All Classes and Interfaces

Marker interface for signed mark types.
Annotation for Runnable actions accepting HTTP requests from RequestHandler.
HTTP methods recognized by the request processor.
Superclass of all ChannelHandlers placed at end of channel pipeline
Helper methods for working with @Action-annotated classes.
Utility class that produces SQL queries used to generate activity reports from Bigquery.
Container for generic street address.
A builder for constructing Address.
An entity representing an allocation token.
Java class for allocationTokenType complex type
A builder for constructing AllocationToken objects, since they are immutable.
Any special behavior that should be used when registering domains using this token.
System behaves differently based on a token it gets inside a command.
The status of this token with regard to any potential promotion.
Type of the token that indicates how and where it should be used.
A no-op base class for allocation token custom logic.
Record to represent the result of loading a token and checking domains with it.
An allocation token extension that may be present on EPP domain commands.
Utility functions for dealing with AllocationTokens in domain flows.
The allocation token is not currently valid.
The allocation token is not valid for this EPP command.
The allocation token is not valid for this domain.
The allocation token is not valid for this registrar.
The allocation token is not valid for this TLD.
The allocation token was already redeemed.
The allocation token is invalid.
The __REMOVE_BULK_PRICING__ token is missing on a bulk pricing domain command
The __REMOVE_BULK_PRICING__ token is not allowed on non bulk pricing domains
Dagger module for allocation token classes.
Hibernate custom type for List of VKey of AllocationToken.
The resource is already pending transfer.
Helper class to enqueue tasks for handling asynchronous operations in flows.
Enum used to configure authentication settings for Actions.
Allows access only to Registrars the current user has access to.
Exception thrown when the current user doesn't have access to the requested Registrar.
The role under which access is granted.
A particular way to authenticate an HTTP request, returning an AuthResult.
The "authInfoType" complex type.
The "pwAuthInfoType" complex type.
Dagger module for authentication routines.
Module providing the dependency graph for authorization credentials.
Dagger qualifier for Credential used by the Cloud SQL client in the nomulus tool.
Results of authentication for a given HTTP request, as emitted by an AuthenticationMechanism.
Parameters used to configure the authenticator.
Authentication level.
User authorization policy options.
Backend metrics instrumentation.
Handler that records metrics for a backend channel.
Dagger component with per-request lifetime for "backend" App Engine module.
Request handler for the backend module.
Servlet that should handle all requests to our "backend" App Engine module.
A base implementation of DnsWriter that protects against multiple calls to commit().
Base class for ReservedList and PremiumList objects.
Base builder for derived classes of BaseDomainLabelList.
Base class for the fee and credit types.
Enum for when a fee is applied.
Enum for the type of the fee.
An abstract base class for all flow custom logic that stores the flow's EppInput and SessionMetadata for convenience.
Base class for metrics.
Fields common to TransferData and TransferResponse.
Base class for builders of BaseTransferObject subclasses.
Helper for querying large data sets in batches.
Utilities for breaking up a Stream into batches.
Dagger module for injecting common settings for batch actions.
Static utilities for Beam pipelines.
Class encapsulating parameters and state for accessing the Bigquery API.
Builder for a BigqueryConnection, since the latter is immutable once created.
Class that wraps a normal Bigquery API Table object to make it immutable from the client side and give it additional semantics as a "destination" for load or query jobs, with an overwrite flag set by the client upon creation.
A builder for DestinationTable.
Generic exception to throw if a Bigquery job fails.
Dagger module for Google Bigquery connection objects.
Parameter delegate class to handle flag settings for a command's BigqueryConnection object.
Utilities related to Bigquery.
Destination formats for Bigquery extract jobs.
Bigquery schema field types.
Bigquery table types (i.e.
Bigquery write dispositions (i.e.
A billable event in a domain's lifecycle.
An abstract builder for BillingBase.
Set of flags that can be applied to billing events.
The reason for the bill, which maps 1:1 to skus in go/registry-billing-skus.
Sets of renewal price behaviors that can be applied to billing recurrences.
An event representing a cancellation of one of the other two billable event types.
A builder for BillingCancellation since it is immutable.
Hibernate custom type for TimedTransitionProperty of Money.
Utility functions for sending emails involving monthly invoices.
A record representing a single billable event, parsed from a SchemaAndRecord.
A one-time billable event.
A builder for BillingEvent since it is immutable.
Module for dependencies required by monthly billing actions.
A recurring billable event.
A builder for BillingRecurrence since it is immutable.
A BSA label to block.
Fetches data from the BSA API.
The product types of the block lists, which determines the http endpoint that serves the data.
A BSA order, which are needed when communicating with the BSA API while processing downloaded block lists.
JPA converter for ASCII String BloomFilters.
Action that re-encrypts a BRDA escrow deposit and puts it into the upload bucket.
A credential for accessing the BSA API.
Helpers for BsaLabel.
Helper for guarding all BSA related work with a common lock.
Sends order processing reports to BSA.
Helpers for domain name manipulation and string serialization of Java objects.
Helpers for executing JPA transactions for BSA processing.
Validates the BSA data in the database against the most recent block lists.
Interface for ImmutableObject subclasses that have a builder.
Boilerplate for immutable builders.
Boilerplate for abstract immutable builders that need to be able to cast "this".
Interface for objects that can produce an "overlay", which means a copy where non-null fields from another object are copied over, but null fields on the source are not.
Utilities methods related to build path.
Java class for bulkDataType complex type
An entity representing a bulk pricing promotion.
A builder for constructing BulkPricingPackage objects, since they are immutable.
A bulk token extension that may be present on EPP domain commands.
An XML data object that represents a bulk token extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain info commands.
Utility methods related to caching database entities.
Action that executes a canned script specified by the caller.
A log handler that captures logs.
A utility to check that a given certificate meets our requirements
The type of violation a certificate has based on the certificate requirements (go/registry-proxy-security).
Exception to throw when a certificate has security violations.
Dagger module that provides bindings needed to inject server certificate chain and private key.
Qualifier to identify components provided from Local Secrets.
Dagger module that provides bindings needed to inject a certificate chain the corresponding private key.
An action that returns availability and premium checks as JSON.
Dagger module for the check api endpoint.
A record for recording attributes of a domain check metric.
Availability status of a domain.
Builder for CheckApiMetric.
Status of the CheckApi command.
Price tier of a domain name.
Helpers for updating domain check metrics.
An action that checks all BulkPricingPackage objects for compliance with their max create limit.
The "chkDataType" complex type.
The response for a check on a single resource.
The id for a resource in a check response.
The name for a resource in a check response.
The "checkNameType" and "checkIDType" types.
A version with contact namespacing.
A version with contact namespacing.
A version with domain namespacing.
A version with domain namespacing.
A version with host namespacing.
A version with host namespacing.
Wrapper of Bigquery with validation helpers.
Class representing an RFC 1519 CIDR IP address block.
Hibernate custom type for List of CidrAddressBlock.
Class that stores value <T>, and points in circle to other CircularList objects.
As CircularList represents one component of the entire list, it requires a builder to create the full list.
Default Builder to create a standard instance of a CircularList.
A list of TMCH claims labels and their associated claims keys.
Data access object for ClaimsList.
Claims List (MarksDB DNL CSV) Parser.
Adapter factory that allows for (de)serialization of Class objects in GSON.
TypeAdapter for Class objects.
A clock that tells the current time in milliseconds or nanoseconds.
DNS Count query that relies on a table Cloud DNS publishes internally to Google.
DnsWriter implementation that talks to Google Cloud DNS.
Dagger module for Google Cloud DNS service connection objects.
Supplier class to provide Credential for Cloud SQL library.
Utilities for dealing with Cloud Tasks.
A Module that provides CloudTasksUtils.
Utility methods related to collections.
Interface of all commands.
A command that can send HTTP requests to a backend module.
Common fields shared amongst all mark contact subclasses.
Common fields shared amongst all mark instances.
Checks that a second keyring returns the same result as the current one.
Abstract InvocationHandler comparing two implementations of some interface.
Utilities for multithreaded operations.
Command for creating and updating FeatureFlag objects.
Command to create or update a Tld using a YAML file.
Helper methods for configuration classes.
A Command that implements a confirmation step before executing.
Subclass of UndeterminedStateException that represents all instances when the action performed failed due to an issue in the connection with the server.
Base class for handling Console API requests
Groups necessary dependencies for Console API actions *
Enum defining which JS/CSS files get rendered in a soy templates.
Dagger module for ConsoleDebug.
Returns a JSON representation of a domain to the registrar console.
Returns a (paginated) list of domains for a particular registrar.
A persisted history object representing an EPP action via the console.
Builder for the immutable UserUpdateHistory.
Dagger module for the Registrar Console parameters.
Permissions that users may have in the UI, either per-registrar or globally.
Handler for retrieving / creating registry lock requests in the console.
Handler for verifying registry lock requests, a form of 2FA.
Definitions of the ConsolePermission sets that each role contains.
A record of a resource that was updated through the console.
Builder for the immutable ConsoleUpdateHistory.
A persistable contact resource including mutable and non-mutable fields.
A builder for constructing Contact, since it is immutable.
EPP Contact Address
Builder for ContactAddress.
A version of authInfo specifically for contacts.
A persistable contact resource including mutable and non-mutable fields.
A builder for constructing Contact, since it is immutable.
An EPP flow that checks whether a contact can be provisioned.
A collection of Contact commands.
An abstract contact command that contains authorization info.
A check request for Contact.
The fields on "chgType" from RFC5733.
A create command for a Contact, mapping "createType" from RFC5733}.
A delete command for a Contact.
An info request for a Contact.
A transfer operation for a Contact.
An update to a Contact.
The inner change type on a contact update command.
The inner change type on a contact update command.
An EPP flow that creates a new contact.
Use {LINK} instead.
Use {LINK} instead.
An EPP flow that deletes a contact.
Static utility functions for contact flows.
A persisted history entry representing an EPP modification to a contact.
The EppResponse.ResponseData returned for an EPP info flow on a contact.
Builder for ContactInfoData.
An EPP flow that returns information about a contact.
EPP Contact Phone Number
Builder for ContactPhoneNumber.
An EPP flow that approves a pending transfer on a contact.
An EPP flow that cancels a pending transfer on a contact.
Transfer data for contact.
An EPP flow that queries a pending transfer on a contact.
An EPP flow that rejects a pending transfer on a contact.
An EPP flow that requests a transfer on a contact.
An EPP flow that updates a contact.
Copy all registrar detail reports in a given bucket's subdirectory from GCS to Drive.
Holds information about a mark derived from a court opinion.
Java class for createType complex type
Use {LINK} instead.
Use {LINK} instead.
A timestamp that auto-updates when first saved to the database.
Command to create a BulkPricingPackage
Command to create BillingCancellations for specified BillingEvent billing events.
The EppResponse.ResponseData returned when creating a resource.
An acknowledgment message indicating that a contact was created.
An acknowledgment message indicating that a domain was created.
An acknowledgment message indicating that a host was created.
Action that creates Google Groups for a registrar's mailing lists.
Base class for specification of command line parameters common to creating and updating reserved lists.
Shared base class for commands that create or modify a User.
Command to create a PremiumList on Database.
Command to create groups in Google Groups for all contact types for a registrar.
Command to create a new User.
Dagger module that provides all GoogleCredentials used in the application.
Dagger qualifier for a credential with delegated admin access for a dasher domain (for Google Workspace) backed by the application default credential (ADC).
Dagger qualifier for the scope-less Application Default Credential.
Dagger qualifier for a credential with delegated Email-sending permission for a dasher domain (for Google Workspace) backed by the application default credential (ADC).
Dagger qualifier for the credential for Google Workspace APIs.
Dagger qualifier for the local credential used in the nomulus tool.
Dagger qualifier for the JSON string used to create the local credential.
A credit, in currency units specified elsewhere in the xml, and with an optional description.
An extension of CriteriaQuery that uses a Builder-style pattern when adding "WHERE" and/or "ORDER BY" clauses.
Functional interface that defines the 'where' operator, e.g.
Dagger module for the cron package.
A singleton entity in the database.
Hibernate custom type for Map of CurrencyUnit to String.
Adapter to use Joda CurrencyUnit when marshalling strings.
Exception to throw when failing to parse a currency.
JPA converter for CurrencyUnits.
Shared entity for date cursors.
The types of cursors, used as the string id field for each cursor in the database.
A no-op base custom logic factory.
Dagger module for custom logic factories.
Dagger module to provide instances of custom logic classes for EPP flows.
Wraps an exception thrown by the JPA framework and captures the SQL error details (state and status code) in the message.
Adapter to use Joda LocalDate when marshalling the XML Schema date type.
DateTime CLI parameter converter/validator restricted to dates.
JPA converter to for storing/retrieving DateTime objects.
DateTime CLI parameter converter/validator.
GSON type adapter for Joda DateTime objects.
Utilities methods and constants related to Joda DateTime objects.
OAuth2 credentials for accessing Google Workspace APIs with domain-wide delegation.
An action that deletes all non-renewing domains whose expiration dates have now passed.
Hard deletes load-test Contacts, Hosts, their subordinate history entries, and the associated ForeignKey entities.
Deletes all prober Domains and their subordinate history entries, poll messages, and billing events, along with their ForeignKeyDomainIndex entities.
Deletes a User.
Container of RDE resource marshalled by RdeMarshaller.
Persisted type for storing a domain's contact associations.
XML type for contact types.
Helper class for diff utilities.
A helper record to store the two sides of a diff.
Enumerates the DNSSEC digest types for use with Delegation Signer records.
Class encapsulating methods to access Google Groups API.
Dagger module for the Google Directory service.
The "discloseType" from RFC5733.
A builder for Disclose since it is immutable.
The "intLocType" from RFC5733.
Methods for preparing and querying DNS statistics.
A transport for DNS messages.
DNS instrumentation.
Disposition of the publish action.
Disposition of writer.commit().
Disposition of a publish request.
Dagger module for the dns package.
Dagger module that provides DNS configuration settings.
A DnsWriter that implements the DNS UPDATE protocol as specified in RFC 2136.
Dagger module that provides a DnsUpdateWriter.
Utility class to handle DNS refresh requests.
The possible values of the DNS_TARGET_TYPE_PARAM parameter.
Transaction object for sending an atomic batch of updates for a single zone to the DNS server.
Proxy for retrieving DnsWriter implementations.
Dagger qualifier for the fully-qualified zone name that's being updated.
A persistable domain resource including mutable and non-mutable fields.
A builder for constructing Domain, since it is immutable.
A version of authInfo specifically for domains.
A persistable domain resource including mutable and non-mutable fields.
A builder for constructing Domain, since it is immutable.
Use {LINK} instead.
Use {LINK} instead.
An EPP flow that checks whether a domain can be provisioned.
A no-op base class for DomainCheckFlow custom logic.
Use {LINK} instead.
Use {LINK} instead.
An EPP flow that checks whether domain labels are trademarked.
A collection of Domain commands.
A check request for Domain.
A create command for a Domain, mapping "createType" from RFC5731.
A common interface for DomainCommand.Create and DomainCommand.Update to support linking resources.
A delete command for a Domain.
The fields on "chgType" from RFC5731.
An info request for a Domain.
Enum of the possible values for the "hosts" attribute in info flows.
Info commands use a variant syntax where the name tag has a "hosts" attribute.
Exception to throw when referenced objects don't exist.
A renew command for a Domain.
A transfer operation for a Domain.
An update to a Domain.
The inner change type on a domain update command.
The inner change type on a domain update command.
An EPP flow that creates a new domain resource.
A record to store renewal info used in BillingRecurrence billing events.
A no-op base class for DomainCreateFlow custom logic.
Use {LINK} instead.
Use {LINK} instead.
Java class for domainDeleteType complex type
An EPP flow that deletes a domain.
A no-op base class for DomainDeleteFlow custom logic.
Use {LINK} instead.
Use {LINK} instead.
A superuser extension that may be present on domain delete commands.
Holds the data necessary to construct a single Delegation Signer (DS) record for a domain.
Base class for DomainDsData and DomainDsDataHistory.
Entity class to represent a historic DomainDsData.
TMCH utility functions for domain flows.
Static utility functions for domain flows.
Command is not allowed in the current registry phase.
The fee description passed in the transform command matches multiple fee types.
The fee description passed in the transform command cannot be parsed.
The fees passed in the transform command do not match the fees that will be charged.
Domain label is not allowed by IDN table.
Registrar is missing the billing account map for this currency type.
Nameservers are not allow-listed for this TLD.
Nameservers not specified for domain on TLD with nameserver allow list.
Registrar is not authorized to access this TLD.
Registrant is not allow-listed for this TLD.
A persisted history entry representing an EPP modification to a domain.
The EppResponse.ResponseData returned for an EPP info flow on a domain.
Builder for DomainInfoData.
An EPP flow that returns information about a domain.
A no-op base class for DomainInfoFlow custom logic.
Represents a label entry parsed from a line in a reserved/premium list txt file.
A generic builder base.
Utility functions for validating and applying RegistryLocks.
Represents a WHOIS lookup on a domain name (i.e.
A record representing a domain name and associated info, parsed from a SchemaAndRecord.
Utility methods related to domain names.
Specification of a domain by name, as used in version 0.11 fee check response items and version 0.12 fee check commands.
A no-op base class to customize DomainPricingLogic.
Provides pricing for create, renew, etc, operations, with call-outs that can be customized by providing a DomainPricingCustomLogic implementation that operates on cross-TLD or per-TLD logic.
An allocation token was provided that is invalid for premium domains.
The EppResponse.ResponseData returned when renewing a domain.
An EPP flow that renews a domain.
A no-op base class for DomainRenewFlow custom logic.
Use {LINK} instead.
Use {LINK} instead.
An EPP flow that requests that a domain in the redemption grace period be restored.
Rechecks the registered/reserved domain names in the database for changes.
The record of the mutations which contribute to transaction reporting.
A builder for DomainTransactionRecord since it is immutable.
The field added to by reportAmount within the transaction report.
An EPP flow that approves a pending transfer on a domain.
An EPP flow that cancels a pending transfer on a domain.
Transfer data for domain.
An EPP flow that queries a pending transfer on a domain.
An EPP flow that rejects a pending transfer on a domain.
Java class for domainTransferRequest complex type
An EPP flow that requests a transfer on a domain.
A superuser extension that may be present on domain transfer request commands.
Utility logic for facilitating domain transfers.
Java class for domainUpdateType complex type
An EPP flow that updates a domain.
A no-op base class for DomainUpdateFlow custom logic.
Use {LINK} instead.
Use {LINK} instead.
A superuser extension that may be present on domain update commands.
Information needed when handling a download from BSA.
Information about a completed BSA download job.
Assigns work for each cron invocation of the BSA Download job.
The processing stages of a download.
Class encapsulating parameters and state for accessing the Drive API.
Dagger module for Google Drive service connection objects.
DNS Count query where returned values are all -1.
A dummy implementation for JpaTransactionManager which throws exception when any of its method is invoked.
Dagger keyring module that provides an InMemoryKeyring instance populated with dummy values.
Duration CLI parameter converter/validator.
Hibernate custom type for Duration.
Record representing the content and metadata of an email.
An attachment to the email, if one exists.
Builder for EmailMessage.
Encoded data representation of a SignedMark object.
A listener class to invoke entity callbacks in cases where Hibernate doesn't invoke the callback as expected.
A record that encapsulates database entities to both save and delete.
Builder for EntityChanges.
A collection of static utility classes/functions to convert entities to/from YAML files.
A custom JSON deserializer for a CreateAutoTimestamp.
A custom JSON deserializer for CurrencyUnit.
A custom JSON serializer for CurrencyUnit.
A custom JSON serializer for a Duration object.
A custom JSON deserializer for Money.
A custom JSON serializer for Money.
A custom JSON serializer for an Optional of a Duration object.
A custom JSON serializer for an Optional String.
A custom serializer for Enum Set to sort the order and make YAML generation deterministic.
A custom serializer for String Set to sort the order and make YAML generation deterministic.
A custom JSON deserializer for a TimedTransitionProperty of FeatureFlag.FeatureStatus.
A custom JSON deserializer for a TimedTransitionProperty of Money.
A custom JSON serializer for a TimedTransitionProperty of Enum values.
A custom JSON deserializer for a TimedTransitionProperty of Tld.TldState.
A custom JSON deserializer for a list of AllocationToken VKeys.
A custom JSON serializer for a list of AllocationToken VKeys.
Base class for Enum-based parameters.
Used by JAXB to convert enums to the peculiar EPP format that puts the value in an attribute.
Interface for epp enums that can be transformed with this adapter.
Subclass of ActionHandler that deals with the Epp Sequence
A simple EPP client that can be used for load testing.
Subclass of UndeterminedStateException that represents all instances when the action performed failed due to the fault of the Prober when the action is an EPP action.
Handler that sends EPP requests and receives EPP responses.
An implementation of the EPP command/response protocol.
Exception used to propagate all failures containing one or more EPP responses.
Abstract exception class.
Abstract exception class.
Abstract exception class.
Abstract exception class.
Abstract exception class.
Annotation for associating an EPP Result.Code value with an EppException subclass.
Abstract exception class.
Abstract exception class.
Abstract exception class.
Abstract exception class.
Abstract exception class.
Abstract exception class.
Abstract exception class.
Abstract exception class.
Abstract exception class.
Abstract exception class.
Abstract exception class.
Specified command is not implemented.
Specified extension is not implemented.
Specified object service is not implemented.
Abstract exception class.
Specified protocol version is not implemented.
This class represents the root EPP XML element for input.
Epp envelope wrapper for check on some objects.
Marker interface for types that can go in the EppInput.CommandWrapper.extension field.
The "command" element that holds an actual command inside of it.
Epp envelope wrapper for create of some object.
Epp envelope wrapper for delete of some object.
Empty type to represent the empty "hello" command.
Epp envelope wrapper for info on some object.
A tag that goes inside of an EPP <command>.
Login command.
Logout command.
An options object inside of EppInput.Login.
Poll command.
Enum of the possible values for the "op" attribute in poll commands.
Epp envelope wrapper for renewing some object.
A command that has an extension inside of it.
A services object inside of EppInput.Login.
Epp envelope wrapper for transferring some object.
Enum of the possible values for the "op" attribute in transfer flows.
Epp envelope wrapper for update of some object.
RFC 5730 says we should check the version and return special error code 2100 if it isn't what we support, but it also specifies a schema that only allows 1.0 in the version field, so any other version doesn't validate.
Exception to throw if encountering a protocol version other than "1.0".
Superclass of EppRequestMessage and EppResponseMessage that represents skeleton of any kind of EPP message, whether inbound or outbound.
ChannelHandler that converts inbound ByteBuf to custom type EppResponseMessage and similarly converts the outbound EppRequestMessage to a ByteBuf.
A record for recording attributes of an EPP metric.
A builder to create instances of EppMetric.
EPP Instrumentation.
A module that provides the components necessary for and the overall ProbingSequence to probe EPP.
Dagger qualifier to provide EPP protocol related handlers and other bindings.
This class represents the root EPP XML element for output.
Marker interface for types allowed inside of an EppOutput.
A module that provides the Protocol.FrontendProtocol used for epp protocol.
Dagger qualifier to provide epp protocol related handlers and other bindings.
Handle an EPP request and response.
EppMessage subclass that implements OutboundMessageType, which represents an outbound Epp message.
An enum that identifies the origin of the session.
An EPP entity object (i.e.
Abstract builder for EppResource types.
An interface for builders of resources that have transfer data.
EppResources that are loaded via foreign keys should implement this marker interface.
An interface for resources that have transfer data.
Enum to make it easy for a command to accept a flag that specifies an EppResource subclass.
Utilities for working with EppResource.
The EppResponse class represents an EPP response message.
Builder for EppResponse because it is immutable.
Marker interface for types that can go in the EppResponse.resData field.
Marker interface for types that can go in the EppResponse.extensions field.
EppMessage subclass that implements InboundMessageType, which represents an inbound EPP message and serves to verify the response received from the server.
Handler that processes EPP protocol logic.
Establishes a transport for EPP+TLS over HTTP.
Token subtype that deals performs specified actions for the EPP sequence.
EppToken Subclass that represents a token used in a persistent sequence, meaning the connection is maintained on each new iteration of the ProbingSequence.
EppToken Subclass that represents a token used in a transient sequence, meaning the connection is remade on each new iteration of the ProbingSequence.
Runs EPP commands directly without logging in, verifying an XSRF token from the tool.
Dagger module for the epp tool endpoint.
Sanitizes sensitive data in incoming/outgoing EPP XML messages.
XmlTransformer for marshalling to and from the Epp model classes.
An action that kicks off a ExpandBillingRecurrencesPipeline dataflow job to expand BillingRecurrence billing events into synthetic BillingEvent events.
Definition of a Dataflow Flex pipeline template, which expands BillingRecurrence to BillingEvent when an autorenew occurs within the given time frame.
An action that exports the list of active domains on all real TLDs to Google Drive and GCS.
Action that exports the premium terms list for a TLD to Google Drive.
Action that exports the publicly viewable reserved terms list for a TLD to Google Drive.
Container class for exported-related utility methods.
Helper to validate extensions on an EPP command.
Service extension(s) must be declared at login.
Annotation to provide a name for a class to use in external error messages.
Base exception class for all instances when the status of the action performed is FAILURE.
A builder for constructing FeatureFlag objects, since they are immutable.
Exception to throw when no FeatureFlag entity is found for given FeatureName string(s).
The current status of the feature the flag represents.
A fee, in currency units specified elsewhere in the xml, with type of the fee an optional fee description.
Interface for domain check command fee extensions.
Interface for individual fee extension items in Check commands.
An individual price check item in version 0.6 of the fee extension on Check commands.
An individual price check item in version 0.12 of the fee extension on domain check commands.
Version 0.6 of the fee extension that may be present on domain check commands.
Version 0.11 of the fee extension that may be present on domain check commands.
Version 0.12 of the fee extension that may be present on domain check commands.
Interface for domain check response fee extensions.
Abstract class for individual fee extension items in Check responses.
Abstract builder for FeeCheckResponseExtensionItem.
The version 0.12 response command entity for a domain check on a single resource.
The version 0.6 response for a domain check on a single resource.
The version 0.11 response for a domain check on a single resource.
The version 0.12 response for a domain check on a single resource.
An XML data object that represents version 0.6 of the fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain check commands.
An XML data object that represents version 0.11 of the fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain check commands.
An XML data object that represents version 0.12 of the fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain check commands.
A fee extension that may be present on domain create commands.
A fee extension that may be present on domain create commands.
A fee extension that may be present on domain create commands.
A fee extension that may be present on domain create commands.
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain create commands.
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain create commands.
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain create commands.
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain create commands.
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain create commands.
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain create commands.
A command name along with the launch phase and subphase it is to be executed in.
A fee extension that may be present on domain info commands.
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain info commands.
Abstract base class for the fee request query items used in Check and Info commands.
The name of a command that might have an associated fee.
Abstract base class for the fee request query items used in Check and Info responses.
Abstract builder for FeeQueryResponseExtensionItem.
A fee extension that may be present on domain renew commands.
A fee extension that may be present on domain renew commands.
A fee extension that may be present on domain renew commands.
A fee extension that may be present on domain renew commands.
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain renew commands.
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain renew commands.
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain renew commands.
A collection of fees and credits for a specific EPP transform.
A builder for constructing FeesAndCredits objects, since they are immutable.
A fee extension that may be present on domain transfer commands.
A fee extension that may be present on domain transfer requests.
A fee extension that may be present on domain transfer requests.
A fee extension that may be present on domain transfer requests.
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain transfer requests.
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain transfer requests.
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain transfer requests.
Base class for general transform commands with fees (create, renew, update, transfer).
Base class for fee responses on general transform commands (create, update, renew, transfer).
Abstract builder for FeeTransformResponseExtension.
A fee extension that may be present on domain update commands.
A fee extension that may be present on domain update commands.
A fee extension that may be present on domain update commands.
A fee extension that may be present on domain update commands.
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain update commands.
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain update commands.
An XML data object that represents a fee extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain update commands.
An Extensible Provisioning Protocol flow.
Dagger component for flow classes.
Dagger-implemented builder for this subcomponent.
Module to delegate injection of a desired Flow.
Object to hold metadata specific to a particular execution of a flow.
Builder for FlowMetadata
Module to choose and instantiate an EPP flow.
Dagger qualifier for whether a flow is in dry run mode.
Dagger qualifier for inputXml.
Dagger qualifier for the message id for poll flows.
Dagger qualifier for registrar client id.
Dagger qualifier for whether a flow is in superuser mode.
Dagger qualifier for the target id (foreign key) for single resource flows.
Dagger qualifier for whether a flow is transactional.
Class that picks a flow to handle a given EPP command.
Reporter used by FlowRunner to record flow execution data for reporting.
Run a flow, either transactionally or not, with logging and retrying as needed.
Dagger annotation for flow-scoped components.
Static utility functions for flows.
Generic XML syntax error that can be thrown by any flow.
IP address version mismatch.
Registrar is not logged in.
Unknown currency.
EPP-XML-serializable equivalent of DesignatedContact.
Util class to map a foreign key to the VKey to the active instance of EppResource whose unique repoId matches the foreign key string at a given time.
Exception thrown when a form is invalid.
Declarative functional fluent form field converter / validator.
Mutable builder for FormField.
Exception thrown when a form field contains a bad value.
Utility class of FormField objects for validating EPP related things.
Frontend metrics instrumentation.
Handler that records metrics for a fronend channel.
Dagger component with per-request lifetime for "default" App Engine module.
Request handler for the frontend module.
Servlet that should handle all requests to our "default" App Engine module.
Dagger qualifier for the HTTP servlet path, prepended with scheme, host and port.
JUL formatter that formats log messages in a single-line JSON that Stackdriver logging can parse.
Stores and accesses BSA-related data, including original downloads and processed data.
Utilities for working with Google Cloud Storage.
Invokes the InvoicingPipeline beam template via the REST api, and enqueues the PublishInvoicesAction to publish the subsequent output.
Invokes the Spec11Pipeline Beam template via the REST api.
Action that requests generation of BIND zone files for a set of TLDs at a given time.
Command to show a BulkPricingPackage object.
Command to show a FeatureFlag.
Retrieves and prints one or more premium lists.
Retrieves and prints one or more reserved lists.
Command to get a Cloud SQL credential in the Secret Manager.
Command to display one or more users.
Utility class for reading and writing data in the ghostryde container format.
Roles for registry employees that apply across all registrars.
Sends EmailMessages through Google Workspace using Gmail.
Dagger module providing Gmail API.
Helper class to provide HttpTransport, JsonFactory and HttpRequestInitializer for a given GoogleCredentials.
A domain grace period with an expiration time.
Entity class to represent a historic GracePeriod.
Base class containing common fields and methods for GracePeriod.
Represents a Registry Grace Period status, as defined by RFC 3915.
A greeting, defined in RFC5730.
Interface for common operations on Groups.
The role of a member in a group.
Dagger module for groups package.
Dagger module for the Google Groupssettings service.
Utility class for methods related to GSON and necessary GSON processing.
Interface to enable GSON post-processing on a particular object after deserialization.
Some objects may require post-processing after deserialization from JSON.
Dagger qualifier for HTTP headers.
A handler that responds to GCP load balancer health check message
Module that provides a Protocol.FrontendProtocol used for GCP load balancer health checking.
A flow for an Epp "hello".
Hex Dump Utility.
Utility class to export DDL script for given Entity classes.
A record of an EPP command that mutated a resource.
A builder for HistoryEntry since it is immutable
Class to represent the composite primary key of a HistoryEntry.
Represents the type of history entry.
Retrieves HistoryEntry descendants (e.g.
A persistable Host resource including mutable and non-mutable fields.
A builder for constructing Host, since it is immutable.
HostAndPort CLI parameter converter/validator.
A persistable Host resource including mutable and non-mutable fields.
A builder for constructing HostBase, since it is immutable.
An EPP flow that checks whether a host can be provisioned.
A collection of Host commands.
A check request for Host.
A create command for a Host, mapping "createType" from RFC5732.
A delete command for a Host.
An info request for a Host.
An update to a Host.
The add/remove type on a host update command.
The inner change type on a host update command.
An EPP flow that creates a new host.
Use {LINK} instead.
Use {LINK} instead.
An EPP flow that deletes a host.
Use {LINK} instead.
Use {LINK} instead.
Static utility functions for host flows.
A persisted history entry representing an EPP modification to a host.
The EppResponse.ResponseData returned for an EPP info flow on a host.
Builder for HostInfoData.
An EPP flow that returns information about a host.
An EPP flow that updates a host.
Base for exceptions that cause an HTTP error response.
Exception that causes a 400 response.
Exception that causes a 409 response.
Exception that causes a 403 response.
Exception that causes a 500 response.
Exception that causes a 405 response.
Exception that causes a 204 response.
Exception that causes a 404 response.
Exception that causes a 501 response.
Exception that causes a 304 response.
Exception that causes a 503 response.
Exception that causes a 422 response.
Exception that causes a 415 response.
OutboundMessageType subtype that acts identically to DefaultFullHttpRequest.
InboundMessageType subtype that acts identically to DefaultFullHttpResponse
A metadata class that is a wrapper around HttpSession.
Module that provides a Protocol.BackendProtocol.Builder for HTTP(S) protocol.
Dagger qualifier to provide https relay protocol related handlers and other bindings.
Handler that relays a single (framed) ByteBuf message to an HTTPS server.
Exception thrown when the response status from GAE is not 200.
Class that uploads a CSV file to ICANN's endpoint via an HTTP PUT call.
Module for dependencies required by ICANN monthly transactions/activity reporting.
Enum determining the type of report to generate or upload.
Class containing methods for staging ICANN monthly reports on GCS.
Action that generates monthly ICANN activity and transactions reports.
Types used for ICANN reporting.
Represents the set of possible ICANN Monthly Registry Functions Activity Report fields.
Action that uploads the monthly activity/transactions reports from GCS to ICANN via an HTTP PUT.
This annotation is needed for any ID field that needs to be allocated with TransactionManager.allocateId() class
A partial API-compatible replacement for IDN that replaces IDNA2003 processing with UTS46 transitional processing, with differences as described in the UTS46 documentation/
Checks labels' validity wrt Idns in TLDs enrolled with BSA.
Validates whether a given IDN label can be provisioned for a particular TLD.
An IDN table for a particular TLD.
Wrapper enum that loads all IdnTable resources into memory.
Marker to indicate that ImmutableObject.toHydratedString() should not hydrate a field.
Marker to indicate that this filed should be ignored by ImmutableObject.toDiffableFieldMap().
Indicates that the field does not take part in the immutability contract.
InputStream wrapper that offers some additional magic.
OutputStream wrapper that offers some additional magic.
Marker Interface that is implemented by all classes that serve as inboundMessages in channel pipeline
Used by JAXB to convert InetAddress objects to and from AddrType objects, which are the intermediate representations of IP addresses in EPP host commands.
Exception for when the specified type of an address (v4/v6) doesn't match its actual type.
Hibernate custom type for Set of InetAddress objects.
Java class for infoType complex type
A Keyring that uses in-memory values for all credentials.
InternetDomainName CLI parameter converter/validator.
Interval CLI parameter converter/validator.
Domain transfer period must be zero or one year when using the superuser EPP extension.
Definition of a Dataflow Flex pipeline template, which generates a given month's invoices.
Custom options for running the invoicing pipeline.
Holds information about the issuer of a mark registration.
Creates CharMatchers that support Java character strings only, not unicode supplementary characters.
An adapter for the configuration specific aspects of a JDK logger which retains a strong reference to the corresponding underlying logger to prevent accidental garbage collection.
Defines JPA mapping for Joda Money type.
Maps Money fields to database columns.
Helpers for identifying retriable database operations.
Sub-interface of TransactionManager which defines JPA related methods.
Implementation of JpaTransactionManager for JPA compatible database.
Dagger module for JSch which provides SSH/SFTP connectivity.
Runner for actions that read and write JSON objects.
Interface for actions that read and write JSON objects.
Helper class for servlets that read or write JSON.
Interface for objects that may be converted to JSON.
Helper class for Jsonifiable classes to generate JSON maps for RPC responses.
Dagger qualifier for the HTTP request payload as parsed JSON.
JSON response object.
Helper class for JSON API servlets to send response messages.
Possible results of an RPC operation.
Helpers for generating BlockOrder and UnblockableDomain reports.
Dagger module for keys stored in Keyring.
Dagger qualifier for keys from Keyring.
Nomulus keyring interface.
Base class for all Keyring specific unchecked exceptions.
Names of all the keyrings we can save.
Dagger module for Keyring
Storage for 'keyring' secrets, backed by the Secret Manager.
Collection of tools to serialize / deserialize PGP types.
Combined converter and validator class for key-value map JCommander argument strings.
Combined converter and validator class for currency unit-to-string Map argument strings.
Combined converter and validator class for string-to-integer Map argument strings.
Combined converter/validator class for maps of registrar names to registrar roles.
Combined converter and validator class for string-to-string Map argument strings.
Applies the BSA label diffs from the latest BSA download.
An XML data object that represents a launch extension that may be present on EPP domain check commands.
Type of domain check being requested.
An XML data object that represents a launch extension that may be present on the response to EPP domain check commands.
The response for a check on a single resource.
Holds the name and availability of a checked resource.
An XML data object that represents a launch extension that may be present on EPP domain create commands.
Type of domain creation being requested.
An XML data object that represents a launch extension that may be present on EPP domain delete commands.
A launch extension which can be passed in to domain update and delete, and also returned from domain create.
A builder for constructing LaunchExtension.
An XML data object that represents a launch extension that may be present on EPP domain info commands.
The claims notice id from the claims phase.
Thrown from validate() if the checksum is invalid.
An id with a validator-id attribute.
The launch phase of the TLD being addressed by this command.
An XML data object that represents a launch extension that may be present on EPP domain update commands.
An action that lists domains, for use by the nomulus list_domains command.
Command to list all FeatureFlag objects.
An action that lists hosts, for use by the nomulus list_hosts command.
A utility class for conversion of input file paths into names for entities in the database.
Abstract base class for actions that list ImmutableObjects.
An action that lists premium lists, for use by the nomulus list_premium_lists command.
An action that lists registrars, for use by the nomulus list_registrars command.
A that lists reserved lists, for use by the nomulus list_reserved_lists command.
An action that lists top-level domains, for use by the nomulus list_tlds command.
Simple load test action that can generate configurable QPSes of various EPP actions.
Dagger module for loadtest package.
JPA converter for LocalDate, to/from Date.
LocalDate CLI parameter converter/validator.
A lock on some shared resource.
A command to registry lock domain names.
Code execution locked on some shared resource.
Implementation of LockHandler that uses the database lock.
Shared base class for commands to registry lock or unlock a domain via EPP.
Java logging level CLI parameter converter/validator.
A progress monitor for SFTP operations that writes status to logs periodically.
An EPP flow for login.
An EPP flow for logout.
Long CLI parameter converter/validator.
Parser of LORDN log responses from the MarksDB server during the NORDN process.
Result code for individual DN lines.
Outcome categories for individual DN lines.
Indicates whether or not the LORDN upload succeeded.
Helper methods for creating tasks containing CSV line data based on DomainBase.getLordnPhase().
Information about one or more marks.
Mark Holder/Owner Address
Builder for MarkAddress.
Contact information for the representative of the mark.
Contact information for the holder of the mark.
Mark Holder/Owner Phone Number
Builder for MarkPhoneNumber.
A country and region of a country where a mark is protected.
Shared code for tasks that download stuff from MarksDB.
Information about the message queue for the currently logged in registrar.
A builder for constructing a MessageQueueInfo, since it's immutable.
Java class for metadata complex type
A metadata extension that may be present on EPP create/mutate commands.
Utility class to obtain labels for monitored resource of type gke_container.
Metrics collection instrumentation.
Three standard Response types to be recorded as metrics: SUCCESS, FAILURE, or ERROR.
Module that provides necessary bindings to instantiate a MetricReporter
Authorization info is required to request a transfer.
Dagger module for the entity (model) classes.
A collection of static methods that deal with reflection on model classes.
Dagger modules for App Engine services and other vendor classes.
Dagger module that causes the Google GSON parser to be used for Google APIs requests.
Dagger module that provides standard NetHttpTransport.
Dagger module for UrlConnectionService.
Money CLI parameter converter/validator.
A ConfirmingCommand that changes objects in the database.
A command to execute an epp command that intends to mutate objects (i.e.
Interface for a TransactionalFlow that mutates the database (i.e.
Represents a WHOIS lookup on a nameserver based on its hostname.
Nameservers CLI parameter converter/validator.
Utilities for networking.
Nomulus naming strategy for Hibernate ORM.
Information about Nomulus' Cloud SQL PostgreSql instance.
Nomulus mapping rules for column types in Postgresql.
Whois module for systems that require that we not cache EPP resources (e.g.
Annotation that discourages future maintainers from marking a field final.
A do-nothing Scanner for Hibernate that works around bugs in Hibernate's default implementation.
Action that reads the NORDN pull queues, uploads claims and sunrise marks data to TMCH, and enqueues subsequent upload verification tasks.
NORDN CSV uploading system, verify operation.
Registrar is not authorized to view transfer status.
The resource does not have a pending transfer.
Object has no transfer history.
Registrar is not the initiator of this transfer.
Collection builder that simply ignores requests to add null elements.
Registrar already sponsors the object of this transfer request.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.params.xml.ns.allocate_1 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.params.xml.ns.bulktoken_1 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.params.xml.ns.metadata_1 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.params.xml.ns.superuser_1 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.domain package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.dsig package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.epp package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.eppcom package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.fee06 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.fee11 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.fee12 package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.iirdea package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.launch package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.mark package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rde package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rdecontact package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rdedomain package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rdeeppparams package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rdeheader package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rdehost package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rdeidn package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rdenndn package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rdenotification package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rdepolicy package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rderegistrar package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rdereport package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.rgp package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.secdns package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the google.registry.xjc.smd package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the ietf.params.xml.ns.allocationtoken_1 package.
An authenticam mechanism that verifies the OIDC token.
Only a tool can pass a metadata extension.
Optional wrapper for IntervalParameter.
Dagger qualifier for the HTTP request payload as parsed JSON wrapped in Optional.
Optional wrapper for LongParameter.
Class for parameters that can handle special string "null" or empty values to indicate a desire to pass an empty value (i.e.
Optional wrapper for PhoneNumberParameter.
Optional wrapper for StringParameter.
Class to help build and persist all the OT&E entities in the database.
Represents stats derived from HistoryEntry objects on actions taken by registrars.
Enum defining the distinct statistics (types of registrar actions) to record.
Marker Interface that is implemented by all classes that serve as outboundMessages in channel pipeline
Dagger qualifier for HTTP parameters.
Base class for parameters that do both conversion and validation (reduces boilerplate).
JCommander converter factory that works for non-internal converters.
Dagger qualifier for ImmutableListMultimap of HTTP params.
A transport credentials that validates the registrar's EPP password and nothing else.
Common utility class to handle password hashing and salting /*
Filesystem path CLI parameter converter/validator.
PathParameter when you want an input file that must exist.
PathParameter when you want an output directory parameter.
PathParameter when you want an output file parameter.
Dagger qualifier for the HTTP request payload.
The EppResponse.ResponseData returned when completing a pending action on a domain.
An adapter to output the XML in response to resolving a pending command on a contact.
An adapter to output the XML in response to resolving a pending command on a domain.
An adapter to output the XML in response to resolving a pending command on a host.
Container representing a single RDE or BRDA XML escrow deposit that needs to be created.
A deterministic coder for PendingDeposit used during a GroupBy transform.
Utility class that determines which RDE or BRDA deposits need to be created.
The "periodType" from RFC5731.
The unit enum.
Adapter to use Joda Period when marshalling XML.
Java class for periodType complex type
Dagger component to provide EntityManagerFactory instances.
Dagger module class for the persistence layer.
Dagger qualifier for JpaTransactionManager used inside BEAM pipelines.
Dagger qualifier for JpaTransactionManager used inside BEAM pipelines that uses the read-only Postgres replica if one is configured (otherwise it uses the standard DB).
Dagger qualifier for the default Hibernate configurations.
Dagger qualifier for JpaTransactionManager used for Nomulus tool.
Dagger qualifier for JpaTransactionManager that uses the read-only Postgres replica if one is configured (otherwise it uses the standard DB).
Dagger qualifier for JDBC Connection with schema management privilege.
Transaction isolation levels supported by Cloud SQL (mysql and postgresql).
Utility class that provides methods to manipulate persistence.xml file.
Helper functions for extracting PGP keys from their keyrings.
Narrowed key search requirements.
Container for generic E164 phone number.
A builder for constructing PhoneNumber.
Phone number CLI parameter converter/validator.
An EPP flow for acknowledging PollMessages.
Message with this id does not exist.
Static utility functions for poll flows.
A poll message that is pending for a registrar.
An autorenew poll message which recurs annually.
A builder for PollMessage.Autorenew since it is immutable.
Builder for PollMessage because it is immutable.
A one-time poll message.
A builder for PollMessage.OneTime since it is immutable.
Indicates the type of entity the poll message is for.
A converter between external key strings for PollMessages (i.e.
An exception thrown when an external key cannot be parsed.
An EPP flow for requesting PollMessages.
POSIX Tar Header.
Builder for PosixTarHeader.
Type of file stored in the archive.
Implementation of both "postalInfoType" and "chgPostalInfoType" from RFC5733.
A builder for constructing PostalInfo, since its changes get overlayed.
The type of the address, either localized or international.
Hibernate custom type for List of Disclose.PostalInfoChoice.
Utility methods related to preconditions checking.
Utility class containing Predicate methods.
A premium list entity that is used to check domain label prices.
A builder for constructing PremiumList objects, since they are immutable.
A premium list entry entity, persisted to Cloud SQL.
A builder for constructing PremiumList.PremiumEntry objects, since they are immutable.
Data access object class for accessing PremiumList objects from Cloud SQL.
Static utility methods for PremiumList.
A plugin interface for premium pricing engines.
A class containing information on premium prices for a specific domain name.
Used as the value of a tag that is present in the XML but has no children or value.
A global proxy providing static methods for getting premium prices that dispatches requests correctly to the relevant PremiumPricingEngine implementation per TLD.
Dagger module for injecting pricing engines.
Main class of the Prober, which obtains and starts the ProbingSequences provided by Dagger.
Dagger main module, which Provides all objects that are shared between sequences and stores ProberModule.ProberComponent, which allows main Prober class to obtain each ProbingSequence.
Root level Component that provides each ProbingSequence.
AutoValue class that represents action generated by ProbingStep
AutoValue.Builder that does work of creating connection when not already present.
Represents Sequence of ProbingSteps that the Prober performs in order.
Turns ProbingStep.Builders into fully self-dependent sequence with supplied Bootstrap.
AutoValue class that represents generator of actions performed at each step in ProbingSequence.
Builder for ProbingStep.
Common fields for CourtMark and TreatyOrStatuteMark.
AutoValue class that stores all unchanged variables necessary for type of connection.
Value class that encapsulates parameters of a specific connection.
Connection parameters for a connection from the proxy to the GAE app.
Default AutoValue.Builder for Protocol.
Generic builder enabling chaining for concrete implementations.
Connection parameters for a connection from the client to the proxy.
Constants that define the EPP protocol version we support.
Enums repesenting valid service extensions that are recognized by the server.
The POJO that YAML config files are deserialized into.
Configuration options that apply to EPP protocol.
Configuration options that apply to GCS.
Configuration options that apply to GCP load balancer health check protocol.
Configuration options that apply to HTTPS relay protocol.
Configuration options that apply to Cloud KMS.
Configuration options that apply to Stackdriver monitoring metrics.
Configuration options that apply to quota management.
Quota configuration for a specific set of users.
Configuration options that apply to web WHOIS redirects.
Configuration options that apply to WHOIS protocol.
Utility class of HTTP header names used for HTTP calls between Nomulus and the proxy.
A module that provides the port-to-protocol map and other configs that are used to bootstrap the server.
Handler that processes possible existence of a PROXY protocol v1 header.
A multi-protocol proxy server that listens for protocols in ProxyModule.ProxyComponent.protocols() }.
Dagger component with per-request lifetime for "pubapi" App Engine module.
Request handler for the frontend module.
Servlet that should handle all requests to our "default" App Engine module.
Task that sends domain and host updates to the DNS server.
Uploads the results of the InvoicingPipeline.
Retries until a Dataflow job with a given jobId completes, continuing the Spec11 pipeline accordingly.
Java class for pUnitType
Helpers for querying BSA JPA entities.
Interface defining the necessary methods to construct ICANN reporting SQL queries.
Creates queries that can be used JPA.
Enum used to specify comparison operations, e.g.
Value class that stores the quota configuration for a protocol.
Handler that checks quota fulfillment and terminates connection if necessary.
Quota Handler for EPP protocol.
Quota Handler for WHOIS protocol.
A thread-safe quota manager that schedules background refresh if necessary.
Value class representing a quota rebate.
Value class representing a quota request.
Value class representing a quota response.
Random string generator.
Base RDAP (new WHOIS) action for all requests.
Whether to include or exclude deleted items from a query.
Authorization information for RDAP data access.
RDAP (new WHOIS) action for RDAP autonomous system number requests.
RDAP (new WHOIS) action for domain requests.
RDAP (new WHOIS) action for domain search requests.
RDAP (new WHOIS) action for entity (contact and registrar) requests.
RDAP (new WHOIS) action for entity (contact and registrar) search requests.
RDAP (new WHOIS) action for help requests.
This file contains boilerplate required by the ICANN RDAP Profile.
RDAP (new WHOIS) action for RDAP IP address requests.
Helper class to create RDAP JSON objects for various registry entities and objects.
What type of data to generate.
RDAP Instrumentation.
Dagger module for the RDAP package.
RDAP (new WHOIS) action for nameserver requests.
RDAP (new WHOIS) action for nameserver search requests.
Base RDAP (new WHOIS) action for domain, nameserver and entity search requests.
Object containing the results of parsing an RDAP partial match search pattern.
Utility functions for RDAP.
Utility class for generating a single XjcRdeHeader while marshalling a deposit.
Loading cache that turns a resource into XML for the various points in time and modes.
XML document fragment marshaller for RDE.
Mode of operation for RDE and BRDA.
Dagger module for RDE package.
Utility class for generating RDE filenames and string IDs.
Definition of a Dataflow Flex template, which generates RDE/BRDA deposits.
A utility class that contains TupleTags when PCollectionTuples and CoGbkResults are used.
Custom options for running the spec11 pipeline.
Action that uploads a small XML RDE report to ICANN after RdeUploadAction has finished.
Class that uploads a decrypted XML deposit report to ICANN's webserver.
Types of objects that get embedded in an escrow deposit.
Entity for tracking RDE revisions.
Class to represent the composite primary key of RdeRevision entity.
Action that kicks off a Dataflow job to stage escrow deposit XML files on GCS for RDE/BRDA for all TLDs.
Action that securely uploads an RDE XML file from Cloud Storage to a trusted third party (such as Iron Mountain) via SFTP.
Helper methods for RDE.
Action for fanning out DNS refresh tasks by TLD, using data taken from DnsRefreshRequest table.
Command to recreate closed BillingRecurrences for domains.
Action that manually triggers refresh of DNS information.
A task that enqueues DNS publish tasks on all active domains on the specified TLD(s).
Information needed when handling a domain refresh.
Assigns work for each cron invocation of domain refresh job.
Information about a registrar.
Builder for constructing immutable Registrar objects.
Registrar Address
Builder for RegistrarAddress.
Information about a registrar.
A builder for constructing Registrar, since it is immutable.
Represents the state of a persisted registrar entity.
Represents the type of registrar entity.
Form fields for validating input for the Registrar class.
A contact for a Registrar.
Class to represent the composite primary key for RegistrarPoc entity.
A contact for a Registrar.
A builder for constructing a RegistrarPoc, since it is immutable.
Registrar contacts types for partner communication tracking.
A persisted history object representing an update to a RegistrarPoc.
Builder for the immutable UserUpdateHistory.
Roles for registrar partners that apply to only one registrar.
Value record representing the registrar and list-of-threat-matches pair stored in GCS.
Hibernate custom type for Map of String to RegistrarRole.
A persisted history object representing an update to a Registrar.
Builder for the immutable UserUpdateHistory.
Utilities for working with Registrar objects.
Central clearing-house for all configuration.
Dagger qualifier for configuration settings.
Dagger module for providing configuration settings.
The mode that the TmchCertificateAuthority operates in.
The POJO that YAML config files are deserialized into.
Configuration options for authenticating users.
Configuration for Apache Beam (Cloud Dataflow).
Configuration for monthly invoices.
Configurations for integration with Brand Safety Alliance (BSA) API.
Configuration for bulk pricing package compliance monitoring.
Configuration for caching.
Configuration for Cloud DNS.
Configuration for Cloud SQL.
Configuration for contact history.
Configuration options for accessing Google APIs.
Configuration for dns update.
Configuration options that apply to the entire GCP project.
Configuration options for the G Suite account used by Nomulus.
Configuration for Hibernate.
Configuration for ICANN monthly reporting.
Configuration for keyrings (used to store secrets outside of source).
Miscellaneous configuration that doesn't quite fit in anywhere else.
Configuration for monitoring.
Configuration for Registry Data Escrow (RDE).
Configuration for the web-based registrar console.
Configuration options for registry policy.
Configuration options for the registry tool.
Configuration for the certificate checker.
Registry environments.
Contains IO transforms for a BEAM pipeline that interacts with a single database through a JpaTransactionManager.
A transform that transactionally executes a JPA CriteriaQuery and adds the results to the BEAM pipeline.
A transform that writes a PCollection of entities to the SQL database using the JpaTransactionManager.
Represents a registry lock/unlock object, meaning that the domain is locked on the registry level.
Builder for RegistryLock.
Data access object for RegistryLock.
Component that provides everything needed on a Pipeline worker.
Defines Nomulus-specific pipeline options, e.g.
Sets up Nomulus environment and initializes JPA on each pipeline worker.
Interface for query instances used by RegistryJpaIO.Read.
Servlet that handles all requests.
Container class to create and run remote commands against a server instance.
Provides a Dataflow API client for use in RegistryTool.
Enum of production environments, used for the --environment flag.
Receives inbound massage of type I, and writes it to the relayChannel stored in the inbound channel's attribute.
Specialized RelayHandler that takes a FullHttpRequest as inbound payload.
Specialized RelayHandler that takes a FullHttpResponse as inbound payload.
Task that re-locks a previously-Registry-Locked domain after a predetermined period of time.
Use {LINK} instead.
Use {LINK} instead.
Dagger module for injecting common settings for all reporting tasks.
Annotation for flow classes to indicate how this flow should be recorded for reporting.
Top-level authentication/authorization class; calls authentication mechanisms as needed.
Builder interface for request components.
Dagger-based request processor.
Dagger qualifier for the HTTP request method.
Dagger module for servlets.
Utilities for extracting parameters from HTTP requests.
Dagger qualifier for the HTTP request path.
Dagger annotation for request-scoped components that depend on a global component.
Dagger qualifier for the HTTP request URL.
A Dataflow Flex pipeline that resaves changed EPP resources in SQL.
Starts a Dataflow pipeline that resaves all EPP resources projected to the current time.
An action that re-saves a given entity, typically after a certain amount of time has passed.
Enum describing reservation on a label in a ReservedList.
Utility for looking up reserved domain names.
A list of reserved domain labels that are blocked from being registered for various reasons.
A builder for constructing ReservedList objects, since they are immutable.
A reserved list entry entity, persisted to the database, that represents a single label and its reservation type.
A ReservedList DAO for Cloud SQL.
Resource with this id already exists.
Commands for EPP resources.
Abstract implementation of ResourceCommand.
A check command for an EppResource.
A create command, or the inner change (as opposed to add or remove) part of an update.
An update command for an EppResource.
Part of an update command that specifies set values to add or remove.
A command for a single EppResource.
Resource with this id already exists.
Static utility functions for resource flows.
Cannot add and remove the same value.
Authorization information for accessing resource is invalid.
Resource with this id does not exist.
The specified resource belongs to another client.
The specified status value cannot be set by clients.
This resource has clientUpdateProhibited on it, and the update does not clear that status.
Resource status prohibits this operation.
Resource to be deleted has active incoming references.
Static utility functions for resource transfers.
Utility methods related to reading java resources.
HTTP request response object.
HTTP response object.
The EPP RGP restore command.
Restore operation to perform on this domain.
"If the command was processed successfully, only one Result element MUST be returned.
"EPP result codes are based on the theory of reply codes described in section 4.2.1 of [RFC5321].
Wrapper that does retry with exponential backoff.
Holds functions to call whenever the code being retried fails.
The EPP registry grace period extension to be returned with domain info commands.
The EPP RGP extension that may be present on domain update commands.
Utility class to help in dumping routing maps.
Stream that performs the full RyDE encryption.
Builder for RydeEncoder.
OpenPGP detached signing service that wraps an OutputStream.
Utilities and Beam PTransforms for interacting with the SafeBrowsing API.
Safely deserializes Nomulus http request parameters.
Helpers for using SafeObjectInputStream.
Command to create or update a Cloud SQL credential in the Secret Manager.
The EPP secDNS extension that may be present on domain create commands.
The EPP secDNS extension to be returned with domain info commands.
The EPP secDNS extension that may be present on domain update commands.
The inner add type on the update extension.
The inner change type on the update extension, though we don't actually support changes.
The inner remove type on the update extension.
A Cloud Secret Manager client for Nomulus, bound to a specific GCP project.
The resource being requested in the Secret Manager does not exist.
The secret to be created already exists.
Catch-all class for all SecretManager exceptions.
Contains the State of an secret version.
Implements SecretManagerClient on Google Cloud Platform.
A Keyring implementation which stores sensitive data in the Secret Manager.
Dagger module for Keyring backed by the Cloud SecretManager.
The SecretManagerKeyringUpdater accumulates updates to a SecretManagerKeyring and persists them to Cloud Secret Manager when closed.
Provides bindings for SecretManagerClient.
A self-signed certificate authority (CA) cert for use in tests.
Utility class for sending emails from the app.
An action that sends notification emails to registrars whose certificates are expiring soon.
Certificate types for X509Certificate.
TypeAdapter for Serializable objects.
Utilities for easy serialization with informative error messages.
A secret number used for generating tokens (such as XSRF tokens).
An interface that provides server Trids.
A server Trid provider that generates globally incrementing UUIDs.
Dagger module for the server Trid provider.
An HTTP connection to a service.
Base for Servlets that handle all requests to our App Engine modules.
Object to allow setting and retrieving session information in flows.
Dagger module for the sheet package.
Dagger module for Sheets.
Implements a tiny shell interpreter for the nomulus tool.
Represents an XML fragment that is digitally signed by the TMCH to prove ownership over a mark.
Signed Mark Data Revocation List (SMDRL).
An object which accepts requests to put the current thread to sleep.
Signed Mark Data Revocation List (SMDRL) CSV Parser
Helper methods for rendering Soy templates from Java code.
Use {LINK} instead.
Use {LINK} instead.
Use {LINK} instead.
Use {LINK} instead.
Use {LINK} instead.
Provides e-mail functionality for Spec11 tasks, such as sending Spec11 reports to registrars.
Module for dependencies required by Spec11 reporting.
Definition of a Dataflow Flex template, which generates a given month's spec11 report.
Custom options for running the spec11 pipeline.
Parser to retrieve which registrar-threat matches we should notify via email
A builder for constructing Spec11ThreatMatch, since it is immutable.
The type of threat detected.
Data access object for Spec11ThreatMatch.
Contains the login name and password of a Cloud SQL user.
Storage of SQL users' login credentials, backed by Cloud Secret Manager.
SQL template variable substitution.
SQL user information for privilege management purposes.
Enumerates the RobotUsers in the system.
Information of a RobotUser for privilege management purposes.
Adds a client side SSL handler to the channel pipeline.
Adds a server side SSL handler to the channel pipeline.
Dagger module for Google Stackdriver service connection objects.
Bimap of state codes and names for the US Regime.
A read-only SessionMetadata that doesn't support login/logout.
A premium list pricing engine that stores static pricing information in database entities.
Represents an EPP status value for hosts, contacts, and domains, as defined in RFC 5731, 5732, and 5733.
Adapter for StatusValue.
Abstract class for TypeAdapters that can convert directly to/from strings.
Base Hibernate custom type for Collection of entities backed by a postgresql one-dimension text array.
String generator.
A class containing different alphabets used to generate strings.
Converter for lists of String params that omits any empty strings.
Hibernate custom type for Map of String to String values.
Identity String CLI parameter converter/validator.
Base class for superuser EPP extensions.
Action that syncs changes to RegistrarPoc entities with Google Groups.
Action for synchronizing the registrars spreadsheet.
Clock implementation that proxies to the real system clock.
Implementation of Sleeper for production use.
OutputStream delegate that writes simultaneously to multiple other output streams.
A record representing a threat match response from the SafeBrowsing API.
Base Hibernate custom type for TimedTransitionProperty.
An entity property whose value transitions over time.
A time of year (month, day, millis of day) that can be stored in a sort-friendly format.
Persisted per-TLD configuration data.
A builder for constructing Tld objects, since they are immutable.
Exception to throw when no Tld entity is found for given TLD string(s).
The states a TLD can be in at any given point in time.
The type of TLD, which determines things like backups and escrow policy.
Action for fanning out cron tasks shared by TLD.
Utilities for finding and listing Tld entities.
Tld.TldState CLI parameter converter/validator.
Hibernate custom type for TimedTransitionProperty of Tld.TldState.
Container and validation for TLS certificate and IP-allow-listing.
Registrar certificate does not match stored certificate.
Registrar IP address is not in stored allow list.
Registrar certificate contains the following security violations: ...
Dagger module for the EPP TLS endpoint.
Registrar certificate not present.
Registrar certificate is not configured.
Helper methods for accessing ICANN's TMCH root certificate and revocation list.
Singleton for ICANN's TMCH CA certificate revocation list (CRL).
Action to download the latest ICANN TMCH CRL from MarksDB.
Helper class for common data loaded from the jar and SQL at runtime.
Action to download the latest domain name list (aka claims list) from MarksDB.
Dagger module for TMCH package.
Action to download the latest signed mark revocation list from MarksDB.
Helper class for verifying TMCH certificates and XML signatures.
CertificateException wrapper.
Superclass that represents information passed to each ProbingStep in a single loop of a ProbingSequence.
A thread-safe token store that supports concurrent TokenStore.take(java.lang.String), TokenStore.put(java.lang.String, org.joda.time.DateTime), and TokenStore.refresh() operations.
Dagger component with per-request lifetime for "tools" App Engine module.
Request handler for the tools module.
Dagger module for the tools package.
Servlet that should handle all requests to our "tools" App Engine module.
Too many resource checks requested in one check command.
Holds information about a registered trademark.
Interface for a Flow that needs to be run transactionally.
This interface defines the methods to execute database operations with or without a transaction.
A runnable that allows for checked exceptions to be thrown.
Factory class to create TransactionManager instance.
Utility class that produces SQL queries used to generate activity reports from Bigquery.
Common transfer data for EppResource types.
Builder for TransferData because it is immutable.
Marker interface for objects that are written in anticipation of a server approval, and therefore need to be deleted under any other outcome.
Domain transfer period must be one year.
Domain transfer period cannot be zero when using the fee transfer extension.
A response to a transfer command on a EppResource.
An adapter to output the XML in response to a transfer command on a contact.
An adapter to output the XML in response to a transfer command on a domain.
Represents the EPP transfer status as defined in RFC 5730.
Combined converter and validator class for transition list JCommander argument strings.
Converter-validator for billing cost transitions.
Converter-validator for feature status transitions.
Converter-validator for TLD state transitions.
Converter-validator for token status transitions.
Interface for objects containing registrar credentials provided via an EPP transport.
Registrar password is incorrect.
Information about a mark derived from a treaty or statute.
"A TRID (transaction identifier) element containing the transaction identifier assigned by the server to the command for which the response is being returned.
XmlAdapter which trims all whitespace surrounding a String.
Utilities methods related to reflection.
A TypeToken that removes an ugly cast in the common cases of getting a known type.
Superuser extension used by non-superuser or not passed by tool.
A domain name whose second-level domain (SLD) matches a BSA label but is not blocked.
Reasons why a valid domain name cannot be blocked.
Change record of an UnblockableDomain.
Base exception class for all instances when the action performed fails before we can determine the state of the result, meaning the status is recorded as ERROR.
Use {LINK} instead.
Use {LINK} instead.
A command to registry unlock domain names.
Exception thrown when error is severe enough that sequence cannot recover, and should be terminated as a result.
Marker interface for Nomulus entities whose serialization are implemented in a fragile way.
A timestamp that auto-updates on each save to Cloud SQL.
Base class for entities that contains an UpdateAutoTimestamp which is updated every time the entity is persisted.
Command to update a BulkPricingPackage
Command to update BillingRecurrence billing events with a new behavior and/or price.
Loads the current list of RDAP Base URLs from the ICANN servers.
Use {LINK} instead.
Use {LINK} instead.
Updates a user, assuming that the user in question already exists.
Action that adds or deletes a console user to/from the group that has IAP permissions.
Daily action that uploads unavailable domain names on applicable TLDs to BSA.
An utility to probe a given url until it becomes available.
Used when HTTP requests return a bad response, with troubleshooting info.
Functional interface for opening a connection from a URL, injectable for testing.
Utilities for common functionality relating to URLConnections.
A console user, either a registry employee or a registrar partner.
Builder for constructing immutable User objects.
A console user, either a registry employee or a registrar partner.
Builder for constructing immutable UserBase objects.
Contains the global and per-registrar roles for a given user.
Builder for constructing immutable UserRoles objects.
A persisted history object representing an update to a User.
Builder for the immutable UserUpdateHistory.
Adapter to use Joda DateTime when marshalling XML timestamps.
Dagger module to provide instances of various utils classes.
Enum that determines whether xml should be validated against a schema while marshaling.
A servlet that verifies a registrar's OTE status.
VKey is an abstraction that encapsulates the key concept.
Converts VKey to/from a type that can be directly stored in the database.
Processor to generate AttributeConverter for VKey type.
A functional interface for a version of Callable that returns no value.
DnsWriter that doesn't actually update records in a DNS server.
Dagger module that disables DNS updates.
Subclass of ActionHandler that deals with the WebWhois Sequence
ChannelHandler that converts inbound FullHttpResponse to custom type HttpResponseMessage and retains HttpRequestMessage in case of reuse for redirection.
A module that provides the components necessary for and the overall ProbingSequence to probe WebWHOIS.
Dagger qualifier to provide HTTPS whois protocol related handlers and other bindings.
Dagger qualifier to provide HTTP whois protocol related handlers and other bindings.
Dagger qualifier to provide any WebWhois related bindings.
A module that provides the Protocol.FrontendProtocols to redirect HTTP(S) web WHOIS requests.
Handler that redirects web WHOIS requests to a canonical website.
Token subtype designed for WebWhois sequence.
Dagger module for injecting common settings for Whitebox tasks.
High-level WHOIS API for other packages.
HTTP request handler for WHOIS protocol requests sent to us by a proxy.
Represents a WHOIS command request from a client.
A class used to configure WHOIS commands.
Exception that gets thrown when WHOIS command isn't successful.
Exception that wraps WhoisExceptions returned from Retrier.
Human-Friendly HTTP WHOIS API
Instrumentation for WHOIS requests.
A value class for recording attributes of a WHOIS metric.
A builder to create instances of WhoisMetrics.WhoisMetric.
Dagger module for the whois package.
A module that provides the Protocol.FrontendProtocol used for whois protocol.
Dagger qualifier to provide whois protocol related handlers and other bindings.
Console action for editing fields on a registrar that are visible in WHOIS/RDAP.
Representation of a WHOIS query response.
A wrapper class for the plaintext response of a WHOIS command and its number of results.
Handler that processes WHOIS protocol logic.
An action that launches WipeOutContactHistoryPiiPipeline to wipe out Personal Identifiable Information (PII) fields of ContactHistory entities.
Definition of a Dataflow Flex pipeline template, which finds out ContactHistory entries that are older than a given age (excluding the most recent one, even if it falls with the range) and wipe out PII information in them.
Annotation for Entity that can be saved as a foreign key in the form of a VKey in another table.
X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) helper functions.
Java class for addRemType complex type
Java class for addrType complex type
Java class for authIDType complex type
Java class for authInfoType complex type
Java class for mIDType complex type
Java class for checkIDType complex type
Java class for checkType complex type
Java class for chgPostalInfoType complex type
Java class for chgType complex type
Java class for chkDataType complex type
Java class for createType complex type
Java class for creDataType complex type
Java class for sIDType complex type
Java class for discloseType complex type
Java class for e164Type complex type
Java class for infDataType complex type
Java class for intLocType complex type
Java class for paCLIDType complex type
Java class for panDataType complex type
Java class for postalInfoEnumType
Java class for postalInfoType complex type
Java class for statusType complex type
Java class for statusValueType
Java class for trnDataType complex type
Java class for updateType complex type
Java class for addRemType complex type
Java class for authInfoChgType complex type
Java class for authInfoType complex type
Java class for mNameType complex type
Java class for checkNameType complex type
Java class for checkType complex type
Java class for chgType complex type
Java class for chkDataType complex type
Java class for contactAttrType
Java class for contactType complex type
Java class for createType complex type
Java class for creDataType complex type
Java class for sNameType complex type
Java class for hostAttrType complex type
Java class for hostsType
Java class for infDataType complex type
Java class for infoType complex type
Java class for infoNameType complex type
Java class for nsType complex type
Java class for paNameType complex type
Java class for panDataType complex type
Java class for periodType complex type
Java class for pUnitType
Java class for renDataType complex type
Java class for renewType complex type
Java class for statusType complex type
Java class for statusValueType
Java class for transferType complex type
Java class for trnDataType complex type
Java class for updateType complex type
Java class for CanonicalizationMethodType complex type
Java class for DigestMethodType complex type
Java class for DSAKeyValueType complex type
Java class for KeyInfoType complex type
Java class for KeyValueType complex type
Java class for ManifestType complex type
Java class for ObjectType complex type
Java class for PGPDataType complex type
Java class for ReferenceType complex type
Java class for RetrievalMethodType complex type
Java class for RSAKeyValueType complex type
Java class for SignatureType complex type
Java class for SignatureMethodType complex type
Java class for SignaturePropertiesType complex type
Java class for SignaturePropertyType complex type
Java class for SignatureValueType complex type
Java class for SignedInfoType complex type
Java class for SPKIDataType complex type
Java class for TransformType complex type
Java class for TransformsType complex type
Java class for X509DataType complex type
Java class for X509IssuerSerialType complex type
Java class for eppType complex type
Java class for extAuthInfoType complex type
Java class for commandType complex type
Java class for pwAuthInfoType complex type
Java class for reasonType complex type
Java class for trStatusType
Java class for credsOptionsType complex type
Java class for dcpAccessType complex type
Java class for dcpExpiryType complex type
Java class for dcpOursType complex type
Java class for dcpPurposeType complex type
Java class for dcpRecipientType complex type
Java class for dcpRetentionType complex type
Java class for dcpStatementType complex type
Java class for dcpType complex type
Java class for epp element declaration
Java class for errValueType complex type
Java class for extAnyType complex type
Java class for extErrValueType complex type
Java class for extURIType complex type
Java class for greetingType complex type
Java class for loginSvcType complex type
Java class for loginType complex type
Java class for mixedMsgType complex type
Java class for msgQType complex type
Java class for msgType complex type
Java class for pollOpType
Java class for pollType complex type
Java class for readWriteType complex type
Java class for responseType complex type
Java class for resultType complex type
Java class for svcMenuType complex type
Java class for transferOpType
Java class for transferType complex type
Java class for trIDType complex type
Java class for checkType complex type
Java class for chkDataType complex type
Java class for commandType complex type
Java class for creditType complex type
Java class for deleteDataType complex type
Java class for domainCDType complex type
Java class for domainCheckType complex type
Java class for feeType complex type
Java class for infDataType complex type
Java class for infoType complex type
Java class for transformCommandType complex type
Java class for transformResultType complex type
Java class for transferResultType complex type
Java class for checkType complex type
Java class for chkDataType complex type
Java class for commandType complex type
Java class for creditType complex type
Java class for deleteDataType complex type
Java class for feeType complex type
Java class for objectCDType complex type
Java class for anonymous complex type
Java class for transformCommandType complex type
Java class for transformResultType complex type
Java class for transferResultType complex type
Java class for checkType complex type
Java class for chkDataType complex type
Java class for commandCDType complex type
Java class for commandCheckType complex type
Java class for creditType complex type
Java class for feeType complex type
Java class for objectCDType complex type
Java class for anonymous complex type
Java class for transformCommandType complex type
Java class for transformResultType complex type
Java class for transferResultType complex type
Java class for addRemType complex type
Java class for addrType complex type
Java class for mNameType complex type
Java class for checkNameType complex type
Java class for checkType complex type
Java class for chgType complex type
Java class for chkDataType complex type
Java class for createType complex type
Java class for creDataType complex type
Java class for infDataType complex type
Java class for ipType
Java class for paNameType complex type
Java class for panDataType complex type
Java class for sNameType complex type
Java class for statusType complex type
Java class for statusValueType
Java class for updateType complex type
Java class for codeType simple type
Java class for responseType complex type
Java class for response element declaration
Java class for resultType complex type
Java class for cdNameType complex type
Java class for cdType complex type
Java class for checkType complex type
Java class for checkFormType
Java class for chkDataType complex type
Java class for claimKeyType complex type
Java class for codeMarkType complex type
Java class for codeType complex type
Java class for createType complex type
Java class for createNoticeType complex type
Java class for idContainerType complex type
Java class for infDataType complex type
Java class for infoType complex type
Java class for noticeIDType complex type
Java class for objectType
Java class for phaseType complex type
Java class for phaseTypeValue
Java class for statusType complex type
Java class for statusValueType
Java class for abstractMarkType complex type
Java class for addrType complex type
Java class for contactType complex type
Java class for contactTypeType
Java class for courtType complex type
Java class for e164Type complex type
Java class for entitlementType
Java class for holderType complex type
Java class for markType complex type
Java class for protectionType complex type
Java class for trademarkType complex type
Java class for treatyOrStatuteType complex type
The superclass for XML classes generated by JAXB that provides marshalling and validation.
Java class for abstractContentType complex type
Java class for deleteType complex type
Java class for transferDataType complex type
Java class for contentsType complex type
Java class for contentType complex type
Java class for deletesType complex type
Java class for deleteType complex type
Java class for escrowDepositType complex type
Java class for depositTypeType
Java class for abstractContentType complex type
Java class for deleteType complex type
Java class for transferDataType complex type
Java class for abstractContentType complex type
Java class for contentType complex type
Java class for countType complex type
Java class for abstractContentType complex type
Java class for deleteType complex type
Java class for contentType complex type
Java class for deleteType complex type
Java class for rdeMenuType complex type
Java class for abstractContentType complex type
Java class for deleteType complex type
Java class for nameState complex type
Java class for nameStateValue
Java class for notificationType complex type
Java class for notification element declaration
Java class for nameType simple type
Java class for statusType
Java class for policyType complex type
Java class for abstractContentType complex type
Java class for addrType complex type
Java class for deleteType complex type
Java class for postalInfoEnumType
Java class for postalInfoType complex type
Java class for statusType
Java class for whoisInfoType complex type
Java class for report element declaration
Java class for reportType complex type
Java class for rrType complex type
Java class for mixedType complex type
Java class for rgpOpType
Java class for reportTextType complex type
Java class for reportType complex type
Java class for respDataType complex type
Java class for restoreType complex type
Java class for statusType complex type
Java class for statusValueType
Java class for updateType complex type
Java class for chgType complex type
Java class for dsDataType complex type
Java class for dsOrKeyType complex type
Java class for keyDataType complex type
Java class for remType complex type
Java class for updateType complex type
Java class for abstractSignedMarkType complex type
Java class for encodedSignedMarkType complex type
Java class for issuerInfoType complex type
Java class for signedMarkType complex type
Static methods for marshalling to and from the generated classes.
Utility methods related to xml enums.
An exception thrown by XmlTransformer when marshalling or unmarshalling fails.
JAXB marshaller for building pieces of XML documents in a single thread.
Efficient lookup from xml enums to java enums
Static methods for marshaling, unmarshaling, and validating XML.
Helper class for generating and validate XSRF tokens.
Utility methods for dealing with YAML.
YearMonth CLI parameter converter/validator (e.g.