Package google.registry.tmch
package google.registry.tmch
ClassDescriptionClaims List (MarksDB DNL CSV) Parser.Parser of LORDN log responses from the MarksDB server during the NORDN process.Result code for individual DN lines.Outcome categories for individual DN lines.Indicates whether or not the LORDN upload succeeded.Helper methods for creating tasks containing CSV line data based on
.Shared code for tasks that download stuff from MarksDB.Action that reads the NORDN pull queues, uploads claims and sunrise marks data to TMCH, and enqueues subsequent upload verification tasks.NORDN CSV uploading system, verify operation.Signed Mark Data Revocation List (SMDRL) CSV ParserHelper methods for accessing ICANN's TMCH root certificate and revocation list.Action to download the latest ICANN TMCH CRL from MarksDB.Helper class for common data loaded from the jar and SQL at runtime.Action to download the latest domain name list (aka claims list) from MarksDB.Dagger module for TMCH package.Action to download the latest signed mark revocation list from MarksDB.Helper class for verifying TMCH certificates and XML signatures.CertificateException wrapper.