Interface Flow

All Known Subinterfaces:
MutatingFlow, SqlStatementLoggingFlow, TransactionalFlow
All Known Implementing Classes:
ContactCheckFlow, ContactCreateFlow, ContactDeleteFlow, ContactInfoFlow, ContactTransferApproveFlow, ContactTransferCancelFlow, ContactTransferQueryFlow, ContactTransferRejectFlow, ContactTransferRequestFlow, ContactUpdateFlow, DomainCheckFlow, DomainClaimsCheckFlow, DomainCreateFlow, DomainDeleteFlow, DomainInfoFlow, DomainRenewFlow, DomainRestoreRequestFlow, DomainTransferApproveFlow, DomainTransferCancelFlow, DomainTransferQueryFlow, DomainTransferRejectFlow, DomainTransferRequestFlow, DomainUpdateFlow, HelloFlow, HostCheckFlow, HostCreateFlow, HostDeleteFlow, HostInfoFlow, HostUpdateFlow, LoginFlow, LogoutFlow, PollAckFlow, PollRequestFlow

public interface Flow
An Extensible Provisioning Protocol flow.

A "flow" is our word for a "command", since we've overloaded the word "command" to mean the command objects and also the CLI operation classes.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Executes an EPP "flow" and returns a response object (or in the specific case of the "hello" flow a greeting object) that can be converted to XML and returned to the caller.
  • Method Details

    • run

      Executes an EPP "flow" and returns a response object (or in the specific case of the "hello" flow a greeting object) that can be converted to XML and returned to the caller.

      Flows should have run() called once per instance. If a flow needs to be retried, a new instance should be created.

      Flows should get all of their parameters via injection off of FlowComponent.
