returns the value of the years record component.
years() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns the value of the years record component.
years() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainCreateFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns the value of the years record component.
years() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.CreatePriceParameters
Returns the value of the years record component.
years() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainPricingCustomLogic.RenewPriceParameters
Returns the value of the years record component.
years() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.AfterValidationParameters
Returns the value of the years record component.
years() - Method in record class google.registry.flows.custom.DomainRenewFlowCustomLogic.BeforeSaveParameters
Returns the value of the years record component.
YEARS - Enum constant in enum class google.registry.model.domain.Period.Unit


zip - Variable in class google.registry.model.eppcommon.Address
ZIP - Static variable in class
ZIP - Static variable in class
Listed by .contactcreate.


__NAMESPACE__ - Static variable in class
This Soy file's namespace.
__NAMESPACE__ - Static variable in class
This Soy file's namespace.
__NAMESPACE__ - Static variable in class
This Soy file's namespace.
__NAMESPACE__ - Static variable in class
This Soy file's namespace.
__NAMESPACE__ - Static variable in class
This Soy file's namespace.
__NAMESPACE__ - Static variable in class
This Soy file's namespace.
__NAMESPACE__ - Static variable in class
This Soy file's namespace.
__NAMESPACE__ - Static variable in class
This Soy file's namespace.
__NAMESPACE__ - Static variable in class
This Soy file's namespace.
__NAMESPACE__ - Static variable in class
This Soy file's namespace.
__NAMESPACE__ - Static variable in class
This Soy file's namespace.
__NAMESPACE__ - Static variable in class
This Soy file's namespace.
__NAMESPACE__ - Static variable in class
This Soy file's namespace.
__NAMESPACE__ - Static variable in class
This Soy file's namespace.
_null - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.domain.XjcDomainAuthInfoChgType
_null - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpAccessType
_public - Variable in class google.registry.xjc.epp.XjcEppDcpRecipientType
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
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