Interface WhoisResponse

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface WhoisResponse
Representation of a WHOIS query response.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static final record 
    A wrapper class for the plaintext response of a WHOIS command and its number of results.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getResponse(boolean preferUnicode, String disclaimer)
    Returns the WHOIS response.
    Returns the time at which this response was created.
  • Method Details

    • getResponse

      WhoisResponse.WhoisResponseResults getResponse(boolean preferUnicode, String disclaimer)
      Returns the WHOIS response.
      preferUnicode - if false will cause the output to be converted to ASCII whenever possible; for example, converting IDN hostname labels to punycode. However certain things (like a domain registrant name with accent marks) will be returned "as is". If the WHOIS client has told us they're able to receive UTF-8 (such as with HTTP) then this field should be set to true.
      disclaimer - text to show at bottom of output
    • getTimestamp

      org.joda.time.DateTime getTimestamp()
      Returns the time at which this response was created.